#it was cosmetic bag and banana
adorablemonk643 · 10 months
i just misread something in a h.o.p game as cosmic banana and was so confused
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gracev0609 · 4 months
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I Can Be Myself With You
Josh X Danny X Y/N
Join the Iced Chai gang at their first Pride!
Applying the last bit of your makeup before applying your rainbows you let out the breath you didn't even realize that you were holding. This year was going to be fun, you could feel it in your bones. You were going with your family to your town's Pride event. Your heart warmed in the previous days every time a package arrived, the package of pride pins, and the flag patches to attach to you and Josh's matching denim rompers, and Hazel's tiny rainbow tutu. Now you were all dressed in your gear, applying the finishing touches to your outfits. Your gorgeous Daniel had on his usual form fitting black t shirt, joggers, and backwards baseball cap. He attached pride pins to his hat and had multiple rainbow beaded bracelets on his arms. You and Josh decided to match, both wearing light wash denim rompers to which you attached pride flag patches to the back of, and placed pins on the lapels. Your darling Hazel had on an adorable smiley rainbow onesie, with a matching tutu. Looking down at your hands you smiled, rainbow glitter covered your nails. The previous night Danny insisted that you all had matching painted nails, Hazel included.
Walking towards your kitchen you found Josh cutting up fruit and arranging it on a plate for your daughter. Peering at his project your heart swelled, he was arranging strawberries, oranges, bananas, green grapes, blueberries and blackberries.
“A rainbow?”
He smiled, eyes crinkling,” It felt fitting for today. Want some blueberries?”
Without waiting for your answer he handed you a small bowl of your favorite fruits.
He placed the arrangement in front of his baby, watching as she dug into the snack. Moments later her face was tinted with red and purple berry juices. Once she was finished, he cleaned her sticky face and fingers. Day by day she grew into her features looking more and more like Josh. Her lips pink and pouty, her tiny teeth growing in had a large gap in between the front two. Her eyes were a beautiful brown, the exact shade as his, framed by thick strong eyebrows. The curls on her head were growing in fast, a beautiful light brown framing her small face. She didn't look like you in the slightest, but that was fine.
Danny made his way to where you sat at the kitchen table with your fruit, while Josh whisked Hazelnut away to get her in her outfit.
Danny set his armload of cosmetics down, a fun colorful array of rainbow sparkle highlighter, and rainbow rhinestones.
“Want me to do your makeup Danny?”
He smiled, his perfect smile peeking through,” Could you? And then I can do yours if you want.”
Opening the rainbow highlighter compact you swiped your finger back and forth gathering an ample amount of product. Swiping your finger across his cheekbone you smiled as a sparkly rainbow appeared. Repeating your actions you did it along his other cheek.
“You look gorgeous Daniel.”
He smiled, his dimple showing,” Okay let me do you.”
Waggling your eyebrows you made him giggle,” Not like that! Your makeup!”
He mirrored the actions that you did on your face, dusting your cheeks with shimmering rainbows.
“You're so beautiful baby… I love you.”
He leans forward placing a soft kiss to your lips,” I love you too Danny.”
As if on cue as soon as Danny finished your makeup Josh came back with Hazel in her colorful outfit.
Josh laughed, setting her down in your lap,”The princess is ready for her sparkles!”
Danny once again loaded up the product on his fingers, swiping it along her cheeks making her squeal. Next, Josh leaned in, silently asking for them too. Afterwards Josh patiently applied rainbow rhinestones to his, yours and Danny's cheeks, further accentuating the rainbows.
With the car already packed with her diaper bag, carrier and emergency change of clothes Daniel asked if you were ready.
“Yup! Let's blow this popsicle stand!”
The event was held in your local park, there were vendors, music, and places to sit under the trees. As you loaded up Hazel's bag on your arm you caught sight of Josh and Danny, you couldn't help but melt. They were standing by the side of your car, Danny was wearing Hazel's carrier on his chest and Josh was adjusting the straps making them longer since he was the one to wear her last. Once he was situated he plucked your sparkly baby from her car seat and secured her to his chest.
Josh gave her a little pet on the head and a kiss to her forehead before reaching up to kiss Daniel. Josh rounded the car grabbing the large blanket from your arms and grabbing your free hand in his.
As you walked to find a spot to set up under the shade he asked,” So what, this is called Pride in the Park?”
You hummed in agreement.
“I think it'll be good for us who've never been before, it looks nice here.” Josh motioned to himself Danny and Hazel. It was your loves first pride and you were so thankful to celebrate.
You all did a lap to scope out any vendors you would want to stop at before settling down in a lovely spot under a large shady tree. Settling in you chatted, reveling in the love all around you. Beautiful hues of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo swirled around the park. Everyone seemed happy and joyous, your eyes met Josh's, he leaned in, kissing you. When you departed from his lips you found Danny's, kissing him with the same passion.
Josh's voice was heavy, wet with emotion,” Thank you both. I can be myself with you.”
Danny pressed a kiss to Josh's lips, Josh's hand reached out his thumb rubbing softly back and forth across Hazel's head as she was still strapped to Danny's chest.
Danny spoke quietly,” I love you so much Josh. I'm so happy, for you two, for me. For us. “
Basking in the soft June breeze the four of you were quietly enjoying your time, watching and listening, holding your Hazelnut making her giggle.
Two familiar women wandered past your blanket, cloaked in orange white and pink accessories, you spoke up,”Ashlee, Megan?”
The petite woman with a short blonde bob turned towards you,” Oh my god Y/N?! How are you?!”
Standing you gave them hugs, these were the friends you had gone to pride with years ago.
“I'm amazing, how are you?!”
Megan held you tight, in a genuine squeezing hug,” We're married now!”
You give her another squeeze,” That's amazing I'm so happy for you.”
Shuffling sounds behind you drew your attention back to your loves,” These are my partners, we're also married, Josh and Danny,” you gestured to each man before picking up your daughter,”and this is our daughter Hazel.”
You watched your friends melt when they gazed upon your little girl, “She's gorgeous Y/N, oh my god look at her little baby rainbows!”
After they showered her with love your boys introduced themselves, your friends fawned over Josh, joking about how they understood why you picked them. Then they turned their attention to Danny, complimenting his beautiful eyes and gorgeous curls. After awhile you said your goodbyes, promising to meet up again soon and not let so much time pass.
Your family settled back down on the blanket, leaning into Danny you rested against him, taking a moment to enjoy the day. His fingers softly brushed up and down your arm, a small comforting gesture.
You sighed, gazing at him and then to Josh and Hazel who were both laying down on the blanket,” I'm really happy.”
Daniel kissed the side of your head, gently squeezing you into him,” I am too.”
As you laid there on the blankets on a beautiful June afternoon, you felt peaceful, total contentment and love. You were so happy for this life you had with your daughter, Josh and Danny.
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lafflanes · 1 year
under the cut is a list of prices for all of the items/cosmetics available in the Cartoonival Tower!
i wanted to put together a list like this for quick and easy access so i could write down which cosmetics i wanted to buy for certain toons of mine, and i hope other people find it useful as well!
asterisks (*) preceding cosmetic names indicate consolidated items, which are similar items grouped together in one box
Page 1:
Extraordinaire Hat: 250 tokens Extraordinaire Hair Bow: 100 tokens Extraordinaire Bowtie: 100 tokens Extraordinaire Shirt: 250 tokens Extraordinaire Vest: 250 tokens Extraordinaire Shorts: 250 tokens
Page 2:
Extraordinaire Skirt: 250 tokens Extraordinaire Boots: 500 tokens Rigmarole Nametag: 500 tokens Loco Locomotive Set: 750 tokens Cartoonival Blue Toon color: 300 tokens Cartoonival Pink Toon color: 300 tokens
Page 3:
Jellybean Bag: 250 tokens Token Tote: 500 tokens *Blooming Bonnet: 30 tokens, Bag Bonnet: 50 tokens, Bruising Bonnet: 100 tokens, Bulky Bonnet: 250 tokens Hypno-Goggle Glasses: 100 tokens Emergency Seltzer: 100 tokens Relaxed Victory Shirt: 500 tokens
Page 4:
Blue Tracksuit Shirt: 100 tokens Blue Tracksuit Shorts: 100 tokens Red Tracksuit Shirt: 100 tokens Red Tracksuit Shorts: 100 tokens Yellow Tracksuit Shirt: 100 tokens Yellow Tracksuit Shorts: 100 tokens
Page 5:
*Portable Blanket + Strawberry Cape: 50 tokens each *Solid Color Bowties: 10 tokens each *Red, Green, Purple Fancy Bowties: 30 tokens each *Crazy, Carrot, Pink Polka, Starry Bowties: 50 tokens each *Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana Bowties: 50 tokens each *Melodyland + Dreamland Bowties: 50 tokens each
Page 6:
*Solid Color Bandanas: 10 tokens each *Pride Bandanas: 30 tokens each *Orange + Black Plaid Bandanas, Dreamland Bandana: 50 tokens each, Red + Blue + Purple Polka Bandanas: 30 tokens each Bee Bandana: 100 tokens *Summer Shades: 10 tokens each *Spotted Shades: 30 tokens each
Page 7:
*White, Black, Blue Cool Summer Shades: 30 tokens each *Glasses: 30 tokens each *Narrow Glasses: 10 tokens each *Solid Color Hair Bows: 10 tokens each *Red, Green, Purple Fancy Hair Bows: 30 tokens each *Crazy, Carrot, Pink Polka, Starry, Purple Hair Bows: 50 tokens each
Page 8:
*Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana Hair Bows: 50 tokens each *Melodyland + Dreamland Hair Bows: 50 tokens each *Dreamlight + Starlight Headbands: 100 tokens each The Checkers Champion: 100 tokens *Tea Time Hat, In This Style, Mad Matt’s Hat: 106 tokens each *Beige + Green Bowtied Bonnets: 30 tokens each
Page 9:
*Blue + Green Brimmed Hats: 50 tokens each Blue Cassette Player Hat: 50 tokens *Backwards Blue, Red, Yellow Caps: 50 tokens each Rainbow Propeller: 50 tokens Starry Scarf: 100 tokens
Page 10:
Symphonic Shirt: 100 tokens Symphonic Shorts: 100 tokens Symphonic Skirt: 100 tokens Symphonic Necktie: 50 tokens Donate to Riggy: 1000 tokens
Solid Color Bow colors: Red, Black, Blue, Dark Blue, Brown, Teal, Green, Lilac, Orange, Pinkalicious, Purple, Seafoam, White, Yellow, Light Blue
Solid Color Bandana colors: Red, Black, Blue, Green, Indigo, Light Purple, Orange, Light Pink, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow
Pride Bandanas: Rainbow, Ace, Bi, Genderqueer, Lesbian, Nonbinary, Pan, Transgender, Poly, Genderfluid, Gay, Demi, Aroace, Aro, Diamoric, Achillean, Sapphic, Agender, Autism, Bigender, Xenogender, Inter-Pride (250 tokens)
Summer Shades colors: Red, Yellow, Teal, Purple, Pink, Green, Orange
Spotted Shades colors: Red, Pink, Black, White, Blue
Glasses colors: Purple, Blue, White, Pink, Red, Dark Blue, Lavender, Green, Brown, Orange
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youhideastar · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: Net Impression
Poor Net Impression, one of my few WIPs that nobody ever asked about 😂 but I'm going to tell you anyway! Because I really wanted to share this scene.
Once upon a time, x_los wrote this beautiful miniature of a modern AU, and I left the following comment:
"Wow, I was not expecting to be taken back so acutely to That Time in My Life, i.e., the three years I spent as a government litigator in unrequited love with my broke legal-aid lawyer best friend and former classmate, but A+++++++ emotional verisimilitude and excuse me while I go hide under the covers with a Kleenex box for the rest of the day and possibly year!"
And then the next day, without making any conscious decision to do so, I wrote this:
Lan Zhan wakes of her own volition, when the sky is still dark; habit makes the best alarm. Core hours at the agency don’t start until 7. She rolls out her mat and breathes through her morning yoga. A quick shower; she’ll wash her hair tonight after tennis.
Breakfast is a banana—eaten standing up, in a private rebellion against one of Uncle’s rules—while she skims the Post’s website. Wei Ying has informed her that reading the paper over breakfast officially makes her an old lady.
Lan Zhan favors light colors but has bowed to practicality in the matter of slacks; today, navy, with a white shell and cardigan, and white ankle boots. “This is how I know you’re a witch, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying had told her. “Because you wear white shoes and they’re never dirty.” The last words had been pronounced with the kind of grand j’accuse energy that would accompany the reveal of a murderer’s identity at the end of a mystery novel.
Jewelry is tricky; Lan Zhan likes how she looks with adornment, but still does battle with a voice telling her not to draw attention to her appearance. Today, simple white pearl eardrops suffice. Sometimes she pairs them with a string of pearls around her neck, but Wei Ying had commented offhand that the cardigan-and-pearls look was “very Stepford,” and it still stings, though she’s sure it wasn’t meant to. Her hair goes in a French braid, as it has every day of her life since she was twelve; the movements automatic by now.
She feels about cosmetics much the same way that she feels about jewelry, with the added risk of looking like a fool for lack of practice in its application. Wei Ying had mentioned, once, that mascara was “hard to fuck up.” Lan Zhan bought the same brand she saw in Wei Ying’s bag, and applies it most working days. A restrained rose-pink lipstick has also become habit. She likes the look of it, and the feel of applying it, silky and light. She looks in the mirror and sees nothing to criticize. Good enough.
No leftovers to bring for lunch; she will take her chances with the food trucks.
It’s cold outside—not New York or Chicago cold, but cold enough for a scarf and a jacket. With no lunch to pack, her briefcase is light. Her tennis racket and tennis clothes are at work. She has no competition for a seat on the Metro, at this hour, and she makes good progress on her book.
She badges into the building, and then into her floor, and then sits at her desk at 7 precisely, for another day at work, having only thought of Wei Ying four times. That, too, is good enough.
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livingbutterfly · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ⭐️👜⭐️ This Stunning CARLOS by Carlos Santana …. Braided Ring Crossbody Bag.
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chinajrose · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mystery Box approx. 12lbs Size Med (6-10), shoes 7.5.
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tbubbles445 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ✅ Banana 🍌 “yeah! Summer is coming” cosmetic bag.
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shriyapandya24 · 1 year
Why Should You Have Banana Powder Makeup in Your Cosmetic Bag?
Have you ever taken a picture only to see shine or white patches on your skin from your contour or concealer? Banana powder can help you combat this. Here are some ways in which this miracle product helps give you a radiant feel. 
If you have golden, yellow, or olive undertones, banana powder is the ideal solution for you. While translucent powder works well for light skin tones, it can make warmer skin tones appear ghostly or even white in pictures. Banana powder is specially formulated for warmer skin tones and Indian skin types and offers you color correction along with blending in well with your skin type to ensure that your look isn’t patchy or overdone.  
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Tips for applying banana powder 
You can take a brush and dab on some powder banana and then apply it like a highlighter on your cheekbones, T-Zone, chin, and under your eyes and blend it in well. You can even apply it over your concealer for a matte effect. Most professional makeup artists recommend dusting this powder generously over your face once you’re done with your foundation and covering up any problem areas.  
While tinted powders can often cause streaks over your foundation, banana luxury powder will stay put and blot out any excess oil over your foundation. After you add your foundation, add a layer of concealer to areas of the face you want to brighten like your cheekbones or under-eye area. You can then use your banana powder over all the areas you have just concealed using a beauty blender or a brush. 
The heat created by these layers will set the makeup in place and your Forever52 banana luxury powder will soak up any excess oils. You can then simply dust the excess powder off. The banana powder will protect your concealer and foundation from settling into fine lines and creasing and offers you a natural finish and an oil-free look that stays on all day long. It also helps minimize pores so that you get that ideal porcelain finish and radiant look to take you from day to night.  
To Summarize  
Certain brands like Forever52 offer you a high-end and cost-effective banana powder price that suits your dry or oily skin. Make sure you check your skin type and tone before you invest in banana powder and try your look a couple of times so that you know exactly how to use it. Look for a powder that has a pale-yellow undertone and can highlight and color-correct any blemishes or skin imperfections without looking cakey. You can also pick powders that give your skin an oil-free and matte finish and will last you for a long time.  
The 3-in-1 Banana Loose Powder by Daily Life Forever52 highlights and sets your makeup for a matte and flawless base and is designed to e used in your normal makeup routine or simply on its own. Their powder is finely milled and easy to apply and blend.  
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aarohij · 1 year
 Creative Ways to Use Leftover Fresh Vegetables: Minimizing Food Waste in the Kitchen
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Food waste is a significant problem. Not only does food waste contribute to climate change and the depletion of many of our natural resources, but it also increases greenhouse gas emissions. Online Cut Vegetables Delivery is a big benefit to minimize leftovers.
Fortunately, there are various actions you can take to reduce food waste, such as pre-planning your meals, only purchasing what you need, and using correct food storage techniques.
Another easy approach to decrease waste, lessen your impact on the environment, and save money is to use leftover food instead of tossing it away.
Utilizing your food waste for composting is a terrific idea! These leftovers and other organic components are utilized in the procedure to create a natural fertilizer that is then applied to the soil to improve it.
Both the amount of garbage dumped in landfills and the amount of methane released into the atmosphere are decreased. You may store them in a container or bag and drop them off at one of the more than 40 compost bins on campus!
Create DIY Cosmetics
Making a cosmetic product out of food leftovers is another way to use them! You may use the remainder of a lemon to rub the inside all around your fingernails if you only use some of the juice or just the zest.
After rubbing the juice on your nails for only a short while, the acid can brighten them. Be careful to follow up by rinsing your nails with warm water.
Using fine coffee grounds or sugar, you may create a natural exfoliator as another cosmetic treatment. Apply it once a week to your face and feel free to add any flavor or aroma extract!
Prepare Extra Food
You can also cook extra meals with your leftovers! Here are a few concepts:
To create croutons that are ideal for soups, salads, or topping a casserole with, bake leftover bread crusts.
To create jam, combine apple core and peel with strawberry tops and apricot peels. Only a few components are required, and the result is a naturally delicious flavor.
To produce flavorful stock or soup, add leftover celery tops, potato skins, or carrot peels to a liquid or broth.
Supplement Plant Soil
After you give your plants nutrition from banana peels, they will adore you. Water your plants by simply putting the peel in a bucket or jar of water, letting it rest overnight. Due to the high potassium and phosphorus content of bananas, the nutrients will leak out and give your water a rich flavoring. Order Fresh Cut Vegetables which are now available at your convenience to save your time and avoid waste.
Make Use of Fruit Aromas in the Home
Fruit aromas may also be used to make your house smell better. One important tip for getting rid of that disposal odor is to put citrus peels in the garbage disposal. Fruit peels can also be used by boiling them in a small amount of water. It will provide a natural air freshener for the house.
Make Infusions
Orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, or tangerine zests or peels are ideal components to infuse various recipes. To make a meal more tasty, you may infuse ingredients like olive oil, water, and more!
Replant Vegetables
You may even regrow lettuce, ginger, avocado, celery, green onions, and more from their seeds, pits, and cuttings! You may obtain several vegetables for the price of one by planting them in soil, providing them with the proper amount of water, and making sure they receive enough sunlight.
Get Excited About Herb Ends or Leftovers
And last, any plant can be used in ALL of its parts. Olive oil and herbs in ice trays are a terrific way to add flavor to recipes without using butter or oil. Since they still retain flavor, other herbs' stems or ends can be dried and used in spice mixes.
Online Chopped Vegetables are a good option to save your time and allow you to do your task. Hope these ideas are the best one to choose for you!
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
Mike looked into body dysmorphia, a disorder where a person’s view of their body is distorted. A person could work out excessively, cover themselves in clothing, get cosmetic surgeries, wear makeup, or diet to remove perceived or imagined flaws in their appearance. He wasn’t a mental health expert, but he would advocate for her to get an evaluation. Bruce mentioned he would also do research. He thanked him for the update. Though he hoped it meant Brie would receive treatment, he wasn’t holding his breath.
He and Patti consulted Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita. Their son, Chester was also going through a serious drug addiction. It started when he was sixteen. He had gone to multiple rehabs but was yet to remain sober. They were heartbroken to learn that Brie was going through the same thing. It seemingly started after she gave birth to her twins. They also told them about her divorce.
It was civil. She was going to sign away her rights to Mike and his boyfriend. That was the last update they had about that. She had gone to Paris to look for a vacation home. When she came home, that was when things started. She overdosed on cocaine and was in the hospital for twenty-four hours. Because of the divorce, she was living at a hotel but they kicked her out after her overdose and she had been homeless since. Mike and his boyfriend were afraid she was going to try to take her life.
“She was diagnosed with postpartum bipolar disorder, which could be causing this. We have no idea what the hell is going on.”
“Why are they getting divorced”, Tom asked for clarification.
“Because she is going to sign custody over to Mike because of mental health issues. To do that, they have to legally divorce. He and his boyfriend are going to share custody with the biological father.”
“That kind of makes sense. Boyfriend?”
“Yeah, he came out as gay. They were involved in an open marriage, which she fully supported because she wanted him to be happy.”
They met his boyfriend. He was the kind of guy who was perfect for him. Very respectful and he treated Brie like a younger sister. They had nothing but wonderful things to say about him.
brielikethecheese: Another twenty-four hours in the hospital because the police found me passed out in a public bathroom. The only reason why I’m on this app is that I feel like I’m screaming into the void. All that comes back are the thoughts in my head. I’m not worth anything. Not even love. I’m ugly and nobody understands. I’m just going through a manic episode and will be better in a few days. Fuck that. Why get mental health treatment if nobody fucking cares? How fucked up do I have to be considered worth listening to or taken seriously? I’m so fucking tired.
Mike tried. He and Brie felt like she wasn’t being listened to by the hospital’s mental health staff. It was beyond frustrating. He was so scared that one day he would find out she was dead. The twins were back home with him and Phoenix after staying with his parents. They had gotten over their colds and were feeling better. When his mother dropped them off, they gave them big smiles.
Dada! He and Phoenix were thrilled to have them home with them. It was the distraction they needed. The twins were learning how to sit up by themselves, though they were still a little wobbly. Before they knew it, they would be crawling all over the house and putting whatever they could grab into their mouths. That meant being very careful about watching them. No, Lily. Don’t put that in your mouth, Lila. Their little girls were growing and it was exciting to watch their milestones.
Brie was desperate for something to eat, so after the appointment, Mike brought her into the studio. They had a break room with some free food. He let her pick what she wanted. She got a couple of oranges, a banana, and a Gatorade from the vending machine. He handed her a bag of chips. Thanks. She was starving and had limited places that would allow her into their establishments, so any food was appreciated.
The band was waiting patiently for him. They had started practicing but they needed his vocals. When they came in, she pulled the garbage over to a chair before sitting down. They were in shock at her appearance. She had lost weight, her hair was a mess and she looked like she hadn’t showered in days. They watched as she peeled the orange and started eating it without acknowledging their presence. Mike read their minds and nodded. Phoenix patted his shoulder before he took over with Brad.
She was sober but was wanting to go out and find something to get her high. Her body had gone through withdrawal from heroin while in the hospital. Chester watched her and it broke his heart. He knew what she was going through and he wished he could take it away from her. But, he couldn’t.
The media found out about her latest hospitalization and shared it on the news. She wanted to go to Paris to escape the media attention. But she would need a visa to stay for over ninety days. Three months wasn’t enough time. After eating and cleaning up, she went out with her bottle of Gatorade. Where was she going? She didn’t know. Her body had to move around because she was anxious and restless. She was craving heroin but didn’t know where to get it.
During the next break, Rob, Chester, and Phoenix went to go look for her. They found her gone. Brie? They looked all over, even in the women’s bathroom. No. She had left. Chester mentioned going back to make sure she hadn’t gone through their stuff and taken anything. That was a good idea.
“Did you find her”, Brad asked.
“No. We should all check our stuff to make sure she didn’t take anything”, Phoenix said.
They checked their wallets but it didn’t look suspicious. No, she hadn’t taken anything. She seemed dazed like she wasn’t really there. They all noticed how she didn’t even acknowledge them when she came in. Chester went through his stuff because he couldn’t find his antidepressant medication. That was what she had taken. It wasn’t about money, but getting high.
When they were done rehearsing for the day, they went out to their vehicles. They noticed a figure wrapped in blankets lying on top of a flattened cardboard box next to the dumpster. When they got closer, it was obvious it was her. To make sure she was still alive, Rob bent down and shook her. She groaned before sitting up. Why was everyone waking her up? He apologized and said they just wanted to make sure she was still alive.
Chester asked for his medication back. She didn’t have any medication. They pulled the blankets off of her until they found the bottle of medication next to her. She was lucky he wasn’t going to call the police on her for stealing. Phoenix and Brad grabbed her arms and forced her up. They then followed them back into the studio. She protested the entire way.
Inside, Rob put his hands on her shoulders and told her he didn’t care if she hated him or not. He was bringing her to rehab. She didn’t need rehab. Yes, she did. She was stealing from them. Fuck you! She fucking hated him because he was just trying to get rid of her. Then, they could forget about her. She struggled until she got out of his grasp. After stumbling, she tripped on her feet and fell. Thankfully, she didn’t hurt herself.
They helped her up. Leave me alone and let me sleep! She could sleep in rehab. I’m not going to fucking rehab! Mike realized that the thing she was afraid of most was being abandoned by them. He went over and hugged her tightly. We are not leaving you. They just wanted her to get better because they loved her. It wasn’t about forgetting about her. She started crying.
“It doesn’t fucking matter. They kill people in rehab. People fucking die. Then, they burn their bodies to get rid of the evidence. The people turn up missing and everyone thinks they ran away but they really are just buried somewhere. They have huge furnaces, like huge pizza ovens. They give them with medication and then they overdose. That’s how they get money. Insurance pays them to kill addicts to keep them off the streets.”
That made absolutely zero sense. She wasn’t thinking rationally. The saddest part was she believed it was all true. It wasn’t true and they had no idea where she came up with that idea. They could waste their breath by convincing her of the truth but it wasn’t worth it. What could they do? They were helpless. That meant they had to let her go.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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huidinnerware · 2 years
Green Holiday Entertaining: A Consideration to Mother Earth
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
And so it should remain a beautiful world. With a few eco considerations holiday entertaining is a joyous gathering of family and friends with a friendly eye toward Mother Earth. Here are some suggestions for keeping your holiday celebration earth friendly.
Christmas Tree
A live tree is actually better for the environment as it is a natural renewable resource that is returnable to the environment. If a cut tree, it can be reused in so many environmentally friendly ways:
ground as mulch used for landscaping and gardening
chipped and used for playground material, hiking trails, paths, and walkways
used in whole to stabilize shores of lakes and rivers, prevent beachfront erosion, and for fish and wildlife habitat
Truly earth friendly is to buy a ball and burlap tree to replant after the holidays. Most people do not have the room to do this but many garden nurseries will rent these trees and take them back after the holidays.
Ornaments and Decorations
There are so many 'make- it-yourself' suggestions for creating holiday decorations from items around the house. Anything ranging from paper towel rolls, to hollowed out oranges, to old greeting cards. The key is to get creative and give a second life to items that would normally end up in the trash after just one use.
There is so much beauty in going natural. Ornaments, decorations, and table center pieces made from pinecones, acorns, holly or evergreen branches, rocks, shells, flowers, and potted plants bring in the beauty of the outdoors. Don't forget the use of seasonal fruit or other food items even as tree ornaments:
popcorn and cranberries strung as garland
oranges pierced with cloves put in a bowl or hung with a ribbon on the tree OR hollowed out and filled with oil and a wick for a warm glow
apples sliced and glazed either strung or made to hang individually
artichokes dug out with a tea light added gives a festive look to any table
Greetings and Invites
Save a tree and look for cards and invitations made from sustainable materials. There are so many other choices to traditional paper that not only saves a tree and the natural habitat it provides, but also uses less energy and chemicals to produce. Look for paper made from hemp, cotton, flax, or banana fiber. A great alternative that will have you remembered well after the Bamboo Fiber Lunch Box holidays is a plant-able card or invite. These are made from sustainable materials or from recycled paper with seeds embedded. The recipient plants the entire card in their garden or flower box and is reminded of your holiday greeting or invite well into the Spring!
Eco Gifts
With the large selection of eco products available for the entire family, it's easy to find the perfect holiday gift for everyone on your list while keeping it earth friendly. Look for products made from organic, sustainable, or recycled materials. Gifts could include;
organic cotton clothing or plush toys
skin creams and personal care products made from organic or all natural ingredients
hemp clothing, notepaper sets, or journals
toys from recycled plastic milk jugs
pouches, purses, and cases from recycled materials
bamboo clothing or tableware
cosmetics made from all natural ingredients or mineral makeup
stainless steel water bottles and lunch kits
beeswax crayons
soy candles
As with cards, gift wrappings come in a variety of eco-friendly alternatives. Beautiful wrapping made from recycled paper or other sources like hemp or reusable gift bags are great alternatives for keeping it green. Or make the wrapping part of the gift itself like putting the gift in a bamboo recipe box, stainless steel lunch box, or a purse or tote made from recycled materials. Get creative and re-use items around the house like newspaper, an organic cotton dish towel, material from a worn out t-shirt or jeans, or an old tin. Remember those natural decorating items? These can be used to put the finishing touches on the gift - vines to tie it closed, flowers, branches, berries and pinecones to decorate. The possibilities are endless.
The Feast
An important part of a gathering is the 'breaking of bread' - the food! Food and drink seems to bring people closer together and there is every reason your feast should also bring your guests closer to Mother Earth. To keep it green buy local organically grown foods. Seasonal vegetables and fruits purchased from local organic farmers say so much more in the holiday spirit. And there are so many delicious holiday recipes that use organic ingredients. Also readily available are organically grown wines to compliment your organic meal. Don't waste food... leftovers can be put in reusable food containers to give guests to take home.
Forego the paper plates and napkins. Re-usable tableware is the way to go. After the meal rather than running the water to rinse off dishes prior to placing in the dishwasher, have a water-filled pan ready to dunk and wipe. To save on water and energy wait until the dishwasher is full to run the wash cycle. If disposable tableware is going to be used select those made from sustainable resources such as bamboo party plates and utensils or products made from recycled paper. Cloth napkins, especially those made from organic cotton, are the better choice. If going with disposable use recycled unbleached paper towels.
Make it easy for your guests to join in your green environment. One way to do this is to identify the recycle and trash bins. Each town actually recycles items in a different way so don't leave the decision up to your guest. Simple labels on each bin can identify what gets recycled and what does not.
BYOL - Bring Your Own Linens- is actually becoming a very popular concept. If you have a close rapport with your intended house guests, you can ask them to bring their own bed linens and towels. This eliminates running a wash for a one time use as the guest can bring their linens home and continue using until their 'wash time'.
Remembering Mother Nature
The holidays are a joyous time to gather with family and friends and to count blessings for what we have - the beauty of our earth and the gifts given to us through its natural resources. This time of year especially should be a rejoicing for these gifts and an extra effort made toward protecting such wonderful gifts. With little effort holiday celebrations can be kept green as a consideration to Mother Earth.
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meisteralready · 2 years
The difference of dynamics
As I listen to Neil drone
On and on, yet beautifully ornate
About Irene and her serenity, I can only think
“When will this water boil?”
When will I have space?
Words of drunk men, mostly,
(Women have better points,
And most times, more relevant stories)
Tend to tail off
And slip down drains,
Rain starts to dribble under
The shitty windows neglected for years by underattentive landlords,
With a quick look outside
Sees a concentrated Nancy,
My effusive, good-looking and good-hearted neighbor,
Stretching to attempt a run
in near-downpour conditions.
She is determined person.
We had met at Cuneen’s
Where we both have a known drink and a regular bar stool,
but beforehand never realized our proximity to each other,
And we try to make each other laugh,
As we de-clothe each other,
after the bar, at one of our respective apartments,
Usually on the third Friday of every month.
Neil snaps me back,
“I mean, you know you had it, right? Jeanine?”
And did I?
Was she all that real to me?
You try to give a person space and respect,
You always approach a relationship with yourself
and a new attitude,
But did I?
Jeanine was defiant
And definitely, fervently herself,
A sanctum goth,
forward and uncompromised,
Who danced to certain Billy Joel sings
And it made me love her
-or my idea of a want to love her-
But we hung on too long,
When we stayed too late
At the party that was us,
And we both ruined each other
And we both knew it.
“I saw her two days ago on the 22,”
I say, observantly; satisfactorily.
Neil echoes a wobbly,
A long pause.
He formulates a long, but simple question,
“Going North or South?”
“North,” in replay I say,
Staring into a tea cup with a dry bag
What I don’t tell Neil is that she was not alone,
And her companion,
A flannel-weared, bear-of-man,
Gripping her leg and (like it was poorly scripted in a sitcom-of-the-week)
An IPA of something,
As she felt her uniform
-A polyvinyl short trench-
-That one checkered gray skirt-
-And stretched and spidered pantyhose-
All black, always.
What I didn’t tell Neil
Was that Jeanine clocked me,
Quickly and peripherally when I entered the bus,
And averted her eyes down
And gripped her forehead,
As if a pang of headache had gripped her.
I recognized such sudden pain.
I didn’t tell Neil
That I pulled up my mask
And pulled down my hat,
And worked my way past them
And down to the back of the bus.
But she knew it was me.
We knew it was each other.
We remembered what it was like
to watch each other travel,
Ever briefly,
For we had moved in and around each others’ beings/spaces for so long
This new brief exchange felt natural, yet awkward
She had to know it was me.
Hell, she bought me that hat.
I believed that I was out of sight,
But since it was the 22,
The bus was an accordion, the banana,
An articulated carriage,
So even though the route is usually
A straight-line, straight-shot,
it places ever slight bends on Clark
At North and at Wrightwood,
So I still saw her again
(And I suppose, her to me)
I got off at my usual,
And tried the back door,
It lit green and impatiently beeped,
But the door
Never became ajar.
The driver yelled at me to use the front,
So mask-up, hat-down,
I hurried to the front
Past her and her carnivore,
Made a beeline past her as she applied eyeliner,
So she had to look up,
past the roof, past the heavens,
so the cosmetic wouldn’t touch the oculus,
eyes wide open,
yet seeing nothing,
A deliberate act to not notice me as I passed.
“Good show”, I thought,
And turned back to her and smirked.
Eyes applied, she darted hers quickly to mine,
Shut down her mirror’s lid resoundly
And gave me a smirk just the same,
Before turning abruptly
To whatever was her new flanneled thing.
I walked the two blocks home
Deep in memory;
A memory of what-might-have-been,
Reliving a history,
That never happened.
“I guess she still lives in Andersonville.”
Neil mumbled while rubbing his eyes.
It snapped me back again, a second,
With Neil, at his best,
Always knowing unconsciously,
When I needed to be reigned back in
Either loud and abruptly,
Or obliviously,
lost in his own world of words,
Me just being the passenger.
I made my way over to the kettle
To make sure it was set to boil.
The whistle began to pierce and
The hot bubbles spilled over.
I inhaled deeply.
“Yeah, I guess she still lives in Andersonville”,
I replied knowing every inch of that was true.
I filled our cups.
Neil most-needed the tea and reached for the honey,
I poured mine,
Returned the kettle to the burner
And sat,
Taking in the steam.
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currycarrots · 7 years
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I’ve reopened my Storenvy if anyone is interested in some online shopping!
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
How do ghouls deal with humans with cosmetic surgery? I bet it must be a nuisance to end up biting into a silicone bag instead of succulent meat, do humans with plastic surgery end up becoming less attractive to ghouls?
Oh they HATE it
To be clear, they don’t hate the the look of it, but rather the fact that it’s very annoying and inconvenient. Have you ever bitten into a soft, unripe grape? That’s what it’s like when a ghoul bites into a breast implant. Some may like the way that some procedures look, but wouldn’t think of that person as good prey
Some things are worse than others. Implants? Absolutely awful and the taste lingers for so long. A nose job? That’s not bad it doesn’t really change anything. Liposuction? What the fuck! There’s less to eat now!
Some have no idea why humans do it, others understand why, it’s a beauty thing apparently, but don’t really grasp how someone could go to such an extent. Only a few really get it, but still dislike when one of their meals has a silicone bag or something in them. Heart implants and implanted contraceptives are annoying enough but this is just ridiculous
What humans consider beautiful and the work they put into achieving it is strange to them in general. They say they like hairless bodies but that trait is only natural to ghouls. They say they like skinny people but isn’t a bigger body a sign of being well fed and therefore strong enough to defend swathes if territory? They say they’re superior creatures and yet they nitpick every little thing, even stupid ones like facial features or traits that are good to have. It’s a difference in culture. Some ghouls can relate to desiring different traits, but they’re generally VERY different traits than humans want. Humans can get plastic surgery and yet they don’t use it to get bigger fangs or claws on their knuckles like any REASONABLE person should want
There are some body modifications ghouls also like or get. Stuff like piercings and tattoos are well liked and they will go out of their way to find ghoul artists who can tattoo them with Ukaku needles, or even learn to do it to themselves. They don’t love tattoos in their prey though as ink tastes bad, so they’ll usually cut those parts away like bruises banana pieces unless they’re starving. It’s not too much of a ghoul deterrent unless there’s a lot and they like the skin specifically
Visible plastic surgery is a surprisingly good ghoul deterrent. If it’s something someone mentions having done or if it’s done inconspicuously, ghouls will avoid hunting them if possible. It can be hard to tell sometimes though, and it’s not exactly appropriate to poke someone in the boob to test if it feels like silicone (a thing naki only learned after getting punched) so it’s mostly guesswork, but people who have had plastic surgery (or, in the same vein, medical implants) are as safe from ghouls as they come
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Diochetévo (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Slime Queen by the people of Olympius
The Heapster by Hermes
Dio by the others in the pantheon
Age- 20 (immortal)
Location- Mania district, New Olympus
Personality- She's edgy and dark with a sarcastic morose edge. She rejects a lot of the mainstream culture, proud to call herself a non-conformist. She's a lesbian & is in a relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess- except shapeshifting. As the goddess of sewers, garbage, & waste, her powers/abilities include limited hydrokinesis (as it relates to sewage water), cleaning inducement (on objects, animals, & other people), stench generation/manipulation, goo generation (can create ooze, slime, and goo of any consistency/viscosity), being completely immune to biohazard waste/materials, mold manipulation (including mold spores), garbage conversion, summoning/communicating with rats, roaches, and skunks, & garbage manipulation. She's also extremely proficient at plumbing.
Dio lives in a loft apartment in the Mania neighborhood of New Olympus. The main color scheme of her loft includes the color black as well as dull earthy tones. There's many potted moss plants & leather and steel furniture.
Her fashion style is definitely grunge! In her closet there's lots of fishnet stockings, platform combat boots, ripped jeans, chokers, flannel shirts, and slip dresses- her favorite accessories covered in spikes.
In Olympius, Dio oversees the sanitation industry (sewage system, waste management, recycling, etc..). Can't walk down a street without seeing one of her street sweepers or garbage trucks. Her business also includes a plumbing service company as well as a factory that manufactures trash products (like garbage bins made out of recycled materials & eco-friendly trash bags). For extra income, she models for/endorses Hot intoxication (Methe's cosmetics brand).
She always gets pissed off when people mix up their recyclables in the wrong bins or when they flush stuff in the toilet that shouldn't be flushed.
Her go-to drink is a mean green smoothie (made with protein powder, almond milk, kale, spinach, agave syrup, avocados, green apples, bananas, & pineapples. She also likes beer, lemon-lime soda, ginger ale, a scottish licorice (a drink made with absinthe, hazelnut liqueur, & scotch), the emerald isle (a drink made with gin, mint liqueur, & angostura), and the large cold brew coffee from The Roasted Bean.
In the pantheon, Dio has a good working relationship with Athena (goddess of wisdom). Surprisingly, she's very good friends with Hygieia (goddess of hygiene & cleanliness). Dio's also friends with Artemis (goddess of the hunt & moon), Gelos (god of laughter), Palaemon (god of sharks), Alke (goddess of courage), Lyssa (goddess of rage & frenzy), Eris (goddess of strife & discord), Alala (goddess of the war cry), and Hermes. She's currently in talks in becoming a mentor to Myrízei (god of smell & gases). Dio really admires Koros (god of surfeit & disdain)!
After a wild night out with Gelos and Lyssa, she & Gelos pranked her, by moving her bed (while Lyssa was sleeping on it). The next morning, she woke up in a landfill!
Some of her favorite snacks include ants on a log (peanut butter spread on celery sticks then topped with raisins), sour gummy worms, & sour cream and onion flavored potato chips.
Dio is currently in a relationship with a harpy named Dido. She even trusted Dido to do her tattoos & piercings (since she's an apprentice at a tattoo parlor). Dio is even in a band with her girlfriend and two of her girlfriend's friends. Their genre is grunge rock & they're called The Acid Annies. The band has even opened up for Dissonance Machine a few times during their tour.
Her favorite sandwich from The Bread Box is the cheesesteak.
Her favorite sweet treats include rocky road ice cream and dirt cake (her girlfriend's recipe). The cake is made with crushed chocolate cookies, cream cheese, powdered sugar, chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, whipping cream, and gummy worms. It's not baked.
Dio went to The Olympian Gala only once (when it's theme was Punk Out!) She of course stole the show in a yellow, green, & black haute couture grunge style dress (which include layers of organza silk, fishnets, and leather) complete with 10 inch platform heel less boots. Her head was recently shaved and her accessories included a Celestial Bronze spiked choker necklace and a pair of oversized white gold safety pin earrings!
Her favorite foods are spanakopita and beef & broccoli lo mein. She also likes the double olympian burger (with extra pickles).
In her free time Dio likes to hang out with her girlfriend, do graffiti art & metal sculptures, playing video games and laser tag, go-karting, rock climbing, skateboarding, rollerblading, indoor hockey, reading (especially comic books), billiards, bowling, & poker.
"There always comes a time when you get tired of cleaning up other people's trash."
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chinajrose · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mystery Box approx. 12lbs Size Med (6-10), shoes 7.5.
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