#i was like uhhh lets retake this and maybe get him a slightly more positive card because the tower??? WOOF
magioffire · 2 years
assigned tarot:
the sun light follows behind your heels. the daylight yields to your shining face. it is difficult to compare such radience to anything but the sun. bright and warm, people seem to gravitate toward you for your neverending optimism and the positivity you exude. but it tires you, doesn't it? the constant smiles, the ceaseless extension of yourself? does it not make you burn? do not allow yourself to fizzle out.
/ NUMBER: 19 / UPRIGHT: positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality / REVERSED: inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
the tower where is the line between awakening and self destruction? is it thin? are you walking toward it? on it? already too far gone? there is nothing more disheartening than trying to find yourself, only to learn that you detest the person you've been looking for. can i tell you a secret? you are allowed to love yourself. required to, even. how can you go forward without it? make no mistake– it is not easy. but it is essential. you will get there, and it will be warm.
/ NUMBER: 16 / UPRIGHT: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening / REVERSED: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
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prrism · 3 years
A Visit From… Bloopers Reel
This is just a little something I wanted to do to break up tension. It’s definitely different from what I usually write, and not every piece is included so it’s probably not the best but I wanted to try it out. It’s also not canon for the series or meant to be taken seriously, it’s just meant for fun.
Warning: Swearing, utter stupidity not meant to be taken seriously
A Visit From… Tommyinnit:
"Finders keepers!" He breaks into a sprint, instantly tripping and face planting into the floor. You burst into laughter at this.
"Looks like I won’t need the slowness potion after all."
"Stop f***ing laughing at me and help me up!"
"Okay okay, let’s just reset and try again." He gives you a quick glare as you help him back onto his feet, but you know there’s no ill intent behind it.
"So much for a firm grip." You tease, failing to hold back a chuckle while Dream tries to pry Tommy off of George.
"I thought I did have a firm grip… Tommy seriously get off of George, we need to do this take again." Dream says finally getting the teen off his friend.
"I think we should keep this one, shows my impeccable strength and manliness." Tommy replies cheekily.
"We’ll just save it for the bloopers or something." You comment. "You good George?" You turn to said man, finally helping him up. He nods and mumbles something under his breath before everyone gets back into their positions. Callahan helping place everything in order before restarting the scene.
"Well that was interesting." You say with a stretch. You grab some cups and fill them with water.
"Honestly I’m surprised we managed with just a few retakes, I thought there'd be more." Dream says, grabbing a cup and downing the liquid.
"Excuse me, are you saying I’m not a good actor!" Tommy shouts with a playful glare.
"He’s saying you’re a klutz." George teases, also taking a water glass.
"Why you guys gotta be so mean." Tommy pouts, making you a laugh.
"Don’t worry about it big man, it’s all about trial and error." You say giving him a pat on the shoulder. "I mean look at me, if you told me I was going from being just a potion maker to playing a role in the Dream SMP I wouldn’t have believed you."
"Yeah yeah, thanks or whatever." Tommy finally takes a glass of water, a small smile on his face.
A Visit From… Tubbo:
There’s a loud thud followed by an "ow" outside your door. Upon opening the door you see the poor goat boy clutching his head.
"Oh geez! Are you okay?!" You ask genuinely worried.
"I think I just got concussed." Tubbo replies rubbing his head.
"Maybe don’t ram your head into my door so hard next time… you left an imprint." You look at the dent in your door from where he'd head butt it.
"Heheh, ram. I get it." He chuckles to himself at your unintentional pun. You roll your eyes.
"Whatcha doin'?" Tubbo asks while you finish setting up the chest, placing the discs inside.
"I’m getting something ready for a friend since I’m leaving for a trip to a nearby village." You explain as vaguely as possible.
"Awww, but I just got here and I want to hang out more like everyone else got to." He whines.
"You do realize this is still an actual job I do right?" He just stares at your blankly for a moment before nodding, you can’t stop the smile and fit of giggles as you break character. "Damnit Tubbo! Now we gotta do this over again." You scold softly.
"Oh, oops." He blushes slightly in embarrassment.
"It’s fine, tell ya what after we’re done wrapping up with the scene you can join me." You offer.
"Okay!" He perks up immediately, you let out a mix of a laugh and a sigh at this.
A Visit From… Fundy:
The fox hybrid scurries around a moment before pushing past you and towards your door. You give chase but not for long when you see him partially hanging off the door.
"I uhhh… I’m stuck." He says through some embarrassed chuckles. You snort, trying to hold in your laughter as you help untangle him from the door.
"Do over?" You suggest.
"Yes please." He nods in agreement.
A Visit From… Tommy and Tubbo (Second Visit):
The many retakes of Tubbo's entrance: "What is good in the hood!… No that’s lame." "I’m back baby!… That sounded better in my head. Can we do that again!" "Hi…… I forgot what else I was going to say." "I’ve come to commit arson!… What, too much?" "Grand Entrance!… Yeah that’s a good one, simple and easy. Let’s use that one."
"No! I don’t have time to hunt for one, I need it now!" He demands impatiently, you notice at the corner of your eye Tubbo trying to fish around your chests, most likely for a blaze rod. You turn and grab the boy by the collar of his shirt and pull him back, he lets out a small, unintentional bleat of surprise at this.
"You know for someone-" Your cut off by someone hiccuping, looking down to see Tubbo as the culprit when he hiccups again. You and Tommy get a small laugh from this.
"S-*hic*-sorry I don’t mean to-*hic*-to do this honest." He apologizes.
"It’s fine we’ll just try again."
"You know for someone who's in a hurry, you sure had a lot of time to want to pfhenfjsjphh- ahhh! I lost what I was trying to say." You blush sheepishly at your little tongue tied moment, while Tommy laughs his ass off in the background.
A Visit From… Wilbur:
"Actually, I was thinking I could do something for you." He replies more evenly.
"Like what exactly?" You raise a curious yet suspicious eyebrow towards him, this was a first.
"You wanna sell drugs!" He says out of the blue. It’s silent for a second before your both laughing.
"Dude what the hell? We were doing so well and you just had to say it like that?"
"Sorry sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I had to say it at least once."
"Damnit Wilbur." You shake your head before straightening yourselves out to retake the scene.
"Nice try, but everything I need is memorized up here." You say slyly, before accidentally poking yourself in the eye. "Ow, s**t." You rub at your eye as Wilbur falls into a fit of laughter. "Yeah okay I get it, my pain is your entertainment." You blink your eye back into focus.
"It’s fine, just redo your line and don’t poke yourself this time." He advises coming done from all the laughing.
"Gee, thanks captain obvious." You give a playful glare. The two of you end up going into yet another fit of giggles before you finally calm down to retake your line.
A Visit From… Sapnap (Second Visit):
"Ahh f***!" You hear right after a loud bang on your door.
"You know you’re supposed to open the door first before entering right?" You teasingly shout, hearing a groan from the other side of the door.
"Yeah, shut up." An unamused sounding Sapnap says from the other side.
"Just saying." You comment more to yourself.
"I guess I just assumed you might be involved because you’re big on the potion making." There’s a long, awkward pause between the two of you.
"Was that really the best you could come up with?" You ask with a snicker. "It sounds so stupid."
"Hey, improving lines on the fly can be difficult alright." Sapnap crosses his arms and pouts a little. He can’t hold it for long and soon enough you’re both chuckling, having to redo the scene.
Duel For Independence:
Wilbur opens his mouth to comment once more but is stopped when you’re suddenly dragged away by Punz.
"Ow! Arm! Arm! Arm!" You Yelp in pain, Punz immediately lets go seeing the imprint where his tight grip had been.
"Oh s**t! Sorry, didn’t mean to grab that hard." He frantically apologizes.
He releases and arrow and-
"ACHOOO!!!" You sneeze rather loudly. Almost everyone bursts into laughter from your intrusion of what was supposed to be a dramatic scene.
"AWWW! COME ON! I WAS DOING SO WELL TOO!" Tommy complains, sitting up from his position in the water.
"Sorry, I’m sorry! Couldn’t hold it in." You wave an awkward apology.
"No no no. This is fine we can save this! All we gotta do is cut it out in editing and we’ll just say you flinched." Wilbur suggests.
"Sounds good to me." Dream agrees, turning back to Tommy. "Now go back to being a floating body in the water. So we can finish the scene."
"FINE!" Just like that Tommy "reluctantly" lays back down in the water, though it’s obvious he enjoyed his position seeing as he didn’t have to do anything for the rest of the shot.
"YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SUCK IT GREEN BOYYYYYYYYYYY!" You all laugh, except Wilbur who throws himself into a coughing fit, making you, Tommy and Tubbo just laugh louder. "Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t scream my lungs out so much." He says rubbing his sore throat.
"Should we call it a wrap for today and try the triumphant victory tomorrow?" You question, handing him a glass of water.
"As long as we don’t have to get up early." Tommy scowls.
"I do have a few errands to run, we can do it tomorrow evening."
"Pog. I’m down."
"Alright then see you guys tomorrow." You wave them goodbye as the three of them file out of your house.
What do you guys think? I’d genuinely like to hear your thoughts on this little extra, non-canon behind the scenes/bloopers thing
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