#i was like why tf are they making eddie act so mature about this
bakasara · 4 months
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(bonus obligatory late reference:)
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futuregws · 2 years
I don't even know how to start this post all I know is that it's gonna be all over the place. But I guess the first thing I should start with and set the tone for the rest of the rant bc it's gonna be long, is that edissy shippers are gross, and I really don't think i need to explain much bc we have all seen their behavior before and how they are the ones that made the stranger things fandom be so full of toxicity, and if you haven't seen their general behavior look it up on a unbiased page and you'll see bc this post is not gonna focus on their behavior in general I'm gonna narrow it down a little to a specific group of people within the edissy shippers that somehow they manage to be worse but in ways that is blatantly disrespectful to the actors themselves.
I've said it so many times on here before but since this specific rant is about that I think I should say it again, if you wanna ship 2 fictional characters, go for it, if you wanna ship 2 real people that ARE together that's a little less "okay" but they are together so whatever, but now what we are NOT gonna do is ship two people that are not together, simply bc you also ship their characters and if you on top of that are doing this simply to piss off fans that don't like your fictional ship, then you need some help, doesn't matter what type of help but please get some bc this is the behavior of a 10 year old and even for them this is not okay so why would it be for grown ass adults. Shipping Eddie and Chrissy is one thing and I'm not gonna go into that bc I've made it very clear what my feelings are on it and it's not the point, but when you decide to drag this ship to real life and involve Grace and Joe you're a fucking weirdo, y'all can get mad all you want bc at the end of the day it will make it clear why you're getting mad, it's bc you feel called out on it. And if the act of shipping two real life people who are only co workers isn't bad enough then we also have shit like this
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What goes through your mind when posting this disgusting shit, oh wait nothing goes through your mind at all bc y'all don't think, going around claiming that Grace and Joe are fucking based on NOTHING, even just bringing that up is gross bc they are co workers and it's weird that you're even thinking about that, and saying that you didn't get to enjoy their fictional versions so now you are gonna use the actors, REAL LIFE PEOPLE, wtf is wrong with you, how can you not see how absolutely disgusting that behavior is, they are human they're not some dolls that you can go around making up stories about and control what they do, and once again how bored do you have to be to wish that they fuck in public just to piss "antis" off, they are not your little puppets that you can control and use to annoy others, and the fact that y'all thought about that wrote it, read it and still didn't see anything wrong, once again please get some fucking help
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And this too, wtf is this are you getting that bored with your stupid fictional ship that you decide to go for this, bc babes if you're bored I could give you a list of stuff to do or even games to play but don't be gross and do this type of shit, it's not normal and it's not okay, you are a fucking weirdo and you need to grow tf up, most of you are 25+ and yet constantly act like 14 year olds while the actual 14,15 and 16 year olds are being ten times more mature than you.
And there was even more screenshots I could use but Tumblr has a limit apparently so those are gonna have to work, if you read all this then thank you bc I didn't realize how long this was getting but oh well, and I'm prepared to get attacked I've been before even when calling out gross behavior like this people seem to not want to understand what's good and bad, and if that one person that commented on one of my other posts about this topic sees this, was I being dramatic like you said, please read the screenshots and I dare you to say that shit again bc if you think this is me being dramatic then you can fuck right off bc this is not dramatic if I wanted to be trust me I gladly would
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tossertozier · 7 years
What are your thoughts on fics that make Richie gay and Eddie a homophobe? I find these bother me on a visceral level and I can't place why. Probably because I see Eddie as the one who's closeted and Richie as decisively straight, particularly for their book counterparts? But yeah, I'd like to know your thoughts on homophobic! Eddie in general. I see it more times than I'd like to
okay well i’m gonna rephrase ur question here nonny because i do appreciate the sentiment but i just want to reiterate that i fully believe all writers have their right to tackle these characters from the angle they see fit (with certain exceptions of course) & just because i might not necessarily see a view point via my own deduction of canon doesn’t make it any less valid to me than the way i write the characters. this got long so it’s going under a cut.
so, what would i think about writing richie as explicitly gay and eddie as homophobic in one of my fics?
i could understand the viewpoint for eddie. eddie, by and large, has the most inherent shame of all of the losers. internalizing those things can lead to  homophobic tendencies. however, book!eddie (and this was actually one of my favorite shake ups about the 2017 movie but we’re sticking to the book right now lol) is truly just not an outwardly offensive person. not in the offends way, but like…when it comes to taking action. all of the times eddie acts truly violent in the book are strongly reactionary. (battery acid you slime happens when he thinks IT is going to kill bill, he kills bowers out of self defense, he loses his arm because he thinks richie is going to die.) it is honestly more difficult for me to picture eddie as outwardly violent towards…anything that has not directly threatened him. ((maybe, i could see a questioning eddie getting upsetting if he was getting taunted and acting out??)) also, often depictions of homophobia get wrapped up with some sort of religious imagery which again, i wouldn’t write eddie as. eddie isn’t really given a religion in the books, so far as i can remember. (he asks richie a question about Catholicism, obviously not jewish.) i don’t believe with the faith in medicine that she has, that sonia would be at all outwardly religious. i don’t think she’s stable enough to regularly attend service. she’s very rarely described as leaving the house in the books, which is tough in it’s own way.
everyone is entitled to their own view point of loser sexuality. for the sake of sharing here, i am going to say that my personal view point is: i think richie is bisexual canonically, with a preference for more effeminate figures. in the book, richie refers to bev as “one of the guys - but one hell of a good looking guy” which some might take as evidence for him having an overt preference for men. i actually take this the opposite way. i think a lot of the reason richie does not have complete feelings for beverly is because of her androgynous energy. & i don’t think his failed marriages are a signal of complete homosexuality. i think they’re a signal of perpetual immaturity. i can’t quote the entire thing here, but his story of one of his wives is honestly one of my absolute favorite pieces of the book - and one of the most important, defining characteristics of richie, to me. AGAIN i go back to that fucking bo burnham song that i literally call the Richie Tozier song in my head because i think its so true of … so many men in the entertainment industry “have you ever seen a birthday party for children, and one of the children won’t stop screaming? ‘cause he’s just a little attention attract-er, when he grows up to be a comic or actor, he’ll be rewarded for never maturing. for never understanding or learning that every day can’t be about him, there’s other people, you selfish asshole.” i don’t think richie ever really Fully emotionally matured and was continually rewarded for this throughout his career (as hollywood loves to do with white men) & he loses a woman for it because she can’t be his emotional punching bag and pay constant attention to his needs . and she calls him tf out for it & he’s not even angry because he knows she’s right - he laughed about it. 
(i’d say if there’s a defining sentence for richie, it’s “Richie laughed.” he can’t take things seriously & that’s not a compliment or a good thing, it leads to him sobbing on bill’s shoulder outside of the house because he can’t handle the world anymore because he hasn’t been processing little by little.)
one of the biggest tools of contrast for eddie and richie and how their sexualities are presented, to me, is their relationship with bill denbrough. (granted i believe any member of the loser’s club would suck bill’s dick if he asked because he’s a self insert but i digress.) richie refers to bill as his best friend. while i can’t think of a quote off the top of my head that defines this, i think a lot of bill and richie’s arch in the book (which is QUITE lengthy. it amazes me how little fandom attention is paid to their relationship, because it takes up seriously massive portions of the book) is richie going from quite wanting to be bill to understanding he’s not bill and that not having two bills is a benefit to them all. a lot of it is learning to respect himself the way he respects bill - and he has his own contributions to the fight that are entirely without bill. (the smoke scene for example  and their entire last fight with IT) i do not think richie ever has a crush on bill, or wants to be with him, he just considers bill better than himself- something to look up to. to me, more than anyone else in the book, bill and richie are written to be the MenT.M. i think if richie would have a crush on any ManT.M. it would be bill, and to me, he doesn’t. eddie has a crush on bill. like. it’s not written out like “oh hey, here’s eddie being gay and having a crush on bill.” but liek. dudes, my guys. it’s…yeah. like. i really don’t think this could go undetected by the modernly educated reader. when my best friend read it she just texted me “so…eddie’s big gay crush on bill?” & i could only respond with “yeah. i know.” this is alreadhy super long an i could write several essays on bill/eddie/richie and the differences in their relationship buUUUUT yeap. 
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