#i was listening to wasted summers by juju while making this
ferngle · 10 months
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Lazy mornings <3
Redraw of the sleepy boys. the last 2 (6?) draws of them had them being upset. So now they get some cozy time.
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redactedgender · 3 months
songs i associate with redacted audio characters - speaker edition
this is gonna be exactly what it says on the tin. there'll be some explanations under the cut for what im doing w this!
to keep it brief, im giving each of the characters under the cut three songs from my playlists of them, and go into a little detail on why i chose them/have them in their playlists. sounds simple, right? i'll also be including links to the songs if you want to add them to your own playlists!
with that, let me explain what the fuck is up shjdkfdsh
so a bit of context: i grew up writing karaoke fanfics on wattpad, which if you don't know, were reader-submitted requests for specific characters to sing songs within a short story, mainly in a group setting at karaoke. this has made me extremely specific with music and assigning them to characters, along with finding "singing voice-claims" for characters. so, i have some credentials when it comes to this stuff fjdhsgshjgd
with that explanation out of the way, onto the fun! one of the songs listed for each of them will be their svc (singing voice-claim), except for gavin, because i'm still working on finding his svc (i am leaning towards dpr ian for him though because... don't go insane. yeah)
if that all makes sense...
let's go!
horns - bryce fox
; so this is the song i used as the title for my big ol' gaviant smut i wrote (shameless plug shhhhh). this song is just so gavin, especially season one gavin. the sex appeal that oozes from it, the way the singer wants the subject so badly even if he knows she's bad for him. like, s1!gavin wasn't a bad guy, but he was kind of morally ambiguous in a way that could be read as toxic. however, as freelancer's relationship with him deepened, we learn that he values consent and being authentic, something other concubi don't. what can i say, i like good character growth.
human - dodie
; this was one of the first songs i put on his playlist, and for good reason. this song, to me, is freelancer singing this about and to gavin. it's about connection, it's about wanting to see what the other person is like under the persona they've created. this song is what happened when freelancer began learning about gavin past the "sex daemon" persona, but its also what happened when gavin learned about freelancer and how they were more than a "jack-of-a-trades mess of a human". listen i love the two of them so much.
sweet tooth - scott helman
; a more recent addition to my playlist, this one also makes a lot of sense to me. this song is about addiction, and while gavin like, literally needs feelings of desire to live, it also can be said that he probably has had an unhealthy relationship with sex in the past. i also just really like this song. but i think gavin has healed a lot of his attitudes towards his fellow concubi, with freelancer's help and of his own personal efforts.
dream boy - waterparks
; we have reached our first official svc! awsten knight of waterparks is my elliott svc. does this is really match my face claim for him? kinda? i had this svc waaay before i had josh hutcherson as elliott actually. but, to talk abt the song itself, i mean. c'mon now. it's literally elliott to sunshine. the vision in my brain is that elliott sings this at karaoke before he and sunshine get together, but are definitely both pining hardcore for each other. there's something about the playful flirty energy of this song that reminds me of elliott in the best way imaginable. he's just a little dorky, what can i say!
wasted summers - juju
; i like some angst! im not all fluff and humor and smut. i appreciate a good angst now and then. my brand of angst is just kind of specific. you'll see that in a sec. but this song just reminds me of elliott and aaron for obvious reasons. how aaron grew up too fast cuz of their parents, how aaron felt jealous and angry over elliott telling him and their mom about magic, how elliott told sunshine he's the protective type because of how he grew up (side note i have many thoughts abt elliott & blake and protection vs possession if anyone would be interested lmao). their relationship just makes me go a bit insane /pos.
still got it - troye sivan
; ALRIGHT THIS REQUIRES A BIT OF AN EXPLANATION. so i basically have a whole mv planned in my big ol' brain around this song, and around the concept of: what if scorpius' memory erasing worked for longer? what if elliott genuinely thought, for a bit, that he and sunshine had a bad breakup, but that he still loved them? and still "wanted them back"? only to then have the memories, the real ones, come back in a flood of sensory overload and horrible realizations? see? i like angst. :]
brutus - the buttress
; first things first, i dont support this band due to their transphobic comments. that being said, this song is incredibly porter-coded. "my whole life you were a teacher and friend to me / please know my actions are not motivated only by envy" - like this is just about will and vincent. i don't have to explain further.
we don’t have to dance - andy black
; porter's svc! i liked this song for him cuz i imagine treasure is the first person in a loooong time that porter has actually wanted to stay around, even though he's so used to these one night stands and passionate scenes. and even though he really likes treasure, he still goes back to the old him: offering just to dance, just to fuck, just for this to be casual.
car lights - james marriott
; so i have a little headcanon that porter's maker was someone that porter was dating in secret because he (maker) was the kind of guy who would say homophobic things in front of others, but would end the night with his tongue down porter's throat (or something like that). this song is about that kind of experience: worried you're about to be caught despite it feeling so fucking good. also, this song just kinda slaps.
stutter - marianas trench
; this song just makes sense, not just in the fact that lasko stammers and stutters a lot when talking (especially when he's excited, god hes adorable) but also in that lasko is basically a hyperverbal autistic/auDHD person who constantly talks even when they don't have the energy to do so (totally not projecting what) and i think that's representation we don't always see. also, imagine him finding this song and dancing to it? yeah.
eraser - ricky montgomery
; lasko's svc! does this surprise anyone? actually it might. i love ricky montgomery so much, his debut album is one of my favorite pieces of music out there and i think he's such a talented artist. his range and subject matter in his songs always screamed lasko to me, and ricky's vocals just match lasko so much. this song is about being socially awkward, which like. yeah. i have like four or five ricky songs on my lasko playlist which is really funny actually hgjkfdhsdh!
my mother wants me dead - carolesdaughter
; lasko "mommy issues" moore anyone? yeah this song is that. i know i could have gone for the mitski mommy issues, but something about lasko tells me his mommy issues are like rage. like, as much rage as lasko can have towards a person. the damn fam and their mommy issues. this song also plays into my hc that lasko used to smoke before starting at D.A.M.N., picking it up after the inversion, and then quitting again once he started healing and met coworker.
fallin’ for you - r5
; as you all know by now, ross lynch is my guy faceclaim. and while i love the driver era (a kiss is also on my guy playlist, it is in fact the best tde song), ross' voice during the r5 era actually suits guy a little more to me if im being honest. also, its a hc of mine that guy's family did music, but guy had a really bad falling out with his parents and it kinds ruined things for a while. r5!ross's vocals are higher than now, since this was during the disney era, but this song is just too perfect to me not to use for guy.
30/90 from tick…tick…BOOM!
; i mentioned this in my face claim post, but i had andrew garfield as my guy face claim because of this song from the movie. it's just like literally guy tho. we know guy's a writer, we know how writers are. as a writer myself (not professionally), "30/90" is more than just representation of someone wanting to peak before their past "the right age"; this is about creatives wanting to make something that will last longer than their life, and that just screams guy to me. i don't think he wants to be famous, but i think he wants to have a legacy of media he creates last longer than himself.
honey - troye sivan
; listen. "something to give each other" is my favorite album from 2023, and most of those songs remind me of one redacted character or another, so if there's a lot of songs in my playlists from this album, shush. anyways, this song is an obvious choice for guy since it's titled "honey", but if you listen to it, it actually is a pretty sweet (eh? eh??) song. it's about falling for someone and wanting to be with them, and since its a fandom wide hc that guy probably fell in love with honey upon first meeting them, this plays into that idea. look i just love how much of a simp guy is for honey, what can i say?
if i have any more energy to do more of these i will, but my spring break ends soon so we'll see. also, i managed to make height charts for redacted audio characters & listeners if anyone would wanna see those (they would include my listener oc's). also, if you have any songs you think fit the bois, i may open my asks again if you want to send those to me :0
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amyyythestarry · 9 months
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This is a scrapped Halloween AU that I haven’t thought much about.
Christmas Kids by Roar ( I know this is a Halloween thing but still )
Happy Together by The Turtles
Riptide by Vance Joy
Brazil by Declan McKenna
Oblivion by Grimes
Wasted Summers by Juju<3
What Once Was by Her’s
Money by The Drums
Orpheus Under The Influence by The Butterstones
Song About Me by TV Girl
Bodys by Car Seat Headrest
Michelle by Sir Chloe
New Flesh by Current Joys
Alien Blues by Vundabar
Romantic Homicide by D4VD
[ Eve of the Moons ]
Prologue : 
Lover’s Suicide
He should have stopped when he could.
There was no real reason why this had to happen, there wasn’t a real reason why Sousuke had to do it.
But now his best friend and himself are dead.
And I mean dead as in laying in piles of Red Spider Lilies, holding each other’s pinkies as if they couldn’t clasp their hands together before life completely left them.
It was frigid and bitter. Sousuke didn’t know if that was their bodies draining the blood from their veins because the flowers were implaling every one of their limbs, or the tenebrous pit they fell into.
The flowers felt warm. The crimson liquid seeping from their arms, legs and chest soaked into the dirty ground beneath, Red Spider Lilies’ vines were absorbing it all.
Isn’t this an interesting way to pass? Isn’t this an interesting place to die?
It was pretty ugly too.
Sousuke thought so. 
Maybe his best friend thought so too.
He gripped the familiar’s pinkie finger harder, wanting to be comforted by a hand engulfing his. Making the first move, like the person always did.
But that wasn’t the case here. 
Was the person already dead? They couldn’t be, they fell at the same time, and he was still conscious!
This wasn’t fair.
He could barely remember how it came to this.
This wasn’t fair. Not at all.
Sousuke wanted to live some more. To be alive means to live life to the fullest. No matter what.
That’s what his mom told him..
He wanted to grow older and older and older with the people he cared for, and that only consisted of his mother, his 15 year old brother, and his best friend he met in 5th grade.
He’s known the person for three years. And his mom and brother forever.
Forever, right?
He thinks so.
Sousuke’s not so sure who the person beside him was though.
The person’s skin was starting to rot, it grew old and shabby, and crusty and dry. Veiny, skinny, pale.
His best friend wasn’t old. Or shabby, or crusty and dry and veiny and skinny and pale.
Was this even… The person he met while in 5th grade after school detention for too many tardy slips ? ( I know there is no detention in Japanese schools but this is crucial to the story )
He’s 13 now…
Maybe he forgot.
Maybe he forgot how the person looked.
Maybe he jumped into a pit with another person. A person he didn’t know or care for, that was going to jump in without him.
The person was on the edge, so ready to give their life away. Then he came in, hugged them tight as the ground cracked at their feet.
That’s how he ended up here.
He thought his best friend was suicidal and promising the person what he would have promised to one of his favorite persons in the whole world.
Sousuke forgot what he promised.
That’s ok.
It wasn’t, but who would care now?
He’s dying. So close because of the way his eyelids fought him to close shut.
He could barely breathe anymore. His soul got weak when blood slowly continued to pour.
He felt weak. And sick.
If there was anyone, anyone in the world he’d want to be in this predicament with is his mother, big brother and/or best friend. The person and his blood mixed into each other’s. He wished it was his favorite peoples’ blood, instead of a stranger.
Sousuke wondered. If this wasn’t his best friend beside him, then where was his best friend?
He was probably living. Life was still full and sunny for him. Full of seasons and school and getting old. 
His best friend was always like that, anyways. Full of life. That’s what they were.
Not him. Not Mitsuba.
Mitsuba was as bitter as his best friend’s brother.
Sad and depressed, sullen, bland, a struggle. A burden.
Mistuba wasn’t meant to be friends with that person he met three years ago. He knows it. It wasn’t fate. His best friend had faith in their relationship, that’s how they kept interacting. 
The interactions got less awkward. They did everything together as they got through school and met new people along with his best friend’s brother.
His best friend’s brother wasn’t a fan of him. He knows that the brother secretly hated him. For what reason? He didn’t know.
He knows that the brother hated him because he’d always give him a bland look, they’d avoid him, make his best friend avoid him, try to minimize his best friend’s and his hangouts, ecsatra. 
He was still cool with him, he just figured the brother was some jealous and insecure guy, since his best friend said the brother didn’t have many friends. Didn’t want any either.
His best friend was his best friend for a reason.
They always said Sousuke was just as optimistic and sunny as them, even more than them.
Just as carefree, confident, euphoric, helpful, and could treat beings with their kindness if he tried.
He believed them. He believed every word his best friend said and would say whenever they both had long calls at night, or when he would cry his heart out at them, accusing them of caring too much while they continued to do so.
To them, Mistuba and Sousuke were completely different people. 
They said Mitsuba was his father’s last name. 
Sousuke was the name their mother gave him. Just as she gave him life. Even if it meant messing with a petty thing like his father.
Mitsuba was full of grudges. Sousuke was full of life.
Mitsuba Sousuke regrets believing.
Because now he was only Mitsuba.
He left his destiny just like his father left his responsibilities of being a father.
Or maybe this was destined.
Maybe this was meant to happen. Maybe Mistuba was meant to meet the weird, obnoxious kid in detention. Maybe they were supposed to forge a bond and spend the rest of their three years of living together. Mistuba was supposed to turn into Sousuke.
Then he relapsed.
And maybe he was supposed to love his best friend too much. Care too much. Do anything for them.
That’s how he ended up here.
God didn’t make mistakes.
This wasn’t a mistake.
He was supposed to be foolish and risk a precious thing such as life all in the name of saving a stranger who he thought was his friend.
Mitsuba fell into the pit. And took Sousuke with him.
He felt bad.
Now his best friend wouldn’t be able to see neither Mitsuba nor Sousuke.
His best friend said they loved both sides.
Now they were only going to mourn.
So were his two other favorite people.
Mitsuba felt like the same flowers that he laid in were shoved down, clogging his throat.
He couldn’t speak.
He was able to mutter though.
“I’m sorry stranger. I’m sorry bestie. I’m sorry mother. I’m sorry brother.”
This wasn’t his best friend who’s name started with a T.
He couldn’t remember their name.
Even before his consciousness slipped.
Death had their arms wrapped around his throat now. 
His best friend, his mother and brother would beg for life to save him.
To save Mitsuba and Sousuke.
But he wished it never did.
He didn’t deserve it.
He could only want it more.
If it meant gracing the presence of the people who made his life full.
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ARIIIII HIIIIII!!!!! i was listening to my cute little love songs playlist and it got me thinking about gojo.................... might be a bit obsessed but it's whatever ANYWAYYYYY do you have any songs that remind you of him? every time i listen to always forever by cults i always think of him idc the song might be a bit basic but it's sooo cute and if i had the ability to write angst i'd definitely base something off of wasted summers by juju..........
- @softgirlgonehaywire
HI MICKEY!!!!! u came at literally the perfect moment ive been obsessively thinking of songs i associate w gojo these last few days…. its so fun to think abt, tysm for asking!!! <33
ur so real btw i too listen to my silly little love songs and think of satoru gojo…. putting this under the cut in case it gets long phfhdhd
bUT first of all u r literally so right w wasted summers. so objectively correct. i cant not think of stsg when i listen to it pshdhsh it makes me weep 😭😭 ANY summer-y song makes me think of gojo tbh… and always forever!! i listened to it just now while thinking of gojo and it made me cry. our soft boy :’3
but ok so just. overall… i think the two artists i associate gojo most w is pinkpantheress and yorushika!!!! two very different genres PDHDH BUT……
for some reason i cant stop thinking of gojo when i listen to pinkpantheress……. especially capable of love and close to you </3 theyre so gojocoded to me but i cant explain why. smth abt the melancholic but soft vibe of her songs just makes me think of him :< i listen to her songs a lot while writing for gojo!!!
AND YORUSHIKA ….. god. idk if ur into jpop at all mickey but all of their songs are so bittersweet and nostalgic and summer-y…. and i could go on and on abt how much i associate literally every single song of theirs w gojo but i think if i had to narrow it down i’d probably go with blooming in that summer, say it, and replicant! the lyrics are so pretty and angsty and they make me think of gojo and/or stsg all the time T_T
those two artists aside ….. i also associate him a lot w be nice to me by the front bottoms!! and tears over beers by modern baseball :3 and if we’re talking more standard love songs… probably taylor swift. cruel summer is so gojo its insane
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