#i was never that nvested in sherlock
m-an-u · 3 years
Hell yeah english is red! My fav character of all time is regina from once upon a time (i LOVE her development). Fav (actual) villian is moriarty from sherlock,, he's truly a psychopath it's very fascinating (hope this doesn't make me weird lmao) My question to you is do you like arts? If yes which kind(dance or music or drawing or writing like that)
Okay gonna be honest here- I tried watching once upon a time just for the mad hatter (because he’s seb stan) but I could never get past the first few episodes. And yeah I LOVE art- I love drawing, music and writing even though the last one is SO hard for me. What about you? You ever dip your toes in fanficition or something?
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