#i was out for like what 5 hours today for a friends 16th bday
hrtley · 1 year
AUGHHHHH super Tired. i think i deserve a Little nap!
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good-gay-mate · 6 years
1.What’s the toughest decision you made today? What to get at Starbucks 2.What’s the toughest decision you made this year? Deciding to stop doing lax3.What’s the toughest decision you ever made? Idk man4.What have you forgotten? Men5.What do you want to be when you grow up? Chemical engineer6.What’s it like being you right now? Fucking amazing 7.What makes you nostalgic? Thinking about my friends back in Indiana 8.If you had two hours left on 🌍 what would you do? Sky dive or kiss a girl I’ve had a crush on since 6th grade9.What’s the most beautiful word in the 🌍? What ever my future wife’s name is 10.Who makes you 😂 more than anyone? My sister (follow my snap and you’ll see why)11.What did your father teach you? Responsibly equals freedom12.What did your mother teach you? How to cuss out cars the cut in front of you13.What’s the best 🎁 you’ve ever given? I made a scrapbook for my best childhood friends 16th bday and she literally cried it was so cute14..Best 🎁 you ever received? Boxing gloves
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