#i was so eloquent... but also the ama is accessible + so is the tweet so it's fine
snoopyisbisexual · 2 years
Didn't Frank and Gerard date for like three years? And didn't Gerard come out as not feeling entirely like a man at one point?
omg I wrote a whole reply and didn't save it. exploding
1. No + the only "record" of this was one iFunny meme which I think is hilarious (sorry)
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2. Gerard said in a 2014 Reddit AMA that they identify partially with the female gender + masculinity has never been for them (paraphrasing bc I had the quote but I'm tired now). In 2015 they said he prefers he/they pronouns. I respect them 100% and while they're old statements I see absolutely no reason why they wouldn't still be accurate.
GWay has never explicitly identified as queer or not queer and we just have to respect that. GWay has not said much beyond that and I don't feel comfortable trying to read into something that he's obviously very private about. Forcing labels on someone just is not healthy or polite.
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