#i was thinking about doing some dramatic poster like dunkirk... i might come back and do it... but this was too tempting
mandoposting · 3 years
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@purgetroopercody gave me the absolute best request of my life: recreate a famous movie poster but with your OC squad!
sorry if this is a basic choice but it was just too perfect
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sorry this quality is trash lmao
Taglist: @ct-9904, @test-the-blood, @twisted-falcon, @findhimfives, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @purgetrooperfox, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @limeyartspinningtales, @persaloodles, @puirell, @dagobahbound, @howie-ner-cyare, @a-disaster-named-milo, @moon-khat, @ahsoka1, @craziest-in-the-guild, @secretlyatimelady, @spaceydragons, @1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you'd like to be added/removed :)
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piesforjack · 8 years
"don’t even get me started about bitty sitting on jack’s face" Are you kidding? I am SO here for face sitting in my ships.
(i know this message is super old but i just. couldn’t bring myself to finish writing this. so here’s what i’ve got. maybe one day i’ll finish this entirely)
it starts as a joke.
they’re at a falconers game and shitty brings the sign. bitty told him specifically not to bring the sign. but he does it anyway because he’s shitty knight and that’s what shitty’s about. so bitty spends the entire night (ha) punching shitty in the arm with all his might whenever he even looks like he’s thinking of hoisting the sign up. when jack scores an excellent top shelfer that pushes the falconers up by 2, instead of jumping to his feet cheering, bitty punches shitty with all his force and then yells out “what a beauty, #1!” which may or may not have a double meaning.
so when the game is over (a nice W, 3-1 for the falconers) bitty and shitty make their way down to the tunnel, ready to patiently wait for jack (he drove here himself and bitty came with shitty, but bitty has no plans of inviting shitty back to jack’s place, not tonight no way, (most especially after the sign fiasco 2k15). so they wait. and shitty thinks it would be hilarious to hoist the sign up and scream like a banshee when he sees jack, still slightly damp and a whole lot of sexy, emerging from the locker room. bitty isn’t expecting it. shitty gets the sign up for all of 2 seconds before bitty swats him in the dick and shitty crumbles, the sign falling to his feet.
bitty picks it up and takes it away once and for all. he doesn’t realize it’s still facing jack, fully readable.
jack comes to halt, finally looking up from the texts from his dad he’d been replying to. then he sees it. shitty, hunched over, wheezing in pain but also laughing (because of course shitty finds bitty’s anger funny) and bitty, love of his life, darling of his dreams, standing there with a sign, on hot pink poster paper: “YO JACK ZIMMERMANN, EAT MY ASS LIKE A CUPCAKE?!” and well.
bitty freezes, completely fucking shocked and completely fucking mortified. he drops the sign and lets it clatter to the ground, trying his damnest to keep it together.
jack is…honestly? just trying to keep from shouting a garbled mess. he feels like all the air has been sucked out of the arena, it feels like he’s being suffocated. and then all the air rushes back in when he gets a clap on the back from tater.
“good game, zimmboni, drinks now, da?” jack and bitty both cough loudly, blushing and stuttering up a storm.
“n-no thanks, tater, um, i…friend. i have a friend, er, here. i-we, uh. crisse,” jack slapped his hand to his forehead trying to get a full sentence out. “another time, eh?” jack pasted on a fake smile and watched tater walk away confused but also amused in a way that only tater could teeter.
bitty hadn’t said a single word yet, he felt a little weak, to be honest. shitty finally stood up to full height, his eyes a little red rimmed from laughing himself to tears. shitty took one look between jack and bitty, registering the uncomfortable body language, the stiff and unmoving eye contact, the rosy cheeks, the harsh breathing. shitty grinned like the cat who got the fucking cream.
“well, i can see you both have very important plans tonight, i’ll be going!” shitty patted them both on the arms with a little more force than necessary, mostly just to try and jolt them out of the trance they were both under. “great game as always, jacky boy,” shitty began to meander away towards the parking lot, but not before turning on his heel and shouting over towards the pair, still frozen on the spot “oh, and bitty, when can me and ms. minaj expect our thank you pies? or, maybe some cupcakes better suit the occasion?” bitty only cast his most deadly withering glare at shitty, which in turn only make shitty laugh harder than he had before. 
as shitty disappeared around the corner, the other team members already long gone, bitty and jack avoided each others eyes.
“um,” jack began, scratching the back of his neck. “i tried to get the hatty. for you. um, wish i could’ve.” jack was stiff, that much was obvious, but his words were so far from what bitty was expecting, it shocked him out of his state.
“oh honey goodness you played so well, y’all were connecting on those passes and the energy was so good, i couldn’t have hoped for more. you played so well.” bitty reached out for jack, taking his hand from where it rested limply by his side, holding it in both of his own.
“i’m so incredibly proud of you, mister zimmermann.” bitty smiled softly, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the back of jack’s hand.
jack began to smile, his eyes lighting up the way only bitty could make them. 
“so, uh…shitty’s..going home, i guess,” bitty started out quietly, avoiding jack’s eyes once again. “do you…uh, oh god, um, w-we could head home, i made a pie, your favourite of course.” bitty flushed a peachy pink.
“my favourite? how’d you know we’d win?” jack chuckled softly, reaching out for bitty’s waist with his other hand.
“win or lose, i figured maple crusted apple pie was the way to go.” bitty’s returning smile was radiant.
“then yes, let’s go home. but uh, i-” jack paused steeling up his nerves. “i wouldn’t be opposed to…a different kind of dessert? to celebrate. um.” jack coughed abruptly, clearing his throat.
bitty was only a little flustered, a little confused, a lot turned on.
“w-what did you have in mind?” bitty took a step closer still, standing right in jack’s space, easing a hand to rest of jack’s chest.
“w-well, i…” jack paused his eyes falling to the flat piece of pink paper lying face down at their feet. “i’m all of a sudden in the mood for…cupcakes.” jack forced himself to look at bitty, to gauge his reaction. bitty’s cheeks went impossibly pinker, his mouth dropping into a tiny ‘o’ shape, his whole body frozen on the spot.
“t-that could…be arranged,” bitty stuttered out.
and that was that.
the car ride home wasn’t awkward per se, but it wasn’t not that either. there was an overall electricity between them both, anticipation bubbling just under their skin, nervousness bordering on excitement. it was a strange mix of not knowing what to do and wanting to get straight to it.
of course, it couldn’t be that easy, or that sexy. there was no dramatic pressing up against the front door, leaving a trail of clothes to the bedroom where jack immediately began to lick at bitty’s hole with fervour and loud, obnoxious moans and lip smacking. no, instead, it was a quiet home coming.
jack put all his hockey gear away, tossing some laundry in, whipping up a quick protein shake. bitty carefully covered his pie, putting away the cooling rack and utensils with intentions of eating it sometime later. there was only one moment of intensity, and that was jack asking if bitty wanted to shower now or after they “caught up”. bitty opted for now rather than later, knowing he would probably be too keyed up after their “chat” to shower.
so bitty took a shower, and jack waited. patiently so. he even found some interesting articles on the battle of dunkirk to placate himself while he waited. when bitty got out of the shower, warm pink skin and towel damp hair, jack was smitten.
bitty felt a little underdressed in just a pair of boxer briefs and a towel around his shoulders but it was okay, he didn’t think he’d need it for much longer anyway.
jack put his ipad down, easing his reading glasses off and folding them on his side table. he smiled softly at bitty, reaching out for the boy standing precariously near the end of the bed.
bitty climbed on with ease, snuggling himself close to jack and under the covers, the room was so cold compared to the shower. jack rested his arm over bitty’s shoulder and began talking.
“so. i…know we kind of, vaguely, talked about this but. i want to be sure, that we’re on the same page, yes?” jack spoke softly, his head resting on top of bitty’s.
“i…yes, i think we are,” bitty began. “i…didn’t know this was something i wanted to try until, well, until i saw you lookin’ at me like that when you saw shitty’s sign. i..i guess i never thought about it, as like, a thing. for, um, us. i didn’t think it was something boys really did outside of like…” bitty trailed off, but jack knew what he meant.
“i think…there shouldn’t be any rules, you know what shitty says about that stuff, i have to agree. it’s new but…i would like to try if you would. i think…it would be nice.” jack moved a little farther to get a better look at bitty’s facial expression.
“yes,” bitty nodded intently. “i want to try. please.” jack and bitty locked eyes, and then all bets were off.
jack rolled on top of bitty, combing his fingers through bitty’s damp strands, tugging lightly as he kissed him fervently. bitty was helpless to do anything but kiss back, his whole body tingling in the places where jack was touching him.
jack began to trail his kisses lower, behind bitty’s ear, along the jut of his jaw, in the dip of his neck, wetter and longer and rougher kisses as he went. bitty felt himself getting quiet, in a soft familiar kind of way. jack’s kisses were lulling him into a state of ease, and bitty welcomed it with open arms.
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Avengers 4 trailer hype has you just where Marvel wants you
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/avengers-4-trailer-hype-has-you-just-where-marvel-wants-you/
Avengers 4 trailer hype has you just where Marvel wants you
Rumor has it the long-awaited Avengers 4 trailer will hit this week, and Marvel fans are ready. They’ve been awaiting this trailer for months — possibly since credits rolled on Avengers: Infinity War back in April.
How ready are they? 
Several dozen people on Twitter have changed their handles to some version of “GIVE TRAILER UNTITLED AVENGERS.” Fans using the Twitter hashtag #MARVELVSTHEFANS have made multiple videos begging the Avengers 4 directors for the trailer. Fans on Reddit have shared, then deleted, moment-by-moment descriptions of what supposedly happens in the trailer, based on unofficial leaks. They’ve pored over the social media accounts of the film’s directors and stars, looking for clues to a trailer release date and a title.
Complicated theories about a trailer release date for the film have arisen based on past practices, planned events and possibly the waxing and waning of the moon. Expectations were high for the trailer to drop on Wednesday, Dec. 5. But on Tuesday, rumors began to spread that Marvel would wait until Friday to respect Wednesday’s solemn event, the state funeral of former US president George H.W. Bush. Marvel did not respond to a request for comment on whether this supposed schedule was accurate.
Trailer watchers have been burned before. Fans hoped Wednesday, Nov. 28 would be the big day. It was almost a year after the Avengers: Infinity War trailer came out, and the film’s directors, brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, were speaking that night in Hollywood at a screening of Infinity War sponsored by Collider.
But that date, and the Q&A, came and went with no trailer reveal.
Footage on demand
The first ever trailer was shown in a New York Loews cinema in way back in 1913, and it wasn’t even for a movie. Instead, it was a short film made to advertise the Broadway musical The Pleasure Seekers. But it was a brilliant hook: Tease entertainment seekers with a preview of another piece of entertainment they might enjoy. Naturally, the promotional films took off.
Star Wars and superhero films create the most intense demand for trailers.
Trailer hysteria isn’t new, but it’s certainly reached new heights, thanks to YouTube and social media, as well as the continued boom of sci-fi and superhero flicks. Studios have even managed to squeeze a little more publicity out of their trailers by offering super-short versions, often called teaser trailers.
Anton Volkov saw trailer love growing back in 2016, when he started a movie-news Twitter account and website he called Trailer Track. A wry quote from writer-director James Mangold that’s pinned to the top of the site’s Twitter account sums up the current trailer infatuation: “[Trailers] tend to debut a few weeks after you’ve reached a peak of frustration,” it reads. “Marketing’s like foreplay.”
“This sort of level of anticipation for marketing materials, be it trailers or posters, was always there,” Volkov says. “It’s just becoming … more mainstream.”
Constant intrigue
William Bibbiani is a film critic and co-host of Canceled Too Soon, a podcast about short-lived TV shows, and the movie podcast Critically Acclaimed. He agrees trailer madness goes back — at least decades. 
“Audiences were so excited for Tim Burton’s original Batman [in 1989] that many people bought tickets to another movie, just to see the trailer in a theater, and then left before the actual film began,” he said.
The trailer for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace created similar buzz 20 years ago. CNET film critic Richard Trenholm calls that era, with no Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, a “veritable Stone Age” as far as viewing trailers. He notes that Steve Jobs described the second Phantom Menace trailer as “the biggest internet download event in history.”
Three major developments in the 2000s ratcheted up the hype, Bibbiani says. 
High-speed internet connections allow fans to consume trailers and marketing materials instantly and share their reactions just as quickly. The surge of successful superhero movies made “geeky blockbusters” the norm — who better than a self-proclaimed geek to dissect even the smallest movie detail? And the 24-hour online entertainment-news cycle has created a beast that’s always hungry.
“Fans of these properties are being kept in a state of constant intrigue, so that new trailers — or even the conspicuous absence of new trailers — become big events, even though they are, at their core, just commercials,” Bibbiani said.
Building the buzz
Marvel’s extreme level of secrecy about an Avengers 4 trailer is getting all the attention lately, but it’s not the norm.
In 2017, extended footage from Avengers: Infinity War was shown in summer at both San Diego Comic-Con and Disney fan gathering D23. Though that footage wasn’t shared on YouTube at the time, some of those fans revealed what they saw, and word spread.
But we’ve seen nothing for Avengers 4 besides a release date and basic plot synopsis.
“I think it’s quite clear that (Marvel executives) have spotted how much buzz and conversation the very lack of content and the secrecy generates,” Volkov said.
Even dedicated fans understand it’s all a part of Marvel’s business. Alex Rodriguez, 19, started a Twitter account this year called MCU Speculation to share news and theories about the studio.
“The hype and the tension builds up more and more for each day that the trailer doesn’t get released online,” Rodriguez said. “This makes for a huge launch for the trailer.”
Now playing: Watch this: Watch the ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ official trailer
Trailers still serve a purpose. Hard-core fans, the kind who wear costumes to midnight showings and buy day-one tickets well in advance, are going to see Avengers 4, preview or no preview. But a trailer can help sell a film to more general audiences.
“When a film like Avengers 4 comes in, there’s always at least one writer for a site making the argument that maybe that film can get away with not releasing a single trailer,” Volkov said. But he notes Marvel isn’t about to leave millions on the table by not marketing the film to pull in an even larger audience.
And studio dollar-signs aside, trailers create a social experience that can be just pure fun.
“The urge to share certain experiences simultaneously is often irresistible,” Bibbiani said. “And why wouldn’t it be? Who doesn’t love a good trailer, and who wouldn’t want to talk about it with their friends? Especially if it’s trending on Twitter?”
There are ways to deliver the goods without driving fans to Thanos-size levels of insanity. Some studios and distributors make pretrailer announcements. Fox and Warner Brothers have even used a Facebook and YouTube feature that counts down to the arrival of an uploaded trailer. Volkov thinks this is a smart way to build anticipation for the movie while easing fan frustration.
Movies with dramatic events that are easily spoiled have to play trailers carefully, so plot twists aren’t ruined. Isn’t that right, Thanos?
When a trailer finally does drop, its actual content sometimes has little to do with the film’s quality.
“We’ve all seen good films that weren’t well served by their promotional campaigns, and we’ve all seen disappointing films that looked pretty good in trailer form,” Bibbiani noted.  
An extreme example of this was 2016’s Suicide Squad, whose trailer was such a hit Warner Bros. actually brought in the company that cut the trailer to help edit the entire film. (It didn’t help: Suicide Squad ended up with mixed to negative critical reviews.)
But recent films at the center of the trailer storm have unanswered questions that make their trailers even more coveted — even though the previews themselves will have to walk a fine line or risk too many spoilers.
Drawing out the wait for a trailer only makes the desire for footage more intense.
“The upcoming trailers for Avengers 4 and Star Wars: Episode IX are bound to be huge pop culture events, because both previews will … answer questions that fans have been speculating about for months,” Bibbiani said. “What really happened after The Snap? And will (Episode IX director) J.J. Abrams continue down Rian Johnson’s controversial path from The Last Jedi, or will he make the next Star Wars movie more like his relatively safer Episode VII?”
The trailers are unlikely to tell us, but fans will watch them intently regardless. In 2018, anything released before a much anticipated movie, from a poster to an Instagram image, will be picked apart by viewers and entertainment sites hungry for clues. Apparently the cat in the recent poster for 2019’s Captain Marvel isn’t just a cat. And in September, the Russo brothers tossed out a Where’s Waldo?-style challenge, inviting fans to “look hard” at what appears to be a boring black-and-white image of an almost-empty Avengers 4 set.
Drawing out the wait for a trailer only makes the desire for footage more intense. The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War wasn’t released until four months after footage was shared at Comic-Con and D23, which gave fans more than 100 days to moan and complain online. Even Marvel Studios co-president Louis D’Esposito tried to soothe trailer-hungry fans by tweeting that he loved the IW trailer, but wasn’t ready to share it yet. When the trailer finally came out, however, fans made up for lost time. The original Infinity War trailer has been viewed more than 214 million times.
Start the countdown
Volkov says the anticipation for Avengers 4 is the biggest he’s seen for any film since starting his site in 2016. After that, he ranks Avengers: Infinity War, Justice League, and war movie Dunkirk as the most anticipated.
“It does just come down to superhero and Star Wars films being the biggest game in town in terms of general interest and box office today,” he said.
Once the Avengers 4 trailer finally drops, look for fans to start demanding the second trailer, Volkov says. And naturally, interest in Star Wars: Episode IX, due out in December 2019, will be galactically high.
Now playing: Watch this: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ trailer debuts
But while the final film in the main Star Wars saga holds many mysteries, a trailer date might not be one of them.
“At least in the case of Episode 9, it’s fairly clear and obvious that (the trailer debut) has to be at Star Wars Celebration in April,” Volkov says.
You heard him, fans. Start the countdown. Only four months to go.
First published Dec. 4, 9 a.m. PT. Update, 9:29 p.m. PT: Adds likelihood that trailer won’t be released Wednesday, as rumored, due to the funeral of George H.W. Bush. 
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