#i was thinking back to the line in hey little songbird ‘see how the vipers and vultures surround you’ in reference to the fates. so like.
roadtohadestown · 5 years
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welcome to my hadestown vampire au *jazz hands*
i know we already have a vampire au somewhere in the fandom, bUT i wanted my own because it was literally the only thing i could think about for a week.
now let’s talk about it ٩( ᐛ )و
first thing’s first, let’s talk about persephone. persephone is a world-renowned vampire hunter.
in the past, she was happily in love with hades; however, in the middle of their engagement, she discovered that hades was a vampire
he was human when they met, but was turned just recently (it'd only been a couple weeks since it happened)
persephone—although angry he didn't tell her sooner—doesn't leave him. she agrees to stay with him and allows him to drink some of her blood.
ok, let’s establish some vampire things in this au before we continue.
when someone is turned into a vampire, at first everything is fine. but obviously you gotta feed soon. when drinking blood, newly-turned vampires often don’t drink too much considering how new they are to the whole vampire thing (they’re probably like. grossed out). if you take in too little blood / not a decent amount, you start to get these urges: you lose control of yourself and have a strong desire to feed. this strong desire can lead you to turn others into vampires (turning someone is caused by draining a human entirely of their blood). this CAN happen when you get one of these urges, but it might not. you just happen to take in more than you were before, and this could possibly result in entirely draining someone. the more you try to suppress your urge to feed, the worse it becomes.
(these urges are usually triggered by little blood intake, but can also just come in at random times in your life. they become a bit more frequent the older you become.)
persephone allows hades to drink from her but not a whole lot, and she trusts him enough not to turn her. (she loves him anyways, so she trusts him.)
however, what they didn’t know was about the urges. when hades was first turned, he didn’t know of any of this. and neither did persephone. since she’d only been letting him drink some of her blood, this little intake caused one of these urges to occur—
while drinking, hades felt himself lose control midway, almost draining persephone entirely. she started to grow weak. she desperately struggled to pull away and eventually did. hades apologized afterwards, saying he didn't know what got into him. even so, persephone felt herself trust him a little less since.
after that time, persephone’s looked more into vampires to try to help hades. learning that hades would have to drink more to control himself, persephone allowed him to drink more from her than he usually had. (she doesn’t want anyone else to get hurt and would rather he do it to her than another human being.)
however, as hades does this more, he realizes how weak it makes persephone and how much it hurts her. hades feels guilty about this and (without her knowledge) sneaks away to feed off of others than rely solely on persephone.
time passes. one day persephone reads something in the newspaper: a huge mass of people found dead and resurrected as vampires, all in such a short span of time. she later discovers that this had been done by hades, who seems to be struggling to control his urges more and more
the idea of more people turning into vampires fills persephone with grief; she can only imagine the amount of pain this must be causing people and their families. unable to cope with hades's doing, she leaves him and becomes a vampire hunter.
over time, she uses her knowledge from being with hades (and her studies) to set out and kill as many vampires as she could, soon givng her the title of world-renowned vampire hunter
although being a vampire hunter, persephone refuses to kill hades. she knows doing so would only keep the cycle going (if he stays alive he'll continue to turn more humans), but even so...she can't bear the idea of killing him. (she still loves him, doesn’t she ??) she just can’t.
after persephone left him, hades has only gotten worse. he's become angrier and distraught without persephone there to soothe him or be at his side to comfort him. it isn't before long that he feels he’s lost himself entirely.
note that no one really knows of persephone and hades relationship. no one really knew that they were in love; and considering hades is a vampire and seph a vampire hunter, no one even suspects it.
flash forward to present day. eurydice finds herself walking alone at night and is soon jumped by a vampire. she tries to defend herself with whatever martial arts moves she can manage, but to no avail; she is eventually pinned against the wall and struggles to break free from the vampire’s grasp.
suddenly, she’s saved by persephone, who kills him with a silver bullet to the head
eurydice recognizes persephone and thanks her. (she doesn't freak out like "oH My gOSH yOu'RE pERsEphONe" because she's not like. fangirl level. just a calm "oh hey, you're that famous vampire hunter...persephone, right? thanks for saving me.")
they chat a little, then part ways. but before eurydice leaves, persephone gives her a silver bullet as a gift.
eurydice keeps this and makes it into a necklace that she always wears around her neck. (i just thought it’d be cool to have her wear a bullet necklace ok shhhh)
since then, eurydice's dabbled in the art of vampire killing. she hasn't actually tried out the activity herself, but has studied quite a bit on vampires and how to kill them.
one day, she walks around at night in the city, but this time, she's armed with a stake just in case she gets jumped again.
while walking, she hears a soft singing. a beautiful voice resounds its way through the alleyways. curious of the source, she follows the voice until she comes across a boy on the roof of a building, legs dangling over the edge and playing his guitar as he sings.
"hey!" eurydice calls from below. she startles the boy, who literally fumbles around for five seconds and nearly drops his guitar in the process. "s-sorry!! i didn't mean to startle you."
"no, no, it's fine!" he awkwardly laughs, putting down his guitar.
"you have a beautiful voice, by the way."
"sorry, i know i interrupted you just to tell you something small, but—“
"no really, don't worry about it! i appreciate it." he thinks for a second before eurydice can walk away. "uhh, do you wanna...come up here and chat for a bit?"
"um...sure why not?" eurydice had blurted this out without much thought; in the moment, the idea of whether or not this guy might be a vampire doesn't strike her. but now that it does, she quickly prepares herself. she'd been invited into his potential trap, and she just agreed to step right in. why did i say yes? if he's a vampire, this is a fucking suicide mission. stupid eurydice, fuck—
the ladder leading to the roof is at the side of the building, so she goes up.
eurydice reluctantly sits down beside him.
"hey," he greets her with a smile, "i'm orpheus."
"eurydice," she says firmly. her eyes flit around to examine him from head to toe. he doesn't seem suspicious…and he doesn’t really give me vampire vibes…
orpheus slowly nods, waiting for her to say something else to drag the conversation along, but she doesn't. however, he does notice her eyeing him suspiciously. maybe i shouldn't have invited her…??
but what orpheus can admit is that—wow she looks so pretty, especially under the moonlight oh my gosh she’s gorgeous.
eurydice eventually stops examining him because she sees him noticing.
“so...you play the guitar. can you play a song for me?”
he agrees and starts singing a song he’s been working on. eurydice gets too caught up in his singing that she totally forgets about the oh-shit-he-might-be-a-vampire thing.
while listening to him, she realizes she might have a teeeeeny bit of a crush on this guy. he’s very cute. and has a very nice voice. also plays the guitar really well. wow i think i might be in love—
when he finishes, eurydice compliments him once more and thanks him. realizing it’s getting a bit late, she says she’s gotta go.
“do you wanna meet again tomorrow afternoon?”
orpheus frowns. “i don’t know if i can do the afternoon...”
“how about tomorrow night? same time as now? oh wait, are you usually up this la—”
“i’ll be there.”
she nods, and smiles. “see you tomorrow, orpheus.”
(eurydice’s still enamored by orpheus that she doesn’t realize him being able to meet her at night than the afternoon is a little...suspicious 👀👀)
so about orpheus: orpheus is actually a vampire.
but he doesn’t like it.
orpheus was born a vampire when his parents were very late in life (they’ve been around for a long time, but didn’t decide until hundreds of years later to have a baby ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). after his parents died when he was very, very young (vampire hunters djskskndm), orpheus was abandoned; but soon found by hermes, who took him in.
immediately upon finding orpheus, hermes knew he as a vampire. but even so, considering he was left alone, and was too little to fend for himself, he took him in.
being a human, hermes was unable to teach orpheus how to,, y’know,, properly be a vampire. but here’s the thing: hermes has Connections. he actually knows some fellow vamps—these being clotho, lachesis, and atropos (aka, your lovely fates). every now and then they visit hermes and orpheus and teach orpheus all the vampire shtuff he needs to know.
since orpheus has basically grown up with them in his life, the fates have kinda just,, become his aunts tbh hjshsjdh
before the fates came along, orpheus had already grown to hate his vampiric side. so once they came into the picture, he’d do whatever he had to when they taught him, but he never really agreed to the concept of it. (he has to learn these things for his survival, but gosh, he really wishes he didn’t have to go through all this.) he just really doesn’t like being a vampire okie—
for one, he hates drinking blood. obviously he’s just gotta deal with it, but if there was any way he could not do that, he would. secondly, he hates not being able to bask in the sun. (as vampires get older, their resistance to the sun becomes much worse. so when they’re younger, they could stay in the sun for hours and hours before it becomes detrimental to them.) before the fates, orpheus would always sit around outside and stare at the sky, be it night or day. his favorites were whenever he’d watch the sunrise, which he always considered the most magical time of day. as he grew older, this routine obviously had to stop. but still—he misses sunrises.
the guitar orpheus has was given to him by hermes. (it was hermes’s old guitar.) hermes is the one who taught orpheus how to play.
on the topic of urges, orpheus……...is a weird one. he hasn’t actually experienced one yet, despite that he’s been around for quite a while. the fates find this pretty odd. hm.
upon meeting eurydice, orpheus doesn’t really wanna tell her who he really is right then and there. as aforementioned, he doesn’t really like being a vampire, so why tell her, y’know ??
he hopes he can keep this a secret from her for as long as he can, but obviously that doesn’t last...
this is the first time i’ve actually fleshed out an au, and planning all this only gave me 2015 writing nostalgia (back when i was a daily fanfic writer ahsjhsbd)
ANYWAYS. this was fun. i’ll draw more soon 😘
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