#i was waiting for nanao’s cover to drop to make this
rose-in-the-snow · 11 months
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The family’s all together!!
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bleachhaven · 3 years
Congrats on 1500 followers😊😊😊 can I request NSFW headcanons/scenario of Shunsui coming home late and waking up his wife for sex💋 Thanks!!!
Yes please goddamn it! I love these request for everyone’s favorite Bleach husband!
I have many feels about this man and I intended to write headcanons but this turned into a scenario instead. So this turned out to be almost 1900 words. I clearly got carried away, and it is evident that I have thought about this scenario way too much. I won’t apologize for it. Shunsui seduced me by simply existing!
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Kyouraku Shunsui comes home late to wake up his wife for some lovin’ (smut)
One would think that after 10 years of being the new Soutaicho, Shunsui would be able to come home at a decent time. He does have two, not just one, fuktaichos after all. But that’s not the case most of the time. The Soutaicho’s work is never really over and definitely never on a time that was convenient for him or the people in his life.
With both him and his wife being in the Gotei 13, their busy schedules almost always ensures that they keep missing each other even if they do indeed live in the same house.
Sure they’d carve out time to be with each other, plan elaborate date nights overlooking sunsets with extravagant picnics...but still his job did take its toll. Some nights they’d both be home at a relatively decent time but they would be far too exhausted to do anything other than take a quick shower and go to sleep.
Lately, it’s been busier than most. The new Taicho of the 13th Division was being finally appointed. Kuchiki Rukia was an exemplary candidate, and Shunsui had every faith that she would do right by the division that was once held by his beloved best friend, but the paperwork for the new appointment and subsequent transition was, to put it mildly, a pain in the ass.
Today had been hectic. His last responsibility had been to visit the 13th Division’s barracks and make sure all the finer details were finalized with Rukia. Sure, someone else could have done it and he would have passed it on to the nearest unsuspecting subordinate had it been any other division. But it wasn’t. It was the 13th and the 13th was always Juu’s. Shunsui had to do it himself. It was the right thing to do.
However, that hadn’t really gone well at all. 
The official business was, of course, successfully concluded. Nanao-chan had taken care of everything, and Rukia was not only ready but eager to take on her responsibilities starting tomorrow, after the official announcement at the Taichos’ meeting. 
Except, walking past the Ugendo, and being reminded that Jushiro wasn’t there...it had put him in quite the dark mood. This announcement meant an ending he really was not yet ready to face. The 13th would no longer be Juu’s. Just another reminder that his best friend was gone and never coming back. It was...just painful in a purely illogical and gut wrenching way.
He’d wandered the seireitei streets, hoping to lose the cloud over his mind so he didn’t take it back home to his unsuspecting wife, but it hadn’t helped much.
When he finally got home, she was fast asleep. Maybe that was for the best. If she had been awake, she would have definitely wanted to talk it out with him. She could sense his mood in an uncanny way. But Shunsui wasn’t in a mind to talk. Not tonight.
They weren’t the kind of couple to wear fancy nightclothes to bed. In fact, they both chose not to wear anything at all. Shunsui’s body anyway ran quite warm and clothes would feel suffocating, so he slept fully nude. When he first met his wife, she loved her cute pyjamas and sexy négligée. Of course he couldn’t resist her in them. But after a while, he succeeded in convincing her the benefits of sleeping nude. Now, he knew, she wore nothing but panties under the covers.
He quickly took a shower to wash away the day’s grime and dried himself before dropping the towel on the floor. His wife would have his head for him leaving it there but...he had a lot on his mind tonight. 
He slowly walked up to the bed and stood there for a moment looking down at her. She looked so peaceful as she slept. No concerns furrowed her brows, and her lashes rested upon her smooth cheeks. She was sleeping on her side, facing the side on which Shunsui slept, her hand reaching out as if she meant to hold him. As if she yearned for him in his absence. 
The sheets were bunched up, barely covering her. One shapely calf teased him, inviting to be touched. He had no intentions of  resisting he temptation. He slowly ran his hand up her calf, feeling the smoothness and the firmness of her leg all the way up to her knee. He kept moving upward, lifting the sheet as he went, to rest his hand on her thigh.
She stirred a bit, and twisted away to lie flat upon her back. He quickly retracted his hand. He didn’t want to wake her. Not yet anyway.
When she moved, the sheet moved with her, unwrapping her like she was his favorite candy ready to be devoured. Her curves in all their glory were bared to his eye.
Her nipples were already pebbling, teased by the cold air in the room. He aided the task by moving his index finger up over her abdomen, his touch so slow and feather light. He flicked a nipple and watched it stand upright as if begging for his mouth.
His mind made up, he climbed up on the bed. He took his time, unrestrained by anything demanding upon him. Tonight, even his wife couldn’t distract him by trying to pleasure him. Instead, he got to explore her body as he wished to do so.
He moved over her delicate neck, the back of his hand caressing the soft skin there. Usually, whenever they made love, he worshipped her body as if it’s the only religion he’d ever known. But tonight, his mood was different. Tonight, he wanted to devour her, not delicately or lovingly, but with a passion that would consume them like an inferno. It was already burning him inside, this desperate need to take her, and take her hard. Tonight he wanted to sacrifice them both at the altar of his darkest desires.
Almost as if she could sense his thoughts, her eyes opened to look up at him, a bit confused and still half asleep. “Shunsui?”
“Shh...” he hushed her.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice still husky with sleep. There it is again...that uncanny ability to read him like an open book.
He stared into her eyes, and she easily read his intentions. “I don’t want to talk about it, love,” he told her. “I just...want you.”
She didn’t say anything more. She simply held out her arms to pull him into her embrace. He fell into her, perhaps even crushing her, his body settling right between her spread thighs.
Their kiss was almost fervent with need. At least that’s what it felt like for him. No gentle romancing tonight. No soft seductive kisses or delicate nibbles. His mouth devoured hers, teeth biting into her full bottom lip. The wiry hair on his chest rubbed tantalizingly against her breasts. They both marveled at the contrast -soft curves against hard planes, smooth skin against the roughness. 
One hand wound up in her hair at the back of her head, holding her still as he took what he needed from her. The other hand moved between their bodies to reach down and find that his earlier ministrations as she slept had her wet and ready for him.
“I don’t think I can wait, petal,” he whispered, scraping his teeth across her jaw. His hardness pressed against her soft thigh told her as much anyway.
She reached up and sunk her hands into his hair, undoing the ties. The pull on his scalp was painful but strangely arousing. Her gaze bore into his, and it drove him insane to see the same intense desire reflected back at him. “I’m not asking you to wait, Shunsui. Fuck me. Now.”
With well practiced rhythm, he buried himself in one thrust. Face to face, pressed up close like this, he could see her eyes close shut, and her teeth bite that lip as he stretched her. A bit of pain mixed with pleasure. It amazed him how even after all this time, that first slide into her wet heat could still feel like the first time he was ever inside of her. It had him ready to burst in no time already, and he hadn’t even moved yet.
“Love, I don’t think I can go slow tonight,” he said, apologetic that he might not be able to make it good for her like he was wont to do.
She wrapped her legs around his hips, taking him even deeper if possible. “I didn’t ask you to, did I? Just fuck me already, Shun,” she said, biting his ear playfully. His wife was a sassy little thing that drove him crazy sometimes.
With one hand resting by the side of her head for leverage, he held on to her hip with the other as he began to move. Considering how much bigger he was compared to her, he had to hunch a bit, but this was his absolute favorite position. He felt close to her in every possible way and he got to see just how she looked when she came apart for him. 
As he moved over her, thrusting deep, her moans filled their room, like music to his ears. “Yes...god, yes. Just like that...” His wife loved to let him know just how well he was doing at pleasing her.
His thrusts became faster and harder. He was so close. So close that he was afraid he might cum before her, which he had never done in their entire marriage. But she was right there with him, taking his desires into her lithe little body as if she was made for him. The harder he went, the more she took it, finally until they both burst into pieces...his tension easing away as the intensity of the orgasm eased in.
They were both gasping by the end of it, trying to catch their breath. It has been a long time since they went at each other like this - intense and fast. A definite contrast to their slow, sensual lovemaking.
He realized his hand was still holding tight to her hip. He let go and reached up to cup her face. “Did I hurt you?”
“Mmmm...I don’t think so,” she moaned, stretching a bit, the movement hardening him all over again. Her eyes widened in surprise at his non-existent refraction period. “Again? Really?”
He grinned lecherously down at her. “I can’t help it when I have such a sexy little wife, now can I?” he asked teasingly. Playfulness was always a good distraction, and he wanted her distracted enough that she wouldn’t question him about the reason why he had woken her up in the first place.
By the time they were finally done with round two, the exhaustion of the day caught up with Shunsui, and he was out like a light, cradling his wife. The last thing he thought was how lucky he was that he had someone who truly understood him and what he needed.
She gazed down at his sleeping form with a sad smile. She knew her husband was troubled, and it was clearly evident that he was not willing to talk about it. After all, you weren’t with someone for years and years without learning to read everything they did and didn’t say. And with Shunsui, it was always the things he didn’t say or hid behind a playful seductive remark that revealed more.
She wouldn’t press him. Not until he was ready to tell her, which she knew with experience would happen sooner than later. So she pressed a soft kiss to his stubbly cheek, and settled down next to him. His arms unconsciously wrapped around her, cradling her in his body heat. It was always easier to fall asleep when he was next to her, so that’s just what she did.
Written for the
✨ 1500 Followers Celebration ✨
…and requests for this are officially now closed.
Thank you to everyone who sent in their requests! I had a blast writing them ALL. This blog is officially at 1600!! 
We shall have another celebration at the 2000 milestone :)
Normal Ask Box is open for requests so send in your Bleach fantasies today!
Or check out more of my work through the Masterlist here!
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Taichi Nanao Relationship Headcanons
A/N: I wrote these out in one sitting while watching The Great British Bake Off with my dad, please feel free to send in any more requests as I love spending time on them
CW(s): none
❦ Taichi Nanao
Taichi will try to do everything in his power to make you happy as a thank you for being with him
He can barely believe someone as amazing as you is willingly in a relationship with him; he’s always wanted to have a significant other, but once he has you he is beside himself on what to do
He will fumble when it comes to romantic gestures, and at the beginning of the relationship he’ll nervously reenact every romance cliche with some research help from Muku
You’ll either have to wait out the stage of him constantly trying to impress you, or you can just tell him to be himself since he’s the only you like; not some idealized romance version of him
Taichi had brought you flowers for the nth time, and it was starting to get out of hand. Your room was covered in various bouquets and you were running out of vases to put them in. You had sent him to wait on the couch in the living room as you raked through the contents of all the cabinets for an empty vase. Eventually, you figured that you might just have to divide the bouquet flower by flower so you could put it in with the other occupied vases. You began to plan it in your head (these red flowers would look best with the red roses and the baby's breath could look nice with the lilies) when you heard shuffling in the other room and remembered your boyfriend's presence. You walked back to the room he was in. He was nervously ringing his hands in a way that just seemed so uncharacteristically him. Once he noticed your presence his eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face. "Hey!" he waved as he spoke. You raised your hand in response. "Taichi, can I ask why you keep bringing me flowers?" "Oh, uh, because-" "Is it because you think that that's what you're supposed to do?" you cut him off. As soon as your words registered a blush crept from his ears to his noise, positively lighting his face in crimson. You couldn't help but give a small laugh in response. Hey! What's so funny?" Taichi asked, anxiety accidentally creeping into his voice. "Well, it feels like you're doing some of these things not because you would, but because someone has told you you're supposed to. And if that's the case, I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to do that. I'm dating you because I like you Taichi, not some idealized shoujo manga of yourself. You don't have to go out of your way, I just want you to be yourself." Taichi nodded in response, a sigh escaping his lips. He quickly launched himself towards you and engulfed you in a hug. Never before had he felt so grateful for you.
The puppy love stage with Taichi is intense, but in all honesty, the ‘puppy love’ never completely disappears with him, he just becomes slightly more relaxed as time goes on
Taichi would love it if you shared with him your interests no matter what they are, and would definitely love to learn any hobbies of yours (and he really wants to show you his interests as well)
He’d definitely love to teach you origami; sometimes the two of you can be seen sitting on the floor of his room, origami cranes, frogs, dragons, and other assorted animals surrounding the two of you
No matter how ‘bad’ every origami piece you make is, he will try and keep every single one
He may even try to teach you some simple yo-yo tricks if you don’t know any already
Taichi would absolutely adore being able to go skateboarding with you, but if you don’t know how he’d unsurprisingly love to show you how
After any session of teaching you how to skateboard he always makes sure to bandage any scrapes and leaves a kiss a top every band-aid when he places them
You were sitting on top of the bathroom sink counter, Taichi bent down in front of you. You could hear the crinkling of another band-aid wrapper as he unwrapped it, carefully placing it on top of one of your scrapes. "Sorry." he mumbled. "For what?" He hesitated, "I feel kinda bad that you got all scraped up." You smiled at his earnestness. "It's fine, Taichi. I agreed to have you help teach me to skateboard and I knew there would be injuries in the process." He nodded in response, placing a soft kiss to the center of the band-aid causing you to blush again. For whatever reason, Taichi felt the best course of action for your minor cuts and bruises was to bandage them and place a butterfly kiss atop each one. You weren't necessarily complaining, but you couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed by just how sweet your boyfriend was and also at just how many times you fell. "You really need to start wearing kneepads or these scrapes will never heal." he chided you. You just nodded in response and filed 'go buy safety equipment' into the back of your head for the following day.
Taichi is another one who needs validation; if something goes wrong or the two of you get into an argument, he may need the reassurance that you aren’t going to unexpectedly drop him
He loves to constantly hold hands or just be in contact with you
He’ll gladly cuddle with you if you’re okay with it, and would definitely be the type to just lie down with you and peacefully watch a movie while he holds you
Any boundaries that you set, he may forget when he’s incredibly excited but he’ll immediately remember after accidentally breaking it and will profusely apologize
If he ever feels as if he did something wrong he’ll profusely apologize out of fear of rejection and your disappointment; in response just kiss him on the forehead and assure everything is okay
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cycbean · 3 years
Hello there
Wanted to dip my toes into this pairing. Don’t mind me...
This is a really (really) rough draft of the first chapter of a concept I had. 
Quiet Minds
Chapter 1
‘…there she stood in the doorway,
I heard the mission bell,
And I was thinking to myself,
This could be heaven or this could be hell…’
“Sir? Is that all?”
The cashier behind the counter looked at Ichigo expectantly. Ichigo couldn’t hear her thoughts but there was definitely disapproval in her eyes, probably due to the fact that he had not removed the headphones from his ears when he had come up to the counter, and his music was so loud that she could undoubtedly hear some of it. Ichigo was unbothered by this. He was already used to receiving this look.
He nodded. “Sure.”
“That’ll be four-hundred yen, then.”
Ichigo watched the way her lips formed the words and withdrew the correct amount of cash. Waving off her proffered plastic bag, he pocketed the cigarettes and gum and stepped out of the convenience store to the sound of Don Felder’s electric guitar.
When he was a bit away from the store he retrieved a cigarette and lit it, trying to relax himself.
Standing on a street corner, he watched the other people milling about. Some of them were also freshmen and would be his peers for the next year, and perhaps even the next four years. He considered, briefly, if he should remove his headphones and listen for a bit. Three years ago, he had similarly stood before the front gates of Karakura High School and thought the same thing. Back then, he hadn’t started smoking yet.
Ichigo put the cigarette out, stuffed a piece of minty fresh gum in his mouth and headed off to the Student Accommodations office.
“I’m sorry, Kurosaki-kun, there’s nothing we can do.”
The bespectacled woman, Ise Nanao, her staff badge read, shuffled through his papers like there might appear information there she hadn’t already been through.
“Though your circumstances do seem somewhat special, it’s not enough to warrant any special kind of accommodation.”
Though Ichigo still hadn’t removed his headphones, he had turned the volume down, so he could hear her voice a little. She sounded genuinely regretful.
“I understand,” he said. “Thank you, though.”
He got up, accepting the file of his documents from the woman. She gave him a sympathetic look.
“Although,” she said suddenly, “If there is a short number of lodgers this semester, I can make sure that you get a room to yourself. However, I don’t want to get your hopes up for this. Admissions this year has already reached capacity, so it’s unlikely it will happen.”
“Thank you,” Ichigo said sincerely before he left.
When he had been applying for universities far away from his hometown, he had known that this would be an issue. The dorms didn’t allow for single rooms, not for freshmen at least. To be by himself, he would have to rent outside the campus, something the rich kids did with ease but which was too expensive for Ichigo, considering he would be paying for it himself given that his scholarship only covered tuition and books. He had expected, with his luck, he would end up rooming with someone. Despite this expectation, he hadn’t quite figured out how he was going to survive that yet.
Outside Ise Nanao’s office was a small reception room. Walk-in meetings took place here, with more staff members seated behind small wooden desks with a few chairs before them. One meeting caught his attention.
It was a small family, what looked like a grandmother and two grandchildren.
The grandmother and her granddaughter, a pretty young woman, were seated before the staff member. Behind them stood the grandson, a boy about a head shorter than Ichigo but probably around the same age. He stood out by his rather stark white hair.
At first, Ichigo just gave them a passing glance. But as he did this, his eyes caught the movement of the young woman’s lips and he stopped short.
Able to read lips.
That was what she was saying. It struck Ichigo as funny that the thing she was talking about was what he was doing to her right then. Intrigued, Ichigo continued to observe her, basically eavesdropping. From his angle, he could only see the face of the young woman and the staff member.
From what he could gather, the young woman was describing a person who could at least be able to read lips, while the staff member was, regretfully, informing them that that was a skill they had no way of knowing if other students possessed, as it wasn’t usually mentioned on any official documents.
The staff member could only suggest that they put out some sort of advertisement for such a roommate.
This caught Ichigo’s attention. So, one of the grandkids was a student then, and they needed a roommate who could at least read lips. Though he couldn’t hear her, it seemed like the granddaughter could speak and hear just fine, so it probably wasn’t for her. It had to be for the boy then.
Ichigo lingered longer. At this point, the granddaughter shifted her body and Ichigo could no longer see her face. He hesitated for a moment and then did something he hadn’t done in public in years—
He took off his headphones.
Hanging them around his neck, he was immediately assaulted with the sudden influx of noises—a copier somewhere nearby whirring, the squeaky wheels of an office chair being rolled across the floor, and of course, the indistinct sounds of people chatting. Worse than that, though, were the sounds of thinking.
Lucky for Ichigo, there weren’t many people around. Behind him, he thought he heard Ise Nanao think about whether she should have lunch with her uncle or not. A maintenance man working on an elevator nearby was wondering where his screwdriver was. And of course, there was the family before him.
Ichigo focused in on the granddaughter, just in time for him to hear, quite distinctly, Poor Tōshirō.
Tōshirō, he assumed, was the white-haired boy.
The staff member: I wish I could help, but I can’t do anything for you.
The grandmother: Tōshirō, this school is so big, will you be okay here?
The granddaughter: Don’t worry, Shiro-chan, it won’t be so bad. We’ll put a message up on the freshman Facebook page and work something out.
Ichigo couldn’t pick up anything from the boy himself, so he tried to focus on him, almost burning a hole into the back of his head.
But there was nothing. Not even white noise.
But then the granddaughter thought something that lit a lightbulb in Ichigo’s head.
Shiro-chan’s been deaf since he was born, he’ll have to get use to things like this sooner or later.
As Ichigo watched, the girl turned to the boy and signed this to him.
So he was deaf, and had been since he was born. Was this why Ichigo couldn’t hear his thoughts? Because he had never learned how to verbalize them?
Ichigo would have continued to listen, but then the door behind him opened and Ise Nanao stepped out. Ichigo became aware of her presence because he distinctly heard her think Oh, Kurosaki-kun’s still here, and he swung around.
“Kurosaki-kun? Was there something else?”
Ichigo quickly returned his headphones to his ears, to which she raised her eyebrows.
“Is there a freshman Facebook group?” he asked.
“There is,” she replied, surprised. “There’s a flyer in my office of all the social groups, give me a moment.”
She quickly retrieved the flyer and handed it to Ichigo. By this time, Tōshirō and his family were leaving the office. Ichigo watched them go, catching sight of the other boy’s face for the first time.
He had a very young face, one that hadn’t yet lost the last of its childish roundness. His frown made him seem very serious though, thin white brows furrowed over rather large green eyes. He was signing something to who Ichigo guessed was his sister, though they didn’t look alike, so quickly that Ichigo was only able to discern Don’t bother.
“Will that be all, Kurosaki-kun?”
Ichigo turned his attention back to Ise and nodded.
“Yes, thank you.”
Ichigo didn’t see the small family when he walked out of the building, but he took the flyer with him back to his aunt’s car, slipping it into the folder with his other documents.
When he was safely inside the car, he finally took his headphones off and tossed them in the passenger seat. It was a long drive back to his aunt’s house and he was looking forward to relieving his ears of the headphones. Instead, he turned the radio on.
Adele’s Rolling in the Deep was just getting into its first chorus. He turned the volume up to a level he knew couldn’t be heard outside the closed windows and pulled out from the parking lot.
When Ichigo turned into his aunt’s driveway, his uncle Ganju was waiting for him.
This uncle of his was born too late for Ichigo to call him uncle—he was only a few years older, after all, though when the man wanted to be a special pain, he’d harass Ichigo about his lack of respect for his elders.
Ichigo quickly put his headphones back on, clicking the little Bluetooth button to connect to his phone.
The heavily synthesized beats of Cher’s Believe slowly built up in his ears, effectively deafening him to the sounds around him. Ichigo retrieved his things from the car and stepped out.
“About time you got back,” Ganju greeted him, holding a hand out for the keys. “I’m late for a movie with the boys!”
Ichigo dropped the keys into his palm. “You sound like a girl,” he said flatly.
“What was that, you punk? What part of boys sounds like a girl?”
“Whatever.” Ichigo walked away from him. It didn’t look like his aunt was home yet, so if Ganju was going out then he’d be alone for a few hours.
Behind the wheel, Ganju laid on the horn for a moment, the only way to get Ichigo’s attention when he wasn’t facing him.
“What?” Ichigo yelled at him over his shoulder.
“Give. Bonnie. A. Bath.” Ganju enunciated to him.
Ichigo rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure his Aunt Kukaku had told Ganju to bathe Bonnie this morning.
Bonnie, the little pink pig, was in her playpen in the living room. Neither Kukaku nor Ganju had children, but they did have a pig.
Bonnie squealed and bounded up to Ichigo when he came in. He reached down to pet her head, smiling.
Animals couldn’t think, at least not in a way Ichigo could pick up on, so he removed his headphones and set about filling the bathtub with water. While Bonnie happily splashed around, chewing on some squeaky rubber toy, Ichigo pulled out his phone.
He had been staying with his aunt and uncle for a week and had been mostly ignoring the texts and messages from back home during that time. He had only replied to the ones in the family chat, since it was usually Yuzu checking up on him and it wouldn’t be in his best interest to needlessly worry her.
But his friends had been sending him messages too, and Ichigo had left those unread.
The most recent was from Tatsuki in the group chat: Let us know what time you get back into town, we’re having dinner at Orihime’s.
Ichigo hesitated, but the message had already been open so, at least in a group chat, they would be able to see that he had read it.
Not sure, might be very late, he replied and then quickly put his phone away.
While Bonnie was rolling around on the towels Ichigo had laid out for her on Ganju’s bed, he opened up his laptop. He wasn’t much of a Facebook person, preferring platforms like Reddit and Discord for his online socializing, mostly because he didn’t know another person who used them. But he kept the account around because his friends and family were very much active on it. Bypassing the unchecked notifications, updates, and game requests, he retrieved the flyer and searched for the university’s freshman Facebook group.
It was a very active page, mostly stylized, preppy posts by the admins welcoming the new students and advertising the freshman orientation events that would be running for the next week or so, and also people asking questions.
It seemed like Tōshirō’s sister had wasted no time putting a post up on the page. Her name was Hinamori Momo and her post was asking for a male roommate who knew sign language or lip reading who could room with a deaf person for the next semester. If they were interested, they could contact her via her Facebook profile.
There wasn’t much engagement on the post, a few likes and reactions, but no replies. Ichigo figured anyone serious about it would message Hinamori-san directly. Clicking into her profile, he found pictures of the young woman he had seen at the office before. He had to trawl her page for a moment before he found one with the white-haired Tōshirō.
The picture had been posted only a year ago but had been clearly taken long before. Momo and Tōshirō were much younger, probably in their early teens. They were sitting behind a Harry Potter themed birthday cake, dressed in Harry Potter robes (complete with the pointed hats and all), with Harry Potter decorations in the background. Tōshirō was wearing the iconic round glasses and he was holding a wand. His face was serious even back then but one side of his mouth was tilted up in a little half smile.
Hinamori-san’s caption was:
‘Spent my day celebrating with this guy. Don’t blame me for the picture guys, this is the only one I have. Yes, really.’
And then she followed up with a line of smiling, laughing, and birthday-themed emojis.
Unfortunately, Tōshirō wasn’t tagged in the photo, and a search of Tōshirō Hinamori didn’t yield any results.
Nevertheless, Ichigo opened up a chat with Hinamori-san and quickly typed up a message, letting her know that he knew sign language and lip reading, and was looking for a roommate himself.
He left it at that and closed the laptop.
Bonnie had taken up chewing on the edge of the magazine Ganju kept hidden under his pillow. Ichigo picked her up and brought her back downstairs. The front door was opening, and Ichigo scrambled to get his headphones on while balancing a squeaky pig.
His Aunt Kukaku stepped inside, toting in a few shopping bags.
“Ah, Ichigo, come help me with this.”
Ichigo deposited Bonnie on the couch and went over to her.
“How was registration?” she asked.
“Fine, mostly hassle-free. My move in day is next Wednesday.”
Kukaku leaned a hip against the kitchen counter. “That doesn’t give you much time to spend at home,” she said thoughtfully. “Maybe you should leave today. I don’t mind driving you tonight.”
“No, it’s alright,” Ichigo quickly said. “It’s already late and you just got home from work. Plus, there’s an issue with my roommate I want to sort out here first before I go back.”
“You didn’t get through with the administration then?” his aunt asked, frowning.
He shook his head. “It won’t be so bad though,” he reassured her. “I think my roommate is a quiet guy. I’ll manage.”
Aunt Kukaku looked like she wanted to say more but Ichigo turned away from her, putting away the groceries.
After they had eaten dinner and Ichigo had showered, he opened up his laptop again. There was a message from Hinamori-san.
‘Hello, Kurosaki-kun! Thank you for messaging me! We’ll be on campus tomorrow…how about we have lunch together at the café in the Student Building? Around 12? Let me know. Looking forward to seeing you!’
Hanging his towel over his shoulders to catch the rest of the water dripping from his hair, he quickly typed out a reply:
‘Sure. See you then.’
Oh, my God, they were roommates. What Hogwarts House would Toshiro be in?
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fieryanmitsu · 4 years
Operation: No Curry | A3! Week 2020 – Day 3 (Tsumugi/Izumi)
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The rest of my A3! Week entries are very late! But here’s my piece for Day 3! It’s just something light and silly this time, but please enjoy~
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PROMPTS: Summer|Dorm Life/Roommates|Confession
CHARACTERS: Tsumugi Tsukioka, Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Tsuzuru Minagi, Tenma Sumeragi, Banri Settsu, Taichi Nanao, Hisoka Mikage
PAIRINGS: Tsumugi/Izumi
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
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“Hot… it’s so hot… I’m going to meeeeelt!!” Taichi lamented from his spot on the floor of the Mankai Company’s lounge. The redhead was already wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, but sweat still covered his entire body.
“Damn Sakyo! I can’t believe that cheap old man won’t let us turn on the aircon!” Banri growled from his spot at the table, fanning himself desperately with a paper fan. “And I can’t believe I have to use this stupid fan!”
The fan was one of many that Sakyo had asked Sakoda to prepare for them. The kanji for “Simplicity. Frugality. Temperance.” were emblazoned on the plain white fans in Sakoda’s calligraphy. They had only cost 800 yen for a pack of 20, and Sakoda’s labour was free.
“Well… Sakyo did say he would turn it on when it hits 35 degrees at least…” Sakuya replied, looking up from the script he was reading with one hand – the other also limply held a fan. Even the ever-chipper Spring Troupe leader sounded less enthusiastic than usual.
“It’s freakin’ 34 degrees!! We’re only one degree off, but he still won’t turn it on!” Tenma cried, lifting his head up from where he had laid it on the table. After his outburst, he immediately dropped it back on the table, all energy drained out of him. “Banri… fan me too… I can’t move…”
“Maybe we can ask him to count the humidity level… It’s 87% humidity after all… that’s got to count for an extra degree, right?” Sakuya suggested with a chuckle.
“I’m going to dieeeeee, it’s too hooooot!!” Taichi wailed.
“Shut UP, Taichi!! You’re making me feel even hotter!!” Banri snapped.
Suddenly the door to the lounge slammed open and Tsuzuru practically collapsed into the lounge.
“It’s an emergency!” the older boy exclaimed, his face pale and dripping with sweat.
“Tsuzuru?! What happened?”
“The director… I just saw her walking back from grocery shopping with Tsumugi. And I overheard that… that… that she’s making extra spicy curry for dinner tonight!!”
The lounge was silent for a moment as the gravity of what Tsuzuru just uttered sank in. Then, the room immediately erupted into a flurry of panicked voices.
“E-extra spicy curry?!”
“GYAAAAH!! It’s too hot for curry!!”
“NOOOOOO! We’re going to dieeeeee!”
“GUYS! Pull it together. We just… we have to stop her!” Tsuzuru interrupted, hauling himself back onto his feet.
“How do we do that?!” Taichi moaned.
“Don’t panic! I have a plan!” Banri replied, his brain already churning. “Taichi! Go get Omi! Make him take over dinner duty to make something normal to eat! Sakuya, you and Tenma intercept the director and distract her while she’s putting away the groceries. Make sure she doesn’t start prepping those ingredients! Tsuzuru, you’re with me! ‘Operation: No Curry’ officially starts right now!”
“You’re the boss, boss!” Taichi responded, jumping to his feet with a salute. Despite having been glued to the floor in exhaustion mere moments ago, it was as if the thought of eating hot and spicy curry in the heat had shot energy through his veins. A second later, he was dashing out of the lounge to hunt down his roommate.  
Almost immediately afterwards, Izumi and Tsumugi walked through the door, hands weighed down with numerous shopping bags.
“We’re back!”
“D-Director! Let us help you with those groceries!!” Tenma exclaimed, scrambling off his chair.
“You should sit down, Izumi! You must be tired!” Sakuya said, taking the grocery bags from her arms and passing them to Tenma.
“H-Huh? Oh, you don’t have to do that—Whoa!” Izumi started to protest, but a moment later, Sakuya had already forcibly pushed her to sit down on the couch.
“TSUMUGI! We need to talk to you!!” Banri jumped in immediately.
“Th-That’s right! It’s urgent!” Tsuzuru added, taking his cue from Banri. He took the bags from Tsumugi and dropped them on the table before joining the Autumn Troupe leader in pushing Tsumugi into the hallway.
“W-Wait, what’s wrong, you two?!” Tsumugi exclaimed in confusion as the two younger boys jostled him out of the lounge.
As soon as they were in the hallway, Banri and Tsuzuru cornered Tsumugi against the wall.
“Tsumugi…” Banri’s voice lowered as he stared intently at the older man. “How could you betray us?”
“B-Betray?” Tsumugi gasped, looking back at Banri with wide eyes.
“You went grocery shopping with the director. It was your duty to stop her from buying ingredients for curry,” Tsuzuru added in an equally grave voice.
“Huh? Is this what this is about?” Tsumugi said with a chuckle.
“This is no laughing matter! It’s so DAMN hot!! How could you let her make curry for us in this heat?!” Banri responded, shaking Tsumugi by the shoulders.
“Ahaha, er, well, she was really gung ho about it. Saying how the best way to beat the heat was to overpower it with more heat. Something about sweating would cool your skin off?”
“We’ll die, Tsumugi. If we have to eat extra spicy curry in this heat, we’ll literally die,” Tsuzuru responded bluntly, his eyes already looking half-dead.
“Look, Hisoka’s already dead from the heat – we’ll be next,” Banri stated, suddenly pointing down the hallway. Sure enough, Hisoka was splayed out face down on the floor in the middle of the corridor.
“H-Hisoka?! Maybe we should check on him?!”
“No, we’ll take care of him later. You have something more important to do,” Tsuzuru replied, waving his hand casually.
“I do?!”
“You need to get Izumi out of the dorms so that she can’t cook dinner,” Banri responded. “We need her far and away from here. Distract her for the next two or three hours while we get Omi to cook instead. He isn’t a curry freak and will make us something normal to eat.”
“But, why me? I’m actually fine with eating curry—”
“No, it’s your responsibility. You have to atone for your crime.”
“What crime?!”
“Let’s go!”
And in another whirlwind of limbs, Tsumugi was suddenly shoved back into the lounge and pushed in front of Izumi, still seated on the couch where Sakuya and Tenma were bombarding her with (fake) questions about the script in Sakuya’s hands.
“Izumi!” Tsuzuru hollered.
“Tsumugi has something to tell you!” Banri announced, clapping Tsumugi on the shoulder with an iron grip.
“Hmm? What is it, Tsumugi?”
“Uh… Umm… I… I…” Tsumugi stuttered – what exactly was he supposed to say?!
His eyes flickered from Izumi’s face to Tenma’s, and then Sakuya’s, and then landed on a magazine on the coffee table before them. Flustered, Tsumugi snatched up the magazine and pointed to the cover without really reading it.
“Th-This! I-I need to go here. With you. Right now!”
Everyone froze as they all stared at the front of the magazine. It was a bridal magazine, probably Yuki’s for costume design inspiration if the bear-shaped sticky notes sticking out of the pages indicated anything. The front-page splash was a photograph of a church with bright and bold words written across that read: ‘Top 10 Churches in Tokyo to Hold your Summer Wedding!’
No one seemed to know what to say. A cold bead of sweat dripped down the back of Tsumugi’s neck. Finally, after what felt like ages, Tsuzuru was the first to recover.
“Th-That’s right! This is for that… that guest performance that you have tomorrow right, Tsumugi? You were telling me about how you had to play a groom!”
“Y-Yes! I… I just realized that it would be good to get in some last minute practice! I figure this would really immerse me in the role – being at an actual church!” Tsumugi ad-libbed, working off of Tsuzuru’s line.
“H-Huh? B-but why do you need me there?” Izumi asked, stunned.
“Well, it would be better to practice with an opposing actor, wouldn’t it?” Banri replied.
“In that case, I should definitely not go with you – you know I can’t act,” Izumi dismissed breezily. “If Tsumugi needs someone to practice with, why don’t one of you go? It’ll be good practice in case any of you play a female role in the future! Anyway, I need to get started on dinner—”
Banri suddenly elbowed Tsumugi in the ribs and the older man, literally spurred into action, fell to his knees and grabbed Izumi’s hands in his own. Suddenly, it looked like a switch had been turned on, and his expression changed completely.
“No, it has to be you, Izumi,” Tsumugi said softly, his face serious and intense. His hands grasped hers tighter, gently drawing them closer to his chest, and he leaned his upper body closer towards her. “I want to make my practice as realistic as possible – to be as immersed in the scenario as much as I can. I could only do that with you as my practice partner. As my bride. After all… you’re the one I love, Izumi.”
For the third time within the past ten minutes, the entire room fell silent. They had all unconsciously been drawn into Tsumugi’s performance, and his sudden confession had been so heartfelt that every one of them had stopped breathing. Izumi could only stare back at Tsumugi with a slack jaw, wide eyes and bright red cheeks.
“Won’t you come with me, Izumi? Won’t you be my bride?” Tsumugi asked softly, one hand reaching up to cup her cheek tenderly and his eyes looking up at her imploringly.
“O-Okay,” Izumi answered, half out of shock.
“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, Izumi! Let’s go then – the boys will take care of dinner,” Tsumugi replied with a wide, toothy grin.
He gently tugged Izumi to her feet, intertwined their fingers and swiftly led her out of the lounge by the hand. As the door closed behind them, the remaining actors could only look at each other in disbelief.
“Tsumugi… He was acting just now, right?” Sakuya asked.
“Wow, he seriously is a pro when it comes to those subtle emotions – He hooked me right in…” Tenma responded with a shake of his head.
“No kidding… But, well, that’s that! Let’s go check on Taichi and Omi and get this non-curry dinner started! I’d say ‘Operation: No Curry’ is a grand success,” Tsuzuru added, clapping his hands together.
“Of course it was a success – I was the one who came up with it, after all,” Banri boasted, already heading towards the dorms.
“Hey! Somen! I want somen! Do you think Omi would make somen tonight?!” Tenma exclaimed excitedly.
“Oh yeah, someone needs to go check on Hisoka… I think he’s still sleeping in the hallway,” Banri remarked, suddenly remembering the older man.
“Uh, I hope he’s just sleeping…” Tsuzuru muttered, causing Sakuya to whip his head to look at him in alarm.
“Wait, what?! What happened to Hisoka?!”
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Outside of the Mankai Company, Tsumugi led the still-dumbstruck Izumi up a side street, distinctly aware of the feeling of her hand held tight in his. They proceeded in silence for a few minutes until they arrived at a nearby park, where Tsumugi finally slowed down their steps.
“Izumi, let’s take a quick break here,” he said, sitting her onto a bench under the shade of a nearby tree.  
“Oh! Ah, sure, sounds good,” Izumi responded, finally recovered from her stupor.
“I’ll be right back!” Tsumugi said, before he quickly jogged over to a vending machine. Pulling out his wallet, he counted out a few hundred yen and bought a bottle of cold green tea. Returning to Izumi, he suddenly dipped himself into a bow and proffered the bottle to her.
“I’m sorry, Izumi! I tricked you just now! I don’t have any guest performances tomorrow – I don’t need to practice anything! Please accept this drink as an apology!”
Izumi stared owlishly at the drink floating in front of her face. A moment later, after Tsumugi’s words sunk in, she let out a laugh.
“Oh man, you really surprised me earlier! We had just been together too, and you didn’t mention anything about a guest performance, so I was so shocked when you came out of nowhere and said all of that!” she replied, taking the drink out of his hands. “And, of course you’re forgiven – though there’s nothing to forgive, really. But, why did you trick me anyway?”
“Ahaha… Well, I’m sure it’s obvious in hindsight, but Banri and Tsuzuru asked me to do it. Er, well, maybe that’s not quite right. Rather they asked me to distract you and get you out of the dorms,” he responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
“Huh? Why did they want you to do that?”
“Errr, something about wanting to make dinner… or something,” he responded evasively, his eyes glancing away briefly before returning to her face and crinkling into a mischievous smile. “But, well, since we’re already out here, why don’t we honour their wishes and go enjoy ourselves for a bit? We could go somewhere with aircon, since we don’t have it on at home.”
“Oooh, that’s actually a great idea! Let’s go to the shopping mall, then! I haven’t had a chance to browse around for a while!” she replied.
“That sounds good to me,” Tsumugi agreed, falling into step beside her as they started walking again. They were only a few inches apart, and Tsumugi felt his hand twitch, wanting to reach across the short distance to grab a hold of hers again.
“But you know… you never cease to impress me with your acting, Tsumugi,” Izumi said suddenly, turning her head to give him a smile.
“Oh?” Tsumugi prompted. He could feel his heart rate quickening.
“When you grabbed my hands and confessed that you loved me… I couldn’t tell you were acting at all – it felt so real. You seriously made my heart beat so fast! My face felt like it was on fire! I’m so embarrassed!” Izumi responded, looking away shyly. She held the bottle of tea up to her face, trying to cool off her flushed cheeks.
“Ah, that’s probably because I wasn’t acting…” Tsumugi muttered quietly, half hoping that the woman next to him heard.
A second passed by without a response. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Izumi continued to walk without having missed a step – still smiling normally as she held the bottle to her cheek – and he knew that his words had been drowned out by the call of the cicadas.
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This ended on a much more wistful note than I had intended, haha. But, maybe that’s just how it was meant to go since I was working with Tsumugi! Precious Tsumugi is my second favourite A3! boy, so I’m happy to write something where he gets a bit more of the spotlight! I also had a lot of fun writing the silly, overdramatic Mankai teenagers (and poor Tsumugi who got roped in), so hopefully you all had fun reading!
A3! Week 2020 is almost over at this point, but I will still be putting out content for the rest of the prompts that I haven’t gotten to yet! Please stay tuned if you’re interested, and likes and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you~
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buriedinbleach · 5 years
The Goddess in the Glen - Pt. 1
When I originally signed up for the Big Bang, I requested prompts for the story that is now Kensei’s long ass fic. I promised that whoever’s prompt I used, I would write a fic as a prize! This is that prize. Well, the first part anyway.
I ended up going to town on this and splitting it into two chapters. Smut in both, so pace yourselves, drink plenty of water. Apparently, no one makes me spawn multi-chapter fics quite like Shunsui. He’s just so hot. Can you blame me? 
Train anon asked: Shunsui said he had a script idea but Nanao is all like "I do not allow any movie with the rating of adults only". Write Shunsui’s porn.
For reference, that exchange takes place in episode 298.
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-The Goddess in the Glen-
Shunsui had locked himself away in his study every night that week as soon as he returned home from the Eighth division. It was rare enough for Shunsui to set foot in that particular room once a month, let alone staying there  –  working furiously  –  night after night. It was baffling. You had tried to find out exactly what he was doing, but every time you asked he simply gave you a wry smile and said, ‘Its a secret, Petal.’
Dim, flickering light trickled out into the hallway underneath the door as you crept close and pressed your ear to the cold wood.
“You look lost. Perhaps I can help.” It was definitely Shunsui’s voice, but it sounded odd. Almost… feminine? Well, at least as feminine as Shunsui was capable of sounding with his deep timbre.
You were torn between utter confusion and trying to stifle your laugh as you called to him through the door. “Shun? Are you coming to bed?”
“I’ll be there in a minute, love.”
You cast one last suspicious glance at the door, listening to his quiet, indistinguishable murmurs before heading off to bed.
Two days later, you went looking for Shunsui as soon as you arrived home from the Thirteenth division. You couldn’t wait to tell him what ridiculous idea Kiyone and Sentaro had come up with as your division’s entry for the film festival. Poor Jushiro.
You were still laughing to yourself when you headed straight to his study, expecting to find him hard at work on his mystery project once again. But when you arrived, the door was open and the room was pitch black. He wasn’t even napping on the couch.
“Hmmm…” You shrugged, wracking your brain, trying to think of where he could be when it hits you. Smiling, you know there was only one place you need to look  –  its the one spot no one else ever bothers checking for him. You walk out to the gardens, warm spring air swirling lightly around you when you see Shunsui leaning against a sakura tree, staring off into the foreground at the expanse before him.
Shunsui gently swirls his cup of sake  –  distracted. His eyes never leave the fixed point he regards in the distance. He didn’t need to look directly at you to feel your presence, he knew your reiatsu well enough by now. Instead, he raises his arm as you smile and curl in beside him.
“Is something wrong, love?” You ask, nuzzling against him, placing your hand on his firm chest.
He sips the cup of sake slowly until the cool liquid is gone, his brow is contemplative, but you wait patiently for him to speak. “Nanao-chan won’t let the division use my script for our entry in the film festival.” Shunsui reaches for his bottle, pouring another cup of sake, offering you the first drink before carefully nursing it once more.
So that’s what he had been working so hard on. You smiled softly, kissing his cheek and nuzzling in closer. Suddenly, excerpts from ‘The Rose Colored Path’ began swirling through your mind. It became slightly harder for you to fault Nanao for turning his script down now. But, that was also an easy fix. A few simple edits and Shunsui could try again.
“Why don’t I look at it? Maybe I can help make a few suggestions and then we can try talking her into it? Let me see your script.”      
Shunsui sighed lightly, downing the last drops in his glass before pulling out a rolled bundle of papers from behind his back and passing them to you. He knew there wasn’t much use. There was nothing you could have said that would make Nanao change her mind now, but a part of him was now eager to see your reaction.
“Hmmm… ‘The Goddess in the Glen’.” You sat up a little straighter, flipping open the first page. It was a little bit of a cheezy title, but that was kind of to be expected given his usual standard. You couldn’t help but wonder what kind of sappy romance you were about to find. “Why did you say Nanao wouldn’t let you-”
Heat immediately began rushing to your face as you scanned through the pages, not bothering to read the script word for word. Your heart was racing, blood was coursing through your veins at a furious pace. All the while, Shunsui sat next to you looking as calm and casual as he always did.
“I believe her exact words were, ‘I will not be associated with any film rated ‘adults only’. But now I’m more curious what you think of it petal.” Shunsui smiled lazily, the heat of his stare only compounded the boiling fire roaring through your body.
“I-” you choked on your next words, trying to clear your throat, to make them come out but they were stuck. Taking a deep breath, you started over. “I had no idea you could write like this.” It was the first thing you could think to say. Truthfully, the script was good. Surprisingly good  –  and very hot. You couldn’t stop the flood of images that began racing through your mind. Your nails dragging through the dark hair on his chest; fingers groping his muscles and sinking into his shoulders; Shunsui’s lips against your neck; his callouses grazing your breasts-
Shunsui laughed, “What do you mean? You’ve read my column before!”
Your mind scrambled to free itself from your daydream, to cover your faux pas quickly. “Right! I just mean this is even better! But, I think I understand why Nanao wouldn’t allow you to make it. Even if she did, there’s no way Head Captain Yamamoto would allow it to be shown.”
“I’ll admit, you have a point there.” Shunsui conceded, relaxing back against the tree.
“But Shun, who exactly did you think you could talk into being the Goddess and this warrior she’s supposed to seduce?” Setting the script aside, you curled against him, bringing your hand to rest against his bare chest. You let your eyes drift closed, ready to slip into a lazy nap at Shunsui’s side where you could have all the time in the world with your fantasy  –  uninterrupted.
However, the way his fingers began inching up your leg underneath the hem of your Gotei kimono made you reevaluate those plans. For the better.
Shunsui turned, bringing his lips down to your neck, letting his deep voice sink into your skin and down to your very bones. “You and me, petal.” The sinful way his lips parted to lick and suck his way over your neck nearly blocked out his words, you would have agreed to almost anything if he would just keep going.
“Wait, what?” You place your hands on either side of his face and reluctantly pull him away.
Shunsui leaned back against the tree, but his hand resumed its pace  –  inching up your thigh. “Well it doesn’t matter now.” As his hand moved higher, your heart began pounding with excitement, an interesting idea crept into your mind.
You sat for a moment, mulling over your choice, pulse now thundering in you ears. “Love?”
“Mmmm?” Shunsui acknowledged. His lips pressed against your neck again, this time moving lower. The vibration of his hum rattled straight to your core.
“Maybewecouldmakeit?” You blurted the words quickly while you could still get them out. You knew Shunsui heard  –  and understood  –  when his fingers paused just inches from his goal at your breast.
His eyes met yours while your face blazed with the heat of embarrassment. Shunsui’s pupils looked like deep pools and you were about to be swallowed by their depths. You were anxious to look away, but couldn’t bring yourself to pull your eyes from his sinful stare. While he had you awestruck and trapped, Shunsui wrapped an arm around your waist and maneuvered you to lay beneath him on the soft, cool grass. You cast a quick, sly glance around the garden, cautious of prying eyes, only to find the estate was silent. Shunsui’s private area of the gardens was completely undisturbed by anyone but the two of you.
The tickling stubble of his beard against the center of your chest pulls your focus back to him. His callouses graze over the swell of your breast, opening the collar of your kimono, softly kissing the newly revealed skin. “Maa… really? Its not even my birthday.” Shunsui resumed his present course - kissing his way to your nipple. But this time, he was watching you, hypnotizing your mind with his erotic, dark stare.
“Y-Yeah-ah!” You inhaled a sharp, gasping breath when Shunsui’s teeth grazed the sensitive bud. Winding your fingers through his hair, you held him against your body, arching up to meet his face. Shunsui worked to keep you at ease, nearly breathless; he wanted to hear every pleasure-fogged, uncensored thought crossing your mind; he needed to taste every whimpering moan that skipped past your lips.
“I mean, we  –  hhnn  –  w-would just keep it to-oh! Yessss,” you hissed. Shunsui’s finger drifted up and down your slit over your underwear, pressing lightly to test the fabrics resistance. He watches your face sharply. Though his smokey eyes seem hazy with lust, he catalogues every motion as you lick and purse your lips, memorizing the sound of your gasping breath. “For our  –  mmm  –  eyes only.”
Shunsui pulls your underwear aside, sinking a finger slowly into your heat; his lips covering yours, drinking down your moans. “Of course, Petal. Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t really want anyone else hearing the beautiful sounds you make, just for me.”
He kisses your neck - licking and sucking just enough to lightly color and mark your skin. Once you’re lost in a haze, he slips another finger in to join the first, turning and curling his digits to brush your sweet spot again and again. “Hhnn  –  you’ll have to-” you hissed with pleasure, feeling warmth creeping over your body, “learn your lines. Yes! Shunsui! Mmm, right there!” Shunsui presses his lips to your neck, kissing as your pulse throbs and cries of his name are ripped from your throat; your release floods your muscles like the waves of a tsunami.
As your eyelids flutter, bringing you back into the present, Shunsui kisses your lips  –  long and slow. He settles between your legs, his kimono open and hanging loose around him. Shunsui frees himself from his hakama, never once pulling his lips from yours.
Your leg wraps around his bare hip, urging him closer. He smiles against your mouth before kissing along your jaw. As his lips trail over your jawline, Shunsui’s hand  –  calloused, wide, strong  –  smoothes over your leg. He starts at your ankle, dragging up your calf, caressing your thigh until he holds your leg against his hip. The hot head of his cock presses against your entrance, just lightly parting your folds, making you hiss and shiver with anticipation. Shunsui slowly pulls your leg up his hip as he inches forward into your heat  –  claiming and filling.    
Cool silk kissed the back of your hands, juxtaposing pleasantly with the warm, bare muscles of his back underneath your fingertips sliding underneath his kimono. “Are we really supposed to  –  mmm, Shunsui  –  to a-act through…”
A light breeze drifted through the garden, but neither of you felt a thing. Shunsui covered your body completely with his own, stoking a fire that promised to burn you from the inside out with each surge of his hips. He loved hearing your breathy voice climb higher as you desperately try to keep yourself together just long enough before he rolled against your clit again and you were lost.
“I don’t think either of us will be acting. I can’t keep my hands off of you.” His voice is like liquid honey trickling down your muscles  –  warm and satisfying  –  it only feeds the consuming heat stretching and filling your core. Shunsui pulls his hips back lazily, wanting to be sure you felt every ridge of his cock. He kisses away your hitched gasps and thrusts forward, burying himself again.
He was right, there was absolutely no need to act. Shunsui knew how to work every pleasure point on your body, how to turn you into liquid in seconds. But could you make his movie? Shunsui pulls your leg up, just an inch, but it leaves you dizzy and gripping his shoulders for more. Gods how you wanted more. Even if it meant filming a highly explicit home movie. Hell, the more explicit the better. You were aching to make it now.
One more precise tilt of your hips combined with Shunsui driving into your heat, rolling against your clit when he bottomed out was your undoing. Flames of pure ecstasy blazed out of control, licking and kissing your nerves. You wind the fingers of one hand through his thick waves, pulling him into a kiss.
Shunsui holds your hips tighter, thrusting harder  –  deeper  –  allowing the constricting, steady clenching of your core around his shaft to drive him higher. He chases his release right along with yours, managing to work you through one last, weaker orgasm before filling you with a satisfying warmth unique to Shunsui.
While you lay together recovering, his favorite floral kimono wrapped around your body in place of your own disheveled one, Shunsui huffed out a laugh and you giggled like a naughty child. The two of you were going to go for it. You would make his movie and keep it safely hidden away to be watched together whenever the mood strikes. Or when one of you was on a mission...
The sun was beginning to go down as you curled underneath his long arm and the two of you walked back inside. When you make your way into the bedroom, Shunsui walks silently behind you and stops to kiss your neck. You dreamily stroke his cheek, encouraging him to continue. “Shun, just one thing. How is this going to be filmed? I don’t want – “
“Relax, love.” That sinfully warm velvet voice of his poured into your ear as he stepped around to face you. Shunsui moved the collar of your borrowed kimono out of his way and kissed the skin before speaking. “I’m sure Kisuke could make something that didn’t require an operator.”
You froze. Your entire body went stone still until you narrowed your eyes in suspicion, pulling Shunsui’s eyes up to meet yours. He looked positively clueless as to your reaction. Clueless and gorgeous, but seemingly very aware of the warning edge to your voice.
“Kisuke Urahara better not get his hands on a copy of this.”
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thefinalcinderella · 5 years
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 4-Unsolicited Statement (Part 1)
To all the people who sent me messages the past month: I swear I will answer them tomorrow!
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. The word used here is sanpaku, a Japanese term referring to when the whites above or below the iris are visible. The literal translation here is “having a sanpaku with all his strength” but since that makes no sense I had to do some creative interpretation
2. I believe this refers back to the first chapter of Book 1 when Minato mistakes Masa-san for a ghost or zombie. Yokai has a lot of different meanings (since there’s so many types of them) including ghost or spirit, so that’s why Minato told everyone to forget what he just said,  probably
3. This is a real game. It’s the Japanese version of the Game of Life
4. Minamoto no Tametomo (1139-1170) was a samurai with many legends, such as sinking an entire ship by shooting a single arrow into its hull and having a left arm that was four inches longer than the right one so he had a longer draw
5. If you read/watched Chihayafuru you’ll probably be familiar with the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, which are one hundred classic poems by one hundred poets.
6. This is poem 77 by Emperor Sutoku. I used the translation here
7. Shugendou is an old religion that combines Shinto, Buddhism, local practices, etc. Apparently they train in mountains a lot
8. Altair and Vega, aka Cowherd and Weaver Girl or Hikoboshi and Orihime, are the two stars involved involved in the Tale of Cowherd and Weaver Girl, which Tanabata is centered around. The tale involves two lovers separated by the Milky Way who could only meet each other on the seventh day of the seventh month by crossing a bridge of magpies
9. You’ve probably seen this in various anime, like MHA, but a cavalry battle or chicken fight is where a team with one person is carried by three people have to take headbands from the other teams
10. The school year in Japan starts in April and ends in March, so anyone born between April and March of the next year would be in the same grade, so even though Ryouhei is born in February he is one year younger than the other boys 
11. The original combined guuguu neru (which means sleeping soundly or snoring as you sleep) and schlafen. I debated whether to keep it like that or not before deciding to translate it
12. Egg drop soup is a Chinese dish of chicken broth with wispy beaten egg
13. See Chapter 2 of Book 1 for this incident
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Nanao grandly stretched towards the sky that signaled the end of the rainy season.
He was in the corridor on the third floor of the school building. As he walked, girls followed him in succession, and the other students trembled and gave way to them. Thanks to Shuu arriving at Kazemai High School a few days ago, the Nanao Fan Club was not able to admire Nanao in hakama, and they were falling into a state of starvation. Perhaps because of that reaction, he was more surrounded by girls than ever, and the boys, who felt nothing but animosity, made sour faces. However, there was a way to deal with this.
“Thanks for waiting, Kacchan!”
When he opened the classroom door and shouted that, there was Kaito, who made impressive sanpaku eyes. (1)
“I’m not a little kid, so stop coming to get me. We can go to club by ourselves, at least.”
“But Kacchan, weren’t you the one who said not to be late?”
“Good grief, what a pain.”
When Kaito stood from his seat, the girls surrounding Nanao left, scattering in all directions.
The power of the Kaito Barricade was immense. The fact that Kaito won’t sit back when it came to Nanao was a lesson etched into the bodies of those who adored and idolized Nanao. But, because he could also drove away the undesirable suitors—in other words, the girls who were secretly acting before the others—they maintained a reasonable distance as to not wake the sleeping gatekeeper.
How dependable. That kind of skill was not something one resolved to try to learn.
However, Nanao felt a little sorry.
“Nanao. Kaito-kuuun. You guys are early!”
Ryouhei ran up to them with a smile. By chance, he also met up with Minato and Seiya, and so the five walked to the kyudojo together.
Minato, who had a bandage around his left wrist, was chipper, raised his left hand as he was walking and made his tenouchi in mid-air. Similarly, Ryouhei was also pretending to shoot a bow. Seiya and Kaito kept watchful eyes on the two, who were both in a state of impatience for not being able to draw a bow sooner, so they would not get in anyone’s way. It was a charming scene with a fine combination of people, but Nanao’s heart was not there.
Because, recently, there were “footsteps” coming from an empty room in Nanao’s house.
On the second floor, there were sounds, as though a child was running lightly.
——Tap, tap, tap, tap.
Three years ago, they moved to their current house. For their parents, it was their dream home, and for Nanao and his three-years-younger sister, it was a newly built, beautiful home with large bedrooms. Their school districts changed by moving, and he and Kaito ended up going to different middle schools, but the distance between their houses hadn’t changed much and it was a comfortable home.
However, for the past few months it had become possible to hear footsteps. Although they hadn’t been deciding on a time, there were many instances of the inside of the house falling completely silent. It couldn’t be called a boast, but neither Nanao nor his parents had any psychic powers at all. They could not tell any experiences like seeing ghosts or talking to time travellers. And yet, everyone in his family had been hearing those footsteps. Thanks to that, it was a bit scary to stay home alone.
When he talked about it during their break in club practice, the girls covered their mouths with their hands.
“Uwah, scary!”
“Isn’t that really dangerous?”
Seiya mimicked Nanao’s tone.
“…There’s footsteps coming from an empty room, you know? On the second floor, there’re sounds, like a little kid is running lightly… Tap, tap, tap, tap…”
“Takehaya-kun, you’re awful—!”
Seiya gave a little chuckle.
“Sorry. But, what is that phenomenon, really? There’s also the possibility of rats, tanukis, or weasels.”
Nanao shook his head.
“Nope. We called someone to check to see whether or not there are small animals settling in the attic, but there was nothing unusual.”
“Is that so, hmm.”
Minato, quietly listening to everyone talk, muttered just a few words.
“A little kid’s footsteps…that sounds like a zashiki-warashi…”
“Zashiki-warashi…that’s the yokai that looks like a child and brings luck to those who see it, right?”
“Ah, no, forget what I said!”
At the word “yokai”, Minato hurriedly withdrew his remark. Beside him, Masa-san was holding back a laugh. (2)
Ryouhei’s eyes were sparkling.
“Awesome! Having a zashiki-warashi live with you is the best. I wanna meet it too! I wish one would come to my place as well.”
Hearing that, Kaito wrinkled his brow.
“Ryouhei, aren’t you no good with spirits?”
“Nah. I hate ghosts, but I like yokai.”
“Once again, the distinction between what you like and don’t like is practically nonexistent. How are they different?”
“They’re completely different. Ghosts are scary, but I want to be friends with yokai.”
“Yeah, I don’t get it at all.”
Next to Kaito, whose brow wrinkle was getting deeper and deeper, Nanao was thinking.
I see, so there is also that kind of explanation. If I think that, then those footsteps aren’t scary.
They’re lucky footsteps.
If that’s the case, let’s warmly welcome our sudden visitor.
A corner of Nanao’s mouth lifted.
The next day, the place Ryouhei headed for was a large estate surrounded by white walls.
Even when standing before the gate, the only thing that could be seen was a single path leading to the forest, and the essential residence could not be seen anywhere. Ryouhei could not hide his surprise at how a place like this was owned by one person.
“What a huge place. I wonder if this is the intercom?”
Ryouhei pressed the button.
“Sorry for how sudden this is. This is Yamanouchi Ryouhei from Kazemai High School speaking. Is Fujiwara Shuu-kun at home?”
“——Please excuse me, but have you made an arrangement with him?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“——I am afraid I must decline visits from those who have not made arrangements beforehand. I am sorry.”
“I understand.”
Ryouhei hummed while he walked along the white wall.
When Shuu returned home that evening, the butler, Toujou, was waiting for him. He seemed somewhat agitated.
“Yamanouchi—Ryouhei came here?”
“Yes. As he had been waiting before the gate for a long time, I allowed him to enter, based on my judgement. Please forgive me.”
“No, it’s no problem.”
“And, there is another matter. To tell the truth, I, Toujou, unintentionally succumbed to my youthful impulses… That young man is quite strong. I was overwhelmingly defeated.”
Toujou was speaking in an unusually roundabout way. In the first place, it was the first time he showed in a guest without confirming with him. Shuu opened the door to the guest room.
The room was decorated with a bamboo for Tanabata that was so tall it almost reached the ceiling. A single table was placed in the center of the room, and sitting in front of it was Ryouhei, who grinned at Shuu from ear-to-ear when he noticed him. He could practically see the illusion of a tail wagging back and forth. What’s more, to his surprise, even his little sister Sae and his mother were there.
Shuu felt vertigo and pressed his hand to his forehead.
“Shuu-niisama, welcome home!”
“…What are all of you having so much fun with?”
“It’s a board game, Shuu-niisama. Sae has made a lot of children!”
Sae showed him a Japanese board game with the slogan, “Life has many ups and downs. Aim to be a billionaire!” (3) His grandfather left it to him as a present when he was young. You spun a roulette and advanced your piece by the number of spaces you got, and aimed for the goal indicated on whichever space you landed on. The pieces were in the shape of automobiles, and pins of people were inserted into the seats, but as children were born, the number of pins riding in the car also increased. Sae’s car piece was full.
“Will Shuu-niisama be joining us next?”
“No, please, the four of you should continue on like this.”
At Shuu, who declined, Ryouhei grinned meaningfully.
“In that case, I guess you don’t feel like beating me?”
“…Alright. Let’s do this.”
After the game began, toy banknotes went flying. Thirty minutes later, the winning order was decided with Shuu’s mother in first, followed by Sae, Ryouhei, Toujou, and Shuu. Shuu could not accept himself being in last place, but it felt fresh having those faces surround the table. Afterwards, they played many other games, and then took dinner together. When the meal was finished, Sae was completely attached to Ryouhei.
Ryouhei sat next to Sae on the couch, and showed her something on his phone. It was the figure of Shuu drawing his bow at Kazemai High School.
“Shuu-niisama is so amazing! He looks so heroic!”
“For the Japanese bow, there aren’t only two choices of hitting or missing, and hitting correctly is in itself incredibly hard. Shuu-kun is super amazing. He is already a god.”
Shuu’s mother put a slim finger to her mouth.
“Well, I had thought that getting the highest score comes from hitting the centre of the target…”
Sae grasped Ryouhei’s hand.
“Shuu-niisama doesn’t talk about it at all. He told us not to come and cheer him on.”
“Hey, Sae.”
“Isn’t it okay? Ryouhei-san, could you please give me this picture?”
Sae borrowed her mother’s phone and took Shuu’s picture, then gently hugged it close.
“Well then, I also have a gift. Please write on it by time you go home and tie it on the tree.”
A strip of paper for Tanabata was placed in Ryouhei’s hand.
Shuu and Ryouhei moved to Shuu’s room.
The sight of his always prim mother swinging from joy to sorrow was strange and lovely. It had been a long time since he had heard his mother’s laughter from up close.
“Sorry about that, Sae said something unreasonable.”
“Not at all. Your mom is really pretty. As expected of a parent and child, you really look a lot like her.”
Shuu was shocked.
“…Where do you think we are alike?”
“When we were getting in the bath at the hotel we were staying at for the regional tournament, I saw you washing your hair, but I think it’s around the nape of your neck or behind your ears, like, the back of your head.”
“The ‘back of our heads’ are alike…?”
“Yeah, exactly alike. When you and Sae-chan and your mom are together, you really get the sense of, 'This is the bloodline.’”
At Ryouhei, who stated that so definitively, Shuu burst into laughter. Normally, when people said that they were alike, it was their eyes, voice, way of speaking, and other traits like that. That unexpected answer was unbearably funny.
He felt like that even if he and Ryouhei were standing in the same place, the scenery they both saw would be different. Ryouhei’s everyday was brimming with new discoveries, and it was brightly coloured.
“By the way, what kind of business did you have here, Ryouhei?”
“That’s right. I wanted to repay you for lending me your arrow.”
Ryouhei handed him an amulet.
“It’s from a shrine famous for the guardian of sports and Emperor Sutoku, but the god of improvement in kyudo is also enshrined there. My dad had a business trip so I asked him to get me one. You’re also matching with Minato and the other guys.”
“Thank you. This will encourage me.”
Shuu accepted the small pouch.
When it came to historical archery masters, the name of Nasu no Yoichi, who shot through a fan on a ship during the Genpei War, would come foremost to mind, but the person who was deified at the shrine was Minamoto no Tametomo, the eighth son of Tameyoshi and military commander during the Heian era who was said to have used a powerful bow and was unparalleled. Legendary tales of him, such as him being a giant who was over two meters tall and his left arm being longer than his right arm, and that it took five people to string his bow, remained through the ages. (4)
On the other hand, Emperor Sutoku was the seventy-fifth emperor, and famous as one of the poets for the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. (5)
Though a swift stream is
Divided by a boulder
In its headlong flow,
Though divided, on it rushes,
And at last unites again. (6)
——The flow of a river is swift, and even if it is blocked by a rock and divided, I believe I will definitely meet with you——.
This poem was regarded as a love poem, and it still attracted the hearts of many women even now. It seemed that the feeling of longing for someone remained unchanged in any age.
Thought was humanity itself.
It was something brought into existence by people.
People were always thinking something. They were creatures who could not stop thinking.
Practitioners of Shugendou (7) meditate and become ascetics as a means to suppress the “thoughts” which were brought about by people, in order to reach the level of the gods and Buddha. By casting away worldly thoughts, which were part of a wicked heart, with the chanting of sutras and the relentless sounds of waterfalls, and by being forced to concentrate intensely under the circumstances of being side-by-side with death, one would recall the bodily intuitions which were naturally endowed humans, as living things.
Words were thinking itself. Those who were able to not think of anything without training to do so were probably babies who had yet to learn words, people who were sleeping, and the dead.
Reaching the level of the gods?
Babies and the dead—— ?
The wind that came dancing in from the window blew through Shuu’s and Ryouhei’s hair.
“Ryouhei…I can see it now. I found the hidden door…”
“Hidden door? Where is it?”
“You can also find it. Follow me, I’ll be waiting.”
“Shuu-kun, don’t say difficult things like that. I don’t really understand, but okay.”
Ryouhei laughed lightly, carefreely.
Let’s open that door.
A spiral staircase leading upwards is there.
A staircase that has the same shape as DNA. Inherited memories.
To the place we must aim for.
To where light is shining——.
Before he went home, Ryouhei tied the strip of paper, on which he had written, “Family trip to the southern islands”, to the bamboo.
“Shuu-kun, what did you write?”
“Nothing. Just my name.”
“Oh, so it’s a wish only the other person knows. Mm, I hope it comes true.”
Shuu smiled gently.
In his head, Ryouhei recited the words Sae whispered into his ear when she gave him the paper.
“This is kept a secret from Shuu-niisama, but when you write your wish here, it is not Altair-sama and Vega-sama who grants it, but Father——.” (8)
After his committee meeting, Nanao went to the kyudojo by himself. There were only a few scattered signs of people in the school, probably because most students were either already going to club activities or going home.
With the Nanao Fan Club no longer shadowing him, Nanao regained his everyday life. There were still the sounds of a child’s footsteps at his house, but it was charming if he thought of it as the mischief of a zashiki-warashi. With this, he was able to concentrate on practicing until the national tournament in August.
As he was walking in the hallway with a light gait, some people who were passing by deliberately bumped into him.
They were three third-year boys.
“Oh, sorry. No girls today, Nanao-sama?”
“You’re going to club now? Kyudo doesn’t suit a shallow guy like you at all. Or are you aimin’ for a university sports recommendation spot? Doesn’t seem like you’d have a lot of rivals for kyudo. Maybe I should do it too!”
“What about Kacchan?”
Nanao clenched his fists behind his back before the third-year boys whose faces were distorted in loud laughter.
Don’t say my cousin’s name with your filthy mouths——.
He wanted to say that.
He wanted to punch them hard.
However, if he caused trouble here, he would be playing into his opponents’ hands. If Nanao caused a problem, he would then not be able to go to the national tournament. Because their own activities for their future courses were going badly, they were looking for an unwitting scapegoat. At their cores, they were not dissatisfied with the other person, but irritation at themselves for not being able to study for university entrance exams, even though they thought they must do it.
“Yo, Nanao-chan, why so quiet?”
It happened when one of them roughly grabbed Nanao’s collar, and Nanao glared back at him. Someone ran in from ahead of his field of vision and tackled Nanao.
Ryouhei held Nanao, carried him over his shoulder, and ran away as they were. At this extremely sudden event, the left behind third-year boys stood still, open-mouthed.
Nanao was carried on Ryouhei’s shoulder, folded in half around his waist, until they passed through the hallway.
“…Ryouhei, could you put me down soon? There’s a lot of pressure on my stomach and it hurts, and blood is rushing to my head.”
“Oh, sorry.”
Nanao stretched his body with a sigh after he was dropped onto the ground. He had often been the one to ride on top in cavalry battles (9), but being a high schooler and getting shouldered like a sack of rice was proof that one never knew what was going to happen in life.
After he fixed his disheveled hair, he looked at Ryouhei and saw that he was frowning.
“I went to get something I forgot in the classroom, but does that kind of thing happen a lot? Why did you stay quiet even though they said all that to you?”
“It’s not like I don’t understand their feelings. We were walking in a big group and I guess it was an eyesore. Since a long time ago, I’ve been raved about by girls, which means that I’m trashed by the boys. I guess I’m, like, used to it.”
“Don’t get used to that kind of thing. It makes me sad.”
“So, I’ll listen instead. Tell me all about it, Nanao.”
Ryouhei’s earnest eyes pierced through Nanao.
The reason why so many people could not refuse Ryouhei’s requests was probably because rather than it being Ryouhei’s own desire, he seemed to have read the other person’s mind. He correctly guessed the hidden wish that the person concerned had not even noticed themselves. And, Ryouhei did not notice it either.
“I see, mm. Alright, then can I complain for a bit?”
Nanao opened his mouth wide.
“If you want to complain, come tell me one by one, not in a group! And, who the hell’s putting trash in my shoe cupboard and desk! Don’t do this sneaky, petty harassment. Don’t freakin’ underestimate me just because I’m short!”
“Yep, yep…hmm? Short?”
“While I’m at it, I’ll tell you this too. Even though you were born after me, why the hell did you grow so much taller! It’s unfair, you know!”
Ryouhei was born in February. (10) He scratched his head.
“I guess it’s because I do bouldering at the community center and I hang down? Also, maybe it’s because I sleep a lot. Since you aren’t conscious when you’re sleeping, the energy used by my brain might have been used for growing.”
“They do say that a sleeping child grows well. I’ll sleep a lot from now on too.”
“Yeah, sleep, sleep!”
“In German, sleeping is ’schlafen’, so combine it with 'snoring’, (11) and let’s call sleeping a lot 'snorefen’.”
“I want to snorefen?”
“Let us snorefen?”
The two clutched their stomachs as they laughed. If Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo were there, they would probably have no idea what was so funny. The dumb conversations of boys were undecipherable codes to girls.
“That’s right, Ryouhei. Listen to one more thing I have to say.”
Nanao winked.
The area, which had undergone land readjustment, brought to mind the image of a Northern European townscape. The roadside trees were still young, and houses with the newest designs stood in rows.
Ryouhei was standing before Nanao’s house. The other Kazemai kyudo boys were also carrying supermarket bags in addition to their own luggage.
Nanao’s parents’ hobby was overseas travel. Moreover, they were free-spirited backpackers who loved budget travelling without knowing their whereabouts. On that day as well, they left without advance notice, and since his sister was staying at a friend’s house, Nanao was staying at home by himself. When Ryouhei heard about that, the first thing that came out of his mouth was,
“Let’s go meet the zashiki-warashi!”
And so, under the guise of a study meeting, this halfway test of courage was held.
Ryouhei tied the strings of his apron and took out foodstuff from the bags. He was responsible for the arrangement of the salad. Minato wrapped dumpling wrappers around the ingredients with practiced movements. Surprisingly, Kaito was also good at wrapping dumplings. Nanao and Seiya finished deep-frying the chicken and making the egg drop soup (12), respectively.
“Seiya, could it be that we’re really good at cooking?”
“Yep. I think we can probably live on our own right away.”
They sat at the table, and then Minato removed the lid of the hot plate. The room was filled with the smell of dumplings. They stretched out their chopsticks as though to say, “Finally!”
“Ittadakimaaaasu. Whoa, it’s really tasty! This is super good!”
Ryouhei was vigorously stuffing his cheeks, and Nanao also looked satisfied.
“How about that fried chicken and dumplings? There’s no way the zashiki-warashi wouldn’t come out if we make it smell such a nice smell, right?”
“Let’s set some aside for it. It’ll be disappointed if we have nothing for it, even though it took the trouble of coming here.”
Kaito spoke.
“You guys actually believe in it? Isn’t it just Nanao being scared?”
“And yet, didn’t you stop coming to my house for a while when you heard about the kid’s footsteps, Kacchan?”
“Shut up,” Kaito said, then gulped down his Oolong tea.
After they finished eating, they played games in the room. Nanao’s house was well-equipped with game consoles ranging from stationary to portable, and the number of games was impressive as well. They took turns entering the bath, and gamed until it was late.
They got tired of talking and soon decided to enter their futons. After they laid out their futons out in the guest room on the first floor, Ryouhei threw himself down, lying spread-eagled.
“The zashiki-warashi didn’t show up at all.”
“We might have been too noisy. If anything, there are lots of times when it’s quiet. I guess it’ll be a game once we enter our futons.”
They lowered their voices and waited for that time to come. However, even after one hour, there was not one sound. Before they knew, all five of them fell asleep.
Suddenly, Ryouhei woke up. He saw that it was still the middle of the night from his phone that was next to his pillow. Nanao, who should have been sleeping next to him, was not there. He wondered if he went to the washroom, but he never returned. Ryouhei left the room that was filled with the sounds of sleep.
He stood down the stairs and saw light coming from the second floor. He climbed the stairs, as though drawn in by the light.
He peeked into the room where the light was coming from, but there was no one there. The window was left open, and the night sky spread out outside the window. Wondering if it was carelessness after all, he entered the room to close the window. When he placed his hand on it, there was a sudden voice.
“Oh, don’t close it.”
When he poked his head out the window, he saw Nanao sitting on the roof of the first floor.
“What are you doing?”
Nanao pointed up at the sky.
“Look, a sky full of stars.”
“Can I join you?”
Ryouhei sat next to Nanao on the roof. It was chilly and the soles of his feet were cool.
It was a starry night.
A star fell soundlessly.
Moonlit nights were nice, but nights where the moon was hidden were also special. The tiny stars that couldn’t be seen normally twinkled. Words failed him before that beautiful sight.
Ryouhei sighed.
“Is Kacchan sleeping?”
“Good. He’s the one who’s scared, so I was wondering if he was too afraid to sleep.”
“Nanao, could it be that you’re Kaito’s guardian?”
“What, no way, too much work. Ryouhei, what’s your wish for the zashiki-warashi?”
“A family trip.”
“Ooh, that sounds nice. Like to a hot spring?”
“…My sister is timid, so she can’t leave the house. She’s been shutting herself in our house for a long time.”
Ryouhei looked up at the night sky.
“My sister is kind, smart, and athletic—a sister I can really brag about, but apparently there are people who hate that. At the school she transferred to, there was an unspoken understanding to not stand out more than so-and-so, but she didn’t realize that and did her best for everything. That’s why she ended up not going to school anymore.”
“Is that so… That’s terrible.”
“She found the ’Kaeru kerokerote e pero kero’ you taught me really funny. (13) You’re a genius at words that goes down well with her.”
“Well, as expected of the great me.”
“But, sometimes I can’t understand her. She says she doesn’t want to see me, and yet when I leave home for competitions, she orders me to call her… I don’t get her at all.”
“Oh, that’s because she spoils you. I think that if you try talking a bit selfishly to her, she would be relieved… Though if you try to test another person like that, they might leave instead.”
“She spoils me? No way. I’m worried if I did anything to make her hate me, but in the end, I can’t do anything.”
“I don’t think she hates you at all, in fact, I think she loves you. It’s really reassuring to have someone by your side.”
“I wonder about that…”
“You can bet on that, because I said it. Believe in me, 'kay?”
Nanao said, shining brilliantly with his back against the stars.
It was as though he was being told that by a prince. If the girls from the fan club were there, they probably would have swooned.
“Yeah. You’re Nanao-sama, after all.”
“That’s right. And, since you listened to me talk about my stuff the other day, next time, tell me more about anything that’s going on with you, like about your sister.”
He was wondering if he really had to talk about his sister, but Nanao listened to him without making fun or turning too serious and gloomy. Minato and Seiya knew about it, and that was precisely why he never mentioned her with them. He wanted the image of her in their minds to be as cool as she used to be.
When I meet with everyone, I’m so happy, I have so much fun, and I can’t help but feel pumped.
Right after the two brought their faces together and smiled, a boy with the face of a Deva king appeared.
“Hey, what the hell are you guys talking about in the middle of the night?”
Kaito crossed over the window frame and sat between Nanao and Ryouhei.
“It’s pretty cold here. You guys need to get to bed soon.”
“But what are you doing, getting up in the middle of the night, Kacchan?”
“The two of you were gone when I woke up, so of course I would have to come and see what’s going on.”
“Pretty sure you woke up because you were scared, though.”
It happened when Nanao squinted.
——Tap, tap, tap, tap.
The three exchanged glances.
“I could really hear the footsteps! So cool!”
“Isn’t it just someone who got up?” Kaito said.
“No, that’s definitely the sound of a little kid running!” Nanao said.
Ryouhei turned towards the house and placed his hands together.
“Zashiki-warashi-chan, please grant my wish!”
Nanao and Kaito also placed their hands together. Nanao sent a glance at Kaito.
“You have a wish too, Kacchan?”
“No, I’m just doing it because I got dragged into this.”
“Whaaaaat, that’s such a waste.”
“And what are you wishing for?”
“…It’s a secret.”
——Tap, tap, tap, tap.
The footsteps came again.
Right when Nanao and Kaito closed their mouths, somebody’s voice leaked from next door.
“Kou-chan, no running inside the house! It’s the middle of the night!”
The three looked at each other.
——The true identity of the zashiki-warashi is Kou-chan!?
The baby from the house next door, who still couldn’t walk yet when they moved there, had started walking, and it had only been the sound of the baby running around in the house that travelled into the adjoining Nanao’s house. He never knew that sounds from next door could be heard so well in wooden houses.
The three stared at each other for a minute, and then Nanao and Ryouhei burst into laughter, unable to hold it in any longer.
“What the hell were we doing, making our wishes to 'Kou-chan…’ Isn’t it one in the morning right now? Why is a little kid getting up so late at night?”
“I heard that babies are still bad at sleeping, so they inadvertently go to bed in the evening and get really energetic at night. But I can’t help it, this is too funny…”
Ryouhei couldn’t stop crying from laughter, and Kaito was too amazed to say anything.
In the end, Minato and Seiya also got up, and they also went up to the roof.
The five gazed at the starry sky for a long while.
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missstormcaller · 6 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Vol. II Part 5 Full Translation
This is about 1/3 of part 9 on the app (chapter 8 continued)
Somewhere in Seireitei.
"…Well, well. I didn't expect that one of the Espada would actually go to the trouble of leaping into the palm of my hands." In a dimly lit room encircled by numerous computer monitors, a man flashes a gleeful smile. At first glance, it could be mistaken for the observation room of the 12th division, however it was filled with an air that is far more closed-off than such facilities that exist within the Department of Research and Development. Tsunayashiro Tokinada, the absolute authority and sole presence in that space, watches the Reishi feedback on the monitors with great interest whilst muttering to himself.
"It's the Arrancar who made an appearance during the assault carried out by that Quincy lot, isn't it? Is this also perhaps an isolated coincidence? Or is it inevitable that he would drop in unexpectedly?" As Tokinada calmly stood up, he held his hand over a nearby candlestick. Then, he called out to someone on the other side of that candlestick which appears to be a sort of communication device. " —— Hikone." It was a simple call, but the flames of the candlestick flickered in a flash. "Yes, Tokinada sama!" An innocent voice that didn't match the atmosphere of the place, streams out from the candlestick. "You called!? Hikone's body has already been completely healed thanks to Yamada san's efforts! I think that I can definitely meet Tokinada sama's expectations this time!" "Don't talk nonsense. You have never betrayed my expectations. My expectations for you was that you would fail, and you failed for me precisely like I expected." "Tokinada sama?" "This previous defeat will become a source of nourishment for both you and 'Ikomikidomoe'. You may be versatile but you are by no means omnipotent. In order to avoid a mortal blow due to arrogance, you should remember the taste of defeat on some occasion at least once. That occasion was back in Hueco Mundo not too long ago, it's as simple as that." As he chuckled, Tokinada posed a question. "Do you despise me, the one who anticipated your defeat? Hikone?" "Not at all! I don't understand all too well since I'm not very bright, but if Tokinada sama says as such, then I'm extremely happy! I will continue to meet Tokinada sama's expectations from now on!" "I see, it's no big deal even if you did hold contempt for me you know. You are the future king after all. The likes of worthless noblemen such as myself, just looking at them, hearing their name, even being aware of their very existence will gradually become a pain. Compared to that, it would be a fortunate thing if I could simply remain in your memories whether or not you despise me." "What are you saying! I absolutely will not forget about Tokinada sama! After all, I wouldn't even be born in the first place if Tokinada sama wasn't there! Besides, it's Tokinada sama who once told me let's go with an equal relationship!" Faced with the words of Hikone which was not only denying the notion but also appears to be harbouring some sort of sentiment as if entreating him, Tokinada's sadistic smile distorted even further as he responded. "Is that so, thank you Hikone. It makes me glad to hear that even from your position you desire an 'equal' relationship." "That's right! Tokinada sa —— " But, at that moment… A completely different voice had interjected from the other side of the communication device by cutting off Hikone's own which was overflowing with joy. "……Don't make me laugh." Dark, solemn ridicule. "You don't actually think, even in the slightest, that you are equal to this child you wretch." It was a tone of voice filled with suspicion and malicious intent, far removed from Hikone's voice which was brimming with wonder and cheerfulness. "Hey! Ikomikidomoe! What are you saying to Tokinada sama!?" Soon after, the likes of some sort of collision sound could be heard for a short while —— eventually it settled down and at the same time Hikone's voice was transmitted across the room. "My sincerest apologies, Tokinada sama! I finally got it to be silent!" "It's fine, Hikone. After all, it's not like Ikomikidomoe is by nature a Zanpakutō that you had unleashed from an Asauchi. It's the same as my 'Kuten-kyōkoku' and the Ise clan's 'Hakkyōken', an article inherited from others. It will take a little more time for the sword to understand you." "It's not even a problem if I'm being misunderstood. However, if Tokinada sama is the one being misunderstood, that makes me incredibly sad!" "I see, Hikone is very kind. But, It's not like I'm the one handling Ikomikidomoe. Rather, it can't be handled by me." Tokinada spoke as if he were soothing a child, however the gleam of a merciless sadist dwells in his eyes, like he was preparing to torment a small animal. The voice only communicator naturally cannot convey that look, nevertheless, it continues to transmit a calm Tokinada's words alone towards Hikone who is in a separate location. "I dare say that you and Kurosaki Ichigo are about the only people who are capable of wielding that Zanpakutō… no……" In the middle of that sentence, he intentionally mixed in several other bits of information. "Perhaps, Ginjō Kūgo may also be capable of using it." "Ginjō san is it? I've heard that name before! Is he strong?" "Well if that is indeed the case, how about confirming it for yourself? As a matter of fact, that's also why I contacted you." Whilst reviewing the observation results of a section of Rukongai —— a maelstrom of Reiatsu which continued to intermingle in a disorderly manner even more so than earlier —— Tokinada encouraged voluntary action from Hikone.
"Actually, right now, the male Arrancar you recently fought against has made an appearance. And, Ginjō's group are also at the scene." " ! " "It's an opportunity to show that you are king. Make haste towards the scene, and I hope that this time, you will demonstrate that you have the makings of a king." Whilst concealing a smile overflowing with delight behind his words, Tokinada gently channels smooth talk towards Hikone. "I'm expecting you to win this time, Hikone." "Please leave it to me! Tokinada sama!" After relaying the location in question, Tokinada extinguished the flames of the candlestick which had become a communication device, at the same time his soliloquy resounded within the whole room. "…… It's good to know that… Ikomikidomoe… is being 'cultivated' favourably." Recalling the voice that interrupted the transmission a moment ago, Tokinada surveyed a number of measuring instruments and smiled, smirked, sneered. Then, when he looked at the apparatus that was observing a place completely different from Rukongai where Hikone was currently heading towards, Tokinada narrows his eyes ever so slightly and opened his mouth to speak. "There's activity in Karakura Town too? I see, that's a wise decision." A vast amount of data on Karakura Town, the Jūreichi (important spirit grounds) of the Human World, streamed in via the equipment belonging to the Visuals Department. While analysing the flow of Reishi in the whole town, Tokinada monologues even further. "…There is no better opportunity than this, to take control over that Jūreichi is there?"
. "Only now is Kurosaki Ichigo out of town."
Soul Society - Gotei 13 - Squad 1 Barracks. "Thank you for your report. We will immediately dispatch an investigation from our end too, Momo chan why don't you wait for captain Hirako's signal by stationing yourself near the scene." "Y-yes sir!" After watching Momo hurriedly bow and take off until she was out of sight,  the captain commander of the Gotei 13, Kyōraku Shunsui, calmly exhaled a breath of air whilst talking to himself. "This is a troublesome turn of events huh, quite so." As he finished muttering his habitual saying, vice captain Ise Nanao takes her documents in hand and issues her report. "There was indeed an in-advance request from the 12th division to 'conduct an experiment that employs the use of Quincy and Arrancar corpses'. I'm afraid it's likely that this is referring to the 'Kurotsuchi Corpse Unit'…" "Ah…that. The reality is questionable in a moral sense, but it's also a fact that we can't get by on lip service alone. The mere fact that Tōshirō kun and the others were able to receive medical treatment for their zombification was all that I could ask for." "However, in lieutenant Hinamori's report just now……" "Yes, I fear it's possible that it's an Arrancar who is different to those children employed by the 12th division. We are unable to directly sense the Reiatsu from here, so they're impossible to identify but… that aside, what purpose could this someone have to pay us a visit?" After speaking with what appears to be worry, Kyōraku hands down a set of instructions to his other vice captain Okikiba. "In any case, Okikiba san, please could you get in contact with Squad 2 and deploy an investigation team for me as soon as possible. If squad 12 complain, I see no harm in bringing up my name and forcing your way through on the orders of the captain commander." "As you command." Although it is a relaxed set of instructions made towards Okikiba who is his senior, in contrast to his tone of voice, an air of determination already revealed itself in Kyōraku's eyes as if to say that he will protect Seireitei to the end as captain commander. It is by no means a dazzling devotion to one side, rather there is a hint of preparing oneself to tolerate both the good and evil elements, it comprises of a determination to sacrifice certain things for the sake of protecting everything. "Good grief, only half a year since the end of the war, and yet I still haven't grown accustomed to this kind of thing have I." Since becoming captain commander, there are many things Kyōraku has come to learn anew. Topics covering various ground, perhaps regarding a dark side of Seireitei, perhaps the fact that sacrifices were deliberately made in a part of Rukongai in order to protect the balance of the world, as a result, Kyōraku has learned once more that the reality varies widely ranging from what he had privately predicted to events that went completely beyond the scope of his imagination. —— You mean to tell me that Yama-jii has been acting as an intermediary between us and the world for over a millennia in the midst of this kind of pressure? What was his frame of mind like when Kuchiki Rukia's execution order was issued? What was his frame of mind like when he declared that Inoue, who had gone towards Hueco Mundo, must be treated as a traitor? What was his frame of mind like when he sacrificed his own arm? What was his frame of mind like when he pointed his own Zanpakutō against Ukitake and Kyōraku himself who had both disobeyed the laws of Soul Society? It's something he'll never come to comprehend now, old man Yama's shadow was much too great for the imagination. He doesn't need to follow the same path as Yamamoto Genryūsai. However, as long as he is captain commander there will inevitably come a time when he will also be forced to choose for himself. In all likelihood there will be many things that won't even offer him the luxury of time to prepare himself. Just like in the past when he confronted those children who were Kurosaki Ichigo's school friends with Ichigo's potential future.
How much is one actually willing to cut down in order to protect the Seireitei or indeed the world? —— Yama-jii was serious to a fault huh. Maybe he was preparing himself everyday for that day to come. Behind those decisions which could be interpreted as cold-hearted, there were likely hundreds upon thousands of choices. Kyōraku who had inherited the things those choices have protected, smiled wryly whilst the awe towards his mentor swelled once more. "Just when I thought that succeeding the same position would bring me a little closer to you, it seems I'm all the more distant, you truly are a strict master to your pupils, Yama-jii."
Human World - Urahara Shōten "Kurosaki isn't here!?" In response to Hisagi's voice which held an open display of agitation, Urahara nodded with an unfazed air. "That's right, did I not mention it? Kurosaki san was on a trip this whole time since yesterday with all his family and friends." "On a trip you say!? He's not here for a reason like that!?" In the midst of the current situation where the town was being isolated by a mystery presence, before enquiring about the specific state of affairs Hisagi would propose to 'first of all, notify the Shinigami in charge of this area, furthermore… if we ourselves are the target, then we don't want to get those guys involved, but since the opponent's objectives are unclear, we may also tentatively initiate contact with Kurosaki's group', however that flow of events became doused in cold water by the fact that Kurosaki Ichigo was absent. "If anything, I'm surprised that Hisagi san didn't know? Kuchiki san and Abarai san should also be joining them right?" "Now that you mention it, it appears I haven't seen Abarai and co. these past few days…" "They went to one of the Reichi (spirit grounds) in West Japan. Although it's not at the same level as the Jūreichi of Karakura Town, it's around the 3rd most likely place in Japan for spirits to gather. At first it was only the younger sisters of Kurosaki san's household who were supposed to go on a trip to that place, however…" Perhaps it was preparation in response to those surrounding the town, that Urahara was briskly fiddling around with some sort of utensil whilst he continued to simply voice his explanation towards Hisagi. "Apparently some trouble occurred over there, though it wasn't like a sort emergency, hearing of a threat to the sisters, Isshin san manhandled Kurosaki san and together they took off. Well, if Kurosaki san had heard about it first however, he would also have rushed there of his own accord." "……He was a former captain right? Isshin san that is…" Having heard about the overly intense reactions of the former squad 10 captain, Hisagi broke out in a cold sweat as he inquired, Urahara on the other hand gave a shrill laugh as he replied. "Well, after all, he's a man of quick action, enough to flee Soul Society." "Can you be serious please?" "That aside, Orihime san and the others who have heard the news, are also pursuing the matter and I sense that they have already left for that Reichi. Therefore, I think Kurosaki san's gang won't be back here for a few more days. If he were aware of this state of emergency, then he would probably return, however in the absence of any spiritual tools or equipment, it's not a distance he can make it back from in ten or twenty minutes." "That seems like a……" Comparing the conversation just now with the current situation, his intuition as a Shinigami and as a journalist, aroused a certain suspicion in Hisagi's mind. And before he could even open his mouth to speak, Urahara had uttered the same speculation. "We should probably regard this as being planned." "That's putting it mildly…" "Although that place has always been a Reichi, it doesn't particularly mean that Hollows frequently appear in said region. If that wasn't the case, Isshin san wouldn't even have given the sisters permission to travel there in the first place. Then again, there is also the possibility that it was truly a matter of chance that trouble occurred over there, prompting Kurosaki san to leave town, and therefore someone had used this timing to hurriedly take action. However I think that probability is low, don't you agree?" "You have a point… it's more natural to assume that the incident over there is also the doing of our attackers." That the attackers were oblivious to even the fact that Ichigo was out of town and that this was all purely coincidental, it's not like this possibility was nonexistent too,  however Hisagi didn't think it meaningful to take the trouble of considering that scenario, he decided to set the notion aside for the time being. "But, Urahara san didn't think to go there himself?" "That's right, because today, I agreed to undergo Hisagi san's interview." "Err" In that moment, an indescribable sense of guilt sprouted within Hisagi. He considered the possibility that Urahara would have also accompanied them on the journey and settled this half-baked trouble already, if only he hadn't scheduled an interview. However, perhaps unable to just watch a clearly shaken Hisagi, Urahara readily gave the game away. "Just kidding. In truth, I thought there was something fishy going on, so I intentionally remained here. Given that the presence which lured Kurosaki san and the others out of town was much too strong, I thought that at least I had better stay in town." "So then, you knew something may happen today?" "If my guess missed the mark, then I'd be fine with that. But it's in my nature to be incapable of turning a blind eye to it when I consider the possibility after all." Urahara thereupon adjusted his hat, directing his gaze to face outdoors once more. "Well, I was nonetheless correct as a result, wasn't I?" About the same time as he had uttered that while taking a step towards the veranda —— A disruption just like the static noise of a television screen coursed through the air above the courtyard, the voice of a young boy streams out from the disturbed part of that space as if it were being transmitted through a machine. "It's been a while huh, Urahara Kisuke." "Oh my, I never expected it to be you, you startled me." "Don't lie. A person like you would have guessed that long ago from the nature of this isolation, isn't that so?" Confronted with the voice of the young boy which appeared exasperated, Urahara opened his fan with a snap as he replied. "Yes, of course I realised long ago! You can praise me some more if you'd like?" "A genuine expert in the art of annoying people, aren't you…" In response to the voice which was a slight blend of irritation and dread, Urahara narrows his eyes smilingly under the brim of his hat as he added insult to injury. "Then, while you're busy getting annoyed, you could save us some time and effort if you would please explain in detail what this is all about…" Although Hisagi was suspicious thinking "why does he have to give you an explanation of the situation on the basis of being provoked", he decided it must be the course of Urahra's negotiation style or something of the like and was thus compelled to accept it. However, the other party naturally did not give in to that provocation, instead of clarifying the state of affairs, the boy projected his form on a square shaped screen that appeared in mid-air. "Sorry, but I too have my reasons." Unable to recognise this face, Hisagi questions Urahara. "Urahara san, are you acquainted with this child?" "Indeed, I think even Hisagi san will recognise his name? Hisagi san did all sorts of investigations in his own way too with regard to Fullbring, isn't that right?" Whilst observing the face being projected in the air, Urahara posed his question to the boy once more. "So then… can you please give us an explanation? ……President Yukio Hans Vorarlberna?"
I’ll stop there because a) part 9 on the app is super long and b) I’m typing this out at an ungodly hour. 
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Komi (request)
Her fingers tapped onto the desk with her toes following the same beat. She had glanced up at the clock with the voice of the teacher ringing in her ear. Komiyama Haruka had something on yet mind but yet it was something that no other girl would do in her situation. The chime went faint before echoing in the room. The plan had been set. Within the boys' bathrooms she snuck in and placed an ad on the door. They had to pay of course but for the item at hand was something she couldn't bear waiting for. The classroom cleared out as she waited and grabbed her stuff. Her mind was set upon what she had seen upon a party she had attended although a price was meant to be paid when the boy walked into the room. "Komi... it is some dirty work you know?” He smirked. “You get your cut as well and a free pass, you know?” Komi tilted the head back. “We are not talking about making it last long.” “True... although you gave it up to a random stranger and now it can’t stop since you’ve gone to that party.” He sighed. “You got protection too?” “Nanao-kun... you and your sister are the same. Always worrying although a secret was you shot in her unprotected.” Komi snickered. “It is between us but we can’t risk it with you since... Yuiri is in the know but you have to maintain control.” Nanao warned as the women nodded. “One go and then leave.” Komi moved her head. “Honor system.” Komi pulled the box from her bad and gave it to the male to place it at the front. She pulled the table around her in the middle and undid her blouse to the bra and unzipped the skirt after, kicking it to the side. She touched the sex as the thoughts of the many to step up was going to unleash their stress upon her body. Komi grinned upon who would approach her as she waited for the first people. Despite the ad, she had liked the control of the situation although admittedly Nanao was the safety net to the crowd when she heard the ruckus outside. She climbed on top of the table as she glanced at the light above her when she gave the thumbs up. The few boys came in with the view of the woman on the desks. Some noted her quickly although the problem was settling in as she turned to the first one and loosened the belt. “Nee~ don’t you want to have sex?” She teased. “It’s his first time.” The other boy snarled, rubbing his crotch. “Oh... I’m quite tight.” She smiled as she saw the first one protrude out. Her lips pecked along the shaft. The length had just fit the hand’s width. She stroked it softly as her free hand had turned between her legs. Her eyes circled counting the group in the room as they circled around her. “Easy guys... make a line and when I instruct you follow my lead, everyone will be satisfied.” Komi announced as they headed towards the front of her. The two guys that stood by the first customer, dropped their pants with the same size as the one she had been rubbing up before taking it into her mouth. Her hands possessed the two as the deep taste had gotten her dreaming of it. Her tongue felt too relaxed into a state of a bigger prize when she heard the groan. “Mou~ hold it a bit more.” Komi scolded as she turned to the one on the right of her. The classroom was filled with men as the musk of the their bodies perfumed the room. Komi swayed to the other end to get back to it when she sensed the first in desperation. She climbed back up to removed her last piece and placed it aside. Helping the first one with his plastic covering, she guided it into the snatch before laying back. The other two took back to her hands as another one had seen the opportunity and shoved it into the open hole. The plug had comforted her although the hesitation on the other end was becoming unbearable to sense. She gripped the shaft hard to get the attention with a yelp from him. Komi felt the pause before releasing the one from her mouth. “Fuck me!” She groaned. The change was different as she used the prick as the pacifier for her moans. Komi anticipated more when it stopped and felt a pulse running through her body. “Feel free to ejaculate on me.” She announced when the first one came over and sprayed the seed over her body. With one came another as she felt the strong strikes into her body. She felt in heaven with the touch of raw shafts in her grasp. Komi settled upon the desk when she noted the warm goo upon her body. Komi turned over with a few awaiting her body as she stood and braved her hands upon the table. The sweat had built up over the time when she guided one into the love hole again. The group slowly approached her and rubbed the tips up to her soft skin when one pulled back from her mouth and drenched her face with the cum. She turned downwards to find one pressing under to tend to her chest. The slight grazes of her tender nipples forced her to scream as the hips jerked back. Komi noticed the grip of her hips digging as they pulled out before another had plugged it again. She glanced around with the men still surrounding her as one grabbed her hair and released it into her scalp. She knew the limit was going to approach soon but as long as they kept coming she accepted the fact that it kept her mind flowing of the idea. Although she had noted one as he stood tall by her. Komi knew for one that she had dreamt one time of him with his peach-colored skin and the blue eyes. He stood with the item ready. The condom was different than the rest as he placed it on. Komi felt the last blast onto the back when she signaled him over. He stood at least half her body length over her as she climbed back onto the table. Komi closed her swiftly as she guided the manhood in. It was forever until it hit the deepest she had taken. The cries escaped when he lifted her and hooked her legs. “Ay! No! I’m going over.” Komi said in her best English to him. The male smiled upon the words although with the rest prepared, he placed her down when the cannons released onto her body, painting every part of her canvas. She touched the sticky secretions on her body as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. She acknowledged the girth was well beyond the others she had taken her although she lost count with the last few. He pushed deep as her voice cracked instantly with his movements before having one taken into her mouth, muffling the sounds from her chest. “Okay.” He murmured as she released it and knelt as it masked her face of the seed. Her tongue took what had been within reach of her mouth and tasted the bitter flavor of a male seed. Komi climbed back up as she noted the last few around her. The next one wasn’t going to fulfill her pleas but it gave her some chance to recover with the nice thrusts as the last few unloaded swiftly leaving one left to succumb to her trap. She noted the expression as another came by with a wide smirk as he withdrew and fumbled over the removal as it hit the desk and left it mark on the surface rather than her body. “Slut... you are not using my boyfriend as a guard so you can screw as many as you want.” She growled as Komi smirked back. “Well at least he can shoot in me.” She smiled. “Not today!” She announced with Nanao walking into the room. “Sorry. She wanted to watch so I let her in.” He apologized. Komi swayed her eyes when she felt the tickling as the mouth had hovered over the slit. Her body was quickly shot with another blast of lust into the mouth, pounding the table immediately upon the surrender of her liquid. “Hope you got enough.” She growled as Komi stood and touched her tacky body. “I’ll go to the showers.” She nodded, wrapping her clothes up and placing it under the arm. Komi glanced around and ran towards the locker room where the moans had caught her attention but slipped into the showers to rinse off as through the fog was a couple. She turned on her shower to block it out as the swift touch had given her body a slight chill to her body’s limit for the time.
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buriedinbleach · 6 years
Meet Cute [Shunsui x Reader - Wifey]
*Sigh* since I apparently have no chill and can’t resisting bombing my readers with materia ;) I give you this...
I’m working on HC and Scenario asks AND ‘Letter Meme’ asks - I swear - but I gotta space those out! Since I get so many Shunsui x Reader - Wife - requests, I couldn’t resist doing one on how I think you met (seriously, I’ve written four already). Fear not, I’ll be back to your regularly scheduled smut for a while after this – including the nsfw continuation of this chapter if anyone is screaming for it (hint-hint / shameless plug / sorry-not-sorry).
Its another long one, so gather round, allow me to tell you the ‘Meet Cute’ story of how Shunsui x Reader - wifey - met. Cut is for length, not for smut.
<3 BiB
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[Meet Cute]
It was during one of his regular visits to the 13th division, shirking Nanao for as long as he could, that he first saw you. Shuffling through the courtyard, a determined look on your face, two unsuspecting unseated baby soul reapers locked in your sights. Poor bastards, Shunsui thought, a slight smile touching his lips as he watched, admiring your tenacity. The longer he surveyed the scene unfolding before him though, his thoughts morph more into, ‘lucky bastards’.
His feet wont move, not that he’s trying very hard to make them. His gaze is locked on you, absorbing every bit of information he can. The way your short kimono perfectly accentuates your smooth legs, so atypical in the traditional uniforms he’s surrounded with, but it suits you. The fabric swishes around your legs as you charge forward to stop the two men.
Your eyes are blazing with fury, your chest rises and falls quickly – alternating between yelling and drawing breath. Shunsui’s blood is pumping the longer he watches, an all-too-familiar twinge of desire pools in his gut and he realizes he better get out of there. He moves to slip past undetected when the two men you’re busy giving out to drop their shoulders in a deep, low bow, trying anything they can to distract you.
You stop speaking and turn to see what’s gotten them to finally show a little respect when you see him, Shunsui Kyoraku – Eighth division taicho – and you bow your head in your own respectful stance.
“Kyoraku-taicho, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” You’re apologetic, but not embarrassed in the least. You’re only doing your job after all, a seated officer has her responsibilities. Hearing him speak, you rise, but keep your eyes on the ground in front of you.
“Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just here on official business with your taicho.” ‘Right, ‘official business’, sounds legitimate.’ He smiles, silently congratulating himself on his quick thinking lie.
“Please don’t let us stop you. It sounds important.” You hazard a quick look at him, your eyes locking for a moment before you look down again. Shunsui almost thinks he saw a challenge in your eyes at his lie, but shakes it off, ‘I must be imagining things’.
It most certainly was a challenge. You’d heard the same stories as everyone else in the Seireitei about the famously talented, yet notoriously lazy, ladies man – Shunsui Kyoraku.
He reaches back, rubbing a hand over his neck, trying to act casual as his appetite to touch you grows deeper by the second. Every minute spent watching your lips, not covering them with his own, is absolute agony. Shunsui’s imagination runs wild, he can almost feel your soft lips pressed against his.
He can sense his desire building, worsening desperately the longer he looks at you. He's got to get out of here. “Well, I better go track Jushiro down.” You bite your lip, nervously, and look back up at him. “Urgent news and all.”
‘Get it together.’ Shunsui chides himself, hurrying towards Jushiro’s office. ‘One look and you’re half-hard like some teenager.’
As soon as Shunsui is suitably out of earshot you whirl back on the two men behind you, but they’ve already gone. Taking advantage of your momentary distraction to try and escape.
A week later, Shunsui had thoroughly worn Jushiro down. He was finally willing to intercede on his pathetic best friend’s behalf and put the poor man out of his misery.
Jushiro knocks quietly on the door to your office. Receiving no reply, he leans in closer. He can hear the sound of your pen scratching furiously against the paper, and your low voice grumbling to yourself. Jushiro smiles before gently pushing the door open and stepping inside quietly. He pulls up a chair opposite your desk and waits. That man truly had the patience of a saint.
Ten minutes later, you sigh, pushing your chair back as you glance up and freeze. Your eyes widen comically as you stare into Jushiro’s smiling face.
“Ukitake-taicho!? I’m so sorry, you should have said something, sir.” Horribly embarrassed, your cheeks feel like they’re on fire. If Jushiro notices anything, he’s too much of a gentleman to say a word.
“I’m sorry if I surprised you, I didn’t want to disturb your work.” Jushiro says, sipping at the small tea cup he held.
“What can I do for you?”
“Actually, it’s a bit of an odd subject.” Jushiro shifts in his chair, looking uncomfortable. You wait patiently for him to continue. “You see, Shunsui Kyoraku has been asking after you.”
“M-Me? Kyoraku-taicho was asking about me?” You gulp, audibly, and the amusement of it immediately puts Jushiro at ease.
“Yes, you see… he’d like, well… let me see, he’d like to take you out for dinner tomorrow night.” Jushiro’s shoulders relax, relieved to have finally gotten the message out. His work was done and the ball was in your court now.
“Kyoraku-taicho wants to take me to dinner? I don’t know…” Your brow knits together in careful deliberation. “I know he’s a good friend, so I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds, but-“
“Please, ___-chan, speak freely. I’m not here as your taicho right now. I’m just one man, trying to help his friend.” Another perfectly ‘Jushiro’ smile hits you like a punch to the stomach. ‘How the hell am I supposed to say no to him?!’ Might as well get it out, pull the band-aid off. Still, you look down at your hands, fidgeting nervously as you speak.
“Well, he has a ‘reputation’. I just worry that I would be another notch on his belt.” You sigh, finally meeting his eyes. Jushiro is looking back at you, almost willing some of his peaceful self-assuredness into your soul.
“I promise you, that is not the case.”
You mull his words over carefully for a moment. “Alright, dinner tomorrow night. He can pick me up here at 7pm.”
“Wonderful. I’ll tell Shunsui.” Jushiro is positively beaming as he stands and hurries towards the door. “You must have made quite the impression last week. He hasn’t stopped asking about you since.”
You might be flattered if you’d heard any part of what Jushiro had just shared. Instead, your thoughts are far too absorbed with processing the last five minutes. You had a date with Shunsui Kyoraku tomorrow night. Your emotions fluctuate wildly between nervousness, slight excitement, and utter dread.
The next evening, Shunsui was pacing Jushiro’s office, practically wearing a path in the wood floor from his repetitive steps. Glancing up at the clock every few minutes, he’s trying to implore time to move faster, as it inched towards 7.00pm. Jushiro can only smile to himself and shake his head at his friends lack of patience, a stark difference to the man he knew so well.
At 6.59pm Shunsui practically ripped Jushiro’s door off its hinges and hurried to your office. He raised his hand to knock then lowered it again. Taking a deep breath, he raised it once more and tapped lightly on the door with his knuckle.
You had felt his reiatsu before hearing the light wrap at the door, but waited until you heard the tell-tale sign that he was ready to take you out. Nervously, you opened the door and looked up at him. Shunsui’s eyes went wide as he looked at you. Needless to say, he was shook.
He was immediately hit with the scent of your perfume, light, sweet, and floral. Next, his eyes drifted quickly, but discreetly - even by Shunsui’s standards - over your body, drinking in the image that made his mouth water. You had been the sole occupant of his dreams for weeks and the moment had finally arrived.
He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. He coughed, took a breath and tried again. “Uh… you’re nice.” Shunsui’s eyes cinch shut in embarrassment. ‘Gods! What the hell is wrong with you? You’re blowing it Shunsui!’
Looking up at him, his cheeks blush wildly, making you smile. “uh… thank you?” You hadn’t really expected to throw him off his game this much. Though truthfully, you were trying to test him a little. Picking out a long, low cut dress with a revealing slit up the side. Wanting to push the boundaries of his resistance, to see if he really would try something to make you just another conquest on his long list.
“Sorry, that wasn’t what I meant. I mean, you are nice but…” Shunsui took another deep breath before speaking again. “You look lovely. That color really brings out your eyes.”
‘Huh, maybe the stories about him weren’t true.’ Shunsui stared straight into your eyes, making a conscious effort to avoid your exposed skin. He knew that if he allowed himself even one more wayward look, he wouldn’t be able to stop.
You smile again, feeling heat rush over your own face this time. “Thank you… Shunsui.” You test his name, it seemed a little odd calling him Kyoraku-taicho when you’re supposed to be on a date. That word, his own name, knocks the air straight out of his lungs. He’d imagined hearing it from your lips, sometimes - frequently - in the heat of passion, but watching your lips move - actually saying it - in real life blew all those fantasies out of the water.
“We should probably go. Don’t want to be late for our reservation.” Shunsui leaned in to boldly venture a kiss on your cheek just as you stepped forward. The result was the two of you knocking your heads together. If Shunsui wasn’t blushing wildly before, he definitely was now. Apologizing profusely, as you rubbed your forehead, then laughed.
Walking you home that night, back to the Thirteenth division, Shunsui was mentally running over the events of the night. By his count, the date could not have gone worse.
First, an ex-boyfriend of yours and an ex-girlfriend of his happened to be good friends, enjoying a night out together over dinner. While things had ended well between you and your ex, you parted as friends with no hard feelings, things between Shunsui and his ex… had not.
She spent twenty minutes alternating looks that could kill between you, then Shunsui, then back at you again. You barely noticed, content to continue on with your conversations with the two men. Shunsui was amazed with your grace, mentally adding to the running tally in his mind of your perfection. Your ex picked up on the awkwardness long before you did and shuffled them out the door in a hurry.
Promptly following that, Shunsui spilled sake all over the front of your dress. He could have died of embarrassment right then and there. In fact, he wished he had, because it only got worse. He had apologized profusely, rushing to your side, trying to wipe the damp splotch covering the front of your dress. Desperate to save a little face, he pressed his napkin against you, not thinking, and grazed your breast, then accidentally did it again.
Shunsui mentally chastised himself, torturing himself with reliving every last minute of that painfully awkward night. He had planned it out perfectly, and not a damn thing had gone his way. He was a professional at wooing women. A true master of his craft. How could it all have gone so wrong the one time he desperately needed it to go right?
You could almost feel the tension radiating from his body, but couldn’t understand why. All the snafus of the night had made him almost more charming to you now. He was already handsome, that much was certain. But seeing this side of him, the fact that he was just like any other man, overwhelmed by a pretty girl - that endeared him more to your heart than anything else ever could.
You reach out casually while continuing to look - and walk - straight ahead, tenderly lacing your fingers with his. Shunsui’s feet continue moving, but his breath hitches at the contact. Your skin was so warm and even softer than he had imagined. He held your hand a little tighter, still convinced that this would be the last time he would get the opportunity. He ventured a look down at you as you walked, you were smiling, and he felt suddenly emboldened as the two of you reached your door. It was now or never.
“I know its a long shot, but… could I take you out again? A do-over?” You can feel the tension that had been slowly ebbing away building back in his body again.
Turning to look at him, you quirk your brow in a questioning expression. “A do-over? I don’t really think we need a do-over.” There it was. A death blow, the confirmation that Shunsui had been dreading. His shoulders slump, weighed down with defeat.
“No, Shunsui.” You grab his other hand, holding it tightly, waiting for him to lift his eyes to yours. “What I meant was that we don’t need a do-over because I had a nice time with you.” He hears the words, he can see you smiling up at him, but he can’t bring himself to believe it.
“H-How? That was a catastrophe.” Shunsui shakes his head in disbelief as you laugh. Its a sound that manages to put him at ease, and even he has to chuckle.
“Oh, it was awful.” You admit, before another fit of giggles comes over you. “But it was because it was awful that I had a fun time.”
“Then you must have a twisted sense of fun, ___.” Gaining more confidence by the minute, Shunsui holds your hands a little tighter, running his thumb over the back of your hand as you shift nervously.
“No… it was just nice to see that the rumors about you aren’t all true.” A sly smirk crosses your lips.
Shunsui straightens to his full height, fully returning to his usual breezy, carefree self. “Rumors? About me? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Its a lie neither of you believe.
You take another step towards him and his breath audibly hitches. You grin and venture forward again, teasing and testing him, as Shunsui holds his breath. “I think you do. You’re known to be quite the ‘ladies man’ around the Seireitei.”
“Maybe I was. But now, I’m a one-woman kinda guy.” He looks down at you, the textbook picture of cool and confident. But his eyes are sharp, emphasizing the fact that his words were a promise.
Pressing your body into his, you feel the heat radiating off of him and into you. “Does that mean you’re going to kiss me?”
Shunsui’s eyes are as big as saucers for a moment, faced with the delicious reality of his all-consuming dreams. Dreams that were filled with nothing but you since he first laid eyes on you. He draws on every ounce of composure he has before sliding his arm around your waist, and winding his hand behind your head.
Its your breath that hitches now as Shunsui tilts your face up towards his, lowering his mouth to hover just above yours. He wants to prove to you that one damn thing will go right tonight. And this kiss was the only thing that mattered anymore.
He sighs, sending a soft - delicate - warm puff of air across your mouth that drives any other thought but him from your mind. His mouth caresses your bottom lip, sucking briefly until he hears you gasp. Sensing his opportunity, his lips press against yours, as his tongue moves over yours so slowly and carefully, it makes your knees go weak. Shunsui’s lips part in a smile as he holds you tighter to his body. Shunsui was perfectly content to never let you go again. Little did either of you know then that he never would.
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