#i wasn't watching the reconstructions back then and the animation hadn't been made yet at that point
wayward-wren · 4 months
What I wouldn't give to see Victoria and Jamie's goodbye in it's proper original form
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Two Men and a Baby Pt 9B-The Ending.
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Part 9a was posted earlier this morning if you haven't read it yet.
Thank you everyone who took the time to read this. Your comments have been wonderful to read and kept me going when I got a case of writers block. I have other stories I plan to write so I hope you'll stick around for a while.
I am posting fun facts at the end of this story, if you'd like to read those too. - Brandy
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@gardeningourmet @emceesynonymroll @dcbbw @sirbeepsalot @crookedslimecreatorpasta @moonlightgem7 @katedrakeohd @romanticatheart-posts @carabeth
The Real Last Final One 9B
Liam just finished his account of the predicament he found himself in earlier. Riley felt badly for her husband and the anger she felt over his "zip it" comment seemed a little more justified.
Drake stood from his chair and apologized for what he had done. He, too, had had a rough day, however, no one deserved to be clawed in the face, hauled off to a psych ward, beaten and nearly strip searched, especially the King.
"I know what will make you feel better, My King." Riley whispered.
"I can't imagine what." Liam pouted.
"Well....we are in a hospital, I don't think we've ever done it in one before." Riley looked at him like she wanted to devour him right there.
Liam raised an eyebrow, "I do like doing it in public places."
Riley grabbed his hand and led him off in search of an empty room.
"Watch your zipper Liam" Maxwell yelled.
Olivia huffed "Well, there goes my ride. Hey Walker, why don't you give me a lift back to the palace."
Drake didn't want to, the last thing he wanted was to end his night with Olivia, but, perhaps she'd be too tired to annoy him for the hour drive back.
2 hours later....
Bertrand had to have surgery to free him of the zipper. After a healthy dose of drugs and a little reconstructive surgery, he and his dick should make a full recovery. He will need to wear a diaper for a while, but, that's a small price to pay for ones manhood.
Savannah finally reunited with her son. She knew the whole time that Bartie could drink from a bottle, but, she had a secret breast fetish and seeing Bertrand with it on, drove her wild.
The boar was finally caught. It caused significant damage to the Beaumont Estate, but, in reality, it was nothing they hadn't seen following a Beaumont Bash. It was placed in the Valtoria menagerie, due to Zeke being unable to take him back.
Zeke and Penelope were arrested that night for operating an illegal animal ring. Truth is, Zeke was raking in profits off the illegal purchasing and trading of several wild animals. Penelope was the ringleader. She had made off like a bandit having acquired 100's of boxes of dog treats for her poodles.
Liam and Riley found an empty room and did what Liam and Riley always do when they're alone. When they finally finished, Riley noticed a white flash as she was dressing, but, it was probably nothing.
Maxwell and Drake finally sat down together and pondered their day. They were two men, who certainly had one hellish day, but, they both were able to stand tall knowing they made it through...well, Maxwell had the crutches.
Maxwell was not charged for his part in the disaster. Being a Beaumont has its perks, but, when you're able to forge letters from the King pardoning you, it's even better. He would hitch a ride home in a news van and sleep outside with his peacocks that night.
Liam was cornered in the hospital by the press as he tried to leave. He had to explain why hospital security caught him running out of a vandalized bathroom full of shit, that was now playing on loop from every news station. He also had to explain why he delivered a baby, was beaten, placed in a mental health ward and beaten again. Riley, however, announced she would throw a Royal Ball and go on a Royal Tour, in hopes of answering their questions and calming the masses. Liam, also decided to start wearing condoms again; he wasn't sure he could handle another delivery right now.
"You ready Liv", Drake shook a sleeping Olivia from her chair in the waiting room.
She gathered her things and followed Drake out to the parking lot. The ride to the Palace was fairly quiet, both too exhausted to say anything.
They walked up the grand stair case and Drake couldn't help but notice her ass swaying in her skirt. She annoyed the hell out of him, always had, but, damn if she wasn't sexy.
Once they reached the top, she looked at him like she hadn't before.
"Well Walker, for what it's worth, this day had been something I never expected. I've laughed more today that I have in a long time and its all thanks to you and Maxwell."
Drake slightly huffed," glad we could entertain you Duchess."
"Well, I'm going to bed, I can't keep my eyes open any longer", she smiled at him, winked and made her way to her guest room.
"Night Liv", he would say as he watched her walk away.
Drake went to Liam's study; he was tired, but, hadn't had a stiff drink all day. He sat on the couch, slumped down and drank his long awaited whiskey. One glass after another, until he started to feel much more relaxed and comfortable.
He stood up from the couch and that's when she walked in.
"I thought I heard someone in here" she said.
She walked over to the bar cart and poured her own drink.
She was beautiful in her white, silky robe that accentuated her breasts.
"Didn't mean to disturb you your highness."
"Drake, you can never disturb me" she said while taking a drink and lifting her bare leg to rest on the coffee table.
"Mrs.Rys, are you trying to seduce me?"
"Would that be so bad?" she asked while undoing her robe.
Drake pulled at his collar and licked his lips. He looked at Liam's desk and nodded. She smiled at him and stood in front of the desk. He told her to bend over and he couldn't help but stare at her round ass. He felt kind of guilty about what he was getting ready to do, but, alcohol and his throbbing dick took over. "What the hell" he whispered and went for it.
The next morning
He looked at her and uttered, "I'm sorry".
She replied with a soft smile, "I'm not".
Drake closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "but, what about Liam?"
"Drake, my husband never took the time to touch me like you did last night; trust me, I'm not worried about Liam finding out."
"Yeah, last night sure was crazy."
After doing it twice on Liam's desk, they moved back to his room for the night. She got up and put her clothes on. After she left, Drake picked up his phone to text Maxwell.
....Beaumont, you were right! She does have an apple pie tattoo on her ass.
Fun facts.....
1. This was never supposed to be more than one chapter. I had the idea, thought it would be cute to write a drabble of Bertrand breastfeeding with that fathers breastfeeder seen on Meet the Fockers.
2. After writing chapter 1, I wanted to explore the cliff hanger at the end....would Drake wear the breastfeeder. I had to go ahead and do another to ensure he did.
3.it wasn't until part 4 when my little story started to get noticed by others. I never expected anyone else to read it. I personally thought it was too bizaar, but, continued out of pure enjoyment. You all made it worth it and I loved every minute of writing this.
4. Chapter 7 was my personal favorite. I have to thank @emceesynonymroll for inspiring Maxwell's dialogue. It also was the quickest chapter I wrote.
5. I adore Drake and his character in TRR/TRH, but, as a Liam stan, I could never bring myself to have Riley in his bed at the end. However, I'm not opposed to exploring that for a future post.
6. I wanted to continue this series, but, there is only so much you can write about in a one day timeline. Also, I think everyone suffered enough in the story. I decided it was time to call it quits.
7. There will be new adventures ahead for the gang....I have big plans for them 😂
8.If you have any requests or suggestions, let me know. I'm interested in new ideas. I'm also not opposed to constructive criticism; message me and let me know where I can improve.
As always, thanks for reading!
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