wayward-wren · 4 hours
im sorry but no matter what i will never use "ofc" to mean "of fucking course". its "ofcourse". obviously.
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wayward-wren · 4 hours
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She said to me child I’m afraid for your soul
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wayward-wren · 16 hours
I think polls have gone to the Tumblrites' heads. Anything to do with "the person you reblogged from" is something to put in the TAGS in reblogs. We had this worked out already. Polls are for a different purpose.
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wayward-wren · 16 hours
to anyone missing my writing please know i am also missing my writing
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wayward-wren · 16 hours
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I really wish more people talked about this, how Ford feels about Stan after the events of Weirdmageddon. I love his character growth a lot, Ford is often mischaracterized as a bad person and honestly I think he was just severely traumatized. He didn’t understand what he did, but now he does and he is healing with his family. That’s all that matters.
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wayward-wren · 16 hours
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wayward-wren · 19 hours
the implications of ford pulling this photo out of his trenchcoat in the last episode you guys… THE IMPLICATIONS.
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look at the state of this thing!! look at its rips! the stain in the bottom right corner! it’s dog-eared, the color is faded, the paper has browned… he’s kept this photo of them since they were kids. through all the years he stubbornly swore to hold a grudge, all the years he and stan never spoke, he kept this photo.
and we can assume he probably didn’t have it dimension-hopping, since i find it hard to believe he would’ve had it on him when he initially got sucked in, but ford pulling it out of his trenchcoat here!! implies!! that he had been CARRYING IT AROUND WITH HIM for some time after he got back!
imagine if he found it in some of his old stuff the night he returned, after punching and yelling at stan, after being sure to keep as much emotional distance between them as possible, and he finds this photo. would he have stared down at it? for a little while? smoothed the creases out on his desk? thumbed the torn, loved edges while he mourned a simpler time? then pocketed the thing to always have it with him?
i dunno. maybe i’m looking too far into it. but i can’t help but wonder if ford kept it because, against all his big dreams and ambitions, deep down he always wondered what his life might have been like if he sailed away with his brother when they were teenagers. never able to throw it away because doing so would symbolically destroy the last remnants of a childhood fantasy, the last piece of him that remains young and hopeful of a future at his brother’s side.
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wayward-wren · 19 hours
oh God oh fuck oh God
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I didn't know he was wearing his father's clothes. omfg he loves his family so much. Just like that post about all the changes he made to be a good guardian for the twins and then they almost decided to run away. This is just another example of that. He wears his dad's clothes and when his brother sent him that post card saying "please come" he went, and when he fucked up and lost his brother he spent the next thirty years trying to get him back dealing in machinery and mystical forces he does not understand. He loves his family so much even when they don't love him. He loves his family so much and he wants someone to love him too :((( HE'S BEEN ALONE FOR SO LONG why didn't anyone go to Mr mystery's mystery aged birthday party? I'm fucking shrieking at the top of my lungs. In one of the episode's commentary tracks (land before swine?) there's a story Stan tells about how Ford made a kissing robot to learn how to kiss correctly and the only way to turn it off was to kiss it good. And it went off in class and Ford had to kiss the disembodied head in front of everyone to get the siren to stop and then he says "HAHAHAHAHAH hahahaha HAAAHAHAHA..... he was still more popular than me". And is that hilarious? Yes. Is it also heartbreaking? Yes. for fucks sake someone just care about him. This isn't the story of an unpopular nerd brother and a popular street smart brother. This is the story of a golden boy and a black sheep. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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wayward-wren · 20 hours
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Stanuary week one: Home The first time he went home in over a decade was to attend his own funeral.
(Please excuse any inaccuracy regarding shiva or Jewish funeral reception customs. I’m an atheist from a mostly atheist country and I know close to nothing about religion.)
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wayward-wren · 20 hours
Ford's metal plate post-canon is so funny tho bc imagine you're walking along the sidewalks of a small coastal town in the winter and you see these two old guys (who look exactly the same) walking along and chatting and one of them slips on a patch of ice on a bridge over a river and brains himself on the handrail and you just hear this incredible metallic CLANG like he's made out of fucking titanium and the other guy is just like "lmao clumsy idiot" and he gets up grumbling and they keep walking like nothing happened
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
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click for better quality/enlarged images!
and they'll be together forever! :]
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
press the teleport button to come over to my house and eat a bagel on the porch with me rightnow and you will earn 5 gems
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
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i dont draw anything serious anymore
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
it’s me boy the ring of power speaking to you inside your brain listen to me boy leave the fellowship we don’t need them
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
the transition from reading artemis fowl as a kid and seeing him as this insanely cool character to reading it as an adult and going. you're a child. you should be on a playground. why are you kidnapping people. wear shorts or something.
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wayward-wren · 21 hours
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He got an F- on a history test
Referencing this
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