#i watched petscop right after getting over the stomach bug that wrecked my life so i have “fond” memories about it
crowcussion · 2 years
you know that spasm your stomach does right before you vomit that kinda triggers a gag? mine likes to do that randomly, and it happens so often i can trigger it which might make me capable of vomiting on command but i’d rather not find that out because gagging is the worst sensation i could ever feel. that’s the part of vomiting i hate the most. the gags. something about the sensation makes me cringe. if vomiting was just you being like ‘i’m going to vomit’ then you just open your mouth and it comes out on command i wouldn’t mind vomiting. but first there’s the awful nausea, then the stomach spasms, then the acidic taste, then your stomach still lurching even though it’s empty. i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to fully overcome this fear.
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