#i’m gonna make a petscop reference
crowcussion · 2 years
you know that spasm your stomach does right before you vomit that kinda triggers a gag? mine likes to do that randomly, and it happens so often i can trigger it which might make me capable of vomiting on command but i’d rather not find that out because gagging is the worst sensation i could ever feel. that’s the part of vomiting i hate the most. the gags. something about the sensation makes me cringe. if vomiting was just you being like ‘i’m going to vomit’ then you just open your mouth and it comes out on command i wouldn’t mind vomiting. but first there’s the awful nausea, then the stomach spasms, then the acidic taste, then your stomach still lurching even though it’s empty. i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to fully overcome this fear.
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aradiamaxxing · 2 years
“Analog Horror” Reviews
I’ve been wanting to give more thorough reviews to each series I mentioned in this post, along with a couple that I’ve seen since then. Shoutouts to @that-one-gay-bird​ for prompting me to make this.
First, an updated ranking, because it has changed, and then I’ll give the proper reviews in no particular order.
GOOD: This House Has People In It, The Monument Mythos/Cornerfolk, Eventide Media Center, FNAF VHS
OK: Backrooms, Petscop, Local 58
TBD: Gemini Home Entertainment, Andy’s Apple Farm
BAD: The Walten Files, CRT Anomalies, The Mandela Catalogue, The Macabre Experiment
alright let’s get going
This House Has People In It: This one is mostly nostalgia. I got into this back before the genre of Analog Horror was even a thing. THHPII is a wild multimedia ride that only gets more confusing the more you look into it. As someone who likes really weird shit, this obviously appeals to me. It’s also the only one of these videos to genuinely unnerve, I might even say scare, me just due to how much crazy stuff happens all at once.
Local 58: Okay, Contingency is a good video. A really good video. Maybe not that good, but still a good video. I also think it’s Local 58′s only good video, with everything else just being bland and forgettable. Cadavre a cute, however.
FNAF VHS: Man, this one is just good all around. Even if you’re not a fan of FNAF, I would recommend this. It gives the events of the first four games a lot more weight and there are some neat references to the franchise for those who are already fans. The videos have the most variety I’ve seen out of any series and Memories just might be the best piece of FNAF-related media ever produced.
Gemini Home Entertainment: This was at the very bottom of my original ranking, with me regarding it as a series that spun its wheels for two years and went nowhere. However, I still keep up with a few analog horror channels I don’t like just to see where they go, and I’m glad I did because every video from HOME INVADER HELP onwards has pleasantly surprised me. They’re creepy, they’re engaging, they’re everything I wanted out of the premise from the start. However, the old videos still exist, and they are still not that good, and I can’t in good faith recommend a series where you can skip half the videos and get roughly the same effect. Because yes, as a series that took almost two years to really get going, it has a lot of filler. But things are looking up. I’m keeping my eye on this one, and you should too.
Petscop: Does this count? I’m gonna count it, because I have things to say about it. Petscop gained notoriety mainly because of its production value, and it’s not hard to see why. I wouldn’t call it bad, not until episode 17 where everything about the story gets put on hold to look at backend development material and never gets back on track. It’s just too vague for its own good. It’s easy to draw your own interpretation of events because the game doesn’t really have a story, it just sort of vomits imagery at the viewer and asks them to make something of it. At least the music’s good.
One last thing: if your first or, god forbid, only exposure to this was Night Mind’s video, then I pity you.
CRT Anomalies: Not worth the time.
The Walten Files: TWF has a lot going for it. It’s drawn from scratch. It’s based on FNAF, but still has an original story. And it’s got a lot of the same variety that FNAF VHS does. Mr. Walls does some pretty good gore. And the first two videos are good. And the spinoffs aren’t too shabby either. But it cannot be overstated just how awful the voice acting in this series is. And I’m well aware that I’m being a dick by saying this, but when you spend an hour with Sophie, you really feel it. It also doesn’t help that Bunnyfarm has the worst writing out of the three videos.
I am going to give due credit though. The guy who did Brian Stells is good, the person behind Sha/Rosemary knocked it out of the park, and the text-to-speech is always a nice, reliable pick.
Come to think of it, why is this so low? It might be better in the limbo category with GHE and AAF. Eh, I’ll just say it’s because of findjackwalten.com. ARGs are fuckin’ gay.
Andy’s Apple Farm: Andy’s Apple Farm is a good condensed representation of the past few years of horror, which is good if you’re new to the scene or are just out of the loop in general. I am neither. Next!
The Macabre Experiment(copied from a post I made on 4chan): a series based on old creepypastas is a good idea because many of them are great conceptually but are written horribly, but I don't feel these videos do those stories justice. they strip away a lot of the more interesting parts of those old ideas, and it also seems to be laying its own story on top of them, but it's been 3 videos with no development in that regard. the Ben Drowned video is especially insulting because most of it is footage ripped directly from Jadusable's original videos with a filter over it. (why the fuck is there even a VHS filter there anyway? the dude is playing a nintendo 64 on what I assume is an LCD television and using a program to directly record the screen.)
just go read the original stories
Eventide Media Center: There’s a running sentiment about analog horror that a significant chunk of it is just copying Local 58. EMC is the most obvious example of this, but I’d say it does a better job at what Local 58 is trying to do. Its ideas are just more interesting, and it takes the time to fully realize them. If you actively dislike Local 58, you should skip this one. But if you did like it (or found it boring like I did) give this a shot.
Backrooms: I’m of the opinion that the premise of the backrooms is not strong enough to support any extended project, but the Backrooms does a better job than most at doing the backrooms justice. it’s caught in an unfortunate bind between adding too much and ruining the horror of isolation or not having enough content for new videos. eventually, the scale is going to tip one way or the other.
Monument Mythos/Cornerfolk: The Monument Mythos is unique in every sense. It’s got a solid premise. It has its own style that’s more like something you’d see in a museum than on a VHS tape. It has phenomenal sound design. I also like the way it plays with its framing. Everything feels like it was made by someone in-universe and intended for someone else to view. It pushes the bounds of both the “Analog” and “Horror” components of Analog Horror, which honestly is just a general term for creepy videos at this point. A lot of the earlier videos shit the bed when it comes to revealing the horror, and I’m iffy on the most recent additions, but when it gets good it gets really fucking good. It’s a web of intrigue and atrocity that gets tighter with each new installment. Really, the best I can say is that it’s unique.
oh, and I guess I gotta mention the cornerfolk as well now. that, uh, doesn’t really have enough content specific to it for me to form a judgement.
The Mandela Catalogue: it’s shit
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Like what you see? Wanna see more spooky?
So as a result of the Film Theory video, I’ve gotten a large influx of followers, and as I’ve just started my new post-grad day job, I haven’t really had the time to address this. So first off:
Hi! I’m k! It’s very nice to meet you all and I’m very glad you’re here! There’s two more episodes left in the series and I’m happy I’ll have this lovely community to end it with!
Now onto more important matters:
Do you like this kinda content? Do you want to see more weird/wacky internet storytelling?
Well, I want to do my favorite thing which is divert attention from me onto other people!
Let this be your reference post! I present to you:
k.’s Megamasterlist Of Cool Spooky Shit Online
So, if we’re gonna start with anything, it feels only right to start with the strange collection of webseries/arg’s that made me want to make a webseries of my own - The Slenderverse! Everyone knows Slender Man, the meme, but if you don’t know him as a webseries icon, check these out!
Marble Hornets: The OG, the first Slender Man related webseries ever made. Film boi disappears, leaves tapes to his friend, hilarity ensues. Hilarity, in this case, refers to terror, fear, stalking, murder, and all those other super-fun things.
TribeTwelve: Tribetwelve is (UPDATE since I forgot this was here, as of Nov 9, 2020, I’m taking most of my info off this section. I’m keeping this on the list because so many people have bonded with the art itself, but the creator has been revealed to have done some really terrible things, so that should be kept in mind when choosing to engage with this series.)
Everymanhybrid: A rad storytelling venture with a real neat plot and a very compelling cast of characters. They did some pretty rad ARG stuff too, while they were still ongoing.
Darkharvest: It’s got a, uh, CULT following. (I’m booing myself).
MLAndersen0: Brothers, suspenders, and Slendy, oh my!
Whisperedfaith: Technically about The Rake, but it tends to fall in with the ‘verse too - More Cults! Also this guy directed a whole damn movie - Lillith!
The Record Of Stan Frederick: A total complete standout, taking on a dramatic, very cinematic tone that gets me every time. Every episode was very well built and had me hooked deeply. It can get heavy, but the story and themes are exceptionally well done.
Keratin Garden:  I Came Out To Learn About How To Paint My Nails And Slender Man Is Making Me Feel Really Attacked Right Now. Also, it’s just really nice to see lady-led slenderseries.
There’s TONS more in the ‘verse - it’s a crazy rabbit hole of what is effectively an open-source monster. Got a cool recommendation? Drop it in the comments!!
WHAT’S THAT? SLENDER MAN IS COOL, BUT YOU WANT EVEN MORE? MAYBE SLENDER MEN AREN’T YOUR JAM? Well good thing there’s a huge amount of other great ARGs, webseries, and online storytelling experiences out there. Here’s a big sampling:
Daisy Brown: A gem of a webseries. I adore this story so much. Beauty and baby monsters. Go watch this and go give the creator all of your love. Also she’s involved in another series - Echo Rose!
Alantutorial: A strange man teaches you basic life skills. Made by Alan Resnick, a creative genius also involved in Wham City Comedy and AB Video Solutions.
2h32: I love the aesthetic of this one, like cosmic horror meets gothic romanticism meets 1930s radio - very Art Horror.
Archive Enrichment Center: Somebody put cameras in this kids house - who are they? Why are you creeping on a random person trying to live their life? What sort of strange goings on are happening in this house? Strange organizations? whack
POSTContent: More spooky tutorials, god I need to catch up on this one it’s so well done and very engaging.
CH/SS: A strange tv program, russians, and possibly a strange entity? This one is a wild ride that’s mind bogglingly fascinating.
TheSunVanished: A twitter account in an alternate universe wherein the sun just yeets itself somewhere else, or so we think - aliens? What’s happening in this timeline?
Petscop: If you’re here from Film Theory, you’ve probably already heard of this one. I really need to catch up more on this one.
Soursalt: If you like gore, this one’s for you - the creator pushes his series so far Mr. Youtube has gotten mad at him for it.
Monarch’s 52 - I haven’t gotten around to watching this one in full, but I think it involves the SCP foundation!
That’s just a small sampling of the dozens of works out there - there’s no doubt I’m forgetting some, and that’s where you guys come in! If there’s something cool out there you wanna share, drop it in the replies here! Also let me know if I screwed up the links, cuz that was a LOT of them. In this house, we’re all about spreading the love and spooky. There’s tons of other great things out there, just waiting for you to find it!
Fly, be free my scary ducklings!
Much love, 
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cloudbankdownload · 5 years
konnichiwa, and welcome back to the classic “Matpat video notes from hell” series
yup we’re doing this again lol. just imagine noodle from gorillaz typing this up instead of alex and it’ll almost be just like last time! today (June 10, 2019) we’ll be watching “Game Theory: FNAF, You Were Meant To Lose (FNAF VR Help Wanted).” please note that in the thumbnail it says “don’t trust the tapes!” so you too can be mad at how he’s slandering tape girl like that. and, of course, THERE WILL BE SOME (MOSTLY MINOR) SPOILERS! YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. okay, video time!
-alright, starting off strong with a compilation of Poor Matpat (/s) and all the times he thought he’d made his last fnaf theory video (man i wish fnaf 4 was his last theory vid too)
-not even a minute in and we’ve already got some avengers endgame references smh
-jokingly calls fnaf vr “matpat insanity simulator” and MAN i WISH
-calls the game “an ~inflection~ point” like we get it you can use fancy words okay relax
-thinks there���s more games to come
-vr game supposedly is gonna lead us into “FNAF: The Next Generation” (bro if you’re gonna come up with a name for a list games we don’t even know are gonna exist, at least be creative with it come on)
-”the meatiest game in the fnaf library” with I SHIT YOU NOT an awful graphic of freddy’s head over a disgusting pile of “ground meat” with a big yellow sun-shape with red text that says “NO FAT!” JFC MATT WHY!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!! also y’all are welcome, i definitely took that bullet for you
-i’m only two minutes into a 23:39 video why did i sign up for this i’m gonna die
-oh joy he actually played it on gt live /s
-experience of the game is to “recreate the brand” and “clear its name” or w/e
-he’s really going out of his way to say “THESE shirts are for the LADIES and THESE shirts are for the MEN” SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KNOCK YOUR TEETH OUT
-seriously man we already knew you were a Gender Binary Cop but this is ridiculous
-there’s game theory underwear. apparently. if i had to suffer through that fact so do you.
-”if you’re a fan of all the hard work we put into each and every one of our videos” WOW matt i had know idea how hard it was to steal other people’s work and ideas for your half assed theories!!!1!!11!!!
-god he makes it sounds like his theory gear is like donating to a charity absolutely unbelievable
-by the way, that ad for his own merch was from 3:32-4:18 and that’s almost a full minute (though trust me, it felt like so much longer)
-quiero matar ese hombre (translation: i wanna kill that man)
-[insert stream of cursing in multiple languages that i cannot be bothered to type out here]
-this little white bitch really just said that there was only one important character missing in the vr game–golden freddy
-“noodle!” i’m sure you’re saying. “there’s nothing wrong with matt saying that!” oh no, that wasn’t the bad thing he said. ohhh no.
-and i quote: “i mean, ballora isn’t around here either, but you know i said ‘IMPORTANT’ [voice saying “buh-buh-baom!”, explosion sfx, air horn sfx]”
-me parece que el quiere ser un hombre muerto (it seems to me that he wants to be a dead man)
-anywayyyys back to golden freddy: she’s not in the game because she’s chillin in hell with william afton APPARENTLY
-あの、ちょっと・・・(um, not really…)
-oh excuse me, she’s in hell with william to torture him, not chill with him
-also like how we’re still assuming a lot of things /s
-man this is taking a while
-cassidy (golden freddy) never gives up her soul, proves along with scrap baby plush that help wanted takes place after pizzeria simulator
-franchise is trying to rebuild itself after yknow, a dude going on a child killing spree
-talks about the following malhare ending
-yeah we aint gonna talk about what he calls malhare
-third appearance of the name “jeremy” in the games
-says he’s put the tapes in a “cohesive narrative” order (hah, how much do we wanna bet he’s wrong?)
-lol doesn’t say the order so he can’t be called out on his bullshit (i’m too tired to try and actually piece this shit together)
-this mf really 1) called jeremy crazy 2) or maybe that he’s “just a fnaf youtuber” and 3) PUTS UP A GRAPHIC OF HIM AND MARK GIVING EACH OTHER A HIGH FIVE. bold of you to assume you deserve to be near him mister patthew.
-[GORE WARNING] his take on the jeremy incident (you know the one, it was mentioned in the tapes) is that the ink is blood and jeremy DID cut his face off with the paper cutter. if you’re here from the fnaf discord server, you were probably around when we all discussed that this was unlikely.
-oh wow he really just tried to tie that in with the bite of 87 huh
-he’s convinced jeremy dies (spoiler: we don’t–and neither do a fair bit of people)
-really blaming tape girl for the fact that she didn’t warn about not collecting the tapes until the fifteenth tape huh
-talks about all cassettes collected endings, and how you “lose” no matter what in any of the three endings
-thinks the player is destined to lose the game
-mentions inconsistencies and oddities in the tapes
-i.e. how tape girl introduces herself twice—in tape one and tape fifteen
-how she says in tape sixteen that she knows there’s a way to kill malhare when she can’t possibly be sure, because she clearly hasn’t done it herself (malhare wouldn’t exist otherwise.)
-as in, she’s secretly trying to get you to release malhare instead of killing him
-thinks malhare melded with her conscious after she tried to delete the audio files and then attempted to escape by making the next playtester release malhare
-meanwhile the player is stuck while malhare takes over their body
-thinks that maybe the player waits until the next playtester comes along and loses their consciousness, which lets the player out
-says that putting together the tapes is like putting together the petscop lore
-wonders how many williams are out there--could the ai be replicating itself into multiple people--but admits yeah probably not
-”but that’s just a theory.. a game theory” or w/e the fuck he says
-insert ancient meme about fnaf storyline here bc he was too lazy to make a graphic or w/e
-oh wait no he wants to talk about jeremy haha still gotta sit through this for another minute or so
-random appearance of shadow freddy he found, malhare has three toes (ffs sake not the toe theories again i thought we were done with that crap) like the footprints outside afton house in fnaf ps midnight motorist minigame
-lovelyyy he’s gonna make another video after “thinking” shit over
-”scott cawthon is the villain in his own game” OKAY WHATEVER IDGAF
-i hoped you enjoyed these because they were legitimately the second or third worst experience of my life and i’m really not exaggerating
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catseronay · 6 years
Post Petscop 15
okok petscop 14 dropped dropped a hellscape of information and somehow managed to give more questions that answers, despite the fact that Paul explained a SHITLOAD himself but.
I’m gonna dump my ramblings and questions here bc I got a lot baby
paul mentions that the red calendar is either 1995 or 2017 (or so he thinks) but the idea of Paul maybe being care or something of the like brings up a lot of ideas
Paul never mentioned when his birthday is, whether it is November 17th or not, but he does mention his birthday last year (2017, the red calendar’s possible year) and how similar the events of that birthday in petscop was to his birthday last year
But that’s not his birthday, it’s care’s birthday
Jill (blue text) is also a real person Paul knows, which is interesting
Jill refers to herself as Care’s mom, Paul just refers to her as Jill
the yellow text is never named, I don’t know if it was named in an earlier petscop possibly but it’s never named during the party
somehow, the conversation between Jill and yellow text dude is similar to one that occurred at Paul’s birthday party the year before, which seems impossible bc you can’t change a disc game from the 90s to include a scene from a year ago
but this is petscop
it’s possible that exact scene occurred in 1995, and somehow also occurred to Paul in 2017. how? Idk
but it could also be that this isn’t ur regular disc game, and is somehow being changed as Paul plays. this is hinted at when Paul’s game files are wiped, and also by the idea shown in Petscop 15 that textures can be changed in game(???) if you press “nifty”
at the beginning of Petscop 14, we see Paul “enter” a door by pretending it’s open. Paul explains himself that what is happening in game and in the “demo” is the exact same with different results.
the demo could represent 1995, while Paul’s playthrough represents 2017
Paul’s character is unable to go through a door, while the demo’s character is
Paul’s character is able to go through the door, while the demo’s character isn’t (Jill worriedly talking to Care about how she thought the door is open, is spaced out, thinking things are there that aren’t)
why would the developer develop the game like this? if they did, it means they are self-aware. but who of all people would know about all this? know that the same exact thing would happen in 2017? know that the player (Paul) and the “demo” player would go through the exact same thing with different results?
also!! the fckin g door puzzle. the first door we ever see open unusually is the door at the beginning of the series. doors after that can somehow be in this realm of being open and closed at the same time. like some weird limbo shit. limbo doors.
and the thing is, we never see anything too out of the ordinary before that door opened. sure, we get this creepy purgatory land where the normal game ends and the character falls into this weird grassy dark lands. but it’s not too weird, just like a weird boundary breaking situation.
Paul is slowly losing his mind, may I mention. I’m worried for this dude, man. for some reason, the people now behind the petscop account (which, may I add, is for some reason referred to as “the public account” by Paul, which means there may be a private account.) seem to be making Paul play this. maybe not even purposefully, but Paul is really being forced to continue Petscop. I’m sure part of him wants to, but it’s gotta be freaking him out some.
he’s playing the game way too much, he mentions that himself, and man, give him a break!! let him take a nap or something. self-care.
moving on to petscop 15, we’re back to the demo version. Paul references the fact that he used the play petscop, and that petscop somehow saved recordings of this. so, the idea that the demo is comprised of recordings of either different results of what Paul is doing and old playthroughs that Paul did is entirely within the realm of possibility
he is also there with Marvin and Belle/Tiara, where the whole changing textures pressing nifty things happens.
speaking of which, Marvin and Belle/Tiara seem to know a lot more about the game than the main character does. and they only refer to the main character as “player one” which is interesting
but we also see player one get drawn towards this picture of a girl, even when they try to move away they’re forced back to it and the letters G I R L float in front of it
what the FUCK does girl mean?? we assume Marvin and Paul are guys, based on name and voice, and the ones we could assume are girls based on name or appearance are Tiara, Belle, Care, and Jill. and maybe more that I missed.
GIRL could also mean something entirely different, outside of the word’s definition
we also get to see this sprite change of player one, with different eyes and man that sound and it turning around with a different sprite actually made me jump at first. I was not ready thanks
I didn’t touch on a few things, such as the bucket and disc stuff, but I didn’t really have enough context to know what the fuck was going on, but they’re still worth at least mentioning
the other stuff i didn’t touch on is just stuff I forgot prob, I wrote this all right after watching both vids and I never looked back so uhh
but yeah, that’s all I got. petscop is really stressing me out man and now we probably have to wait four months again to get another video, hhhgh
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gobbochune · 7 years
Thoughts on Petscop
Because I think the plot is actually pretty obvious but I haven’t seen anyone else making these connections yet. I feel like people are too distracted by the Candace Newmaker theory, so even though I think that those things were referenced for a reason I’m not even gonna talk about Tiara but instead focus on Care and the other ‘pets’. Also, I’m not familiar in creepypasta to understand the supposed metanarrative, so I will primarily be taking the events of the game at face value as if I were interpreting any other piece of spooky media.
 There will be a lot of mention towards rape and child abuse so TW.
I think the entire point of the series isn’t that of adoption or rebirthing therapy, but instead a deconstruction of the self-justification an abuser fabricates in order to continue preying on his victims. It is obvious that the Abductor sees himself as some sort of savior, taking these ‘pets’ home with him and ‘loving’ them. 
Right off the bat we’re met with this sign:
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If it were a commentary about adoption, then this second window wouldn’t make sense. If a child is set to be adopted, it means they’ve already been extracted from their previous home, or dont have any such home. I think that this is a direct link to kidnapping, and the struggles a kidnapper faces trying to lure children away from their parents. 
Paul is expected to collect gifts like candy, toys, and rings, which are a symbol of the ways that an abductor might try to get a child to trust them. Ironically, Paul follows these gifts just as easily as a child might into the darkness of the Newmaker Plane, but I’m gonna ignore that for now since its pretty straightforward. 
The first sign that all is not well comes in the form of a few text blocks before Paul encounters the first pet. 
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As stated before, there are a bunch of references to the Newmaker theory that you’ve already heard a million times so I’ll just mention it quickly to say that I do think that the Tiara character is meant to represent abuse in adopted parents based on the fact that the kids aren’t ‘thankful’ or ‘appreciative’ to their new parents as a whole, even if not specifically relating to the Newmaker case. But this is only one facet of the story that the game (and by that i mean the video series) is trying to paint. So instead I’ll focus on this one:
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This is the second clue that maybe adopting these pets isn’t what the pets want or need. Often molesters will justify their actions by believing that the victim wanted to be abducted. The sign reassures the player character that these pets do want to be taken from their homes by you, and even if they seem afraid now they’ll be more complacent later. This is only added to next when we see our first pet, Amber, who could easily be seen as a reference of the Amber Alert (which is an alert for missing children)
The first thing we know about Amber is that she has been given a trophy for being a ‘champ’:
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Giving awards or ‘gifts’ is another tactic used by abusers to try and keep their victims vulnerable and subservient to them. Here we see Amber has been conditioned to no longer attempt to escape, even though she will actively avoid the player character every time he tries to enter her enclosure. 
When Paul trick’s her into joining him in the cage, we get this little graphic:
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Even though its in bright and fun letters, the message is still pretty disturbing. Amber hasn’t been adopted or taken home or any of the previous rhetoric, but instead caught. She is now his pet. Paul then opens up the description and we see him flit by this pretty quickly as if he’s already read it:
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Again the kidnapper is justifying that he will provide her with a ‘good’ home that she will have no reason to leave. She’ll stay with him. Forever. 
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This card suggests that perhaps through being confined to a cage she has become obese or otherwise crippled and is now more difficult for the abuser to take care of. This is common in the cycle of abuse, an abuser will begin to feel as though their victim is actively a drain on their lives and will blame the victim for all the trouble they need to go through to keep them. 
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This text box suggests that the abuser has gotten all they want out of Amber, and is getting ready to move onto another victim. They are now considering ways to safely dispose of her without getting caught. 
I think that this theory can be applied to the other ‘pets’ that we encounter throughout the game, so I’m gonna lump them all in together like people Lump the Newmaker Theory together and call this the Amber Theory. I think it is one of four major themes regarding the plot, and since you already know the Newmaker Theory I’m going to skip to Care.
The first mentions we have of Care seem to be along the same lines as Tiara, and its only after episode 9 that we have any evidence against Care also being a victim of rebirthing therapy. I’m going to actually go backwards in describing what I think of Care’s fate, starting with the note we find in episode 9 and ending with the first mention of Care that we see. 
After finding Care we are able to re-enter her room and find this message:
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The note that we saw in Care’s room earlier reads as such:
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Assuming that the “you” in the story is the Molester, this paints a pretty clear picture. I suspect that the Molester was once in love with his ‘friend’ and went to see the windmill along with her sister. There some deeply traumatic event happened, causing the friend to go missing. The Molester eventually married the sister, and had a daughter who is most likely Care. He started to develop feelings for his daughter, and convinced himself that she was the reincarnation of his lost love. The Molester used that as a justification to begin sexually abusing Care as a proxy for the friend who died. We see this during the part where we can pluck the petals of Care’s head in the flower shack, leading to her being destroyed. At some point Care ran away, making the Molester desire another victim to continue his cycle. He places all the captured ‘pets’ in rooms exactly like Care’s and likely subjects them to the same abuse before disposing of them. 
Now you might have noticed since I cropped the text box that they’re inverted. This is because I believe the entire game exists within the Molester’s inner psyche. The Ever Care (a place where the molesters finds more children to abduct so he can have Care forever) is bright and happy, filled with justifications as to why he is allowed to take the children he’s interested in. The Newmaker Plane is his inner guilt, and the reality of the abuse he is inflicting upon his victims. When the Molester is in the Ever Care he can believe that he’s merely taking the children to a loving new home, but in the cruel world of the Newmaker Plane he is forced to admit what he actually plans to do with his new ‘pets’. 
And thats P much all I want to say, not because I didn’t notice anything else, but because out of all the analysis I’ve read these points have never been brought up.
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jamboreeofsurprises · 7 years
**hey I’m gonna talk about petscop occasionally so i can post it to the tag, which is kinda informal I know but I don’t feel like making a reddit account just for this, so non-petscoppers feel free to ignore these posts**
Has anyone considered the possibility that Petscop might not originally be an English-language game (in-universe)? Not that all PSX games are japanese obviously but the flair and style of gameplay it’s in seems more like a jp game. Which leads me to further questions like, is all this weird content Paul is experiencing available in the original japanese version of the game or were the ‘localizers’ adding it?
And could it be that Paul’s account was hijacked at some point? The channel description that was added last month uses a plural pronoun to refer to itself and sounds entirely too smiley about the game to be Paul, especially given his deadpan silence in the most recent episodes, plus as far as we are concerned he is doing this playthrough alone - unless maybe someone is helping him edit the videos. I know the description of episode 1 says ‘the game I found’ but maybe shortly after that he stopped being the one uploading them? it’s probably been asked before but I feel like knowing who is sharing this content is a big piece of the puzzle and I’m thinking it’s beyond Paul’s control as of at least Petscop 7. (i’m especially led to believe this due to how the videos, at least the early ones, seem addressed to one specific person, making it weird that they’re publicly available on youtube)
also, is the mysterious chime heard before he enters the door that’s played again in the quitter’s room possibly a phone number??
EDIT: forgot to address this, the ‘you’re holding their hands’ bit from 3 weirds me out a lot. ‘They’ in this context is referring to only one person, as this bit is preceded by telling you a young person has walked into your school building. You can’t walk with someone holding both of their hands?
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