#i wear scleral lenses btw
jeonwon-wonwoo · 8 months
i put in my contact after not wearing it for a couple of weeks, and it’s surprisingly not horrible! i thought it’d be itchy and uncomfortable, but it feels like there’s nothing!
how my eye feels when i have to hold my eyelids apart to put in my contact:
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keratoconusgroup · 22 days
Wearing my lenses for a long time
I was working out of town and ended up back at the hotel tired as heck. Fell asleep shortly after laying down to catch up on messages from the day. I slept soundly all night in my scleral lens. Woke up in the morning and didn’t even notice. Just threw some clean clothes and left for work. I ended up wearing it for about 36 hours total. Oddly enough, my vision through the scleral was much better the second day. It wasn’t irritated or red. Didn’t bug me all. Any thoughts? I only wear one lens btw. My other eye is good. I also don’t have keratoconus, but have deep and large scarring across my cornea from a chemical accident. I just post and lurk here because it’s the most active sub with relevant information for me! submitted by /u/BigDGetsItIn [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/1f7dt7w/wearing_my_lenses_for_a_long_time/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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keratoconusgroup · 2 years
Crosslinking Questions
Getting crosslinking at 16 years old. My vision isn’t like god awful but it’s pretty bad i guess to doctors. (btw my eyes have stopped progressing significantly) My date is February 13 and i’m getting only my left one done since my left one is absolutely horrible. (not bad with to where i can’t see out of it but it’s just way worse than my right) Any tips on what to do after? Can i go to school 2 days after or is it a week recovery kind of thing? Also I wear scleral lenses and they’re great but when I get crosslinking, I was hoping I could get a prescription for glasses just so I could see the t.v at night when i’m in bed and etc. Can people with moderate KC get glasses anymore?? Thank you all. :) submitted by /u/msjessnagatoro [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/10s8mrr/crosslinking_questions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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keratoconusgroup · 7 years
Anyone else feeling discomfort with scleral lenses?
I had CXL on both eyes 2 years ago and since then I've struggled to find lenses that I can wear for +10 hours on a daily basis. First, they recommended me semi-scleral lenses (like this one) and after a few optimisations I reached a dead end of about 6 hours a day without feeling massive pain in my eyes. After that we transitioned to scleral lenses with a larger radius like this and after a couple of optimisations I find them inadequate aswell and slightly worse than the semi scleral (btw ain't this the weirdest word to spell) as they get "foggy" a lot faster and even if I can wear them for 10 hours on a good day, my eyes hurt so much that I have to rest them for 2 full days. Don't really want to complain about how much this is disrupting my life as I'm fortunate enough to live in a country where I'm getting all this healthcare for free, but in some sense I don't know what to do since this was supposed to be the most comfortable type of lens and the optician finds it hard to locate the source of my discomfort as everything seems to fit perfectly when he checks my eyes under his magnifying optician apparatus thingy. Anyway I just wanted to post this and hopefully find some other soul who had the same issues with scleral lenses and not feel totally alone with this struggle. Especially if you're now wearing some other kind of lenses that you find comfortable, as I feel like I'm in a position where I can ask my doctor for anything that can help me become a functional citizen again. ☀ submitted by /u/ablessingintheskies [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/6cc1ci/anyone_else_feeling_discomfort_with_scleral_lenses/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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