#i went insane thinking about lotr last summer this summer is all about star wars and i'm going to make it everybody's problem
rapha-reads · 2 years
WAIT, I'm not done being weird about Star Wars. I really need to write it down before it consumes me. This is very uuuuh deconstructed.
What follows was written in a fit of madness during a long and boring day at work, and edited under sleep deprivation spell. Sorry for the incoherence.
First of all, the music. THE MUSIC. The music of Star Wars is one of the most iconic musical composition ever, no I do not take any criticism. Listen to the Tatooine theme. Listen to the Naboo theme. The GODSDAMN Imperial March. Anakin's Suite. DUEL OF THE FATES. Ugh. Why and how can a musical theme impact me so much.
Secondly, and it ties in*, the themes. I mean, that's the basis of any good piece of Star Wars media. And yes, I said "good" piece, because sadly and recently, released Star Wars content has been... supbpar, to stay polite. I blame Disney. The Mandalorian is good, the rest... The less said about it, the better.
* why and how do the music and the themes tie in together, I actually don't remember where I was going with that.
At its core, Star Wars is about freedom.
Not balance, not justice, not war, not love. Freedom. I'll die on this hill.
What is Star Wars, in its broadest sense, the story of ?
It is the story of one boy born into slavery, who, by a stroke of luck, thinks he's found his freedom, only to fall even deeper into slavery while he thinks he's working towards complete liberation.
And because he wasn't able to overcome the trauma of his entire life, because he couldn't find the key to his inner lock, and wasn't helped in how to heal, his rage, his powerlessness, raged on the rest of the galaxy and especially his descendants.
It's also the story of the Jedi Order, a religious and philosophical order playing vigilante, old and mystic, that slowly and unbeknownst to its powerful members, locked itself in its Code, in its limitations, fears and illogism.
Jedi were as captive of their self-made ties as Anakin of his trauma.
The Jedi were no less free than Anakin, but they thought they were, unlike Anakin who knew he wasn't and fought for his freedom in vain.
The central theme of Star Wars is freedom. From this, comes the rest: justice, peace, order, security, death versus life, light versus dark...
And there comes what is, for me, at this moment, the biggest tragedy, and the forgotten tragedy, of the galaxy : the vode, the clone troopers.
Sentient beings made, created, forced to exist faster than nature, just to be thrown on battle fields and die for a war that had no other reason to exist than the sadistic pleasure of an abusive power.
It's something that really shocks me (and I'm not easily impressed) as I watch The Clone Wars : the complete indifference towards the clone characters. Each episode, legions of them die randomly, in the background, with a Wilhelm scream, and the next episode, there's still as many. Sure, they're soldiers in a war. But they're not even treated as soldiers. They're treated as objects to throw at the enemy and discard as soon as they're not useful anymore. They're cannon folder. This war, it's not about them. They're tools. But they are people treated as tools.
They don't even have names, for Force's sake. Just numbers. And they're clones of the same man, they all have the same face, the same voice, the same build. And they were programmed, bloody programmed, to be loyal and only think of the war.
Even though it's shown that they are individuals, with their own personalities and dreams and skills. Their own expression of their individuality. That got erased in the most violent and cruel way by someone (Anakin, not Palps) they trusted.
They are the faces, the figure of the main Star Wars theme : the one who thinks they have earned some freedom, the one who doesn't know they're a slave and only realizes it too late, the one who lost everything and themselves after fighting for what they thought was freedom.
And... The theme of freedom continues (chronologically in-universe) with the OT. But I've ran out of steam for the moment.
More Star Wars rambling
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nightbleeder · 3 years
@lazaefair tagged me to do this over at @refraindrops but I figured it would be okay if I responded here instead :)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to know better
1. Name/Nicknames: Meg, Nat, Red, Megara
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Gemini
4. Height: 5′6″ 
5. Time: 9:12am
6. Birthday: June 11
7. Favorite band: God, this question is absolutely impossible to answer.  Maybe Queen, if I had to choose?  I’ve been really liking the Paper Kites, the Midnight and The Hu lately, though.  
8. Favorite solo artist: Fuck, I can’t choose!  
9. Song stuck in my head: SHE’S A KILLER QUeeeEEEN...SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING-TINE...DYNAMITE WITH A LASER BEAM <<<< GUARANTEED TO BLOW YA MIND - great answer, Lazae XD  I don’t have one in there at the moment, which is unusual.  Been listening to “See What Tomorrow Brings” by the Arc Angels a lot lately, though.  
10. Last Movie: I’m on my zillionth rewatch of the LOTR trilogy, so my answer is the Fellowship of the Ring, the extended edition.  
11. Last Show: Critical Role - GUYS EP. 123 WAS INSANE!?!?
12. When I created this blog: Uhhhh I believe this side blog was created in 20...13?  14?  But I’ve been on Tumblr since 2011
13. What I post: I am all over the fucking place.  Mostly fandom stuff, The 100, Critical Role, Haikyuu!!, Lord of the Rings.  Also lots of politics, social justice, etc. etc. 
14. Last thing I googled: henneth annun archive (fuck yeah lotr fanfic)
15. Other blogs: @refraindrops, @harvestingred-archive
16. Do I get asks? Very rarely, usually from friends.
17. Why I chose my url: Because I love Luna of the Boat People and the last season of The 100 was airing, so I went for it.  Still can’t decide if I want to switch it up or not.
18. Following: 966
19. Followers: 826
20. Average hours of sleep: I’m averaging about 5-7 hours a night.  
21. Lucky number: 10! Was my basketball and softball number in school, and I used to carry a ten of spades around in my pocket for luck when I was a kid.
22. Instruments: Trombone, although I can pick out melodies slowly and painfully on a piano or keyboard.  
23. What I am wearing: Black leggings and a charcoal vee-neck sweater I bought in the men’s section of a department store.  
24. Dream job: No job.  Philanthropist?  I don’t know, I still don’t really know what I want to be when I grow up.  
25. Dream trip: Greece, Sicily or Southern France.  Provence.  Maybe just a whole cruise of the Mediterranean.
26. Favorite food: PIZZA.  Steak is a close second, as is my grandmother’s eggplant parmesan.  
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: If I was forced to pick, it would probably be Last Rose of Summer by Judas Priest.  So many memories tied to that one, it’s been important to me for a very long time.
29. Last book I read: White Fragility, I think.  
30. Top 3 fictional universes I would love to live in: 
Can I pick the timeline I’d jump to in these fictional universes?  The exact location I’d appear?   Am I just me when I appear, or is it like the Matrix where I can download some skills before I go?  Lmao.  I’d probably choose Neverland from Peter Pan, Valinor from the Silmarillion/LOTR & maybe Naboo from Star Wars.  
Tagging @inkformyblood, @blodreina-noumou, @the-most-beautiful-broom, @dylanobrienisbatman, @yiangchen, @pendragaryen, @lindsayloveslife, @mustachioedmoose, @winterhalcyon, @rocanono, @typhoidmeri, @bea2me and whoever feels like doing it :D
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