#i went straight into master. which Also gave me the vet chievs upon getting the master one
voidendron · 2 years
1, 10, 18, 21 for the swtor ask? --darth-bagel says hi, i saw your ask, sadly at 2 am so ill get it it now✨
[SWTOR Player Asks]
haha, thanks Bagel! 💚💜
1. How many characters do you have?
On just Star Forge, my main server, I've got 34. The others have anything from like 2, to 22 is my second-largest server. I don't play my non-SF ones much, though.
10. Favorite love interest?
Hmm... For vanilla, I think I have to say... Maybe Felix. I enjoyed his romance, but kinda bummed you don't get him til so late into the story. I also love Torian, but I think Felix wins for that cheek-kiss on Corellia I about died when he did that it was so sweet. However, I haven't done/finished many of the vanilla romances, so my pool to pick from is pretty small.
Expansions... I think I've gotta say Theron.
Of any of my OC/Canon ships, Lina/Felix and Xaerez/Theron are easily my favorites.
18. Which achievement(s) are you most proud of?
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Soloing master mode KOTFE/ET on a sniper is still one of my proudest achievements, and it was over a year ago, now akdl;jskl. Some of the fights were horrible without a 60sec stun, easy kiting, or good self-heals, which just makes me even prouder of it.
and Run for the Shadows final boss? Over four hours. I was running on sheer anger and stubbornness by the end of it and wanted to cry when the cutscene triggered to tell me I'd finally finally won. Like legit, I think I gasped out loud when I realized I'd finished the fight, alive, and could finally move on. imo that was the hardest fight in ALL of KOTFE/ET, and managing it by myself?
...never again, though. Probably.
21. Which player ship is your favorite?
Agent's, hands-down. It's such a beautiful ship, and definitely fits the vibe.
Bounty Hunter's comes in second, though. It looks lived in, and it's such a bizarre layout I love it haha. My main BH lovingly named hers the Rust Bucket and it's her baby.
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