#it probably would have made mm easier ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
voidendron ยท 2 years
1, 10, 18, 21 for the swtor ask? --darth-bagel says hi, i saw your ask, sadly at 2 am so ill get it it nowโœจ
[SWTOR Player Asks]
haha, thanks Bagel! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ
1. How many characters do you have?
On just Star Forge, my main server, I've got 34. The others have anything from like 2, to 22 is my second-largest server. I don't play my non-SF ones much, though.
10. Favorite love interest?
Hmm... For vanilla, I think I have to say... Maybe Felix. I enjoyed his romance, but kinda bummed you don't get him til so late into the story. I also love Torian, but I think Felix wins for that cheek-kiss on Corellia I about died when he did that it was so sweet. However, I haven't done/finished many of the vanilla romances, so my pool to pick from is pretty small.
Expansions... I think I've gotta say Theron.
Of any of my OC/Canon ships, Lina/Felix and Xaerez/Theron are easily my favorites.
18. Which achievement(s) are you most proud of?
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Soloing master mode KOTFE/ET on a sniper is still one of my proudest achievements, and it was over a year ago, now akdl;jskl. Some of the fights were horrible without a 60sec stun, easy kiting, or good self-heals, which just makes me even prouder of it.
and Run for the Shadows final boss? Over four hours. I was running on sheer anger and stubbornness by the end of it and wanted to cry when the cutscene triggered to tell me I'd finally finally won. Like legit, I think I gasped out loud when I realized I'd finished the fight, alive, and could finally move on. imo that was the hardest fight in ALL of KOTFE/ET, and managing it by myself?
...never again, though. Probably.
21. Which player ship is your favorite?
Agent's, hands-down. It's such a beautiful ship, and definitely fits the vibe.
Bounty Hunter's comes in second, though. It looks lived in, and it's such a bizarre layout I love it haha. My main BH lovingly named hers the Rust Bucket and it's her baby.
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