#i went to seattle recently and i couldn't sleep on the ride there so i write this
Day 18
Title: Love is in the Air
Features: Lipsoul (Loona)
Word Count: 1796 [wow she’s long. I think if I edit it more, I will post it on aff and ao3] 
Tags: fluff
Synopsis: Jinsol and Jungeun spend 15 hours in the air together. 
Serendipity series: 1 | ? 
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(BTW Kim Lip is supposed to have brunette hair, but I couldn’t find a GIF so this’ll do)
Jinsoul was already having a lackluster day. Her flight was delayed and she was missing out on half a day’s worth of her university friend’s reunion. Maybe she could tolerate it if she was with someone, but she was flying solo and all the processes were getting to her. 
She’s finally in a seat on the airplane. Her shoulders feel a little bit lighter, but she still had a pounding headache. 
Nineteen more hours and I’m home. 
The blonde is constantly checking her phone. The group chat is blowing up. Haseul has just posted pictures of them eating at a restaurant. 
I miss Korean food. 
I miss my friends. 
She had been looking forward to this trip for the past 3 months. Ever since she moved to LA, she’s had a hard time adjusting, Although she excelled in school, she had a hard time communicating in English and nothing prepared her for the rude attitude of the Southern California people. The welcoming and patient characteristics only existed in airports and tours. 
Jinsoul feels tears welling up, but she fights it knowing that it’ll just worsen her headache and she didn’t want to worry the people sitting next to her, especially since they were going to sit next to each other on a plane for 17 hours.
Her designated seat is in the middle. She’s glad that she’s not by the window because she plans on sleeping through the entire ride, but since she was one of the first few people on board she would surely have to move out of the way to whoever was sitting next to her. Of course, that sounds very simple, but Jinsol was just not in the mood to interact with anybody at all, especially if she had to converse in English. 
After fifteen minutes, a brunette asks her if she can pass by her. Jinsol was dreading this moment, but time passed quickly and the two barely said anything to each other. 
Once the brunette sat, she was easily occupied by her phone, making Jinsol more relieved. 
More passengers trickled in. Their flight was about to leave in 15 minutes. 
Her next neighbor finally came. It was another young woman. She donned bright purple hair. She was rather cheery and that made Jinsol unsettled, but the purple-haired girl took a hint that conversation wasn’t happening right now and just plucked in her headphones. 
“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard to Korea Air…”
The captain started talking about safety procedures and about the flight. He mentioned delays due to weather and the possibility of turbulence which made Jinsol roll her eyes. 
I just want to get this over with. 
By the time the plane was in the air, the brunette was already asleep. Jinsol was jealous of her ability to fall asleep quickly, she had forced her eyes shut,  it the pain in her head wasn’t going away. She took deep breaths to calm her down. 
They were still flying up when Jinsol hears furious stomping. She thinks it’s just a flight attendant and tries to ignore it. 
Jinsol was unfortunately very, very wrong, 
She found out her incorrect thought when her eyes jolted to someone on her lap, a wet and warm feeling on her stomach and leg, and the smell of vomit.
In complete shock, Jinsol yelled. “Oh my gosh!” She had a look of terror and disgust. 
The person who had vomited on her nearly collapsed at her feet. “I’m so sorry.”
Trying to ignore the smell. Jinsol and the brunette tried to assist the airsick person. The purple-haired girl caught the attention of a flight attendant. 
Since it was a biohazard to sit in their row, they were reassigned to sit in the flight attendants' seats. They were notified that they would receive a free upgrade to first class on their return flight.
Jinsol went straight to the bathroom. She internally sighed (not wanting to breathe in any biological fumes), knowing that she didn’t have extra clothes, thinking she didn’t need any. 
She stripped and hand washed her shirt and pants. It was difficult in the cramped bathroom, but she was able to do it. There was a clear wet spot on her stomach area and crotch, but it was all she could do. 
The blonde comes back to her “new seat”. The brunette (who couldn’t sleep as comfortably anymore) couldn’t help but stare pitifully at her. 
“Are you not going to change?”
Jinsol looked up. She didn’t expect to make conversation. “I don’t have extra clothes.” 
The brunette cocked an eyebrow. Jinsol tried not to be affected by it. Sure it’s smart to bring extra clothes, but what was the likelihood of someone throwing up on her?
Seriously though. She doesn’t think illy of the purple-haired girl, but wouldn’t that person throw up in her since she’s closest to the aisle? Why her? She gets it was a bumpy start, but how did that person… 
You know what? Never mind. It’s whatever. 
I just… want to be home. 
A jacket and a pair of shorts appear in front of her. 
“It’s not much, but you shouldn’t have to deal with smelly and wet clothes for the next 15 hours.”
The brunette (who had just cocked her eyebrow at her 5 minutes ago) was now giving her clothes. 
Jinsol contemplates it, but taking all things into consideration, she accepts the clothes and promptly changes. She felt a little scandalous at first, since the shorts were really short, but it was better than a damp t-shirt and pants.
The brunette’s sweater smelt nice, too. It was musky and had a forest-y hint. 
Since they were sitting in front of each other, they decided to have conversation. Although it was forced at first, it eased into something comfortable. 
The brunette’s name was Jungeun and her English name was Ashley. She grew up in Korea, which allowed them to comfortably speak their native tongue. She’s going to school for linguistics and wanted to visit her parents since it is their 10-year wedding anniversary. The two talked about their life growing up in Korea and their lives now. 
They probably talked for 5 hours before both of them were tired. Jinsol actually wanted to keep talking to Jungeun, but it was going to be 3AM in Pacific time and she was indeed feeling sleepy. 
The next time she wakes up, the flight attendants are giving them their meal. The two sat in awkward silence. Jinsol was getting cold from her exposed legs. Jungeun asked the flight attendant for a jacket and that’s when Jinsol realized Jungeun was actually a softie. 
The two poke at their Alfredo pasta and then talk about all the food they want to eat when they get back home.
For some odd reason, Jinsol wanted to invite Jungeun to hang out together. Maybe get street food together or walk along the Han River.
She pushed back the idea, thinking it was weird how two strangers on an airplane would hang out together. Their lives were so much different than being confined in the air. 
But was it wrong to… want something more?
More hours pass. For a few moments, Jinsol was just listening to her headphones. Her AirPods died, so she had to charge them. The two started talking about music and pop culture and fashion. Eventually, they started talking about hobbies and things they wanted to try both in America and Korea. 
Jinsol liked how easygoing Jungeun was. This was all small talk, but she wanted to talk to Jungeun… about life. 
Soon enough, the flight was landing. Jinsol’s legs were partially sore from having to half-squat the entire time. 
She was excited to see the city skyline again. She could already imagine Hyejoo being drunk off of beer and Yeojin being rowdy in the bars while Vivi and Haseul just smiled happily along. 
“It’s nice isn’t it?”
Jinsol turns to Jungeun. The brunette’s face was beaming at the window as well. 
Jinsol couldn’t help but have a heavy feeling in her heart. It was a shame that they were going to be strangers after this. 
They land safely and the flight attendants are giving them instructions as to obtaining their free upgrades. 
Being in the terminal made Jinsol uneasy. She wasn’t sure how to say goodbye to Jungeun.
“Thanks again for lending me your clothes.”
“That’s okay. Between you and me, I probably wouldn’t be able to stand being next to you if I had to smell that for 16 hours.”
Between you and me.
Were we that close already?
Are we really going to waste 15 hours together? 
“Since I can’t get clothing until baggage claim and I don’t really want to buy expensive airport clothing, do you mind waiting until I can get some clothes?”
“Yeah! That’s not a worry! I’d feel the same.”
The two walk together out of customs. Conversation continued, but it was a little more obvious that Jungeun just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. 
“My parents are here! I can’t wait to go home and eat my mom’s food!”
For some odd reason, Jinsol’s head could only think about saying goodbye to the brunette. Her head was still contemplating if she should ask to hang out again. 
They reach the baggage claim. Jinsol finds her luggage first. 
“I’m gonna go change! I’ll be quick!”
“Okay! I’ll try to find the nearest restroom. If you can’t find me, I have a bright red suitcase. You can’t miss it.” 
Jinsol smiles. She decides that she’s going to ask for Jungeun’s number. She’s not sure if they can hang out in Korea, but she wouldn’t mind talking to her and maybe hanging out when they’re back in the states. 
There’s a long line and Jinsol debates just undressing there, but since it was an airport with a lot of international people and not college students or young adults, she knew that was a little inappropriate. 
It takes about 15 minutes, but Jinsol is back in a turtleneck and wool coat. She picks up her luggage and looks for Jungeun. 
The brunette is nowhere in sight, neither is the bright red luggage she spoke of. 
Jinsol stayed until the carousel stopped spinning for the flight they were on and the number of people dissipated.
The blonde accepted the fact that Jungeun left and they never got a proper goodbye. 
Her pocket vibrates. She puts Jungeun’s jacket on her luggage. 
It’s one of her friends. They’re at the airport looking for her. 
Jinsol explains where she is and they come to get her. 
She’s a little despondent of the situation, but there’s a little bit of hope as she holds onto the jacket that smells like the forest.
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