owlbeastly · 8 months
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owlbeastly · 1 year
A concept: Lilith's reflective essays on her experience with guilt, manipulation, survival, morality etc. A bunch of works who discusses events and/or emotions in a few pages. None of it had the intention to provide answer or conclusion to such complex and timeless matters. But still provided a singular view from an neurodivergent historically important mind who helped to shape the destiny of the Isles.
Her experience in both sides of the fight and how it affected her, not only psychologically but also provoking a revision of Lilith's own beliefs throughout time, might've become pieces of Boiling Isles literature.
I truly believe Lilith would have an amazing way with written words, crafting truly polished texts that, at first, she meant as a way to express herself, but then became very important for other people too.
I can see titles like "Where The Guilty Builds Her Nest", "A Thousand Unfulfilled Chances", "The Heart Above The Throne" and so on.
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owlbeastly · 1 year
Headcanonically, I find it hilarious to think how Eda, despite being the youngest, was physically stronger than her sister even when they were children.
Lilith struggled a lot to stay in shape because she was very skinny and lost weight too easily. Eda was simply born with a fit body shape and her body easily kept its athleticism. So, by eight, Eda could carry her 10yo sister on her back and even win her on their wrestling very easy because Lilith was just a mess of limbs.
Of course, being the eldest and the tallest (for awhile) Lilith felt triggered and deeply offended by that. Once again she had to put a lot of effort just to stay in closer shape to Eda's and get a physical fighting chance.
I suppose her time in the Emperor's Coven forced her to excel physically and kept her in shape due to the severity of the missions. However, by the end of the show, when she's just being a bad girl historian, I think her body changed again, and she miraculous put on some weight, abandoning any intense physical activity.
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owlbeastly · 1 year
the hagsquad rp
Despite my better judgment, I don't think I can or should ignore my desperate need of exploring The Hagsquad from TOH.
who are the hagsquad?
The Hagsquad is the old Hexsquad made by the young versions of: Eda , Lilith , Raine , Alador , Darius , Perry and Odalia (Bump as honorable mention).
what do I propose?
I want a partner who is also interested in these characters for a Discord RP. The focus would be on the Clawthorne sisters, but I can write for any of the others, so my partner is free to choose who they want to write for first.
What I ask is that you are of at least 21 years old (I'm 26) and are able to write at least one paragraph. I also would love to explore more angsty themes and some difficult topics like betrayal and bullying, so if you're a fluff-only writer we won't work.
Send me a DM if you're interested so we can talk!
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owlbeastly · 1 year
I feel ferociously protective of Baby!Lilith
It doesn't even make sense at this point
Every time she's on screen my motherly instincts go haywire and I'm at my full defensive mode
That child is MINE and I will eat people alive to protect her
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owlbeastly · 1 year
one thing I find very weird about the Clawthorne Sisters
...is how we are repeatedly told that Eda had to work twice as hard as Lilith to get where she got, but...
Every scene we get from young/old Lilith she's studying her ass off, super stressed, doing amazing things, doing all she can to get people's attention, being captain of the team, leading stuff, focusing on science and Eda is... Pranking around, having fun with stuff, sometimes even dismissing her sister's studying efforts...
So I just find it such a dissonance between the text and what we see
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owlbeastly · 1 year
people need to understand, Amity is my child, it says here in the adoption documents
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owlbeastly · 1 year
the right to tantrum
One of the things that Lilith learned rather early about her protegé's home life was how Odalia applied discipline. The woman expected composure and grace at every moment, which was ridiculous when focused on very young children.
Amity never learned to tantrum. Or rather, how to release emotions in a chaotic manner. Naturally she tried, but the repression was strong enough to suffocate every attempt.
During their classes, Lilith could see awkward displays of frustration and anger that always ended with the child pulling some of her own hair out or vomiting out of stress. It was unthinkable to her that Amity's way of releasing tension had to be self destructive, so she decided to help the young witchling.
Screaming in pillows, stomping her foot, kicking and crying, all the basic ingredients for a perfect child freak out. Amity struggled specially with the voice related ones since any screaming had been punished harshly throughout her childhood.
The girl did try to scream but her voice disappeared and she felt nauseous again.
Lilith felt victorious when for the first time, after months of effort, she witnessed an ear-splitting screech coming from her very furious ward. Amity was losing her shit about a prank her siblings did and was throwing herself on the floor of the Head Witch's office like a shameless toddler. The irony of the situation didn't escape her, but she was proud of how nicely her kid was re-learning basic childhood stages.
After a good crying fit, Amity was usually more relaxed, better focused and emotionally soothed. Lilith then could introduce some more advanced tips and mechanisms for the girl to use and try to regulate her feelings in a healthier manner.
Amity forever had a safe place to go ape-shit with her teacher. As she got older she realized how important it was to have that space and how amazingly Lilith dealt with it. Why did the woman went to such length for her was a mystery, but she was thankful.
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owlbeastly · 1 year
Lilith's classes
Odalia used everything in her power to get Amity a place under a Coven Head's training. Though she would've preferred someone else, Lilith was the Emperor's Coven leader. Personal history or not, that was the best for the family. However, her ideas of rigid, ruthless training were a bit off...
Lilith's training was indeed tough, but when Amity got admitted, she was just a five-year-old and way under the age limit. The Head Witch knew she couldn't just use the same methods. So she got in contact with Bump to talk with some of Hexside's teachers and learn a bit from them.
Clawthorne's plan was to follow the school's curriculum, focusing on really reinforcing the basics so the child could build upon it steadily and faster, later. So, while Odalia hoped they were forcing her daughter to sit still and recite the Magic Law, something else was going on... Something like:
Nursery Rhymes! Lilith knew a thousand Nursery Rhymes that taught kids the basics of magic, history, and science. She picked the ones she considered best and would always sing them with Amity at the beginning of class, teaching her the hand gestures and what they meant. It was heartwarming to see the child learning the lyrics and following her excitedly. Lilith was scared she would be too embarrassed to do the dances and that Amity wouldn't join her, but the little girl watched her teacher with her eyes glistening and a big smile.
Drawing and painting! Lilith would bring images of the Isles for them to draw and color. She first focused on the whole Titan, then on specific parts of their body to help Amity get a better understanding of their geography and Titan biology. She also knew, as a future Abomination Coven member, Amity needed to develop geometrical and observation skills to correctly summon and build golems that looked the way she wanted them to look. It was a challenge, and most of the little girl's first drawings were an abstract mess. Lilith toned down the requirements and asked Amity to focus on basic shapes first. This helped the child greatly and soon she memorized the looks of many geographical spaces and demons.
Physical games! Body Awareness and Balance were the only subjects outside of the common school curriculum that Lilith taught, going hard on extra teachings. As someone who never had this type of specialized learning in her youth and had to teach herself later on to survive the Coven's training, she intended to make sure every student of hers would be prepared, and Amity was the first one that would grow up with such nurturing. There were plenty of physical exercises whose intent was to strengthen the witches' bodies and prepare them to endure magical attacks from others and themselves. Specific knowledge ensured that the individual could work smarter with her stamina, reserving as much of it as possible to keep their bile sack from exhausting itself. For most people, it would've seen like senseless training, but every crazy-looking exercise had a point. Amity loved the time they spend doing the exercises and was the only moment she was actually allowed to roll on the grass and be under the sun. Odalia wasn't happy when she found her child dirty and pink from the heat, but Lilith did notice an increase in Ames' immunological system after they began 'playing' outside.
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owlbeastly · 1 year
It has come to my attention that Dana heavily dislikes Musicals ..........
Wouldn't it be a SHAME if someone played with the idea of making a Musical based on the show anyways
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canon is not the boss of me, i have no god
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owlbeastly · 1 year
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A Coven Head's Apprentice is a collection of one-shots focused on the mother-daughter bond between Amity Blight and Lilith Clawthorne. Currently, there are two one-shots published, but I plan to write more. Their fanon-speculated connection is fascinating and I've decided to explore it because I'm weak for their motherly relationship.
Strains -- Amity pushes herself harder than she should've during training and Lilith is there to help.
First Spells -- A very tiny Amity is learning her first spells wand-free, Lilith decides to try a new technique to help her young student.
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owlbeastly · 1 year
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Favorite TOH Frames (1/?)
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owlbeastly · 1 year
"Noceda" == Don't Give Up
As someone who learned Spanish very early on, I was very not surprised when I heard the name of TOH's main hero. "Luz Noceda" is peak protagonist name. It translates to "Light, don't give up".
No (not) ceda (give up)
Don't know if every type of Spanish would translate the same way, but the one I learned does. And as a Portuguese speaker, it also got easy to notice because both latin languages have some similarities.
In the last episode when Camilla grabbed Amity and said "Luz is a Noceda, you know what that means?"
I was like "OMG YES, THEY'LL SAY IT"
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They didn't exactly say it, but the meaning was there. Case in point, I know what that means, Camilla.
I'm sure someone else already connected the dots and ranted about it, but I felt like doing it too.
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