#i will be the cause of my own destruction... awk...
strawbeires · 3 years
the sexual tension between me and wanting 3920948239 threads but will probably regret it in the future
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you listen to anything by Bach?  >> I have heard some of his music, but I don’t have anything of his added to my Liked Songs on Spotify or anything.
Do you like ash trees? >> I had to look up which trees are ash trees, tbh. I recognised white ash immediately -- there are a lot of those on the East Coast. I like trees in general, so sure, I like ash trees well enough.
Do you have the ashes of a family member or a pet?  >> No.
How often do you feel like you want to bash your head against a wall?  >> I usually feel like that when I’m in a shame spiral or having an overload meltdown. I try my best not to do it, though; it’s not a good habit, even if it feels good in the moment.
Has anyone ever thrown you a big birthday bash?  >> Nope.
Do you know anyone who is brash?  >> Not at this time of my life.
Do you typically carry cash or a credit/debit card?  >> I carry a debit card. I rarely have cash on hand.
Have you ever crashed someone else’s party before?  >> No, that doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy doing.
Have you ever been involved in a car crash?  >> No.
Do you use Door Dash?  >> This is funny because Sparrow, who is on her teletherapy call, just mentioned Doordash a literal few seconds before I got to this question lol. Anyway, yeah, we use Doordash sometimes.
How often do you use a dash in your writing?  >> I use dashes to the point of madness, tbh. I love dashes.
Last place you made a mad dash to?  >> I don’t remember.
Do you make it a habit to flash people?  >> Absolutely not.
Do you prefer flash or no flash on a camera?  >> I rarely use flash, it always makes photos look terribly washed out and unnatural and just bad. I’ll futz around with the lighting in an area or just wait until broad daylight before I use flash.
Is the Flash one of your favorite superheroes?  >> No.
Do you use the phrase “I’ll be back in a flash”?  >> I’ve never said that.
Have you ever had a gash in your head before? Anywhere else on your body? >> I’ve had a gash on my face before, and I’ve had plenty of them on my body because I was a chronic self-injurer.
Do you like hash browns?  >> I do.
Do you do hash?  >> No.
How often do you use hash tags?  >> I don’t use hashtags because I don’t use twitter or any site like that. Tumblr doesn’t really use them like that.
Do you have long eyelashes?  >> I don’t think they’re any longer than average.
How often do you lash out at others? For what reasons?  >> Not often, now, because I’m not usually forced to be around other people when I’m struggling. If I’m in sensory overload or am mentally tired, I usually can just go to my room and chill. But there have been times in recent memory when I’ve been in an unfamiliar city on vacation or something and I didn’t have that space to just go and decompress, and I’ve lashed out at people.
Do you like mashed potatoes?  >> I don’t. Smashed potatoes are all right, I suppose, but I’d still rather have a roasted or fried potato.
Do you typically gnash your teeth together?  >> No. I catch myself clenching my jaw sometimes, probably a stress response or just holding tension in the body. But I don’t gnash my teeth.
Do you know someone who speaks balderdash?  >> No?
What color is the backsplash of your kitchen? >> It’s just white.
Have you ever had any rashes before? What kinds?  >> Yeah, I had ringworm as a child and I vaguely remember having hives once. In summer as an adolescent I used to get like a heatrash on the back of my neck. In recent years I’ve developed something that -- thanks to some fancy googling -- I learned is called lichen nitidus, which is apparently benign but can be annoying when it flares up.
Do you typically make rash decisions?  >> Not typically. But it happens sometimes.
Have you ever worn a sash before? >> I don’t think so.
Do you often find that your personality clashes with others’ around you? >> I don’t think so. I mean, sometimes I feel that way, but I could be exaggerating people’s responses to me out of just... you know, past history haunting me or whatever. I think most of the time my interactions with others are more unremarkable than anything else. There are definitely people I clash with, but it’s usually not too dramatic of an experience.
Whose tires would you like to slash?  >> No one’s.
Who would you like to smash with?  >> No one.
What was the last thing you smashed out of anger?  >> I don’t remember the last time I did that, thankfully. It used to be a bigger problem when I was younger, but I’m slowly learning other, less destructive coping mechanisms. 
Do you have a secret stash of something hidden anywhere?  >> No.
How often do you take out the trash?  >> Every couple of days or so.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like trash? >> Probably.
Do you like to splash in the pool, the bathtub, or in puddles?  >> No.
Have you ever thrashed violently before? What was the cause?  >> Yeah. I was having a drug-induced episode. There are probably other times, too, especially when I was younger, but I don’t remember any right now.
Do you own and use an eyelash curler?  >> No.
Have you ever experienced backlash from others?  >> I mean, sure.
Have you ever had whiplash before?  >> No.
Do you prefer a shower or a bath?  >> Shower, I never use baths.
Have you ever given another person or an animal a bath before?  >> No.
How good are you at math?  >> Any basic maths I can do just fine. I don’t study any complex forms of mathematics, so of course I can’t do those.
Do you feel like your life is on the right path?  >> It’s on whatever path it’s on.
Are there any bike paths or footpaths in your area?  >> Yeah.
Have you ever gone on the warpath before?  >> I don’t think so.
Is there a birdbath in your yard?  >> No yard.
Have you ever had a footbath before?  >> Yeah.
What’s the last thing you’ve had to deal with the aftermath of?  >> I’m not sure.
Have you ever witnessed a bloodbath?  >> No.
Are you a sociopath or a psychopath? Do you know anyone who might be?  >> I’m not, no. I know people who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
Who’s the last person that you faced the wrath of?  >> I don’t remember.
Do you have an instrument that you plug into an amp?  >> No.
When’s the last time you felt amped up? What was the reason?  >> I don’t remember. That’s not a common mood for me.
Have you ever gone to day camp or overnight sleepaway camp?  >> Yeah, I went to day camp a couple of times and I went to sleepaway church camp once as a teenager. I’ve been to several sleepaway camps as an adult, too. Those were way more fun.
When’s the last time you felt like a champ?  >> ???
Last time it was damp where you lived?  >> I don’t remember. We did have frost this morning, though? Way too early, in my opinion, but whatever.
Weirdest place you’ve ever had a cramp?  >> I don’t think I’ve had any weird cramps. Just regular charley horses and such.
Do you refer to your grandfather as “Gramps”?  >> ---
Have you ever worn a headlamp before?  >> No.
Do you have a ramp anywhere in your house? >> No.
Has anyone ever called you “scamp” before?  >> No.
How many lamps are in the room you’re in? >> Three, but only one is on right now.
Do you stamp your feet when you are angry?  >> No.
Last time you used a postage stamp?  >> Probably when I sent out Christmas cards to internet buddies a couple of years back. I might do it again this year... people could probably use the extra cheer after this hell year.
Are there streetlamps on your street? What time do they turn on?  >> I live in a complex, and there are lamps on the garages and a few on the drives through the complex.
Last place/area that you wanted to revamp?  >> My room -- well, mostly I wanted to clean it and put some stuff in different places and stuff. So I did.
Do you know anyone who is a tramp?  >> No.
Have you seen Lady and the Tramp before?  >> No.
Do you know anyone with a “tramp stamp”?  >> No. If I knew someone with a lower back tattoo, I wouldn’t call it a tramp stamp anyway, because it sounds disrespectful.
Is the squawk of certain birds annoying? Which ones? >> Sure. I don’t know what birds make what noises, though. I think bluejays probably make one of the obnoxious squawks.
Do you prefer hawks or falcons? And…why?  >> I don’t have a preference between the two.
Has anyone ever watched you like a hawk before?  >> Probably. Unfortunately.
What was the last thing you used caulk on?  >> I’ve never used caulk. That sounds like something a homeowner would use, heh.
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