#i will keep working on this proect.... someday
lupinuslepidus · 3 years
your favorite character from the moth story ? I love them all immensely and cannot pick one
oh SPICEY. okay i dont... really have favorite characters bc a lot of them arent fully fleshed out... but let’s give this one a try Full Name: Katvey ge Noem Gender and Sexuality: aspiring mad scientist; very gay Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: human Birthplace and Birthdate: Bone City, Bogude (second) in the Month of Fireflies 739 EC
Guilty Pleasures: sneaking into the kitchens to steal freshly baked poppyseed buns. also watching the Scarabs when they’re practicing swordfighting in the courtyard. Phobias: insects. which is a bit of an issue. they’ve become more or less okay with moths by necessity but spiders still have too many legs and worms move weird. What They Would Be Famous For: developing and publishing a new protocol for caring for shrine moths + extracting ink from shrine moths; really not so much the protocol itself as the fact that the protocol sparks an extremely heated debate in the niche corner of “shrine moth care” bc no way are the Ink Moths gonna let some upstart shrine worker tell them how to stop their moths from dying and improve the quality of their ink and there maaay or may not have been a scandal around sabotage attempts on both ends, leading to the first time in recorded history that the Copper Cicadas stepped in to defend a mere temple worker -- What They Would Get Arrested For: well wouldn’t you like to know (they haven’t yet committed crimes against the state but they’re getting there)~  they’ve definitely ‘accidentally’ swapped out painkillers for indigestion-inducing powders when Moth Tern came by complaining about a headache. OC You Ship Them With: Lezte ge Vetsdu. another employee of the Bone City temple; she’s a disaster child that maaaay or may not have connections to the lower city resistance scene, her hobbies include making fun of katvey and missing her work shifts to get into street fights with Scarabs OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Katvey ge Noem. no, seriously, they don’t know how to take care of themselves and they’re going to run themselves into the ground. a close second is Moth Tern, the Shieldbearer Moth who’s been skulking around the Bone City temple looking for signs of suspicious activity. Favorite Book Genre: katvey does not have time to read books. that being said, gay sappy romances Least Favorite Book Cliche: when authors clearly haven’t done their medical research. if you’ve been hit hard enough in the head to get knocked out for over an hour you’re not gonna be able to just get up and keep dueling, that’s a concussion and that’s gonna bite. Talents and/or Powers: the fact that they don’t have powers is a key character point -- they’ve grown up in the temple, but unlike pretty much anyone else who’s grown up there, they can’t use magic. that being said, they’re a bit of a madcap scientist and the best medic + ink extractor in the Bone City temple right now. Why Someone Might Love Them: mostly, they just want people to be okay -- they’ll always fight as hard as they can to keep a patient alive, even at the cost of their own sleep and health; doesn’t matter who the patient is or how they got hurt. They’re also avidly curious about basically everything -- they’re willing to push past what they take for granted about how the world works and seek out + hear out new ideas, and if you want an infodump on shrine moth care or anything else they’re always happy to tell you everything they know. Why Someone Might Hate Them: they can be incredibly annoying and pedantic when they feel like it; they absolutely look down on people that don’t share their work ethic or education level; if someone’s not directly involved with the Temples they’re not worth their time; they’re very insecure about the fact that they can’t use magic and means that they’re not above bullying those that rank below them. How They Change: their inclination to keep asking questions is initially tempered by the fact that they’re very loyal to the temple; this starts to shift as they spend more and more of their time working as a medic and watch both moths and people die under their watch. where they’ll go from there remains to be seen. also they realize that maybe lezte ge vetsdu has a small crush on them. Why You Love Them: baby academic! an expression of what i both love and fear about academia -- the honest desire to help others/to learn more about the world, sabotaged by the inevitable perpetuation of unjust power systems! also they’re just a gay disaster that tends to crush on inaccessible people, which is not a character trope i write often but is very fun to play with.
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