#i wish it were fat fuck friday but Alas it is Not it is only Wednesday
beacon-lamp · 4 years
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he has 5 five-star reviews!!!  and for the low price of a one-time payment of nineteen ninety nine!!!  fat fuck!!
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mysticmikalla · 6 years
Dearest GodMikalla, I humbly request a HC where Zen and Vandy are fuck buddies (friends with benefits) with MC. Like, how did they arrive at that situation, does anyone catch feelings? If so, who? What happened if the rest of RFA find out? It can be nsfw. It can be angst if you like. I'll let you take control.
Your wish has been heard, loud and clear! 
“We need to get back to the party soon, you know. The others will start getting suspicious.”
“Hm,” Zen hummed against your neck, “Just a few more minutes.”
“You said that a few minutes ago.”
“I really mean it this time.” You could tell he was barely listening to you, his lips buried on your neck, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses all the way down to your collarbone
“Zen,” you moaned, tilting your head back so he could have access to more of you, “We need to go, the others will start getting suspicious.”
“They won’t,” he reassured you, “There are a million guests this time, they won’t even notice that we are gone.”
“But if they find out…!”
“They won’t.” Zen said, and to himself, he added, but would it be so bad if they did?
And as if on cue, in barged in a hacker and a gamer, their callings for you interrupted by the sight of your intertwined figures at the back of the dark room
“Zen? And M-MC?!” Yoosung gasped, his purple eyes wide and mouth agape, “Were you two…?” 
“Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.” Said Seven, still trying to process the scene unfolding before him
When you two didn’t reply, which the blond took as confirmation that it was indeed what it looked like, he exclaimed, “How did this even happen?!” 
Ah, how did this happened, indeed?
It had maybe been a month since it had all started; after your first party as the new coordinator, the RFA agreed that having you stay in an apartment with a bomb was rather…dangerous, to say the least
And its not that Zen and Yoosung didn’t trust Seven’s nearly perfect algorithm for the security system, but the pair of them were the most outspoken ones about your safety
“She’s already planned a party for us, there’s no reason for her to stay there anymore!” Zen argued, angry at V and Seven for allowing you to ever step foot in there in the first place
Though you appreciated his concern for you, you pointed out, “I don’t really have anywhere else to go, I already got kicked out of my old apartment for missing the rent. Is there really no way you can disarm the bomb, Seven? Just so I can stay?”
The hacker scratched the back of his head, “I can’t really do anything about it without talking to V first…Sorry, MC.”
“Where the hell is she supposed to go?!” You could tell Zen was furious by the way he spat, even more so than you were
“I have several extra rooms in my penthouse, MC is more than welcome to-” Jumin offered
“No!” The actor objected, “She can’t stay with you!”
“Why not?”
“She’s…She’s a woman, and you’re a man! It’s not right!”
“MC, do you have a problem with staying at my home for a few days?”
“Not really-”
“Of course she does!” Zen said, “Listen, MC. You can’t go around trusting everyone, alright? You already got yourself involved with that hacker, don’t go trusting this guy. He might be charming and all, but you never know! He might lock you in a cage or something!”
“I would never do such thing.” Jumin waved him off
“Where am I supposed to go, then?”
“Uh, well,” he began, “You could stay at my place. Just for a while, until you find somewhere more permanent.”
“I fail to see why you deem her staying at my home immoral but it’s fine as long as its with you.” Jumin spoke, but his words were ignored by the silvered-haired man
“What do you say, MC?”
“Is it really okay? I don’t want to bother you or anything…”
“You could never bother me, of course its okay,” He gave you a warm smile, “Are you in?”
“I’m in!”
And so, in the span of 2 days, you managed to get all your belongings over to Zen’s place
It was smaller than you thought it would be, and there was only one bedroom, but Zen insisted he was fine sleeping on the couch
“Are you sure?” You lifted an eyebrow, “Jumin has plenty of space over at his place, maybe I should just stay there…?”
“Trust me, MC,” he scoffed, “You don’t want to share a home with him, he’s so…boring. You’d be dying of boredom in two days.”
“Yeah, but…I don’t feel so good about making you sleep on the couch.” You shifted awkwardly on your feet.
“You’re not making me do anything, MC. I offered you a place to stay, I’m more than happy to have you here. Its what friends do.”
“Its what friends do.” You agreed with a grin
And so began your adventures living together 
You found Zen to be a great roommate, always fun to be around and never really getting in the way of your daily routines
Friday nights were beer nights while Saturday mornings consisted of him nursing you back from your hangover so you were well enough for a movie marathon later that evening
Zen liked to cook for you, though it was always super healthy and low-fat things, and that was one luxury you didn’t have if you were living alone
The only downside to it all was that, although you got the bedroom, Zen’s snores could be heard from the living room all the way to your tired ears
You felt yourself having a great time with him, so much so that you didn’t even want to leave his place anymore, and he did everything in his power to keep you there, as well
It had been weeks since you had moved in, and now neither of you were ready for you to move out
“Zen,” you giggled, reaching across the couch to take away his can of beer, “I think you’ve had enough for tonight.”
“This is just my fifth one,” he said, “I’m not even tipsy yet.”
And while alcohol had barely an effect on him, the room was already spinning for you
The movie you two had previously been watching was now ignored and replaced by drunk chatter
“How can you drink this much without getting a beer belly?”
“I told you, I’m superhuman,” he winked, “God’s-”
“God’s mistake.” You finished his sentence, dramatically rolling your eyes
“Hey,” he nudged your foot with his, a smirk playing on his lips, “Don’t steal my lines. And I don’t get fat because I work out. See?”
Lifting up his shirt, Zen revealed the defined muscles of his abs
In your drunk state of mind, all you could do was stare
I mean, you had seen plenty of fit men shirtless before in your lifetime
But Zen was not exaggerating when he compared himself to a statue and you were too intoxicated to care about whether it was appropriate to stare at his body for this long
“Speechless?” He asked in amusement
“I…” The alcohol took over control of your tongue while the little part of your brain that was still sober heavily protested, “I want to touch it.”
This sent Zen into a laughing fit, his eyes screwing shut as he bent over, “Don’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry, MC,” he managed to say in between laughs, “I was just not expecting that from you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re just so…innocent! I never thought you’d ask to touch me like that.”
“I’m not that innocent, you know.” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest
“Sure you aren’t, MC, sure you aren’t.” he chuckled, opening a new can of beer and taking a large sip
You mimicked him, helping yourself to yet another can
Innocent…was that supposed to be a compliment?
It was half past three by the time you were both passed out on the couch
You were so drunk, even Zen’s loud snores and long limbs tangled with yours didn’t seem to bother you, and the only thing that could interrupt your drunken slumber was a nagging urge to pee
Zen didn’t wake up when you untangled your legs from under his and stumbled over to the bathroom, nor when you decided to settle next to him in the small couch instead of going to your room like you usually did
He didn’t wake up as your stared at his sleeping face, bringing your fingers to trace his features, so perfect and serene, even in slumber
Neither did he wake up when you whispered his name, wishing he would wake up and talk to you some more
He did, however, open his eyes as you lifted his shirt back up to get another look at him, this time up close
You didn’t know what you were thinking, the alcohol still affecting your judgement, but one thing was certain; you needed to see him again
Grabbing your hand, he mumbled, “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered back, “I just…I’m not as innocent as you think.”
“MC,” he let out a breathy laugh, “I don’t think just looking at my abs while I sleep makes you any less innocent.”
Perhaps it was the challenge in his voice or the alcohol in your system, or the mingling of both, that made you cup his cheek and run your thumb over his bottom lip 
Or perhaps it was how good he looked and how delicious he smelled that urged you to bring his lips to yours, kissing him as if you had wanted to for ages
His lips still had a lingering taste of beer, but they were otherwise sweet, addictingly so
He kissed you back immediately, grabbing your face and bringing you closer, leading the ardent kiss
You took the hand that traveled from your waist to the small of your back as an invitation to go further
Shifting positions, you straddled his lap, knee on the either side of him and your center pressed against his
In the dim light of his living room, you could make out both shock and lust in his scarlet irises, the parting of his lips urged you want to close the gap between them and yours again, and his silver hair that was messily sprawled out underneath him made the man look unreal
He was so beautiful, you realized
“I’ll prove to you that I’m not innocent.”
And, yup, this is indeed how it had happened
“So you’ve been sneaking around for a month?!” Yoosung sputtered, still unable to process the story you had just told and what he’d just seen
“But why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because,” you began, “We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. It’s not like it means anything anyway, it was just for fun.”
While both Yoosung and Seven uttered their responses, Zen felt a painful tug of his heart, and his gaze fell down to the floor
“Hey,” he croaked, “Could you guys give us a minute?”
After the two men left, Zen dropped his hold on your hand, refusing to meet your eyes
“Is something wrong?” You eyed him curiously, reaching for his hand again only to have him reject your touch
“I…I don’t think we should do this anymore, MC.”
“Zen, what are you saying?”
“I think we should stop this, whatever this is.” He motioned in between you two
“Hey, look at me,” you brought up your hand to cup his cheek, but he gently swayed it away before you could, “Zen…Why are you being like this all the sudden? You seemed into it just a minute ago!”
“Yeah, well,” when his eyes met yours, you were shocked to see they flared with anger, and how his brows pulled together in hurt, “That was before.”
“Before what?”
“Before I found out that it means nothing to you!” He snapped, his hand running over his face
You opened your mouth, but no words would come out. Huh?
“All this time I thought that maybe…Ah, forget it. Just…Forget it, it’s my fault for ever thinking you felt the same.”
“Zen, wait,” you grabbed his hand before he could attempt to leave, “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
It had been true from the moment he had met you; all the shared jokes, silent flirting and secret touches under the table made him hope, words of affection whispered after moments pleasure and the way your eyes seemed to linger longer on him all made Zen believe you could possibly feel the same
It was how giddy he felt knowing he had someone to come home to, how incredibly happy he became when you two started to share a bed. It was how absolutely thrilled he was knowing that you were there, that you were his, even if only in the moments he kissed you
It was a combination of all those things that made the actor realize he was utterly in love with you
“It’s nothing, MC. Forget I said anything.” He mumbled, leaning in for a kiss
Having you like this, he realized, even if only one-sided, was better than not having you at all
If you didn’t feel the same, the short moments of bliss in which he could pretend you did were enough. They had to be enough
“No,” you turned your head before his lips could find yours, “I know its not ‘nothing’. Tell me. What did you mean by that?”
“It wasn’t just meaningless sex to me, MC,” he confessed, “It wasn’t just that.”
“But I thought…”
“I know, and it’s not your fault. I’m sorry, please forget I said anything, please. I don’t want to stop being with you, even if its like this.”
You took a step closer to him until you were mere inches from his chest. His head hung low, all you had to do was simply look up to meet your lips with his
“I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Jesus, MC,” he let out a defeated laugh, “How could you possibly not know?”
“I…I didn’t want to hope for it, Zen.”
“I didn’t want to fool myself into thinking that you might feel the same way I do.” You admitted, finally looking up to meet his eyes, your lips millimeters apart, “I didn’t want to hope that you were in love with me as I am with you.”
It took him a second to process your words, “A-are you saying what I think you’re saying? Don’t get my hopes up like this, MC.”
“I would never do that.” 
“Then why did you tell them that it meant nothing?” He question, still skeptical about your confession, still refusing to believe that you might actually feel it, too
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You never mentioned anything so I didn’t know what to think.”
He caressed your cheek, adoration so vivid in his eyes and the beating of his heart so strong against his chest that he was sure the guests outside could hear, “MC, I had no idea…”
“How could I possibly not fall in love with you, Zen? After everything we’ve been through?” You smiled, and when he found himself to be at a loss for words, you brought your lips together, tasting them as if it were the first time
“Just kiss me, you fool.” 
You could never have guessed that you’d end up like this, so close to him
Perhaps it was because he wasn’t as outgoing as Seven or Zen, charming like Yoosung and Jumin or seemed as caring as Jaehee, but the man in the leopard-print suit with a stone face had always seemed a bit unapproachable to you
Hell, he wasn’t even in the RFA in the first place, so the opportunities you had to get to know him were, well, close to none
And yet,
After hackers, cults, kidnappings and all of the drama that came with being a party coordinator, Seven decided to give up his precious ‘maid’ so that Vanderwood could keep a close eye on you
“I’m not even hired by you,” scoffed the agent, “I’m here to make sure you do your job.”
“I can’t focus if I know she’s in danger,” Seven would say in order to convince him, “So if you do this, I promise to get all my work done. Pretty please?”
Vanderwood knew that when Seven went into pleading mode, there was no arguing against
The brunette man wasn’t happy about having to baby sit you, and you weren’t so thrilled about the arrangement, either
Yes, Vanderwood was one of the only ones who knew the address to the apartment, and yes it was risky to send Jumin’s body guards over to your top secret location
…but still
Did it have to be Vanderwood? You barely knew him!
You two had hardly exchanged two sentences to each other, and although he did seem nice enough to you, it was damn awkward
Although you knew he was being paid to be there and you didn’t have to keep him company at all times, you still felt bad about leaving him alone like that all day
He just sat there on the couch, eyes fixated on his phone and occasionally pulling out a book
For hours
During weeks
A few words were muttered here in there when you came and went from the apartment, but other than that, it was complete silence 
Seven told you not to take it personally, he just tended to keep to himself most of the time when he wasn’t scolding anyone
You often wondered what went through his mind during the long hours of silence he endured, whether he was counting down the days as well until the hacker was no longer a threat so he could finally leave 
It had become a painfully boring routine for him and an awkward one for you
“Hey,” you told him one day as you were leaving the house, “I’m going out to the store for a few minutes…is there anything you w-want, or need?”
“You can’t go.”
“You can’t go.” He repeated, not even bothering to avert his gaze from his phone and look at you
“Why not?” 
“The hacker has been acting quite strange lately, Luciel said its best to stay here for a while.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, unsure of what to say. “Oh.”
His attention went back to his phone and, without another word, you retreated to your room
And in the following days, the same happened
Whether it was going across the street to the store or even just get the mail outside, Vanderwood said the exact three words, leaving to space for arguments 
“You can’t go.”
You were getting annoyed at the whole ordeal, feeling as if you were a ten-year-old asking for your parent’s permission
“I’m going over to my friend’s house.” You informed, hastily putting your coat on and gathering your things so he wouldn’t have time to stop you 
“Can’t.” Damn.
“It’s Poker night! I can’t miss Poker night.” You huffed in annoyance
“You can, and you will. There is still a possibility-”
“I don’t want to put my life on hold due to a ‘possibility’!” You argued, “Come with me if you’re so worried.”
“Its too dangerous, MC,” he warned, but upon seeing your frustration, Vanderwood softened, “I’m sorry.”
“I just-” you let out a deep sigh, knowing it wasn’t his fault, either, “Never mind. Its fine.”
And when you spun in your heel to trudge your way back to the confinement of your room, he spoke, “I can play Poker.”
It had been the first time he had said something to you that wasn’t related to your safety
“Oh,” you replied, “You don’t have to, its fine-”
Vanderwood scoffed, “You’ve been sulking in your room for days now, I’m even starting to feel guilty here.”
“You’re not-”
“Let’s play.”
Reluctantly, you sat on the other end of the couch closely watching Vanderwood shuffle a deck of cards
“Where did you get that deck? I didn’t know there was one in the apartment.”
“There are two things you can never leave the house without,” he told you, “A pen and a deck of cards.”
“And clothes, of course.” You added
“And clothes,” he agreed, “You know the rules, right?”
“Please. I am the Poker Queen, undefeated among my friends.”
“That’s good to hear,” he grinned, “I am the Poker King.”
And so, a weird yet amusing tradition began 
After work or school, Vanderwood would pick you up from where Jumin’s bodyguards dropped you off, and together you walked back to the secrecy of your apartment
You were in charge of getting snacks while he set up the game and put together a small playlist composed of his favorite songs (which you thought were terrible, but hey, if he were in a good mood, so were you)
And then you began to play
And when you played, you talked
And the more you talked, the more you realized that there was so much more to this man that met the eye
Someone you had deemed so cold before was actually pretty easy going, and surprisingly caring
For someone who wasn’t used to talking a lot to other people, Vanderwood was actually quite funny
And boy could this man talk after getting a bit more comfortable with you
Vanderwood had so many stories to tell and you two often found yourselves lost in chat, neglecting the game you both loved so you could listen
He never went into much detail about his past, but you were too engrossed in his tales of adventure and danger to pay much mind
And…you liked it
You enjoyed his company a lot and found yourself preferring to stay in and share a game with this him rather than going out with your friends
It went on for weeks, and your previous wish of having the hacker taken care of so he could leave was now completely gone
“This is getting boring,” you set your cards down after the second hour of playing, “We need to at least bet something.”
“Do you have anything you want from me?” He wondered, eyeing his cards and the ones on the table, masking his expression well so you could never guess what hand he had
“How about…” You pondered, “One truth?”
“A truth?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “If I win, you have answer any question I ask truthfully.”
“No.” He turned you down before you could explain further
You stuck your lips out in a pout, “Why not?” 
“Are you going to call or not?” He nodded towards the cards, ignoring your question
“No, I fold. And why not?”
“The less you know about me, the better.” He said, collecting the prize of some gummy bears from his win
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know about me!” You offered
“I already know everything about you.” Vanderwood pointed out, and you knew it was true; Seven had probably informed him of even your blood type and credit card information by now
“That’s not fair,” you argued, “How come you get to know everything about me but I don’t know a single thing about you?”
“Because its my job, MC. Now, are you going to deal the cards or not?”
“No,” you stubbornly said, crossing your arms over your chest and avoiding his gaze, “I don’t want to play anymore.”
“Don’t be like that.” He rolled his eyes
“I’m serious! I don’t like it that you know everything about me and I don’t even know if Vanderwood is even your real name.”
“There is no reason for you to know,” he countered, “I’m getting paid to be here, to protect you. There is nothing more to it. You don’t have to know anything about me.”
You blinked, puzzled at his words, “I-I thought we were friends?”
His silence sent a surprisingly painful pang through your chest
“I see. It’s fine.”
“I don’t feel like playing anymore.” You mumbled, standing up to leave towards the comfort of your room
Vanderwood always made sure to keep the distance, so you were surprised when he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you back down to the couch
“We are friends, okay?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You don’t have to believe me, its the truth.” He huffed, but the longer you stared with those big, pleading eyes of yours, the more he felt himself give in
Vanderwood groaned, running a hand over his face, “Argh, fine. I’ll answer three questions you have, but no more.”
You beamed at him, “Really?”
Chewing on your bottom lip, you thought about every question, every thought of wonder you’ve ever had about him; there were too many! How were you supposed to pick just three?
His past, his scars, his family, and even the story behind the haircut you deemed so ugly- you wanted to know it all
“Is Vanderwood your real name?”
“No,” he answered, “And I won’t give you my real one.”
“Fine,” you sighed, pausing before asking your second question, “Why do you wear gloves all the time? Its summer.”
“Would you believe it if I said that I’m a germophobe?”
You shook your head, “You promised to tell the truth.”
“I….” He paused for a while, as if battling with himself on whether he wanted to answer or skip the question, “I don’t like touching people.”
Your eyes widened at his response, and guilt washed over you as you remembered all the playful nudges and pokes you shared with him, “Oh my God, you should have told me before! I wouldn’t have-”
“It’s fine,” he waved you off, “I said I don’t like people touching me. You’re not people, you’re you.”
“Oh,” you mumbled, unsure of what to reply, “So…how do you…”
“How do I what?”
“You know…” You fumbled with your words, flustered, “How do you date?”
“I don’t.” He said flatly
“So you mean you’ve never…?”
“I think you already used all your questions.” He cut you off, tearing his gaze from yours
“I will take that as a yes.”
He was silent
“No,” he admitted in a grumble, “I have never.”
And you don’t know why you said it
Perhaps it was because you were lonely or stressed, but ever since you had been locked in the same apartment as him for weeks, you began to feel…Curious
Curious about him; how he would feel, what he looked like under all those clothes, how he would taste, how he sounded like…
 And most of all, curious as to what he would reply to your suggestive question
“Do you want to?”
The silence that fell and the moments that followed had to be the longest of your life
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“It could be fun.” You wiggled your eyebrows 
He let out a laugh, “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Oh, come on! You’re bored, I’m bored, we are stuck here together anyway…What do you say?”
It was one of the rare times Vanderwood was completely caught by surprise
It wasn’t what he signed up for. He was supposed to just keep an eye on you as you came and went, just while this hacker was still on the loose so Seven could get his work for the agency done
He was never supposed to starting speaking and much less talking about himself with you, and Vanderwood was definitely not supposed to get close to you like that
So why did he find himself just as curious as you?
Why did he find himself closing the space between you on the couch? Why was he leaning in until his nose brushed with yours and your minty breath was all he could smell?
Why did he find himself kissing you?
“No strings attached?” He murmured
“No strings attached.”
And then he dipped his head in, bringing your lips to his, trying not to think about how it was the closest he had ever been to someone, and how it was you, of all people!
It was true, he hadn’t lied; you were the only person he didn’t hate touching, and he was almost as surprised as you were at how much he enjoyed it
You, on the other hand, had lied
You promised him it was meaningless, you promised him it would be just sex
No strings attached, right?
But from the very first kiss and the very first time he touched you, you could feel those strings growing tighter
Whenever you would wake up and he was still in your bed, you couldn’t help but run your hands over his sleeping features, admiring how soft they looked in comparison to when he was awake
When he was in silence, you desperately wanted to know what he was thinking, what troubled him enough to warrant a deep scowl he often wore on his face
Each time you called his name during moments of ecstasy, you felt yourself fall a little more for him, a little deeper, a little harder
Whenever his hands were on you and yours were on him, a foreign warmth spread within you, especially when you thought about how you were the only person in the world who had ever been with him like this
The nights when he got a little bit too drunk and your pillow-talk would grow to invade the late hours of night, with him speaking in a softer tone than usual and revealing bits about himself, you felt yourself beginning to crash
The only thing that kept you grounded was your daily reminder that he was being paid to be there, to worry about your whereabouts and care for you
That’s right, you bitterly reminded yourself, its his job. Its just his job
But it didn’t feel like that when he kissed you
It didn’t feel like it was just part of his job,  and it sure didn’t feel as if you two were just friends
He was sweet and tender with you, softly spoken at times and incredibly vulnerable at others  
And that was no job nor friendship
It was something you only dared to hope for 
It was lo-
“Hey,” you whispered while you lied on his chest, focusing on the counts of his heartbeat and the heat of his bare skin on yours, “Can I ask you something?”
“Mhm.” He hummed, eyes half closed and his movements slow and tired while he caressed your hair
“What are you feeling right now?”
His hand stopped feeling through your locks, “I’m tired. Why?”
“Just tired?”
“Why are you asking?” He shifted you over so he could look at your face
“Its nothing. You should sleep.” You buried your face in his arms again, avoiding his eyes and attempting to push down the rising lump in your throat
Ah, yes, you were cruelly reminded, the euphoria and glowing feeling in your heart was something exclusive to you, and no matter how much you wished for it, the four-lettered word you felt was horribly one-sided
But Vanderwood was not a fool nor was he oblivious; he could detect the smallest crack in your voice and the stiffing of your body under his arm
“I thought you said friends didn’t lie, MC. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just…” You trailed off, absentmindedly tracing circles on his skin, “I’m tired, I don’t know what I’m saying.”
“I’m tired, too, so tell me.”
Hesitating, you thought about how much greater the dull in your chest was about to get once you spoke those words, and how it would tenfold once he rejected them, “What would you say if I told  you I were in love?”
His silence was almost deafening, and you regretted those words almost immediately after they left your lips
Perhaps it would have been better to remain in the bliss of ignorance
“I’d tell you that you’re mad.”
There it was.
The warmth that previously lounged in your heart was now overcome with a vicious cold, your limbs going numb upon processing his words
You didn’t know how the lump in your throat hadn’t suffocated you yet, and for a moment, you wished it would
But before the hurt could fester any further and your heart could completely break, Vanderwood tilted your chin up, taking you by surprise as his lips met with yours
“But maybe I’m just as mad as you.” 
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-12(DEC)-23rd--Saturday--night here at this hellhole area- and a NEWS item.
2017-12(DEC)-23rd--Saturday--night here at this hellhole area- and a NEWS item.
I had to take poor Sam and poor Max outside the backyard for their dog ablutions.
At around 10pm, in the very dark streets under the pathetic streelights which are dim, were wandering along on the roads two aboriginal women from Fatguts criminal aboriginal household. One was the fat aboriginal woman who actively encourages violence in the abo kids end enjoys it as well as letting the abo toddlers roam all about and also onto the roads, and the other was a younger abo woman from Faguts aboriginial criminal household.
At one point, a male abo kid came out of Fatguts place and went straight across the road and into the 'main' abo criminal household of Kalara Way
The pair slowly walked, ambled up to the intersection of Kalara Way and Kalara Road streets and just stood there ON THE ROAD and were pointing out houses to each other and quietly talking.
15-20 mintes later they very slowly ambled down Kalara Way street ON THE ROAD and sat on the flat street kerb outside Fatguts criminal household.
Around 10:30pm, they got off their arses and started very slowly walking on the road surface again of Kalara Way street and went through the intersection on the road then onto Kalara Road street and slowly headed to the Koongamia shops area, all whilst walking ON THE ROAD.
At one point as they were doing all this, an abo kid (a girl?) came out of the household with no fence on Kalara Way street (which is associated with the criminal aboriginals) the girl met them. They talked in the middle of the road for a short while, and then the kid went back into that house again. They all seemed to be in communications with each other in all the houses.
Of course ALL the Koongamia shops are closed and have been closed for well over an hour, and maybe that's what they're counting on. - To do some illegal xmas thefts for smokes and booze? - Or maybe they're 'innocently' wandering around the streets in the darkness on foot to visit other criminal aboriginal households in Koongamia.......
Their transit along is usually accompanied by residents barking dogs keeping guard, or maybe they're just casing innocent places to see who has gone away for Xmas holidays...as a prelude to breaking in and robbing the places...................
Poor Sam & Max can never rest at night because all sorts of shit like this goes on (and worse) which suddenly makes them jolt awake and begin intruder barking. It upsets them and it upsets me. And meanwhile the criminals keep wandering about and doing shit (and worse) which stops me being able to sleep.....and because of that...I get fucking BLAMED for not being able to sleep for fucks sake!
This 'sitting on the kerbs' shit has been going on for close to over two years now. They make cars go around them when they're sitting on the kerbs as well. And the very criminal abo kids do it all too.
By the way, there's a dearth of male boy criminals about lately. Whether they have been arrested and off the streets, or taken away to 'boot camps' even abo ones, is unknown, but it's all temporary. They could also be out in groups of their own andor with other bands of thug criminals causing crime everywhere.
Usually the only way you can get an idea of what's going on is by the resultant crime that occurs. And such stuff often take WEEKS before it is revealed in any NEWS,....if at all. - ** SO MUCH NEVER MAKES ANY NEWS AT ALL AND IS DELIBERATELY WITHHELD. **
Speaking of shit that goes on that NEVER gets explained........
Here below is a recent WA NEWS item of something that was going on here in these streets of this hellhole a LOT for MANY YEARS and was the work of criminal aboriginals and other criminals who were inspired by each other to keep doing it and to forever try to outdo each other in severity and actions.....
Here, in the past, (even when dear Fliss was here), afterwards after the Police and authorities tried to stamp it all out, (but kowtowing to the aborginals) the abo's started a new menacing tactic of just hitting passing cars as hard as they could (andor kicking them all hard enough to dent them) with their fists and feet as hard as they could...and THAT went on and on and on....(Fliss NEVER experienced that escalating vicious stage of affairs)...even hitting cars and trucks with lengths of wood they swung at them......and the abo's were viciously demanding that all the streets were ONLY THEIRS so everyone had to keep away and off them. Of course the abo's themselves were walking all OVER the streets too and letting their abo toddlers in diapers all over the active streets, and the abos tearing about on the streets in their own cars. - I detailed quiet a bit of that happening in my blog as it was happening at the time.
This one in this NEWS report is in Thornlie and it includes VIDEO that you should watch to see how blatant it is.
Thornlie.....oh dear, is right about Gosnells region, the current rabid top-dog of crime areas in Western Australia according to the Police statistics recently revealed by the NEWS...........
The NEWS report tries to play it all off as a one-off 'prank' but it's not. I wish the bastard had have been run over and killed.....................it's all leading up to car-jackings and thefts and vicious assaults....ala South Africa style..........don't say I didn't warn you.......
And I'm sure that the result of this Thornlie incident by any POLICE andor authorities investigation will be hushed up and nobody will find out who the culprit was or the parents.....guardians....pretend parents....worlds most useless 'parents' of any country worldwide......or are they going to claim it's a 'tradition'......
Leading up to 'New Years' periods is going to see an escalation as they try to use THAT holiday period as an excuse to do anything they like.
In any event, it's very liable to be hushed up and made silent using one of the age-old bullshit excuses of 'protecting' the poor innocent boy 'child'........ - What a load of utter shit.
Full text of the NEWS report is below......it also has a video for you to see of the incident......do please watch it........
Friday, 22 December 2017 3:54PM
A woman has told of the moment a “body” got up from a Thornlie road to advance menacingly upon the car in which she was travelling - in a frightening episode caught on dashcam.
The woman, who did not want to be identified, told thewest.com.au she was a passenger in a car driven by her father at 5am yesterday, when she noticed an unusual shape on the road.
As they moved closer, they realised it was actually a human figure but got even more of a shock when a teenage boy popped to his feet and began walking towards them in a zombie-ish fashion.
“I’d quite often be driving that road by myself at 5am to the train station but this time my dad was driving,” she explained.
“I could see a shape up in the distance and I said to him ‘stop, I think there’s a body on the road. Somebody must have been hit’
“The closer we got I started thinking there was something not right about it. There was no blood on the road or anything.
“We kind of paused there and then all of a sudden he’s coming towards the car. I was telling dad to drive off but he went in reverse to start with and then just as we took off, the kid came right up to my window.”
The woman said was worried not only for her own safety but also that of the boy.
“If I’d been by myself I don’t know what I would have done,” she said.
“I think he was expecting to see a car with only one person in it, not two.
“Somebody could easily have seen him lying there and stopped and got out of the car and I have no idea what would have happened then.
“I hope he never does this again. Apart from the fact it’s scary it’s only just getting light at that hour and if he keeps lying on the road like that, he’ll get himself killed.”
She said she had called police to report the incident and believed she was not the only person to fall victim to the trick.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. - Coming up to midnight again and you wonder why I cannot sleep and haven't been able to sleep properly since late 2015? - And which I GOT BLAMED FOR. -- I love you dearest Fliss and want to be with you just as you promised us both.
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