a-j-stuffs · 9 days
I’m tired. Not just the usual “I haven’t slept fine in days”. I…I’m just tired. I feel like no matter what I do or how hard I try I will never come first for anyone. I will never be enough.
Sometimes I am enough, I feel like I’m enough for me but…I don’t know, other times I wish I had at least one person like the ones that I read about, one friend that will always be by my side when I feel like shit. I’m always there, for anyone who needs me and it’ll feel nice if at least once in my life someone would be there for me without having to beg, without having to tell them loud and clear “man, I need you. Can you please be here for just a second?”. It feels selfish, probably is, probably not but it does.
I’m so tired, physically, mentally, emotionally. For some reason there’s a voice in my head that tells me “everything is going to be okay, everything will fall into place” but at the same time there is also the voice that tells me that “nothing will ever be okay again and nothing will be fine”
Maybe I am dramatic, maybe I am not.
I guess I just needed to vent. I know some things happen for a reason, but sometimes it sucks to have to go trough all the ups and downs just to get to the final stage where you may or may not feel fully happy.
Time will tell.
Until then, I will try to get up and go on because life is definitely still worth living. I just gotta go find a way out of my head and I know I will.
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a-j-stuffs · 2 months
Loving this prompts
enemy to lovers trope,, A is too anxious because of B's ​​carelessness (cliche but idc)
Enemies to Lovers Prompts (ft. Anxious Character and Careless Character)
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
"You're going to get yourself killed!"
"Good thing I've got you to watch my back, then."
"Thanks for always cleaning up my messes."
"You owe me big time."
"What would I do without you?" "Die, probably."
"I am sick and tired of your carelessness! Do you have no self respect?"
"Seeing you get worked up like this is so funny."
"I'm sorry I scared you."
"Oh, don't cry. Please, don't cry."
"Don't you have something better to do with your day?" "Aside from giving you a heart attack? Nope."
"You take care of me better than I take care of myself." ("Yeah, no shit.")
"You need to stop this. Can't you see what you're doing to me?"
"I don't know if I can stop."
"Pull it together."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Oh, how I love pushing your buttons." "I'm going to push you off this bridge if you keep it up."
"You'll always be there to catch me."
"I'm glad I can depend on you. When I feel like I've got nobody else, I know I've got you."
"Why do you keep doing this?"
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider donating! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi!
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a-j-stuffs · 3 months
Twisted series book aesthetic lockscreens/wallpapers 🤍🔗
Took me abit of time but here's a few I created with some of my favorite quotes from the books. Hope you enjoy/like them 💫.
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a-j-stuffs · 9 months
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Can’t believe that I made this account 6 years ago. I tought I’d start posting my own stories this year. I have some drafts but I’ve always been scared to post. 🫠🫠
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a-j-stuffs · 1 year
Facts 🫠🫠
Throughout the twisted series plus King of Wrath all couples had their moments of love and hatred.
But what got them their happily ever after was not sweet kisses and all sunshine but longing for each other when their relationship hit rough patch and they almost broke up.
I take lot of pride in this observation (PROUD AS ALWAYS!!) that in all cases boys were the one to take first step toward reconciliation.
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a-j-stuffs · 1 year
Alex motherfucking Volkov.
Rhy the fucking Larson.
Josh thefuckinghotassdoctor Chen.
Alex is my personal favorite. 😳🙈
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a-j-stuffs · 1 year
i need two bonus, and very detailed, chapters about what exactly happened at alex and ava's bachlor/bachelorette parties.
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
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(Not my gif, credits to the owner)
So, I’ve watched Gilmore Girls a lot. I think I’ve watched and rewatched for like a 100 times and one of the episodes that literally broke me is when Jess leaves and Luke feels like he had failed him and the one where Liz presented TJ to Jess and Luke and I am team Jess but in that moment I swear I wanted to punch him so so bad so I’ve got this cute idea and I can’t sleep so I said I should write it. There are not a lot of people that write for Gilmore Girls because it’s such an old show but it is one of my favorites shows in the whole world.
The idea goes like this. Jess has a twin sister and Liz sends them both to Stars Hollow but unlike Jess she’s a sweetheart, she’s very friendly and she gets along with Lorelai. So the action takes place in the moment they arrive to Stars Hollow the night they go to Lorelai for dinner. You’ll see. Being my first story I will write Jess’s sister as an OC. Maybe in the future I will maybe write her as the reader.
P.S. I am so sorry if you spot some mistakes English is not my first language so I’m apologizing in advance.
Growing up with no father figure and a lunatic mother may sound terrible but in reality it is not so bad because I’ve always had my brother. He may seem a bit of a jerk and he has a tough exterior but he’s the best brother and the best partner in crime I could’ve ever ask for. For quite some time he got a little bit out of control and our mother decided it’s best for him to live with our uncle Luke in her home town, Stars Hollow. A small town in Connecticut. When mom said the news he wasn’t so happy so I told her I’d go with him to make sure he didn’t burn the whole town or God knows what. I’m being pulled from my thoughts by Jess’s voice.
“This is so stupid, I can’t believe mom sent us away”
“Technically she only sent you away, I came along just because I am the best sister in the world” I said with a big smile on my face “Cut the attitude, now there’s nothing we can do and maybe this will turn out to be a nice experience”
“Lex I appreciate your positivity but I’m not in the mood for that now, we don’t even know Luke, maybe he’s crazier than mom”
“Let’s be honest here, no one is crazier than mom, now come on, get up. We’re almost there”
After approximately 5 minutes the bus stops and we get out. In front of the bus sign a tall man, that I recognize as uncle Luke from old photos, was waiting for us.
Honestly I was trying so hard not to cry because they we’re so bad at this.
“Hi uncle Luke. Thank you for agreeing with all of this especially me coming here” I said with a sweet smile on my face and he kinda looked like he didn’t knew what to say.
“Yeah, no problem. Okay, so uh…” he lead the way and we followed him till we got to a place with a big sign that said “WILLIAMS HARDWARE” which in my opinion was a bit confusing because we soon learned that this place was a dinner but I said nothing. “This is my dinner, it belonged to your grandfather” Jess didn’t say much and Luke seemed kinda uncomfortable and I don’t blame him. I was uncomfortable and I’m rarely uncomfortable. “This looks great uncle Luke” I said smiling trying to make this less awkward but I don’t think it worked. We ended up following him to the apartment, for now me and Jess had to share a bed but we didn’t mind, we were used to do that. He showed us the small apartment and tried to help us with our stuff but we said that we got it. Luke got back to the dinner and Jess went God knows where so I just got myself comfortable took out my pen and my notebook from my bag and started drawing as usual. After a while I go down and I see a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes trying to talk to my brother but he just nodded and then went upstairs so I go out to them trying to find him excuses as always “Don’t take it personal that’s just Jess, my brother was never good at talking and he is still pretty bummed about us moving here so he’s acting like a 4 year old that didn’t get the toy he wanted for Christmas” I say with a big smile making her laugh. “He’s a teenager in a new town so it’s okay, hi I’m Lorelai and I wanted to meet you before your uncle filled your head with lies about me” she said smiling “Nice to meet you Lorelai, I’m Alexa but friends call me Lex or Lexi and I don’t want to be rude but are your eyes real? Cause if you say yes I will be so so jealous because clearly God played favorites when he gave a body like that, eyes like those and a good sense of fashion to one person” I say laughing and she starts laughing too. She’s cool and I might be wrong but judging on the way my uncle’s eyes sparkle since she’s here he might have a crush on this woman and I honestly don’t blame him. “You’re so sweet, are you sure that boy is your brother and Luke your uncle and you weren’t accidentally switched at birth?” “To be honest I’m not sure about any of that but if I find out something about this you’re the first person I am calling”. This town didn’t seem so bad after all, she seems friendly and uncle Luke tries his best. “You should meet my daughter Rory, she’s your age and she knows were are all the wild parties you teenagers enjoy” “I would love to meet her” “Well, I’ve got a fabulous idea. If you guys are free tomorrow night you should come to dinner at my house. My best friend Sookie will cook, she’s the best chef in town. Rory will be there. It’ll be like a welcome to Stars Hollow dinner and see? Everyone here is not straight out of a Fellini film kind of evening” “That sounds perfect to me” I say and I look over to uncle Luke. “That would be nice. Thanks” “Yes, thank you Lorelai. I’m going up to say that to my brother, maybe it’ll put him in a good mood, bye Lorelai it was nice to meet you. If your daughter it’s as cool as you I’m sure she and I will get along perfectly” “It was nice to meet you too hun, good luck with your brother” I smile and I walk back upstairs to see my brother reading. “You were kind of a jerk, you know” “I wasn’t a jerk, just not in the mood to talk. Thank you for not letting me alone in this insanity” I acted shocked as soon as the words left his mouth “can’t believe I heard a thank you coming for you, anytime. You know you’re my favorite brother”.
After a wired conversation between Jess and Luke, me talking for 15 minutes on the phone to assure mom we’re alive and me taking 20 minutes to convince Jess to come we finally arrive at Lorelai’s house and knock on the door.
“Hey, perfect timing. Sookie’s about to break her own record to the most food served outside a Roman Empire” she said as a joke “Sounds great” “Sure does” I swear when I hear my brother and my uncle talking is like I am hearing the same person. Lorelai let us in and I smile sweetly as Jess just walked straight into the living room “I’m sorry we’re late Lorelai, someone was hard to convince” “It’s okay swettie don’t worry. Hey Jess you wanna come on in the kitchen?” She asks him politely and he follows her without saying a word, I follow them and so does Luke. “Sokkie, Jackson these are Jess and Alexa, Luke’s nephew and nice.” “Do you guys eat cheese?” I stare at them not knowing what to say and they start talking about how great a lemon is so I say nothing. After that we meet Rory, Lorelai’s daughter and of course she has her mother’s eyes. “Hey. I’m Rory” “Yeah I figured” I roll my eyes when I hear my brother “Hi Rory, I’m Alexa, sorry for my brother, he’s missing something called manners” “It’s okay, don’t worry, nice to meet you” “Same here” I say smiling while my brother inspected her room like a total creep. “Easy there Sherlock, you won’t find any evidence of a murder so stop snooping around” I joke making Rory laugh “It’s okay, don’t worry, I read a lot so I have a massive amount of books. Do you guys read?” “I love to read, sometimes I draw the characters from a book in my notebook to bring the book to life” “That’s so cool. Do you read?” She asks smiling at my brother and he responds while taking a book from the shelf “Not much” “I could loan you that if you want to, it’s great” “no thanks” I stare at them awkwardly when I hear Lorelai’s voice “We really need to get Jackson away from the lemons now, so we’re moving in the living room” “I’m going to see if they need any help” I say just to get out of the room “We’ll be right there” Rory said smiling and went directly to the kitchen to help everyone “You didn’t had to do that hun, you’re a guest here” I hear Lorelai’s voice behind me “I don’t mind, I like to help, I was even considering getting a job around here so I could keep myself busy” I say smiling to her and then I see Rory coming into the room without my brother. What is he up to now? “Hey Rory, where’s my brother?” “He’s getting a soda”.
I sit and listen everyone talking and then I follow Lorelai to the kitchen to look for my brother but I stop and listen to their conversation “Let me guess you don’t wanna be here” “It doesn’t matter” “I mean here, in Stars Hollow” “Jeez, miss Gilmore, why would anyone not wanna be here in Stars Hollow?” “Jess, let me give you a little advice. The whole <<my parents don’t get me>> thing I’ve been there, I’ve also done the <<chip on my shoulder>> bit, ooh and the surly, sarcastic <<the world can bite my ass>> bit. And let me tell you I mastered them all. In heels yet. And everything you’re feeling right now might be totally justified, maybe you are getting screwed. But Luke is a great guy. He’s very special. And he really wants to take care of you and your sister and make things right for you guys. You have no idea how lucky you are to have him. If you give this situation half a chance, you might be surprised at how good it can be, how much you like living here and how comfortable it feels to have someone like Luke you can really depend on.” All this things Lorelai said to my brother are extremely true but so sweet it makes me thing maybe she has feelings for him too. But what I didn’t expect to hear were the words that came out of my brother’s mouth. “What? Are you sleeping with him or something?” “Excuse me?” “I don’t know, the whole starry eyed <<you’re so much better off, give it a chance>> speech. You’re either really naive or you’re getting some”. I don’t believe what a jerk he’s being to her, after she welcomed us into her house and organized this night. “There have been very few moments in my life where I’ve actually wished I had one of those enormous cream pies you can just smash in someone’s face but this is definitely one of them” “well, now, that’s not very neighborly.” “Hey, you know what? This is my house and I chose how I get talked to in it, ha ha.” “You don’t know anything about me, my sister, our life, our mom or Luke so why don’t you <<dr. Laura>> someone else” in that moment I knew I had to intervene “Lorelai can you please leave me alone with my brother? I really need to talk to him” I say on a serious tone “Don’t worry sweetie I’m done here, I’m going inside, stay out of my fridge” she says looking straight at my brother and she goes inside.
“What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like that? She’s just trying to help and you’ve been a complete jerk” I say angrily to my brother “Oh cut the crap Lex, I don’t need you on my back like I didn’t need her advice. I don’t want to be here. Mom took me away from my friends, I had a life there and she just sent me away because it was to difficult for her to take care of me, if you want to give me a morality speech you can go back home with mom” he says harshly and it kinda hurt me to hear it. It may not seem a big deal but when the person you love the most doesn’t wants you around them kinda hurts. Jess probably realized from my facial expression that he maybe crossed the line. “Lex, I…” “Don’t you worry, I came here because I thought you’d like a familiar face around but I guess not. I’m going to pack my things and I’m leaving tomorrow” I say with tears in my eyes and get out of there bumping into Lorelai and Luke. “Lorelai, I’m so sorry for what my brother said, I have no idea what has gotten into him” I say trying to hold back my tears “It’s okay hun, you don’t have to apologize in his behalf, but I have to ask you, are you okay?” She asks visibly worried. “Yeah, I don’t know honestly. It was a long eventful day and I just need some rest so I’m going back to the apartment. Thank you for everything you did for us tonight even if it didn’t went as planned” I say with a faded smile “you’re welcome hun, you’re welcomed here anytime you want” she says smiling “thanks” I say smiling back. I get out of the house and I start walking back to the dinner. It was a long, long day….
So this was it, it’s awful, I know, it probably has a lot of mistakes but ooh well nobody’s perfect. I said I’ll give it a try.
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
reblog if you’d like one of these in your inbox
- ask me things you want to know about me
- why you follow me
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about
- a compliment
- make me choose between two things
- ask for advice
- tell me a secret
- things you associate me with
- anything!!!!
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
Reblog if its ok to message you during this holiday season incase Im feeling lonely or out of place during family events because no one should be alone on Christmas
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
“You are not a reflection of the people who can’t love you.”
— Caitlyn Siehl
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
I love this, it’s amazing 💕💕💕
Hi, I was wondering if you could write an imagine with Jj where the reader is Topper’s little sister and she’s friendly with everyone. (Rafe could have a crush on her or something if u want to spice it up a bit) Well, she is starting to date Jj ( with a little bit of help from John B and Sarah) and Topper and Rafe find out about their relationship at a party or at midsummer because they catch them almost doing the dirty. I hope this isn’t wierd and I hope you understand cause English is not my first language.
Here you go, doll! I hope you like it :)
Warnings: drinking, smoking, smut, and violence
Requests are open!
You sat at the dinner table, mindlessly pushing your food around on the plate, ignoring the on going conversations. You hated coming to the Cameron’s for dinner. Rafe was always making comments or trying to find excuses to be alone with you. You kind of felt bad pushing him away, you were once really close. He was your brother, Toppers, best friend, and at one point you had a huge crush on him. But now, with how much he’s changed lately, you couldn’t stand being around him. Plus, you were now secretly dating one of the boys he hated most, JJ Mayfield. All you wanted to do right now was to get through this dinner so you could sneak away to see him.
You hadn’t meant to fall for the Pogue boy, but after the infamous Sarah and Topper break up, you ended up seeing a lot of the group, as Sarah was more of a sister to you than a friend. After seeing how horribly everything went when everyone found out about John B and Sarah, you decided to do everything you could to keep your relationship a secret. As much as you hated having to hide the boy you loved, you had to admit it made everything more exciting.
A buzzing from your pocket pulled you out of your thoughts. You pull the phone out, seeing a text from JJ.
-Is Rafe behaving himself around my girl?
Smiling at his obvious jealousy, even though he would never admit that he’s jealous.
-More or less. Nothing too bad. I’d much rather be getting annoyed by you though ;)
-Oh don’t worry, I fully plan on being extra annoying tonight. Can’t wait to see you.
“Y/n, are you listening at all?” Your father asks. You quickly put your phone away, turning a little pink.
“I’m sorry, I got lost in my own head. What did I miss?” Adding a sweet smile, which always got you out of trouble with your dad.
He sighs as he says “I was saying your mother and I will be leaving with Ward and Rose tomorrow morning for a couple days. You are to listen to your brother while we’re gone, understand?” Internally you roll your eyes. I’m 17. I don’t need a babysitter you think to yourself. But nows not the time to argue, especially when this can give you an excuse to spend more time with JJ.
“Yes, dad. I understand.” Everyone was finished eating by this point, but you knew this meant you still had about another hour of after dinner drinks to sit thought. However, your parents were okay with you, Topper, and Rafe going to sit outside on the dock. Almost as soon as you guys sit down, your brother is pulling out a joint. He lights it, takes a hit, then passes it to you. You immediately start to pass it over to Rafe, on the other side of you. You didn’t like being high around your parents, so you never joined in these after dinner smoke sessions.
Rafe throws his arm around you, “come on y/n, have fun for once.” Trying to hand the joint back to you.
“I have plenty of fun all the time, I think I’ll survive being bored for an hour.” He rolls his eyes and takes a hit.
They start talking about throwing a party the next day at your house. “Are you actually gonna join us this time?” Rafe asks you, moving his hand to grab your hip.
“Sure, but only if I get to bring my friends.” You respond while moving his hand off of you.
“You mean those pogues? Hell no. Why are you even friends with them?” Topper says.
“They’re nice, plus if they come, Sarah will be there.” Knowing that the chance to talk to Sarah would make him agree.
“Fine. But you better tell them to not start shit.” Smiling, you hug your brother.
“ Thank you Topper!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
Later that night, you were finally on your way to see JJ. Sarah had picked you up down the street from your house after you snuck out your window. Sarah was the biggest help to you being able to hide JJ. She was always willing to give you rides to see him, or covering for you and saying you were with her.
Once you guys park the car, JJ is instantly at the car opening your door for you, pulling you straight into a deep kiss.
“You guys literally saw each other this morning.” Sarah says, laughing at his eagerness to kiss you.
“Yeah, but if y/n was your girl, you’d miss her this much too.” He says as you guys start walking to join the others.
Everyone’s in their own conversations when you walk up, and you and JJ sit on a log, his arms going around you. You all start talking while drinking beer, a couple blunts being passed around. This time, you happily took hits as they came to you. You tell everyone how there’s a party the next night at your house, and how you got Topper to agree to them coming as long as they promised not to start anything, making sure to shoot your boyfriend a look as you say the last part.
“When have I ever started anything with them?” JJ asks, prompting everyone to start listing examples of when he most definitely started problems with them. “Okay, okay fine,” he throws his hands up “I promise not to start anything, but if Rafe starts touching you I will-“
“You will do absolutely nothing and let me handle it so everyone there doesn’t find out about us.” You interrupt, giving him a quick kiss at the end. He finally agrees, but not without pouting.
The next night, the party was in full blast. You sat in your room though, until you got the text from JJ that they were here. And when you did, you rush to meet them at the door, determined to keep them away from Topper, and more importantly, Rafe.
As the night progressed, you found it easy to keep everyone separated. Other than a few nasty looks exchanged, nothing bad happened. You and the Pogues stayed in a corner drinking and having a good time. After awhile, you were definitely drunk.
“Can we sneak away?” JJ whispers in your ear. Giggling, you nod. Carefully, making sure no one sees, you lead him up the stairs to your room. As soon as he closes the door, his lips are on yours. His hands on your hips, pulling you as close to him as you can get. He backs you up, til you softly hit the dresser. Without breaking the kiss, he lifts you up and sets you on the dresser, sneaking his hands under your shirt. You pull away to your shirt off.
“God you’re beautiful.” He whispers before attacking your neck with his lips, letting his rands roam your body. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer against you. You lift his shirt and yank it off him, and pull his lips to yours again. His hand going under your skirt to rub you through your panties. “You’re so wet for me, baby.” Moaning at the feeling of his hand, and his words, and whimpering when he pulls his hand away.
“JJ,” you pant breathlessly, “I need you. Please..” he smirks at your words before lifting you just enough to pull down your thong. His thumb returns to rubbing your center while he kisses your neck again, slowly moving to your chest before his fingers enter you, causing a gasp. His fingers thrusting, as he sucks at your nipples, makes moans fall out of you beyond control. You start to feel the warm feeling build up in your stomach, before the bedroom door swings open.
“Hey y/n, where’d you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER!?”
You guys quickly pull apart, you covering yourself with your arms as soon as you hear Rafes words.
“Rafe, get out!” You shout at him.
He ignores you, and goes straight for JJ, throwing a punch. You quickly throw your shirt on and start trying to pull them apart, which you knew was a useless effort. You instead ran downstairs to find Pope and John B. Your eyes scan the people in the party. The music covering the noise from the fight upstairs. Finally your eyes spot the boys your looking for. You run up to them, not even realizing your crying and try to say what’s happening, but the words won’t come out. All you can manage to say is “Rafe. Upstairs.” Luckily, they understand and run up. You follow behind and watch as they successfully get Rafe and JJ apart. Each still trying to get at each other, though.
“Don’t ever tucking touch my girl again!” Rafe shouts at JJ, but before he can respond you cut in.
“I’m not your girl, Rafe. Just because you have a crush on me, and try to act like my boyfriend, doesn’t mean you are. JJ is my boyfriend; not you.”
He looks between you and JJ for a minute, before smirking “so you’re a pogue slut now? I should have seen that coming.” JJ tries to go for him again at this comment, but Pope keeps him back.
At this point, Topper makes his way upstairs, noticing all of you missing. He walks in and sees Rafe and JJ being held back from each other, JJ still shirtless, in your room. He looks to JJ, and asks “were you fucking my sister?”
“Topper, Rafe, get out of my room.”
“Are you seriously with him, y/n?” Topper asks.
“Yes, Topper. I am.” You sigh.
“Get out.” He says.
“Topper, you can’t kick me out. Mom and dad would kill you.”
“No, they’re gonna be thankful when I tell them why. Now pack your shit and get out.”
You felt your eyes getting filled with tears. You knew it would be bad if he found out, but you didn’t expect him to look at you with such hatred. “Topper..”you say quietly, walking towards him.
“No, y/n. It’s them or us. And you need to choose right now.” The tears falling fully now. No body in the room dares to say anything or move, all watching you two, waiting to hear your answer. Suddenly anger rises back up in you, before you turn away from him, snatching up your old book bag, and stuffing as much as you can from your dresser in it, and walking out without a word to any of them. Your plan was to go wait by John Bs van, but then realize it was pretty bold of you to assume he would be okay with you coming back to his place tonight. So, here you were, aimlessly walking down the street. You walked like you had purpose, a goal in mind, but really you had no idea where you were going. You hear footsteps running up to from behind, and suddenly your arm is grabbed and your spun the other direction. You were about to scream, before you saw JJ standing there.
“I’ve been shouting for you,” he says out of breath, “didn’t you hear me?” You honestly didn’t, your head full of so many thoughts at this time. Looking into his blue eyes, seeing the cuts and bruises from Rafe, you feel the anger melt away, and instead all the other emotions hit you, and you just start sobbing. He pulls you close to him, “baby, y/n, it’s gonna be okay, okay? You can come stay with us, if you want?” You just nod against his chest, unable to stop crying enough to actually talk. He starts leading you towards John Bs van, continuing to tell you how it’s gonna be okay, and you guys will figure everything out together.
When you reach the van, Kie and Sarah rush to hug you. “I think this officially means your a pogue.” Kie says while hugging you, getting a small, but sniffly, giggle out of you.
“I’m sorry guys, I should have known this wasn’t gonna go well.” You say, trying to wipe away tears with the back of your hand.
“Hey,” John B says while lightly grabbing your shoulders and looking into your eyes, “it’s not your fault. At all. Rafe is a psychopath.” Nodding; you thank him.
You all pile into the van, riding in silence back to John Bs house. JJs arm around you as you try to clean his wounds in the bouncing van. You guys finally arrive, and climb out. JJ dramatically holding his arms towards the house, “Welcome Home, y/n!” He says smiling.
Home. You liked the sound of that.
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
O my gosh I love this. Thank you so so much 💕💕💕💕
I just have to imagine Steve shocked and I can’t stop laughing 😂
『𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥』
note : my requests are OPEN! Feel free to send me story requests♡
pairings : bucky barnes x rogers!reader
word count : 870
request by @a-j-stuffs (thank you!) : steve finds out that his little sister is not innocent anymore.
warnings : 18+, smut, cursing words, nipple playing, fingering
*feedback is appreciated. please reblog so it can reach more people♡
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Sometimes having two super soldiers in your life wasn’t a positive thing. No, it was actually very annoying especially if you had to spend the whole weekend with them.
Being the sister of Captain America himself was like being behind a walking wall. People never really cared about you. All they cared about was your brother Steve Rodgers but you loved him anyway. You appreciated his will to protect you but sometimes he was just too much.
It wasn’t like you had no one to protect you. Far from it. You were not only his sister but the girlfriend of one of the deadliest assassins, the Winter Soldier. Although that’s not right. He was Bucky now. James Buchanan Barnes a friend, an avenger, and an amazing boyfriend.
Bucky showed you a new way of living. With him, you felt free and safe. With him, nothing else mattered like the whole world closed its doors and it was only you and him.
You were with him for over a year and you both lived in Wakanda. Away from the noise of big cities, away from Steve and the others.
Who thought that you will find a new way to spend time at night or during the day when you had nothing to do or most of the time on purpose? You never thought that having sex with someone could be such a pleasant experience. You were wrong and James proved it to you very well.
Now almost half a year later you found out that you were even more sexually obsessed with him than he was with you. You loved to try new things in bed from cockwarming to different positions like 69 and doggy style.
You loved it but to be honest you loved it because it was with James. Steve had no idea about how his innocent and sweet sister turned out to be a slut for his best friend’s cock.
It was an early afternoon when Bucky came from work helping TÇhalla with something. He was tired but the moment he saw you wearing a tight, extra short dress that highlighted all your curves and if you bent a little it showed off your pretty, black thong bikini not to mention how your breasts were going to spill out from the front of the dress.
“There you are, Sergeant.” You approached him with a catwalk and placed your palms on his chest. He didn’t say anything at first just leaned down, placing his chin on your shoulder while his hands slid around your waist, down your back until they stopped at your ass, grabbing it eagerly.
The feeling of the soft skin squished under his palms made him groan, the little vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
Suddenly he grabbed you by the butt and placed you on the kitchen counter, tearing your dress in sheds tossing it to the sides. Your panties followed after.
Your tits bounced when he vigorously started kissing your neck leaving red marks behind, down your throat and chest until his tongue captured one of your nipples.
Sucking harsh on your sensitive spot his fingers came down to rest between your legs. He slid his fingers through your soaking wet folds, the sound of splashing making you both moan.
“Already so fucking wet for me, doll. My pretty little princess.” He groaned while tickling your clit.
You unbuckled his belt and freed his already hard cock, the tip of it shining with pre-cum. Seeing his dick like this made the knot in your stomach untie and your juices made a mess around Bucky’s fingers.
He leaned against you making you lay on the counter. He was just about to slide his fucking precious cock into you that you craved all day when you heard a loud gasp.
Both of you turned your heads in panic at the sound. Your eyes widened when you saw Steve sitting next to the front door looking absolutely in shock.
Bucky quickly hid his dick back in his pants but the problem was you. You didn’t have any clothes to put on right now so all you could do was cover your parts with your hands and squeeze your tights together.
“Oh my god… What was that!” Steve exclaimed. “Bucky what are you doing to my sister!”
“Steve I’m 25! I’m not a kid anymore!” You shouted back at him not getting any of his overprotective shit anymore. “Besides I enjoyed it and you won’t stop me from having sex with James!”
Steve blushed embarrassed as his eyes darted between you and Bucky. “I hate to say this but I guess you are right. You are not a kid anymore and I know Bucky won’t ever hurt you. I’m sorry, Y/N.” Steve confessed bringing his gaze down at his feet.
“Yayyy!” You jumped from the counter and went to hug Steve.
“Oh my god, doll! Come back here you are naked!” Bucky ran towards you and stopped you in your tracks enveloping you into his arms.
“Yeah, I absolutely forgot about that.” You murmured against his chest. Finally, your brother saw that you are not a kid anymore. You were an adult and adults get dicked down.
Tag list: @lovie-barnes , @iguana-eyanna , @littlecanadianlani , @bbl32
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a-j-stuffs · 3 years
Omg, thank u so so much, I love it 💕💕💕💕
Evidence Is Damning: A Theo Raeken Imagine
Requests from @a-j-stuffs​​: Hi love, I’m so sorry to bother but could you do and imagine where the reader is Stiles’s little sister and she and Theo are dating without him knowing and one night Theo is going to far and leaves her with a lot of love bites on her neck and that’s how Stiles finds out.
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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Out of the two of you, your older brother Stiles had always been the one more inclined to follow in your father’s footsteps. He was always looking for clues, evidence that could incriminate, and it had come in handy more times than you cared to admit.
You were yet to learn that his desire to become a detective could be a nuisance, that it could be used against you.
So maybe that was why you didn’t complain when Theo climbed through your bedroom window, leaving fingerprints and DNA all over the window ledge. “How did you get up here?” You stood from your bed, as he pulled the window shut.
“Chimera,” he replied with an air of someone who was stating the obvious. “I can leave again, if you want.”
“Oh definitely not.” You walked over to him and captured his lips in your own. You had the house to yourself for a few hours, and as no-one knew that you and Theo were an item, it was the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time together.
You didn’t think about what would happen if Stiles came home early, didn’t let yourself think about his reaction to Theo Raeken dating his younger sister. His reaction to Theo Raeken pushing his younger sister against her bed until she fell back onto it, his tongue swiping her bottom lip. You opened up for him, letting him hungrily kiss you, letting him explore every inch of your mouth as you moaned against his lips.
He straddled you and your hands slid up under his t-shirt, feeling the muscles that were scattered on his stomach. You scraped your fingers back down them, smiling against Theo’s lips when he growled into your mouth. You tangled your fingers in his hair, your heart beating rapidly as Theo continued to kiss you.
God, you needed him, wanted him, loved him.
You made to pull off his shirt, leaving more evidence scattered around your bedroom, but Theo stopped you. “Not yet, not now. There’s not enough time for what I want to do with you.” You shivered as he murmured against your lips, knowing from experience that Theo liked to take his time when worshipping you. “But there is time for this.”
Theo’s lips moved to your neck, his teeth finding your skin and nipping at you. He started gently as he licked, sucked, bit at your skin, your hands tangling in his hair and holding him in place as you moaned in response to his actions. But your moans only spurred him on, and it wasn’t long before your skin was littered with purple splotches.
You didn’t care about them just yet, but in the morning, when Theo was gone, when your brother was back, when you looked in the mirror and saw the evidence as clear as day, you may or may not have panicked.
Thank God for the old turtleneck at the back of your wardrobe.
Not so much for the weather, the sun beating down on you as you stepped out of the front door. You climbed into the passenger seat of Stiles’s jeep, your brother looking at you with concern. “Y/N, it’s boiling, how are you wearing that?”
“I’m fine, Stiles. Can we just get to school?”
Your brother shrugged and turned his attention to the road. But out of the corner of your eye, you could see the cogs in his brain turning. He knew something was up, ever your father’s son.
As you pulled into the school car park, you saw Theo standing by his truck with Tracy. It was best that you kept up the act of hating each other, neither pack knowing that you two were together. He smiled at you, only for a second, and you smiled back, making sure that Stiles wasn’t watching.
Speaking of.
“Y/N, seriously, you’re going to pass out in that. Just take it off. There’s an old t-shirt in the trunk, you can wear that.”
“Honestly, Stiles, it’s fine.” You made to open the door, but it was locked. “Can you let me out please?”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. Because I’m guessing it has something to do with the shoe print on your windowsill.”
“You went in my room?”
“Not the point. Now, what the hell is going on?” Stiles made to grab at the collar of your turtleneck and you pulled away. But not quickly enough. The collar peeled back in Stiles’s grip, and your older brother’s eyes widened as he saw the marks on your neck. “Oh my God.”
“What the hell, Stiles?” You turned away from him, embarrassed and angry, pulling at the door handle. “Just let me out of this damn jeep.”
“Who is he?”
“Stiles – ”
“Who is he?”
“It’s none of your business.”
“It is if he’s touching you. And he’s really bad at covering it up too.”
You could see Theo through the window. You knew he could hear the argument going on between you and Stiles and could see how he was growing worried, making to move towards you. You tried to usher at him to stop, thinking that Stiles was too angry to notice, but you were wrong.
The evidence was damning, and it was pointing straight at Theo.
You watched as Stiles looked between you and Theo, then back again. “Him? Him?! Theo freaking Raeken?!”
You moved quickly, snatching the keys out of the ignition and using them to unlock the doors. You jumped out of the jeep, much to Stiles’s protests, and slammed the door shut. “Yeah, him. I’ll talk to you about it later, Stiles. Got to get to class. See you at home.”
You left Stiles in the jeep, fuming. A quick text and you met Theo in an empty classroom. He’d obviously run, hoping to avoid that inevitable confrontation with Stiles and his friends. He took you in his arms as you inhaled his scent. “So your brother knows?”
“And it’s all your fault.”
“Didn’t hear you telling me to stop.”
You hit him playfully on the chest before looking up at him. You knew that when you saw your brother again, things were going to be difficult, but you ignored that thought for the moment. When you were with Theo, all worries had a tendency to disappear.
“I’d never tell you to stop.”
You kissed Theo then, living up to your word.
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a-j-stuffs · 4 years
I swear I’ve been looking for this imagine for some time. i love it
Heart of Glass
Request from Anonymous: Hi I’ve been reading winchester sister stories for the past few weeks and I just wanted to say that you’re one of my favorites :) I have a request if that’s ok :) can I request a winchester!reader who has a heart problem please make tear jerking. I’m a sucker for angst stories. Thanks and have a nice day ❤
^^ You asked for angst… I delivered;)
Pairing: Winchesters x Sister!Reader
Summary: Y/N is Sam and Dean Winchester’s younger half sister. She kept her diagnosis a secret from her neglectful brothers for three years, until an unexpected event reveals the truth.
Warnings: Angst, language, neglectful siblings, Sam and Dean aren’t good brothers to the reader, heart condition, hospitals, medication, mentions of anxiety disorder, character death, sad!reader
Word Count: 3137
@spnangstbingo square: Heart Attack (sorta??)
A/N- Wassup, bitches? It’s me, again. I really liked how this turned out, and I hope you do, too! All mistakes are mine, this is unbetaed. As always, love y’all and hope you enjoy. Feedback is encouraged and incredibly appreciated:)
*Please excuse any and all mistakes. Thanks!*
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a-j-stuffs · 4 years
“Nah son, get outta here!” 😩😭
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