#i wish swifties knew that they don’t have to live up taylor’s asshole :( there’s no light in there
placeinthisworld · 9 months
the way people still defend ts and her private jet that is only continuously damaging the ozone layer is….so funny.
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🖤it’s been a long time coming but…🖤
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Pairing: Quinn Hughes X Cherrie!
Word count : 10k
Summary : in which his roommates sister is staying for the summer. And he promises not to fall in love with her.
Or- Quinn hates being told what to do. And cherries a mean little bitch with the face of an Angel. How was he supposed to not fall in love with her?
Warnings- fluff? There both little bullies to each other cause they’re in love. Duh. Kind of a , he fell first thing. She’s blunt and mean. He’s also dishes it back. Her brother is dumb and wondering what the f is going on. Thats it I think. I don’t even know if it’s any good or makes any sense cause I wrote it at 3am last night soooo…yeah. Lemme know what u think xoxo oh yeah and Quinn’s a swiftie because I said so. I finally got my era( with blood sweat and so many fucking tears) tickets so expect a lot of Taylor song themed oneshots lmfao.
Quinn knew that something was wrong the moment he woke up that morning to find his roommate and close friend , Roman, pacing the front room with his hand running stressfully through his hair , what looked to be a permanent grimace on his face as he stared down at his phone , free hand texting a Mile per minute away.
He eyed him warily as he grabbed himself a bowl and poured some cereal, plopping himself down at the breakfast table to eat .
He yawned "you good?" He mumbled around a spoonful of cereal, barely even awake and kind of wishing that he had just stayed in bed.
It wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway , and really looking at the darkened shade of his eye bags in his spoon, he could really do with some more sleep anyways.
Roman paused , looked down at his phone, looked over at Quinn and then sighed loudly . "No. My sister is coming stay for the summer." He told him, not exactly looking very happy about the fact either.
Quinn rose a brow in confusion , this being the first time he was being told of such plans . Fighting back a groan of misery at the thought of their apartment being invaded by somebody else when all Quinn really wanted was to relax in peace , not invite more people into his man cave.
"Sister?" He repeated barely remembering Roman mentioning his family at all to him "i don't recall ever meeting her." He muttered, wishing that he didn't have to at all.
He wasn't the most sociable of people, he had his small group of friends and quite frankly he just couldn't handle anymore. He was at his limit with people in his life , he didn't want to add anymore onto that small number . He had enough Christmas cards to write out each year as it was.
Roman scoffed , looking a little peeved as he let him know sourly "of course you haven't. She's been living in Milan . Then before that L.A...then Madrid. My little sister can barely be caught...I haven't seen her since last Christmas ." He did Honestly sound upset about it, she was still his baby sister after all.
"And the only reason she was there at all , is because of my mother threatening to axe the credit cards. And even then..she was gone the next day. The little asshole didn't even say goodbye!" He huffed, having been trying to wrangle her for a while now. But every text he sent was put on seen and every call they had usually ended up with them arguing and refusing to speak to the other for months again.
Quinn just frowned , trying not to fall back to sleep face first in cereal.
“So why is she coming here then? Doesn't exactly sound like she wants to be around you at the moment." He snorted a little , amused.
The thought of social , bubbly Roman trying to befriend his moody little sister and getting told to get fucked was hilarious . I mean, he loved his friend but sometimes his 'a friend to all' attitude was a little too much for him, it would be amusing to see him getting humbled like that.
It seemed like Roman wasn't the boss between them at all. How interesting.
Roman laughed "oh she's not coming cause she wants to. She's coming because our mother is making her." He told him with a small smirk , recalling the call from his furious mother letting him know that she would be heading his way soon and that he better make sure that she doesn't wildcard her way out of this again.
"She got involved with mother's hairdressers , husband and well.." he whistled long and hard, amused by the growing list of his sisters fuck ups.
She didn't ever do anything by halves , he would tell you that. "Mother's hairdresser found out and it all blew up. So the family's not too happy with Cherrie right now.." he chuckled.
Quinn looked at him in disbelief , fighting back the grin that wanted to escape, not sure if this was something that he was allowed to laugh about.
"Cherrie? That's her name?" He repeated testing it out on his tongue once Roman nodded his head yes , he then hummed a little "sounds like trouble. You couldn't put her up in a hotel?" He blurted out.
Roman looked at him with a look of shock "Quinn! That’s my sister! Just because she's a bit of a wild child doesn't mean that I'm gonna send her off on her own! God!" He exclaimed , dramatically throwing his hands on his air.
Quinn just rolled his eyes and focused back on his cereal , sighing in misery.
Great. He was going to have a female Roman hanging around , As though one of them wasn't already energy draining enough.
"What does she do?" He asked Him curiously "-besides sleeping with other women’s husbands." He couldn't help himself. Really he couldn't.
Roman glared at him for that comment, Quinn just laughing beneath his breath as he grinned down at his bowl. More than amused with it all.
"She's a model. That's why she travels around." He told him , bringing up his phone and picking a photo of his sister from one of her recent shoots to show him.
Quinn looked up from his bowl , down to his friends phone, then back to his bowl before doing a double take .
His eyes widening in disbelief as he choked on his cereal, spluttering loudly as his face flushed red.
"That's your fucking sister?" He croaked out between his coughs , banging on his chest with his fist , unable to take his eyes away from the phone. Breathing deeply as he tried to fucking breath normally again.
Unable to believe what he was looking at.
He knew her.
Well. He didn't know her personally but he had seen enough of her pretty face on almost every magazine and billboard to know who she was.
She was fucking stunning. Like out of this world , how could it not be plastic surgery , it's so not fair, she must be a siren..it should be illegal to be that hot , kind of beauty.
He looked at the picture of her on vogue Italy , face bare for the stripped down , el natural shoot. Dressed in just a cut up white shirt , shiny hair hanging over her tanned shoulders as she looked straight at the camera with a soft, pouty look on her sun kissed face. Freckles dotted her nose, and if he looked close enough there was a heart shape mole just right beneath her right eye.
Quinn found it hard to breath. Clearing his throat a little as he tried to mask his awe into something more nonchalant instead.
But he glanced back up at his friend to see his act wasn't fooling him at all.
Roman pocketed his phone with a slight frown, eyeing him suspiciously . "Yeah? What's that supposed to mean? Of course she's my sister , where did you think she got her good looks from?" He motioned towards himself with a arrogant grin.
Quinn laughed, harder than he should have giving the offended look he received in return.
"Definitely not you man." He snickered , still slightly in shock over just who his sister was and just what she looked like.
“I just-she doesn't look like the terror you're describing her as." He muttered , getting up off his chair to put his now empty bowl in the sink. More for self distraction than anything.
Roman groaned , shaking his head at him. "That's exactly the problem! She looks like some angel but she's the devil in disguise. Like that Taylor swift song." He started humming the tune of it to him "Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a -"
Quinn's groan cut him off "yes! I get it! She's the devil. Hot but insane . Okay. I got it." He rushed out not wanting to hear anymore of his terrible singing and butchering of Taylor's songs. It was far too early for it and there was no amount of coffee in the world that could make him sit through the torture of Roman singing at him.
Roman looked offended for a moment "hey!" Then he paused and squinted his eyes at him "did you just call my sister hot?" The disbelief was apparent in his voice . Enough to make Quinn freeze.
He slowly turned to look at his friend, mouth opening and closing several times before "no. I didn't." He denied. Laughing it off. Because he knew what a big deal he would make out of it.
Just like now. Roman laughed loudly "yes you did! You said she's hot but crazy!" He exclaimed.
"No! You did! I was just .. just summing it up!" Quinn argued.
Okay. Just because he wasn't a fucking player and almost permanent single didn't mean he didn’t recognise real beauty when he saw it.
Roman sofffed "bullshit. You think my sisters hot! I can't believe this! Maybe the hotel idea was a good one.." he bemoaned .
Not wanting his sister to sink her claws into his poor friend, he liked Quinn and he didn't want to add the hockey player to the long list of men that Cherrie had broken into pieces for her own entertainment . No thank you.
Quinn once again rolled his eyes at him, annoyed. "Dude. The whole world thinks your sister is hot, it's not news to you. And I'm not fucking blind." He snapped at him shoving past him to throw himself on the couch, hoping for a nap. "It's doesn't mean anything.” He added .
Roman with his Hands on hips just looked at him lazing out on the couch, a bored look on his face as he put on modern family for some background noise. Looking like he was done with the entire conversation.
"So you won’t fall in love with my sister then?" He challenged him. Knowing exactly what she did to men. She was his sister after all and he had the exact same affect on woman. Accidental heartbreakers If you will.
Quinn couldn't have snorted any louder If he tried, he even laughed. "No fucking way! Me?" He scoffed in amusement "falling in love? I don't fucking think so. You should be a comedian man." He said.
Roman just shot him a look, not believing him at all. Because if that was his reaction to just a photo of Cherrie, how was he going to feel when she arrived , prettier in person and staying with them for the whole summer?
He crossed his fingers and hoped that his sister would have some mercy at least. Or to at least pick a different Brother.
By the time that Cherrie arrived at her brother place, she was already getting a lecture from Roman as they walked up the stairs to his apartment . Rolling her eyes as he went on and on , sounding a bit too much like their mother for comfort .
"I'm serious Cherrie. I don't want any drama this time.. the last time you hung out with my friends it ended up in tears!" Roman exclaimed, still having ptsd from that horrible weekend .
Cherrie just groaned at Him, waiting impatiently by the out of service Elevator as she watched her brother haul up her two massive, bright pink suitcases up the stairs. With a large juicy couture rucksack on his back too , she only had her small purse with her phone and money in it on her arm.
Choosing to play with her freshly done nails as she replied amusedly "I didn't shed a single tear."
Roman glared over at her, face sweaty as he huffed and puffed his way to the top. Almost tripping over her ridiculously large suitcase as he did so.
"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the guys. I could have become a swimmer with the fucking ocean of tears you made them cry! I don't want any of that shit this time!" He warned her seriously "I mean it."
Bored, tired and grumpy from her flight. Cherrie just sighed and flicked her hair over her shoulder in annoyance.
"Okay. So no hooking up-"
"No!" Roman looked horrified just at the thought "you can do whatever you want on your own time but not with any of my friends. They’re hockey players-" maybe not the best thing to tell her seeing as she loved sporty guys.
She paused at his door, looking over her shoulder at him quietly for a moment before "hockey players?" She hummed out with a small smirk , already picturing them in their jerseys , all strong and talented on the ice.
But the glare her brother shot her shut her up real quick.
"Don't even think about it. They’re good guys Cherrie, and my roommate Quinn . He's really nice but likes his life drama free okay?" He told her as he unlocked the door.
Cherrie scoffed amusedly "he's gonna hate me then. Surprised he likes you at all. You're worse than I am." She tried to rile him up.
It worked.
By the time he had dragged her suitcase into the hallway, the siblings were bickering loudly and shoving at each other like little kids.
"You're such a fucking bore! You can't even take a joke-"
"Oh excuse me if I don't find fucking other people's husbands on a dare funny-"
Her voice went shrill , effectively waking Quinn up from his nap on the couch. But neither of the siblings noticed him yet.
"That was one time! Shut up! Like you haven't had your fair share of fun-"
He blinked his eyes open, yawning as he slowly pulled his body up into a sitting position. Turning his head to look at the noise, he rose a brow in both concern and amusement as he watched her kick at her brothers shin like a child. Roman kicking her right back.
Taking in the sight of the model, Quinn bit down on his bottom lip without even realising it.
Swallowing a little as he looked at her, all tan and worked up, dressed in tiny shorts and a crop top that barely covered a thing. Gucci flip flops that went flying across the room as she threw them at her brother, cursing him out in Spanish now.
She looked way hotter in real life than she did on the magazines. He wasn't sure how it was possible, but she did.
He ran a hand through his hair, managed to straighten out his old sweatshirt just as she turned her head to finally see him sitting there.
Then silence.
Cherrie looked at him, he looked at her. Roman held his breath.
Then she frowned at Quinn , looking unimpressed.
"I thought hockey players were supposed to be sexy." She complained .
Looking him over as she made her way to the couch, distracted from her bickering with her brother. She has a new target to annoy now.
Her brother sighed long and hard "be nice." He snapped at her as he started dragging her suitcases to her room, leaving them alone for a minute .
Offended and a little stung, Quinn eyed her up and down just as judgmentally . "I didn't know models looked like hookers these days either ."He threw back at her just as quick.
There was a shocked pause, having not expected him to dish it back out to her before she laughed, eyes lighting up as she got herself cozy on the tub chair. Eyes never leaving him. Taking in his flushed cheeks, scabbed nose from the last injury , hair a overgrown mess behind his ears , dressed in a huge black sweatshirt and basketball shorts.
He was not her usual type at all.
Yet something buzzed in her chest, a strange excitement building in her as she thought of all the ways she could get underneath his skin and make him react. Annoying guys was her favourite thing to do after all.
"Honey. You couldn't even afford this hooker." She replied smoothly , crossing her long, tanned legs over each other . Smirking to herself as she watched his eyes briefly flicker down to them before they quickly looked away.
Clearing his thirst, he muttered blandly "I'm glad i could save my money. I've been told I need to stop spending money on stupid things anyway."
Cherrie inhaled sharply at the jab, having a feeling that he had been fully filled in on all of her stupid activities as of lately. Her brother Had always been a snitch after all.
"That's ironic coming from a hockey player." She muttered as she got up to get something to eat , stomach rumbling after hours on a plane without any food. There was no way in hell she would eat anything on a plane or god forbid... airport food.
But as she opened the fridge and saw nothing but beers and leftover pizza, she realised with horror then that she was going to be living with guy. Stupid guys who didn't know a healthy salad or a fucking fruit if they saw one.
How was she supposed to survive? She had gone from five star luxury to... she glanced around the messy apartment with barely any decor . The biggest thing in there was the pool table and tv, not even a fucking clock on the wall!
She felt a little like crying then. Maybe because she was tired. Hungry and had spent the last weekend being scolded by her mother like she was a naughty child again. Her exploitation's gossip for everyone to hear.
So excuse her if she was feeling a little on edge, having at least expected her brother to have gone out shopping before she arrived . He knew that she was picky.
Was this...was this revenge for telling him that those stupid white pants he wore made him look like a Walmart version of a member of backstreet boys ?
"Where's the food?" She cut Quinn off befor he could dish a returned insult for her stupid hockey player comment. Making him frown over at her .
"There's pizza from last night left in there." He informed her like that was helpful.
Raising a brow as he heard her let out a little sound, between a squeak and a huff.
His lips twitched. "Not good enough for you princess?" He said.
She looked straight at him, face cold and replied bluntly "not it isn't. So unless you want me to make sure that you lose all your teeth , without a puck or a stick being Involved . I suggest you and my brother head to the nearest store and get some real fucking food in. Before I kill the both of you !" She hissed at him .
Then she picked up a throw pillow, launched it at his head before stomping away to her room. Pushing past her confused brother on the way, slamming the door behind her with a angry bang.
There was a tense silence in the room for a moment where both men just looked at where she had been stood, Roman slowly looking away from her slammed door , blinking at Quinn curiously.
"I think we should go get some grocoises." Was all Quinn muttered. Clearing his throat as he hauled his ass up from the couch, stuffed his wallet in his pocket and headed straight for the door.
Roman following behind him in confusion "we've got left over pizza-"
Quinn pulled a face , yanking the door open with a long exhale . Her furious, very hungry face imprinting in his mind as he hurried her brother along.
"Yeah. No man. I mean real food." He said.
Roman didn't look any less confused . But the look on Quinn's face made him not question it again.
Two hours later. The fridge , freezer and cupboards were full with real, fresh food.
Cherrie came back out again. Smile lighting up her pretty face as she pulled out some chicken and made herself a salad while the guys scoffed on a takeaway on the couch.
She didn't thank him verbally but she slapped the top of Quinn's head on the way back to her room , he took that for something instead.
Later that night, Cherrie dragged herself back out of her room with the blanket wrapped around her head, a scowl on her tired face as the voices got louder and louder.
Hearing her brother and Quinn laugh loudly, the sound of video games filling the room as she stomped in there to get them to stop.
Quinn was the first to notice her hovering by the couch like a grumpy gremlin, raising his brow at her as he played with the controller in his hand, her brother paying her no mind at all. She could hear another guys voice on the tv , playing along with them but she ignored it in favor of glaring at the both of them angrily.
"It's nearly one o'clock in in the morning." She snapped at them. Looking at Quinn like he was the devil.
He just snorted "glad you know how to tell the time." He muttered , smirking as he clicked away at the buttons. One eye on the tv and the other one subtly watching the way she stomped her food like a child, making it harder for him to hold back his grin at seeing how easy she was to rile up.
"Roman!" She complained . Getting his attention finally.
Her brother looked over at her with a Frown "what? Why aren't you asleep? You've had a long flight. I thought you'd be out already." He said obviously .
Cherrie looked at him like he was an a idiot . He was. But still. "Are you fucking serious? How can I sleep when it sounds like a fucking a bar in here? Turn that shit down!"
"Yeah. Grandma here wants an early night." Quinn muttered . Grinning. Sipping on his beer , content with pissing her off even more.
The look she shot him would have had any other guy Pissing his pants with fear . But Quinn just grinned up at her , enjoying it far too much.
"Would you prefer to be smothered by a pillow or drowned in the bath?" She simply responded to him while picking up a pillow from the couch as she approached him quickly .
He looked down at the pillow then back up at her in amusement . "Both sound a little too intimate princess. We've only known each other for a couple of hour-" his teasing got cut off by his own startled gasp as she suddenly launched herself at him.
Pillow pressed against his face as he let out a shocked laugh, grabbing ahold of her arms to stop her from actually killing him. While she huffed and puffed, slapping him with the pillow instead when she failed to smother him with it.
Ignoring her brother scolding her , she hit Quinn with the pillow again. "Asshole! Trust me , no one wants to be intimate like that with you! Fucking-ah!" She squealed as she was suddenly pulled off Quinn , Roman carrying her over to her room over his shoulder while she kicked and cursed him out.
Quinn just laughed as he pushed himself back up to his sitting position , pushing his hair out of his face as he caught back his breath. Grinning widely as he wiggled his fingers at her glare .
"Well. Everyone's been intimate with you . Have you met the landlords husband yet?" He called over the couch. Roman shaking his head at him scornfully.
"Not helping Quinn!"
He just laughed. Hard. Before hearing his brothers voice coming through the system, confused to why they had suddenly paused the game.
"Is that Romans sister?" Jack asked him curiously , amusement on his face as they listened to her cursing like a sailor at him.
He tried not to grin "yeah. She's crazy."
"Can I meet her?" His sly question had the grin dropping right off his face.
"Why?" He simply responded. Suspicious.
Jack shrugged slyly "she's hot. And sounds like fun. I bet Trevor would like her.."
Quinn cut him off before he could say anything else, his amusement quickly fading away just like that.
Instead he scoffed and snapped "she's not fun. Now shut up and let's play the game." Despite that, he turned down the volume anyway. She needed her sleep after all.
For the next few days, Cherrie and Quinn tried to stay out of each other's way. Well. More like Quinn stayed out of her way while Jack and Trevor took over and became her new best friends despite Quinn telling them to fuck off mulitple times.
Neither of them listened and he was more than peeved to see them greeted with a sweet smile and hang out invitations from her right off the bat.
While all Quinn got was multiple 'get fucked you fucking fuck.' And his favourite 'get out of my way before you become my new doormat.'
She was getting wildly creative with her insults, and each one she snapped made it harder for him to control his laughter. Not wanting her to know just how much their bickering amused him.
It was Friday night, and Quinn was holed up in his room listening to some music. Sick and tired of seeing his brother and Trevor laughing and having fun with Cherrie all day, the three off them having went to the beach and come home and spent hours playing video games and just hanging out.
Jack had tried to get him to join in but one look at Cherrie, sun kissed with wet hair and sunburn on her pretty face had him declining so quickly that even Cherrie looked at him funny.
But then it started getting dark and he was brought out his thoughts by Cherrie casually walking into his bedroom like it was her own. Kicking the door shut with her foot as she balanced several dresses over her arms.
Ignoring his shocked look, she held up a white silk dress to her body
"This looks good on me , no?" Looking at him Impatiently for an answer. Hair blow dried, still dressed in a small dressing gown after the quick shower she had taken. Not bothered at all.
Quinn swallowed. Eyes flickering down to her bare legs before looking down to his bedcovers . "Er-I don't know." He mumbled "I'm not the one for fashion advise. Try Jack." He bitterly added.
Cherrie just scoffed "I did. He's no help. He thinks I look hot in everything. I need honesty. Brutal. Okay?" She instructed him.
Quinn barely had a chance to breath before she suddenly dropped her silk dressing gown onto the floor. Giving him the sight of her stood there, in front of his bed , dressed in a matching pale pink lace set before she was pulling the dress over her head.
"Fucks sake Cherrie!" He hissed at her , wide eyed and flushed red.
Unable to look away from her as he watched her smooth the silk over her body, turning to look in his mirror. Twisting side to side, only to give him an even better view of her ass in the figure hugging dress.
She ignored his shock and simply frowned at her reflection. "Is this see through at the back?" She asked him. Turning her ass to him fully, not warnting to go out in a dress like that.
Quinn gulped, hesitated . Eyes flickering to her face to make sure that she was serious , then he trailed his gaze down to her ass and hummed a little .
Breathing a little shakily as he mumbled "yeah. I can -I can see the thong. And can see right through." He let her know. Not knowing where to look.
Cherrie decided that for him. He choked on his breath again as she huffed and whipped the dress over her head, grabbing another one this time as she talked casually to him while she put it on
"It's so annoying. I like this one but it has a slit..too high or no?" She smoothed the red velvet dress over her body, then put her leg up on the bed so he could see the slit that ran up her thigh to her hip bone when she moved.
Quinn felt a little faint .
Taking deep breaths , mouth running dry as he looked at her tanned leg , oiled up with moisturiser in front of him. He felt his heart beat in his head. That couldn't be good, could it?
"You look-" incredibly sexy. He didn't say "that's not the one." He didn’t want her wandering out anywhere in that dress. Selfish reasons, he knew. But he wouldn't ever admit it.
Cherrie nodded like she agreed "I was a little worried. I don't want my pussy out in the night ya know? It's an easy access desss but.." she trailed off with a shrug.
Forgetting just who she was talking to for a moment. Instead she treated him like one of her girlfriends whenever they got ready for nights out together.
“I think this might be the one." She said slyly as she pulled on a simple , little black dress. Tight and hugging with lace holding up her chest, making her tits seem even bigger than they were. It hugged her like second skin, the back low, so she unhooked her bra and pulled it off easily.
She then threw her bra at Quinn who caught it with a heavy blink, brain slugging as he looked down at the lace in his hands then back up at Cherrie again. Wondering dazedly if he was dreaming.
"Yeah.." was all he could mumble out. "I guess that ones okay." He said. Speechless.
Rolling her eyes, she laughed. Having already had a few too many glasses with Trevor when he had decided that they needed a night out .
"This will get me free booze all night baby!" She cheered at her reflection. Fixing her hair and letting out a pleased hum at what she saw.
“Are you coming?" She then asked Quinn , turning to look at him after she was done.
Sitting down on the end of his bed to put on her sparkling heels, she looked up at him Impatiently when he didn't answer.
He shut his gaping mouth and exhaled "where are you going?"
"The bar. With Trevor and my brother. We're gonna meet some more of their friends There. Jacks not going though , still hungover from yesterday." She told him in amusement. Having spent the night at the club with them last night too.
Quinn scoffed and shook his head "no way." A night in a stuffy bar watching his friends hit on her? And her flirt back? Sounded like a fucking nightmare.
Cherrie felt weirdly disappointed , but she tried not to let it show. Instead she let the disappointment turn to Annoyance , standing back up once her heels were on and scoffing down at him.
"Whatever , You're so boring!" She glared down at him, wondering why she even bothered inviting him at all. She didn't like him. What the hell was she doing?
Quinn scoffed too, sitting up to glare back at her. "Yeah well. We'll see how fun you are when you come back pregnant and regretting ever going!" He snapped back at her.
She huffed , picked up a random shirt from his floor and hauled it at his head.
“Fuck you! You asshole!" She shouted at him, yanking open the door, blood boiling . Regretting ever speaking to him willingly.
Jack paused in shock, plate in his hand with a sandwich halfway to his mouth , about to knock on Quinn's door to see if he wanted to play some video games. Only to blink in disbelief as the door swung open and Cherrie stormed out of his brothers room, face red and pissed off. Not even sparing him a glance.
"No! Fuck you!" Quinn yelled back. Then the slam of the front door rattled the apartment .
Leaving Jack to slowly enter his brothers doorway in shock, eyes blowing wide as he looked at Quinn's red cheeks and scowling face . A lace bra in his lap.
"Dude!" Jack couldn't believe it "what happened to being nice to ladies?" He had never heard Quinn speak like that to anyone, ever. Never mind a woman.
Quinn let out a strangled sound, cheeks on fire as he looked at where she had been stood, flustered.
"She is not a lady! She's a fucking siren or -she's a ! Fuck! - " he huffed, struggling for words. Barely able to look his brother in the eye as he shoved him out of his room. Wanting to be alone.
“-that's the kind of woman that if you look at her too long she snatches your fucking heart out and never gives it back!" He shouted , muttering curses before he then slammed the door in his face with a huff.
Leaving Jack to stare at the closed door for a minute in disbelief, then he snorted .
Then he grinned widely in amusement
"Oh no. He likes her." He realised. Chuckling to himself as he quickly ran to get his phone to tell their friends of the latest development.
By the time half past one in the morning rolled around and Cherrie was still not back yet, Quinn finally emerged from his room , trying to act
Nonchalant as he asked his brother about their whereabouts.
"Dunno." Jack just shrugged hiding his smirk behind his drink "she's out with Trevor . So she might not come back tonight at all." He couldn't help but add, just to rile him up. To see how he would react.
Quinn stood there with his hands on his hips, looking over at the front door as though she was going to suddenly burst through it.
Then he felt his heart sink deeper in his stomach as realised that his brother might just be right, the thought of her out there cuddling up with Trevor or worse, some Random asshole at the bar , made him restless on his feet for a reason he didn't want to admit.
"I can't sleep." He blurted out instead.
Hands In his joggers pockets as he tried to stop himself from fidgeting , eyes drifting over to the loveseat that she always curled on. Her blanket still there, he slowly walked over to the chair , unease growing.
What the hell was wrong with him? And why the hell did he even care about what she did?
He didn't.
He didnt. She could do whatever and whoever the fuck she wanted. He tried convincing himself but his hand snook out of his pocket and began fiddling with the edge of her blanket and he knew that he was fucked.
Jack peered over at him in amusement "obviously." He stated with a smirk, "tried shutting your eyes?"
I have. He wanted to snap back. But every time I do I see Cherrie in situations I would rather not see. Some horrifically including Trevor and now he felt sick.
Instead he muttered casually "I could go for a drink." Trying to act like it was no big deal.
Jack looked at him like he was insane "now? But you said you didn't want to go out tonight!" He exclaimed.
Wide eyes watching his older brother pick up his jacket and wallet , not bothered that he was dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, hair a mess around his head.
He just grabbed a cap from the wall and placed it backwards on his head, shrugging at him casually.
"Well I've changed my mind. Let's go." He simply said.
Cherrie couldn't believe what she was seeing as she stood by the pool table watching the guys mess on, drunkenly placing bets on who would win.
She glanced over to the bar and had to do a double take as she saw the two brothers walking over to them , eyes going wide as she looked at Quinn , in full lazy sweats , giving her a small smirk.
She frowned "what the fuck?" Almost falling over as she gripped trevors arm, nudging him to look over at their new guests of the night.
He looked just as surprised, but welcomed them with a happy grin. "Dudes! Want a drink?!" Be passed them both a bottle of beer from the table .
Quinn slowly saddled up next to her , not even glancing at her as he watched the guys suck at playing pool. So close that their arms brushed.
Missing the looks that Trevor and Jack shot them as his brother muttered something to him in amusement, both friends shaking their heads at him in amusement .
Cherrie was still scowling at him , nudging his side a little too hard . Cocktail glass tight in her hand "what happened to not your scene?" She sarcastically said, yet there was no denying the pleased feeling rising beneath her skin at the sight of him.
He just shrugged, sipping on his beer before answering . "Couldn't sleep." He muttered the same excuse that he had to his Brother.
It didn't work on her either.
She just rolled her eyes at him playfully "no shit. You look like an asshole." She commented, smacking the backwards cap on top of his head. Liking the look on him. Not that she would tell him that.
He just chuckled , looking her over with a small smirk. "And you look like a drunk idiot. What perfume are you wearing? Vodka." He snarked back at her . Tugging at the ends of her long hair , grinning when she slapped his hand away with a glare.
Squinting her eyes up at him, she leaned into his side so he could hear her better over the loud music and chatter surrounding them. Both of them lost in their own world together . He leaned closer to her too, neither moving away.
"You wished you smelt and looked this good." She muttered while giggling , throwing the rest of her drink down in one go.
Then she passed him her Empty glass and said "buy me another one?"
He rose a brow at her in amusement "missing a word there princess." He replied. Nudging her along with him to the bar anyways.
Digging his free hand into his pocket for his wallet, hiding a smile as he felt her clutch onto the back of his sweatshirt to keep herself close as they pushed through the crowd.
"Now?" She guessed. Grinning up at him cheekily.
Quinn just rolled his eyes and ordered her drink "please." He muttered passing his card over, ordering one for him later as well.
She snorted "please what hockey boy?" Before he could bicker back with her , he stilled when she suddenly let out a loud gasp , head snapping over to makeshift dance floor.
"Oh my god!" She exclaimed happily as she started to loudly sing along to the song blaring around them
"Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone! I've been waiting for you but you never come- is this in my head I don't know what to think-" she tugged at his hands as she danced around him happily .
Only stopping short when his voice lowly joined in "-he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring-" he sang quietly grinning at the look of shock on her pretty face as she gaped up at him .
Heart fluttering in her chest, she gripped onto his arms and beamed brightly "you’re a swiftie?" She breathed out in amazement .
He chuckled, nodding his head as he pulled her closer and twirled her around . Smiling a little as she giggled and fell against him "mmm. Of course. I'm not deaf." He muttered before looking at her beaming smile and scrunched up nose and sighed longingly
"not blind either." He added.
"It's a love story baby just sayyy.." she sang while holding out a pretend microphone to him as she lifted up her arm, making him twirl beneath it.
Both of them too busy laughing and dancing together to see the looks of shock and disbelief from their friends, Jack slowly lifting his phone up in shock to film them for evidence later. Unable to believe the sight in front of him. Gaping at the sight of Quinn twirling around with her while singing Taylor fucking swift.
"Yes." Quinn muttered finishing the lyric as he chuckled, almost crashing into the stool behind him as she suddenly twirled him again. "Okay! Okay!" He laughed nodding over to their drinks at the bar "come on ."
She followed him easily, still singing as she clutched his hand without even relaxing it.
"Can we make a Taylor swift playlist to play on the ride back?" She looked up at him hopefully , too drunk and happy to realise that she was staring. She tugged off his Cap and placed it backwards on her own head,  making Quinn hide a smile behind his glass.
Three o'clock in the morning and they stumbled back into the apartment , shoving at each other like little kids as they playfully  argued about which type of shoes were better.
"Boots make every outfit have a little bit of ..spice ya know?" She argued , a dr Martin lover through and through.
Quinn scoffed at her amusedly "yeah in 2010. You gonna wear your wide brim hat and moustache tshirt as well?" He teased . Tugging on her hair again like a child with a crush .
She rolled her eyes at him with a grin, laughing loudly "no! You wear slides like everywhere! You can’t speak!" She countered back. Cheeks flushed from the alcohol and just having fun with him.
"Can too. No laces, no hassle. Just the way I like it." He said.
Letting her hold onto him as she pulled off her heels, grabbing onto her arm when she wobbled , giggling beneath her breath. "You should try it. Better than those weapons." He nodded at her poor ankles.
Straightening back up, she sighed dramatically "no. They make my legs look so good. I'll look like an idiot wearing a mini dress with slides ." She slurred as they stumbled down the hall to their rooms.
Quinn just shook his head with a small smile, hand hovering over her back in case she stumbled again, not wanting her to fall flat on her pretty face .
"No you won't. That's not possible." He muttered, yawning loudly . He ran his fingers through the ends of her hair again just because he could, in awe of how soft it felt between his fingertips .
Cherries eyes fluttering as she leant against her doorframe , yawning as well.
“Why not?" She struggled not to fall asleep right there and then. Enjoying his company so much, she kind of didn’t want him to leave her at all. Weird.
Quinn shrugged lazily , drunk and happy "cause it's you." He simply mumbled. Meaning it.
It wasn't possible for her to look bad, or stupid or like an idiot. She could wear a trash bag and she Would still look Beautiful .
She didn't say anything. Just bit down on her bottom lip . pushed away the giddy feeling in her chest and sighed dramatically .
Squeezing his bicep gently before finally letting go "night Quinn. Maybe you'll sleep and wake up as beautiful as me." She joked.
He chuckled, pushed her a little to get her through her door, unable to tear his eyes away from her toothy grin.
She was so fucking beautiful , it made it hard to breath.
"Get some sleep and maybe you'll wake up less of a bitch." He countered back , kicking his foot up to kick her gently in her ass.
Snickering a little when she shot him a playful glare over her shoulder , kicking him back in his ankle without missing a beat.
“Maybe you'll wake up and be Sidney Crosby." She shot back, both grinning despite their petty words.
Quinn shook his head in amusement , flicking her forehead with his fingers , before finally backing away towards his own bedroom before he did something as stupid as kiss her .
“Fuck you." He said instead.
She bit down on her bottom lip to hide her besotted grin "fuck you too."
They both went to sleep and dreamt of dancing together to Taylor swift underneath the stars , body as aligned as the planets above.
The next week passed by quick with Quinn sticking to cherries side, both of them insulting each and picking at each other like little kids. But despite their teasing, they never left each other's side for very long.
Quinn insisting that he come along to her shopping trips in case she picked something hideous , despite her being a model who dressed like one too.
Cherrie making up excuses to get him to come along with her to see movies, to the bar , to get her nails done and Quinn always sliding them his card before she could pay for herself . Resulting in them bickering until she finalllt gave in, insisting on buying him ice cream to make up for it.
Everybody knew what was going on, everybody but her brother Roman who got the surprise of his life as he watched his sister walk out of Quinn's bedroom with him casually, like it was no big deal.
Jack not even blinking an eye, simply lifting his hand to high five Cherrie as she passed him, eyes not leaving the tv. Used to the two of them constantly being attached to the hip now.
Quinn headed into the kitchen and picked out two water bottles, handing one to his sister without saying a word.
Running a hand through his hair, he mumbled "golfing?" To her quietly. Roman watching their interaction in disbelief . Wondering what the hell he had missed.
Cherrie hummed while typing on her phone, pulling herself up to sit on the counter beside him. Both doing their own thing but still in their own bubble together .
"I'm shit at it. I told you." She muttered back to him as she scoffed at a text her friend sent her, briefly lifting her phone in front of Quinn to show him the photo of her friends new boyfriend.
“That's the one I was telling you about." She said.
He glanced at the picture and muttered "looks like a finance bro." Smiling a little when she huffed out a laugh. Pride filming him that he could make her laugh like that.
"Looks like a dickhead you mean." She corrected, both of them snickering meanly between each other.
Then Quinn got back on to the golfing topic "I'll teach you. It's not serious. Just hitting some balls into some tight holes." He heard what he said a second too late. Immediately glancing over at her with narrowed eyes "don't even say it."
She laughed loudly , slapping his shoulder with a grin on her face. "It's too hard! I can't!"  She giggled.
Quinn groaned "don't. Don't make me say it."
She wiggled her brows "come on. You know you want to." She sang.
He sighed in defeat , fighting back ahinst a grin as he muttered "that's what she said." Ashamed of himself for giving in to her childishness , he shook his head amusedly .
Cherrie just ruffled his hair with her hand , oblivious to her gaping brother on the couch. Jack amusedly watching his reaction with a grin , used to it now.
He then picked up his jacket and picked up his car keys, heading over to the front door without even glancing back.
“There's a five star food bar there." He simply told her. Knowing it would do the trick.
Cherrie came running, shoving on her slides that Quinn had gotten her after all their bickering about his own . They had a matching pair now.
Quinn then grabbed his cap and placed it on her head, then wrapped her up in his jacket too.
"Tacos." He confirmed. Then they were gone.
Leaving her brother to Gape at the front door in disbelief. Mouth opening and closing Several times before he turned to look at Jack in shock
"She hates him?" He didn't sound so sure now. Confused to how his sister had went from cursing out Quinn to going golfing with him while wearing his jacket .
Jack smirked knowingly "does she?" He rose a brow at him waiting for him to catch up.
Roman blinked dumbly "she doesn't?"
Jack just laughed and laughed and laughed "think my brother lied to you man."
Roman thought back to the first day when he had told Quinn not to fall in love with her, how Quinn had scoffed and told him 'that was never going to happen.'
He groaned in disbelief . Jack laughed loudly . He really should have seen this coming.
Cherrie found herself sat at one of his games, wearing Quinn's jersey as she sat beside Jack, munching on popcorn as she watched the players come out . Eyes wide with excitement , having never seen a hockey game live before.
"So.." Jack looked at her with a grin as he eyed the jersey she was wearing with his brothers name on the back "hate him still?" He teased knowingly.
Cherrie just hummed with a serious resting bitch face "can't fucking stand him." She blandly replied.
Sticking up her middle finger at Quinn when he skated past where they were sitting, making him grin to himself in amusement before he focused back on his game.
His brother shook his head in amazement "is fuck you ..like your guys ‘okay’?" He wondered out loud. Having seen the both of them always swearing at each other with smiles on their faces. It was weird.
Cherrie just looked back at him in confusion "huh?"
He sighed loudly "it's a film- never mind. You two are weird." He stated in amusement, knowing he would never understand their dynamic . But his brother was happy, and that was all he cared about.
"do you like my brother Cherrie?” He decided to just go right ahead and ask her instead .
She looked at him, looked at Quinn then hid her grin behind her popcorn. "No. He sucks." She muttered.
Jack couldn't help himself "thought you were the sucker in your relationship." Earning himself a smack to his arm, he just giggled like a naughty child in return .
Rolling her eyes at him, she ignored the flush in her cheeks and replied quickly "their is no relationship. I don't like him. I don't care about him-." Obviously Lying through her teeth.
And Jack could only watch in absolute disbelief as Quinn got slammed against the boards by another player, watched the way Cherrie immediately jumped out of her seat in a rage.
"Fucking cunt!" She yelled loudly , scowling darkly as she watched him shove Quinn down again until he fell flat on his ass.
“Fucking get him Quinn! Break his legs!" She was a little too passionate.
Jack was tugging at the back of her jersey with a nervous laugh to get her to calm down as those surrounding them looking at them judgmentally.
Well. Looked at Cherrie banging on the glass telling his brother to pound the dickheads face in, getting creative with her ideas of revenge.
“ Cherrie! Shhh!" He giggled while Watching his brother shove the player back, snarling something at him.
He saw the other player respond and look their way, directly at Cherrie, knowing exactly who he was chirping about to get a rise of of his bier. He winced in sympathy for him .
The guy motioned towards Cherrie and smirked, muttering something to him. Then Quinn spat something back and threw off his gloves before slamming him to the floor, hitting him without any hesitation.
Cherrie yelled excitedly "woooh! That’s it baby!" Grinning widely as she watched the referee separate them.
Quinn still yelling shit at the other player. Then he looked towards them to see their reaction to his behaviour , saw Cherrie's proud smile and found his shoulders relaxing even as he skated towards the penalty box. Glad that she wasn’t pissed off or turned off by him fighting. Fighting back the twitch of his lips at how proud she looked as she gave him a thumbs up, eyes glittering.
As she finally retook her seat , there was a moment of amused silence between them as she fought back her breath from all her shouting .
Then finally "so. Don't care about him?" Jack repeated her words with a smug smirk on his face.
Cherrie just rolled her eyes with a easy Grin "shut up." Was all she could reply. 
Heart racing in her chest, unable to take her eyes off Quinn as she watched him pull off his helmet to wipe his face . Glaring angrily at the player still.
She then sighed in defeat.
Fucked. She was completely fucked.
Quinn rose a brow in surprise when he came out of the locker room to find Cherrie waiting for him , unable to stand still as she fidgeted with the sleeves of his jersey she was wearing.
Making him hide his grin behind his hand at the sight of her in his shirt , his number and name on her back. Feeling his heart race just at the sight of her there. Waiting for him.
God. It felt like a dream. Walking towards her and seeing her face light up for him.
She ran over to him as soon as she saw him coming , shaking her head with a loud exhale.
“That guy was a asshole!" She exclaimed . Shaking her head in amazement . Still filled with adrenaline from watching it all go down.
Quinn chuckled , grabbed her elbow and pulled her into his side as they passed some people to get down to a quieter corridor , leading towards the exit where his car was parked.
"Complete dick." He agreed easily before grinning as be recalled her yelling and her proud grin when he finally took him down. "You seemed to enjoy yourself." He said amused.
She tried to school her excitement but couldn't , instead she nudged him and grinned "I didn't know you had it in you."
Then she looked at him, really looked at him, wet hair from his quick shower , all rugged, roughened up and pretty.
Recalling the way he had slammed that guy to the ice, she blurted out before she could stop herself “that was really hot." Not regretting it either .
She wasn't the kind to back out. She was committed now, there was no turning back.
Quinn froze and tugged her to a stop , blinking down at her slowly as he wondered if he heard her right.
Inhaling deeply as he looked at her wide eyes and flushed cheeks , the way she couldn't take her eyes off him. Fingers squeezing his hip as she nudged him with a cheeky grin on her pretty face.
She meant it.
"Really?" He breathed out in shock "me?" He couldn't believe it. Even going as fair as pointing a finger at himself . Like there was anyone else around.
Cherrie just nodded her head, hooked her elbow through his and bit Down on her bottom lip till it hurt.
“Yeah. Kind of want to fuck you now." She told him bluntly , the only way she knew how.
She wasn't good at feelings. Wasn't the kind of girl to sit there and proclaim her love through poetic words and sweet gestures . That just wasn't who she was. That was Taylor swift’s job. Maybe she could sing a song to him later instead .
Quinn knew that. And He heard her loud and clear.
He went bright red, scratching at his burning neck sheepishly , his eyes darting to the ground, to Cherrie and then to the exit doors before darting back to her again.
He swallowed nervously "I mean- you can-" he stammered shyly "if you want to I mean- we could-"
She cut him off quickly "Yeah. I do want . You I mean." Eagerly tugging him along with her as her heart hammered away in her chest, belly hot and head spinning.
She wanted him so bad.
He nodded his head eagerly , letting out a overwhelmed laugh. "Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Okay-" he ran his free hand through his hair nervously
"home?" He muttered , breath catching in his throat when she looked over at him quietly for a moment
Then she shook her head with a soft smile and agreed quietly "home."
They barely managed to stumble to his car before Quinn was pushing her up against the door, body pressed tightly against her own as he leant his head down and kissed her.
Moaning against her mouth as he felt her slide her hand into his back pocket and squeeze his ass, roughly pulling his hips up against her own as she bit down on his bottom lip hotly.
"Shit. Fuck.." he breathed out , eyes dark as he panted breathlessly against her mouth. Pulling back to kiss down her neck, marking her , tongue soothing over the sting as he held her as close as could possibly be .
Dipping his head to kiss her again and again and again, he exhaled shakily "you know right?" He mumbled begween kisses.
Cupping the back of her neck and stroking her ear gently, heart feeling like it was too full too handle. Goosebumps breaking out on his skin when she pulled away just enough to smile up at him, lips now the same colour as her name that he muttered out in awe.
She laughed breathlessly against his jaw, kissing up to his cheekbone as she ran her fingers through his hair, tugging at it until he was moaning aginst her mouth shamelessly .
"I do." She didn't give a shit anymore . Tough girl act gone out of the window.
All she felt was her heart racing beneath her skin , then the feeling of his hands slipping beneath her shirt and the trembling of his lips as he laid his heart out on her sleeve, for her to do whatever she wanted with it.
"You’re gonna be my Taylor coded boyfriend now Quinn. Alright?" She let him know.
Lips pressing all over his face , lipstick print covering his skin as she left a red stain on his heart. He didn't wipe it away, he planned to keep it there forever.
He laughed shyly against her, eyes fluttering with bliss as she kissed his eyelids , then kissed his nose, kissing downwards till she reached his lips again.
"Sounds cool." He mumbled , licking the roof of her mouth as they made out aginst his car like teenagers.he couldn't wait to get her home.
"Can I say it?" He whispered pleadingly , hand on her hip and the other in the back pocket of her shorts as he held her close to him.
Breathless , overwhelmed and utterly fucked in the best way. She smiled knowingly
"You can tell me everything." She said. Meaning it. She wasn’t afraid anymore.
He looked at her and knew, and he knew that she knew it too. It was there right from the start , when she had crashed onto his place , made it her own. When they had argued, had bickered, had pushed and shoved, and pulled at each other's hair and clothes . Had challenged and dared eachother to do it.
So he did "I love you." He admitted to her, honesty flowing as freely through him as his love for her did.
"I think I always will." He said. Kissing her again.
She laughed softly against his lips "I know." She hummed, eyes sparkling as she grinned up at him
“I love you too. Stupid thing for us to do huh?" She said.
He laughed breathlessly "so stupid. But- hockey player so.." he shrugged his shoulders jokingly as he pulled away from her.
Opened up the passenger seat door and kicked her ass with his foot, making her giggle as he nudged her into the seat. Laughing with her.
"What's your excuse?" He teased her as he ran around to his side of the car, slipping in and turning on the engine. He pulled up his phone and put in their playlist they had made in the bar.
She looked at him, looked at his shy smile and his rosy cheeks, his flustered laugh as he leant over to buckle her in.
She sighed happily "stupidity is contagious. Remember?" She simply replied.
He laughed as Taylor swift sounded from the speakers , both of their hands reaching out to turn it up as lover played loud and clear.
Cherrie shook her head with a playful wince "this is all Taylor's fault. I mean-it's like she plans it. You're my song. All those songs I've sang along to.." she groaned , head resting on his shoulder as she kissed him there. Wanting to be close.
“I was singing about you all along!"
Quinn picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles , then held it in his own. Sighing blissfully
"Actually. It's your brothers fault really." He muttered , chuckling in amusement at how the tables had turned. "He made me swear that I wouldn't fall in love with you." He told her.
Cherrie exhaled long and hard , sharing a amused glance with Quinn.
He tutted "I don't like being told what to do. So..it's all his fault."
She nodded her head along seriously "complete dick. All his fault."
He nodded too , grinning against her knuckles as he kissed her hand again just because he could now.
"Complete asshole."
"Fuck him."
"Fuck him."
She looked over at him slyly "fuck me?"
He smirked contently "for the rest of our lives."
It's been a long time coming but..
He wouldn't change a single thing. And they could put the blame on Taylor and her brother anyways.
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