#i wont pretend thats a category of people who doesn't exist. they just don't seem to be that vocal
ot3 · 8 months
in my most recent trawl through the ace attorney tag i saw a post that, based on its phrasing, may have been prompted by the ask i answered about my thoughts on aa5 and 6. nothing wrong with that, pretty standard 'why does everyone act like aa5/6 killed mainline but when you go and actually play them they're just fine games'. at the end of the day whether or not you think 5/6 are well written, interesting, or fun is extremely subjective. but it's crazy how whenever anyone is making a post about how Everyone Is Just Being A Hater The Games Aren't That Bad the racism thing never comes up.
since i'm insane enough to comb through the main fandom tag without really having anyone blocked and while filtering almost nothing i have seen a Lot of pro soj stuff, and i can't recall a single instance of anyone actually talking about the racism when they come out with an overall favorable view of the game? i obviously can't know what anyone is thinking but the impression i get is that many of them don't actually view the racism as real/an issue and kinda view pointing it out as a 'gotcha' that people who hate the game use as a cudgel against it. like we just think the game is racist because we hate it and are trying to find reasons to shit on it? it would be refreshing to see even one person go 'heres why i think shitting on aa6's writing is blown out of proportion but i do still agree that its racist'
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