#i would go into details of who exactly tore her apart AND reassembled her but I am unsure if their coldness goes that far
purriwinkletwinkle · 29 days
More Ditzry (and ermm character sheet. Apologies for my wordiness!! I am not good at describing feelings. I JUST now noticed how the small the text is too... I'm sorry!!! Also, I wasn't sure if Kaufmo was ever canon or not)
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Me watching Ditzry get torn apart (she's fine) :
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Au created by: @art-beyond-the-stars (sorry for @'ing you!! I wasn't sure if you'd want to see this)
Some subtle details I want to include:
her heart shaped eye is meant to display her heart rate! Her heart rate is often seen to be very rapid, which is an affect (???) of stress.
Her mis-matched proportions are very subtle. I'd say the most apparent are her legs, but there are others! Her ears are different sizes, which is a lot more apparent in her "portrait". I got very lazy while drawing it.
Her paws are also meant to be slightly different sizes!
And as for the adjustments made to her body, I decided to just list them below:
More alert ears. Her other ears were more floppy!
Smaller body.
Actual arms and legs...
Pockets, which were originally on her thighs, have been moved up to her flanks, or sides.
Shorter fur. Her longer fur was too hard to maintain and could easily get caught on things.
Her pawpads were originally hearts.
More yellow is covering her body now!
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