#i would want a toad bf tho
safekeeperscosm · 3 years
i need to shake hands with your art style
C O M E H E R E Y O U.
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jaelya · 8 years
Rylak & Mud Jumper Toad for Jakk & Jae!
Rylak - Does your character have a preferred mount they use? If so, what? 
- jae: you know damn well what her mount is because you hollered at me about it, but it’s the razzashi raptor! in character, it’s a raptor she raised from just an egg. her troll parents gave it to her as a lesson in responsibility and as a show of true troll culture.
- jakk: technically he has two, because after his mother’s death, her raptor ended up with him, but he also has a very large wolf that followed him all the way home from the stables when he was younger, and it became his best friend. (the wolf’s name is venom, btw)
Mud Jumper Toad - Your character gets to make three wishes. What would they be?
- jae: as ridiculous as she thinks wishes are, she definitely would take the opportunity (granted there’s no catch and it’s a benevolent wish granter). she wants vol’jin alive, the entire legion eradicated from all possible timelines ever in the past and future, and she wants a cold brew.
- jakk: he would wish for happiness for his friends and family because he is a sweet child like that, a clock that could rewind time whenever he wanted as much as he wanted, and his final wish would be for his bf to be brought back to life, with all traces of his atrocities in the scourge erased. hey, there was never a limit to the scope of the wishes.
ty friend i love talking about my monk son and angry shaman mom (even tho they don’t even exist in the same continuity anymore rip)
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