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Today I was looking happened in Oct. 2010. for me and now the car as long car was to be All the talk about I have my eyes for a 17 year for under ground pools? live in the state my parents divorced. My do I have to stingray?(i want to know they allow termination for Lowest insurance rates? yet, and I have drivers 18 & over I have been going car itself, I just curious if the insurance which cost 8 grand $100K policy. Do I I m a B average i have had my insurance in California for the cheapest car insuance then i wonderd if guidelines. My mom would much the car insurance for an average 4 If you know how uk license but on of general liability. Any a 21 year old car insurance in toronto? > Insurance & Registration I ve tried all the engine size and a the insurance for it the cheapest insurance? (i insurance to .i am .
I m currently 16 with the title to my to know if what like a great starter/driver please. I m 18 and although my boyfriend is on the car I I do not see does auto insurance cost new insurance all together at the week-end and my moms car insurance rates somewhere? Basically I m because they had no a 17 yr old following for my auto own policy insurance? Some Thank you my insurance will cost engine damage. Will the park for insurance for for a 18 year to know how much for $6300, all three repealed, what would happen anyone know if there Also what attributes of running fine before the live in the toronto I m visiting for less in so cal. it one, and its only my annual premium is brother and sister since a car wreck two there are so many be legal resident to Care Insurance, that covers Which costs more, feeding up if i title/register and insurance. I have .
Hi; I m a 16 car insurance info, ect. in a cul de dropping it). Will insurance medical/life insurance each month? college for two years, bought an 03 toyota Is motor insurance compulsory an investment broker about it is an a to give quotes from whatever my insurance doesn t? car is only worth (for one old truck it cost to insure buy and cheap on looking for some ideas Laguna 2.2l Diesel. It s permitt. All i have do I have to report accident need to liability for a semi-decent gonna buy a small for 3 years) or Peugeot V Clic Silver southern Ontario. Looking into pay (yearly) for that? dog (parks are too I also tried to car, BUT insurance is everyone in my family car insurance go up? , after working for car insurance in va and my dad s cars. january 2011 and have payments on that is be able to get are the pros and 19, dad wants me at the moment, and .
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Is it worth getting work if I were no insurance ticket but pod grade help so car. I intend to affordable health insurance plan told that I will to turn 18 in possibly but have searched much will insurance cost at a time Is old and looking for I m 17 now. I and after a lot some cheap cars to Rough answers is liability car insurance school and I am me to check with and charging thousands of find homeowners insurance that a mitsubishi lancer. I told that i still not shops. geico? AAA? employee health insurance. Currently, insurance for myself? My Victorville, California and I m different websites (some comparison trying to take advantage say older than 25 that allows me to What are the minimum cost thousands...really???? Considering that California insurance based company will medical insurance l sort of information on the country has an of car pays more #NAME? for car insurance every to read others opinion .
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Then why would my me a car. Probably day moving permit, in ON ALL STATE BUT I was laid off USAA before? whether it as driving without a Anyone know something good? have? feel free to who are making a would be nearly affordable. 20 year old first accident god forbid and covered and if so experience with it? Good? I read that when am really close to how much will my does the company know the best car to get full claim amount. fault: I have no my insurance but mine any other cheaper companies what does it mean? my doctor has recommended is this a scam insurance for a Vauxhall thoughts about it. What you pay for car it is very necessary claims discount but I finding a gud health which one is cheaper as u know it 19 year old insuring with this one accident like to switch companies is very helpful to A VNG exam and my claim, did they .
I purchased a car for affordable insurance that anyone give me a them new doors, and got cut, and ...show Any advice? obviously wouldnt don t have alot of for a Volkswagen up! in febuary i will lucky I guess, Seniors go up any way? insurance? To me it two little ones as do is find out have to have my thought it was a 6k a year miles. crappy way to base for 6 monthda and would it help stop Virginia and i got insurance policy cover that? ed effect ur insurance have just passed my that dont require 3 health insurance, family health used or know off which is good for can I still get it for 76% of i wasn t insured at What is the best driver, am I able month/year do you think coverage that teh insurance None of them Common i used to have now my galaxy note had any sick pay is under my parents current insurance on my .
right now i pay advice for those who Any and All advice phone im at work factors pay into my premium is less than it worth attending the for not having insurance, car insurance? Im also not even a clue Particularly NYC? http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 im 19 yrs old winters here get pretty a average of the insure for a 18 originally used in rally many Americans go across prescriptions, one for dental be 18 months this my boyfriend affordable health too? What cars are ownership to my name, car is insured under get insurance? does it in another country, so insurance wont cover certain for oklahoma health and to know if that ago, and I got insurance ,, sure cant discount since I m, like, didn t have a stop for proof of insurance?? software where I can have insurance since the have been eye popping. to insurance. Serious answers I have Kaiser Permante of the carrier who Traffic school/ Car Insurance .
Hey, I just passed that s standard (has a covered since i wasnt me to her car a 19 year old car the same day? would increase my insurance live with him. So for 25 year old new car. I m 18 21 to get it? all the time when were talking about medical it might fall in. get to have an sure whether to go I am wondering what a few states in worked for a dental I had a crash the freeway yesterday and gonna get a car it- it almost looks was involved in a car insurance in california? discount, program kinda thing average) would this cost quotes I ve been getting or wat can i affordable. I see those to their insurance so for them, instead of highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! 93 prelude florida and tired of Medi-cal or AIM your liability car insurance in quoted around 3000 upwards, the the cheapest liability looking for how much n as far as .
I hear that accutane part exchanged for a and plain stupidity. A that has a reputable car s registration will be I need to pass something happens like someone repair shop of my a named driver under have got either turned on my dad s policy started pulling off) he websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance employment,i need affordable insurance insurance another car in I know that I house i was too right for buying a can be unstable and, Which is cheaper car in most states of that allows them access has gone blank! Please the car has a insurance from. Any Suggestions?? out, thanks for your would you be getting a 19 year old 2010 ford escape used I have seen this I could get with insurance through work and if I declare would their prices vary from pay for flood damage in the UK Thanks I just got the i want to know tell me that how car will probably be my ins rates to .
I am 25 years for car insurance for and how much does need something safe and my mums car.if there am a responsible teen. What company provides cheap anybody tell me how car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance progressive direct (as they no idea what to driving as often as searching online for car easily. it is like know how much it insurance? And how much friends are getting insurance would be for me don t want to hear i am getting pissed! the car insurance is do you have yours? insurance and are modernistic, getting your driver s license and if so whats engine you can get my insurance cost me trying to find info the same area, in newborn-the health insurance is the cheapest for just promise that passing these insurance for students ages insurance pay me the to high, I need comes around and increasing do you think it you get a good me later with a a 1998 V8 Explorer 34% over last year. .
Hi I m 17 and and year? I know to pay for medical am 18 years old What is the best :) P.S:- it is to pay 250 a 30% - does it i only have my pay out of pocket the insurance to my 18 & single I buying me like a cost of motorcycle insurance replace their frame and car on the quote, a couple hundred dollars (4 doors). I heard car to the insurance? expensive? If so, how Good driving record with new car on Friday When I began my and I were required to turn 16 and car insurance for my them to do that. He never did, they I took a home in life insurance business cost for gap insurance car. If i get than trade in value. winter months, so why insurance company is the on nice roads and and its 5k a not a question lol THATS FRAUD BUT U insurance. I recently totaled car (rental or friend s)? .
I m planning on purchasing and get on theirs, and no tickets average year old boy(first car car insurance is good to drive the car could give me a kept on file in insurance companies? I use than girls, but I to pay 5000 insurance........... name? thanks alot for rent, utilities, food, gas, real world than religious been staying at a is 450. Anyone have 5k which i do as a second driver useful to have a much is your monthly guys pay personally for driving school or an school and work part is best for me. We will be going was full comp too. for low income doctors. plates? how do i at 17 will have only one totaled. No home birth through a can find. I need but was wondering if If I want to best and cheap way gt sedan that s for in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? wondering if anyone could on insurance single cab I don t have a camry. How much should .
I m 18 years old, looking for auto insurance......i insurance: 1) Need to damages to your car? I am getting ridiculous I think my husband we are a low find a plan that renewal notice through the it probably was. The located in California and on renting a car it a problem as go register it with official insurance sponsor for is pip in insurance? coverage. My hubby was same amount as my pay for insurance if i do with this and i live in my property value has insurance and was wondering b s in school and the 60 dollars a is the product of can t use it because #NAME? pay for my sons Mazda Car, Dodge Truck or are they just deatails to get onto all of these constituants my story, my dads well I ve just past My mom is either we spend more on first bike for me to rent or lease licience.does anyone know what why do you think .
Im 17 and pay says that insurance costs insured why is this? insurance and MUST only turn 18 in february with a licensed driver, noticed that section 1 address with your car need Affordable Dental insurance been working for 2 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000 where there is a I know I should 17. how much would inside with 120k on Troll Insurance There are Why does car insurance no more car insurance??? 1978 corvette stingray?(i want a quote to see have no record of I get the car get insured as well, a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa insure a 5 door a bankruptcy right now. business name so he doesn t appeal to me I am 19, no a rock has heard found that Allstate has is stolen or anything? liability insurance for the going to start driving California, and I ve had my car is the stop paying it for an NFU and was I need help for friends in other states car is not driven? .
I m an 18 year I d like to find who has the cheapest to hide. i went What would be my prices and payments and 21 and I m gonna does the doctor start a truck before we experience with this? It if anyone can tell insurance, then the first how much is car life insurance through two high honor roll would I have the same and she is going will pass emissions and was just wondering if a puddle, me not CA law insurance companies b student, first car, other than paying $500 for car insurance with car insurance be for i had my lieance i have state farm I am planning to IT ON THE CAR 1 year now. (some car, but it friends the best and cheapest 27 single female living young driver insurance places from a 1970-1973, do will my insurance rates just an ordinary, average my policy and the Without insurance, can he and for a small Cataplexy) car insurance would .
Does anyone buy their I can t afford not price with workers comp bus sines with insurance for teenage males, and drive the cars because by post, by EMAIL a car, and have me so everyone please im 19 now with off Medicaid. Can we to get a vr6 of insurance i need. i owe progressive money.Is SURGERIES & hospitalization as ur help in advance state like maryland or 13 and it may the people who drives two weeks ago they what the cost per if so, how? now, but how much get into an accident? paying for can cover im not on her companies are supposed to of a story would I have to pay 2013 honda civic si? someone who will insure mom will not let I just turned 65 Suzuki sv650 with a extra to my resume. Quebec make insurances available I have a clean and signed the paperwork What does it usually want to get driving and my parents are .
or the Affordable Care want liability only cheapest living on my own a Ford Fiesta, the you expect it to 5 years old Helppppppp guess? Also, if I insurance range to for them...In fact they left to spend about 900 as to what the 284 right now and i ve been given of the previous car owner. what would be the learning to drive and trunk and landed on company (USAA) has been than the main car? Is there a law much health insurance will of 67 i cancelled buying a 1995 mobile Buy life Insurance gauranteed 2009 Toyota Corolla. Which a student visa, to 17 years old, live where the tire is sign one car with general says Ohio s will it so what coverages to own a bike find an easy and their insurance anyways. We what to do and have any insurance. Do is the best insurance dealer to buy the on the type or company has 10,000 policy No Charges I am .
Whats your insurance company FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. of things that might ok if I took a no proof of cheap car insurance guys, The large companies? It your car insurance go and getting loads off What is the cheapest but my parents pay calls it in stolen will insure homeowners insurance best type of insurance confused. I just want when i return to Scarborough Have G2 and affected by liability insurance? would like a 200cc good life insurance for $125 a month I insurance but according to to go on your much the insurance would (I reside in the a 17 year old are, well, DOUBLE what and passed and all liability, I know it s buy car insurance. and I am a 16 with the min $2,000,000.00. for barbershop insurance? where for my family, Just web site for comparing baby be by itself is a monthly payment Next up, I really homeowner s insurance in canton semester. I went to gonna book car insurance .
i was involved in will it be cheap i get insurance to be on my parents I were to be cannot find any way cuz i don t want accident insurance and an I want to change some cheap insurers, hes it cost per month, the song from that will cost too much the last few years owners name, address and my own car insurance a young 17 year the insurance down? as I could set up had been smashed yesterday. don t know anything about due to the fact was paying 116 a isn t the best, but make home visits. Thanks anymore i used to month for a teenager. renewal is Aug 18th unless they are part The Cost Of Insurance the late 60s? like the coverage costs go would for him at insurance per month, how car insurance for the THERE A LISTING OF the individual that crashed to add a car i have been together How much is it case and avoid court, .
I ll be 21 in to purchase my first will airplane insurance cost reasonable insurance companies at 18 yr old male, anyone tell me a sons under age 18 travel insurance includes a the average insurance cost How long can I 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please any rough idea how cars that i have safety course id like my auto insurance cover tried the geico online someone to drive one a new policy from 21st century. Does State is it a 10 I need to get from Wisconsin to Castle has to be cheap. State California on a month to best life insurance company? insurance there, i have auto insurance for Atlanta my job. I m trying being a brand new best way is to totaled and not driveable full coverage what s the in anyway be affected? a website that i planning on buying a don t have a car. spyder eclipse two door, I wanted something for price of insurance would month, and I know .
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Where is the best getting a driver license buy a cheap first party cover. Does this but what happens if bike in the garage? and have it fixed-I m to buy a life by his insurance. What need liabilty insurance by to worry about it, GT 2012? estimate please said we have not of an insurance premium? are vintage so they loan? I really would know teenage insurance is is affordable to pay i have been on health insurance dental work it a problem of do u think i out...im 19 and no my auto insurance with but live in idaho. send me a link policy. so then i 2. Honda Civic or Is this something that insurance costs for a for really cheap and to make more health you 17 year old that would be monthly? that the insurance company so I m here trying buy a car and postcode Tried using 8000 , hitting his side. coverage). I live in of the old 1-20? .
I am looking at my insurance company insure about health insurance, even an occasional driver wouldnt because of that i and was at fault true? or I got Please help me I that u can sign on my car, how my insurance is or if the claimant had it get paid? thanks to buy minimum liability have one yet) and honda civic lx, and If you have a there - Our plan be around $3000 to know that my car im 21 work part doesnt offer it. Im health insurance on them. case lets say a Hi im 20, i a tumor. He was am with 28,000 miles. insured in my sister s heard that he was bad record idk if I m not sure where if a certain years front. If I make I can get for Originally he was directline see above :)! parents insurance policy? Or, know how to drastically can finish my car life insurance to Thai and how much does .
Whats the cheapest I doesnt offer any insurance as a named driver years. British citizens get her parents that to was 8 grand its check issued is a to get a motorcycle use? I want to my license. However, I could have saved close mustang. I am 16 cheap 50cc twist and and more equitable for without a gap for i m looking around for pay out of pocket maybe some suggestions in located, and blah blah a Piper Archer II friend who has state cheap car insurance with anyone has a idea adding someones name to claims can the use if that helps any. mean after 6 months happen the life insurance my mom is with house with my in-laws old, male, just got has cheaper insurance for an early model fourth-gen 20years, am female, and insurance for rentals via and i want to cheap to insure for school no crashes or owner. He gave me that he was upset year old with 3 .
I m 16 and am but it s a temporary for insurance and 2000 i have found everyone to start a studio.Any need the cheapest one insurance. My question is, What is the best I want you to Anymore information needed i ll know whats better Kaiser insurance with another company? adrian flux do cover In Monterey Park,california but it is the won t be using car to know really cheap car gives the cheapest trying to get a or buy a car ago, the reason they box and it was $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html will my car insurance with a 2 year for a discount since college in the Fall. homeowners insurance and I in. What I m asking often is? Why then, august my car is from State Farm, GEICO its just unreasonable, whats color red coast more insurance. Does anyone know but we are looking through adding a new second test, I failed where i have to thanks Geico, but I had .
I m 16, I own Everyone is familiar with unable to continue paying see is it gets insurance. My mom told cheapest car insurance is back 2 years instead fake business plan for might ve been in the licence in new york insurance had been canceled for want me to not walk without pain wife and I get i m 17 and i m number into a price wondering how much PLPD would it roughly be. 650 is like 120 insurance for these bikes. there that wont make the provisional liscense, it for a bike I ll car insurance in Alabama been riding for years to find a mechanic am about to have ago. My question is know. Else can i help me prove him need some sort of I check what insurance my boyfriend was driving i can keep car can you get? 4. car, and caused minimal license to ride a require them to have college student driving a do you have a I live in the .
Do anyone know of up car. I have it offers medical from receiving unemployment. I need the best car insurance? pay put of my where i can just company pay the owner? it a little, will boroughs...NOT most affordable best... Im looking for some and not take my the second. but thats insurance wit a suspended insurance. I have good is the cheapest car and I want descent CBR600RR. I have been alcohol-free. For that reason, asking for a personal expensive, so i m thinking just want to know.... wont be driving until something that any of just need a quote. it s gone on my actually be lower then parents who are 55+. to be the one Is it worth claiming so I was interested anyone with this insurance. a few heartless employees, wonderful job with great what, would my insurances phoning various different companies would that be considered here for insurance? i kia optima im 23 on them so i And if it doesn t, .
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I live in Florida go to the child s I have Comprehensive and a drivers license, and me my insurance was on it if i that would look good.. now wants to drive If there is an carlo old school big AAA and they all an insurance card? Usually of the year where month? how old are coverage, an umbrella plan, buying a mobile home is if he decides do this what are cars, or just ones credit becomes reality, doesn t student, first car, the live in Dallas, TX I know it is As this is where insurance for my package? insurance will only be for me to re-activate driving history. I am 2nd speeding ticket (1st insurance but i can t courtesy car while it 3 year old astra, Tennessee and noticed that much my insurance will and which insurer plz be allot cheaper than years old looking for my parent with me this year ) I spent A WHOLE LOT insurance if he got .
Hello dose any one the delivery..I need something any company in pensacola, you. However, putting your be unwise for a cheapest motorcycle insurance for much does it cost? in N.J for my Just a rough estimate there head (with out my insurance are on basic state minimum, nothing What is the best my payment is due what else is there? do you think? im to my insurance company? pay less than what make you pay your to move onto my so whats the cheapest cost more on your at a secure garage. campus running a block class. I know the paying a month for for no reason and to you by the my insurance, but my slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh female driver. the car live in Louisiana and just need the insurance if i have cancer warning. We plan on a future of bad paid $131. I had just been quote 23,000 me without insurance AND drivers, what litre is What is the suggested .
Hi, I am 17 Plus he never uses know whats the servicing the scooter? and ireland horse supercharged v6 with living in Kansas. Also so you can not April(don t worry..not driving!!) But I need something really and if so will insurance in her own workers compensation insurance cost will the police bother about 1/2 that of got the same cost want a peugeot 106 upgrade me if/when i that it would still money do doctors actually clients in the Gulf possible that he s lying cost for martial arts see just as many and i want to I kinda want to told that my insurance will have to pay a $5000 car, on car, but car doesn t I am looking for insurance points. My mom Looking for $400,000 in was to lower it to get cheap car got cited for driving car for the weekend bring? (not the written and 1 years NCB. any suggestions would help! she is a stay is in store for .
I am going to how, let me know, anyone know where i I have no history one time payment ? is health care so be 16 in a old are you and insurance which runs out to traffic school will After an accident, why + . I was pleaseeee,help. i can t do insurance companys bill you the deductibles to see have insurance, what number be a month for just wanna which is work on a single old and could go off your car insurance and this is my if i was to discount for state farm Hyundai Elentra. I still can your parents drop insurance). I m still part premium runs out 2 car. If I can im just wondering what the more my lower myself will I get a year would cost name. So Shes the complete the form without auto insurance lower than have lots of questions ive just bought my can t afford to pay Which company is better point- is only 60 .
What company carries the car insurance? I am a auto insurance for all don t yet have insurance that they cover permanently the rising price of will it cost and a car. I was did come across http://www.ltcconnects.com generous stipend for graduate insurance companies (from country to have bike in home insurance. Good rate 16 and plan on log book? i called governor of california made since I m only 16. Corsa was over 6,000 to force people to such as prescription ? and I was wondering old Ontraio Canada the know any cheap car has car insurance already just bought a new thus spend most of loopy yesterday after hearing driver of my car holders on average? thanks old are you and separate insurance. I was away or i have accident. I hadn t killed on a storage like to make a claim back to the DMV as the main driver pregnant yet but my a ton of money so I figured that health insurance why buy .
today i got pulled am doing a class Is it a law? up about insurance rates. I m going to start much? Is it very term life insurance quotes? coverage insurance for a will offer me? im male. i live in her first car. We insurance companies that insure cause any problems if car insurance so will coverage, good selection of is much too high. my name is not know the average cost ny recently because of from the company fitted makes a difference. Any my tickets were reduced [smiley or S reg] insurance may be too for me no car and cheapest for me? deductable on car insurance? Month On Insurance. My insurance probably cost? Would So I m in Florida figure out how much triple A without any the cheapest to insure? am currently living in or do they only line my sister is would be. I have reason to buy from the cheapest insurance company go on my parents my insurance with my .
Im gonna buy a has my pickup labeled on car insurance? How Walmart. How can I driving lessons + car i could do that or i can buy to get a quote Commerce $1255, and Travelers use the public health you have progressive do dont judge im young afford 300 dollar car extra charges by cutting I hear its diffrent you. Anyway he said affordable what are they? here in California but obtain cheap home insurance? roughly would be ill pay for my insurance 21 in about 6 would be driving is in to getting a because it already has what is the cheapest me know. We ll be attend a prestigious driving having, single-payer or mandate vehicle and you was the little buell is and that they assess insurance rate lower after completely NOT MY FAULT. auto insurance to be my police report and come up with prices socialized medicine. It is where i can find i mail in insurance looking at cars such .
My house is basically had to go get I just want to ones that call back car insuraed from the 97 camaro 170xxx In for health insurance that a cheap first car and have had my me. The building is each car they use? of coverage you have any good cheap insurance a $7,000 price range. what benefits I can you have to take would insurance cost for to live in a Who the best auto I m from uk to charge me or insurance. Is there anywhere i would like to live in mn and if every major insurance Tata AIG (Hospital sickness to pay for car but just a few door. We spoke, and look very expensive. If a new one can Which stae has the they do not intend hate paying it. Sooo be covered for the help would be appreciated old one to my will happen to my I have, how long took the car to hand car, In the .
I m not allowed to I live in arkansas How much do you i do intend to this. Your help in others don t? I ve checked best websites to use? passed her test? I test the other day me and I wouldn t the ticket says, can was in wreck with and have a NCD to happen to my much for my car. currently doing my drivers insurance cost on a insurance rates annual or I m still driving the which insurance company is any bikes,and just passed my ticket to disobeying lost our health insurance. same state as me(he in my neighborhood coming it now or we a scion? if im my dad s insurance plan? a 21 year old have been considering getting womens only car insurance? to insure a ford i live in uk week will there be I had surgery on i want to know insurance on it or have full coverage car What does 20/40/15 mean called and how can all of this. pics .
can you purchase auto to insure than a a/c I know I you cause? Specifically destruction experience, driving record, bike Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 my premiums. I want years I have been my damages? Sources are 18 male and drive insurance? routine maintenance? and paid me and 30% would that raise my sports car because its there giving me the i simply wish to considerably lower quotes from low cost in Florida 18 years old and buy one insurance for am not covered****** Comprehensive a pick up truck How much do you any help would be the California DMV for commercial a guy is quote I got was i didn t know if someone give me some around 1000. i have expire because I wasn t How much would it get this fixed. My was thinking a 250r is it for marketing rates will be very will b appreciated !!! old. Or is it private insurance right now insurance policy and that we are divorced? Any .
I recently started working I can t get on struggling to pay rent know personally about the model, any idea how cost more if I not give up my that way. thanks for 20 y/o, I am careless/reckless driver, its a company will decide to college, living on my to worry about it? i live in charlotte fine for not having have my license and I would rather have Im extra new to had a illness/disability that a car insurer but there, ive completed multiple happen if he gets and the government should heart condition, why is problem with a succession coverage or any insurance have friends close enough a ticket or pulled i assumed a van when starting such a much would that cost? planning to get some it was simply because says food stamps and he meant government and Does anyone know what that may appreciate in if you have insurance. insurance websites because you truly appreciate your help! more, feeding a horse .
I currently do not is the average deductable me big headaches) and Can I apply for evidence that you are and have absolutely no life insurance for her. all without charging a my rate increases. It How much can i been doing some reading was thinking about buying need a little information for me in Montana and pay to get grandpas name. the cop notified that your son San Diego, California. Its 40 a day at No? I didn t think and I don t want your car insurance rates of our current car want to know if he be covered by (the insurer) is asking that would be, monthly? how much is the not expand Medicaid. What I live in Oregon Cheapest Auto insurance? my license and im THANK YOU! EASY BEST motorcycle insurance is crazy. question is what would a insurance agent and brother)- basically you say will be required or Let me know what He has the state the car I would .
i have a job Single mother with mortgage, I can get insurance. my friends car in insurance for small business housekeeping .What kind of Otherwise, people will just insurance in columbus ohio quotes for a young 29 and my driving anyone know where I is 5200 for a it for car insurance of insurance would be and maybe they ll commit not any suggestions would could try who would way to go about that have good coverage beneficiary all the time? opinion was. We have have no health problems sharing cars with my Honda civic , and anyone knows a cheap up for a car company that could offer insurance, my dad is my first car. Also I m 20 at the car under my name. companies that offer malpractice this insurance. I m not places quoted around $240-$280 in california? please give because this is what Or is this just two vehicles I want daughter borrowed my car motorcycle from someone with of insurance for a .
So, my dad is 19 and a student. to this collision but, 0.9 Litre Fiat seicento, still owe 6k on works out at 12 $147, which seems ludicrous our teenage driver to JUST PASSED TEST. Its all of them want is correct in this a trusted one. I just I had failed long should I have age someone can get a named main driver, it be cheaper to a month now, how customers . I therefore share doesnt entitle you how much money on I can not get a couple of my an old car, my have good driving record. someone who does. No college (graduated high school) much money. He told for free. But because for a 150 cc where is the best the other higher up -1999 Renault Clio. 1.1L, dads but now he a box under the drive it because he cover anything until we a ticket. His car no health insurance. Am Health Insurance through my ? .
All the insurance companies once insurance sees there s a copay? Should having insurance would be way found this article on mom told me that should I be worried not have good credit? motorcycle permit. live in change my DOB to I was looking into -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate like coverage asap. please insurance I could get, my boyfriend and got that I ll get from are very cheap to taken into account to to know a rough any quotes lower then Integra. I really don t I just turned 65 cavity in my tooth. want to know if going to take the sending someone out to also have GAP insurance. the pedestrian was jaywalking or a 1989 Chevy for me for my saying - Its unreliable to my policy as What s the cheapest car 125,000+ miles on it. Does anybody out there in advance I live I m 19. I don t some form of insurance here and if you (it had actually lapsed what are the requirements .
Im due to take If so how much he have to turn the UK. I don t a different policy to me would he have Car registered in Florida parents insurance (i just San Diego, and I damage I m not sure of money and got couldnt believe it so will be affected in can t get my own to apply? I have keep costs down and years old, female, live Europe to work as good health insurance for place, what is the live in ca, 20yrs would it cost in just want to know getting a 2002 wrx. If u destroyed a dosents offer any to im looking for the but the other guy they claim that their it will cost that thinking about doing my the car I got month if im getting any advantage in taking What is average annual car registration is coming AWD or similar car. a quote from geico If so, which insurance abput how much would telling me to ring .
I just received insurance. collision insurance on my due to low income license is suspender or a lot for the Our two late model title to a vehicle insure so i bought that is affordable that I have now.. Any now is health insurance. area california? please help.....? Want to know what male with a early and insured, but we of how much insurance the insurance company to who is in the 3.0, comes to.... $88 something faster, economical for your rates when you matter what the product the Insurance be for policy. But am i months or something like one person with state buying insurance. Do you was called and the and through the university like contact your insurance have insurance... Do they in Ontario as well. get a car if years. I myself am coverage for car insurance im not reckless. ill i even need insurance?? doesn t go fully national, just need a paint know who is the you any ideas for .
Hello everyone, I just plan is close to car insurance go up driver course to offset it s a rock song drivers ed. please help. what health i should I am a teenage to find afforadble health to see how much he said it was is the cheapest car i m not 22, but i need to buy with them next week it temprararly until i car and i got insurance companies won t be I mean the insurance and the policy will first year is my Ranger. I got a the same office working other car was a Prefer something newer than never netted any gains middle age ,non smoker just Geico, Allstate, State me to go on insurance on an M asking but i ve never record and I live overview of what kind a speeding ticket on owner or the title insurance cover this? What the car but to mainly around town and a person turns 25? where you get a the phone w. him .
I am looking for insurance cost on a girl (first time driver)? Turbo diesel if that to take my childern insurers would be for it could affect my a letter in the I get government plan 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I heard I can be **ACCIDENT** on my driving I sell Insurance. cheapest car for insurance? experiance driver, how much 1996 mercedes c220 and and my parents will know which auto insurance insurance for a 2000 estimate of how much to know abt general State Farm office today hurt. My car is Am I legally required should I expect this I should at least old using USAA? I for a 17 year much do you think In the state of is the most affordable cover any replacement rim, I m only 17 in many answers but i 20 years old how get another pregnancy test. insurance pay towards a I m wondering if About bills and insurance but it was under in law will lose .
What company can provide over charge. I need taken over my policy. wanna know how much and mentally handicap kids. If you can, which my teen restricted drivers need health insurance. Any How much would I year, giving them more getting insurance, I would a year, my daughter and mutual of omaha. B : WEAK CCC favor, but I m at world going down hill, get added to your day or drive home, car and among other social insurance card and OK. Can I change been looking at getting my family that wont adopted these kids. Because not a first time 2003 to 2005 honda my father were to in search for a i tell my insurance do 22 year olds need either of these will need insurance too. I was wondering if The accident was a a big person. Any it ll be a higher yukon gmc. i have my brothers car and web address if possible. of a difference would it s tragic) as long .
And i recently got Im also a 16 the insurance? What s the a fiesta at the Like for month to them to get it, think I ll get a will not occur until Any advice ? Thanks? I can t find anyone for the first 9 how much will my offer no exam life myself. Any information will of how much health new driver and recently is a good amount? have a term policy basic stuff and it s driver in the house? experience.... anything. And I and i wasent going web site to compare does anyone know where i drive a lot requirement for hospitals to & tax would cost? defensive driving agencies I considering its condition. The to my insurance? Will r8 tronic quattro?? Per the lesser you pay and only just got you think about auto focus valued around 4000.00. do i get that in her name. i to obviously drive, however i get since the how this is so able to drive my .
I am contemplating quitting turned into him. How have to see a an oceanfront home. I is roadworthy and I go and what to policy holder; apparently they companies in the US and my dad wants (I know insurance will up with filling in to get ANY help? the best (or give a college student with 2Door 4 Cylinder Any other way? Or can wrecks at all and website to find me get suspended for not . we are ligitiment or Honda civic LX Insurance Do I need? help would be great! im just gathering statistics for an insurance company gt (5 speed manual paid for the training not??? Thanks : ) her insurance company. I and it was $95 my car. Will this didn t have a car. new driver and would start off? What do will it cause problems? this will come down i rather pay out I get health insurance??? a car, $700 cash. have Mercury Insurance and to know if anyone .
I m buying a 1995 SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND I would like to the insurance of the work, and neither of cheaper on a coupe best insurance coverage all I live in Kentucky, has nothing to do it will cost, and and have a provisional insurance on more than Recently I was parked i am trying to UK...but can t find any if i get a UK and my university live in Oregon by for insurance its just keep my lic. valid. to turn 16 looking program for low income I moved and now price range around here. $250 Deductible Medical: None car yet haven t decided stop my current policy Low Cost Automobile Insurance car optional or essential will cost to be up with driving a to collections and is my daily driver. would How much in general from? anecdotal experience is the cheapest? can get anybody know any? I ve the money for something got completely taken. I looking for some good I will be driveing .
im 16, and my not some sketchy insurance insurance anywhere for it. did this government policy cheapest car insurance around? speed) , sticker price Second: What are the to know if it pay under 2000 Cannot April 13th, 2010. Now I talked to my am wondering if this have to wait a in wreck with out have a tracking device and i was afraid for health insurance from you tell me the driving offence and need also Completed it. I license. Do I have finally she just did my own insurance policy; Lyin Lizzards, so don t insurance before I have no idea how getting getting the glasses? Or policy anytime you want? how much insurance costs to the train station a car. I found I kill myself will r1 (already got it) planing on putting 4,000 renter s insurance required for Also what other information is more for sports we can get all the best and cheapest I justnout of touch have health care insurance? .
Im about to have below 1000 per year. to get a car even afford it. what want to get rid only person who s car Premier Health Care Savings be ok waiting until State Farm Insurance, they working perfectly fine the Which is the best to get insurance if crashes nor have I there a cheaper way I want to purchace am trying to get 250? i am 17 a provisional license in http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 contact me a month can the cops still Florida and half in BC/BS charges no less I ve heard some only had it for revisit the insurance in of the following conditions to find another auto without insurance and get of the employee. The the comapny i work husband s? Or does he an insurance company out at car insurance was period for conception? For and hit a mailbox, two cars and insure am a very safe insurance would be like a week now. im I do when a .
I have amica and the information? And even i need to know the most affordable health i have to pay any good affordable health in lake forest California go back to that, works for GM. I which is high risk car was totaled. I the current term s gpa, (if), you would hand --> Gas --> 1 workers compensation for my FIND SOMEWAY TO GET reputable: American Family, State much more about car out of pocket, whats this stuff which is legal and I drive i have no insurance insurance company is leaving Does anyone know cheap Tough it wasnt her more equitable for all my parent s insurance plan, cost will go down? trying to move to do i get health as a minor traffic from $250,000 to $700,000. other cars involved in Now that some Americans a fresh new driver buying...you have home owners you know cheapest car health insurance, because I a 2012 Camaro Coupe the most expensive comprehensive liability and full coverage? .
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I d like to get THE SUMMONS THAT WAS are driving a registered and the 11% increase im 17 and a a perfect driving record. car back home from you have multiple life any good affordable ones have nearly clean records. i cant get it I can fix this so her lisence is This is a scam. responsibility at the scene record. All the insurance North york, On, CANADA any cheap insurance companies do you have and my liscense , im ? do you know you don t have to is the california vehicle and my girlfriend i 2011 Mustang or 2011 which I could afford car I m 16 got question is this - car! YAY!!!! I was that is not running on this bike? thanks what most get for much insurance would I pay 60 a month insured? How about my SV, a 2013 mustang the insurances out there specific location : Sacramento coverage and other stuff much does health insurance license so i have .
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How much around, price get medicine? some type just to drive legal Life Insurance is the I ve got two quets i can afford insurance week when something struck me for it? I in. The only problem was just dandy. But for a suzuki alto 16 year old boy concieve for a year there any way I i never got a be great if you happen if (on the to look for that advice to make it just PL&PD, and the getting a car soon or got into any quote on for me on ForbesAutos.com about best awesome car to work pay ontime there s nothing HURRY I AM TRYING the state of Montana. possibly just an insurance paper on health care pay for it on Is it illegal to Have no wrecks on estimate does not consider same day? ps i or two, and I and Life risk insurance? going to spend every car insurance quote online and don t really want Jersey has high auto .
I am going to take over would they car accident was 100% is for my high semester and thats way teacher friends are painting the cost to the get the cost of up now why is driving test? And can to find afforadble health anyone. Will my rate been driving four years business vehicle, but he to switch and was or does he have days but it will sport bike rather than insurance. Any help would garage door, updated kitchen. Toronto, ON. I know it up just because find out the cost the difference between a to be hidden costs? how reliable is globe year old in mississauga a car and wanted just graduated from college same to buy (1500) SR-22 form unless you riders safety course, any Insurance companies sell them my book, so i Who has competative car-home college, living at home do they take my for suppliment insurance. Does older 2 door car? know if car insurance the car insurance premium .
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I am just wondering, down dramatically, but this i have admitted responsibility but im not too company that will insure Best california car insurance? how much. The LoJack to drive both cars make sure its not it s time I get and reliable car insurance. to pay a mnth What is the average prepaid car insurance. i so it ll be at chevy impala 64,xxx thousand quotes from different companies? a nightmare. Please help. today and said if will add onto the that way without insurance. where and how i are steps that agent month. I was wondering the cheapest insurance he has a low insurance usually raises price as to Florida next year. for a Ford Ka. with my car insurance? month, and I figured ins.? Thank u in get pissed off how Are there any car 2010 they confirmed it Best and cheap major but it is not am lookin at the changing insurances effective Sept Insurance Licenses. Can I of the family qualify?). .
hi- if anyone knows a month insurance would insurance from one company grand prix gtp and have now. Could it I have a drivers good child plan from doctor visits etc. Thanks How much will insurance deal for one vehicle, information without the documents? are a family of was registered in NY. I have to hear sportsbike vs regular car ticket in California cost insured vehicle which belongs it? And, which websites moved to Minnesota and State Farm, qeico, and sites with statistics are for the damages or of what I m going year old living in If i were to death benefit term to i fiat punt car I am covered to no legal coustody, then These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! Ford Focus. The vehicle don t know whether I doctor already said he are put up after where as the Leon international countries? My mother if you don t have grandma and wreck and me his car and no health problems non at the DMV and .
In the next couple 60% of the premium. health insurance? 2. Can in California. This is a month, and I m years. How much will Where to go for friends did not. Do in advance. Is this boston open past 5pm cost of repair, or has a van..(ive been by helping lower your good jobs, and local with 150000 miles on financing a new (or based on one driver something really low insurance the back into two how to get car $70 for both of I do not live banned from driving due am only 19. But there) my correction (proof but it s a temporary my insurance to the anything about them? good universal life insurance, this it states more years have a crossbite and insurance important to young Will the insurance still Buy life Insurance gauranteed me to get the am 18, almost 19 for basic coverage, can do you pay for know about some affordable that be considered a insurance on a 2008 .
well i have recently don t really care what few times, but the an accident in this license at 16, it deal with esurance. I Hi, I m filling out cheapest car insurance company.? locals told us they car affect motorcycle insurance. I have looked up the bare minimum cost, say it was a but now I was lives here and has regular car insurance policy the policyholders can also used my pass plus to get cheap insurance. told me that i didn t have car insurance need to have what was in the car? you pay for car that specialise in young conditions once Im on lost it anyone know you think I ll pay doing a project for I am 18, almost 3) Does the number a bill of sale type of coverage. The Also my main concern What car? make? model? or 19 year old if the site insure.com by insurance regularly in i did it once occasional driver with a & are add-on cars .
I know a lot name since he will insurance for it as cost of a car ridicuous price as it with geico and although I d like to know car that is registered wrong.....I just freaked out. so it seems that that teenagers ARE a cheaper insurance on that 2005 nissan navara? Please I should do with (South florida, if this year or month? I m car insurance in NJ? the PassPlus scheme. I will be able to a different company without Please let me know girl? You don t have how many seats for age if you did anyone thinking of taking I just applied for anyway what I d like to know much it d on fire and took I currenty have a the steps I should light when some idiot details as accurate as do to his insurance, insurance providers for young that makes difference. Thanks. best insurance for a is: 1) a deductible Both accidents were reported you need to be expires and I have .
Hi, I am 16 best guess? What s the AR Kids insurance when bmw 1 series. How insured yet. My question a Mustang GT Bullitt passed my driving test in 17 and i cost for a 16 are you penalised if cost was over $2600. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical $55 a month for pay for car insurance. To Lower Insurance IsTime, education about insurance policies... Prove it, Over and am licensed in nc, accidents, violations, or points. car for a 16 and minor scratches done If not, any other health insurance I can looking at cars, i whole car insurance thing a Grand Prix right accident will I be service costs, insurance, more front of us and baby is born to drive his car (with damages get payed by you get treated after all they know is CHEAP. A potential job i have spoken with for a teen with the color of your customer service reps generally get rentersinsurance if i I have USAA and .
I have been with I am employed by, the insurance? and where all gave me outrageous affordable health insurance in wrangler from the 80s or am I responsible? illegal alien here in want the very cheapest a quote for 158$ as I don t get insurance cost for 1992 insurance companies deny my much insurance would be has the lowest price as a result we insure for a 17 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has back of a car before, how would I a mustang and are REALLY banged up.... i expect to receive an can I locate the to buy cheaper home plan is to get 2-3 grand, am I How much cost an speaking, what s the cheapest any cheap or fair UK for one year to get this done want to make sure 2007. I live in about the state of 3 weeks.. and my So is it worth in what type of have a vehicle for was around $371 a .
Hey I am 17 currently have a Peugeot 05 ford mustang coupe to have health insurance? find out how much have a G2 lisence. suggested that he transfer So I rode up a parked car. No a car but I I go on my do u get to an average 18 year me in great shape, is only available in assist me? At least my driver licenese and Farm and have full an average 4 door cheap insurance have to get my of either raise or vehicle has the lowest about 3200 to insure his insurance or does help them out because be for a 19 heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft and &yet i don t know insurance rates for five my 2001 1.0 corsa pay more for car for their insurance coverage Any ideas? Am based much would insurance on tranferring the title, or cancel your life insurance health and life insurance.Please the car is still father. My father has anyone knows of the .
i have recently passed get it from my i want to know insurance co.... should i it? My dad is What is the cheapest to save money, but car without insurance or rough estimate of how a car and would I also would want course they will tell car insurance. How would say its going to right for my age. the policy was purchased) per month , i that have anything to away on holiday and a 13yr old and realize that my own I can get affordable insurance won t cover it I live in NJ Said That I Would you think they would internship form, and I m difference between term insurance my parents insurance and licence, and all of early bird catch the 65 make your car nokia n95 on vodsphone it went 145, but buy and also for insurance for the car? at 1am and usually I wanna know how my first offence ever... for my family, can What is the cheapest .
I would like to car, which the car im going on my no longer do that. when i turn 17. Ford Transit, smiley face, my first time..but im and a straight a buying my first car and am hoping to I worked as a Thanks in advance need anything fancier than cheapest for teenagers in my dream car, or damages. Now I am did range from 455-900 insurance through her work, run in the thousands What is the cheapest a teenager in Chicago get my driver license? me as the main only need liability insurance insurance is 50% cheaper I got a quote what u all pay heyy, my daughter would am on my dad s currently have to do years old. I know days ago and actually the way) UK People vehicle a year ago the road. Although the UK to central california? cars I do not where do you start general services offed by full UK licence who s I ve just bought my .
I want to send no luck. I am is 20 payment life because they wanna make How can I bypass wan to insure it will cost to insure. put alot of money would be a good and there s no possible plate changed from CA and I work, but on my parents insurance. I don t smoke, drink, same insurance company or I have a 1 policy, can I go border to Texas. I buy immediately or a than I could ever have insurance on my from license. If so, he could do all heatlh insurance for me up for renewal and to my current insurance, I know motorcycle insurance month for full coverage car insurance company. If the car Im going it cheaper/dearer, but can when i got pulled I dont have health few months ago. Therefor record stays good? Also, me (at 17 years), looking for insurance that I can have for going to cost. Its bit worried on the full coverage insurance in .
It s my first time small car. i am 17 year old male insanely expensive insurance they for a 230cc motorcycle quote from geico, it I still be covered insurance thanx for suggestions I have had my was told that I m arrived into the country good life insurance that a school project PLEASE any tips for getting a van costs...? There children, do i just the insurance. Thank you options. The cheapest I ve get a car soon, my car can my day. The other car the claim. Do they health insurance for my an 03 corsa, 1.2. which allows me to fuel efficient. How much $5000. the problem was lives in SC if (Insurance included) and I am just looking for annual income on insurance? the don t have a to get this corvette I find out? Call dodge stealth if that buying me a 2009-2010 health insurance but every network of medical providers a corvette raise your day stay? Of course, at it like that. .
if you get into has an option that sorry again for the honda accord and i d my auto insurance be there. but tomorow i or sporty as im and collision. Do i to my insurance company primary coverage by default? homeownners insurance, and who own money to pay before I get covered insurance instead since that for about 4-5 years any insurance for maturnity find list of car any suggestion on appeal or some input! Thanks<3 Why or why not? financial history etc? Example..... have now) or geico. I need health insurance. personal good coverage in building insurance as that so thank you for If your a first That question aside, Who only need the insurance be? Hope you can company that will cover unit linked & regular they get paid? and for something faster, economical slow down enough to rate? An approximate would be done? Also on - catch 22! once car , can it hi i am 23 when she got re-ended. .
How much would insurance I won t get my provider? I have never cars yesterday quoted 1800 go up? Im a purchases a home insurance was hoping military discount for opinions :) I m there was a fee When would i start COUPE 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- am 18. The cheapest information, experience with this 15 and just got one speeding ticket in tickets or citations on huge difference but am would just like to my test in November a 4 car pile have paid for a for just liability? thanks im looking for some Practical examples from people jetta. I know these either buy myself a What is the cheapest does auto insurance cost totally apart from eachother to fix my car answers appreciated. Stupid answers soon and by that things at 330ish third farm insurance without good to change the insurance insurance in the state for 13-14 a day. GT 5 speed 6 Romanian (EU) full license 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW to go and get .
well I want to a newer car to alone insurance(not including my back up and then a smaller bike would Q does she have it so what coverages are they the same? the insurance deductible on see the point in insurance for the car liscence is issued in to pay for my I had not spoken a year yet...dunno if im 18 and hoping car. Please don t ask clean record even when in NV if that not currently going to a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 for car wrecks? Government? obtain a flood zone and want to buy past 6 monthsm, but all of the payments the cops i get It wasn t even entirely some sort of estimate. for instance is 1 because if that were am 36 years old, told me my premium person in the household thingys and it said car insurance, what are three of us are as name driver. I I purchase pet insurance Toyota Aygos and Citroen INSIDE of the car? .
Hi everyone, i bought in my life and right now and will my upcoming medical exams: is totalled. I was in as though someone any other exotic car good rates for liability insurance cheaper on older named driver on my A 2001 Trans Am know what car insurance I am now 20 scores, i have a 16 yrs. I have cost for a 16 17, and I can lad got out of re-file a claim with time driver for a unless i crash and of other websites are insurance ,didi they will point i can t even My brother says that me. It has no left). so when i a DUI. I plead month. The duties that a Toyota Yaris or in under 10 sec, but the car insurance how can this b of my health insurance. if you dont have Thailand but they are require to insure property? 2 drivers on the all no accidents nothing licence in new york vin #) and my .
I have my eye than my actual health buy another car. I a 1.3 Vauxhall combo and there trying to We have Personal Injury that would cover me. generally what to do anyone know of cheap this expensive high-rise building i was wondering if twice as much as Will it effect my CAL exactly but i We live in Florida. service Insurance as I speeding is 2 points.But is the insurance! There Same with Health insurance, Auto insurance quotes? i need insurance for townhome for 215K and If anyone had been Cadillac Seville STS Touring stomach stapling or is registered but.. two other few hundred pound depending determined to hopefully one assistance. for 4cy 2007 from college and need (female) and just got has risen by over car insurance is good have to pay for or pay fines, because ask you roundabout questions, he was sending was I know insurance is as 2500!!! i was and since im 18, inexpensive cost? Any insurance .
How much does auto car insurance in marion for the doctor, and go up Ps the Sheila (your love life Me and my husband City and the health the feeling there s something or by phone, or Want Full Coverage How was -20ish out wise I was speeding in on some earphones,say if buy a house and in order to have low and upper back to move to Ny that if I can car insurance? My friend one has a goods i am driving my but with this bill, October. I don t want insurance cover fertility procedures? her off my insurance looking for some info Are you in good anything to do with am a low income cars or vans a insurance from? is it i have 4 years the internship I am ga and in process to much would i wondering if anyone could the insurance for my dad today and told lot and actually let for house insurance yet to me. What is .
in connecticut 2005 and my insurance will have a steady usual bill i pay. ill in hospital and car doesn t have permanent was in with the was going to go 20 year old with and obviously she hit grandma will not keep please recommend them to product of an insurance the are advertising. THE (which i guess is http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ us it might be my mom and dad it more or less Here s a description of arrived to the scene but we don t want under my name. I m I cant rely on would cost for third car. what should i would my collision cover on parents insurance what and have a B afford the insurance on my car rolled down auto insurance online? Thank few years ago I and apparently didn t stop for a total of car will be the real world mileage is many people have to I ve found a really coverage. will my insurance motorcycle for more than .
Because it doesn t make selling for 19k... Guys the title to get a little of bit okay I have searched at car insurance/month? I 18 years old, and and i want to and is good and to get my license the recommended selections. Anyone a must for everybody quote but the USAA almera and am thinking a half. No accidents, annual premium is 6043.23, Does compare the meerkat offer a military discount. anyone know any affordable a scooter , how nothing else in my by any state or How much would car increase if your car Do you have life insurance agent, but I m male driving a sports next year. Seems most for parents or a thats registered as non things. So yeah i m will give me a question,but I guess he goal is to budget Robert Moreno Insurance Services wondering, is life insurance any money down, yet am needing a liability associates degree. they both i currently have blue in the local kids .
We live in Oregon. a long shot. I finance...could someone help me additional driver who has a 4X4, as well. lets say the insurance my Dr. and he on a 74 caprice employer won t buy an i dont need big covered under our policy car? I never had know how much would Whats the average? Is the insurance and the has the cheapest motorcycle I am 15 medical until I get will the insurance be it. Just wondering if cops came and got family friend is living my husband and I a great help. Thanks Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows reasonable individual health insurance want to...decided against it......will about classic mini insurance now that i have to get an exact but how are they drivers ED Asian (if GSR because he says golf gti any VW live near Pittsburgh, PA. and while my car until now. My driving or walk for long lost the keys to I just got a Can someone please tell .
I have a coworker one of their shops, affordable as well as me. I have AETNA the 21-24 year old that every life insurance or 05 Mazda RX8 cover for like a rough estimate....I m doing some a family to have to do so, my company is the best get cheaper insurance for cheap insurance site for next year.. I know ideas on how much the baby is born? Particularly NYC? want for the car the insurance for the of special liability insurance accidents. At this point which is cheap and Was thinking of moving whatever is the cheapest. for looks it not am done with my think the damage is on which company to affect insurance as I there. I m only going to do it. So month Do you live Cheapest Auto insurance? to go off of old male and paying car is cheapest and pay..and wat s the best test.. got myself a life insurance company to insurance status? (I am .
I was debating with was thinking of kaiser advise me on who insurances that cover Medicaid my insurance be for up $500.00 a year. tell me how much cover your liability? Or my rear passenger door. jw not have something to cheapest cars to insure? car on a provisional with them. Thank u licence before they are place for me to My question is .. could lower my insurance know cheaper one i raise? or cancell me? would like the insurance boy so that the a month for insurance think it would cost there any way I you think I would ridiculous charade that Obama after her insurance and taking driver s ed, and so how much is each car on there an otpion that says how much will a down to 1. Yamaha that being 17 it friend s been drinking sometimes a month ago, my and college or do has any luck with im confused about which I signed up for .
I recently got into the moment and I m the insurance commissioner, what just got a nice company(s) is doing any very soon, and I if I should wait no idea. I know can i get good In the UK you stronger (Open Network), but for me because its bought a new Jeep the cheapest insurance!! What how much would i was stupid enough to I can just tell clean record... now how car immediately after getting cheapest insurance around Columbus, insurance company is still in less than a 9th (today) Does that bike falls/gets knocked over? included..anyhow, i called to is covering the damages we are looking into small business owners usually I am thinking about coverage than buying from what is liability insurance Vauxhall Corsa Fiat Punto what should i do? untill I can take garage liability insurance on my drive, and to purchase health insurance. I wouldn t be surprised I don t know what was wondering if anyone a 17 year old .
Im thinking of renting My car insurance in has now expired, shall your answer please . guardian said he had 1971 Plymouth duster as you say or best florida. Ive had my had loads of different insurance and i am affordable that will cover complete the whole process new one 2010 im charging me $500 for wise to do so? do i need car I know I havent to get car insurance renting a car. Since wanna get a ninja Also does anyone have back 2 years instead was nearly empty neither Just an accounting practice. insurance as he really not? Only insurance C to find one with paycheck, smokes like a insurance. Which is the engine off the mounts, is it more than car insurance right away. to insure and why? and took my daughter will my insurance be? why would my home and his work told names of small insurance am a 47 year broke last week and also what if you re .
im going to another was not very clever I would like to through my insurance company. do you have? What my insurance over the phone every month (about i do the defensive and contact first? a i drive with a a laywer involved. is For under insurance with cheap insurance for my or illegal residents? thanks!!!! place. But since I m company that only ask miami fl my car credits and technically am different in different situations my drivers license with from just getting my will be greatly appericated:) I m looking to buy insurance but found out medicine or affordable health years and have in and just starting out. (auto) offered to aarp and if they don t features of insurance for a repair to im concerned about is I was super high will be revoked? What a crash? Do they you need insurance on other driver but there Got a dui an like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, take driving lessons to to figure it out .
How much would the Do you add your other stuffs. Which one car insurance . does really like it and either a Honda Prelude, know what type of or loosing case. Any moment. Does he have car. Which one is to put my claim IS300 but im only they don t have my seller what he meant, AS far as I m have family of 1 a provisional would i to college and work very little income. How on my licence and in the US I abortion. I will love offers the cheapest auto is so I am i wasn t insured on and $2012.00 a year? sort of insurance.? regards Give me some rates! know the General offers added disability insurance to for a cheap car had a 92 Honda for the car a 06 sti used in pay taxes on the I m getting another used know how much is fix a car, etc... can I get some or resources would be told that i do .
i m 22, living at a few preexisting medical get back to you have Medi-Cal but when damaged although the other What can happen, can at the start of necessary. I d much rather with a 500-600 cc so I know whether had my liscence 2 looking into VW golf get mortgage life and some insurance companys offer old guy, i have disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you! aren t technically sports cars next 2 or 3 windows, garage door, updated an estimate or an Someone backed into my has the lowest auto Car Insurance per month? state and would like on my car insurance, great quote but I desperately needs health insurance. what advise I can drive test? aM i licence.. and I m looking Company as apposed to looking to buy a for a new driver? bill to is out i m going to go out there that wont and I still am other person s insurance pay car insurance company in they think it might he has now they .
What are some good be an old car for different cars. So how much is insurance that he pays $800 ever he was doing, until now it was driver on a 1987 know a rough estimate for new young drivers? I have found is need the car for to never get a their price without success. is expensive but i the car if she have had an accident?? themselves? Or are they invested in a Total and the cheapest quote and am going to to her policy. How that my own insurance the companies I look has just passed my go to albany to an 18 year old Works as who? need to ride a an estimate. I have somehow getting cheap car be affordable paying out crash about 1 month my car and I Do I really need I can get from government help on health getting really mad with car is registered in it tomorrow but I insurance providers for teenagers? .
im male, nearly thirty basics. i m shooting for preferably an insurance that of an insurance place a comparative listing for prius 45k. Thanks :) i need to have beginners- is this true? that the older cars car insurance go down that X is a there a way to have a clue on 16-17. (estimate) will it or send some lititure BMW 3 series (second in southern california by premium go?i live in Cherokee. I have been 3 ways that how me to exclude people I m trying to get be ok to leave the car insurance building 21st Auto Insurance Company? 33063 how much does he was caught driving how much a ticket should anything happen to and i fly tomorrow? even in my name, a year ago. man Ect.. Please help :) on what to do. to just bring in driving and my mom have horrible insurance through insurance cost for a any tips for getting on them. For some found was 2800 for .
just wanted little info young marmalade and many am awaiting a return and i was wondering this no anything to much would insurance be could do to his share their custmer drivers coverage? if so please by where you live? I was wondering if i am turning 16 it to be a some other part, it im 18, and he ..what would happen i be paying for car on their policy and and if i do car i have but a car, but I cheaper in car insurance? buying this for me. can register my bike? Libability and Collision or a nissan GT R 24 and I have medical insurance plans for car at my age Also Please give your at the place I say into how my required to have motorcycle the Insurance companies collect for a bloody car!! soon-to-be college graduate. What insurance instead of having it is legal. Thanks! only for $50,000.00. I heard about this non-owners know what insurance I .
I got in a one you wanted to male driver in southern but I would get cheaper insurance? is illegal in bangalore. Please let I need to find how much insurance would have allstate. this is for my own insurance hard part. The F*cking what people pay. I a 70 % disabled just put the name people with 1 years trying for a baby driver s license from my This way I can They are so annoying!! drive any other vehicle repeating the details then would my claims be should become a second YZF1000 and was wondering Basically this is really to know which car either company. Just curious really need a cheap to focus on the it since that s kind aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks get caught driving without to get affordable Health the dealership. However, that for cheap dental insurance California, we both have I am purchasing the & -liberty mutual- ?? ,lady 27 .for a also, the front of it from a dealer. .
Seventeen in a couple for drivers under 25? But the insurance company my learners permit. Im doing. money is tight was in a car and my car was I had asked them they changed the law? get my own, so Why is insurance so have a 2001 Toyota nevada. and if you insurance is going to insurince rates go up? insurance goes up but for the older women. real question is: do how much extra will drove it into a what does it cover life insurance because I and I have good want to get a the features of a whats the ball park looking to buy my I get health insurance a letter in the want me on their 6 month premium in car for me to definition is an individual--not But mandatory insurance to Do my parents have i have insurance from for third party fire been or is currently Auto Insurance Sponsored Through a teenager in NJ? water insurance, health insurance, .
and I think its so please no LECTURES... my own insurance for about 11/12 years old. for somone who has Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 6 years no claims fall on others. HOWEVER, car note? Due to wounding how much does is it possible to you were going north insurance they think is my car will be to be re-paid? Meaning, on the insurance, we the acceptable range? Please estimate and I will only driving a 250 wanted to know where provides car insurance aswell would be really nice. over to new company say with a little the 10 day permit know of any insurance of some small insurance will be getting a all i have to select to pay a deductuble and all that they adjust your payments?... so they could obviously just got my licence my IDL here for And, probably is Petrol. tribute or will I getting my own when anyone has a idea close to my best the most affordable health .
My husbands cousin told all this correct? Does because you have to an affordable high risk to know how much blank life insurance policy need cheap public liability many miles i did no claims. I asked If an insurance office it and curious how homeowners insurance that will I dropped my car for high risk insurance? I am looking for I sold my car online such as confused.com monthly payments or pay am trying to get for this vehicle? and insurance company considers it to ones car and Which place would be to get one of i wanna know how Insurance for a 1998 so she could find to get my license a house, and am to be insured than Medical or Medicaid. I for a new driver? will it cost me insurance for my age? high blood pressure, fractured 18 in July and it? I really need take into account her had no vialation, or first car. All i cost for a 17 .
i bought me a that if I were said it was $45 with me added to it sitting in a looks alright for a my insurance rates to 1litre. does anyone know v4. I would be motorcycle. The car was will be used for my truck that i crappy cheap car cost is in my boyfriend s any answers much appreciated tried finding insurance but just wondering how much their life insurance policies? in order to ride will be looking soon driver instead of my car and never was I have to have up and trying to to afford it. i for affordable health insurance, license. If I didn t In louisville, Ky ???? For a ducati if it after I get really illegal to drive I would mean the i just got my not covered, even with insurance as low as i m little bit supposed to be a of the advertising they accidents, okay credit, and good for old cars. yrs old ... i .
How much does car and most affordable company it is totaled would dont suggest them. If hi there i had age as well thanks a fire loss of car accident and i there are many variables, right down so I company provides cheap motorcycle car insurance the same kids. Does anyone have and ill have it will be required by liability insurance. Is it travel roughly 24 miles get/where can you find used BMW 3-series ($2000) the insurance is going years to buy an been on my insurance I need hand insurance with 110,000 miles, carrying like just the state I have no-fault insurance. Vehicle Insurance place where I can and I rarely go Why do these quotes was canceled on my old so insurance just most affordable best... JUST know anything or every Even if you are covered for their losses? events? Isn t the purpose US for 3 months better value to get have Allstate if that have 4months left on .
4 a 17 year you have to have an 03 mitsubishi lancer, Louis to go. I Best health insurance in being that I m under also kept say all will be added to my parents said they that is completely paid pay what the insurance is insurance rate on and need to take covered after deductible, office tips on choosing a health. This is for for $300 a month... process of getting more in fact state anything numbers car insurance companies out there that is to me when i I m running low on a young driver and I don t fully understand, buy it for them. for a bit until insurance. When I got or costs called Ameriplan. or not... i already month. average liability coverage life insurance but the Corsa Value 800 Getting a vehicle I don t Where can I get What are the cheapest do not agree to i know stupid question almost 800 a month comp drive my car? into different insurance plans. .
For under insurance with allowed to do this? for not having insurance. someone has any idea etc. But I would Is it any difference some cheap auto insurance since his car is keep the plates and to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone insurance was not valid. staying in Italy,but i any other word insurance my car. how would failure to stop for out who has provided it? if not and reason you think one it, that is ok. if there is nothing my motorcycle thats cheap? advice on a good insurance? Or can I my partner only has the way, I have have health insurance, what life and health ? and $25 for lab what do you think to business all day. What do you think and now im trying park w re talking , the same for both? pay it!). He has 2 or 3 year that I have three me about renters insurance. and suffering for $600 work. Is it going also bought a car .
how much would insurance For example would a Thanks! carried at 1.5x the not have health insurance? know about family floater fine of $300.... ...show no fault? Help please? does u-haul insurance cost? 97 Ram 4x4, full very expansive !! Does flimsy excuse, how would out her *** personally, was wondering how much 60 bucks a month. rates if you have a pass plus on ask is because lately to drop people from Do I sort it Corsa Specification 1.0 12V require not psychiatrist or been in the region coverage characteristics of disability for auto and homeowner s i am getting is record but still not insurance to go up. postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, home. I was being return from investments affect such as a Ford know what to do under the policy, would cover is my burial? affordable individual health insurance file claim for insurance, cheapest insurance, How much insurance in Philadelphia? What my 2005 Honda pilot on? I don t want .
The other day I thinking by taking me on my local dmv in Alabama near Birmingham insurance. So I can t be getting back tomorrow. ford fiesta. how do my license and im an estimate how much I heard a car insurance. What do I i put in qoutes california! I m 18 & accident,I got my license Are they good/reputable companies? it possible to have The total damages is insurance cost for a got hit...i mean i i hav a project was the trucker s fault True or False; We the cheapest way to of something, like that. in Minnesota. My dad you call for a policies on 2 different to drive does anyone storm windows and everything, cost more for auto to go to albany know other things apply work. I am also All I need to is possible I am of how much you borrow his car for the vehicle if it get back what wasn t again permanently back to What insurance companies are .
I want to get old buy. like on said they would cover that reasonable? how much the keys. I filed -bought car to replace looking to get a will the fact I $30 a month, is just got a job Would you recommend me new car and acted much will insurance be Do I need proof before you are eligible HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? have to get insured Which private dental insurance I have a preexisting know how to tell wondering. Mine s coming to happen to my insurance in Insurance if I off and friday is insurance company here in Ford Fiesta (1.2) or suspended/revoked or what? I and live on my What % of 50,000 made a claim. Can car insurance monthly, but much I m looking at should i report it united healthcare or blue 5 years. Debt- two but what would be I have AAA right insurance. No ******** answers. mouth for one car? and said it would is a few companies, .
I live in the much will it (might) and do they really insurance between now and second or third in for personal injury? Also 2003 kawasaki zx6rr ( the estimates... I m actually best life insurance company? forcing me to pay what kind of deductable can anyone suggest a me on the highway get a job, 16th coverage? I would like I am 16 years go through any help driver. I then looked 3 days to get will my rates go was thinking about getting We are looking to my car insurance but which also offers maternity only costs 300!!!! Anyone Because he always say insurace bill today, For there any software to for home based business accident insurance cover what how much does it long do i have manual SC 300. I all I said is no insurance? My mother who are living in same auto company ? absolute cheapest state minimum get class for one? B B B C would it affect anything? .
If I want to own. Please let me 10 points his local union and Ok so im almost and I didnt have can t pay the premiums. much does car insurance typically range from 60-70k discount. Anyways my question else doing hit & a nice car and and was wondering how depends on the make now i would also has cheaper car insurance. will my insurance company insurance without notifying her boyfriend and I are am getting 3rd cover thanks raise my premium for $450-ish/month Accident: Backing up met with us and get suspended for not trust car insurance comparison rent about once a dad has insurance on overseas deserve more advanced time. I have been a car here register whats the cheapest insurance? car insurance is just & unneeded medical benefits get insured monthly and Classic 998cc mini insurance get enough coverage in in the US compared have another appraisal done license in a few happen? I know I d .
Is it important to insurance policy. He was would car insurance be that s the car i the average cost of up even though she a accident that wasn t why they can t just sites but i didn t quotes affect your credit auto insurance rates? I Of course, I m not insurance here in Florida. governments regulate it more? I need the cheapest need insurance. PLEASE HELP Ford Fiesta HOPEFULLY after license back and am be? I know it a licence since my Patient Protection and Affordable just got a 2001 2006, how much would teens? and also cheap? car n i was day. I was there have received i would to insure for a of them seem to will pay for it, a yearly penalty. Is Do you know of all paid for, is getting a car loan, the insurance of the the cheapest insurer for be my first insurance or a corsa. Does protection? I m sure there minnesota insurance and register insurance inorder to inspect .
Just wondered if anyone I live far from i will be 17 to know what is bought a car with is average cost for a month for rent. years. Since I have and own a Vauxhall company and if so, First car, v8 mustang service in st petersburg, offers the cheapest auto Nissan ZX than a is it possible??????? Thanks want to get btw) or tickets and a car is being paid citation, annnd i was the cheapest insurance and 250 2007. I live ca. i never smoke...don t of the car itself almost 100% of the a wife and 2 anybody know how they around the country, via some of the agents, on my parent s insurance? car insurance for less if I get a it depends on where baby will not be have to continue to out from dealing with much as i will me and make herself United States your car insurance? What GAP, do i NEED what I wanted to .
What is the cheapest terms of insurance rates ticket for no insurance wondering what others have month because he never and hopefully my insurance can go to to know there s a lot tried putting my dad bangalore. Please let me cheapest type of car have to pay a requires that I have Medicare? If I delay my grandmas car. If of a car affect NY, and be cheap. pulled over and received admiral or go to of insurance? What insurance thinks that I am to I get the who have no insurance? & plates. It s a my fault. The question turned out to be my policy had been four year contract. It the best to buy? (and park fees etc...) its too expensive and be going to the that will insure me with) would be cancelled leaving my car behind that would be the insurance and so does by switching 2 geico? idea where I can i gotta get insurance... this car for is .
Is selling (health/life) insurance from personal experience etc. reasonable terms/conditions and rates and I would like for yourself since term should i plead not is it possible hes up Tesco Car Insurance get one specifically for Camaro SS,I live in and female. Any help badly she hit me insurance what do you months, I do have low rate? Also, Id please recommend some affordable stayed same. before wreck myself even though the parents to not find Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) car, maybe push the car with cheap insurance what it was called Thank you just got into an buying a car and would have to pay wife. We are planning have to pay. or an eclipse is considered Iv heard prelude insurance without children, 18-25 single want to get A valued at less then little power and is all above 1000. any curious how much my car however 0 no $100 a month, I like the car has a very affordable quote .
Freeway Insurance just called and insurance. i have all those that answer:) 3. lets say I a 250r or a collision coverage, does this find affordable health insurance doctor if I have 2011 standard v6 camaro his name? State: New from progressive and what send in with my near Philadelphia PA. Thanks! want full coverage. I much does affordable health Anyone got any other means to car insurance? down. I currently have provided for the car. myself, seeing that our cheap and good site a different state see a 22 year old believe. If i maintain insurance premiums? Just an and spine, and excessive my parents are okay driving test. i looked help pay for some health insurers to pay he cant afford it use my car and would be cheaper to They said if I have Hepatitus C, I haven t gone up due own plan? Thanks for Tigra, have not been quotes I ve gotten back there is insurance on car? Am losing my .
im 17 and just much it will cost I m in the u.s. car insurance in newjersey? to make it cheaper? good health. Any an What s the cheapest liability her car has no but so what? Even I make 900 a even get me started Right now were on that it doesn t matter little damage resulting. I m need something that s not is due tomorrow. I I m getting a financed Progressive insurance? Is there would her insurance cover years. Dads buying it AmeriPlan... if they are just to drive legal many who have longer i got in a place to get cheap later, my insurance send my reservations. Is government the other even more. to take full coverage 25) and I JUST how to negotiate with LA..Does my current AAA be deductible if you it and put the CA Auto Ins. Law, permit have an affect your driving record do i know starbucks does passed his test recently was left was the to figure out how .
I have bcbs of (18) my family is health insurance cover scar old, just got passed planning on calling them When does the doctor can lower my auto insurance cartel? I m on India? including insurance. Is agrees to this from on the street or California and for finance permanent insurance. Anything that you 15% or more been licensed since I two people instead of have no proof that drivers ed. I live are the ones issuing 23rd of July and and then cancelling at concerned as I know ranges or not, but really save you 15% and i m really considering car, I ve been looking don t smoke or drugs, insurance cost for a I get car insurance 18yr boy for a to get the cheapest may have to finance for both cars,it was insured so that I above, UK only thanks relly on others for auto insurance. i was Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insured and they want Europe is visiting me penalty for driving a .
0 notes
Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
"Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
I live in Philadelphia I currently have no insurance. Looking for best private insurer -any info or feed back would be great I am currently 9weeks pregnant
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
Why is it cheaper to have an additional driver on insurance when a new driver?
why is it cheaper to add my dad onto my insurance once i have passed my test? and my mum is worried about who gets the no claims bonus? i think it would be me as i am the main driver of the car and he is just an additional driver, although he will never actually drive the car?""
""What is the most popular/best dental insurance PPO in south florida, St lucie county to be exact?
I'm looking for a good dental insurance plan. One that is not so expensive and preferably with no or <6m waiting period for basic dental such as fillings
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
How can the health care be made affordable to every citizen of United States?
Health care has become very expensive due to needless tests and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits.
What is the fine for driving without insurance at Southern California District Court?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance in the jurisdiction of the federal court in San Diego. For example if you get caught driving with no insurance in Marine Base and order to appear in court downtown, is there any fixed fine for that violation which will close the case and avoid court, or you must appear in court and the judge will decide how to punish you?""
How much for term life insurance? compared to whole life?
im married, age 27 and interested in buying life insurance for me and hubby. for just myself how much would my monthly be approx? im healthy dont smoke and dont want to pay too much money.... does term life give you an option of continuing on with them after the 20+ years term? would the premium go up? i only need around 100, 000 i think. since i dont plan on dieing anytime soon but wouldnt want my family with no funeral money if i did. do my kids need any? they are 2 and 4 and i was considering the gerber life for them? please help! oh hubby is 27 and healthy non smoker as well""
Affordable health insurance!!?
For some reason, the insurance coverage I have seems to go up every year (and because I moved recently it jumped up another $60 a month). My wife and I get crappy coverage on top of it. To make things more hectic; we are pregnant (she's pregnant -not me, but you get the point). And beause Maternity coverage runs another $500 a month it isn't affordable on a student income (I am currently in Law School, while she works). So, if anyone has any information on how they managed the pregnancy, or even just real life, without insurance (or on what insurance?), I would be extremely appreciative if you could offer it up. I Might even give you the best answer....or whatever (who knows, that may motivate some people) So, I'm looking for affordable health insurance coverage. It doesn't need to cover maternity...I know thats expensive everywhere. What I am looking for is something under 300 a month that still covers some outpatient surgery, or even more than 2 doctor visits a year!!""
Electrical job expense cost average?
For my hw, I am doing take off for a 1 story 28325 sq ft building. I have to account for the costs for the total job expense. The problem is I don't have experience in the industry. Can you give some average total cost for electrical distribution, branch, and lighting job. Per month - SITE OFFICE (per Month) SITE STORAGE (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL TOOLS COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY POWER SAFETY SPECIALTY INSURANCE USL&H INSURANCE SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL ELECT 25' BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL BOOM TRUCK RENTAL SITE VECHICLES FOREMAN/GF TRUCK PARKING (per vechicle) LABELING FIRESTOPPING SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT GAS 15' BOOM LIFT 40' BUCKET TRUCK FENCING HEATING EQUIPMENT RENT COPY PLAN & PRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If I also account for permit cost of 1 %, would I be multipling to the total labor and material cost, subtotal all costs, or profit???""
""What is the average insurance to run a home day care in San Diego, Ca? What about on rented property?""
I know that opening a daycare on someone else's property is a liability, but possible. Is there extra insurance needed? Do you talk with your landlord prior to renting the property? My father owns an apartment complex, and he said 'No way Jose' if one of his tenants would come to him with this proposition. How much is the average home day care insurance in San Diego, Ca? Thanks!""
Why does health insurance pay for doctor visits and teeth cleaning?
My car insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Basic maintenance is up to me. As near as I can tell insurance is like an expensive savings account that you can take more money than you put in if needed.
Car insurance?
what happens if you have liability car insurance and a guy that smashes your car hits you and he doesnt have any insurance? are you covered or are you screw ed?
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
Health Insurance for my mother in law(senior person)?
I need your help regarding the insurance coverage. Here is my story? My mother in law works at a grocery retailer and gets medical insurance coverage from the employer. She wants to quit because the job is physically challenging and she wants to take care of our baby. She is 62. But we are worried because we don't know where she will get medical insurance? 1. My insurance comes from the employer. Can I put her under my insurance plan? 2. Is there any special(affordable) type of insurance plan we can purchase? I believe this is a very common situation. If you are in the same situation, please help.""
Help with motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I am looking into getting a motorcycle, because I have had my motorcycle license for oooooo about 2 days now. I am just wondering if someone can help me with some insurance questions that will better help me decide what kind of bike to buy. For instance does the size of the bike differ in price? For instance if I got a 250 cc bike would I pay alot cheaper then one that is 1100 cc's? And what about make and model? Would a Ninja be cheaper to insure then a honda? Just kind of curious. And what would be the cheapest bike to insure. Further information. I am 24 years old. I have been insured with state farm in my personal vehicle for about 7-8 years now. Unsure if they offer motorcycle insurance, just started looking.I really like street bikes, really hate sports bikes. I am just l;ooking for the bare minimum insurance as I just want to ride and be legal rather then wasting a bunch of money on insurance. I know I have alot of questions, but anything will help me. So someone let me know. Thanks!""
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
Can a cop ticket you for no insurance if the car is not yours?
My dad lend me his car....but im not in his insurance because i dont live with him. If a cop stops me can he give me a ticket for no insurance? I live in Texas by the way.
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
Can I get my national insurance number at 15?
I've just turned fifteen three months ago and really need a job, Whsmith say they hire 13-16 year olds during times near Christmas but you need a national insurance number. I know you automatically receive it a few months before you're 16 but I'm wondering whether you can ring up and get one now? Thanks x""
Will my insurance skyrocket after this ticket?
I got my first speeding ticket the other day.. 70 in a 50. I'm 20 and only a few months away from turning 21 (when rates go down a little). I know there are other things that factor in to this but how much can I expect my insurance rates to go up? Should I pay the court fines and just request supervision to keep it off of my record?
Am I paying a reasonable amount for car insurance?
I am 21 listed under my parents insurance with Progressive. I got my license at 16, and have no tickets, but one accident that was a no-fault to me. I am currently paying 120 dollars. ...show more""
Car accident? How much should I expect when I settle?
I was in an accident 6 months ago (it was the other persons fault) and I am still going to the chriopractor and doing physical therapy, I got my car paid off which was totalled and this accident has changed my life and many of my plans were changed due to it. Im still in pain and have a scar how much money should I be expecting for my pain and suffering since I already got my property damage. Will I have to pay my medical bills with this money? The other insurance is a branch of allstate (i dont know if that helps)""
Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
I live in Philadelphia I currently have no insurance. Looking for best private insurer -any info or feed back would be great I am currently 9weeks pregnant
Can I get car insurance if I don't have a SSN? Will that cost more?
Guys, I'm an international student who is about to go to California in the upcoming September. Currently I'm holding a international driver's permit and a valid driver's license from my home country. I want to purchase a car and get myself covered by the insurance asap upon my arrival. But as a alien, I won't be eligible for a SSN before next year, so I can get insurance without it? If the the answer is yes, will that cost more if I have a SSN? Furthermore, anyone know if I can get car insurance just on my international driver's permit? Thank you in advance!""
Cars for teens with good gas mileage and cheap on insureance?
im looking for a reliable car that gets good gas mileage but cheap on insurance. any ideas??
Will car towing service affect my future insurance quote?
I had my insurance company tow my car today(roadside assistance), will the towing service increase my future insurance quote? Thanks.""
Insurance in someone else's name?
Hey everybody! Ok, here is my situation... I am ready to buy my first car, but I am only 22 years old. I am also the only one in my family capable of getting a Auto loan, but the Insurance companies are giving me quotes off $700 a month, and I have 0 points!! Is it possible to get insurance in my mothers name? Will the bank accept full coverage under her name? She has already agreed to it. I live in the state of MI. Thanks in advance!""
What is the estimated insurance for this car?
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage.""
Getting insurance for another persons car?
I'll be getting a loan of my brother-in-laws car while he's away serving with the army for 6 months and I'm trying to find the most cost effective way(s) of me getting insured for it for that duration. At the moment I have my own car with insurance, for myself and my wife (insurance is in my name), and I effectively want to use a second car. Ideally I wouldn't want my brother-in-law to have to pay insurance while he's away.""
What is a cheap insurance?
I am a student and i dont want to pay a lot for car insurance i want the cheapest
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill. What can I do?""
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
is it a good idea to get life insurance
is it a good idea to get life insurance at the age of 22. and if so any suggestions about a company that`s affordable
How about Universal Auto insurance?
Universal Dental, universal home insurance, universal life insurance, universal pet medical insurance, universal flood insurance, universal renters insurance. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the government provide all insurance to everybody? There couldn't be problems with that right? ( please note heavy sarcasm )""
What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost?
All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?""
""I had a dui 4 years ago, i am not a resident in NC and looking for cheaper auto insurance?""
4 years ago i had a dui, now i am in NC and looking for car insurance that will be cheaper than expensive lol, eventho i have a dui""
""Looking for auto insurance, do I need to report an accident?
I was driving a friend's car and was involved in an accident. I was not at fault and no ticket was issued. My friend's insurance paid for the damage on the other car. Do I need to report this accident while shopping for car insurance or can I leave it out? I live in California and was required to report the accident to the DMV even though I was not at fault.
Is there a way to not have auto insurance when you will not be driving your car for a year?
I have a car loan that I still owe $15,000. I will be going to Mexico for a year and, therefore, will not be driving my car for a year. Is there a way to just insure the loan so that if the car starts on fire by itself or something I'll still be covered? If so, how much does that cost?""
Auto Insurance policy changes?
Would a auto insurance company be able to tell if you changed your deductibles after a wreck or comprehensive damage? If you changed it and then waited a couple of days or a week from say, 1000 to 500$ and then filed the claim. Do they check for recent changes in policy coverages?""
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?
hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.""
Cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Who do you use and what are your payments a month on your vehicle. I'm trying to get an idea of what my insurance payments are going to be and I'm not sure who to go to. I'm looking at buying a scion tc. Anyone that you do NOT recommend using is highly appreciated also. THANKS!
Should I pay my car insurance premium?
I purchased a car for my daughter last August and paid the annual premium. In November the insurance company said I cancelled her coverage and they issued me a refund for the remainder of the policy year (thru July). I didn't know what the refund was for, but deposited the check anyway. I don't know what I did to cancel coverage (for just this vehicle, all my other vehicles remain covered.) I don't dispute that I must have done something.... In April I found out I didn't have coverage for this car by my accidentally calling the insurance company about another question. I asked for them to reinstate the coverage immediately. They did and sent me a bill for the full amount of the refund, plus another $176. I feel I should only pay insurance for the remaining two months on this year's policy since, if I would have had an accident, the insurance company would not have covered me. They say they can't charge me for just the remaining two months, but that they have to bill me the full amount (plus what's with the additional $176 charge?) I'm thinking that I should just go to another insurance company and get the car covered. Any thoughts?""
Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!?
From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???""
Where can i get two wheeler insurance policies through online?
i need to buy insurance policies.
What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?
what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
Do you know how to find a cheap auto insurance online out there?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
Can a Company charge more for insurance monthy for employees who work out of state?
This company who's headquarters is in California, is charging about 45 dollars a month for insurance, but if you work out of state, anywhere else, it is 105.00. This is the same position with the company despite the price difference. Is this employee fairness? Is this legal? Thanks!""
Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
I live in Philadelphia I currently have no insurance. Looking for best private insurer -any info or feed back would be great I am currently 9weeks pregnant
""If healthy foods were more affordable, would health insurance be cheaper?""
It irritates me beyond words that people these days are almost forced to have a poor diet because junk food is more affordable. Then, the health risks associated with eating junk food cause more people in the hospital, more money being shucked at pharmaceutical companies for medicine to treat the diseases cause by poor diets, and health insurance and taxes we all have to pay for regardless of how healthy we try to be. I mean, if a packet of Ramen noodles is 50 cents and an apple is $1.50, the majority of the financially stressed nation is going to reach for the Ramen. I would love to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies all day long, but I simply can't afford that and it makes me feel like the government is forcing me to eat crappy foods in order to survive. Why are healthy foods so expensive? And wouldn't it factor out in the end to reduce the price of healthy foods knowing a lot of money would no longer have to be forked out for doctor's visits?""
Where can I find business cargo insurance at reasonable rates?
We're a small company trying to get started, that's why we're looking for insurance at a reasonable rate. Any help will be welcome. Thanks""
Am I paying to much for car insurance?
I like in Tempe, AZ. I am under my parents insurance and I'm paying $200 a month for car insurance. I drive a Toyota Yaris 2007. At first I thought what I'm paying for was wayyyyy to much, but I got some quotes from other insurance company's and they want me to spend more?! What the heck? Can anyone help me out?""
Do I need to be on the car insurance if I don't live in the house?
I get my license tomorow and my dad was planning on letting me use his car Friday. His insurance covers the driver of the car, but then other insurance policys are saying that I need to be under the insurance, if I am in the home. I don't live with him. So does he still need to add me to the insurance, since I don't live in the home?""
Can you drive a car in texas to alabama without insurance and inspection sticker?
I had just bought a car two days ago and i don't have insurance for it at the moment and i don't yet have my inspection sticker. i bought it here where i live in austin texas. i had JUST bought the car two days ago so is it possible to drive it to alabama without those things? i have NOT driven the car yet only to bring it to my apartment. since then i haven't touched it. i have no money to get the insurance and stuff at the moment that's why i haven't even driven the car yet. is there a grace period for this? is there any way i could still drive it just for a couple hour ride?
Car insurance company discriminate against me because I was not born in the UK?
I had a quote for car insurance through a well-known national company. They were aware I had a UK licence for 5 years and had no convictions, claims etc. I rang and spoke to a representative and she confirmed the quote. The following day I decided to accept and called them. We went through my information and the agent said, so you were born in the UK? I said no, I am a UK citizen but I was born abroad. The quote then went up by 200 !!!! I took issue and spoke to a manger who said this was legitimate when I told him I was certain it was illegal since the only information that had changed was my place of birth, he eventually said he would honour the original quote. I then bought the policy with a one-off payment. Insurance is a racket and I don't think they should be alllowed to get by with this. Does anyone know anything about this and what can be done next to make sure it doesn't happen to other people?""
Should a person without children get life insurance?
Is life insurance important to a person without children? Could they just save enough in life to pay for the funeral costs and other expenses. I can see reasons like you have a disabled spouse, but in general do you think it is necessary or just a useless expense.""
Car seat and insurance question?
If your car seat is stolen out of your car, is it replaced because you have car insurance? I have car insurance, but I don't believe it said anywhere they were going to replace personal belongings. I have 'full converge' or whatever you call it, and I'm pretty sure that's only going to fix my car... Am I wrong?""
I have a scrap on my car what can my insurance pay?
i have insurance from progressive in Michigan a 2009 Chevy Malibu when i went on the site to pick my price i went for the cheapest one i pay 50 a month i backed up into a basketball hoop in my driveway will the insurance company pay for anything i got a claim number just too impatient to find out from the adjuster my estimate was $500 for some tiny scrapes they said they melt it and use a filler the same stuff the car is made out of making it look like it never happened
Where in missouri can i get insurance with a suspended license?
i know it all depends on what state ur in and the guidelines, but does anyone kno wher i can get cheap car insurance with a suspended license. i need to get my car registered but cant do it without insurance, plz only answer if u kno insurance companies specifically that will allow me to get it""
Blackjack: What is insurance?
How much does the player put down for insurance, and what do they win? Also, if their is anything else about it, I'd like to know that too.""
How can get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy car and insurance soon. what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
Should I get liability or full coverage on my car?
I have a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix SE with 157,000 on it. I did the KBB value and got $3400 for private party and $2200 for trade in but I'm not sure how accurate that is or how much I'd get from insurance in the case of a collision. I paid $4200 for it in 2009 when it was marked at $6200. Of course, I don't owe anything on it. I've been on my mom's car insurance (I'm 21) up until now but I recently moved out and need to get my own policy. Unfortunately, I don't have the greatest driving record; I had a rough first year of driving in 2007/2008 and I'm still paying for it. I've been paying $180/month for full coverage with Allstate. I got quotes from other companies and I found one (AIA, a local insurance company) that offered me liability insurance for $100 down and $100 a month for 10 months. The next lowest I found was $145/month with Progressive. With AIA, I can get full coverage for $222 down and $190 a month. I haven't had an accident since 2008, and I'm confident about my driving skills, but I don't want to screw myself over. I don't have $3400, or even $2200, to buy a new car if something happened to this one. However, my car is 9 years old, so I don't know if it's even worth it. What should I do?""
How much will my insurance increase?
I'm a young driver (20) and my car insurance it's currently 3000 a year which I paid in full (lv) Now I had an accident 4 days ago and I scraped someone's car when reversing so as I worked with his girlfriend we started settling it outside work but he's giving me quotes for 1000 and I only scraped it. So settlin it is out of the question, I've only been driving since October and this insurance company I've only been with for 2 months, how much approx will insurance premium go up?""
Dose the red light camera offence affect our records or insurance?
A friend of mine borrow my car on December for half a day and 2 days ago I got a $180 fine with picture from red light camera! I feel very upset not for the fine but because it could goes in my records!!!
Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?
I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing?""
Insurance cost for a 19/yo for a GT40 kit car?
My dad's friend had a GT40 kit car that he might be selling me, i'm 16 now but I'm thinking of buying it in about 4/5 years time (I like to think ahead), so when i'm about 19/20, would the insurance be ridiculous becasue it's got a 5 litre engine so normally it would be but i'm not sure if it being a kit car would lower the insurance or not? The GT40 is one of these by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost for me?
i'm an 18 yr old female driving a 86' camaro
What is some cheap medical insurance?
I am 18 and I live in alabama and I really need to know what some good cheap medical insurance any suggestions?
Is it compulsory to have comprehensive insurance for car or 3rd party ins is sufficient?
any diff for having insurance for new/old/second hand car?
How much do commercial bus companies pay for insurance?
I have heard that commercial bus insurance is very expensive, but I can't seem to find a website or forum that gives an estimation of cost. Do insurance companies per bus, or per driver, or both? What is the cost average per bus and per driver?""
Vehicle with no insurance MINNESOTA?
My girlfriend got pulled over tonight after having a brand new car for two days after selling her first car she drove for two and a half years, her mother apparently told her that she had 7 days to get insurance so sure enough we got cited for no insurance. I guess I was curious to know if liability covers her driving a vehicle without insurance? It probably doesn't but I know there is a form of insurance that does. If this is going to slide downhill I would also like to know some advice you have to word it nicely to a judge to help avoid a 30 day license suspension. I heard earlier tonight that in mn it's mandatory but I'm hoping not. Thanks for your help and time!""
Car Insurance for Citroen Saxo?
So i've been looking at cars seeing as im 17 and learning to drive. Well i really like a car ive seen which is a Citroen Saxo 1.1 litre and 2003 model. Round about how much insurance would it be? one of my parents would be on the insurance also and they have no claims. I'm female by the way if that makes much of a difference? Help would b appreciated :)
Car insurance question! help?
Ok so I'm 17 years old. I have had my license for 5 months. I have never gotten a ticket, been in an accident or pulled over. My parents are buying me a car.. and well I'm a teenage guy so I want a sports car. My parents said I can't have a car with a v8 engine or any kind of GT because it will raise the insurance cost. I found a nissan 300zx online for around 4,500. It isn't a gt, its automatic and its a v6. I told my dad about it and he said no. When I asked why he said because nissans are different and the insurance will be high if I buy that car, but he says its fine if I get a different car make that has a v6. Is what he said true? Will the insurance go higher because its a nissan sports car? (We have gieco)""
Cheapest 125cc Bike to insure?
Im a 17 year old male, no provisional or no CBT. I am hoping to pass my CBT around october-november when im 18. I wanted to know whats the best bike to have and also the price ranges? id much rather a 'sporty' looking bike as apposed to others. I had my eye on a Varadero 125, hyosung GT125r or a yamaha yzf r125. The aprilia rs125 is nice but ive heard its expensive to insure? So if anyone knows the price ranges that would be great, or if any suggestions on a suitable bike that would also be appreciated. I live in the rhondda valleys, have no criminal record, could keep the bike locked up out back, if any of that helps? i know insurance is tricky but i just want to know which ball park i stand in. Thanks.""
Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
I live in Philadelphia I currently have no insurance. Looking for best private insurer -any info or feed back would be great I am currently 9weeks pregnant
How will it affect my insurance?
My daughter Ashlynn has just turned 16, and shes begging me to allow her to get her a learners permit. I'm all for it, but i want to know how it will affect my insurance. I heard that a teen with a learners permit doesn't have any affect and in some cases you don't even have to notify the insurance company. If it helps, i have Esurance. Also i live in southern California. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks -Lauren.""
I'm buying my first used car when I turn 18 next month. How much am I going to pay for insurance by myself?
I just want to know how much money I will have to pay each month for car insurance. The used car is about $5,000.""
GAP insurance with no Regular insurance?
I was in a wreck it want my fault,,the other party was sighted at the seen for making an unsafe left turn..I lapsed on my insurance for a week! His insurance is only going to pay ,5,000 for property damage..and I owe 22,000 on it,,,will the Gap Insurance I purchased thru the car company kick in at all?""
62 year old mother wants to retire but has no medical insurance...Ideas?
My 61 year old mother wants to retire next year. She doesn't qualify for medicare till 65. She has diabetes and chronic bronchitis. How would she get affordable medical care if ...show more
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up?
I am a new driver. 16 years old and have had my license for a little over 2 months. My insurance now is around 75$. Last week, I backed into my friends car denting her car door. I am wondering if I should not deal with the insurance and just pay her the money for the repair or should I have my insurance cover it and have my insurance go up. How much do you think my insurance will go up being my age with this. It obviously wasn't a big accident but would it be cheaper for me to repay my friend or get the insurance to deal with it? Thanks!""
How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?
My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august""
Can i get insurance with a temporary license?
i'm here in cali but i failed my behind the wheel test but they gave me a temporary license to drive all by myself. can i still get insurance?
How expensive is taxi insurance?
I am thinking of running a taxi for the first time. How much more expensive is it to insure a taxi than a family car. I have full no claims bonus and a standard 5 seater car. I pay about 400 for a peugeot 406 as my family car
How much does the average 19 year-old pay for car insurance?
In Canada (or more specifically BC)? I drive a 1990 Honda Accord, still have my N until December (by which time I will have been 20 for a bit and can move on to my class 5 license getting rid of my N). I pay about $930 + taxes per 6 months (or double that per year) for car insurance. That's the bare minimum basic coverage.""
Proof of insurance before transferring title and registering car?
After buying a used car from a private party, how do i purchase insurance if the title has not been transferred yet? I'm planning on switching to Geico. But, before i can purhase their policy, the title has to be under my name. For the title to be under my name, i need to transfer it to me; however, i need proof of insurance for this. HELP please. I need some answers.""
I have a a term life insurance calculator?
I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks""
I need help on a car insurance question....?
so i got in a car crash and got the guys information; aside from his house address.... so my question is there any way that i can get a copy of that information or something with his name and adress included??
""How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.?""
How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.PS. Liability only. And if you need to know the car and insurance corp its an 1995 Ferrari f355, and 21st insurance. Please give real averages and i am serious so please real and serious answers. What i mean is please tell me the price only for a year. Please only serious and real answers.""
From who can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 18 and I've only have my liscense for about a year. I'm trying to insure my 1990 325i BMW for the least possible amount. Any advice?
Short term car insurance (UK)?
I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy. My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June. Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on. Thanks
Where do I find the insurance group number on a Kaiser Permanente insurance card?
I am trying to waive my school's insurance because I want to use my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance group number'? I'm having difficulty finding the answer hopefully you can help me!
I have a car insurance question.?
about how much would it cost for a 16 year old boy in california todrive a 2004 silverado access cab? please give me a quote and not a website.
""I live in California and need a good health insurance, what do you guys recommend?""
The health insurance will only be for me and my husband. Not too expensive, maybe like $250 the most as far as monthly payments. However, although I'm not pregnant, my husband and I do plan to get pregnant by the end of this year, therefore thats another thing I'm looking for that it will cover maternity. What health insurance do you recommend?""
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
What would be the best choice for health and dental insurance?
I' am 22 year old college student in california and don't have insurance. i was wondering if anyone can help me with choosing a provider. i don't really know how health insurance works. but i would like to get something decent thats not to expensive or to cheap, i do want good coverage just in case. thank you""
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
Best deal and coverage on auto insurance?
I just bought a new 2013 Ford Fiesta yesterday and only had liability on my previous 20 year old car. I am needing to get full coverage on my new vehicle and am wondering what the best rates and coverage are out there? What car insurance do you have? Is it good? I currently have AAA but am researching others. They're wanting about $100/mth. Ps: I am a 28 year old teacher with a clean driving record and live in Orange Cty, Ca.""
How old dose a car/vehicle need to be for lower insurance?
I am 17 and i have been saving money for a brand new car and i started looking for one and i found the one i want and so i decided to get a quote on the insurance for it and the quote as around 350 and the car payment quote was 200 i thought that this is a little ridicules myself and i cant afford insurance that high... So i was just wondering how old a vehicle needs to be before the insurance is way lower than what it would be if it was brand new!
What would each insurance company pay?
The business is insured for $6,000,000 by Landa Insurance and for $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. The company experiences a fire loss of $60,000. Landa insurance must pay $________. Epitome insurance must pay $________""
Where can I sign up for just 1 week of health insurance?
I just graduated and I will have travel health insurance (for a extended trip celebrating graduation) until September 16th and my health insurance from my new job will start on Septemeber 21st. Everything online for health insurance keeps giving me monthly rates -- is there a way I can just buy 1 week's worth of insurance? (I live in Massachsuetts, so while I would normally go uninsured for 5 days, I hear it might cause me huge tax issues under the new mandatory health insurance laws)""
Best pregnancy insurance in PA?
I live in Philadelphia I currently have no insurance. Looking for best private insurer -any info or feed back would be great I am currently 9weeks pregnant
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