#i wwish i could be held
CA >: Read message from your past self
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CA: hello me its you from alternia i wwanted to tell you about my time here
CA: i liked your room is pretty cool it has all the stuff i wwould like but it need more guns are more magic science stuff there wwasnt enough of that
CA:  its been a lot of fun to be here except wwhen its not
CA: it felt so wweird to be the outsider does that happen often maybe not because you are famous howw did that evven happen? i cant believve wwe are that cool
CA: derse is so wweird be sure to conquer it soon evven if wwe are famous
CA: wwe are famous at the radio
CA: i thought that wwasnt a thin we could do
CA: wwe got spared like cronus did? dualscar is pretty cool then but i feel bad arent wwe supposed to havve a fleet already
CA: cronus wwas a good huh brother he said brother i dont understand that but i guess wwe are brothers wwhatevver that wword means
CA: be sure to hug julius evveryday for me okay? he wwas vvery nice and im gonna miss him a lot i wwish he wwas my trainer its vvery lonely in alternia besides the hunter 
CA: he let me do a lot of things that wwerent trainin like and i dont knoww wwhy he gavve me all permissions but he did and i held his hand and he wwas nice like a lusus i didnt think he wwould be nice like a lusus but he wwas
CA: maybe he saww i needed one until i wwent back
CA: i guess bein wweak isnt that bad if orphaner dualscar himself can be wweak wwith me
CA: wwe wwatched harry potter together too and i played games wwith cronus and i trained a lot and i got better
CA: im gonna be the best orphaner outthere
CA: or not because i guess im a rockstar noww i didnt think i could be thats so cool you should star to tour on alternia you could become hyper famous soon out of derse
CA: i dont knoww wwhat to say really i miss my seahorse a lot and i he wwould had liked to be here too
CA: i think he wwould havve been happy is he happy wwith you? he better be
CA: i really dont like derse you should bloww it up soon its wweird that wwe are not at the top but i guess thats wwhy you are famous because you are
CA: you should get your fans to givve you free stuff
CA: be sure to kill more horrorterrors for me they are mean and rude and manipulativve
CA: i dont knoww wwhy that secret hivve people hate me some like me some hate me a lot
CA: you should make them pay 
CA: its not fair its not fair
CA: some like me and some hate me
CA: wwe dont havve to hunt anymore wwe havve dualscar trainin us wwe have cronus givvin us stuff and wwe havve tuns of shinnies and wwe havve friends
CA: i think evven if some hates us thats nice
CA: i like havvin a bed i like havvin a room and a place to get food i miss huntin but thats fine because you keep doin it for other things and better right?
CA: i guess derse is not so bad
CA: i dont knoww
CA: but bomb derse once you can
CA: wwith lovve me to me eridan ampora the best seadwweller evver
CA: right after dualscar
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sugah-stixx · 6 years
I just wish I was fucking normal. I wwish I could go to college, get a coffee go to class have a normal day, drive home do my homework, and live a normal fucking life. That’s all anyone ever wanted from me. That’s all anyone, ever, ever fucking wants in life. This isn’t what I want. This is hell. Being held captive by my mental illness, being constantly questioned whether I’m faking it, why I can do things some days while others I can’t. I’m trapped in my apartment scared to leave but getting worse mentally each day. Sapphire has resorted to deciding on her own that she’s not going to let me take my pills. She doesn’t really have a say in the matter because when I wake up I’m in control anyways but she’s just going to get pissed. She’s getting to much to handle. 
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ticklish-sprout · 7 years
Session - EriSol
A/N: This is a sequel to Secrets - EriSol
Words: 902
Knock, knock, knock.
"Hey." Sollux opened the door a crack. "Anyone thee you come here?"
"No," Eridan sighed.
"Good. You may come in." He allowed him to step inside and sat near his desk. "Tho, how do we do thith?"
"First a all...no, I just go for it." He tackled him to the ground and immediately nuzzled his face into his neck.
"Wahahahahait!" Sollux pushed at his shoulders. "ED!"
"Wwhat?" Eridan leaned back. "Need to establish things?"
"Yeah." He took a deep breath. "Jutht a few."
"Okay. Safewword is 'Aquarius', tell me if I'm touchin' somewwhere you don't wwanna be touched, intensity, spots, an...teases." He grinned, showing off his pointy teeth.
"That'th your zodiac, dipthit," Sollux deadpanned.
"I'm awware, and don't sass me! I can wwreck you so hard you'll be dreamin' about it! Your dreams wwill be about me ticklin' you to death! An you'll like it!" Eridan chuckled at the terrified look on his face, then softened. "I-I mean, if you wwant that."
"Oh god, yeth." He hummed contentedly as he rubbed his head. "Thoundth tho good."
"It better." He raise his hands up where he could see them, fingers wiggling. "You ready for this?"
"No," Sollux squeaked. "But go." He lifted his arms above his head.
"Your wwish is my command, Sol." But Eridan didn't move.
"What are you doing?" He narrowed his eyes. "Ampora, no."
"Ampora, yes." He stared at him for another moment before bringing his hands to his sides.
"Eep!" Sollux giggled, not realizing his fingers were barely hovering over him.
"Wwhat is so funny? I'm not touchin' yoooou, not touchin' you at all." Eridan held his hands over his torso and wiggled his fingers.
"Nohohoho, thtop! No teathing!" He squirmed around and made squeaky noises. "I can feel ihihihihihit!"
"Really? Then you'll love this." Figuring he tortured his poor matesprit enough, he started tickling his sides.
"Eee!" Sollux immediately started giggling and squealing. "Pleheheheathe!"
"Please wwhat?" Eridan sang. "Please tickle you more?"
"Y-yeth!" He pulled him against his chest. "Too gentle!"
"You asked for it!" His hands darted to his underarms. "There!"
"FUCK!" Sollux's arms came down, and he laughed loudly. "NO, AMPORA! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO! THAT'TH THO BAHAHAHAHAD!"
"That's bad? Howw about this?" Eridan blew in his ear, then nibbled on it.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" He grabbed his fins in desperation.
"HEY!" He pinned his arms down with a growl. "You're gonna pay for that!" He slowly unwrapped his scarf from around his neck.
"Wait, what?" Sollux squeaked as he began to tie his hands above his head to the desk leg. "Wait!"
"Wwhat?" Eridan stopped mid-tie. "Oh cod, is this too far? I should'vve asked first, I'm so sorry!" He moved to free him.
"No! No, you thtartled me, that'th all. I'm okay with thith." He tested the bonds by moving his wrists. "Thith ith good."
"Not too tight?" He sighed in relief at his head shake. "I didn't wwanna cause you pain." He kissed his forehead before pushing his hands underneath his Gemini shirt. "Howw does it feel? You knoww, not bein' able to fight back."
"InterethTIIIIIIIIIIIIING!" Sollux's eyes lit up as he cackled madly. "NO STOMACH, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"
"Um, yes! You havve a little bit a cute pudge from nevver leavvin' your computer!" Eridan couldn't help giggling to himself. "I wwonder howw you react to teasin'? Tickle. Tickletickletickle!"
"NO, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEATHE!" He laughed harder as he whispered in his ear. "YOHOHOHOHOHOU ARE THE WOHOHOHOHORTHT!"
"Coochie coochie coo!" he sang. "I got your cute little tummy! It's all mine noww!" He winked before he blew a huge raspberry.
"GAHAHAHAHAHAHAD, STAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Sollux kicked, bucked, and twisted, trying to throw him off. "OKAY, OKAHAHAHAHAHAY! ENOUGH!"
"That's not the safewword." Eridan kept blowing raspberries until he was laughing with him. "Sol, you are just the cutest little bumblebee!" He rubbed his chin. "Wwhat if I go lowwer dowwn?"
"Pleathe, nohohoho more." He took a few deep breaths.
"Safewword," he said again.
"You're awful." Sollux squirmed a bit. "I hope I thtretched out your dumb thcarf."
"My scarf!" Eridan quickly untied him. "Nooooo, my precious baby!"
"You're the one who thought it would be a good idea to-" He tried to kick him as he pushed him onto his back.
"You. Are goin'. To pay." He slipped off his socks. "You nevver told me, are you ticklish here?"
"No!" Sollux winced as he sat on his legs. "I will kill you if you touch me! Literally kill you!"
"In this position? No." Eridan swiped one of his fingers across his sole curiously.
"AH!" He arched his back, then gulped. He was screwed.
"Tickle...tickle...tickle!" He scribbled his nails over both his feet.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO!" Sollux's eyes crackled as he beat his fist against the floor. "THTAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!"
"NEVVER!" Eridan spun around and attacked his stomach again. "My scarf is ruined now!" He nibbled on his ears. "I will ruin you too!"
"Shh, shh." He let go of him, peppering his face with kisses. "It's okay, I'm done."
"Eeheehee..." Sollux smiled into the kiss he placed on his lips. "That wath tho much fun, thank you."
"Wwhatevver makes you happy." Eridan wiped the tears out of his eyes. "If it's ticklin', I don't mind. Flushed for you."
"Fluthed for you too." He purred as he wrapped his scarf around him. "I'm not getting you a new one, ED."
"Fuck you!" He pushed him over with a huff.
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fishypun · 6 years
❌ Honor
I consider myself honorable, though the wway it's throwwn around by my cast makes me sick. The orphaners of ages past had their owwn code, and wwe still followw it today. The nobles wwe call honorable are nothing of the sort, they steal and betray and are rewwarded for being so cut throat. High bloods are infamous for our trials by combat and honorable duals. Do you knoww howw many highbloods havve challenged me to a fight? None, and it's not because the empire considers ms vvaluable beyond replacing, there are doubtless a hounded honorable nobles wwho could do this job to the satisfaction of the empress, or at least that's wwhat they think. None of them knoww howw to track or hunt a lusus, but they don't care about that, they just see it as being the empress' guard dog. Once upon a time before the condesce there wwas true honor wwhich the orphaners held, proud advvisors to empresses all but forgotten by our race. I wwish to see the profession brought back to this era of respect and understanding.
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ovver an ovver an ovver - Part one?
It had been far too long since anyone had seen Ampora.
In fact, almost as soon as he had arrived on the meteor, he had disappeared into his block. It was... Disappointing, but nobody could say that it made much of an impact that he left so quickly, seeing as he’d already been pretty isolated before. The only reaction it really got was a disappointed huff from Feferi, and a pledge on Karkat’s part to promptly message him with a well deserved ‘WHAT THE FUCK.’ later. None of the others knew what they actually expected from him, though. Eridan had been left alone on LOWAA for so long, he no longer felt like speaking to anyone. No, he needed to go and document his experiences with the angels, warn people, he needed to take the lead. Unfortunately, though he was in denial of the fact, he was not the type to lead anything, and would find this experience far more difficult than he could currently fathom. His pen hovered over a fresh page of his journal. He’d once called it a diary, but Vris had called him out on such a childish title. “angels” he’d only written the one word, when he froze up. The conditions on LOWAA had been far from favorable, but he didn’t know they would impact him this much. He’d dealt with much worse, he was fine. He could  write more. His thinkpan ached as he attempted to recall more details, only to find a blank void. Undeterred, he continued, taking in a very quick hitched breath when the action finally bit him in the ass. theyre so fast too fast wwhered it go dont blink wwhere is it oh god oh fuck He hadn’t written that down, but he’d certainly frozen up. How could he forget so easily? Perhaps- perhaps there had been a reason that his mind had placed that void of knowledge where it was. Still, he tried to recall more details, to form a coherent sentence. Why was this so difficult? NEXT TIME I SEE THAT SHITTY COLOR YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT'LL BE COMING OUT OF YOUR BODY. Oh god no. He couldn’t, for the love of fucking anything, have any idea why Karkat had said that, but he had the overwhelming feeling that he should start worrying about it soon. He blinked, snapping back to reality as a cracking sound graced his earfins. He hadn’t realized just how hard he’d been squeezing the pen until it broke in two, and he held it up to inspect the break, watching violet leak out of it all over his fingers. It was familiar, and almost pleasant to watch. So he watched, transfixed for a full minute as it stained his grey skin that lovely violet. so lovvely wwhy dont wwe paint the rest a me that lovvely vviolet that wway kar could havve his wwish an you wwouldnt havve to deal wwith all this see wworks for evveryone Eridan shut himself and his thoughts up. Somebody, aside from Karkat, would certainly notice, right? Shaking his head slightly, to rid himself completely of the mostly unwelcome thought, he took in a deep breath. He couldn’t go back to the slump he’d just escaped. “WHAT THE FUCK.” Eridan’s earfins twitched as a loud ping met them. He stood up from the book, not bothering to wipe off his hand as he put down the pen carefully, before sitting down in front of the computer, holding his wet hand up slightly as he typed with the other. “wwhat” “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DENSE, SALT-BREATHING IDIOT.” The fact that Karkat had so much faith in his social skills was flattering, in a condescending and ironic way. So was the assumption that he ever bothered to haul his ass into the water to use his gills. ”WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE SO FUCKING EARLY?!” “wwhy didnt you” “THIS ISN’T THE TIME FOR THE SHITTY DANCE OF TRANSPARENT AVOIDANCE THAT WE SO OFTEN TAKE PART IN, AMPORA.” On the contrary, Eridan thought it was. “kar this is stupid i dont evven knoww wwhy youre askin me this wwhat do you take me for” “SOMEONE COMPETENT ENOUGH TO ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTION, APPARENTLY.” He had to admit that one stung. Talking to Karkat in general stung, actuallly, after that memo. ”maybe i just didnt feel like talkin wwho knowws its not like itd matter either wway” “WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? WHERE’S YOUR USUAL IRONIC FLIRTATION?” Eridan cringed back from the screen slightly. i can alwways count on you for some good ironic repartee kar nobody else really gets our sense a humor UGH, NO “i told you it doesnt matter alright” Was that too out of character? Would he catch on? Eridan didn’t even know what there was to catch on TO, he’d been acting for so long he’d perfected the facade anyway. ”IT DOES” “doesnt” “DOES. TELL ME.” Eridan’s pusher felt like it was collapsing in on itself. He needed an excuse. “i wwas just thinkin about fef again alright fuckin god dont knoww wwhy youre so insistent” Eridan could already tell that that was a mistake. He hoped Karkat wouldn’t tell anyone about- HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO THEM wwhat to wwho TO FUCK I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER. Why was it so hard to differentiate between this conversation and that memo? ”sorry” What an idiot. He’d already sent it, there was no going back. Before Karkat had a chance to reply, he ceased trolling him. Eridan leaned back in his chair, still holding his now violet-stained hand out of the way, having nearly forgotten about it by now. It would be a long three-hundred hours.
A/N: should i continue?
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