#i’d also like to thank whoever reviewed the first half of season 3
daisy-johnson · 1 year
i’d like to thank whoever on the veronica mars team realized that logan’s hair needed to be dyed before he and veronica got together. they knew what we all know to be true. that veronica would simply never kiss a man with frosted tips.
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 62 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 73 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
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Again, the response to last week’s episode was notably positive, with 98.5% of responses giving it a score of 3 or higher. Marley and Me is still going strong! 
Gave a 3 because while I don't give a rats ass about the Warriors or their "tragic" sob story, the animation and voice acting was on par
It was way better than the first two of the season I liked it a lot!!
I think it was one of the best episodes not only in this season, but in the entire show. It shows deepness of the characters in Attack on Titan and shows as the other side in such an amazing way. It was brilliant. 
I think the episode was pretty good
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Eren’s formal reveal as the amputee soldier took the biggest piece of the pie, with 45.6% of respondents enjoying that scene the most. Trailing behind that is Reiner’s tragic suicide attempt with 10.3% of the vote, followed closely behind by RBA’s side of Shiganshina at 8.8%.
Flashbacks were important. And eren intro was epic
Reiner standing up looking like an undead zombie after getting clobbered by Annie and then stating "Reiner is dead...I will be Marcel" was just...Wow. Just loved seeing the wall breach from RBA's perspective. Reiner gains more dimensions and complexity with each episode and I'm here for it! Bless MAPPA :-)
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Although just over 59% of responses gave the ED a decidedly positive grade (with praise going towards both imagery and the song), almost 20% of responses simply thought it was “okay”. A relatively equal amount of responses alternated between liking the animation and disliking the song and vice versa. Only a few seemed to dislike both. 
Didn't watch/care
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The sequence introducing all of Marley’s Titans has gotten rave reviews, with 97% of responses rating it positively. Truth be told, I’d given it a 5 myself, if I could… But I can’t, I’m just a mysterious voice, detailing the results of this poll.
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For the question regarding possible inheritance of the Titans, we’ve gotten a rather colorful pie chart! Annie’s Female Titan is clearly leading with just under a third of those who took the poll picking it out as their favorite option. Reiner’s Armored is taking second place with almost 21%, followed by Zeke’s Beast at almost 18%. Bertholdt’s Colossal and the Series Mascot is, surprisingly, at just under 12%, with Pieck, unsurprisingly, bringing up the rear.
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When it comes to possibly adopting a warrior candidate, we’ve gotten even more pie flavors! Reiner is at number one with just over 20%, with Pieck and Annie going into second place, both with just under 19%. Bertholdt’s in third place, with a little over 14%. Marcel and Zeke bring up the rear and it seems like no one wants to adopt poor little Porco. Just over 20% seem to not want to participate in this little scheme for various reasons.
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When it came to the fact that a lot of the Shiganshina Breach Animation was reused for the episode, most seemed to respond either positively or indifferently. Just over 58% thought just that the old animation flowed decently with MAPPA’s new style, while 16.4% didn’t really care. Almost 12% expressed nostalgia for WIT’s style of animation and 9% noted that while they weren’t fans of this move, they understood the reason for it. Whoever was left noted that they either really preferred MAPPA’s new style or really didn’t like this move from MAPPA, as a whole.
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A bit of a lopsided result for this one. 71.6% of all responses noted that they enjoyed Yuki Kaji’s move of lowering his voice to depict an older Eren. 16.4% states that they didn’t care and the rest either expressed further “enthusiasm” for this move with one person noting that they preferred younger Eren’s voice range. 
I didn’t even notice
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When it came to seeing Marcel biting the dust numerous times, it turned out that we have plenty of options and styles to choose from. 37.3% said that they preferred MAPPA’s depiction of the event, with just under a third preferring Isayama’s newer depiction. Bringing up the rear with 22.4% were those who preferred WIT’s depiction and 7.5% who like Isayama’s older depiction the best.
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In what is perhaps the most divisive question of the poll, it would seem like those who thought Marley wouldn’t have had all of RBA eaten if they had found Ymir and returned home immediately came out on top, with almost 57% arguing they would have either threatened the kids before keeping them around or became understanding from the get-go. 43.1% dissented and thought Marley would have, in fact, done so. 
Don't think so because we only saw 1 other warrior candidate and when the warriors failed in the Shinganshina arc they didn't pass on Reiner or Zeke's powers.
Marley = maybe. Zeke = would have been understanding
Maybe just eat Ymir
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For the question about tonight’s (or rather, the night when the fanbase took the poll) weather, we’ve received a multitude of responses. From the most popular to the least, we’ve had people predicting a cloudy night, a snowy night, clear skies, a rainy night and finally, a stormy night. On the other hand, just over 18% didn’t seem to care. 
Call if hail at you’ll be late for muster
freckled Jesus getting crucified, RIP Marco
Fuckkkkk Berttttt
it's gonna rain titans
Meh, don't care about Bertolt
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Reiner’s surprisingly poor performance during his years as a Warrior candidate surprised most of those who took our poll, with 40% expressing just that. Almost 37% thought this development made him more relatable as a character, with the rest either noting that they either didn’t care or that this portrayed the 104th in a somewhat poorer light (lol). 
I feel like his traumatic experience of watching someone he grew up with die and his resolve to become more reliable and strong pushed him to reach the point that he did considering he also outranked both Annie and Bertolt.
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When it came to the fact that Reiner turned out to be half-Marleyan, almost 38% thought the said fact gave more depth to Reiner’s character. Just over 24% thought it made him even more tragic and 18.2% hope that said detail will have more significance in the future. The rest stated that they didn’t care. 
I think it's sad for Reiner, but a nice twist. I was wondering what happens to half Eldian/Marleyans so it was nice to see the result from a more cultural and political standpoint.
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For the reveal of Galliard’s first name actually being “Porco”, we’ve had 45.5% of responses understanding why the big man himself decided to go by his last name instead. 13.6% asked what Isayama was thinking when giving him that name. The rest either expressed further sympathy for the boy or thought it was a decent name for character. 
I can't stop thinking of him as Porky Pig now. He had such a cool surname too xD
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When it came to deciphering the rift between Reiner and Porco, a bit over 40% thought that the rift would never be able to “go away”, with Porco disliking Reiner for various reasons. Almost a third dissented and thought that it would be possible, provided Porco either learned of Marcel’s actions or kept working with Reiner for longer periods of time. The rest weren’t sure exactly. 
It seemed like the rift wasn't really prominent in episode 2, so maybe it's already resolved.
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When it came to a similar question, most (67.7%) thought Porco’s cold feelings towards Reiner were understandable, but not justified. 20% thought they were, in fact, both understandable and justifiable. 10.8% thought they were neither and there was one sole person who stated that they didn’t care.
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Reiner seems to have even poorer relations with Annie and this episode surely confirms it. Almost 50% were surprised to find out just how poor said relations were. A third stated that they believed the two still cared about each other, just well, “deep down”. A little over 15% predicted this hatred, on the other hand. 
Annie went full "Levi on Eren" on Reiner. I knew they had a tense relationship, this just confirmed my suspicions. I don't think they hate each other.
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Seeing Bertolt again in the story was generally treated positively by most, with almost 44% stating that they enjoyed his extra screen time. A bit over 20% stated that they really missed him and were sad to see him, knowing what happens in the future. On the other hand, a little over 21% openly expressed their dislike for the character. Just over 12% simply stated that they didn’t care. 
Dude had it rough, at least the suffering is over now.
i barely care about him... he's just there. he adds nothing to the show compared to other warriors. his personality is way too boring and bland. 
This doesn't make me sympathize with him in any way shape or form
I'm so glad to see Bertholdt... Mappa did him cute as a kid and hot all grown up.
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When it came to seeing Kenny and Annie’s unlikely encounter, the responses were rather distinctive. A little under a third thought it was random, but enjoyable. Others stated that they were just happy to see more Kenny or Annie. Some noted that Annie’s survival rate when taking on the Ackermans is impressive. Finally, just under 11% noted that they didn’t care for it. 
I thought they did it as fan-service bc Kenny = popular
It was a bit too short to be impactful in my opinion.
I wish we saw more Kenny
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Upon learning about Reiner’s push for attacking Wall Rose after 3 years of living with the 104th, the fanbase came out to be rather divided. Whereas a bit over a half expressed at least some sympathy for him, the rest were sharp in their critique. A few stated that they didn’t care, however.
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Seeing Reiner on the verge of suicide brought out a lot of sympathy for the man himself, with people expressing degrees of sympathy for him. A little under a third simply noted that this is a dark story. However, a few also stated that they didn’t feel much sympathy for him due to his previous actions. 
besides the fact that this whole episode was dark, this particular scene made the episode more and more uncomfortable and depressing :( can someone please hug him and tell him that everything is gonna be fine?
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The reveal that Eren was the amputee soldier from the previous episode is another one of this series’ twists and turns. Sadly, a third of the responses had already been spoiled about it. On the other hand, another third or so seemed to have an inkling and were happy to see a confirmation in this one. Just over 21% were simply in shock. 
I knew from his voice 
He's learnt to control his regeneration o.0 I wonder what else he has learnt. Also guessed last episode.
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When it came to Love Doctor Eren Yeager, more than 50% thought that this development showed his maturation over the course of the story (and 4 years, specifically). Some thought that it didn’t really mean anything, while others looked to a bit more romantic answer. Finally, some thought he was being influenced by the memories of his father or his father’s Attack Titan predecessor.
Don't know if Eren was implying that or if he was trying to gain intel.
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When it came down to seeing Eren’s new design, the majority actually seemed to be more interested in seeing his “manbun” one, as seen in the trailer. Almost 20% thought it was his coolest design to date! The rest either seemed to prefer one of his earlier designs or thought that he looked kinda gross. And some people were just thirsty. 
Cool change. Doesn't look "better", but does make him look more serious/battle-scarred.
i was super confused at first, but after a lot more research im completely caught up w the story and very excited for whats to come!
Would've enjoyed even more REINER
Definitely ready for more. I always assumed our old team has been lurking on this side of the wall ever since ep 1 (call me crazy, but was that my mans Jean who bought the newspaper??) anywaY, I can’t wait for the reveal/ambush WhatevEr it is they got planned. You know Armin’s behind this shit. Let’s get ittttt
I need to see Levi already!! I feel like I’m going through withdrawal
The artwork was really nice, same with the animation. I thought the bit with Annie and Reiner was too intense though I felt kinda sick watching it. Also, they showed the scene in the trailer where Reiner is talking to Eren when they were in training and also when he was trying to commit suicide but the audio was different from the visual so I'm curious now if Reiner like tries to have Eren kill him but Eren and co want to interrogate him??? So he's like "why won't you let me die?". Also, I like Falco even more now, seems like a great and important character.
Seeing the Titans normally animated makes the cgi hurt more :(
it gave a lot of clarity cant lie
Reiner's backstory with his dad broke my heart. I thought he took it well. For Marcel to die afterwards and the warriors to be pushed down that path was terrible. I also love how Annie was really against attacking the Eldians, and voiced her disgust, and it felt organic. It didn't feel like it was forced in to show viewer thoughts. The episode made me appreciate Annie's maturity from a young age and emotional depth, and the fact that this was achieved with Reiner as the main focus makes it amore impressive.
mappa > wit. no doubt. the cinematography was a m a z i n g. it was very aesthetically pleasing to watch. 
Why did the smiling titan ignore Bertholt?
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Thank you again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again after next episode. 
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Episode 2: Rebecca...She’s back, I guess?
So I got hella sick this week so it’s...just one update this weekend. The rest of the next update has the caps done but then the copy I was putting together got very distracted about which Founding Father was the hottest and I think that was the Dayquil? I barely know what day of the week it is rn. I think it’s Saturday, is it Saturday?
Anyway, we’re battling that Monocle guy. Gurimo? Yeah his name is Gurimo. I honestly can’t remember him saying his name even once, so thanks Google for the help.
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It’s a new season so not only did we suck all the power out of God Cards but now you can’t use them anymore with the new glowing green mechanic. The writers really did just...a lot to make it so God Cards are no longer relevant. Like they buried them so far.
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This guy repeats himself quite a lot about being soul hungry? Yeah I watched all of Sailor Moon so like, I’m super up to date on my soul energy anime. I’ve walked this path before I know it well.
(read more under the cut)
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Such a shame we can’t read those stats which may just be Hebrew letters in lorem ipsum (note that when Pegasus makes you a card, you don’t get to have stats) but it’s nice to know that, if you wanted to, you could play Rex and Weevil in universe of the show and something would happen.
Anyway, Gurimo lost, his eyes went all glowy red at some point, and decided to go out throwing stuff because it’s Yugioh and you have to throw cards at least 3 times a season, its in the contract.
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Don’t think about physics guys, just trust that cards can do this on a roof where there’s no wind for some reason.
And then he went up in a green ball of glory. It was nice of the green beam of soul energy to wait until the impossible card toss was over.
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Lol this show and how it just kills people on screen just...all the time. All the freakin time. Can’t show a gun, but murder as many people as you like. It’s OK, his soul is in a paper card so he’s not *really* dead. That won’t terrify children under the age of 10.
So Pharaoh decides to do the tactic of telling a bunch of motorcycle gang edgy kids (adults? not sure about those three) that stealing is Wrong.
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They also, youknow, are implicit in murdering Rex and Weevil but youknow, stealing is wrong and the God Cards don’t belong to them and Pharaoh is shook that these kids won’t keep their end of their bargain that whoever wins the card fight keeps the cards.
So basically Gurimo died for freakin nothing.
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Welcome back to the fold, Rex and Weevil, apparently this show isn’t done with you yet. I was pretty much done with both of you 3 seasons ago but alas, you will be back, with your raspy as hell voice acting, at the beginning of S5. I am sure of it.
(PS I just noticed I spelled resurrect wrong and I know I should go back into photoshop but like...I’m too sick to care at this moment so maybe I’ll change it in the next week or so I dunno, I’m just gonna post this thing so I can feel like I did something productive today.)
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And so these kids decide the police are never going to freakin show up to the rooftop brawl where a guy super died and several children were endangered and a huge beam of light you can see from space went out like a bat signal to the rest of the city of “ps, something bad is happening over here, if any of you adults feel like helping out these four high school drop outs? Nobody?”
First, they decide to keep this horrible thing:
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(which second thought is not SO surprising, because Yugi clearly loves hoarding dead people)
And then this other horrible thing:
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Why would you keep these? Why would you do this?
I mean Yugi’s got such specific dark tastes that I wouldn’t be half surprised if his closet is filled with dozens and dozens of rat skulls he collected from the subway station.
And then the next day, Yugi decided to just like watch Joey and Tristan dangle Rex and Weevil like puppets. It just seemed super unnecessary.
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Like Yugi isn’t even Pharaoh right now but he’s absolutely fine with these guys getting shook around. Yugi is all sorts of gray area in this show and I’m glad that’s never changed although sometimes it’s like “Is Yugi slowly turning into a mob boss? Because I’m down, but also somewhat concerned?”
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Anyway, the God Cards aren’t even here anymore so we say farewell to Rex and Weevil who seem just as confused at how the hell you can steal a God Card as we are.
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*not entirely sure where Rex and Weevil are from. I’ve been assuming the UK or the US but like...maybe they live here? I don’t even know.
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And then Chibiusa--I mean Rebecca showed up.
Ah, remember this plot point from S1? What if she shows up and (according to Bro) Just never leaves?
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I’m coming to terms with this. Anyway, Rebecca’s only purpose seems to be as a part of a (love????) triangle (square????) between Yugi and Tea but like...
And maybe this is the Dayquil speaking but...
Is this even weird?
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Seriously, they’re family friends, why is this weird? Maybe it’s because one of Rebecca’s core traits is that she’s American and I’m also an American so I don’t even see a problem with Rebecca and how she acts (since she’s a freakin child with a crush on a card-famous person) but like what small child see her friend she hasn’t seen in 2 years and is not going to hug him?
Anyway, Yugi was the worst to not remember this chick. Maybe his brain looks like a box of loose packing peanuts (I say as a metaphor remembering that his brain literally looks like an Escher painting screensaver), but he can’t remember this chick from just 2 years ago that he gave his rarest card to? The chick who’s grandfather had that blue-eyes he gave to Yugi’s Grandfather? The chick who’s grandfather helped his grandfather get that necklace around Yugi’s neck? The necklace he wears every single day and is super cursed by?
How do you forget the Hawkins when they are part of the reason everyone thinks you’re losing your mind?
But I guess she looks older now and got a pair of glasses (bifocals????). She No longer has her hair in pigtails but, I dunno, she looks basically the same to me since she’s still about the same size as Yugi but wtv.
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And then Yugioh was like “Listen everyone, we’re very tired of all of your angry reviews, and I see y’all are saying we never do romance, well get ready, we know how to do romance really well, get ready for it, we can make things move faster than a snail in wet cement, just watch.”
Because somehow, after Yugi was the biggest asshole ever to Rebeca, I guess she figured like “well, at least you’re still card famous”
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You know what? I have several girlfriends who I am not dating, but, if it’s been a couple weeks since they’ve seen me last, will give me a huge as drunk hug on my arm and go “MY LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND MARRY ME” and like...Again I’m American so maybe this is just my culture here in California?
I’d like to believe that Rebecca is just messing with these people because she can.
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Ps I’m pretty sure this girl was 6 last time we saw her but they decided...we better age her up if it’s gonna be a romance but they only made her 12. OK show. Yugi’s pushing 17 at this point so like...barely even logical. I’d say legal but I’m thinking more of just logic at this point because the last time we saw this girl she was holding a teddy bear (which we can guarantee is probably still shoved into her luggage)
...OK, show...
Now listen listen listen. All ships are fine here. I’m not gonna go after shipping because like, c’mon, it’s 2019. If you stan Rebecca and Yugi, go for it, why not? I’ve said it before, and my feelings haven’t really changed, I’m immune to shipping, so I feel absolutely no different with Rebecca and Yugi than I do with Tea and Yugi. I think Tea makes more sense, but that’s not saying very much because literally anyone else on this cast who isn’t related to him could probably work. Go ahead and bring back Mako Tsunami. There’d be a fun pair.
Bro got very excited when I mentioned a MakoxYugi pairing just now ps.
But it really does feel like this ship has the dynamic of the Usagi/Chibiusa/Mamaru ship from Sailor Moon where Usagi was always jealous of small little Chibiusa spending time with Mamaru who was her OWN DAD. Why would you EVER be jealous of a 12 year old girl hanging with your boy...friend? Tea is a 17ish year old ballerina who never, ever wears full pants. She’d have this in the bag if she ever decided to like...do anything with...this. And I don’t blame Tea for never doing anything with “this” because like...look at “this.”
I just don’t think the writing team knows how to write a competent love triangle (square) but...this exists now. They even had Rebecca decide to dress nearly identically to Tea as a demonstration of her devotion but like...it honestly comes off more that this small child just admires Tea. Because she’s 12.
Yugi is just babysitting this girl for his Grandfather and it feels like the writing team just had to have the girls be all catty at eachother. Because it’s a kids show. Gotta have those girls all catty. Can’t let them be friends.
Anyway, back at this museum that these kids visit so freakin often, you’d think they’d change their home address, we meet up with the granddads in question.
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Ah, now Ishizu is no longer with us, Exposition Grandpa is here to take the torch. Can’t wait for that.
And I made his font gray because I freakin give up. Grandpa Hawkins might change his font color every episode. I...I’m figuring it out.
And then, every helicopter in Domino shed a single tear.
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Wow. I’ve been so mad for so many seasons that they never use a freakin seaplane to cross the ocean that when they actually do I’m like...kind of disappointed?
I mean it’s not shaped like a dragon, but I will take this perfectly acceptable seaplane.
I can’t believe they drew a normal ass plane. on this show.
*Waits patiently for it to turn into a blimp next episode*
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all the caps in chrono order. There’s over 3 seasons of this. Y’all I’ve done over 100 episodes.
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altimys · 6 years
Winter 2018 anime reviews
Hello, hello. This is a follow-up post to my initial impressions post. I’ll detail how my perception of the animes changed over the season.
Also note that I will not review Violet Evergarden since I’m way too far behind on it. I’ll finish it sometime in the next season once I’m free.
Dropped Animes
The ones that were unbearable.
Like mentioned in the post from the beginning of the season, it just had this unrealistic, trope-driven, incest (but not really) story. Mostly style and little substance, but not even my style. Well, do take this with a grain of salt. I didn’t even finish the first episode.
Pop Team Epic
I definitely appreciate the experimental and sarcastic nature of this anime. But it wasn’t really worth spending an extra 15 minutes to watch the same thing a second time, especially since I didn’t find all the skits funny. I probably would’ve watched it if they were broken into seven minute segments.
Sanrio Boys
Too cheesy. Thanks for the “be yourself” message, but I’m not really interested in bishounens parading this every episode. The protagonist’s broken relationship with their grandmother as a sad backstory made me facepalm very hard. If you had advertised this to me about 6 years ago, I may have gobbled it up, but nowadays it’s not my taste.
Darling in the Franxx
I didn’t pick it back up, and I didn’t really see anything major from twitter or tumblr, except for gifs of the pink haired girl being with her sexy-cute charm. Y’know, the kind of charm where she’s designed to be appealing in a sexy, vampiric way, but she’s doing something cute like licking her fingers after eating a slice of meat or something. Normally I’d not mind this so much, but remembering how typical the protag was, it definitely gave off the manic pixie dream girl vibes. Art and animation I saw was great though! Unfortunately.
Skits really fell flat this season. I knew that S2 would lose some drive after the stunt they pulled for the finale of S1, but a lot of skits were utter nonsense. I enjoyed the ones where they experimented with the complexities of each character’s personalities (i.e. Choromatsu and Ichimatsu’s awkward interactions), but it was like wading through a swamp to get a chuckle. I watched most of the season then dropped it, since it wasn’t really worth spending time not having fun.
Mediocre Anime
I don’t know why I watched these but I did.
Garo Vanishing Line
The story was killing me so much in the end that I would multitask when watching it, and I’m not a natural multitasker. It was just bad writing. Nothing really made sense, and it was quite predictable. Like Sword’s sister came out of nowhere (after she died for Sword’s sad backstory) and was suddenly had HACKER SKILLZ. And I was almost positive that in S1, Sophie’s brother was taken away from her by force, not him wanting to join the El Dorado project. Whatever, does it even matter? The best thing of the season was probably Luke getting a haircut and ditching that awful trenchcoat. Do not recommend.
Touken Ranbu Hanamaru
Guilty pleasure of the season. Still managed to enjoy the nonsense, with the musicals, and these bishounen and moeblobs being one-dimensional. I did appreciate some of the character interactions and the references to Katsugeki Touken Ranbu, but with these kinds of animes, I really can’t say it’s quality. It’s meant to be aimed at a certain audience, and knowing that I am part of this audience makes it enjoyable to watch. Wouldn’t recommend unless you really like bishounenified swords.
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles
I previously wrote that I was interested in seeing the stalker girl’s infatuation with Koizumi-san turn into a relationship. Of course it didn’t happen. Yuri? In your dreams. I do applaud this anime for going in depth into the ramen culture and making me hungry every week. There were some hardcore facts about ramen’s origins and experimental ramen. You could tell that they did a lot of research (or were sponsored well). I ate an average of 1.5 packs of instant ramen each week, partly thanks to Koizumi-san. How can I not eat noodles after watching it? Not really any substance to this anime unless you like hearing about ramen facts and watching anime girls foodgasm.
Average Anime
These I could recommend with disclaimers and not feel bad about it.
Junji Ito Collection
Like with most animes with short stories, there’s a handful of good and bad stories. Since the source material is pretty good, there’s more interesting stories than not. There are definitely some that are ridiculously stupid, but if you are in search of horror anime, this is one you should watch. I wouldn’t say it’s equivalent to Yami Shibai, but it’s good. The animation can’t match the signature entrancing horror that Junji Ito creates, but it’s a decent adaptation. One minor quip I have is that they reuse voice actors in each skit. Might be a budget issue, might be something else. It’s not a big deal, but mostly noticeable to me because Hoshiyan’s voice is too recognizable for me. lol. Oh yeah, the short story with the oil was absolutely disgusting. I enjoyed being grossed out.
Gakuen Babysitters
It’s like a shoujo but with toddlers. Cute interactions, likable characters. Of course, it’s a light-hearted story, so I guess I shouldn’t expect too much out of it. The comedy bits are well-written, and the art style is absolutely adorable. Great casual watch if you want to feel fluffy without the bullshit of shoujo romances.
Laid Back Camp
As the title suggests, it’s a pretty laid-back anime. I love the different personalities of the female cast. They shone quite well through the segments of texting. The way that they texted felt friendly, and I felt that I was part of this silly chat group. Also enjoyed learning a lot about camping supplies (and the little pinecones that squealed were so cute). Makes me consider wanting to go solo-hiking or camping to be able to enjoy nature. I’m really glad it covered winter camping, because that’s something that most people never consider, so you get to see the different equipment, activities, and benefits. Recommend if you want something chill with a well-written cast, but not a character-driven story line.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Surprisingly, I liked it quite a bit. I was actually expecting this one to tank, because it had a predominantly male lineup, was about assassins, and had a crossdresser. Sounded like someone picked things they thought would appeal to the general public and made an anime of it. Thankfully, I was wrong. Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens is actually based off a light novel series, which really shows through the thought-out plot and layered characters. I wouldn’t say it’s as crazy as Durarara!!, but some of the twists are quite interesting. I also really enjoy the diverse cast and their interactions: Lin Xianming, pseudonym for a Taiwanese assassin who also happens to crossdress; Banba Zenji, a playful, seemingly idiotic detective with a deck of tricks up his sleeves. There’s also a canonically gay character, an ex, a child, a hacker (with an interesting backstory), and more. And these characters make mistakes, get injuries, and have flaws. I’m hoping for a second season, because watching this was quite nice each week.
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san
If you wanted fluff with actual romance, here’s the one for the season! There’s also quite a bit of comedy added. I did feel sorry for the protag Nishikata for falling victim to Takagi’s pranks every time, but I always looked forward to what she was going to do, and how it would fluster him. I think the romantic buildup was well-paced throughout the season. Kudos to whoever paced it, because they danced around with my feelings like an expert, giving me enough of a taste to feel the flutters of romance in my stomach, but not enough to make Nishikata and Takagi an item. Some of the skits were directed very well, with surprisingly effective cinematography (see the rain and umbrella skit). The ending was really cute, and I’m pretty encouraged to read the manga to get more content.
Mahou Tsukai no Yome
Nothing really jumped out at me. I feel like the actions of the characters didn’t follow a logic to it that made me understand the character better. Nothing really sparked an interested in wanting to cheer the characters on. I really felt passive in watching events happen to Chise and Elias, and the ending wasn’t particularly spectacular either. I think it’s a decent one to pass the time, but I could not get invested in the plot or characters.
Koi wa Ameagari no You Ni
This anime certainly isn’t for everyone’s tastes, but I think I really appreciated the latter half of the series more than the first half. The surface-level summary is about the age-gap romance, but once I was able to hear Kondo’s internal thoughts, especially about being older, the nostalgia of youth, and trying to pick a passion back up, I started enjoying it a lot more. I especially loved the scenes when he would banter with his college friend Chihiro. The only downside of the latter half of the episodes was the awkward tension between Akira and her friend. Her friend would just yell at her, and Akira would take it, and then not really consider it. And somehow it’s resolved. Well, other than that, I did like the characters and ending a lot.
I rather enjoyed the setup and the unknown mechanisms of the system. The enemy really had the advantage in intellect and strength, and it was interesting watching how the characters tried to get around that. The last three episodes were a little flat, and the plot armor (kind of) and last bit of exposition was almost unnecessary, but it was there to give us a happy ending, which I did appreciate. Love the grandpa. I’d say this anime did a pretty decent job at the action and strategy, and the ending wasn’t blowing my mind, but I do really commend it on the setup.
Exceptional Anime
Worth your time.
A Place Further Than the Universe
Drama about girls aiming to go to Antarctica. Strong female cast, with a pretty believable depiction of average high school girls and how they might react and pursue their dreams. The voice acting was pretty spectacular for this show, especially during the second to last episode. ;) I think this anime is very real with what it’s like with concepts we usually don’t think of: having ambitions, lacking ambitions, making friends, losing friends, finding closure. It was rewarding to walk with the girls in every step of their journey. Animation quality was pretty awesome too. I also cried a bit at the end. I didn’t think I would enjoy an anime about high school girls going to Antarctica, but hey, I loved it.
Hakumei to Mikochi
It’s a slice-of-life about a pair of thumb-sized forest dwellers. Hakumei, the more adventurous of the two, works as a handyman and has a determined attitude. She’s still a very considerate person and is full of compassion and a heart to help others. Mikochi is a bit more reserved and particular. She’s famous for her cooking and has a passion for textiles and clothing. Both characters compliment each other well, and it’s cute seeing them bustle about their daily lives. You also get to see into the lives of other characters they meet, and it feels an established world with all it’s quirks and culture. The general feel of this anime is relaxed and storybook-like, similar to the same kind of vibe I get from Ghibli movies. I honestly thought this was a children’s anime during the first episode. It could be, but I enjoyed it a lot.
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he-la-e-loi-la · 7 years
The Polish Delegation’s Tmblrvision 2017 Reviews: 1st Half
As many of us here, I have plenty of onions about the @tmblrvision songs, so I’m writing a little review of what I thought for each song. This season was really good, and there are only a couple songs I outright didn’t like, so it’s fun to listen again to make these reviews! I’m starting with the 1st half only since there were so many songs, but I do plan to get to the 2nd half too.
01 Germany This song may have been an unfortunate victim of being blocked in the US, or being 1st in the running order, because I can barely remember it. I just remember it being nice to listen to. Because I do remember it’s pleasant, it goes on the good end of the scale. 6/10.
02 Egypt Another pleasant but not memorable song. Didn’t have enough buildup for me to really like it- my favorites usually have that. Not bad though! 5/10.
03 Moldova Though I didn’t care for this at first, which means I didn’t end up voting for it, a few listens later I was enchanted by this song. Her voice and the Romanian language remind me of gentle water and I feel like I could be carried away by it. 8/10.
04 Belarus This isn’t really my style of music, and I really wish Bianka would’ve won the NF, however the song gives me a futuristic and dream-like vibe which is a cool atmosphere. 6/10.
05 Finland How did this do so badly in jury vote????? I don’t understand! Though it didn’t wind up in my top 10, her voice has power and emotion and Finnish rapping is so unique. 7.5/10.
06 Albania A pretty song with a strong voice, but got a bit lost in all the other strong songs of the competition. Looks and sounds like something that would actually go to Eurovision! 6.5/10.
07 Jordan For such an upbeat song, the lyrics really get me down. A nice danceable pop song though. Glad Jordan finished better this year! 6.5/10.
08 Czechia Thwarted by geoblocking again! This song is really incredible but as I didn’t get to hear it all at first, it didn’t make my original voting list and so I couldn’t sneak it into my limited number of votes. A powerful and rocking song. 8.5/10.
09 Russia It’s hard to disappoint with Russia, their music industry produces some great stuff. Definitely want to dance to this one. Still, it did get lost within the full lineup of songs. 7/10.
10 Israel Super-cute song, even makes me like ukulele! (Ukuleles were ruined for me after I had to hear “Hey, Soul Sister” too many times.) Needed an excuse to cut down my voting list though and ended up dropping this one because the music video freaked me out. But a very sweet winner! 8.5/10.
11 Montenegro This is Adele if she stopped whining and sang with better technique, and I love it. So much fire here. Originally heard this song and gave it my 12 in another contest, so 12 points for this one here too! 10/10.
12 Andorra Holy mood change, Batman. Personally I can best describe this song as weird. Would not vote, but respect those who would vote. 4/10.
13 Lithuania If I recall correctly, the Lithuanian HoD was the same one as last year and I LOVE their music taste. Wanted to give this my 12, but I also wanted to give 2 other songs my 12, and I gave Lithuania my 12 last year. But this is super catchy and makes me want to dance around my workplace too. I really wanna be a star! 10/10.
14 Portugal It’s a nice song, but my feelings on Shawn are “eh” since he has other songs I really don’t like. Maybe I went into this biased, but I had to judge the songs somehow. 7/10.
15 Tunisia The main singer’s voice and singing style are really cool, a good pick to represent a North African country. I wasn’t as enthusiastic about the other singer though and didn’t like those parts as much. 7/10.
16 Bulgaria What happened to my stage-owning Na Inat and ILWAC Poli? Pleasant but not a standout. I’m also constantly afraid of her falling in those heels in this video. 6.5/10.
17 Iceland I am a sucker for brass like this and will totally jam to it. Whoever wrote the lyrics also had a good ear for the sounds of the words, since they flow together really well, like they’re part of the music themselves. Love this! 9.5/10.
18 Monaco Another song in the weird category. Weirder than Andorra for sure. Not my style of weird either, though it seems to be some people’s style of weird (all those 1 pts!) 3/10.
19 Armenia If you know my music taste well enough you’ll know that I love solid beats. The drums in this are so my style and I feel like I’m being called to climb mountains and start fires. Really good, so glad I voted for it. 9/10.
20 Denmark I’ve heard other Eivør songs in previous contests and I feel let down by this one. She’s done some really cool atmospheric and ancient-sounding stuff and this feels like an average ballad. 5.5/10.
21 Algeria This country has produced some really great artists in various contests! Love Zaho (and sent her to Eslariavision), so I’m really glad to see her create another dark but danceable tune, and thanks for the HoD who entered it! 9/10.
22 Slovakia I never quite decided how I feel about this song. I like it, but it was never enough to lift it into voting territory. Was pretty attracted to Lina in the video though... 7/10.
23 Turkey Has the strong beats and cool instrumentation I’ve come to expect from Turkish music. It looks like a summer party song from the video, but from the sound I’d probably play it for running or fighting or something intense like that. 7/10.
24 Bosnia and Herzegovina Didn’t care for this song on first listen because I didn’t watch it with lyric subtitles. Watched it later with the lyrics, felt awful because I didn’t have it in my jury votes, televoted many times. This should’ve done better, it’s a song we all can relate to. Well, I don’t have a prostate but I can relate to the rest. 9.5/10.
25 Greece I have mixed feelings about this song. On one hand I feel that her voice is too weak and blends with the instruments too much. On the other hand this gets stuck in my head constantly and then I get the urge to dance in the street. So I think in the end it’s a good choice. 8/10.
26 Lebanon Sadly shot down in the rankings, I think, by its lack of a music video. It’s a nice chill song, and I like the guitar in it. 7/10.
27 Switzerland Nuela Charles can be sent for at least 3 countries, I think, so it’s not a surprise we saw her again. I liked her Africavision song much better though (and would’ve given it 12 if I hadn’t been running the contest), this one doesn’t have the same power so I felt disappointed. 6.5/10.
Will do the second half when I get the chance!
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littlemissmeggie · 5 years
Fic questions; 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 43 (least fav story), 46, 47, 48, 49
sorry this took so long! some most of these were really difficult and took a lot of consideration! thank you for sending this, whoever this mouse is. it was challenging and fun.
1. things that inspire you: music. personal experiences. music.2. things that motivate you: music. the @1dbackforyoucollab writing challenge i’ve been participating in the last couple months. reviews and asks and messages and kudos!!! asks like this that show some people are interested in my writing and fics!3. name three favorite writers: i’m not sure if this means, like, published authors or fellow fanfic writers. i’ll go with three published authors—mario puzo, j.k. rowling, and agatha christie—and one fic writer—nautibitz, who most likely none of you will have heard of because she was a spuffy fic writer in the buffy the vampire slayer fandom back in the early/mid 2000s and wrote fics that could have been missing episodes from the show and AUs that were perfect. (her fics were the first fanfictions i ever read in any fandom ever.)5. since how long do you write? i started writing fanfiction almost three years ago. i think i posted my first fic in april of 2016. i’ve always loved to write though. it was usually just fiction that i wrote for myself and never showed to anybody else (or to my old friend tasha).
7.early influences on your writing: mario puzo. a lot of the old spuffy fanfic writers. 8. what time are you most productive? probably in the morning after i wake up and am sitting drinking my morning cup of tea. second most productive time would probably be mid-afternoon on days off.10. how do you do your researches? i mostly google things and make notes in my writing notebooks. i also always have google maps open in a tab so i can find my way around wherever i’m writing. 
12. favorite place to write: sitting in my bed. i can occasionally get a bit done on the sofa. i used to write a bit in the cafe at barnes & noble when i went to take breaks at work but now i’m lucky if i get a proper half hour break so that doesn’t happen anymore.
13. hardest character to write: maybe zayn? probably just because i didn’t get into the fandom until after he left so the only reference i have for him regarding pleasant interactions with the rest of 1d is old interviews and such. but i still don’t think i have a hard time writing him.
15. hardest verse to write: i’d have to say anything canon-compliant. i wasn’t in the fandom until right before made in the a.m. was released so, because i wanted to be as accurate as i could be when writing canon-compliant, i spent a lot of time researching everything 1d and narry that i could. i also didn’t want to seem like a l*rrie so it was always a bit like walking a tightrope to get the right balance of canon-compliant without seeming like a tinhat.17. favorite AU to write: i really loved writing my mermaid!harry AU but i’m also loving this model AU. i don’t think i can choose between them, honestly.20. favorite character to write: i love writing harry but louis may be my favourite. 21. least favorite character to write: probably nick in all the time before i knew you but more because i feel badly making nick grimshaw an abusive, manipulative dickhead than that i dislike the character.22. favorite story you’ve ever written: i can’t pick one so i’ll give my top three in no particular order: a little drop for me, that’s the day i knew you were my pet, and all the time before i knew you. honorable mention to i think i know he don’t love me because it was my first fic and holds a special place in my heart.23. least favorite story you’ve ever written: i’m really having a hard time choosing a least favourite. i really do like every fic i’ve written. i wouldn’t post them if i didn’t. if forced to choose though, i’d say i like tonight you’re mine the least. 25. favorite line you’ve ever written: “Please don’t,” groaned Conor from where he sat beside Bird. “We can choose more than one song on the jukebox, ya know.” (i love the whole scene at the beginning of chapter 3 of all the time before i knew you because harry and bird’s discussion about the superior supergroup is so very much a music nerd conversation i would have with two of my uncles.) if asked again in a few days, i may choose a different one.26. story you’re most proud of: so far, before i knew you. i really am proud of all of my stories—i wouldn’t post them for everyone to read if i weren’t at least mostly pleased with them—but with this fic, i feel my technical skill is at the best it’s been. i also set out to write in the third-person omniscient as well as i could; i think i’ve been fairly successful and have managed to avoid too much head-hopping while still showing the points of view of multiple characters. (i’m sure an expert of any kind would find fault but i think i’ve done it fairly successfully.) i’ve also managed to write my transitions without my least favourite transition tool ******* between sections, which is something i’ve wanted to get out of my writing for the last couple years. i wanted it to flow a bit more like scenes in a movie rather than harsh breaks.28. worst review you ever got: someone commented on an early chapter of my mermaid AU (a little drop for me) saying the story was boring and asking when the narry was going to start. not really a bad review but just an unnecessary comment to leave. i also got a comment on the first chapter of all the time before i knew you that i really didn’t know how to take; i wasn’t sure if they liked the story or not. (i’m not sure if they knew if they liked it or not, actually.) they ended by saying they guessed they would have to wait for another update though so i guess not a bad review, just a weird one.30. hardest part of writing: sometimes it’s really just finding the focus to write that trips me up. other times i get stuck on one scene and because i don’t have the mental ability to skip a scene and go back to it, i get frustrated and can’t write the scene and move on. another thing that makes writing difficult for me sometimes is my obsessive research that occasionally trips me up and makes what should be a short, easy scene to write take hours because i’m researching the menus at restaurants in the area of wherever the scene is taking place and trying to figure out which restaurant harry would choose and then finding out the walking directions to that restaurant from wherever he’s starting.31. easiest part of writing: dialogue. i almost always find that dialogue just flows really easily for me. 36. one-shot or multi-chaptered story? i really love how in-depth i can get with a chaptered story. one-shots are nicer for stories that aren’t spanning a great length of time or don’t require as much background as i like to put into most of my stories. so probably chaptered.37. canon or AU? i preferred writing canon or canon-compliant fics when i first started but i now prefer AUs.40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series: a little drop for me as a movie or all the time before i knew you as a series. every few chapters of a little drop and each chapter of before i knew you could be a season of the show. that’s the day i knew you were my pet would be a cute romcom-type movie. (fun fact: i studied screenwriting for a while before going to culinary school.)43. would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here): the fic asked was my least favourite, which is (i say hesitantly) tonight you’re mine. and i won’t ever do it but i could see a sequel in which their relationship has changed and niall is the dominant one in the relationship and he isn’t just domming for the night. 
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet: i posted it here.47. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? i usually can only manage one fic at a time but i’ve currently got my rarepair fic and before i knew you going (almost) simultaneously. my guardian angel!niall fic has been in the back of my mind constantly for about two and a half years now, though.48. three spoilers for (insert story title): i wasn’t given a fic so i’m going to choose one but i’m not going to say which fic. 😈 1. harry wears only one ring to work and lou notices. 2. niall writes since we’re alone about harry. 3. harry gets a bit wrapped up in himself and doesn’t realise he’s emotionally neglecting niall.49. writing advice: write. read. write even if you’re not happy with it because you can always go back and edit, revise, add, remove but write just to keep up your flow. that said, don’t push yourself to write if you’re really struggling. take a break for a few days, a week, however long you need to reset yourself. read something or watch a television series. do something to get your mind off your story. find blogs and websites about writing to improve your grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, all the technical stuff. set a challenge for yourself for each fic—my current is to write in a (reasonably) successful third-person omniscient point of view—and try to achieve it. then push yourself to do it even better in your next fic. talk to other writers and ask for advice. if outlining works for you, write a good outline. 
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minty-minho-blog · 5 years
Top hair fall treatment Secrets
日本語で入力: 面白いものを使い、髪を生やす方法にはどのようなものがありますか?(玉ねぎエキスなど) Again, most shampoos that assert to halt hair loss and grow new hair are absolutely nothing a lot more than snake oil. Stay with components that happen to be clinically proven to work and backed by scientific review. Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno/Getty Photographs 19/ The other established choice for men may be the oral pill finasteride, known by its brand name identify Propecia. The drug can halt hair loss and promote hair growth, nevertheless it has some Unintended effects. Once you rub fingernails briskly in opposition to each other, for about 10 minutes on a daily basis, it stimulates hair growth and would make your hair healthy and powerful. In a lot of people, scalp hair growth will halt resulting from follicle devitalization following reaching a duration of frequently two or 3 feet. Exceptions to this rule can be noticed in people today with hair growth abnormalities, which can induce an abnormal length of hair growth. Chemotherapy[edit] If you’re a guy who hasn’t discovered how to use hair gel but, it would be a fantastic time to figure out ... Why does little herbs youtube videos eliminate his / her hair? When it comes to getting causes about why a person get rid of their hair there are many good reasons that are available. It appears to be a far more comprehensive shampoo overall, apart from the hair loss elements. My First considered is always to go together with a combination of Large five and Nizoral. Whenever a stem mobile divides, each new daughter cell has the likely possibly to stay a stem cell or develop into A different form of cell with a more specialized perform depending on the prerequisite in almost any part/tissue of your body. If you want high-top quality brands, we’ve place collectively a list of the greatest hair loss and regrowth shampoos for men that do the job, starting off with Ultrax Labs Hair Surge. These anti-hair loss and stimulating shampoos are examined to obtain positive benefits, and keep on to continuously rank among the finest-rated solutions available in the market. Check out our guideline under to locate testimonials of the best shampoos for thinning hair and balding Guys! If Rogaine along with other hair growth products and solutions aren’t Doing work for you personally, Ketoconazole just could possibly. In the same way, you are able to often use a shampoo in conjunction with a prescription item For extra security. The end result is usually a strong method that nourishes your hair to stop breakage or thinning. Castor oil also stops bacteria and dandruff from accumulating on the scalp, which means you don’t have to bother with any pesky dandruff and flakes displaying up. The strategy for implementing hair loss shampoo is the same as normal shampoo, i.e., you apply it to moist hair, therapeutic massage it in to the scalp and rinse it. Even though modern-day folklore, and perhaps some limited scientific scientific studies, have proposed the mother's facet in the spouse and children is basically answerable for a genetic predisposition toward baldness, the reality is balding isn't all our mothers' fault.
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Maintain your hair treatment so simple as probable. You may pre-affliction your hair with coconut or almond oil after which you can shampoo. Moreover, step to remedies could switch the conditioner with plant infusion or hair rinse (see another stage). Neither group noticed improvement with the 3-thirty day period mark, but considerable improvement was pointed out at 6 months. Soon after two months return to your regular eating plan, besides double the quantity of dairy you Generally eat for three times. Remember not to alter every other every day routines over this period so we are able to isolate the allergic reaction As proven down below, the Minoxidil-handled team experienced the next number of hair follicles than the other a few treatment approaches. Once you head massage, it stimulates the scalp circulation and provides with it far more oxygen and nutrients for the hair follicles. click here suggests your hair will grow more healthy and more robust. And, with expenses comparable to Individuals of a hair transplant, hair cloning could turn into a top option for those individuals who are searhing for a procedural treatment choice. What to do: Learn how to go through the labels and purchase items made up of safer and natural ingredients. If you are Not sure about any component Test its security at When it might not block DHT (at the least, this has nevertheless being analyzed), the position it plays in the regulation with the Wnt pathway is not 1 for being downplayed. Which means that SM04554 might As well as topical growth treatments like Rogaine, the regular utilization of a best-rated shampoo for hair loss and regrowth can encourage follicles, moisturize your scalp, halt dandruff, and customarily assist the growth of thicker and fuller hair whilst avoiding it from falling out. Although you can find some indicator that a concoction of lavender oil, thyme, rosemary and cedar could be practical, we even now require more investigate to grasp of course. Next, researchers wished to verify their findings. They all over again handled hair follicles with possibly Regulate or CsA, and when compared their hair growth cycles. Plainly ingesting more alkaline foods and fewer acidic kinds may help to shift the human body back into it’s natural alkaline state and shield the scalp from excess DHT. In case you are serious about healing your microbiome, as well as desire to kick-start off the alkalisation process then I'd personally very advise a vegetable juice fast detox. I've menopause now my hair is thining and also have bald sopts any suggestions for a home solution thank you.
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I am desperate And that i actually need assist at the moment. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ is one of The main elements of a lady and I don’t want to give up on this one particular. I went to the Medical professionals Nevertheless they didn’t found just about anything wrong with me. The exams I took showed that I am balanced and there’s no reason behind this to even occur to me. Remember to, I really need hair tips urgently!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow arrived on the lookout for just one house built shampoo obtained 4 alternatives. stepto remedies will consider them throughout subsequent several months. Am step toremedies to use multiple optional ingredients in the combo? A cure for hair loss could be Probably the most exciting scientific reports to come along from the health industry in quite a long time. https://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Hair-Loss , a cure for male hair loss would also crossover and be a woman hair loss cure in addition. It could also make lots of money for whoever patents it very first, also. Between washing times, attempt working with dry shampoo. It’s a powder you sprinkle on the hair and after that comb as a result of. Your hair will glance clear and scent fresh new for the day. Several of it will eventually grow again but you will have to wait on it perhaps a few months and it could grow back again weak and vulnerable to breakage. The best thing you might do is take in healthier and nourish your scalp -- and see a physician for guidance. Audience Comments 11 Share Your Story There are many ways to categorize hair loss. A single have to first analyze the scalp to find out If your hair loss is as a result of physical destruction and loss of hair follicles (scarring or cicatricial alopecia). When the scalp seems completely normal with a good amount of empty hair follicles, this is named non-scarring hair loss. Then again, cicatricial alopecia permanently destroys the follicles. Surgical techniques like hair transplants might be beneficial for a few women together with Adult males to "fill in" thinned-out regions. While Propecia has far more constant results, minoxidil is more dependent on the person. Dramatic effects such as new regrowth can be noticed in people who respond well, but They're the minority. Minoxidil, like Propecia, is far better at hair routine maintenance. It will let you preserve the hair you are doing have for for a longer period, but only if you employ it day-to-day. You are able to motivate hair growth by retaining wholesome hair through a superior food plan and good hair care. Specified herbs will help make your hair grow faster, also. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune issue through which your body assaults its possess hair follicles. Most people, having said that, would not have systemic difficulties and need no professional medical checks. Almond, carrots, yeast, walnuts and fish are One of the food items that incorporate quite possibly the most biotin. Take into consideration nutritional supplements if you're not taking in any of those foods day by day. Very first, produce a cup of inexperienced tea with a person tea bag (or 1 teaspoon of free tea). Pour a cup of warm water on environmentally friendly tea bag and Allow it steep for half-hour or till cool. (use filtered or distill water to create this tea, nevertheless it’s not needed). Adolescent boys observe some receding close to the temples as their hairlines alter within the straight-across boys' sample to the more "M-formed" sample of adult Guys. This standard development doesn't signify They're dropping hair. Healthline shares five ways to keep the locks balanced and robust in the course of menopause, when hormonal imbalances typically result in hair loss.
Little Known Facts About hair loss treatment.
Hair within the scalp grows about .3 to .four mm/working day or about 6 inches each year. In contrast to other mammals, human hair growth and shedding is random rather than seasonal or cyclical. At any specified time, a random number of hairs might be in one of three stages of growth and shedding: anagen, catagen, and telogen. A bunch of topical prescription drugs referred to as prostaglandin analogs have recently began undergoing tests for probable hair regrowth. They could be Employed in men and women. These medicine are certainly not currently FDA authorised for scalp hair loss. At this time, they are primarily employed for eyelash enhancement. Among the list of new drugs is called bimatoprost (Latisse). Even further tests and research are required to evaluate the efficacy of such items in scalp hair loss. Bimatoprost solution is typically employed off-label for help in chosen situations of hair loss. It is actually at present FDA accredited for beauty eyelash enhancement. In this shampoo, we insert two additional factors: pure honey and castile soap. Honey is a wonderful moisturiser and provides luster to dull hair. Though castile cleaning soap is usually a natural soap constructed from plant oils and is free of terrible preservatives, colours and perfumes. So I obtained the aloe Vera juice, and only immediately after getting back home did I recognize you will find preservatives in it. It's got sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. In addition it has some sorbitol. Although the hair loss that triggers partial or complete baldness calls for prescribed medications and surgical treatments, the short term or seasonal onset of hair loss can be dealt with by […] Your physician will talk to you your clinical background, Your loved ones’s clinical heritage, and especially about hair loss from the spouse and children. By investigating your symptoms, and analyzing a couple of of your hairs less than a microscope the health care provider will be able to diagnose whether it is a circumstance of alopecia areata. Anything you need to know about shampoos for thinning hairHair is called the crowning glory for human beings normally. Pricey Rupa, every cure is not about to get the job done for everybody and that is why I have stated four shampoos. If this doesn’t work consider one other 3. Based upon your affliction, the overall practitioner may well immediate you to definitely a dermatologist, a trichologist, or perhaps an endocrinologist In case the hair loss is linked to hormonal imbalance. You may also be referred to the psychologist when you put up with Trichotillomania. thyroid disease, diabetic issues, and vitiligo if anyone suffers from alopecia areata considering that these situations are also connected to  problems with the immune system Hair loss is a significant concern that has an effect on Guys and women alike. Should you be encountering hair loss, it’s vital that you cease applying normal shampoos and begin utilizing Particular hair loss shampoos. Catagen The catagen phase is actually a transitional stage and about 3% of all hairs are During this stage at any time. This phase lasts for around two to three months. Growth stops and also the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches to the basis in the hair. This can be the development of what is named a club hair. Often a person's immune technique attacks the cells of the growing hair bulb. This autoimmune condition is referred to as alopecia areata. Have you been doing suitable by the skin? Go ahead and take Pores and skin and Make-up Quiz to learn how to make the most of one's attractiveness routine.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of how to grow hair faster
The extended the hair stays inside the anagen phase, the extended it's going to grow. For the duration of this stage, cells neighboring the papilla inside a germinative layer divide to supply new hair fibers[6], as well as follicle buries itself to the dermal layer of the skin to nourish the strand. About 85% - 90% of your hairs on 1's head are in the anagen section at any provided time. Catagen phase[edit] Seborrheic dermatitis and scalp bacterial infections bring about challenges like itchy scalp and delicate hair loss. So, identify any underlying difficulties contributing to hair troubles and address them as quickly as possible in order that they don’t hamper your hair growth attempts. Propecia (finasteride). Originally Utilized in better doses for the treatment of prostate complications, Propecia has become being used for male pattern baldness. Propecia will work by blocking the development with the male hormones while in the pores and skin that may cause hair loss. Propecia is available by prescription and is particularly taken once daily in capsule form. Knowing for just a fact at an early age whether someone will probably be predisposed to shedding their hair is likely to make an enormous variation. This will aid that individual be capable of approach, spending plan, and exploration their options in advance of their hair even starts thinning. Hairfluence’s Hair Growth System has anything you should boost hair growth. It’s also all-natural (even the capsules are vegan-friendly) and it receives to the root of The difficulty with regards to nutritionally-deficient diets as well as their impact on hair growth. I suggest, it seems fairly apparent, brief, and easy, so I’m intending to check out it. Y’all should try out it. Also I place my nickname in school as my title bc I often get quite offended extremely conveniently so my good friends gave me that identify. Nevertheless, there are infinite products and solutions available that assure unrealistic outcomes, only to go away you unhappy. When researching the most beneficial shampoos for hair loss, here are some elements to remember. Consequently, we manage concerns for instance unhealthy hair and very poor hair growth, and a bunch of Other individuals. But Hairfluence has your again, so to talk, On the subject of hair overall health, as their Hair Growth Formula provides the supplements you may need for healthful hair growth and to hinder hair loss. Far more Autoimmune-relevant hair loss This is also referred to as alopecia areata and in essence is a result of an overactive immune method. “Your body will get puzzled,” suggests Dr. Glashofer. “The immune procedure sees the hair as international and targets it by mistake.” Follica is developing a wounding system that when coupled having a hair stimulant like minoxidil, is found to be more effective at triggering new growth. They choose to call this wounding system ‘pores and skin disruption’. The concept guiding this treatment is the fact following the skin is wounded, cells migrate to that place to mend. To the scalp, the hair is usually identified to be dropped round the hair line, leaving the densest degree of hair for the crown. Modest vellus hair will usually switch the hair that is shed. Radiation therapy to The top[edit] The most beneficial shampoos for hair growth include 4 essential substances. The subsequent elements are proven to not just sluggish or stop hair loss in Guys and women, but to effectively make new growth to halt thinning and balding. Whatever merchandise you end up picking, make sure it has the next elements. For steptoremedies.com that male hormones are overrepresented in PCOS, women can also working experience far more hair within the facial area and overall body.   And be sure to ‘Refrain’ from indicating anything severe on your hair, Even when you can be tempted to take action. Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxm9G0PBxGI might be doomed. No, I am joking, but you will force absent your hair Restoration, believe in me on this just one.
The smart Trick of hair fall treatment That Nobody is Discussing
Anxiety is one of An important components that contribute to hair loss. It is actually believed that pressure can disrupt the conventional hair cycle and cause hairs to enter the telogen or fall-out section. As a result, when striving for faster hair growth, limit the strain in your life. Like minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Ketoconazole has actually been identified as an excellent hair loss treatment. Ketoconazole is the main component in several anti-dandruff and regrowth shampoos, and research with the Countrywide Institute of Health (NIH) has shown which the regular utilization of a 2% Ketoconazole shampoo may result in greater hair density and size. Finasteride has limits while, like the need of daily treatment, a limit to what number of ruined hair follicles it may possibly revive, Which it might eliminate its usefulness time beyond regulation for a lot of people. Eggs are remarkably beneficial for faster hair growth as they are filled with protein and in addition comprise iron, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. You should use an egg hair mask at the least when a month. In this post, we discuss the promising hair loss cures within the horizon. Some of these are much nearer to mass industry, while others are even further out (12 months 2020 or better). Exactly what are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORr9am4-tW8 approaching hair loss cures for women and Adult men? Allow’s learn. A group of topical remedies named prostaglandin analogs have just lately began going through screening for likely hair regrowth. They might be Utilized in Adult men and women. These drugs aren't currently FDA accredited for scalp hair loss. Presently, these are typically mostly employed for eyelash enhancement. Among the list of new medications is termed bimatoprost (Latisse). Additional testing and experiments are required to assess the efficacy of such items in scalp hair loss. Bimatoprost solution is typically applied off-label for help in picked circumstances of hair loss. It really is at the moment FDA accredited for beauty eyelash improvement. Popular hair growth goods and natural treatments for hair loss Hair loss ordinarily occurs once the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. Additionally, Individuals are the most crucial ingredients you wish to see in any shampoo that’s alleged to stop hair loss, encourage growth and block the effects of testosterone on follicles. Aloe vera encourages hair growth and helps prevent hair loss. Additionally, it minimizes dandruff and aids restore your hair’s natural sheen. Hello Ive always experienced slim hair but about 15months back I had baby and commenced to note my hair was falling out now I’m searching for a solution for the reason that my hair is de facto thin now mostly on my proper aspect and from the again I’ve under no circumstances thought of how as being forced to uncover the best shampoo so I’m like by no means professional on this so do I just buy these and use them and find out if it works for me or what other I’m sorry if im not producing perception like in which do I get started The Ultrax Shampoo is back again. I’ve changed mainly because they will not be accessible anymore. I’ll be updating the list and including additional hair loss shampoos shortly. Stay tuned. Once again, most shampoos that assert to halt hair loss and grow new hair are very little over snake oil. Keep on with elements which can be clinically confirmed to work and backed by scientific review. Alopecia areata is often a kind of hair loss produced by the autoimmune destruction of hair follicles in localized parts of skin. Keep away from nutritional deficiencies because they often impact your hair adversely. For instance, vitamin E and zinc deficiencies lead to hair thinning and loss.
Detailed Notes on hair growth
Lastly, researchers needed to know irrespective of whether stimulating the Wnt signaling pathway prematurely would promote hair growth. And The solution? I've Individually regrown my hair from thinning all alongside the temples and crown, and now to Attractive thick full hair without balding temples. This could advise that, significantly from staying totally based on your genes, your atmosphere performs a vital role in whether or not shed your hair. I next the hair massage physical exercises several instances every day, I eat fruit/ big kale salad each day, consume a lot of drinking water and also have a kambuchi drink daily, I ONLY use Poland spring bottle h2o on my hair to wet it for three months and only wash it the moment per week Following I make use of the dermaroller and put the hair cocktail on and evening and sleep by using a shower cap on- clean it off in morning with bottle drinking water. Your lately viewed objects and showcased tips › View or edit your searching record All information is for academic needs only. We do not goal to diagnose, address, cure or avoid and condition or ailment. You need to seek advice from a healthcare Qualified right before performing on any content material on this Web page. A lot more than fifty% of buyers declare that it may possibly thicken hair and sluggish hair loss, but It is far from viewed as effective in Adult males who have already got comprehensive male sample baldness. Unwanted side effects appear to be negligible, but in some people the medication may perhaps bring about pores and skin discomfort. The drug is accepted for use in Adult males and women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-vFharetTU than-the-counter in a pharmacy or drug retail outlet. As SFRP1 induces catagen period Considerably sooner than usual, this shows that CsA is a powerful inhibitor on the protein. Each individual strand is created up of cells that contain a tricky protein identified as keratin and they should be frequently nourished with minerals and vitamins for making your hair lengthy and powerful. We've enlisted some foods for hair growth, which you will need to undoubtedly add as part of your daily diet plan. So, what is the greatest foodstuff for healthy hair that may help it to grow faster? You’re concerned about dropping your hair, and you wish a straightforward and simple way to prevent, or even reverse your hair loss with 100% certainty and success level. This occurs as Portion of the Wnt signaling pathway and, in men and women with hair loss Diseases, it can cause balding. And vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, and it helps to remove hair damaging totally free radicals that are produced Ordinarily in our bodies. But as we age, their variety retains on rising. I'm pleased to determine that the majority things correlate, but Equilibrium is way more in depth and details and broader. I'm also starting to Adhere to the Plant paradox lectin avoidance nutrition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_Is_Falling hope to report good brings about six months. Nobody is fully certain of the exact mechanism through mix minoxidil can help hair to grow. But we do recognize that it reverses the whole process of hair follicle miniaturization.
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mbrl · 7 years
a giant update!
 posted first here bc yolo
the stuff i bought from forever 21 today c:
other stuff i did today!
closing the chapter to january (the worst month i’ve had to deal with for awhile?)
things i look forward to in the future: march, april, may, summer.
oh my god i got really cute things from forever 21!! finally ordered a white/light grey windbreaker with swordfish pattern all over it for $20. also got white dolphin shorts (like dolphin style, not literal dolphins) with rainbow stripes on the side. and a dark-ish pink/blush off the shoulder dress with ties on the arm.. it’s kind of weird but was on sale for valentines day & idk how off the shoulder styles look on me... we’ll see ig! it’s really cute and flowy. and another dress, but maroon and long sleeve and floral, kind of in a baby doll fit. it’s lowkey mockneck so the reviews are like help i can’t fit my head through but .. hopefully it fits! there’s some really small lace parts on the sleeve :). and a white flowy vneck top with a bunch of pink flowers on it and a tie in the front. bell-ish sleeves with lace on the upper shoulders and parts of the back! oo and a light weight grey hoodie with kinda cheesy but still cool cool-toned floral embroidery on the hood. it’s p unique but the quality probably sucks and isn’t soft. lastly a peach mid-maxi skirt that has some sheer parts for the bottom half!! it’s like those ballet rehearsal skirts style. 
okay clearly i really like dresses and i think i’m going to start wearing more pink/color because i’m totally over winter in general and how drab that season is. honestly just light warm colors that kind of are reminiscent of furniture fabric/granny aesthetic is totally my vibe. like i want to look like i don’t give a fuck, but not in an emo way but more in a.... idk. i actually don’t know how to explicate my vibe but its like laid back and californian and whatever. hypebeast/grandma/passionate napper/hiker/couch appearance :) also i’m really happy to just sorta word dump and get my thoughts out again because they’re finally good vibes and i feel super excited to share it with my ... laptop screen & whoever’s reading! like getting outta funks is so nice and lowkey reminiscent of a few months ago when i finally got over this stupid boy
anyway okay. today i woke up at 9-10ish because i slept at 3am yesterday :( i felt really weird (ig you can describe as anxious) because of something i did, and i tried to do that thing where i imagined trump spouting all the self hate/angsty vibes i was telling myself, but i didn’t really purge the angst all that much. also i had taken a nap after school + drank boba the day before... (and 2 days before then i slept at 2 bc i had half a cup of green tea in the evening...) also i got angry at myself that i couldn’t sleep because it’s just annoying. it’s 12 am right now and i didn’t take any naps today but i’ll definitely be content & ready to sleep after i right this. so after i woke up, i spent like a few hours cleaning out my room-- i fixed the organization of my desk drawers so it could be more efficient and less cluttered. also the night before when i couldn’t sleep, i hung up all my clothes so that was nice. then in the early afternoon, i finished math hw (literally had 2 problems left, one of which i didn’t know how to do....) and did some japan bowl studying! i also started chatting hella people to ask for interest regarding a possible speaker event that intersections (my social justice club) is hosting... it’s about asian american health disparities, so i got 9 total clubs interested??? now i gotta email the presenter to update them but i’ll do that tomorrow. then from 3-5pm i had a really fun japan bowl meeting that was super untoxic and just productive. this year we have less frequent meetings, but i think we spend the biweekly meetings with... healthier vibes. it’s a lot more fun, and honestly no amount of shame expedites self-studying better than just having a safe and nice environment. we did some practice rounds & i knew the answers to some questions!!! it was fun. i’ll definitely be studying more ahahah this week’s meeting was kind of a throw away but it was good bonding? we also did reading practice.
then i went on tumblr/online shopped/youtubed for 2 hours or smtg..then finished bio hw (3 sections of notes!!!!) while watching gaming streams after eating dinner. then chilled and took a shower, went on tumblr some more, and here i am now! i feel like i didn’t do much but whatever. it’s okay to be leisurely and like.. i just have a worksheet for aplac and a few emails to write tmrw, and i guess that’s it? chill weekend.
okay queue the giant cbt paragraphs:
january was a giant mess mainly because of tasp application... it’s hard for me to take the experiences that i know are invaluable in building my character, and trying to relay that in a effective, understandable way. it made me feel secure because it was almost like i was selling myself/commodifying my experiences, but i was doing it in the course of a 3-4 weeks. it was annoying when i got the diction and syntax just how i wanted it, only for my editor to be like no this is weird. it’s weird to have someone who doesn’t know you try to word your experiences and push you into a template. thank god said editor actually got fired and isn’t my college counselor-- now i have this really tall and goofy friendly white guy (who majored in sociology so you can imagine he’s not the typical yt).
another thing was just friend stuff, but not in a way that points a finger specifically to anyone, it’s just... junior year will literally suck the life out of people and push them to extremes. for me, when i needed support from my friends, it’s not like i could receive it-- partly this is just normal though because normally i don’t confide in them anyway because my life is pretty easy anyway. most of the time/100% of the time i’m initiating the how-are-you type thing and listening to rants and giving advice or playing devil’s advocate or trying to empathize and validate. and when i needed someone to do that for me, i didn’t know how to ask for it? and my friends wouldn’t have the capacity to care for me bc i don’t think they actually know the background of my problems that well. i mean only i really know that and that’s fine bc it’s not really practical for other people to take the time to (1) understand and, (2) care... also it’s not worth it to me to expend the emotional labor explaining to someone. so this really isn’t to sound self sacrificing, it’s just that i consciously don’t expect my friends to be my therapist, but since i have amateur skills & pretty decent emotional intelligence, i’m glad to take that role for my friends. this just blows up in my face every once in awhile when my own problems resurface or smtg and i just turn inward and whatever. thank god it’s over!!! that was basically my january.
someone i kinda know also had something really egregious happen to them. and i can’t talk about it bc i’m making this post public bc i want a record of this on my studyblr blog. anyway i was alone in helping this person with the egregious thing because it’s not the kind of thing i can share (it’s not my story) and also sharing the information can force people to do things that ... wouldn’t be favorable. the stress from that time made me really upset for a few days and i was so angry that the egregious thing even happened, and i’m definitely not the person to get angry.
also had to get my physical for track from this gross pervert of a doctor who uses a stethoscope to touch breasts :\ and i felt really disgusting and gross and it happened and just yuck so cringe ijaijsf don’t wnat to talk about it
ugh okay another thing that i recently came to realize is that fat is really underrated in attractiveness because flab plausibly makes for super comfortable cuddling? basically other than in the context of a fatphobic society (and this isn’t to thin shame), there’s nothing definitively more beautiful about sharp angles or hard muscles compared to soft curves? someone i sit next to in a class wears hoodies and sweatpants almost everyday and they just look like a pillow/perfect big spoon. okay but at the same time food angst and body image stuff is lowkey resurfacing, but in a really lowkey way against myself :(. part of the reason why i got angry last night at myself was because i didn’t like how i drank boba at such a late time, and how i was basically on a sugar high at 2am. so i’m trying to limit my processed food intake as a means of control. i’m pretty safe from relapsing into fullblown AN but a lot of shame associated with certain foods is still there. also i still dislike my thighs and back flab and i didn’t run hard enough to be ready for track and i feel really out of shape :(
a few days ago i went volunteering and was utterly exhausted and not in the mood of being understanding. i don’t think i was being impatient, but i was being more curt than usual when working with somebody. i was really annoyed and dwelling on my irritation and letting it consume me. on the car ride home, i was thinking through all the reasons why i could be so pissy, so i had to think through all this angst and grossness in january. i was always hoping that i was just pmsing when i was feeling especially down during that month, but i think the stress made me skip that month :\ so idk where my period or pms went but goddamn ig i was just especially moody that month if hormones can’t explain it lol
during january, intersections was passed and that was such a big victory. but i didn’t really care about it. i honestly didn’t even want to do anything for it or hope that i’d go well. part of insecurity for me is that i doubt myself so much (sUBCONSCIOUSLY, which is especially annoying bc idk what i actually feel half the time) that i get frustrated easily.
but the stress of the summer app and distancing myself from the stressful things has allowed me to recover, and i’m really happy and my normal self (which i’m really happy about!!!) i’ve literally been writing for 40 min so i’m going to start doing lists for the remaining stuff i said i’d write about
things i look forward to!
feb: planning for intersections, week of break = cramming for jbowl, light school work load
march: starting my club, leadership conference i’m part of, almost time for jbowl
april: jbowl!, spring break, api healthcare disparities presentation?
may: giant speaker event with an alumnus possibly?
summer: lead a free program for low income students around where i live? there’s a lotta red tape and logistics that come with this one though... will be thinking about it for a long time.
okay i’m sleepy bye
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