#i’ll brainstorm i promise🫶🏼
bookinit02 · 1 year
7, 14, 27 ??
hi overdue!! hope ur doing well🫶🏼🫶🏼
7. how many ideas for fics do you have rn?
oh man. too many to count😭 i’m alwayssss coming up with new stuff and i stg about 1% of it will actually be written!! currently i have abt 20 fic ideas written down😅 and plenty more in my head!!
14. if you could see one of your fics adapted into visual media, which one would you pick?
omg!!!!! this is literally my favorite question on this list, so i’m so happy u asked it🥳 right off the bat, my first thought is baby, we’re perfect. i would LOVEEEE to see bwp as an actual episode! or even just a little short, or a drawing, or a film, or genuinely anything😭 it’s so so vivid in my head and it would be so cool to see it visually! i think king of my heart would also be a really good one, or falling like the stars—just bc i would LOVEEEEE to see a rendition of the elmax star scene🥺🫶🏼
27. is there a fic that you were nervous to post/share? why?
ooh, this is a really good question. honestly, my gut reaction was if i only had a heart, which is the christmas fic where mike runs away from home. i think i was just going through a lot that day/week/month and put all my frustration into it, and i honestly wasn’t even gonna post it at all😭 it was. definitely very obvious to anyone that knew me what was going on, and i literally still consider deleting it sometimes? but it is up. for now. and idk maybe it’s not as bad as it is in my head lol! i’m also nervous abt rlly important rewrite chapters, like the shed scene and the van scene! i’m usually pretty proud of how they turn out, but it’s still a lot of pressure😅
thank u for the ask!!! love u lots💗💗🫂
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