#i’ll have time tonight to get back to circe so i look forward to sharing more thoughts later 💕💕
calibansprincessx · 5 years
Hell Is Hot CH 1
Ambrose appears, “You rang, cousin?” His voice gets high pitched as he notices the attractive guy behind Sabrina. 
Sabrina sighs relief. “I did. I need your help with something.” Sabrina turns around to address Caliban. “Caliban, I’ll see you later. Bye!” She says hurriedly.
Caliban smirks down at her. “As you wish but can I stop by later tonight?” 
Sabrina looks shocked and slightly embarrassed as she can feel Ambrose smiling behind her. “What?” is all she can muster out. 
He smirks even harder at her. “To speak about the proposal—“ 
Sabrina quickly cuts him off. “Yes. Fine, yes. Leave now and meet me back here at the library later tonight.” 
He smiles. “As you wish, my queen.” He says as flames encapsulate him and he disappears. 
She turns around to Ambrose embarrassedly. He smiles and taps her with rolled paper in his hand. 
“Back in the saddle already, I see. What’s this talk of a proposal? What kind of proposal?” He shifts his smile into more of an interesting facial expression. 
Sabrina looks surprised. “I’m ignoring that and also it’s a hell thing, I’ll tell you all about it later, but right now I need your help.” 
Ambrose goes to sit in his chair as Sabrina tells him her plan to use the hedge witches to capture Circe so she can bring Roz and Dorcas back. 
After they use Circe to bring back dorcas and Roz everyone begins reuniting, meanwhile Sabrina sneaks away to go to the library and wait for Caliban.
 She gets to the library and locks the door. While she waits for Caliban she begins thinking about his proposal. It sounded sincere and he sounded like he was willing to work on outlining a plan. Maybe we can write up a magical document so that I can assure he won’t go against his word. We’ll have to talk about how a political alignment would go. I’m so young I don’t want to completely give up on love by aligning myself to Caliban and to Hell. Also his eagerness of marriage and sexual activities makes me wonder if he’s a virgin but I doubt it with all the sex demons. Just
At that thought Caliban showed up and I just about fell off the table I was half sitting on. 
“Sorry princess didn’t mean to startle you.” He said smirking at me.  
Looking down slighting embarrassed, “It’s  fine, Caliban.” 
He goes to sit down on the small couch.”Now have you considered my proposal?”
I began walking towards him to join him on the couch. “I have, actually. I think we should discuss some things.”  
“What is it that you’d like to discuss, my lady?” 
“For starters I think if we’re going to get married we should outline our terms and agreements and sign it in blood and clay to bind us to the contract. And we should discuss the logistics of our marriage, not just hell. This is a big decision that will affect the realms and my personal life.” 
Caliban bites his lip for a moment thinking before he answers. “Well my queen, you wished not to have a lustful or romantic relationship, so that shall be. I hope for our kingdom we can have something platonic.” He smiles while in a thought before continuing. “If you choose to get over your warlock reconvene then if you would like to enter into a relationship.” 
Sabrina was a bit surprised by his thought out answer. “I’m sad but I’m over Nick — I burned my feelings for him with a double wicked candle.” 
Caliban sits up slightly confused. “Then why do you not wish to have a relationship with me?” 
Sabrina’s facial expression softens. “Caliban we know nothing about each other to be in a real relationship.”  
“Okay so why not a sexual one?” Caliban says eagerly. 
“Caliban— we can’t— I’m not — I’m a —.” She stops and sighs a little bit. “Caliban, have you ever — are you a virgin?”
Caliban's face was blank for a second and then a smug smirk crept upon his face. “Ah I see princess. Your warlock had no problem fornicating with others, but not you? To answer your question, yes I am a virgin. I don’t wish to pleasure myself with sex demons and I prefer to read and research.” He pauses and before she could speak he continues. “So what was wrong with the mortal then? He clearly loves you so why did you two never act on your lustful impulses?” 
Sabrina looks down feeling a ray of emotions. Shocked that Caliban is a virgin but refreshed that he doesn’t wish to have tons of sex demons— why is she refreshed though? She looks back up at him and then back down. “Harvey only liked me when he knew I was mortal. When he found out who I really was he couldn’t accept all of me. Nick knew who I was but the timing was never right, so he instead lied constantly and cheated. Now he can barely look at me.” She looks at Caliban as a tear rolls down her cheek. 
Caliban wipes the tear from her cheek. “My queen if it is someone you wish to know everything about you to share a carnal embrace with, we can get to know each other. “ 
Sabrina rolls her eyes but smirks nonetheless. “Let’s outline our terms to the agreement.” She said turning the scroll she pulled out before he got there. 
Caliban stays put. “So you’ll marry me?” 
Sabrina doesn’t look up front the scroll as she begins to write formalities. “Yes Caliban but not right away. We’ll announce it in a week's time when we are supposed to complete the third challenge. I think we should complete the third challenge together and then announce our engagement afterwards.” 
Caliban sits forward to begin discussing agreements. 
-------------------------------------------An Hour Later-------------------------------------------
“Okay so we’ve finished our agreement to the kingdom but I’d like to discuss if I could still go to mortal school and you handle hells business during that time?” Sabrina looks at him promisingly.
Without missing a beat Caliban says. “I will agree to you going to mortal school if you live with me and spend your evenings in hell.” He looks like he’s not going back on it.
 “Okay. As long as you agree to eat breakfast and dinner with my family everyday.” 
Caliban smiles. “As you wish. Shall we put it in the agreement and sign?” 
Sabrina says nothing as she puts the final touches on the agreement and they sign in blood and clay. Sabrina stands up and pats her legs. “Okay it’s getting late and I have school in the morning I should —“ 
Caliban stays sitting. “Shouldn’t we get to know each other a little bit? Then I shall take you home?” 
Sabrina considers it for a moment before sitting back down. “Okay for a little while. Tell me about who made you? Your family?” Sabrina says kind of searching for words. 
Caliban shakes his head quizzically. “Well time works differently in hell but I believe I’ve been around for about 3 mortal months. The Kings made me in the pits of hell to challenge Lilith on the throne. I’ve been studying and researching in the library mostly. Tell me about your mortals.” 
Sabrina scoffs. “They’re not MY mortals, they’re my friends. Roz is my best friend. Harvey and Theo are great. It’s been a bumpy friendship but we’re good now.” Sabrina says sighing peacefully.
 Sabrina and Caliban sat there for a little while longer talking. 
Caliban stood up. “I should get you home to your mortal life now princess.” 
Sabrina stood up ready to go grabbing the scroll. “Yeah maybe I can get some sleep before school.”
She sighed as Caliban transported them to her bedroom.
“So this is what a mortal bedroom looks like?” 
Sabrina laughs “This is what my room looks like, Caliban. Okay get out of here before my aunties figure out I have the prince of hell in my bedroom.”
Caliban smirks. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, my queen” 
“Tomorrow?” Sabrina says confused. 
“To spend time with each other.” Caliban says grinning as he vanished before she can reply.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 110: The Summons, Pt. 2
"It can't be…" Eli uttered, as he stared at the person that had interrupted.
"But she's dead…" Snow said.
"Apparently not," Hades replied, as Queen Ravenna strolled into the castle, her beautiful face marred with an evil smirk.
"Sorry I'm late…" she announced, as shock rippled through the entire chamber. Eli gave the baby back to Snow, as he stepped forward.
"You're not welcome here!" Eli stated firmly.
"Well, hello to you too, husband," Ravenna purred, as she strolled toward them.
"That's far enough," Persephone warned.
"At ease Persephone...I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm here to celebrate this happy occasion," Ravenna countered.
"Seriously lady...you get near my parents and I'll fry you," Emma warned. The Queen smirked.
"Such a spitfire...just like your mother. Hello Snow," Ravenna said, as she directed her attention to her pseudo step-daughter.
"What do you want?" Eli snapped.
"You called the heads of state together so here I am," she responded.
"Your brother Dalben took the Throne when we locked up Arawn," Eli reminded and she smirked.
"Unfortunately, Dalben had a very bad accident and now it falls to me to rule my Kingdom," she informed them.
"An accident...I'm sure," David commented, as his eyes were barely slits as he looked at the woman who had tormented his wife in her alternate childhood. Ravenna smirked.
"I see that no matter what the circumstances...you still found your Prince Charming. Such a spell you weave over people, but I guess that's why they call you the fairest of them all," she said, clearly still jealous of her pseudo step-daughter.
"Look lady...you weren't a part of our lives before and we're going do our best to erase you from our lives now. If I were you...I'd move off to the side and shut the hell up," Emma snapped. Ravenna scoffed.
"So uncouth...you should really give some Princess lessons to your daughter, Snow. Remember our lessons?" Ravenna cooed and Snow shivered. She remembered. She remembered all too clearly. She remembered Ravenna berating her for getting dirty in the gardens and calling her a little freak for talking to birds and animals. She remembered her nails digging into her arm when she would drag her inside. She was positive that she would have done worse if not for her fear of Persephone and Hades. And her father always incited a fight with his wife when it came to her treatment.
"I remember...and I'm never letting you near either of my children," Snow growled. She put a hand to her chest and there was mock hurt on her face.
"Oh, you wound me so, Snow...those are my step-grandchildren, after all," she mused.
"They are nothing to you, because we are no longer married," Eli snapped.
"Lucky for you since my death invalidated our marriage, but unlucky for you, because I assure you that you'll regret casting me out. But congratulations Regina...it seems that between the two of us, Snow has decided I'm the more evil step-mother," Ravenna remarked.
"Well, we both earned the Evil moniker. I'm just choosing to not embrace it anymore. You can have it, but I don't recommend it, lest you wish to find yourself alone and in ruin," Regina advised. Ravenna smirked.
"I'll take my chances…" she hissed, as she looked back at Eli.
"Last chance Eli...I encourage you to make me your Queen again. Things weren't always so bad between us and they can be good now that you're not carrying a torch for Persephone anymore," she said.
"There will never be love between us, Ravenna...and I'm going to take a page from my daughter's book. I won't be marrying anyone that I do not love," he responded. She faked a frown.
"Pity...it will be your funeral," she hissed.
"Stop threatening my father!" Snow blurted out and her mother stepped before her.
"One more threat and you'll return to death," Persephone warned. Ravenna smirked and moved off to the side to stand with the other rulers.
"By all means, All Mighty Goddess...please revere us with your wisdom," she said sarcastically. Persephone steadied herself and took a calming breath.
"Thank you all for coming and enduring the theatrics of a few dissenters that will remain nameless," she began by saying with a steely look at Frollo, Ravenna, and Leopold.
"I am sure you are wondering why you are not only in a new land, but have two sets of memories that make up one life," she continued.
"This new land you are in is the one the original Dark Curse brought my daughter's Kingdom to, as well as several others. Despite being a new and foreign place, it is a good land with many opportunities and advantages," she stated.
"When the curse broke, our family made a life in Storybrooke. That is the town that you will notice as one of your new neighbors," she added.
"I know that with new neighbors brings new borders and that can be scary. But I assure you that each ruler will still be allowed to rule their own Kingdom. As Goddess Supreme of Olympus, I will naturally oversee all the Kingdoms, but I am not one to interfere, unless people are being harmed and my hand is forced," she continued, as she looked at the three troublemakers she had eyed earlier.
"If you are peaceful, then you will have no problem adapting to this new life, which I assure you can be very good in this land. My daughter and I are already discussing educational programs to enrich everyone's knowledge of their new home," she discussed.
"We do not want anyone to fear this new life and we want to introduce you to a land built on liberty and freedom," she added.
"We will have peace and there will be no tolerance for war or oppression. Those that take that path will meet a strong opposition that they will regret challenging," she said, as she saw Anna step forward.
"What about the two sets of memories? How did that happen?" she questioned curiously.
"Yes...and how did we even come to be here in the first place? Many of our Kingdoms were not a part of the original curse," Prince Phillip interjected.
"Yes...a powerful witch from Oz is responsible for casting a spell that enacted time travel, which is expressly forbidden and breaks a law of magic. She sought to change time and create a new life for herself. But it backfired on her and she paid for it with her life," Persephone answered.
"We all seem to remember both lives as a result and when my granddaughter saved us all by reversing her spell, it seems that a new curse united all the realms together and brought us back here," she continued.
"So all this is a side effect of some spell?" King Stefan questioned.
"It would appear so. Our realms are now a part of this realm," she answered.
"And what exactly is this realm?" the Sultan of Agrabah inquired. Persephone took a breath.
"It is known as the Land Without Magic. However, that is obviously untrue to our lands. We remain hidden from those outside our borders and it must remain that way," she said, preparing for the barrage of questions that would come at that.
"Is it because they fear magic?" Elsa asked.
"Partially. But mostly, the people of this land do not believe in magic. They also believe that most of us are nothing more than fictional stories. To discover that we are real would cause many problems. People often fear what they do not understand," Persephone replied.
"So we are trapped here," Stefan surmised.
"No...we are not trapped. We are still assessing what the status of the barriers around the realms is, but no one is trapped. People will be educated on this land and if anyone wants to venture out into the Land Without Magic, that can be presented for discussion," she answered.
"And what happens if they do find out about us? We already have some outsiders in town and we know this land has great technology. What if other outsiders find a way through our barrier?" Midas questioned.
"We will make sure that doesn't happen and as for Circe's followers, we will take measures to make sure they cannot threaten our way of life," she answered. It was a nondescript response, but it was the best she could do on that front at the moment.
"So...there's no going back?" Dorothy asked.
"All the Kingdoms are here now. You'd be going back to a barren place if you were to take a bean and a curse is the only way to return the Kingdoms to our old land. Believe me, the price of another curse is much higher than making what can be a very good life here," Persephone responded and that seemed to put most at ease. For all intents and purposes, while their location may have changed and there were many new things, many things about their lives would remain the same.
"My wife has graciously answered your questions and I can assure you that she has the best interest of all at heart. And while this may be a summons, it is still a celebration as well. There should be music and mingling. And please, take an opportunity to sample some of the food of our new land. I assure you that it will not disappoint," Hades offered, as the meeting dispersed and the musicians they had hired began to play.
"Thank you...I think that was all the questions I could take tonight," she said. He smiled.
"You did beautifully, but there was never any doubt that you would. We may still have a lot to figure out, but most will see that you are right about this new venture in our lives," he assured.
"I'm still worried about them. They're going to be trouble," she lamented, as she looked at Frollo, Leopold, and Ravenna. The three seemed awfully chummy all the sudden and that didn't mean anything good.
"They'll be foolish to do anything now that you rule the heavens, but if they do, we will face them and do what is necessary," he replied.
David and Kristoff shared a brotherly hug.
"It's so good to see you...both of you," David said, as he hugged Anna as well.
"You too, just a Shepherd," Anna teased. He shook his head.
"You're not going to let that go, are you?" he asked.
"Never," she replied.
"Nice hair cut, by the way," Kristoff mentioned. David smirked.
"You too," he teased, as he slipped his arm around Snow's waist.
"This is my wife Snow, our daughter Emma, and our son, whom we still have to name," David introduced them.
"It's so nice to meet you," Anna gushed, as she surprised Snow with a hug.
"It's wonderful to meet you too, but how do you know each other?" Snow asked curiously.
"Kristoff and I met years ago in the marketplace, both trying to sell goods there, in both realities, actually," David told her.
"But Anna and I met when she was passing through Misthaven. In the original time line, she actually taught me how to sword fight," he added.
"Wow…" Snow said with great interest.
"Yeah...and he kept saying he'd never be anything more than a shepherd, but I knew there was something about him," Anna replied. Snow smiled at her husband.
"You were definitely right," she agreed.
"I'm confused though. How do you have a daughter the same age?" Anna questioned. They chuckled.
"That's a long story, but it goes back to the first curse. We managed to get Emma into a magical wardrobe to escape the curse. We were all frozen in time, while she wasn't," Snow explained.
"So when that woman called you the Savior…" Elsa interjected curiously.
"Yeah...I broke the curse," Emma said.
"And you have magic?" Elsa asked.
"Sure do. True love's magic, actually. I'm still new to it, but I think I'm getting the hang of it," Emma replied, as she demonstrated by poofing a stuffed sheep into existence for her baby brother.
"Aww...it's a little sheep. Look sweetheart," Snow cooed to their infant. Elsa looked amazed by the whole thing.
"And your parents...don't fear your magic?" Elsa asked.
"Fear my magic?" Emma questioned in confusion.
"Of course not...we would never fear Emma. Her magic has saved and protected us," Snow answered.
"Yeah...and she kind of has it because of us. We share true love and that's why she has magic in the first place," David added.
"Are you okay?" Anna asked her sister. Elsa smiled.
"I'm fine...you're very lucky to have such wonderful parents, Emma," the Queen said kindly.
"I am," Emma agreed, as she smiled at them.
"Excuse me," Elsa said politely, as she went to get some air. Anna frowned.
"Is she okay?" Snow asked in concern.
"Yeah...it's just kind of a sad subject for us. You see...our parents feared Elsa's magic, because she couldn't always control it and it can be very destructive if it's unchecked," Anna explained.
"But that's not her fault," David said.
"I agree...but for years, they had her hide it, even from me. Then about three years after they died...it came out and our people feared her. But it wasn't her fault, because she couldn't control it," Anna explained.
"That's awful," Snow said.
"It was...but she learned to control it and we got past it...until…" Anna said, trailing off.
"Until?" David asked.
"Until Elsa found our mother's diary and in her last entry, she wrote that they were going to Misthaven in search of a powerful object they learned of that could take her powers away," Anna replied.
"Take her powers away?" David asked in disbelief.
"I know, it's terrible. Don't get me wrong...they loved us both very much. Their fear just ruled their decisions at times," Anna replied, not really having a good defense for her parents.
"I better go talk to Elsa," she said.
"Wait...maybe I can talk to her. I have magic...I know what it's like," Emma assured. David smiled at his daughter and patted her on the back, as she went to find the uncertain Queen.
"So...what's with the trio of terror over there?" Kristoff asked curiously.
"Oh...that a whole other story," David replied, as they began to explain that situation.
"Mind if I join you out there?" Emma asked, as she found Elsa in the gardens. Elsa smiled.
"Sure," she replied.
"Look...don't be mad at her, but Anna kind of told us what your parents were doing in Misthaven," Emma said. Elsa smiled.
"Discretion is not Anna's forte," she mused.
"Listen...I know how you feel," Emma assured.
"Sorry Emma, but it doesn't sound like your parents fear you at all and they seem to embrace your magic," Elsa replied.
"They do, but we've had our issues. See...I grew up alone in foster care, except that my grandmother, Persephone, got Morpheus to gift me and my parents with a magical dreamscape that allowed us to be together when we were asleep," Emma explained.
"Really?" Elsa asked. The other blonde nodded.
"Yes...otherwise, I probably would have grown up thinking that they just tossed me out on the side of the road and didn't want me," Emma replied.
"Wow…" Elsa said.
"Yeah...but it was still really rough when I was awake. Most of the foster homes were horrible and there was abuse. I know what it's like to be different. It made me really angry in my teen years and I took it out on my parents," Emma explained.
"Well, they don't seem to hold it against you," the Queen mentioned. Emma smiled.
"No...no matter how many horrible things I said to them or how much I yelled at them, they took it all and never got angry at me for it," Emma said.
"That's wonderful for you, Emma. I loved my parents too, but they were afraid of me," she said sadly.
"Maybe...but we're not afraid and you're not alone anymore," Emma reminded. Elsa smiled slightly.
"Seriously...your sister and brother-in-law know my dad, which means my mom is going to adopt them and you," Emma added, making Elsa chuckle.
"That actually sounds nice," she agreed.
"Come on...let's raid the food table. My step-grandfather did make sure there's a chocolate fountain and I never turn down the opportunity to gorge on junk food," Emma said.
"I adore chocolate," Elsa mentioned. Emma smiled.
"Then we're going to get along really well," she replied, as they went back inside.
David smiled down at their son, as Snow cradled him and they watched their friends dance. Emma was dancing with Neal, having surprised him that she knew how to ballroom dance, but then he had been reminded that David had gotten the pleasure of teaching her in the dreamscape. They were especially enjoying watching Regina dance with Henry though. She was slowly relaxing and accepting that revenge isn't what would make her happy.
"Why don't you two go dance. We can watch the baby," Persephone suggested, as she prepared to eagerly hold her grandson.
"Oh no...it's my turn," Hades interjected and Snow smiled, as she put him in her step-father's arms. Persephone frowned.
"Excuse me...but I think it's mine," she argued.
"No...you held him last and I haven't held him since this morning," he argued back. David shook his head and took his wife's hand, as led her onto the dance floor.
"At least we'll never be short on babysitters," he mentioned fondly.
"Not with six grandparents," she agreed, as he swept her into the rhythm of the current selection. Snow let the worries temporarily melt away, as he held her close and she rested her head against his shoulder.
"Yes...and since all the realms are united now, Papa Hades can get you a baby griffin to play with fairly easily," he cooed.
"We are not getting him a griffin," Persephone protested.
"He needs a pet. I had Cerberus…" Hades countered.
"Well, he has Wilby and if we get him anything else, it will be a Unicorn like we did for Snow," she responded. He smirked.
"Or...since you're the Goddess of the heavens now, we could get him a Pegasus," he tempted. She smirked.
"Okay, that's better. A Pegasus it will be," she cooed to him too.
"Seriously? A Pegasus?" Emma asked, as she returned with Elsa and Neal.
"You can have one too, sweetheart. We didn't get to spoil you growing up and we definitely have some gifts to make up for," Persephone replied. Emma smirked.
"That's more like it," she replied.
"I can't believe your grandparents are Persephone and Hades!" Elsa said in amazement. Emma snorted.
"Yeah, it's pretty weird sometimes," she replied, as she noticed the wistful look on the Queen's face.
"I know your parents probably loved you in their way, but they were wrong to make you feel like there was something wrong with you," she said. Elsa nodded.
"I know and I still have resentful feelings toward them at times, but I've mostly forgiven them. They were very misguided, but thought they were doing what was best," she replied.
"Good...because I happen to think your ice magic is wicked cool and I think you're going to find out that my parents will too," Emma said.
"They seem wonderful and it's so incredible that your father knows my sister and Kristoff," Elsa mentioned.
"Yep, which means they're family and so are you. And trust me, once my parents decide to adopt you into their circle, you're family forever," Emma assured. Elsa smiled.
"That sounds nice," she agreed. Unfortunately, that's where the peace and calm ended, as Leroy came running in.
"Terrible news!" he called.
Detective Landon Griffin had been wandering this strange little town all day and was even more bewildered than before. Especially with what was beyond the town. He was positive that he was in some kind of twilight zone now. Beyond the town, there was forests full of creatures and castles, with carriages that looked to be straight out of fairy tales. If that wasn't strange enough, the town, though seemingly modern, was strange as well. Especially when he happened upon a group of people, who seemed to be discussing how the Princess of the Underworld had just given birth to a demon baby. It was bizarre to say the least. He got his phone out and dialed a friend he still had at the bureau.
"Yeah Zach...it's Landon. Can you do me a favor and ping my phone?" he asked, as he went into the Inn. He decided that he might as well get a room while he was waiting and trying to figure all of this out.
"Yeah...give me a few," his friend said, as the former detective looked around in the lobby on the Inn, which looked like the decor hadn't been updated since the 1980's.
"Damn...what the hell is this place?" he muttered and became frustrated when it seemed like no one was monitoring the front desk. So he wandered around and meandered into the diner side of the establishment. There were a few people eating and it seemed to be open. It also looked like the decor hadn't been updated since the 1980's, but he was hungry and slid into a booth, while he waited.
"Hey Landon...you still there?" his friend Zach asked.
"Yeah…" he answered, as he perused a menu of typical diner items at absurdly cheap 1980's prices. He wasn't even sure how anyone could make a profit with these kinds of prices, let alone keep the doors open at all. It was probably why the decor was so outdated. He just hoped the food was decent.
"Uh...I'm not getting anything on your phone. Where are you?" Zach asked.
"I'm in Maine, near the coast in a really small, weird town," Landon responded.
"Not according to the readings on my end. I'm getting nothing on any towers in Maine," Zach responded. Landon glanced out the window and saw a cell tower in the near distance.
"That's impossible...I'm looking at a cell tower right now," he said in frustration.
"Sorry buddy...but I've got nothing. What's going on?" Zach asked.
"I'm not sure yet...but something really weird. I'll keep you posted," he replied, as he started hearing screams from outside. It managed to attract the attention of the other patrons in the diner and slowly everyone stepped out to see what the commotion was. And he scarcely could believe his eyes at what he was seeing. He watched in abject horror, as a teenaged looking boy in tattered green tinted clothes flew through the air and watched the people scatter in fear. But it wasn't just from him, as a shadowy figure swept through the streets. People ran and screamed and he found himself screaming, as he watched the shadowy creature literally rip something shadowy from a man. The man screamed in agony as he did it and then fell dead to the ground.
"What the hell is this…" he uttered, as he hid under a table on the patio and watched the spectacle with curious horror...
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