#i’m excited to post it tho when the mods find the ability to get it finished!
odd-chips · 2 years
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firaknight · 4 years
Make note that this is a GIANT post and is a culmination of me trying to explain my thoughts in a comprehensible manner. Some of this might not make a whole lot of sense, and I apologize if it doesn’t dhdjsjksjwnsnsnen /lh
On a small island, there sits a little port town (no name yet. May change later) (if you want a visual, think of the port town from Super Kirby Clash). This port town sits in the middle of Gamble Ocean, a strange ocean that houses odd creatures known as merfolk. Nobody knows why they’re there, but they exist. Little is known about these merfolk, as they try to avoid humans as much as possible, or at least, they try to avoid curious divers who poke their noses into the shipwrecks and ruins they live around. However, despite their supposed shyness, they’ve been known to save drowning sailors who get thrown off their ships. Very few ever meet the merfolk, and the few that have are old, many of them having passed long ago, with only a select few still around to tell the tales...
Among the island residents lives a 16 year old girl named Adeleine, a talented artist and quite the good swimmer and diver, she’s a girl of many talents. She lives with her mother, who simply goes by Ado. Adeleine has a love for the sea, and while her mother doesn’t share the same ideas, she supports the energy her daughter has for the ocean. Adeleine comes from an... odd history. She knows nothing about her past other than what her grandmother and mother have told her. Adeleine’s got some strange features, too... Oddly sharp teeth, strange glowing markings that sometimes appear in the darkest of nights, nails that grow unbelievably fast and sharp, and even a longer breathholding time than anyone else shes met. She’s chalked it up to be part of her bloodline, as her grandma has similar traits, even though her mom doesn’t have any of these traits.
Adeleines grandmother is one of the few people who’s met those merfolk. In fact, shes bonded and interacted with them. She’s told Adeleine all her stories and passed on her legacy. After her passing, she gifted Adeleine her shell necklace and a slew of gifts she’d been given by the merfolk, all of which Adeleine still cherishes to this day. Before her grandmother died, she instructed that, when Adeleine received her necklace, that she is to wear it no matter the weather whilst out at sea. While Adeleine has the seas blessing, having been left unscathed by the waters, she shouldn’t take her chances, and the necklace would keep her safe. Adeleine wears that necklace no matter what, going as far as to bathe and sleep with it on. It’s one of the last things shes got from her grandmother...
Fast forward to many many years later when Adeleine is 16 (current day in the story). She decides to take a trip to the neighboring island with some other sailors, but she’s been warned of supposedly nasty weather that’s going to come. The trip takes almost 2 days round trip, and Adeleine is determined to take that trip. She’s been on big trips across the ocean before! She can handle this! After a bit of back and forth, the captain of the ship reluctantly agrees to take her along with, and she’s thrilled. Skip ahead to over halfway through the trip to the island, a nasty storm rolls in. Adeleine is advised to take shelter under the deck, where a small escape boat is, but she’s adamant on staying on the deck. It’s just a storm! She’ll be fine! Suddenly, theres a flash of lightning that strikes the sail mast, breaking it and causing it to crash onto the deck. Adeleine, realizing she should’ve moved under the deck when she was told, gets up and tries to make a break for the lower deck, only to slip and get knocked off by the mast crashing onto the deck. She’s thrown into the sea and the current yanks her under without warning. Struggling, she swims against the current to try and keep her head above water, but gets pulled under again. She surfaces again and swims with the current, hoping that might help her stay afloat, but gets pulled under again. As she tries to resurface, she’s pulled under once more and the current throws her straight into a rock. Her head slams into it and knocks the air straight out of her, her consciousness slipping. As her consciousness fades, she faintly notices something start to glow around her neck, and as she slips unconscious, the water around her head seems to drain away...
Far from the ship, a pink haired girl watches the storm ravage the sea. She can see the ship get struck, and watches someone get tossed into the sea. She spots the light from that same person pierce the waters surface before the current pulls the person under. The pink haired girl turns to the ship one last time before she swims back towards home...
Some time passes, and the pink haired girl returns with a few others, all sporting pastel colored hair like her own. She tells them to split up and look for anyone that may have survived the mess and to get them out of the water. If they’re alive, get the water out of them ASAP. The girls she brought along all mod and swim off to look for any survivors. The pink haired girl swims off as well, headed for where she thinks the current dragged that person, and is quick to find them, led by the glow coming from their necklace. She finds that person is a young girl, no older than 16. With haste, she drags the girl out of the water and swims her over to a flat rock jutting out of the sea. She lays the girl on it facedown, checking to see if she’s still alive. Miraculously, the girl is somehow still breathing! The pink haired girl breathes a sigh of relief, noticing a tiny amount of water trickling out of the girls mouth. She swims over to her side, and reels back...
Adeleine wakes up to a something slamming into her back, causing her to cough, water sputtering up as she coughed. The coughing fit went on for a couple minutes before she was able to finally breathe. She takes some time to catch her breath and figure out how the heck she’s even alive at this point. As shes wracking her brain to figure out how she’s alive, she hears a splash coming from behind her. She whips around only to see something pink zip away. She tries to keep track of it, but it’s too quick. She loses sight of it, but keeps an eye out, only to spot it again! This time, whatever it was emerges from the water, their webbed fingers grabbing onto the edge of the rock to pull them up. In front of her was a pink haired girl with a bright red ribbon tied in a bow on the top of her head. Glowing, crystal shaped markings glittered near her eyes. She wore a red dress with 2 yellow buttons and sported gills that glowed a neon pink. Her blue eyes stared at Adeleine, curious. The girl asked if Adeleine was ok, and she responded that she was somewhat fine (but hid the fact that she was more than a little shaken). The girl introduces herself, saying her name is Ribbon and that she found Adeleine unconscious underwater, and that it’s a miracle shes alive. Adeleine introduces herself in response and explains that a storm hit and she was thrown off the ship. She was sure she’d die down there, but was amazed she was alive. Ribbon points to the shell necklace Adeleines wearing and says it was glowing when she went to get her out of the water. At that moment, Adeleine remembers her grandma explaining the abilities the necklace seemingly had, one of them being that it would glow to create a beacon for merfolk to find in order to help save the wearer. She also remembers that her grandma somehow never ran out of air while underwater, and that a bubble would form if she started to drown, surrounding her head and providing a temporary air source while she got to the surface. She concludes that her grandmas necklace was the only reason she survived long enough for Ribbon to find her. Ribbon pauses like shes thinking about something and changes the subject. She states that she can swim Adeleine back to the mainland, but she can’t do it by herself, as she’s so much smaller than Adeleine that it would take hours to swim back, but if she got help, it might be an easier swim! She mentions that she doesn’t want to leave Adeleine alone, as she’s worried that some of the “less friendly” beings in Gamble Ocean might pick her as a target, and asks that Adeleine come with her. Adeleine agrees and Ribbon explains that Adeleine will have to swim alongside her. Knowing Adeleine can’t breathe underwater, Ribbon creates a temporary air bubble that’ll give her air for a short amount of time, allowing Adeleine to follow her into the ocean depths. Adeleine dives back into the ocean, her head slipping straight into the bubble. She realizes that, now finally able to see Ribbons entire body, that Ribbons one of the merfolk. Adeleine is mesmerized by the fact that sHE JUST MET A MERMAID!!!!!!! She hides her excitement and the two swim into this beautiful underwater city (I don’t have a design yet :( I might soon tho). Adeleine is in awe of the sights and is constantly lagging behind, being dragged along by Ribbon when she gets fed up with shouting back to make sure Adeleine doesn’t lose track of her. The two make it to a small house tucked in the back of a coral forest. Ribbon knocks on the door, expecting to have the person inside to come to the door, and pouts when they don’t. She finds the door to be unlocked and peeks her head in, spotting the resident of the home fast asleep on the floor. She motions for Adeleine to stay put as she zips into the house. Adeleine just kinda floats there, confused. A minute or two passes and Ribbon returns with the merfolk in the home. They’re around the same height as Ribbon, if not a bit taller than her. (I’m sorry I don’t have a design for them yet if I did I’d explain their looks ;n;)
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bewitchingdevil · 5 years
Making Icons - Feedback  pls
This post will be deleted later, but I figured this would be the easiest way to canvas everyone for ideas. If you’re interested in helping me with my list of what to try make, please read the rest of the post and flick me a message! I’d love to chat.
Alright, now that I’m not clogging up everyone’s dash with an OOC post:
As some of y’all know I also run Devil May Camera. I’m totally cool with my pictures being used for making icons for RP use cause I love this community. Plus icons are like, tiny, so it hardly feels like reposting to me. Go ham with what’s already posted there, friends.
Specially tho:
I’m planning to do a MASSIVE set of icon-centric screenshots. They will be posted on a new special DMC RPC resource blog when sets are ready.
Originally I was just gonna put them on Devil May Camera, but talking with @yamatodad we’ve decided to make a resource hub for the DMC rpc. I’ll tackle more of the DMC5 icons while she tackles older game’s icons! More on that closer to the time when stuff is ready haha.
While I’ve got a TON of ideas on where to start for these sets, I also want to hear form y’all what you’d find useful. We’ve all have had that annoying time we haven’t had a relevant icon for the post’s emotion or whatnot. And screw hunting one down at that moment so you just make do, right?
So I want to try make sure I’ve got a comprehensive list to get a few of each for!
If there’s an emotion you can think of that wouldn’t be adequately substituted on this list, please let me know! I’ll edit this list to add suggestions as they come in.
Hurt / Pain
Indifferent / plain / neutral
Smug / Flirtatious
Bedroom eyes
Necks (Sensual)
Collarbones (Sensual)
Lips (Sensual)
Claws / Hands
Grips on Props (Swords/Guns/Items)
Back Shots
Over the shoulder shots
Any Obscene gestures (Looking at you, Finger-pulling Nero.)
Special Abilities (Devil Bringer / Breakers)
* I want to experiment with some minor edits for some as additional options. But we’ll see how feasible they are before I commit to these in sets.
Preferred Icon size: (What I’m planning to make)
100px - I’m weary of this size as high detail scaled down looks messy
Characters I’m planning:
Nero (DMC4 - Via mod)
Dante (DMC 1 - Via mod)
V (Normal, Black Hair, Tattoos.)
V (White Hair, No tattoos)
V (Normal, black hair, tattoos, No Coat - Via mod)
Shadow (Incl. Orb)
Griffon (Incl. Orb)
Sparda (DMC 4 - Via mod Doesn’t emote, but hey Sparda.)
Eva (Face only at currently. In the future I plan to attempt making a full model-swap mod for Trish.)
Nevan (DMC 3 - Via mod. Face only. It’s a recolor of Trish. When I figure out model swapping as for Eva, I’ll also make a recolor of Eva’s dress for Nevan.)
Crew Cut (Via Modding)
This is a big project so it will take some time, but I’m really excited about it.
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