#i’m glad i made peace with them not being endgame in ep 6 bc ep 7 almost has me wishing they aren’t
frostluvrs · 1 year
Also, speaking of Ray, it bothers me that people are so focused on Sand with the 'leave him alone, don't try to save him, blah blah' but not focused on Ray leaving SAND alone. Because let me remind you, ALL of their hangouts are initiated by Ray, Ray is the one who should leave him alone! Sand always says 'no' at first, and Ray pushes and pushes until Sand gives in (which yikes when I put it like that lol)
Idk it just frustrates me when people put on Sand the whole responsability of their relationship, when Ray is the one who went after him again and again and AGAIN.
Same thing as the 'Ray never promised him anything, they said they are just friends' like c'mon, if the issue were as black and white, this wouldn't be a plotline. Yes they said they were friends, but they didn't act as such and we have SEEN this, the narrative even point it out to us in the Sand/Ray/Boston/Nick scene in ep5, with Nick being like 'oh you are all are so lovey dovey, are you going out blah blah'. Ray knows Sand has feelings for him, the end of ep5 showed us this, Sand told him he cares about him in ep6 and then again in ep7 and he still has the audacity to ask him to 'still' be friends in the preview AND trying to cockblock him. (And to be all over Mew in Sand's place of work, which again show us he doesn't give a fuck about Sand's feelings but I disgress)
It just feels like people don't put any responsability on Ray, he can do as he pleases and people treat him with kids gloves and not as an adult who should respect and care about other people and have empathy. But people don't expect that from Ray, but they expect it from Sand, and when Sand doesn't act accordingly, all hell breaks loose.
'Sand should have self respect and leave Ray' Ray should also have self respect and stop acting frankly pathetic and embarrasing about Mew, Ray is MUCH MORE pathetic than Sand is in all of this, but AGAIN people don't expect anything from Ray, he can do as he pleases and no one tells him he has no dignity.
ANYWAY sorry for the rant but I am heated lol.
i’m actually so glad you sent this! i’ve definitely been in the large amount of people getting frustrated at sand and wanting him to stand up and walk away but your anon plus other takes i’ve seen the past 24 hours definitely shifted my view a bit lol. for example i keep seeing people defend ray by saying he can’t control his feelings and sand can move on if he wants; that ray can’t actually stop him and he needs to take responsibility for his own feelings and walk away. and yes that’s true! but people can understand so much that ray can’t easily let go of mew (albeit i understand a lot of it had to do with his addiction so it is different in certain ways but he’s still in love with mew so the comparison will continue to be made by me) and understand his choice of being with him when given the opportunity but can’t understand why it would be hard for sand to walk away? especially when ray is halting his attempt to be with other people and not wanting to let him walk away? yes ray can’t actually force him to stay with him and not move on and sand has to take responsibility for his feelings but sand’s in love with ray. obviously him coming back to him and trying to ruin his hook ups will just make it harder for him to let go of ray. and sand is a caring person who wants to help ray who he knows is struggling which will make it even harder.
so yeah sand needs to take responsibility but ray needs to take responsibility and LEAVE sand alone - bringing me to my next point. i think a lot of it has to do with expecting/wanting more from sand because we don’t expect anything less than ray being absolute shit to sand. like people focus all their energy into expecting better from sand because we don’t expect it at all from ray. and hey i still don’t expect anything good from ray towards sand not after last episode and ESPECIALLY not after that preview but i’ve decided to take it easier on sand from now on.
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