#i’m glad this information is more readily available than idk………
always-andromeda · 11 months
Hey gang, here’s the moodboard for this morning! 😀👍🏻
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shepherdsquared · 5 years
Idk if I've posted about this before but I feel like as a society we should really make an effort to make good dog training resources available to people who are completely new to it and don't know where to start looking.
When I first got into dog training, which granted was like 6 years ago (the first dog I really had any hand in training was a JRT we got about 6 months after losing our goldens who I'm not even sure were actual dogs bc they like didn't require any training whatsoever lol), I literally couldn't find any information on training from sources other than Cesar Millan and I probably destroyed that puppy bc of it. I was so new to it and only 14, so the extent of my research was googling 'dog training tips' and the like but it took so long for me to stumble upon actually good advice for training dogs and by that time the JRT had already passed away.
He was legitimately the most difficult dog I've ever dealt with and at the time I assumed it was bc he was "dominant and needed to learn his place in the household" which I am cringing at so hard right now. Looking back it's obvious he was struggling so much with how I and the rest of my family treated him. He had to be muzzled when he got his nails trimmed bc he'd try to bite us bc he was scared and we would just hold him down and force him to stay put while we trimmed his nails and he just generally developed super aggressive tendencies bc he wasn't allowed to be his confident self.
Anyway I went on kinda a bit of a ramble but my point is that it would've been nice as a young person starting out training dogs to have some different resources readily available or at least we should try to discredit Cesar Millan lol I am glad that recently I have seen some bigger names popping up more with less harmful techniques.
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