#i’m gonna delete this later i really am not supposed to talk about it hehe
deklo · 1 year
um 🧍
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How much I love you
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Judy : So that’s why you didn’t pick up for 3 days... Was starting to think you’d forget about our little lunch.  
V : Yeah, sorry for confirming last minute. Turned off my phone alarm.
Judy : And you didn’t feel it buzzing?
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Judy : Did you?
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V : Glad you called Misty to check up on me, otherwise I might not have woken up before midday.
Judy : Well I was a little worried. Last time we talked, things seemed quite chaotic with the fam.
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V : Didn’t expect things to take a good turn in the end… 
Judy : Neither did I. But we pulled through. Now we can finally chill for once.
V : (laugh) Until things turn to shit again.
Judy : (laugh) Doubt something will ever stop you. You’re one of the most resourceful and bull-headed person I know.
V : Then that something would have to be incredibly distracting.
Judy : Heh…
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V : Alright, sorry about that again.
Judy : Nah it’s fine V, I get it. 
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Judy : But next time you shut down the rest of the world, don’t forget leave me a warning.
V : I will. Till next time Jud.
Judy : See ya.
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Continue below
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V’s thoughts : Christ, one hour feels like an entire day. Wish she didn’t have to leave so soon.
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V’s thoughts : Probably would have grown tired of me talking about it non stop anyway. Ugh!! I never been so impatient since… shit can’t even remember.
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V’s thoughts : I’m still gonna pray for him to call in the next hour, I can’t think about anything else.
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V’s thoughts : Well well, guess my prayers sent someone perfect to bother until I can get out of here.  
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V : Actually mind I join you in a bit? There’s something important I need to do right now, won’t take long.
Goro : Go ahead then, I’ll wait by the canal.
V : Great. Be right back.
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Saul’s voicemail : Hello V. Hum, Saul speaking. Heard about something big happening in Night City...
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Saul’s voicemail : Hello V. Hum, Saul speaking...
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Goro : What were you doing up there for so long? I don’t feel like meditating again.
V : You got games on your phone now, should keep you busy
Goro : They make me frustrated
V's thoughts : Why am I not surprised...
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Goro : You didn’t answer my question.
V : I was just... I was doing important stuff, told you.
Goro’s thoughts : Important... I am not blind. That stupid vague look...
V’s thoughts : Saul... Voice... Mmm... Warm... Saul... Everything... 
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V : (drunk) Think you could teach me that one? Don’t have my Strat on me, you living in the neighborhood? Wait, I’ll record and you just tell me the chords, kay? 
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V’s voicemail to Saul : ... anyway (drunker), just wanted to tell you cause... (deep breath) there was this guy playing guitar today and he played a song and I was just so moved cause it reminded me of how much i love you and I want you to hear it cause, cause... it’s just so good! You’ll see... or hear haha! I can’t wait to see you!! Okay byyyeee!!
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Goro : Huh, didn’t know you already declared your love for each other.
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Goro : You forgot something? ... Was it something I said? ... Hey.
V : One sec.
Goro : Why are you acting weird? ... V!
V : I’m trying to concentrate!! 
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Goro : Why are you panicking?
V : Cause he wasn’t supposed to know that! It’s way too early, now he’s gonna think I’m clingy and… fuck!
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Goro : I really don't think that would come to his mind. I’m sure he already knows how much you love him after everything you both went through. Sure he was expecting it to happen. 
V : But it wasn’t supposed to happen like that!!
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V’s texts :
yeah uh might seem like a weird request, but can you not listen to your last voicemail? if you could just delete it that would be even better, cause it’s really hum it doesn’t represent it’s just embarrassing okay? just delete it anyway see you later i guess... bye
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V’s voicemail : ... cause it reminded me of how much I love you and I want you to hear it cause, cause...
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Saul’s thoughts : ... how much I love you.
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hehe 🥰🥰🥰
That one stayed almost a year in my drafts... even made a teaser last year for it oh well... https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/lavendermilkandhoney/667757373025386496?source=share
Happens after this bit here cause, you know... https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/lavendermilkandhoney/667747445067874304?source=share
When something is important to me, I tend to wait for a perfect moment to share cause that's just my thing and sometimes that moment passes and doesn't come back before a while but that's fine. Can't rush anymore. Not the point.
I remember laughing with you guys about this serie. That's the kind of memories I'll always keep in the end. 🫂
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
ahhhh i’m so sorry to hear that your whole paragraph got deleted, it must’ve been so painful retyping it 😭
hey hey (heyy, as bokuto would say :) !! thank uu for being here :’ my plush bear is currently on my lap as i’m typing this :’) aww thank youu so so much for the hug 🥺 *hugs you as if it’s my last hug ever* (not that it would be, we have many many more hugs to go!) hehe, body heat :3 
*looks you in the eyes* mm i haven’t heard about the games your talking about but i’ll definitely watch some videos about it later!! i’ve definitely heard of genshin impact but i don’t play it :’) i’ve never really played games before but i hope to do so in the future 
:)) whatever makes u happy, then keep doing it 
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opepin · 7 years
february: week one
jan30: i was so sleep-deprived. i only had 5 hours of sleep and i dozed off twice today. it was a really slow morning, but i got to meet another new hire! he now sits next to me at the developer table -- he took dave’s spot so that they could be together. i miss looking over to see what dave is up to but now we don’t get that annoying echo when we’re on the same calls haha. cole is super nice and talkative and i love talking to him! i got to know the dev team a bit more too because they were interacting with both me and him. anyway, i listened in on a call and then worked on finishing up my project. i ate lunch while listening to the ridiculous news on trump and what he’s been doing. idk man, idk. then i went back to work and it got pretty busy. it’s always nice catching up with phil because i know he’ll think of things for me to do. i also set up imessage and troubleshooted my devices to see if everything is connected properly. so i spent the morning messaging kevin as well.
cole and john devised a plan to see if cole could just take the sim card out of his at&t work phone and put it in his android. i would like that too but i think it’s too late for me because i chose verizon. we’ll see what happens! i went down with dave and cole and then walked to south station to get back home. kevin got home early because fitbit had a meeting about their cutbacks. kevin is thankfully not laid off. i’m so grateful. i talked with my mom on the phone for a bit and then watched some youtube videos while kevin prepped lunch for tomorrow. while the meat marinaded, we watched supernatural and ate leftover noodles for dinner. i ended up falling asleep after while kevin cooked all the parts for onigirazu. i got up, paid bills for my mom and did some money management. then i helped him assemble some for lunch. they’re so nice looking! hehe. then he washed some dishes while i exercised and then i washed the rest of the dishes, showered, and went to sleep before 1 am. i was so tired. i’m happy i got in about 45 minutes of exercise at least.
jan31: lol i accidentally deleted my previous tumblr post that i wrote yesterday :( i am poo. anyway, i got a good amount of sleep. i woke up before my alarm though? i guess 6-7 hours is a good amount of sleep for me. i got on the train at 8:30 am but i got to work at like 9:20 am because my train was delayed. charles was in front of me and rushing to work and when we reached the elevators, we met up with dave, john, and cole as well. everyone was late today lol. i got myself ready with tea and then started my day. it was a pretty busy morning. i had two meetings and one of them was an t7 bi-weekly meet up with everyone. i introduced myself and i got a few linkedin requests and skype contact requests after. it was nice. before that, i caught up with phil and continued working on templates in ux360. during the meeting, the hoodlum dev team switched desks inside the office for john LOL. it was ridiculous. john’s old table is now behind me and it is wrecked. x__x; the dev team is so funny. i got to talk a bit with kien in the morning and learn more about him. what a cool guy.
i had some technical difficulties with skype after the meeting so i rq’d and then walked over to south station to meet up with saad and vivian to give vivian her night guard that she left at my apartment. it was nice seeing saad again too! we’ve seen each other so much and we’ll all see each other again in april! i’m so excited. saad was about to get a burrito from a terrible booth in south station but i saved both of them and led them to the food trucks outside. i left them after vivian got her food because i had a meeting at 1:30 pm. i made it just in time and ate my lunch during the meeting. then i went back to work and was really into it until the end of the day. i talked to charles for a bit on skype (oh, i kind of fixed my skype problem) and talked to cole for a bit as well. i walked to the train station with cole and then went home to kevin (: he worked from home today and got me rose milk tea from oh my tea~ hehe he’s the best. <3 i talked to vivian on the phone for a bit right after i got home. i love my lo gong too <3
he cooked dinner and then we watched supernatural. he assembled more onigirazu during the second episode that we watched. then he washed dishes and went to game while i organized my internet stuffs. then i exercised, showered, and hit the hay. oh, btw my tumblr is now reactivated! they didn’t tell me why it was deactivated? but they apologized and gave it back? idk haha. it’s been a long two weeks without tumblr. good thing i kept writing these in a draft in gmail ahha.
01: oh hum...i got to work on time and only four of us were in the office today. it was a nice and quiet day. i got to talk with a client today and they saw the templates that phil and i worked on for them (: woot. that felt good. they were really impressed with how we did it and how it looked. i booked a couple’s massage appointment at chinatown pain relief during lunch so i hope that works out! i’m excited for our next trip. phil is a great supervisor because he keeps giving me things to do. it never stops and i don’t want it to haha. i did get off a bit early today because i want things to do tomorrow morning and phil wasn’t able to get back to me until after 5 pm (the end of my work day). the train was not as packed as it is at 5:30 pm. it was nice getting back early and opening my package from uniqlo! i skyped with vivian for a bit to show her my haul and i think she may be ordering from there too now hahaha. i got 3 button up “flannel” shirts and a nice fine wool sweater. hehe.
then i caught up on some errands while watching youtube videos. i finally got to edit vivian and my couple’s yoga video and also edit my favorite picture from our “post-workout photoshoot.” LOL. kevin came back from climbing a lot later than i thought he would and we had a miscommunication about cooking dinner and whatnot so then after uploading the video on to facebook, i cut up our mustard greens, kevin microwaved the leftovers, and we ate while watching supernatural. then i made my lunch (more onigirazu) while watching whatever was left of the episode. we had an argument about just time management and i feel like kevin doesn’t really understand how his schedule affects mine and that if he comes home late, then i’m thrown off as well. i guess i won’t be eating dinner with him (less time with him) when he goes climbing so there’s that. idk. i exercised and then showered and went to sleep. i couldn’t wash my hair like i initially wanted to because of my backed up schedule so i guess i hope my hair isn’t super grody tomorrow. it’ll be the 4th night of not washing it and only using dry shampoo. yay -__-” i still need to set up my 401k stuff too. ugh. so much for coming home early and relaxing.
02: lol i stayed in bed 10 minutes longer than i was supposed to. so i rushed a bit to get out of the house on time. i made it before 9:15 am so it’s cool. :) i had a lot of meetings today so it was a very scatterbrained day? all the dev people were here today so it was a party. it’s so quiet without them. i got to talk a lot more to stephen and cole today. they’re such nice and funny guys. i took a late lunch in order to get the most out of the meetings i had and then i went straight into working on our master template and it took the entire day. i still have a good amount of things to work on for that. phil taught me how to bill hours today so that’s good. i’m gonna hate allocating hours to projects though because there are a lot of terms and things i need to learn for that (like what should i bill to). stephen told us about kane’s donuts, which is apparently right across the street from us :O so then dave, cole, and i walked over after work and then we saw that it was closed so we’ll try again in the morning maybe sometime next week. i think it’ll be a cute valentine’s day treat for the office (: i really want to do something for everyone.
so kevin is mad at me but i met up with him at the train. i actually had a very nice walk and talk to the train with cole. he’ll be my train buddy probs for now. his dev life is way different from mine. all the dev team gets to work from home on wednesdays and fridays T_T much jelly ahha. anyway, kevin didn’t notice or didn’t care that i didn’t have anything to hold on to. so i got reaaaal pissed because even if he is mad, that’s not the right way to treat anyone! so when we got home, i just got out of there, got the mail, and headed to the tech room. i talked with vivian about it lol and i calmed down while doing productive things on my laptop. hehe lo gong is the best haha. she knows what i’m thinking :P
i got back, watched youtube videos, and then kevin told me dinner was ready so we ate together while watching supernatural. he calmed down quite a bit and after the episode, we talked and decided on a schedule for when he’s out climbing. then we spent time with each other and i told him more stuff about my job and etc. then i exercised, washed my hair (finally), and then headed to sleep. today felt like a friday but it’s only actually a thursday.
03: it was just gonna be me and jim at the office today LOL. dave wasn’t feeling well and he worked from home. i stopped by kane’s donuts in the morning to try them out and i got a honey dipped donut and a kronut filled with caramel. they’re pretty pricey: $3-4 each. they were worth it though. the honey dipped one is super soft T^T the kronut would have tasted better without the filling. i took pictures and sent them to cole to mock him and his dev days off. LOL. then i got to work. i had the room all to myself because jim has his own office. i was heads down on creating templates and then working on a client project. i did manage to watch the most recent episode of jane the virgin while working. beth came in today and we got to meet her in person. she’s our IT person and she’s super cute! she told me that dave usually works from home, which is odd because he’s been in the office almost every day ever since i got here. hmmm. maybe there’s still a possibility for wfh at least once a week? i do enjoy working in the office space though. i feel like fridays would be a good day to wfh. anyway, i got what i needed to do to get done. phil and i troubleshooted some things and then i met kevin at south station. he again had to rush for the train but they were pretty empty today. we actually got to sit down and talk.
we ate the rest of the donuts (i only ate about half of each) while watching supernatural and then we ordered food from this japanese restaurant called sake. i got a long snake maki and a sunshine roll, which i will never get again. they didn’t have anything crunchy in them and that made me sad. kevin got a crunchy roll, which was the cheapest and best tasting out of all three of them. we watched more supernatural and then kevin went to game and i tried figuring out how to sign back into my adp account and i gave up. i’ll call customer service. i want to change the amount i contribute T^T then i followed a 50-minute zumba video, which wasn’t actually 50 minutes because he recorded breaks and also, two of his songs were muted...sigh. so then i did some hip hop cardio and finished up with a dance cardio video from popsugar. then i showered and drank tea and went to sleep at around 2 am. zzzzz. it’s the weekend! 
04: we woke up at 12 pm and kevin made us dumplings with egg mcmuffins (: then i updated my website with resume and cv information and kevin gamed for a bit. then we drove to the mfa for their lunar new year free admission day! lol i got irritated because kevin always does the opposite thing of what i tell him to do (i told him to park outside of the museum and he parked in the garage). it was the same price but grrr lol. we got in fairly quickly, looked at asian art, went into the gift shop and bought old fashioned lemon drops and two framed prints for the apartment. one of them was a monet and the other was a still life of food. :P then we walked through european art and american art until we hit the oak rooms and i was in love! they are life-sized thorne rooms basically T_T <3 we headed back to the gift shop and didn’t get anything. we saw this colorstrology book and i bought that on amazon after our trip. i wanted kevin to take a full body pic of me so we found this amazing plate installation and then i got irritated again because kevin is just really bad at it. i thought he would be better because of practice in the orchard but eh. it’s okay -- he’s just not the type of person to take touristy pictures anywhere. he said that he’d practice though LOL.
we drove back and then ate leftovers as our “snack.” kevin decided not to go climbing; there was a car accident so traffic was backed up. so we made oyakodon together! it was fun :3 we ate dinner while watching supernatural and then he went to game and i cleaned up and started working out. i did a popsugar 45 min 500 calorie burn routine. it was alright? not sure it burned 500 calories but it was fun and i saved it. then kevin went to climb and i just chilled and relaxed and took a nice long shower haha. i cleaned the kitchen and then kevin got back and showered. i got really sleepy at like 12:30 am so i got into bed and eventually slept at 1 or 1:30 am after doing some online window shopping.
05: i got up at 10 am when my alarm rang :O i felt awake and pretty congested. i felt a bit sick or i was experiencing seasonal allergies or something. x__x; i left kevin in the bed LOL and i ate cereal. then i woke him up and i cleaned the bathroom while he made us pancakes :3 i also vacuumed the bathroom so he would have a bit less house work to do because he was still cooking. we ate the pancakes and then he did his chores. i started the laundry, watched some youtube videos and ordered some bombas socks online! kevin gamed for a bit and then we planned our meals for the week and after i folded the laundry, and put the sheets in the dryer, we headed out to do some grocery shopping. we went to kam man and then tried getting bubble tea but oh my tea was closed T__T it’s closed until wednesday!!! it was heart breaking.
then we hit up bj’s and got bulk items and some bomb af snyder’s honey mustard and onion pretzel bites T^T omg those are my favorite savory snack. they’re sooo bad for you though. we snacked on them all the way back home. then we put away the groceries and kevin prepped the bulgogi. then i microwaved oyakodon for dinner. we watched supernatural and then kevin showered, i prepped all the veggies and the egg. then kevin cooked the meat and we moved all the ingredients to the table and assembled kimbap while watching more supernatural. mine are so ugly now compared to his. why?! ahha. we packed our lunches, cleaned up, and i exercised for a bit to try and beat this sickness out of me. i took an allegra earlier and it didn’t help. exercising helped me breathe through both of my nostrils but the hot shower didn’t do anything. i hopped into bed at 12 am and fell asleep at around 12:40 am...
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