#i’m gonna have to still get infusions every 8 weeks for maintenance but i’m happy to do it
aquaquadrant · 5 months
life update. doctors HATE her: local author in complete remission for severe crohn’s disease after just one week of treatment.
jk but also not really?? i had my first infusion a couple weeks back and not only did i see improvement literally the next day, but by the end of the first week all my symptoms had disappeared entirely. not just the GI stuff, but my mouth ulcers, joint pain, and episcleritis too. it cleared up so quickly and so completely that it honestly didn’t even feel like i had crohn’s anymore.
… right in time for finals week LMAO but the good news is that i got thru it, school is finally over and done with (third year in the bag) and other than studying for my navle in the fall, i’m off the hook til end of summer.
WHICH MEANS... writing time. oh boy am i excited. i don’t wanna promise a specific date but i had already been chipping away at the next htp chapter and now there’s nothing to stop me from giving it my full attention. so uh, keep an eye out for that 💃
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