#i’m gonna try to watch them tonight…. i’ve managed to avoid spoilers which is great but it also means that i’m T E R R I F I E D
tua episodes 7 & 8 liveblog!! (that’s just as long if not longer than the previous 3-episode ones because holy shit, these episodes had a lot going on,,)
episode 7:
- poor lila :(
- the “auf wiedersehen” i’ve been worried about for a year and a half was said by d o t 😐
- jesus christ the handler is toxic,, we been knew but i forgot just how bad she was
- drummer lila <3
- not reginald singing along to like. a rap song. that’s so out of character.
- jesus christ reggie you’re making him relive his childhood trauma
- “congratulations you’re both mildly terrible parents.”
- “sentient stds” “giving a mummy a hand job” “diego may be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts” i love the dialogue in this show so fucking much
- “bitch this is our home.”
- “you’re a dark little dude sometimes.”
- “the testosterone twins”
- this is very angsty but i’m obsessed with ben sitting next to five with a giant bucket of cheese puffs going “twenty bucks on the little one”
- i mean. allison’s making some points.
- holy shit she doesn’t have to say i heard a rumor anymore ??
- allison crossed a line with the “we should have kept you in the basement” bit and i love that diego was the one who stood up for viktor
- aww diego’s “we don’t fight like this” made me very sad :,(
- holy shit is ben an artist ?? 🥺🥺🥺
- no but genuinely who the fuck is jennifer?!
- “put the dick in dictator”
- hhmmm i don’t like that klaus calls viktor reginald’s daughter :////
- but also FUCK yeah klaus finally getting to stand up to some version of reggie
- klaus babe it feels like maybe you should have better reflexes seeing as you’re. y’know. a vietnam vet.
- this is SO fucked up but also kinda iconic
- okay but who are all these cars just willingly running over klaus
- N O W he’s ready?!?
- grace. grace what the fuck.
- jfc sloane is SMART
- “should i be finding this hot?” “NO!” -says luther, definitely finding this hot
- “stop crying on my bedsheets, emo. it’s gross.” i hate him but i love him
- “obi-wang”
- allison’s the only one having an reasonable reaction to their fucked up life ngl
- allison and lila bonding :,)
- “have you ever moved a nest of bees?” “no, because that’s weird.”
- shit grace istg
- me watching the trailer: haha flamethrower nun grace i wonder what that’s about!! me now: FUCK.
- okay but the onward christian soldiers bit was genuinely terrifying
- “inside that overly manicured exterior you are a warrior”
- yayyyy christopher trapped the kugelblitz let’s go you funky little cube !!
- queen being on the soundtrack >>>
- this party scene is adorable
- diego with a sword… he’s bisexual your honor
- oh so the world is like. ENDING ending.
- luther IS a fucking nerd, thank you sloane
- luther hargreeves you are the sweetest man alive holy shit,, he MADE the ring out of MOON ROCK 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- hshakdhshshhsksjhh she’s floating to be taller than him :,,)
- marcus, alphonso, jayme, stan, and harlan all being dead is. fucking devastating.
- i love lila and diego so much :,) they’re so cute <3
- viktor, genuinely: “hey that was really nice of you to kill mom so diego didn’t have to :)” five, horrified: “my god we are a weird family, aren’t we?”
- five saying “sometimes we step on ants”….. klaus in season one saying viktor would cry as a kid when he stepped on ants…. much to think about…..
- five is out here with some DAMN good lines
- ben you fucker >:/
- of COURSE things couldn’t go that well for them of fucking COURSE
- FEI 😭😭😭😭 they really just killed off every sparrow but sloane and ben 😩😩
episode 8:
- the word enigma was invented to describe reginald hargreeves
- oh SHIT he built the hotel
- hmm. well that was. horrifying.
- thank you luther for asking about klaus!!
- hhHhHhHh diego,,,, arms,,,,, he,,,, 😳👀
- diego you dumb man i love you
- i love the accidental rhyming with “it’s hadron, not hard-on, ya moron!”
- ben arguing in korean while diego argues back at him in spanish >>>>
- “we made some friends along the way :)”
- the umbrella academy season three: the one where the hargreeves become self aware
- oh my GOD,, luther and sloane…. i love you, but,,,, your timing
- somewhat obsessed with ben’s reaction to luther and sloane’s engagement being “kill me jesus”
- i’ve been worried about what the wedding at the end of the world was gonna be for a long time,, i’m a bit sad it’s not one of the ships i *really* care about, but also i’m just so fucking relieved that it’s not allison and luther
- oh GOD the secondhand embarrassment 😩
- chet’s just been chillin,, good for him
- awhwhhhhhhhmygod,, reginald just called him “klaus” for probably the first time ever 😭 and you can see that klaus caught that too,, i’m not okay 😭😭
- okay but no matter how fucked up the circumstances are,, i love that klaus is FINALLY getting some fucking appreciation, even if it’s from reginald of all people
- five has anyone told you lately that you’re very badass? because you are.
- yess luther standing up to reginald we love to see it!!
- “that’s not the kind of erection we’re driving for here”
- aww klaus actually being happy for luther and sloane :,) i’m glad someone is (even though sloane barely knows klaus lol)
- ohhhhh my god holy shit luther asking viktor to be his best man!!!!!!! their relationship growth!!!!! the trans rights!!!!!!! just!! all of it!!!!!!
- “a human rubik’s cube” was,,, was christopher human? would we really call him that??
- awwwwww “he met a crazy lady”
- lila saying i love you to diego :,)
- aksksajdkskskhhshh,, the bracelet, the “i choose you,” the leaping into his arms,, i love them!! so fucking much!!!
- we love klaus being the most emotionally intelligent one BY FAR but no one giving him credit for it :/
- i’m gonna lose it over reginald’s go-to compliment being “you have a well proportioned forehead”
- holy fucking shit the bachelor party,, the karaoke
- tfw your bachelor party is just you and your brothers, and only two of those brothers are actually being supportive—
- i love the visual of luther marrying viktor’s action figures in third grade :,,)
-holy shit i’m.. the time of my life scene is genuinely THE cutest fucking thing i’ve seen in my life oh my fucking god i’m smiling like an idiot right now i love these dumbasses and their growth so goddamn much,, five’s growth especially because holy shit!! anyways, this is my new all-time comfort scene <3
- re: the above scene,, it does make me sad that allison and ben weren’t there :/
- oh the hotel really is gonna be ALL that’s left of the universe, huh?
- ohh ben 🥺 i’ve hated you most of this season but now i just want to give you a hug
- oh they all look SO good i am. incredibly bi.
- i love five being in the exact same outfit he’s always in for the wedding
- me: oh i wonder who’s gonna officiate the wedding? me, not even a minute later: of fucking course.
- not the ‘love and cherish this man for the next 24-48 hours’ 😩😩😭
- “i pronounce you married as shit! viva la apocalypse!!!” klaus sir i love you so much
- chet the dj 😌
- “this is officially worse than the apocalypse.”
- *tries very hard not to think about the fact that klaus is dancing alone* *fails* (listen,, i know that a lot of them were dancing alone, but it just hit different with him, okay??)
- well that was. the cutest shit ever.
- ohhhh not the cockroach 😩😩,, can’t we just ignore all the plot shit and keep the domestic fluffiness going?!!
- klaus: “cinco, mi hermano!” five, with genuine terror in his voice: “oh god.”
- today on: is klaus jewish or is he just Like That?! or did he just spend so much time around dave that he picked up on certain things
- klaus calling luther ‘lulu’ 🥺
- klaus covering his ears and whimpering at the sound of loud yelling :’( this bad boy can fit so much ptsd in it :,,(
- luther kissing klaus’ well proportioned forehead :,)
- obsessed with reginald just. eating an entire plate full of grapes.
- “is he eating a deviled egg with a knife and fork?” “that’s sad. that’s making me sad.”
- ajskdkdks not lila and reginald bonding over being british!!
- “you’d have made a superb father” 😭😭😭
- “my ben” :,,(
- “he just called luther adequate!” “that’s the nicest thing he’s ever said to him.”
- allison’s on thin ice right now but GOD does she look hot !
- alisonnnnnnnnn ://// and ma’am regardless of whatever else happened, you can’t just say you did nothing wrong,, you fully murdered a man,,,,
- ben dancing with them 🥺
- NONE of them can dance i love them so much
- how dare drunk!five looking disheveled and singing make me attracted to him >:/ it has been a proud point of mine to never have been attracted to five ://
- i love diego and lila. so goddamn much.
- there’s something so personal about klaus being the first one to reconnect with sparrow ben
- oh shit oh fuck oh god what’s reginald doing,, who’s he making a deal with,,,
- okay i paused to write this: my money is on allison, ben, or chet, in that order. i’m gonna unpause now…
- well. they didn’t tell us, so.. that was anticlimactic. :/
- man,,,, i miss s2 allison :/ bring her back to me </3
- i also miss dave so much holy fuck :// at the very least they could TALK about him :(
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laceyeb · 6 years
DWTS Athletes Finale Recap
This is sooooo long. Sorry about that.
This is going to be my recap tonight which will just be like a horrifying mess of my thought process throughout the hour. Hopefully I don’t accidentally send this to my mother because I might use a lot of bad words…
It’s currently 5:27 PM out here in California and I am STRESSED.
I’m keeping up with the scores and I’m ready to do the live voting when it’s time, but then I’m out. I’ll head to the gym and somehow try to distract myself there. It’s not going to work, but we’ll see.
My feelings regarding the as of now unknown final results (I’m going into this, hopefully not too naively, assuming that Tonya’s third.):
Look. I understand where people are coming from when they say that it’s not just about the pro. It’s supposed to actually be more about the star, and also about their partnership and journey and skills and blah blah blah. I understand that. I 100% do. I promise. However, that does not mean I won’t be a hypocrite (without any hesitation whatsoever) and say I JUST WANT SHARNA TO WIN THE FUCKING TROPHY!!! (Also, is that super ugly trophy we saw like actually it??? How come the mirrorball on top looks like a miniature mirrorball?! I get that it’s a mini season, but spring for the real mirrorball you cheapskates.) If Jenna and Adam win (and I’m just trying to go into it assuming they are so I’m not as disappointed), I will be thrilled for them. They absolutely deserve it and I don’t think I could possibly argue that they don’t, though that might not stop me from trying. I love them both. I’ve always loved Jenna and I have so much love for Adam it’s not even funny. BUT if they win I’m going to be simultaneously thrilled for them and really really really sad for Josh and Sharna. (EDIT: I’m not that sad actually!) By the way, I love Josh, too! I’m not just in this partnership for Sharna! He’s been great this season and he has shown that he can both dance technically and perform (and we didn’t have to expect him to be as good as he is, whereas obviously Adam was going to be good). But again, I’m a hypocrite. I’m in it more for Sharna than I am Josh, but not only for Sharna. You feel me?!
So… Long story short: I WANT JOSH AND SHARNA TO WIN
And also like I’m gonna get over it if Josh and Sharna don’t win. I’ll be okay, just in case you’re concerned about my well-being. (I’m kidding. Mostly.) Like I survived James and Sharna not winning, so I’ll survive this. The sun will still come out tomorrow (maybe not for me though because I live in the Pacific Northwest) and life will go on. I get that. Don’t worry.
Ok. It’s 5:43 now and I feel like I’m gonna puke. I’m not gonna make it all the way to 9. I just won’t.
Random: I’m gonna be a little teeny tiny bit salty that Adam and Jenna have freestyle AND jazz. Just a little salty. Like the super fine salt I put on my popcorn. Just a little because I know that it doesn’t really make a difference. Not really. And as much as I do love Adam and Jenna, I’m about to contradict that when I tell you how loud I screamed when I saw they got 9,9,10 for their freestyle. I think I scared my neighbors cat who’s outside eating dinner right now. I didn’t stick around long enough to see anyone’s reactions to their freestyle (on tumblr, I mean) because I was too busy voting and then I had to get the hell out of there before I saw any results. So I’m curious where those 9s came from?!?!?!
The message I just sent to my mom: “The problem is that I know Adam and Jenna deserve it. But I want Josh and Sharna to win!!!” She says: “Yup”
Ok. It’s 6:00 so a whole bunch of you are currently partying like it’s 1999 and I’m off to distract myself at the gym…
It’s really stressing me out knowing that it’s already happened and I don’t know! Even though I avoid spoilers all the time. Then again, I looked at the results ahead of time for the last two seasons so maybe that’s it. Also why I didn’t watch the last two finales.
Ok. It’s 6:12 and NOW I’m leaving for the gym. If I leave the gym at 7:20, that’ll get me home 7:30 (probably 7:25, but I like a little cushion), in and out of the shower by 7:45, and sitting on my couch with popcorn and hot chocolate by 7:55. Let’s go!
I managed 50 minutes on the treadmill and I was sufficiently distracted by this really good book I’m reading. (Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley) Now it’s 7:41 and I’m showered and ready to make my popcorn at 7:50… Are you bored of my recap yet?! We’re getting to the good stuff soon!!!
I saw Tom on someone’s instagram today (maybe Keo’s) and he was like, “Finale?! That can’t be possible! It’s only week 4!” Same… That’s another thing I keep reminding myself about Josh and Sharna. He’s very very good and it’s only week 4. Imagine what they could have done together in 10 weeks!
I understand we’ve only got an hour, but couldn’t they introduce the finalists with a little more enthusiasm…?
I want to just ignore Tonya and Sasha, but I’ll watch since at least I won’t have to do it again. I wonder if Sasha really believes everything he has been saying this season? Obviously he’s not going to say anything bad about her, but I wonder how much he really believes it, you know? I mean, she seems to be a perfectly pleasant person on the show if I didn’t know any better. She’s definitely a good dancer and I could really appreciate that if she was, you know, not her. If I didn’t have to spend every week hearing how I am falling in love with her and giving her a second chance. I liked the dance just fine. It was pretty enough. Still choosing to assume she’s third?! Actually, my mom looked at the results ahead (she always does unless I’m watching with her and make her wait with me!) and said they don’t announce second and third, but just first?
Bruno saying we got robbed of a Josh and Sharna Argentine tango YESSSS. COULD YOU IMAGINE?! It’s the finale and his first time doing ballroom?! Stupid. Idiotic four week season. I thought the dance was perfectly beautiful. He looked just a little like heavy on his feet? I don’t know. I’m no expert. But I also don’t really care at this point. It’s all over anyways. We got so deprived not having him on a 10 week season. He could have kept getting better and better every single week and him and Sharna clearly have a great relationship and partnership we have not had a chance to enjoy! (I got all hot and bothered at the start of their dance thinking about the way James and Sharna started their fusion dance holding hands. Sigh.) I spy Chris behind Erin! Hi Chris. I’ve missed your beautiful face since last week. Why is Sharna flipping the fuck out like their 9s are 12s?!
Adam and Jenna genuinely have one of the best (and one of my favorite!) partnerships I’ve ever seen on this show in 26 long seasons. I’m truly obsessed with how much they love each other. (I see Anna Trebunskaya behind the judges! Long time no see!) That dance was so fantastically creative of course. It was fantastic and fun and technically beautiful and all that good stuff. I personally thought the lip syncing was irritating, but I know that was part of it so I’ll let it slide. I would have liked some time to know exactly how these dances represented their journeys on the show. Particularly this one. Well shit. They love each other soooo much. Now I want them to win, too! If they do win, the strength and just pure beauty of their bond will make it worth it for me.
I thought I would like a short finale since there’s usually so much nonsense in those 2 hour finales, but this is TOO DAMN FAST! We’re halfway done already!
I cringe everytime Sasha and Tonya say that America has got them to where they are. Because is that really even true?! Obviously she’s been getting some votes since she’s here. I don’t pay that close attention to comments online, but even I know there’s 47 negative comments for every one positive one. Ok. So I’m a little like disoriented because honestly…? I think I kind of liked that?!?!?! I’m pretty sure there was a little section where she went out of sync near the end with her hands. (Carrie Ann! Go put your ass back in your chair!) I figured they would have gone for something dramatic and emotional and I appreciate they didn’t. Honestly, it really worked for her! It was a celebration of her (not that she deserves to be celebrated), which is what the freestyle is supposed to be… I definitely don’t like her (or Sasha) anymore than I did 32 minutes ago. But I didn’t hate that dance.
Um…. Hi Sharna?! Which one of them am I supposed to look at dressed like that in this dance?! Him throwing her over his shoulder and running out of the studio in their package was epic. I have so much to say and not enough time to say it! That was sooooo perfect for them!!! Sharna is absolutely brilliant. And you know what? Sharna comes out looking like that, but I NEVER took my eyes off Josh. (YES CARRIE ANN PRAISING SHARNA! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND HUG SHARNA IF YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH!) (Wait why is Artem coming?! Now I know! OMG!) Ok. Back to the dance. Spectacularly creative and brilliant and so powerfully executed. Highlighted and represented Josh soooo well and the all the troupe and others added to the dance and didn’t pull away the attention from Josh. And as emotionally attached to James and Sharna and some of the dances they did together (like their fusion I’ve now mentioned twice tonight, but I’ve moved on…), I think I agree with Carrie Ann! That might be the most incredible and creative choreography we’ve seen from Sharna to date! That was just everything I wanted and more. It wasn’t emotional and heart-wrenching like James’ freestyle. It was strong and powerful and impactful like Josh. Just perfect for him. Sharna did him justice for sure. (My mom on this dance: “Wow!! But she needs to stay out of my closet!) OOH! I knew there was something else! When he lifted her above his head and then threw her higher and DROPPED HIS ARMS before reaching up to catch her?!?!?! That almost killed me. She has so much trust in him. I’m in love.
Briefly on Adam and Jenna’s freestyle because it’s 8:52 and my fingers are shaking as I try to type: 1) The fuck did I just watch?! 2) There wasn’t like… dancing? I mean, it’s a freestyle they can do whatever they want. But I didn’t see dancing? 3) I think this freestyle is a little ahead of its time. Like when Erin and Maks did the very first contemporary freestyle way back in season 10 and the judges didn’t really know what to do with it. That’s how I kind of feel about this. Like I don’t really know what to do with this. 4) I appreciate that he wanted something he felt was meaningful and represented him and obviously I’m not him so I don’t know… But like if you had given me a million guesses on what their freestyle would be like knowing that it represented him, I never would have got to this. It was a let down for me.
I had to go to the bathroom during the commercial so I didn’t wet myself waiting the last six minutes…
Oh dear. I think I’ve stopped breathing. Here we go. If they really are just announcing 1st and don’t announce 3rd, I might pass out.
Here it comes. It’s happening…
Well…. I knew that was coming. It’s a good thing I was such a big fan of them. Honestly, I’m not even that disappointed for Josh and Sharna. I thought I would be, but I’m really not. I mean, yes… Here’s yet another season of Sharna getting second place. But as a couple/partnership/duo/whatever, I did like Adam and Jenna more than Josh and Sharna. I really felt Adam and Jenna’s relationship tonight (and every night obviously) especially in their first dance and after it. And Jenna absolutely lost her shit. I’m so so so happy for her. And Adam. And her and Adam together. And only a little sad for Sharna. Not nearly as sad as I thought I would be. Maybe I’m growing…?!
It’s now 9:28 and I’m just sitting here on my couch and I keep smiling and saying, “Oh, I’m just really happy for them!”
I think I would have been considerably more inconsolable if Josh and Sharna had actually won. 
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 23} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: I love tuesdays because of you hahaha I can't focus on my assignment bcoz im really excited !!!!!! More strong power thank you !
Oh my god please try focusing on your assignment too! TT I want you to do well and so does Jungkook c: hehe~ Thank you so much love :D
@qigoyangi said: and finally it's Tuesday again!! the only other day in the week that I wait for is Fridays. You left me hanging on the edge with the last update and I'm soo excited for todays update. I loved the concept with the reader being a domitor and I'm looking forward too see how you evolve that. lot's of love and support from Qi
Yes it’s Tuesday! I’m so glad you look forward to Tuesdays because of IWSY! And I’m happy that you’re loving the lore and the concept :3 Thank you so much my love and I hope you enjoy tonight!!
Anonymous said: I just finished taking a test and remember u were uploading today 🙌💞 U light up my days  -wifey anon
Hello wifey anon! And good job on finishing your test! I’m sure you did an amazing job =D Awwww you’re so cute!! You light up my days too :3 I really hope you enjoy tonight’s chapter :D
Anonymous said: I had a really shitty and stressful day and I have just realized it's Tuesday and now I'm like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) can't wait for tonight's update
Shitty and stressful days are the worst, I’m sorry your day was so crappy :( But I hope that the new chapter was able to cheer you up and make your day a little better :3 Thank you so much babe!
@jynxy24 said: I'm breathing out tge air of my lungs for the upcoming smut!! :3
*breathes with you* I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT MY LOVE!
@animeimmortal said: I had such a shit day and all I'm waiting for is IWSY cuz like yes it does make me angry at times cuz of cliffhangers but then again its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD ❤
I’m sorry you had a shit day my love *hugs* but I hope that IWSY can make you smile today! (apologies again for the cliffhangers :P )
Anonymous said: Girl, I'm dying here.  I need my IWSY fix!
Go go go get it!!
@cotylovesbands said: I can't wait for IWSY!!!!!! I love it so so much 💗
I really hope you enjoyed it my dear! *hugs*
@mocking-butts said: Okay but seriously you're my fav writer ever and I look up to you for writing and I'm way too excited for this chapter you are now the mother of writing I'm calling you mumsy~! I'm so excited I can't stop looking at my phone 😭💕
Omg mumsy *heart flutters* that’s so cute ajkgnakjgadg you’re so sweet what did I do to deserve you?! hehe~ I really hope you enjoyed the chapter babes! Thank you so much :)
Anonymous said: Omfg I'm so excited for the next part, like I've been procrastinating for about an hour on meaning to do homework and this has only solidified that I shouldn't be doing work until I've read the update 😂
Let’s be professional procrastinators together yaaaaay I love doing nothing and leaving everything till the last minute so I can stress cry and worry about everything LOL xD I really hope you enjoyed it my love :3
Anonymous said: I'm buzzing for ISWY, I've had such a shitty time editing this essay and your update is giving me motivation
I’m so glad I can offer you the inspiration to keep editing your essay! You’ll do a good job my dear ^^
Anonymous said: That was such a good chapter!!! But this caught my attention, in a previous chapter, Jungkook mentioned not to let a human become pregnant because it will end badly for everyone? Did he decide it was okay since she was a domintor? Will she die? Will he change her? So many questions! Such a good story, I love it and I love you!
Ahh thank you so much and I love you too!! As for your questions my dear - as always, I never reveal spoilers so you will just have to live with your curiosity for the time being ;D I hope you can understand asdfg :3 Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day/night!!
@audreymv said: Yes Yes Yes. I love at the end especially  where they said "You" I can't so much. I love this and omg what is Yoongi actually wanting to do with the reader. Can't be good. God Smut and Fluff. Well this is just my lucky day and I just am so sad that this series is going to end soon. But so relieved and happy hopefully. God this makes me happy. You make me happy with what you do Sara. Thank you
I’m so happy you liked it c: AND HEY WHO SAID IT WAS GONNA END SOON? It ain’t over ‘till it’s over...and my god, nothing has even happened yet! :3 I really hope you’ll look forward to and enjoy what I have planned. I hope that it was be interesting, shocking and enjoyable all at the same time. I’m so excited to write it! And my dear, you make me happy because you’re happy. Thank you for always being amazing :)
YAAAAY THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’M SO HAPPY THAT YOU AND YOUR FRIEND LOVE BTS AND READ MY SERIES :3 you’re so welcome and thank you for reading it and messaging me c:
Anonymous said: LOVE LOVE LOVE IWSY -anon who just read chp.23
Thank you so much for reading it and loving the story so far!! It means a lot to me :)
@mocking-butts said: IM SCREAMING AT THIS CHAPTER I CANT HANDLE THE FEEELS. I'm just going to go cry in a corner while waiting for next weeks update I'm in love with this story how do I properly live?
No don’t cry in a corner that’s not good! :c *hugs* eheh thank you so much for reading it dear ^^ I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
@vtstigmarmy said  Omg it's out! Finally! Its 2am and im hyped!!
Wow it was so late for you! :c I hope you managed to get to sleep after reading it, and thank you so much for staying up so late to read it too!! I hope you liked it!
@animeimmortal said: Oh that was hell of a chapter. Wow like this the smut was spot on and the "I will move mountains...swim an ocean for you" type of thing got me internally screaming for how much I liked it ^^ (so cheesy ^^) my mood went up 100% ❤❤❤  love you 😘
Ahhh I wish I could find someone who would say those words to me and mean them with all their heart ^^ I’m not a huge fan of cheesiness - I find it to be rather cringey most of the time but, when it’s heartfelt and when it’s right for the moment, I accept it :3 lol Ah I’m so glad the chapter could bring your mood up! I love you too and thank you so much :D
@ayedemi said: Iwsy is so good omg, but like vampires and human or half human, gettig kids, i hope it won't be as dramatic as Twilight omg 😂❤
Do not fear! There will be no Twilight fuckery in this story xD You can be sure of that :D thank you for reading love ^^
Anonymous said: Fuck... u NEED to create a TV show out of IWSY I would literally watch it over and over again... 😭 How I wish this could be real life..... 😍 Going through hard times I know I can always count on you xxxx
I would love to make IWSY into a TV show! Omg that would be so cool~ And I wish this world could be real life too....but, I don’t think this scene would be allowed to air on television (not before 9pm anyway lool) I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through hard times. Keep your chin up and keep doing your best, and I’m always cheering you on ^^ Thank you so much my love.
@theninjachan said: "Do I need to ask you a second time, sweetheart? Don’t you wish to please your Prince?”  I just busted a nUT I'M LEAVING PLANET EARTH GOODBYE
@sorrehbae said: Glad to know im not the only one whos obsessed with iwsy I legit have an alarm and set it in my schedule lmao  I dont even have alarms for school im- Thanks for creating a masterpiece Bye omg (⌒▽⌒)
Oh my god that’s so cute Cx YOU ARE SO CUTE LET ME HUG YOU ;; Thank you so much for enjoying IWSY, and thank you for reading th new update as well ^^
Anonymous said: It was amazing. I. cannot. live. THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE BABBIIIEESSSSS?! But JK needs to turn Y/N because otherwise he will live much longer than she?! But which of the three scenarios (Vampire, Nothing happens, Die) will happen? AHHHH xxxxx UK anon
Baby talk yikes!! I wonder what will happen?! Ahh so many questions! Will Sara answer anything? heeeeeh c: Thank you so much for reading babe ^^
@mysr3 said: Saraa! I LOVE YoU and MAD at YoU at the same time! So GoOd OMG I did feel hot and bothered! Your writing indeed hit my emotional spot again! JK shows who the BOSS here! "I didn’t know what love was....My life was but a barren wasteland…until you walked into it and shed your wonder upon it" ahh Tears at this whole thing- so touching 😭 Give you lot of Hugs and KiSses Thank you Love! Thought last week I struggled hard enough😒 this week seems to be worse! Luv Ya 💖
Nooo don’t be mad at me why!? :3 Lots of hugs and kisses for you too - and I really hope that this week won’t be as bad as last week. Please stay strong okay? You can really get through everything because you are stronger than you think! You have survived all of your worst days so far...remember that ^^ I love you too and thank you so much for reading the chapter my dear :)
@deboracorreia26 said: I'm definitely out of words after this love confession. IWSY is absolutely my favorite fanfic ever, and you are my favorite writer. Love you!
I’m so happy you liked his gentle pillow talk c: *blushes* thank you so much beautiful - thank you for reading the new chapter and I love you too!
Anonymous said: Last week I was like "hmm chapter 22 and there hasn't been another smut scene yet... Suspicious." And then when I was reading it I was like "OOOOOH JUNGKOOK IS MAD I BET THERE'S GONNA BE SOME THINGS GOING ON NEXT CHAPTER....." And then at the end of the chapter I was like "YEAH MAN I CALLED IT THERE'S GONNA BE SOME ~spicy~ SCENES NEXT CHAPTER!" And now I read it and JEEZ LOUISE WAS THAT SOMETHING. Also THE END HAS ME SQUEALING ITS SO CUTE AHH Thank you for writing IWSY it is truly amazing! ~Ro❤️
Hiya Ro! I’m glad you enjoyed the much needed 3rd smut scene in this series :3 muhaha~ Thank you very much for reading it, as it is my pleasure to write it and post it! ^^ Have an awesome day my dear!
Anonymous said: Me trying to be calm after reading IWSY pr 23: well shit, sara... tbh you just made me love you like a billion times more . I applaud you once again on your exceptional writing. Me in all honestly after reading it: HOT DAMN THAT WAS PRETTY JUICY! I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT JUNGKOOK WAS GOING TO PROPOSE AFTER HIS LITTLE SPEECH TOWARDS THE END! anyways... ;'-' please take care of yourself, and you have once again impressed me with your writing! <3 - army anon
But I love you way more, so c: Hello Army Anon! You’re welcome for the hot, sexy juiciness~~ And oh my god a post-sex proposal :3 Prince Jungkook is so romantic, right? :3 I’ll do my best my love! Make sure you take care of yourself too and thank you so much for reading the new chapter :3
Anonymous said: I'm not crying. You are.
You’re not wrong
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARAAA!!! it was so GOOOOOOD!!
Anonymous said: Idk how many words that chapter was but it was basically en entire chapter of pure smut and I'm happy I waited to read it till I got home because otherwise I'd be fanning my face at school.
I believe it was around 5k words? So, considerably less than the previous chapters but still substantially full! Oh god yes you made a wise decision to wait until you got home :3 Thank you so much for reading it and I’m glad you enjoyed it my love :3
@coppertopging said: AHHHHHHHH why do you do this to us!!! You're a heartbreaker! She's gonna get pregnant! And then Yoongi's gonna get her!!! I just feel it... dammit, woman!
Ahhh you think you have it all sussed out...*giggles* Thank you for reading baby!
Anonymous said: Wow look at all the smutty goodness in that new chapter of IWSY like I was legit jumping on my bed and throwing my phone 😂
All le smutty goodness yay :3 LOL thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it?! :3
Anonymous said: Seriously, "I won't stop you'' is AMAZING -cat anon
Hi cat anon! Thank you so much for liking I Won’t Stop You! :3
@noceurash said: BLESSS , i won't stop you is a blessing to this world. As always ~~ Ily and have a good day today (or tomorrow pft ) ♡♡♡♡ . You're one of my favorite blogs tbh haha ♡
You’re so sweet aghsgksjnds thank you so much for your kind words. I love you too and I hope you have an amazing day or night as well my dear! Take care and thank you so much for reading :3
Anonymous said: I feel emotionally attacked. The most recent update of IWSY hit me in the feels highkey. You never fail to impress :) <3
I feel so happy when you tell me that I impressed you, thank you so much for that sweetie :) And you’re welcome for feeling emotionally attacked! It was my pleasure ~~~
@kookies-hoe said: OH MY GAWDDDDDDD HOW CAN SMUT BE SO CUTEAND FLUFFY AND SEXY AT THE SAME TIME 😭😭😭 Thank you for the new part! Cant wait for 24~ 💕❤
I think the best sexy time is sexy time that is both smutty and fluffy :3 Hehe~ You’re welcome and thank you so much for reading it my love!!
Anonymous said: Omg yassssss THEY BUMPED UGLIES. THIS WAS WHAT I NEEDED. OMFG IM SO HAPPY. LIKE JUNGKOOK IS SO DADDY AND IM A SINNNER BUT I CANT HELP IT. THAT BOY DOES THINGS TO ME. Y/n was getting that good 🍆!  😏😏😏.  But on another note I'm so depressed I can't go to see jungkook this weekend. But I still love him from a far and one day Ima touch him. Mom I hope you've been doing well. My surgery went great and I'm doing fine. It wasn't a big procedure. I love you so much. 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Hello LilKookieAnon! YES LMAO THEY BUMPED UGLIES and my dear I am so happy that your surgery went well. I hope you are recovering nicely and taking plenty of time to rest and restore your energy! ^^ I’m sorry you can’t go and see BTS :( But I know that one day you will, never give up okay?! I love you so much too and thank you once again for reading the chapter ^^ Take care of yourself okay?
Anonymous said: IWSY, incredible yet again. I will never get over how every single chapter leaves me satisfied AND anticipating the next one! You've really developed the plot so nicely. It's overall one of the best of its kind in my opinion. Keep up the fantastic work Sara! Can't wait for next Tuesday!!! (Also, "I would want no other woman to mother my children..." I'm DED) - 종달새 <3
‘One of the best of it’s kind’ - you are far too sweet, I’m crying at that :c I’m so happy that you like the plot and you’re enjoying the storyline, I really wanted to create a world that everyone can enjoy! And I KNOW RIGHT GOD DAMN IT I HURT MYSELF WITH THAT LINE GOODNIGHT lmao thank you my dear ^^
Anonymous said: IWSY update is the only thing that keeps me going on Tuesday
I’m so happy that it keeps you going *hugs*
Anonymous said: Omg I completely forgot that today IWSY was going to be posted like it was raining earlier and I was making a paper mache(?) piñata with a couple friends but like YES THE SMUT IT WAS GREAT AND SO IS YOUR WRITING
Ooooh paper mache making is so fun! Invite me next time pls :c hehe ^^ Thank you so much for liking and reading the chapter my love :3
@jiyongyu said: There are only a few fics that I absolutely adore and IWSY is one of them. Seriously, I'm always waiting for Tuesday to roll around because I can't wait for the next chapter haha! Thank you for writing such an interesting horror-esque fic! As a fellow horror fan, it's quite refreshing ^^ Anyway KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK ILYYYY ♥
Thank you so much for saying that :) It seriously makes my heart go all dokidoki lmao ~ (I don’t know how to say that in english? haha) I’m so happy that you like my addition to the horror fic genre! That means so much to me~ I will keep doing my best and I love you too ;3
Anonymous said: Idk how you managed to turn to atmosphere of the room from dom!jungkook to something all lovey dicey is beyond me 👏🏼
I really wanted to portray the healthiness of their relationship. Like, he’s definitely a dom but he’s how a dom should be in those type of bedroom adventures~ He is of course authoritative and likes to be in control, but he reads her body language and is attentive to her needs and security and of course, he loves her ^^ I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :3 Thank you dear!
@jynxy24 Is it wrong that i'm reading this but, I'm like, 14? Sara, you make the best of smut😂 But, I should really stop reading smut what is wrong with me😳 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR A GREAT CHAPTER!! And also, I love the new theme! :3 Have a great day, Sara. Stay awesome!!
JYNxY YOU’RE 14 OH MY GOD YOU POOR CHILD I’M SO SORRY LMAO but tbh, I *do* have it marked as MATURE and there is a warning on it :P I can’t stop minors from reading what I write, just as long as you are mature enough in your self and you are sensible and safe in the real world when you make your own decisions ^^ Thank you so much for loving the new theme! And thank you for reading the new chaptER YOU BAD CHILD (kidding lol) but I think you are mature and sensible so ^^
@ananyak26 said: Part 23 was damn sexy! The last part was so beautiful though! Omg Jungkook's love .. It just killed me! Why can't there be more guys like himxD.. Jk anyway. Beautiful writing as usual
There are no guys like him - only Vampires ;D muahaha(my jokes are so bad forgive me but I try) lol xD THANK YOU so much my love, I’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter :) That means so much to me ^^
@toxic-seoul said: OH MAH LAWD OKAY THAT WAS AMAZING AS ALWAYS. oh god seriously tho I really love Jungkook in this. Yoongi better back the fuck off. I take back all words I said about Yoongi taking reader away & wooing her even tho he's my bias. But.. u kno.. he did kill her parents.. like.. that's a deal breaker. I still love him in this tho like ugh kill me as well. Jungkook and reader are just 2 god damn cute & 2 invested in each other like I can't. Sara ur killing me here & I love it. Keep killing me pls lmao
LOL BACKPEDDLE FROM WANTING YOONGI TO FUCC YOU AGAINST A WALL like fuck lmao~~ they are pretty much 100% invested in each other now, you’re absolutely right. But...I wonder. c: You’re welcome for the death and the smut hehe ^^ thank you so much for reading it and always being super amazing. Take care and have an awesome day love!
Anonymous said: Chapter 23 was some kinky shit
You’re welcome ;D
Anonymous said: I have never liked Vampire!AU or supernatural au but damn WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME !! I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF VAMPIRE JUNGKOOK MAN OMFG 😭😭😩😩🖤🖤🔥 love your writing 🖤🖤 stay healthy and amazing 🖤🖤
That means so much to me!! Thank you for liking my addition to this type of AU :3 Thank you so much and I hope you will stay healthy and take care of yourself too my dear :)
Anonymous said: hello! I am writing just to thank you for writing the jungkook vampire fanfic!!! I just found it yesterday and I read the entire series already!! seriously looking forward for the next chapter. you write so well, I think you can do well as a legit story writer HAHHAA. anyways thanks for all the hard work and for satisfying my fantasies!! <3 u and <3 kookie!!
Thank you very much for writing to me and letting me know! Ahh you read it all in such a short space of time?! *cries* thank you!! you’re so sweet and I hope you will look forward to the rest of the series too my dear. I love you and Kookie as well! Take care love ^^
@wanda-rog said: "If it happens, it happens" JUNKOOK BEFORE IT HAPPENS omg im so exited for the next chapter!!
Hehehe :3 Thank you for being excited for the next chapter! And thank you for reading this chapter too ^^
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