mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Our final video "The Avengers Kickin' Nico-teen's Butt" :-) 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Our Summary
We want people to take another look at their smoking habits & for them to understand that smoking is just a waste of time!
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Challenges we faced & what worked well!
Eric stated "Some scenes were too noisy and we had to re-shoot them. We had technical difficulties like the battery dying and it was hard to get everyone together and filming."
Kara stated "Some of the group members were laughing,so we had to keep re-shooting.Also,it was hard to talk to the camera in front of people. What worked well was that in the end everyone settled down and we got to hear each other better."
Lauryn stated "We were under a lot of time pressure and it took a while to shoot and edit but in the end we got things done and the movie turned out great."
Sophie stated "Working in small groups worked best as we were more productive especially with the script writing and costume design."
Scott stated "We had lots of fun making the film and got along well as a team."
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
What we learned from making our short video on smoking!
Scott stated "I learned that you need to be patient and listen to the leaders. There was a lot of work to do and it takes a lot of time to make a short two minute movie."
Lauryn stated "Smoking isn't just something you can stop doing,it takes time.No one is superhuman and can just quit,there isn't really a magic potion for that."
Eric stated "Don't smoke because its bad for your health. Also,I learned to work in a group"
Kara stated "Smoking can effect your lungs and ability to undertake activities, but we had a great laugh when filming. I learned how to use the camera when recording,also the importance of working together."
Sophie stated "I learned how to edit and write a script. I also learned how to cooperate in a team and how to make a plan and story board ideas." 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
How our Community benefited from our project on anti-smoking
Our community benefited in a number of ways. Through making a short film on anti-smoking, its ill health effects and peer pressure associated with smoking, we hope this will impact on our target audience of 10-15 year olds in particular. This is a stage in young people’s lives when they are most vulnerable to peer pressure and wouldn’t think of the long term health problems that can result from smoking. Our short film will hopefully grab young people’s attention and make them think twice about starting to smoke or to think about giving them up.
By putting our short film on anti-smoking on facebook & youtube and by showing it in Ladyswell NS to 5th & 6th class and in the Mulhuddart Community Centre, we hope our simple message  that smoking can effect the way you live, will influence some young people or even adults and help them stop smoking or not start in the first place!
Lauryn said "It shows the risks of smoking and that you can live so much better without it". Sophie stated "the video will teach young people how it can effect your friendships because if your mates are smoking, you might not want to hang out with them". Kara said "Our video will show that people can get sick from smoking". Scott said "Hopefully our video will show people that smoking affects your health". 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Editing our Film & Whats happening next
Hi everyone Kara here writing for the Mulhuddart Techspacers. We have finished filming our short movie and it looks great!!!!!!The editing took a lot of hard work but we finally got it done! We had to cut some of the funny scenes :( but it still looks great. We are gonna put our film up on facebook and youtube and get as many likes as possible. it is also gonna be shown in the Lighthouse cinema on Tuesday the 1st of July. We feel putting it up on the internet will show people that there is always a way to give up smoking and hopefully it will raise more awareness on the health affects of smoking. Hopefully our society will not look like they are 50 at a very young age!!!!!
If u read this and really think about it u might give a think about giving up smokes!
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
#cutscene #laughingoutloud 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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#behinthescenes #havingalaugh arent we atunning lads xx 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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A re-take of one of our scenes...moving from outside to inside!
#singingbirds #busyroad #learningcurve  
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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Preparing our script, costumes and props for our film!!
#busy #hardatwork #funtimes
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Script writing & Film Production
Hello people of the internet who have happened to find our blog! This is Sophie and Hayley here writing for the Mulhuddart Techspacers. Today, we will be writing about what we have done for our video and how we planned it!
First, we planned who was going to act and who was going be the director/editor/camera person. We all decided pretty quickly and there was no trouble about roles, which was a good thing!
Then, Hayley and I went down to the Community Centre another day and wrote the script. It took us about an hour to write but we eventually got it done. We wrote a great script including health facts on smoking and how peer pressure can influence people to smoke!
The next time we all got together for our group, we designed costumes and decided who was going Blanch Centre with Bernie. We got costumes for Sophie Widow and Captain Scott and we reused old clothes for the rest of the characters. We then spent the following group session making props and putting the finishing touches to the costumes.
We decided as a group that it would be best to come in on a Saturday to film our video as we are often tired on Friday evenings after school to get much done. We spent 3 hours on Saturday finalizing our costumes/props and filming our scenes. It was a fab day but when we looked over the footage there was a lot of background noise with traffic and birds singing. We then decided to come in the following Tuesday and re-film the scenes indoors. It didn't take us as long to prepare and we were much better at remembering our lines as well. We had great fun making the film even though it seemed daunting at the start. 
The next stage now will be to edit the film and decide on how best to show our film to our target audience, which we will tell you about in our next blog!
#creative #weloveacting
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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This is Sophie, Dylan, Bernie and Gareth at the X-HALE workshop during for the video. They learned how to edit and record at this workshop. It helped us a lot as it showed us things to make our video better. 
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Our X-HALE workshop & new theme!
Hi my name is Dylan Fitzgerald from the Mulhuddart Techspacers and I wanna tell you about my trip to Ballybough Community Centre where I took part in the X-HALE video making workshop. There we learned different skills on how to focus the camera, use the microphone, check for sound, etc. Sophie learned how to make a script, how to be creative with props and be an actress. We met young people from different communities and groups and we learned how to co-operate with them. We learned how to edit the film we made which was called "Smoky White". This film was a retake of Snow White where the wicked witch gave Snow White a smoke instead of a poison apple to start her smoking and make her ugly for the Prince. Sophie and I brought back our ideas to the rest of the group and we decided to go with a new style of film. We decided on a super hero film based on the Avengers as we are all huge fans of the characters. We decided our crisis would be that a character called Nico-teen would be the villain who would bring cigarettes to earth and then the super heros would have to save the day....we will re post next week when we have our film planned!
Over and out, Dylan
#imawesome #superheros
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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A few of the reasons we feel young people start to smoke!
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
Brainstorming, Researching and Decision Making
Hi guys, Mulhuddart Techspacers here just a little update on our blog here well there is 7 people in our group and we meet up every Friday at 4:15 to 5:30 and we talk about stuff like cyber bulling and internet surfing and issues affecting young people. We decided a few weeks ago to do a Citizenship programme as we would like to make a difference to our community. Over the last couple of weeks we have been talking about people taking up smoking and how it can be very harmful in peoples life. We have done lots of debates and research on smoking and every 1 in 4 people die because they have been smoking for a long time people also can get cancer. Two people got picked to go to a workshop with the Irish Cancer Society's X-hale programme to learn new skills on film production and how to make a really good film on smoking. This subject has really thought us about smoking and the effects it can have on our life but also on our children. I hope when u read this you will pick up alot of serious information on smoking and realise how smoking can harm you and the people around you. We are thinking of focusing our film on peer pressure but will make our final decision after the workshop. We have read lots of stories and watched lots of films about young teenagers smoking  :please reblog so that people can see how harmful it is thank you very much!!!
                                                         Mulhuddart Techspacers
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mulhuddarttechspace · 10 years
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Some of the Techspacers
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