#i’m hoping that ax will be the place they drop the short lol idk if it’ll be the whole thing since shadow gens comes out in fall
akkivee · 4 months
which sonic?!
the hedgehog!!!! we’re getting a panel for the (probable) animated prologue for shadow generations!!!! they’re bringing iizuka-san, and few more guests like shadow’s va to talk shadow and all things sonic!!! it’ll be lit!!!!
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prismarine-parrots · 5 years
Tree of Life Notes
Would this technically be a masterpost? Not sure what that entails so let’s just keep it as notes.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 5 (1) Part 5 (2) Notes
The basic ideas of ToL- function, plot, what happens to who... basically while I was writing ToL me jotting down everything I could think of to try and make this make sense XD
-in this AU, everyone's life force is tried to a tree. These are special trees that relate to the person.
-link to the Google Doc with everyone’s tree designs... except for a few I’m not sure of still (taking suggestions for those, comment on Google Doc!)
-whenever the player dies, the tree takes a small amount of damage eg. a leaf falling
-many deaths in a short amount of time can lead to the tree becoming more visibly unhealthy, but normally if you wait a couple days without dying the tree will heal itself and go back to normal
-the trees can be moved by using a special axe, similar to the armor stand book or the wrench tool. It's a iron axe that is enchanted and when you break one part of the tree, the entire thing disappears and it drops one sapling. When that sapling is replanted it grows immediately. While the sapling exists as an item, the hermits will still PROBABLY  respawn, but there is a lot more risk of perma-death or having complications.
1. Grian joining from an old version server brought glitches unknowingly (catalyst for all and at his never worked properly in the first place)
2. The ConVex using Vexnos to Thanos-snap the server probably doesn't help at all
3. Lag from all the redstone keeping the trees from healing (MUMBO?)
4. Exploring the world as much as the hermits have (literally like 30,000 blocks in multiple directions wow) has started to cause world corruption (like broken chunks and such)
This is a mess
-no clue
-Xisuma rolls back the server to a time where this wasn't an issue? (Grian would still be dead/on his way to dying)
-EX becomes a hero and gives his life force to heal the others (originally plan but I couldn’t make it work so that was scrapped)
-heal them like you do a zombie villager?? Wait for the tree to die completely then use a potion/healing item on it to revived it? (This one!!)
-Grian is first death
-Wels dies soon after
-TFC dies but not a lot of people realize because he's still in his bunker
-Evil Xisuma nearly dies??? Or does?? (Yes he does)
-Xisuma gets sick but they solve the problem before he dies
-False tries to be a tough cookie and suck it up until she collapses and dies on the spot
-Doc dies right at the end but puts up a serious fight
-Tango dies
-Zedaph dies
-Scar dies and Cub is not okay
-xbCrafted dies
-Python dies
LIVING PEEPS (read: Dead-Only-On-The-Inside Peeps)
-Mumbo (he’s worse than he lets on)
-Cubfan (oops I’m sorry)
-Jessassin but he doesn't know what's going on anyway so
**list is not comprehensive (as in I'm not sure I have all the hermits listed lol)
-not everyone knows what's going on. TBH some people probably don't even know about the trees in the first place, and some may have just randomly died or didn't know people were perma-dying in the first place. These are mainly the hermits that are actually hermits and dont do many collabs/I don't watch enough to feel comfortable writing/don’t do HC anymore in the first place XD
Hermits that are actually involved in the issue (AKA the ones I'm writing)
-Iskall, False, Mumbo, and X discover Grian and his tree are sick
-Grian explains what he knows but passes out before he can finish
-everyone panics and tries to figure out how to heal him, calls Tango, Joe, Doc, and Stress to help
-Grian dies
-(side)Ren get footage of Grian's death message and keeps it in his video not sure of it's seriousness, Recap has it as the main part of their video and literally the entire fandom freaks out
-(side)almost all of the hermits go silent until this issue is resolved. Not everyone knows what is going on and are doing their own thing, so they continue to make their content until maybe some of them randomly die too. Innocence is a blessing. These hermits are Jessassin, xbCrafted, Python, TFC, and probably some others because I might shorten my list of hermits because that's a LOT of characters to write
-Xisuma calls every possible to a meeting ASAP to address the issue and figure out what caused it and how to fix it (they're assuming they can still get Grian back rn XD)
-no one knows what the heck happened, most people haven't touched their trees/forgot they existed
-Jevin is late and bursts in in a panic, saying that Wels isn’t waking up
-they get to the bone arch between shopping/modern districts on the way to medieval/industrial before they get the seat message that Wels had died
-they devise a plan to look for a cure, start preparations for a lot of traveling
-False gets exhausted and collapses, dying on the spot as her tree unknowingly gave out
-they start their mission to stop this madness
-Scar and Cub go to the Woodland Mansion to see if any old books or artifacts there might have anything to help the situation
-They fight some Vindicators and start looking for what they came for
-Cub realizes that something is off with Scar and Scar says that he's not feeling well
-Scar suddenly sinks to ground but is still conscious
-Cub starts to panic and tries to help Scar
-Scar explains that he hadn't been healing properly after taking damage and assumed that his tree was broken as well, but had been hoping he could play it safe and hold on until they healed the trees but the fight with the Vindicators had really taken it out of him
-Cub tried to get Scar to heal but it isn't working
-Scar says something really sweet and brotherly to Cub before closing his eyes and going limp but still having a smile on his face
-Scar died.
-When Tango's tree starts to die he goes insane and goes feral/demonic and starts attacking everyone with he demon features (horns, claws? Wings? That's a headcanon tho)
-in the frenzy Tango kills Python (I think I said he died earlier but I'm going with this here for sure)
-Tango pins Doc
-Impulse kills Tango before he can kill anyone else
-they find a clue that they can find a cure at a set of coordinates
-coordinates turns out to be EX's hideout
-EX is dying, Xisuma's tree is affected but he is safe until EX dies
-Xisuma convinced EX to help them to keep EX from dying
-EX dies. Originally I had it that EX is some sort of salty anti-hero and gives his life to help but I couldn't find a way to make that work so he just ends up dying. Does he respawn? Idk up to readers
-they find a cure and head back to the settled areas of Hermitcraft. Some of them go and raid everyone's storages for potion ingredients to make harming potions and splash healing potions.
-Doc and Ren fly around the server and set up beacons (existing or new) to have regen activated
-Doc is killed by phantoms
-the cure is finished and tested
-Grian lives!!!!!!!!! :D
-Impulse goes to revive Tango and Zed
-Ren revives Doc
-Grian revives Scar
-Mumbo goes to get Cub and help him out
-Cub lowkey wants to die until he sees Scar and then yay no more dead Scar and dead-inside Cub! 🤠
-Jevin revives Wels
-Iskall, Stress, and Cleo revive False
-Joe helps out Xisuma, then they go revive TFC and Python
and that's all I had written down? Did I forget anyone?
-all this happens over the course of one very stressful week :D
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sapphicwizzro · 5 years
oh dang its a syoc form
@iguessihavemore bet u werent expecting me b i h
all relevant stuff is UNDER THE READMORE YEE BEE
everytime ive submitted an oc to something something BAD happened so like let’s hope that doesnt happen again
Name: Paulie Rio (Paulie is short for Pauline) Stereotype: Punk... or Baker. Depends on the time of day p much Reason For Competing: money money money money motherfucker
Gender: Baby Girl... She/Her Ethnicity: idk shes black i made her at a time when i dont think about WHERE these people came from she just EXISTS and lives in CANADA Sexuality: Lesbab Age: Anywhere from 17 to 24 Audition Tape:
Paulie adjusted the camera, sticking her tongue out in the process. She's standing in her kitchen, wearing her pink apron.
"Is this thing on?" Paulie muttered to herself, before noticing the blinking red light, "Oh! Okay!"
She took a step back. She's standing behind a counter.
"Hi! I'd really like to be on Total Drama! I'm really cool and strong and I bake really awesome cookies-"
Paulie picks up a pan of cookies, forgetting the fact that they are freshly out of the oven and she isn't wearing any oven mitts. She shouts as she drops the pan, and shouts as it presumably hits her leg.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" She chants as she hops around, "Oh, I'm so stupid-"
Her hopping around shakes the camera, which falls over and breaks.
"Oh, dangit!"
You can see her shuffle in front of it.
"Uh." She says, "My name is Paulie, by the way."
Cut to black.
Body Type: A little thin, but you can see that she has muscles. Got abs. Skips leg day lol Height: Not like too short but like? 5'2? Idk Skin Color: Dark af Skin Markings: General "I get into fist fights sometimes" scars across her body. Eyes: Very round and open red eyes (or a reddish brown if you prefer) Hair Color: Light lime green Hair Length/Texture: Neck length! I like to imagine its very coily?? Is that the word? like you look at her hair very closely and its a bunch of very tight ringlets Typical Hairstyle: It just sort of. Exists. She doesn't style it, it's just. short!!! Face: Round!! Has a silver nose ring and several other rings in her ears!! Always has at least one bandage on her cheek.
Default Outfit: Black bandana with a flame pattern near the bottom. Black t-shirt. Ripped blue jeans. Black converse with pink accents. Might occasionally go out with black cuffs and a collar. Sleepwear: She's that kinda person who sleeps in a t-shirt and undies and all the girls resent her for it cause like "OMG PAULIE PUT ON SOME PANTS" Swimwear: If she could get away with just wearing trunks, she would. Instead, she just wears a black one piece with some skeleton pattern on it or somethin Their Fashion Sense: Dark punk bullshit with bright accents. Just very punk rock. She also wears a pink apron with a cat pattern on it when she's baking. Other Hairstyles: Sometimes she eschews the bandana and goes for a ponytail. Some girls think she looks hot like that.
Extra (optional):    
Their Voice: She definitely has a Slight Accent(tm) but its like. a lil androgynous and cracks sometimes. Rhondolite from Steven Universe maybe?? How They Smell: Cookies with the slightest hint of Axe body spray
Personality: Very kind and loving and SOFT. Full of energy. Vocally supportive of her peers. Mushy romantic who believes in the kindness of people or whatever. She's a little stupid sometimes and is the kind of person to try and climb onto the roof of places and fall off. She used to be a bad person, and she sometimes lets people step on her because she's afraid of regressing into that.
Biography: Paulie came from a Bad Neighbourhood(tm) and used to be the Baddest Bitch Around(tm), breaking noses and taking names until she accidentally hurt someone so bad that they went into a coma. The sudden introspective that moment gave her forced her to rethink her entire life. Since then, she's turned her entire personality around, turning from "I'll cut you" to "Let's bake cookies!". She doesn't talk about her past much, but she still lives in the slums lol!! Family: A dad who's probably nice. Idk i dont think about family much I always prioritize friendships Strategy: PSHAWWWW who needs that?? Paulie's strategy is to just make friends and be nice! It worked for Owen, right? What They Want the Money For: Moving away from her bad neighbourhood and opening a bakery! Fears: Nobody liking her, accidentally losing her temper, deep water, unfamiliar animals being just a LITTLE too close for comfort (she enjoys animals when she knows them) Life Goals: Moving to a nice little suburb and opening a cute little pastel bakery!!!
Type of People They’d… Be Friends With: Everyone! As long as you're nice and kind. She'd be Extra Friends with someone who can match/keep up with her energy and go along with her Fun Schemes Consider an Enemy: Assholes. Disloyal and dishonest people. Debbie Downers when they bring others down. People who remind her of what she used to be. Be romantically Interested In: A girl who'd validate her and make her laugh and bake with her. Someone who'd eat her cookies and cuddle and watch horror movies.
Favorite Flower: She actually loves pink flowers! It doesn't matter what kind, she just thinks pink flowers are cute. Cherry blossoms feel like something she'd love Favorite Season of the Year: Spring, at least when it doesn't feel like Winter's hangover Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate (she drinks it year round!) but otherwise she just drinks water because it's HEALTHY!!!
Skills Strengths: She's kind and caring!! She's full of energy!! She's like the mom friend, she cares so much about everyone around her and she's full of determination and love Weaknesses: She sees the world as black and white with no moral grey, she's a little ditzy, blunt af, extremely gullible because she's such an idealist, she worries a lot about things that are out of her control, worries that others secretly hate her Hobbies: Baking!!! She also likes to play on her Gameboy Advance and watch horror movies. Her favourite movie killer is Chucky or Freddy Krueger. She thinks a killer with personality can carry a movie well. Things They’re Good At: Running, baking, fist-fighting (much to her dismay), carrying things, climbing, most Physical Shit Things They’re Bad At: Swimming, anything that requires fine balance like dancing, physically incapable of singing or any fine arts
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look i just finished drawing her!!
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EPIC ART drawn by ylvaliiw on instagram and this is EXACTLY how i picture her in my head
ive also been throwing around an oc concept exclusively to audition for garden (paulie’s been my oc for years now) so keep ur. eyes. open.
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