#i’m love u beedee sweet tea bubblegum gal
stewyonmolly · 4 years
🌱🌈 :-D
🌱 - dream job?
writing for pixar or laika studios (they made coraline, kubo and the two strings, etc)!! or just being a novelist but that’s obviously hard to do as a sole profession LMAO </3
🌈 - tell us about your best friends!
LMAO BEEDEE okay so beedee is the type of person who almost always sends me asks during ask games that have to do with her but i still get so excited to answer them because i LOVE TALKING ABOUT BEEDEE. literally my soulmate, i feel like i sometimes say absolute gibberish and she knows exactly what i mean because we’re just wired to the same frequency. she’s the only bearable taurus alive. she’s like daisies and sweet perfume and pale pink but she also makes me want to pull on a pair of stomping boots and run through city streets at 3am while laughing uproariously and flipping off god. she’s the type of person who is so easy to talk to, so easy to relate with, so easy to love. she’s the steam off freshly baked bread and the crack of the crust and she’s also getting dragged by your best friend into the rain and kicking muddy water at each other and the sun coming out only once you’re soaked. we’re going to move to england once we graduate and we’re going to live in an apartment and raise our CHILDREN together like some kind of full house shit. it’s going to be perfect literally life without beedee would be a life without sunshine even if she prefers the rain.
jonah is RIDICULOUS. he’s the type of person who posted One (1) tiktok and got millions of views in one day. he’s the funniest person i know, he’s like john mulaney but better because he’s JONAH. he’s my ex-gifted-kid soulmate, and we’re both so fucking burnt out but in all the same ways. every time we talk on the phone we talk for 6 hours and we both pace the whole time. once he walked 14 miles in laps around battery park while talking on the phone with me. he has this enormous, gaping, bleeding heart and he’s gone through so much with so many people and he’s still so, so deeply and thoroughly good that it makes me want to dunk my head in the hudson and contract a flesh-eating bacteria. he’s going to be an actor and he’s going to be famous and you’re all going to know his name and i’m going to be sitting here sobbing because i knew him when he looked like oswald the octopus and he was my pugsley when i was wednesday and we have so many inside jokes and i could talk about him for years. his fashion sense sucks and he has synesthesia and three times a semester he texts me asking to send him poems that he can bastardize for his acting classes and it never bothers me. my actual brother and the person i sit next to at every group hang because he lets me cuddle him.
amy is LIGHT. oh my god shes light. she’s a ballerina and she’s cotton candy in human form and she’s the only person in my group of friends with conviction, the only one with a spine. she loves the color yellow and she sends me stickers in the mail sometimes and she bakes sometimes and only very badly. her dog is huge and scary and she named it sully. she eats pasta with NOTHING ON IT. she has calf muscles that god would be jealous of. she’s going to be a special ed teacher and it is what she was born to do. she’s good with every person not because she’s supposed to be but because it’s EASY for her. that being said she would probably egg the car of the guy both of us dated if i asked her to do it with me. she’s the voice of reason but only sometimes. she has a car but it’s stick-shift and she doesn’t know how to drive it because she never learned. she’s the only choreographer who ever successfully taught me a dance sequence. she’s such a picky eater it actually astounds me. she pukes when she’s nervous but she also pukes when she laughs too hard. she makes me want to believe in god a little bit.
and my little sister. i can’t even put it into words how much i love her. we share a bed every single night and when she’s not there with her pointy fucking knees up my asshole i can’t sleep. she leaves shit ALL OVER MY ROOM. i have five cups mugs and glasses around my room right now and all of them are hers. she used to mess up my carefully set-up barbie dream house while i was at school. we used to fight, like legit fight, she bit me once and i bled and now we laugh hysterically about it. oh my god she makes me laugh like no one else. she can just blink and i’ll laugh. if she breathes right i’ll laugh. we make eye contact and i laugh. we used to get smacked in church for giggling about the lady who smelled like yankee candle catalogues. she’s a lacrosse player and she wants to be an anesthesiologist and she’s going to be a fucking soccer mom with 2.4 kids and she’s going to marry her high school sweetheart and i’m nothing like that and i’m SO HAPPY FOR HER. she has so many friends and goes to parties and she’s so popular and she deserves it all because she’s actually a good person. i can’t go to shoprite or walmart without her. she’s always wearing my clothes and she stretches the thighs of all my pants. she’s lactose intolerant and she eats dairy anyway and then i get the snapchats of her on the toilet crying and i still feel bad about it even though she knowingly did it to herself. she cries every time she drops me off at college. sometimes she reminds me of my mom and it scares me. sometimes i look at her laughing and i see me and it scares me. usually i just see her, and that’s the best thing i could see. she’s the one person i don’t think i could live without.
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