#i’m not even watching the show i keep getting reels of scenes with the FL and the villain and ooooh boy. ML who?
thedeathdeelers · 10 months
me when the murderous villain is hot (or even worse: is hotter than the main lead):
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fairytalelovedramas · 5 years
Asian Drama Watchlist & Review for Jan 2020
Wow, got through a lot of shows and films this month compared to my norm (probably due to my lack of a social life, but meh, that’s beside the point)!!!
So here are my thoughts and reviews for the shows I watched in January...  probably not going to be completely spoiler free
And yeah this got long, so putting my reviews below the break so it doesn’t take up the whole wall!!
Finished Watching this month:
1) Ashes of Love
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Wowww, what a journey this show takes you on!!  It took me awhile to get through, as I often find with Fantasy CDramas, as I find it hard to binge too many eps at a time, but I was hooked from the start!  I love the actors, the characters, I loved the leads but fell in love with several side characters as well, the angst gave you all the feels, there were plenty of funny moments, and the love stories really made your heart flutter (I especially fell in love with the side love story, which is rare for me!).  Really loved this one!
Where I watched: Viki, also on Netflix
2) TharnType the Series
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Hands down one of my favorite BL couples!!  Their chemistry is out of this world.  Are there problematic parts of the show?  Yes, most definitely, especially near the beginning, but their connection and sweet moments are worth it, and honestly I just made up my own head cannon where those parts don’t exist haha!!  I LOVE this couple, they way they look at each other and all the touches, ugh it just does things to me!!  And their acting was fabulous, I fell in love with Mew (more than I already was) and Gulf as well!
Where I watched: Links to Line TV (found on Official TharnType Twitter)
4) Coffee & Vanilla
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Skinship, Skinship, Skinship!!  From ep 1, I was like woah!  So I started this one because I saw the 2 leads in Good Morning Call and think Dori Sakurada is just a beautiful human being and had SLS big time, so was curious to see him get the girl this time!!  And yeah he didn’t disappoint, he’s gorgeous and whoooo did that boy have some kinks!  Honestly, I thought their chemistry was good and I thoroughly enjoyed all the skinship scenes, if anything I would have been happy to see more of his kinky side actually get reciprocated haha!!  I personally enjoy a clingy, head-over-heels in love ML, and am for the alpha-male/innocent girl dynamic, and that’s exactly what you get!!!
I can see why this show wouldn’t be for everyone though, it has problematic parts for sure! It has a really weak FL who doesn’t really have a lot of character growth (despite her saying at the end she got stronger, I was like really??  fooled me!  but at least she’s aware of her weakness??), but her “innocent” character is one of the things that drives the story so it didn’t bother me that much.  I could have done without so much manhandling (by pretty much every male in the series).  I could see how it could be triggering for some.  I also thought she had the worst best friend in the world and was way too forgiving.  But if you can get over these points, I enjoyed it quite a lot! I may make some gifs for this one since there are several scenes I liked and no one seems to be making any!!
Where I watched: Viki
3) He is Psychometric
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So this was different than I expected.  Not bad by any means, just different.  I was expecting more romance, more healing from shared trauma, etc.  Maybe I was hoping it would be a bit more like Just Between Lovers after seeing that first ep and the trauma?  But I know nothing will ever replace that show in my heart, it will always be a fave!  Anyways, this wasn’t like that one haha!  It was a lot more mystery/crime genre than anything, which isn’t my fave, but there were a few sweet moments and the acting was sooo good and by the time I realized the romance & story wasn’t really what I was expecting I was drawn into the mystery I had to know how it ended!
Where I watched: Viki
5) Theory of Love
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I love OffGun as celebrities and in their variety shows, but never saw them in a series so decided to give this one a go!  Wow, I totally ended up in a major binge session with this one!! I didn’t want to stop watching!  I’ve always thought Gun was a cutie, but after seeing him act I have a whole new respect for him.  Did I think it was one of the best BL stories I’ve seen?  No.  But they have great chemistry and it was a cute story overall!  Really enjoyed this one!!
Where I watched: YouTube (GMM channel)
6) Dark Blue Kiss
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I’ve seen the various Kiss prequels so was excited about this one!  Honestly, I felt the MorkSun story overpowered PeteKao a bit but am not complaining as I loved both stories!  There were a lot of sweet moments and just enough angst to keep you interested.  But above all, I have to say the superstars of the series were the parents!!  The acceptance every person should get, open talks about sex and condoms, advocating for your child, I mean it really doesn’t get much better!  It hit on many important lgbtq topics and for that alone I thought it was very well-done!  All the couples were very cute and made me root for them!
Where I watched: YouTube (GMM channel)
7) Love by Chance (rewatch)
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In prep for the 2nd season I decided to rewatch LBC in a binge session!  Oh my goodness, I forgot how much I missed AePete, I fell in love with them big time the first time around and all of that just came rushing back.  I’m reeeally going to miss Pete in season 2!!!  Their relationship is just so healthy compared to most in the BL world and their chemistry is sooo good!!  They better at least let them stay happy and in love even if Pete is abroad!!  I admit I was never one to get crazy about TinCan, but knowing they’ll be the center of season 2 I watched their scenes more closely and definitely felt a stronger pull for them this time around.  I’m very excited to see how their story continues!!!!
Where I watched: Youtube (Studio Wabi Sabi channel)
8) The Hows of Us
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This filipino film stars one of my fave love teams... KathNeil!!  I love their films and that they are a reel to real couple as well!!  I enjoyed this movie a lot, it was more mature than many of their previous works together and showed how they’ve been growing.  It wasn’t a typical falling in love story that ends when the couple gets together but explores how couples grow apart and how real life can sometimes get in the way of our dreams.  I found the film relatable and also optimistic.  And I love the pining and longing looks... that always gets me and there was a lot of it in this film!!
Where I watched: TFC
9) Hotel Del Luna
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This is what kdramas are all about - Superb acting, gorgeous cinematography, interesting characters, beautiful OST, the whole production was incredible!  It wasn’t my favorite story ever and it took me several months to finish but it kept puliing my back in and I finally got through it.  I really was mesmerized each ep by how beautiful the whole thing was.  I liked the back story and all the fun side characters. And I swear it was worth watching just for IU’s costumes, hair, and different styles alone!!  I didn’t love the ending, that was my biggest complaint, I guess you could call it “open?”  I just think it could have wrapped up better, but overall it was a beautiful series!
Where I watched: Viki
10) Itsuka, Nemuri Ni Tsuku Hi (Someday When I Fall Asleep)
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Wow what a trippy series.  It was short enough to binge in one afternoon and it looked interesting, so that’s exactly what I did.  It was intriguing from the start and there was a mystery about it that kept my interest, it was a bit creepy at times, and had some twists I totally was NOT expecting at all.  Overall it was one of those that made me think and ponder for awhile after, but it did make me a bit sad too, so only watch if you’re willing to experience some feels, but it was a good one and I’m glad I stumbled upon it!
Where I watched: Viki
Currently Watching for Feb:
1) Guardian (woah, another good “bromance” with all those looks!)
2) The Untamed (rewatch - and so far it’s even BETTER the 2nd time around!!!)
3) ‘Cause You’re My Boy (cute so far)
4) Moment of Eighteen (my Astro loving heart was so excited to see Moonbin!!)
5) Until We Meet Again The Series (so many feeeels)
6) Why R U? The Series (jury is still out but I LOVE Saint!)
7) Itaewon Class (super excited for this one, Park Seo Joon, need I say more?!)
8) Crash Landing on You (excellent so far!)
9)  Make it With You (filipino series starring my FAVE love team, LizQuen!!)
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Country Conversation and Feedback — March/April 2019
Countryside is simply the best for me, with realistic and practical home solutions to a number of pertinent challenges we meet in our daily living. — Norbert R. Cgabata
The Man Who Caught the Big Cat
I grew up in the hills of West Virginia. I was about 11 years old before I could go fishing much, and about 13 before I could go any distance from home. I never knew anyone to catch much in the way of eatin’ fish and I was told that fishermen had a way of “stretchin” things, so I naturally thought that anyone was lying when they said they caught fish. I never caught anything but a few small bluegills and “red” bream, much like a red belly except red all over. I also caught a few “chubs” — a fish sort of like a rainbow trout. I had caught a few nice fish but I had never caught a real BIG fish. I had been fishing for years and still had dreams of catching a big fish.
I bought a piece of land in Florida in 1969. It was small and near the Ocala National Forest. Now there is fishing for you! The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers built a dam on the Oklawaha River above Salt Springs, known as the Rodman Dam. I went fishing there in July, 1969. I hooked a big channel cat that I guessed at 30 pounds, but he got off. I probably over-guessed him but he was a nice one. All I could talk about afterward was going back. I finally made it back in October of that year and tried for a big one. I landed a catfish after maybe 15 minutes of hard fighting and he weighed 20-3/4 pounds. This didn’t get it out of my system — it aggravated the condition. I couldn’t wait to go back.
I went back at the first chance, I won’t say opportunity, it was the first chance. I had three days off for Thanksgiving in 1969 and I headed for Florida as soon as I got off work. I went to Rodman Dam about 10 o’clock the next morning but couldn’t get to my favorite spot because men were working on the grounds around the landing. I crossed over the dam and went downstream to where a small creek led down through the swamp.
I threw out toward the middle of the river. I had a piece of shiner for bait, about the size of my fist, and I had a saltwater outfit with a 46 lb. test line. I put the reel in free spool and set the “clicker” on and told the woman fishing next to me if she heard the reel singing to let me know. I was goofing off and watching other people catch fish. After about 10 minutes, I heard the reel go buz-z-z-z. The woman said, “You got a bite.” I said, “Yeah, I think I heard it. ” The line had gone slack then, I reached down and picked up the rod and took up all the slack and then the line sort of started off slow and steady. I yanked back as hard as I could and nothing happened. The woman asked, “Did you get him?” I said, “I don’t know. I think I’m hung up.” About that time I felt a powerful surge, as the fish moved off. I yelled, “I got him!”
What followed was hard to believe, it was like having a young calf on the line. The fish began moving to my right and I set the star drag a little loose to keep from breaking the line. The rod was arched into a rainbow shape and I was leaning back. A crowd began to gather but I was too busy fighting to look around. Someone wanted to grab the line, but I knew better as I stepped into the water and then someone wanted to grab me.
A man ran for his movie camera, all the while I was fighting the fish. I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder, I had sprained a muscle. More people came up. The line was singing but I began to gain. I finally got him up to where I could net him. A man stepped up and asked if he could help, I told him “Yes, hand me the net.” I got the net but the fish saw me, and with 8 feet of rod plus 8 feet of line he simply took off and he was out of reach, 16 feet away. It began all over again. I brought him back and the man said “Can I help?” I said, “Yes, try to net him when I get him back around.”  The water turned white and flew everywhere. I asked, “What happened?” and with disbelief in his almost whisper he said, “He won’t go in the net.”
I hadn’t seen much except the belly of the fish so far and I realized what I might have ahold of. My net was 16 inches across the rim! Back out he went again to deep water. I brought him back and the man said, “Now whatcha want me to do?” I said, “I’ll bring him back around and you try to net him.”
Someone said I had an eel, another said a turtle. By this time, I saw it was a big black lookin’ catfish. I told the man, “Try to slip the net over his tail. I am afraid we’re going to loose him.”
The man slipped the net over the fish’s tail and about half way up his body. I laid the rod down and grabbed the fish’s gills, and together we slid the huge cat up on the sand bar. People just kind of faded back and some of them screamed. I looked around and it looked like a baptizing service — there were people everywhere. I tried to rest and stop shaking. Some began to guess the weight of the big fish. One said 22 pounds, I said 30, and someone else said 35. A young man used my camera and took a picture as I held the fish up. The other man had gotten back with his movie camera by then, and he got the picture-taking scene on film, plus a picture of me and the fish. Another young man brought a piece of ski rope to use as a stringer as mine wasn’t big enough. I tied the big fish up, baited my hook again, threw out, and walked over to look at my catch. I, as well as others, couldn’t believe it. Different people came by to look at the fish and have their picture taken with it.
I have seen days at the Rodman that I couldn’t catch fish. Absolutely nothing. That gives you an idea of luck. I went on with my fishing and that evening when I picked up to leave, I went back to get my fish. The group of people fishing there now did not know of my earlier catch and the ones talking about me catching nothing could hardly believe what they saw. “Look what a fish that man’s got!”, they said. People began stopping me to take pictures. An official of the Corps of Engineers from Palatka, FL took a picture.
I took my fish to Johntry’s Store in Salt Springs to have it weighed. Carson Johntry found a pair of cotton scales and we finally weighed the fish. He weighed 50 pounds and measured 42 inches long. I didn’t give Carson my name — he knew my face, not my name. I wanted to freeze the fish as I had a few more people to show him to. I should have asked Carson to register the fish but instead went to Ocala and had the fish frozen. I got a write up in two newspapers and pictures were displayed in many stores.
I didn’t go back to Florida for another five months and when I walked into Johntry’s Store, the first thing Carson said was, “I guess you know you ate a $3,000.00 catfish!”
I didn’t know what to say! First prize for all tackle records in 1969 was $1,000.00 cash plus $1,900.00 worth of prizes. I had lost it all by not registering the fish. Some people remembered me from before and asked “Aren’t you the man that caught the big cat?” and I told them, “Yes.”
I never caught a bragging size fish before, but I was king for a day, the day I caught the big cat. I have been back since then but only succeeded in getting a few good bites. It takes a mighty big fish to excite me much now. There has been other big cat caught at Rodman, but mine was the biggest so far. In and around the Ocala National Forest, I am still referred to as “The Man Who Caught the Big Catfish.”
– Porky Parkins, West Virginia
Missing the Country Life
I grew up in South West Missouri on a rural piece of property where I ran barefoot with my dog(s) for nearly every moment of my childhood. We kept mostly chickens but dabbled in goats, rabbits, pigs, and cows. I married a traveling bagpiper when I was 19, and we have seen most of the country, with our dogs and horses in tow! We have enjoyed a very unconventional and old-fashioned life for years and spent much time teaching and driving our horses, camping, working with our hands (I am a zealous seamstress, crafter, and artist; my husband does leatherwork, gunsmithing, and really everything else!), and seeing everywhere from Alaska to Maine.
About four years ago, we moved to Maryland to care for my husband’s aging parents. We are doing what we think is right, but are truly NOT well-suited to living in a “normal,” somewhat suburban setting. We had to part with our beloved horses, most of our goats, and are down to one collie dog. I have managed to smuggle in six or so chickens and a couple goats (though the number has ranged as high as six, which happens fast with triplets!) that I use for milking and fiber, and am liable to try a pony or rabbits! I also keep an awful jungle that I shamefully confess is referred to as a garden! We still own our 40 acres with an off-grid, truck box-cabin in Missouri, but we spend most of our time here, where there are too many people and rules!
We DO have three dear children (6, 5, and 7 months) to keep us busy, as we are homeschooling! They are enjoying all the benefits of living in a community (like neighbors you can see from your porch), while still collecting eggs barefooted and making forts out of hay bales, as well as learning how to canoe and crab (as we are fortunate enough to live on the water!). Our family definitely sticks out like a sore thumb here, but we have many lovely friends and enjoy throwing casual potlucks, and having people stare open-mouthed at us when we take a goat trick-or-treating!
I have drawn comics and cartoons for many years, but mostly just for friends and family. As a rural gal with a quirky sense of humor and plenty of manure on my own Sloggers, my cartoons are typically farmy, outdoorsy, and full of critters!
– Emma McDonald Taylor
Old Blue
This old truck has been in our family since 1964. My Aunt Elsa immigrated from Germany as a young lady and was sponsored by a relative who owned a farm in Nebraska. She has resided in Cozad, Nebraska ever since. The F-100 was used weekly to check on the farm and meet friends at the local garage for BBQ (a special thank you to the garage guys for keeping Old Blue running like a champ).
“Tante” Elsa decided to give this special truck to our family under one condition; a photo in the pasture of its new home. So the F-100 made its way from Cozad, Nebraska to Myakka City, Florida. We raise Piedmontese beef cattle so I thought it would be nice to take a photo of Old Blue with our full blood Piedmontese bull “Arno.”
Pick up trucks are a great part of farming history in America. I am honored that Aunt Elsa has given us this truck for our farm! And no Old Blue is not for sale. We consider this piece of history our most precious family heirloom!
God Bless America, Farmers, and our heritage!
Thank you for your wonderful magazine.
Acorn Hollow Farms, Andrea and Jeff Parson, Myakka City, Florida
Coloring Pages
By Milan Chupp, 10 years old, Michigan.
By Robert Fiscus, 55 years old, North Carolina.
By Jenna A. Nelson, 10 years old, West Virginia.
By Shirley Wall, Tennessee.
By John Paul Hill, 9 years old.
By Walter Miller, 6 years old, Arkansas.
Colored with markers by Adam, 14 years old.
  By Sadee Wilson, 12 years old.
By Tilly Ott, 13 years old, Ohio.
By Kaden Shapley.
By Sedona Orsi, 10 years old, Pennsylvania.
By Slade Lipka grandson of Ray and Norma McClellan.
By Eli Carroll, 10 years old, Georgia.
By John Michael Maple.
By Loren Kuhns.
By Daniel Kinsinger.
By Cheryl Veger, 59 years old, Indiana.
By Anna McDonough, 7 years old.
Country Conversation and Feedback — March/April 2019 was originally posted by All About Chickens
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