#i’m obsessed with how murph says ‘the pizza party’s in your mind gir’
stone-stars · 5 months
Murph: So-- Caldwell: Think about how many stars you're getting towards your pizza party for this book. [Emily laughs.] Murph: It's also-- here's the thing, is-- Emily: Why don't we do adult pizza parties for books? Caldwell: We-- I do adult pizza parties all the time! It's where I order a pizza-- Murph: You just e-- You just have pizza. We've eaten pizza together. That's a pizza party. Caldwell: Pizza isn't-- Emily: Yeah, but we should be a reward. Like it was when you were a kid. Caldwell: Okay. It is a-- No, it is a reward! I earned money and I spend it on pizza whenever I want! Murph: It's a reward any time you enjoy it, Em. The pizza party's in your mind, girl. Caldwell: (laughs) Exactly. What-- What do you mean-- Murph: Have you learned nothing from this book? Caldwell: Exactly. Emily: Um, I read way more of it than you did! [Murph cackles.] Caldwell: Can we get a quick count? How far did everyone make it in the book?
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