#i’m obsessed with keefe he’s my bestie
gregmarriage · 1 year
started righteous gemstones recently and i’ve had “where’s your boyfriend? queef?” in my head for DAYS
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If it’s okay, would you be willing to share your thoughts Kam? I know it’s not your preferred ship, but I’m curious about what you think about it, if you want to say.
mmmm I don't really like this ship, for a couple reasons, only one of which actually has any real heft to it, in my own mind
If you ship it, I mean, you do you, but it's very much not my jam
The main reason I don't like it is because I know for a fact that there are not enough good, wholesome, and supportive friendships between boys out there.
You get two girl bffs who are super close and love each other to death, and big groups of friends, and then you get boy bffs who are always fighting or are jerks to each other.
But there's not any like... good strong friendships not strained by adoration of a girl, not strained by unnecessary rivalry or being toxic and stupid, between two guys. Like, I want two best friends who are boys who feel comfortable talking to each other about heavy stuff. I want two boy bffs who can call each other at midnight to tell each other jokes. I want that to exist, and I don't want romance to come in and suck it all up and say, almost, in an odd way, to every boy who has a best friend he can turn to like that, "Well, you must be in love with him, then."
I also hate that there's next to no just... wholesome, brotherly relationships that can be left alone and expanded on in a way that feels authentic without turning it into a ship. I can think of a few, but they're few and far between. For instance, you could say "Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes!" Dude, everyone and their mother thinks they dated. I'm not even kidding. You could say, "Percy Jackson and Jason Grace" yeah, well, half of that brotp is dead, and I can't recall the two of them every talking about their emotions to each other in a healthy/productive way. You could say "Tony Stark and Bruce Banner" and I will just look at you solemnly until you realize that that's a decently popular ship, too. And also, if you think that those two would ever talk about their actual feelings with each other, then... what show were you watching? Tony thinks he doesn't need therapy like my brain thinks headache medicine for my headache is for the weak. "Todoroki and Deku!" you say, hopeful, and I look at you like you've lost your mind.
I really want there to be space in a fandom for friendships between boys that are not romanticized or strained. I want legit, wholesome, healthy relationships.
I love the dynamic Keefe and Tam have, I love that they have so much in common, and I 100% think they could be the best friends in the whole wide world, and I fully write them like that nearly 180% of the time. I can honestly say that they're probably my KOTLC Brotp.
But the charm of it, in its entirety, is that they're bros. If you take that part out, and turn it into romance, the relationship loses everything I loved about it, and I just feel kind of sad.
In my opinion, it's about letting boys be boys and friends be friends, and your stupid, annoying, wonderful, hair-obsessed bestie still being allowed to call you at 3 in the morning to talk about the nightmare they had, and not have it be inherently romantic.
Friendship is amazing, and in my opinion, some besties are best left alone to be besties, and not be shipped.
Again, if you like it, you do you. Not hating on your ship or your taste. I definitely can see the potential.
I just really personally do not enjoy it.
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