#i’m riding the high of 1. keurig caffeine 2. little sleep and 3. character.au monster bf
urjover · 11 months
nureyev gets a notification on his comms. it’s a snap from babygirl (crown emoji with a <3 next to it- it’s Juno). he opens it, hesitant. it’s a selfie with Rita in the foreground and Juno in the Ruby7’s driver’s seat next to her. they both have clickbait type shocked faces and Juno is pointing out of the window. The caption reads “girl help we are literally in the vOid”. nureyev stares, blinks, stares, then tilts his phone up and takes a picture of the sky. his captions reads “sorry queen”, and he sends it. shortly after, he sees that babygirl 👑 <3 is typing. he panics, then throws his comms into traffic, where it’s run over by an 18-wheeler.
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