#i’m sorry tomohisa did something to me okay
jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 3 - Summer Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Izumi: Have you decided on where you’re going to go for the Summer Troupe training camp yet?
Tenma: Nope, not yet. I was just going to go discuss that right now.
Izumi: Gotcha. Don’t forget to find somewhere that has a good place for you to practice.
Tenma: Yep, got it.
Izumi: By the way, I’m glad you’re able to go to the training camp, Tenma-kun.
Tenma: It’s all thanks to Igawa’s hard work in adjusting my schedule.
Izumi: When I thanked Igawa-san the other day, he said he was able to make the adjustments to your schedule all thanks to your great work ethic.
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Tenma: Is that so?
Tenma: Well, I might’ve pushed myself a little harder because I wanted to go to the training camp with those guys…
Izumi: (Fufu, that’s really honest of him. I guess Tenma-kun’s also looking forward to the Summer Troupe training camp.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Tenma: Everyone’s gathered in here, huh?
Yuki: You’re late. Everyone else was already here except for you, stupid.
Kumon: Good work today, Tenma-san! What were you doing?
Tenma: My bad, I was talking with the Director. Alright, let’s start our training camp meeting right away.
Tenma: First off, do you guys have anywhere you wanna go?
Muku: How about our usual training camp? The one with the sunflower fields.
Yuki: Well, when I think of a Summer Troupe training camp, that is the first place that comes to mind.
Kazunari: We all have supes good memories of that place, I love, love, looooove it there! 
Tenma: But the purpose of this training camp is to get a change of scenery and see new things so we can work out what we want our part of the spin-off to be about.
Kumon: Now that you say that, maybe some other place would be better!
Muku: It’d also be pretty exciting to go somewhere other than our usual training camp.
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Misumi: Yeah, yeah! I wanna go somewhere where we can look at the stars! 
Kumon: Yeah, the sky has been pretty cloudy here lately, so it’s been super hard to see the stars.
Muku: With the clear winter air, I’m sure the stars would look really beautiful! 
Kazunari: I’m def loving the idea of having our training camp somewhere where we can see the stars! Getting absolutely immaculate vibes from it! 
Yuki: Sounds like it could be just the thing we need to figure out what to do with the spin-off.
Tenma: It does take place in space after all. 
Kumon: Then how about we go to the best place in Japan to see the prettiest stars!?
Kazunari: You’re a genius, Kumopi! That’s a ten outta ten, absolute banger idea! 
Misumi: I agree! Let’s all go and see the pretty, sparkly stars together~!
Yuki: Okay, so where is this place where we can see the prettiest stars?
Kumon: Eh, I dunno.
Yuki: Figures.
Kazunari: I’ll look it up! Hm~m… ah, here! 
Kazunari: This place offers tours to see the best starry skies in all of Japan in the village that’s said to be the best place to go! 
Kazunari: Here, this is the tour site!
Muku: Waah, what a romantic gondola ride atop the mountains! 
Misumi: The pictures of the starry sky are super pretty~.
Kumon: That’s soooo cool! Now that’s a star-filled sky! 
Yuki: Seems like there’s a lot to do there AND it’d make a good training camp.
Tenma: Alright, then let’s have the Summer Troupe training camp in this village here.
Kumon: Hey, I know it’s supposed to be a training camp, but can we go sightseeing and stuff when we’re not rehearsing?
Tenma: Sure. I’d say that having fun counts as another purpose of this trip. 
Kazunari: ‘Kay then, let’s decide on what else we wanna do there next!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: Looks like that’s about everything.
Kazunari: Oui, oui! So first, we need a car, so we can rent one when we’re on our way over~.
Kumon: Then we’re gonna stay at a ryokan that’s got a hot spring that’s famous for making your skin all nice! 
Yuki: Then we reserve a room at the ryokan for rehearsals and practice there.
Muku: And then when we’ve got free time, we can go to that café that has drinks themed after the starry sky and space…
Tenma: And if we’ve got time, we can visit some temples and that natural art museum too.
Tenma: And then once it’s night, we take that starry sky tour.
Misumi: And then we stop at the gift shop on the way back! 
Kumon: This is gonna be so much fun! 
Kazunari: Totes! I’ll get to making all the reservations ‘n stuff! 
Misumi: Do you need help with anything, Kazu? I wanna help~.
Kazunari: For realsies? Thanksies, Sumi~! Could you go and reserve the rental car then?
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Misumi: Mhm, got it!
Muku: Kazu-kun, Misumi-san, thank you so much!
Kumon: Thanks!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Did anyone forget anything?
Yuki: I’m all good.
Kazunari: All good over here!
Tenma: Alright, let’s go.
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Muku: We’ll bring you back some souvenirs!
Izumi: Mhm, have a good trip!
Izumi: Ah, make sure to send me a LIME when you get there so I’m not here worrying about you all.
Misumi: Ka~ay!
Kumon: Yup, gotcha! We’re off!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: This is the room we’re staying in~.
Muku: It’s so nice coming into a warm and toasty room like this after being outside in the cold.
Yuki: Ooh, the view is really pretty.
Muku: Waah, it is! 
Kumon: Whoa, there’s snacks out over here! And a whole bunch of teas and different kinds of coffee too! 
Tenma: Seems like it’s all decked out for relaxing.
Kazunari: Alrighty, first things first is to send Director-chan a LIME.
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Kumon: Ah, yeah! Umm… Director, we’re in our room right now…
Misumi: We’re here, Director-san~... there.
Yuki: Hah? You’re seriously all sending your own LIMEs? We just needed to send one.
Kazunari: C’mon, you don’t wanna send Director-chan a LIME too? Don’t you know it’s like, supes fun to give live updates via LIME when you’re out traveling! 
Muku: Fufu, I definitely get wanting to do that.
Tenma: Alright, how about once we get settled a bit, we talk about the spin-off?
Kumon: Yeah, yeah, discussing that is all important and stuff, but we DID come to a village that’s famous for its hot springs, so that can all wait until after we got to the hot springs! 
Tenma: Right now!?
Yuki: Is it really that weird for people to go to the hot springs right after they arrive?
Misumi: I wanna go to the hot springs with Kumon! 
Kazunari: Hell yeah~! I’m right there with ya! 
Muku: If you guys are all going, I want to go too.
Tenma: So you’re not just getting settled a bit, you’re getting entirely settled, huh?
Kumon: We got all cold ‘cause it was so snowy outside, so we’ve gotta warm up first! Don’t wanna catch a cold! 
Tenma: Okay, sure, but…
Kazunari: Maybe we’ll all have better ideas once we warm up and chill out for a lil’ bit! C’mon, let’s go! 
Tenma: Ugh, guess I can’t argue. Alright, let’s all go to the hot springs first.
Misumi: Yaaay! Hot springs, hot springs~!
Tenma: However, we’re still discussing the spin-off later. Don’t go throwing on your yukatas and start kicking back just yet.
Misumi: Kaaay!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Muku: Ahh, the water was so warm~.
Yuki: Yeah, I liked it too. My skin is already feeling softer from it.
Kazunari: Good thing there were no younger people at the hot springs~!
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Tenma: Huh? Why? 
Kazunari: ‘Cause you didn’t have your sunglasses on, and if there were younger people there, they could’ve recognized you?
Tenma: Oh, I guess you’re… hey, who in their right mind would wear sunglasses to the hot springs!?
Kazunari: Ahaha, JK!  
Tenma: …Anyway, let’s start discussing our spin-off performance.
Kumon: I’m super hyped for it, but it’s kinda hard to think up stuff to discuss for it.
Yuki: Yeah, I get that. Misumi: All we gotta do is think about what we wanna do for it~!
Kazunari: Hmm, what we wanna do as part of STARS…
Muku: Umm… actually, I’ve always kind of wondered about something…
Misumi: What is it~?
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bpro-cardstories · 4 years
Tomohisa Kitakado SSR
2019 ー Performance [実演]
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“Fufu, I am looking forward to it. But KiLLER KiNG’s『Sexiness』......  I wonder what it will look like?”
『Event: The Wizarding Academy (02nd - 09th October 2019)』
Part 1
Tsubasa: ‘Excuse me, I brought Kitakado-san with me.’
Yashamaru: ‘Thanks, Tsubasa-chan. Sorry for taking your time, Tomo as well.’
Tomohisa: ‘No. But, it’s rare to be called out alone. Did something happen?’ 
Yashamaru: ‘Wrong, it’s not such a serious topic. I just thought of a good idea and only wanted to quickly tell you!’
Tomohisa (chuckles): ‘A good idea?’
Yashamaru: ‘Ufufu, that’s right. Before that, do you remember the flower artist Jay with whom you released the collaborated MV? It has a really good reputation, even until now~♪. It’s because you guys worked hard to convey your image to Jay-san.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Aah…… That time was difficult. It’s quite a memory. The sunset I went to shoot with Ryuji and Tsubasa….. was unbelievably beautiful.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. The time with the both of you as well….. The sun that sets in the sea and the rising moon perfectly match the image of decadence and regeneration, which is truly impressive.’ 
Yashamaru: ‘Right, exactly as you said!!’
Tomohisa & Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Yashamaru: ‘This time KiLLER KiNG wants to place more emphasis on the MV image of the new song. And I thought wouldn’t Tomo be perfect as the director!’
Tomohisa (perplexed): ‘Me….. as the director?’
Yashamaru: ‘『The sun dyes the ocean with its own colour, both when it sets and when it rises.』The image you came up with was definitely the key to that MV. Don’t you think it’s great to have a place where you exhibit this excellent sense more? It’s a waste to leave it like this.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘To have Yashamaru-san tell me this, I feel deeply inspired.’
Tomohisa: ‘But, because I don’t have any filming skills, I can’t easily accept this. Even if I study, I don’t know how long it would take…..’ 
Yashamaru: ‘Oーh, so series. That’s fine! There will be as many technical professionals as you want on the location. I have a high opinion of your sense. It’s not Tomo’s job to be the filmmaker. Tell the actors and staff the image you have in mind as accurately as possible.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘The image I have in mind……’ 
Yashamaru: ‘Exactly, well, for now, listen to the song. And if nothing comes to your mind, then it’s fine to pass this time.’ 
They are listening to the song. 
Tomohisa: ‘.......!’
Tsubasa: ‘Wah….. very cool, such a mature song. It is unlike KiLLER KiNG, in a good sense.’ 
Yashamaru: ‘True. I want to show a new side of the boys.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘.........’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......... Kitakado-san, are you fine?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Yeah…. Perhaps it’s fine to have dark elements for this song.’
Tsubasa: ‘!’
Tomohisa: ‘The confrontation of good and evil or the fear that people have….. I wonder if it’s interesting to compare it to a fable?’
Yashamaru (winks): ‘Ufufu, I wasn’t wrong, after all! Which means, it’s decided, Tomo ♪. I’m looking forward to it.’ ___________
ーBack at the mansion. In the lobby.ー
Tomohisa: ‘.........’
(Kitakado-san…… Since before he’s been frowning the whole time. In addition to being busy, serving as the director for another group’s MV is a burden, after allーー)
Tomohisa: ‘.....『Gloomy』. No, 『Sexiness』, hm.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘It’s the theme of the MV. To bring out the new charm of KiLLER KiNG, I’ve been thinking about which would be good the whole time…..’
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san…… Were you not worried about accepting the role of the director?’
Tomohisa: ‘Oh, could it be that I made you worry about that?’
Tomohisa: ‘I was certainly confused at first, but the moment I heard the song, the image overflowed in my head…… I’m very excited right now. More than anything, I’m greatly honored to be able to receive such an opportunity.’   
Tsubasa: ‘If that is the case, I am happy to hear that…….! Because I love the works Kitakado-san produces, I wondered if it is not difficult while thinking that I want to see it……’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Thanks, Tsubasa. When you say so, I become even more motivated.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, I am looking forward to it. But KiLLER KiNG’s『Sexiness』......  I wonder what it will look like?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘That’s the fun about the photo shoot, hm? KiLLER KiNG’s vividness with their cuteness is a big attraction. But they also display a sexy and mature look sometimes. If you can bring it out well, you may have a fascinating music video that mixes cute and sexy.’
Tsubasa: ‘Cute and sexy….. The balance between both is quite difficult.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘It’s fine. I plan to get the appropriate advice from experts.’   
Tsubasa: ‘Experts you say?’
Tomohisa: ‘Exactly, the road of the professional.’
Part 2
ーThe day of the MV filming.ー
Ryuji: ‘Andーー Why was I called again?’
Tomohisa: ‘Because Ryuji is the best idol who has both cuteness and sexiness, and can perfectly express both of them. On this occasion, I want to show an example as we move on with the filming in accordance with the situation.’ 
KiLLER KiNG: ‘We will be in your care!’
Akane: ‘It’s a little bit embarrassing to be produced by a friend, but I’m happy! I want to make it good, so don’t hold back!’
Ryuji: ‘No, having such expectations is troubling…..’ 
Tomohisa: ‘It’s fine, if you show us the usual Ryuji for the sake of our cute junior group, please?’
Ryuji (bashful): ‘Tomo…. Geez, can’t be helped then.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, thanks.’
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san, the camera setup seems to be finished. The test can start at any time.’
Tomohisa: ‘Thanks, Tsubasa. Alright everyone, shall we start?’
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji will lie down on the bed over there. Mister cameraman, please shoot from the front, diagonally on the right side. From there, it feels like you’re moving closer….’
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji, slightly raise your gaze. And then….. Can you look at the camera provocatively for me?’
Ryuji: ‘Like this?’
Haruhi (blushing): ‘Wah…..! My heart just skipped a beat.’
Yuduki: ‘Hm…. Is that maybe the so-called『Sexiness』?’
Tomohisa: ‘As I thought of Ryuji. It’s a shame that I can’t show this to our fans. I wonder if we can’t use this footage for something else?’
Ryuji: ‘Yes, yes. Enough of me, aren’t KiLLER KiNG the mains here?’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, you’re right. Then first is…. Shall we start with Akane?’
Akane: ‘Eh, with me!? O-Okay…..’
Akane: ‘Uhm, lying down, and with a flirtatious glance….. Like this?’
Tomohisa: ‘The restless expression is cute I think, perhaps you need to be a little bit calmer…..?’
Akane: ‘L-Like this?’
Tomohisa: ‘Hm….. Should we try to imagine the situation concretely? For example, let’s say you have a loved one in front of you, who did everything that they could do to come to see you. You want to make everything your own right now, don’t want anybody to touch them. When remembering such a fierce emotion, what kind of look will Akane send this person?'
Akane (shyly): ‘I-I don’t know…..! What is this situation!?’
Miroku: ‘You’re too bashful, Akane.’
Akane: ‘Uuh, I mean…. I’m probably not suited for this…..’ 
Haruhi: ‘Miss stylist, I’m borrowing the flowers here~.’
Haruhi: ‘Look, look, Akane! I’m sure it’s this kind of feeling! I’m going to eat you up, sweet kitten ♪.’
Yuduki: ‘Why are you holding a rose in your mouth….?’
Miroku: ‘Haruhi, it just looks like a joke.’
Haruhi: ‘Eeh, it can’t be! Even though I was so confident!’
Tomohisa: ‘It’s better to not make many complicated things so that the atmosphere might come up. Since it’s a MV this time, there are no lines. So above all, the『Gaze』becomes the core of the sex appeal.’
Tomohisa: ‘Provocative, hot, and run with sweetness…. I know. Tsubasa, could help me for a bit?’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh….. I?’
Part 3
Tomohisa: ‘Then, Tsubasa stands here…. Can you stand next to the camera?’
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes.’
Tomohisa: ‘It might still be too high of a hurdle to regard the camera as your beloved person.’
Tomohisa (winks): ‘For the time being, why don’t you try to act, thinking of Tsubasa as your dear lover?’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh!?’
Miroku: ‘Eh?’
Tomohisa: ‘Eh?’
Akane: ‘W-W-Wait, Tomo! Aren’t you raising the bar!?’
Miroku: ‘Agreed. Besides, it also troubles Tsubasa.’
Tomohisa: ‘..... Why?’
Haruhi: ‘Wah, such pure eyes....! As expected of Kitakado-san, the prince….’
Yuduki: ‘Haru, and are you impressed….?’
Tomohisa: ‘...... I see. Explaining it just with words is hard to understand. Should I try to put it into practice?’
Tsubasa: ‘.......! K-Kitakado-san…..?’
Before she can realize what is happening, Tomohisa already closes the distance between them.
Tomohisa: ‘Hmm. Your embarrassed face also is quite charming, Tsubasa. Come one, raise your head. Look me in the eyes and show me more of….. my unknown Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘.......!’
Yuduki (blushing) & Haruhi: ‘......!’
Miroku (blushing): ‘As I thought, that’s…..’
Akane: ‘It’s impossible for me~~!!’
Tomohisa: ‘Is it too hard perhaps? I thought because there’s a partner, it’s easy to put in emotions…..’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s not that.’
Tomohisa (perplexed): ‘Ryuji?’
Ryuji: ‘Everyone should have understood by now what Tomo wants. After this, it’s just about switching. How about you shoot one by one? They are all professionals, so if they decide on their feelings, they can do it.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): You’re right….. That might be the case. Let’s shoot individually then.’
Ryuji: ‘When that’s finished, you will shoot outside, right? That seems to be difficult, so isn’t it fine to make more time in advance.’ 
Yuduki: ‘Ehm…. With this machine, we can make it rain.’
Tomohisa: ‘Yes. To bring out『Sexiness』gloominess and sadness are necessary. When I expanded the image, I really wanted to include rain. I thought it would be difficult because I needed a huge amount of equipment, but I’m glad I got the OK from Yashamaru-san and the others.’
Tsubasa: ‘When I heard Kitakado-san’s enthusiastic presentation, I thought it was absolutely necessary. That is why I wanted everyone to listen as well.’ 
Akane: ‘I see….! It’s the scene Tomo is fixated on.’ 
Tomohisa (winks): ‘Yes. While you’re hit by the rain, you think of your beloved person and stand still in pain….. I want to shoot a scene that touches the heart. I’m sure it will turn into a beautiful movie. I’m looking forward to it.’
Part 4 
ーIn the Gandara office.ー
Tomohisa: ‘It’s incomplete footage that I connected roughly…. What do you think?’
Tsubasa: ‘It is wonderful. At first, it has a cute atmosphere that gives off the feeling of KiLLER KiNG, but…. Their suggestive gazes gradually draw me into a different world and make my heart throb. The rain scene as well is an impressive end. Because Kitakado-san’s performance in the test filming was really fantastic, I was wondering if you would come out of the screen for a moment….. I was expecting it a bit.’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Haha, thanks. But since it’s KiLLER KiNG’s MV, I mustn’t intrude.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, you are right. I am sorry.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘When the shooting of the connecting image scenes is over, the editing is left afterward, if I am not wrong.’ 
Tomohisa (worried): ‘Yes….. That’s what I was planning to do.’
Tsubasa: ‘Did something happen?’
Tomohisa: ‘Tono’s look worries me a little. The footage just now was sexy plenty enough but…. I have the feeling that there is more fitting『Sexiness』to Tonoーー’ ________________
ーIn a library.ー
Tomohisa: ‘I’m sorry for asking unreasonable things as in wanting to do an additional shooting.’
Tsubasa: ‘No, everyone has the same feelings because they all want to produce something good. I am glad the schedule allows it. Besides, the concept of showing Miroku-kun with『Intellectual Sexiness』...... is a really charming idea.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘I should rather say that Tono possesses a mysterious aura that’s detached from the real world. A well-trained body is sexy as well, but isn’t it better to focus on that instead as it gives off a fresh feeling is what I thought.’
Miroku: ‘I was surprised at the new setting. The scattered pieces seem to become one….’ 
Tomohisa: ‘I aimed at making a collage-like movie, so I didn’t expect that I’m able to compose a story from it.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘The other unit members were characters in Miroku-kun’s open book…. I think that this is a very interesting structure.’
Tomohisa: ‘The rest is whether it can be expressed well in the movie. Tono, shall we start filming right away?’
Miroku: ‘Yes.’
Tomohisa: ‘Look in the camera and smile. With the image like a god who controls everything in this world….’ 
Miroku: ‘.......’
Tomohisa: ‘...... Very good. As expected, this one is sexier.’ ________________
ーIn the meeting room.ー
Tsubasa: ‘The inserted footage has come out pretty well.’
Tomohisa: ‘You’re right. It took a considerable time for the staff…. I’m  really grateful that I was allowed to be so particular.’
Tomohisa: ‘Cool, cute, a gap that’s different to the usual tone…. Everyone in KiLLER KiNG is charming, so the people who will watch the MV will enjoy it by that alone.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘But….. as I moved on with the work, I wanted to tell more than just those four. I wondered if I can’t, by including the story, make a movie with depth from multiple angles….. Wouldn’t it resonate with the fans’ hearts in this way.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I think that the staff is also seriously facing this project because those emotions are definitely being conveyed.’
Tomohisa (laughs): ‘Yes…. If that’s so, then I’m happy. For everyone who is helping us, I need to produce the best MV.’
Part 5
ーKiLLER KiNG’s room.ー
Haruhi: ‘Ooh…..! The MV’s so absolutely cool! Ah, look! My face!! Isn’t it super handsome!?’
Akane: ‘Yep, yep! When you complete things, it must feel like this, right…..! It kind of doesn’t look like us!’
Yuduki: ‘The movie looks like a really beautiful…. artwork.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, everyone is quite excited.’
Tomohisa: ‘It looks like it’s to your liking which I’m happy about.’ 
Miroku: ‘It’s a type of work that’s different from our MVs so far. Even the storyline is appealing….’ 
Miroku: ‘..........’
Tomohisa: ‘...... Tono? Does something concern you?’
Miroku: ‘No, not something that concerns me.’
Tomohisa: ‘Don’t hold back. There’s still room for discussion.’
Miroku (surprised): ‘Kitakado-san……’
Miroku: ‘..... Uhm, in that movie I’m watching and controlling the three from the outside  but if it’s possible I feel like wanting to put in another surprise…..What do you think about the last twist of me, who is supposed to rule, actually being part of the story, for example?’
Akane: ‘In other words, Miroku too is merely a character in a book that someone is reading…. or so?’
Miroku: ‘Yeah.’
Tomohisa: ‘I see….. That’s interesting. Tono, who is entranced by the omnipotence, is yet in the palm of someone’s hand. God, the creator of the story, is in the position to play around with such great things….’ 
Yuduki: ‘It’s a little bit scary….’ 
Akane: ‘But this thrilling feeling might be great maybe!’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, it emanates a more fascinating atmosphere. It depends on the negotiations, but if it’s possible, I want to include this. However, there’s also the problem regarding the casting choice…..’
Akane: ‘There’s no need to worry about this.’
Miroku (smiles): ‘Of course, it will be Kitakado-san.’
Tomohisa: ‘Eh?’
Haruhi: ‘Agreeーd! During the filming too it felt like Kitakado-san did as he liked with us!’
Yuduki: ‘You’re perfect for the role of the god.’
Tomohisa (worried): ‘But as I thought…. If I appear, I will only be in your way.’ 
Haruhi: ‘Ehh!? It’s going to be a super cool MV I think.’
Akane: ‘Or does the image not fit Tomo’s?’
Tomohisa: ‘That’s…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘If you are not against it, why don’t you try it out? It is a work that you made with such a determination. It would be a waste to not take the challenge. If the image does not match, then let us talk about it together.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Tsubasa…..’ 
Akane: ‘You don’t need to worry about it this much, okay? Tomo’s the one who understands this MV the best, after all!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘..... You’re right. I’ll give it a try.’
Akane: ‘Ehehe, that’s how it should be!’
Haruhi: ‘I wonder what the costume will look like~?’
Yuduki: ‘As expected, a god or a writer…..’ 
Miroku: ‘If we go with that setting, then going with a god may be better.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu. Everyone is acting so lively.’
Tomohisa: ‘True. I’m also having lots of fun. I think it’s a happy thing to share the feeling of wanting to produce something great and create one work in this way.’ 
Tomohisa (winks): ‘.... I’m sorry to have caused you trouble again with the schedule. I’ll be counting on you again, Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Please leave it to me. This is my job, after all!’ 
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oreranoneiro · 4 years
Matsumura Hokuto 10,000 characters interview (Myojo 2020 May Edition)
When we formed a circle that day, it was the moment we promised, “Let’s go on with the 6 of us, forever.”
If it's these 6 members, we'll be even greater.
Once again, congratulations on your debut.
Thank you very much. But we'll go further from now on. I'm super passionate right now. I want to keep working and do something every day. Many thoughts are running through my head; what more I can do and what is coming from now on, about the group and about the members. From there, I realised that if it's these 6 members, we'll be even greater. That's why it's only the beginning.
You're not satisfied with the current situation?
Satisfied!? Honestly, right now I'm not. Not at all. I’m glad when people go, “Amazing!” at the current SixTONES, but I also want to tell them it's nothing yet. I want to tell them to keep watching the six of us. Because it's from now on. I say that but it's not like we have a fundamental vision of anything (laughs). It was like that from our Jr. era. We would go all out for one concert, but when the next one comes around, we’d have zero ideas. We can't conjure up a vision for the next thing. We might have zero ideas, but the passion of the six of us is driving this whirlwind. We don't know what's coming or what we'll do next, but if I think about our potential, it's isn’t only this.
I think being the main character is cool.
We’d like to backtrack on your path to debut. Do you have a memory from childhood?
Is it okay if this one isn't an experience? I vaguely like french toast. If I look for a deeper reason, it seems like I often ate french toast when I was a baby. After becoming an adult, I’d often eat it on the streets as it became popular, and it really is delicious. But what I like the most is buying plain bread at the supermarket, cutting the edge, and making a simple french toast by adding egg, milk and sugar, then pouring maple syrup on it. It feels like something my mom made.
You also like cooking, right?
I have liked it for a long time. I always watched my mom cook, so maybe it's the effect of that. When I was a kid, I used to dream of having a curry shop or a ramen shop. Apparently, I couldn't pronounce it properly, so at kindergarten I said, "I want to be Karen-san and Ramen-san!" (laughs) After that, I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to help people in trouble.
When you started learning karate in first grade, was it because you wanted to be a hero?
I don't remember the reason, but it wasn’t because of someone else’s suggestion. "I want to learn karate!" was something I said myself.
Wasn't the training strict?
It was strict, but I was completely absorbed in it soon after starting. However, around 3rd grade, I plateaued and couldn't advance. I didn't win matches, and I considered quitting a couple of times. My worried parents told me, "After going on this far, we think you should continue. But the final decision is yours." In the end, I didn't quit. It isn’t a cool story where I went on because I hated to lose. It was because if I quit, I felt like I would have lost something inside me. Also, the fear of betraying my parents' expectations was really strong.
Did you have any interest in the entertainment world?
None at all. In 5th grade, by chance I watched the drama 'Kurosagi'. I don't normally watch drama, but I think the protagonist is really cool. I wanted to imitate him, I wanted to be someone like that. But I didn't even know his name. When I talked about it in class,  someone said "That's Yamapi (Yamashita Tomohisa)." Everyone knew him. I suddenly felt enthusiastic and asked my parents to register me in the fanclub. I also went to NEWS’s concert. He was also really cool during concerts.
Then you send an application to Johnny's.
The first time I sent it was in grade 5. I sent the second one a year later. There was no reply to both applications.
But you didn't give up?
I didn’t. That's why I sent my third application in the first year of middle school. At that time, I consulted my parents. Maybe they saw how impatient I was and thought, if I didn't have a deadline, how long would I suffer for? Just like back then with karate, instead of pushing their opinion on me, they told me to think about the possibility of it not working out. So I came to a decision. If they did not reply by April 1st, the beginning of my second year, then I will give up. It was because in the second year, I would have to focus on high school preparation. That's why even if an answer came after April 1st, I wouldn't go to the audition.
When did the response come?
February. Just barely before the time limit. We have a video of that. I came home after the end of term exam, and somehow my mom is recording with a handycam. Then she gave me a sheet of fax. But instead of Johnny's Audition, written there was The Shounen Club back dancer auditions. It is a program in which only Johnny's could perform, so it was actually a Johnny's audition. For a moment I couldn't wrap my head around it. I felt sorry for my mom because she couldn't get the reaction she expected. (laughs)
Shimekake and I were made into a pair.
How was the audition?
We went from Shizuoka to Tokyo in a car. Dad driving, mom by his side, me in the back seat. As we came closer to Tokyo, the mixed feeling of nervousness, happiness, and uneasiness intensified. It would have been decided on that day whether or not my three-year-long dream from grade 5 will come true. It's not simply three years. For I who was thirteen, it was 3 years out of my 13-year-long life. But I’ve never done anything like dancing, and I don't know how many will pass the audition. The only thing I understood was that if the insignificant me made one mistake and they told me to go home, that will be the end of my dream. Realizing that, I started crying. I tried to hide it, but mom realized it and looked back at me, then I thought she might cry, too. When I saw her face, I shouted, "Don't cry!". I tried to be intimidating, so my tears stopped just like that. Now when we look back at it,  mom told me, "You were really angry at that time, huh." I laughed it off and said, "It was because everyone was so cool in the audition, there was no way I would have passed if my eyes were swollen."
What happened after you arrived?
We put on name labels. At first, we formed lines and someone taught us the choreography, and we danced intently. Then gradually we were told of our positions. "You, go forward. You, in the back.” The most vivid memory was when Shimekake (Ryuya) was by my side. I thought he was cute, but also really good at dancing. Then, Johnny-san called me over. It might be because I wrote my English proficiency level on my application, but suddenly he started speaking English. His pronunciation was really like a native speaker so I didn't understand anything. I thought 'Ah, I'm in danger'. When we were on break, I got called over by Johnny-san and the choreography teacher and they told me, "You, go and keep practicing without rest." I felt down. I wanted to practice but I didn't have any dancing experience, and I couldn't remember the choreo, either. At that time, I relied on Shimekake. "I don't remember the choreo, can you teach me?" When practice started again, Shimekake and I slowly went forward, and in the end we stood on the foremost center, in the position that's like partner.
How was the result?
The day after was the recording of The Shounen Club, so when Johnny-san asked if I could come, I answered "I will!". However, the night after the audition there came a phone call from Johnny-san. "YOU don't have to come tomorrow." When I asked why, he said "YOU are in Shizuoka, that's really far. I'll let you do something even greater." Doesn't that make you wonder what that greater thing would be? I thought it was a lie so that he could turn me down without hurting me, because I believe there's no way that kind of Cinderella Story would happen. If it was that good, everything would have gone smoothly from a long time ago. Even I know that such a convenient story would only happen to people who don't wait. That's why I keep on saying that I will definitely come, and in the end, it was like Johnny-san gave in.
You kept pushing and came to the recording.
Yes. in front of everyone, Johnny-san said in a loud voice, "YOU, why did you come!" and I was really embarrassed. But then he laughed and said, "You're really determined, huh." Suddenly he told me to appear in 'Jr. ni Q' corner. I tagged along to the waiting room, and there he told Goseki (Koichi)-kun. "Goseki, bring this kid with you." Goseki-kun agreed indifferently. When the time came, Goseki-kun pulled my hand to the stage and over there were Koyama (Keiichiro)-kun from my favorite NEWS and Nakamaru (Yuichi)-kun. I always watched 'The Shounen Club', so I can't believe I could stand there myself.
It’s because you are that; It’s because it's like that.
Right after you joined the company, you were added to B.I.Shadow, so the 'great thing' Johnny-san said really did happen.
I think it was the Shokura practice 2 weeks after I joined. Johnny-san told me "There's this kid who’s a great star, you should always be with him. Be in his group." and introduced me to Nakajima Kento. "That's B.I.Shadow, and you're in that. It was 3 members but now it’s 4 members. It's like that," he said. I'm already panicking, so I was like "What do you mean like that? I'm joining this group? There's no way I'm in B.I.Shadow, right?"
So you yourself were doubting it.
Yes. During the next week's rehearsal, when the choreographer called "B.I.!!" I tagged along. Everyone around me went "eh!?" and became a bit noisy. But Kento and (Kikuchi) Fuma really treated me well. There were times when I asked about the choreo and they told me to wait but didn't teach me, and for a while I thought they were unreliable, though (laughs). Looking back now, it was only a year after they joined but they still looked after me. When they were free, most of the time they would be checking my dance.
After that, you were active as a part of Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow and NYC Boys. You also accomplished a CD release and a Kouhaku performance. 
All of that was in my first year. What an exciting first year.
Any conversation with Yamada-kun and Chinen-kun from that time that you still remember?
We barely talked with each other, so close to none. Because I was really shy. 
But in a magazine interview back when you just joined, you said never feeling shy is your strong point.
I was probably trying to look tough. I just joined and want to be an innocent, sociable little brother who anyone can fawn over, but I was actually forcing myself. I'm basically pretty cheerful and chatty, but also annoyingly shy toward strangers.
After that, there was a period where your workload lessened.
There was. At first, it was just a faint sense of discomfort, but gradually it became stronger. For example, I thought "Huh? There's no interview for B.I.Shadow this month, but Kento and Fuma went to an interview together."
I see.
I was a junior high schooler, but still realized the intention behind the upper and lower case letters of  ‘NYC boys'. The three of them wore red costumes, while we're in the back wearing different costumes. The workload was indeed decreasing, but I was just holding on desperately. Even on the song where Kento and Fuma are supposed to sing with just the two of them, I memorized the choreo so when the time came, I could say "I can dance it too!" and they would let me perform it with them. Of course, I didn't get the mic, and for a while I thought it couldn't be helped anymore. I struggled to think of a way to escape this world of leftovers. I didn't want to disappoint my parents and hometown friends, but more than anything, it was a world I really yearn after, so there was no way I'm giving up easily.
Getting into a group right after joining, you may look like one of the elites but in fact you were struggling too.
Yeah. I want to get even a bit more work, so I moved to Tokyo. When I talked to someone from the agency, they said "You can work from Shizuoka, too." I said it's not for work, but the school I want to enroll in is in Tokyo. Then after moving, I reported to the agency that I now live in Tokyo.
But then Sexy Zone's debut was decided, and B.I.Shadow's activity came to a full stop.
In a flash, any work was gone. My dancing position was pushed to the back too, and there was a month where I had no job at all. It was a really terrible time. 
But you looked forward without giving up.
It sounds cool, but I became sulky inside. It clashed with my need to prove myself when I got called. In short, I strayed from the path. I didn't cut corners when it came to dancing, but be it as senior group's dancer or something else, I stood on the stage thinking "Hey! Look, look! Look at me!" I remember singing KinKi Kids' 'Family ~Hitotsu ni naru koto' with glittery makeup and jingling accessories on Junior corner of Hey!Say!JUMP's concert. It's a lovely ballad, but I sang it with a piercing glare and skull ring on my finger. I was desperate to show how good I was. Even though I know better than anyone else that I'm not a special human.
You really struggled.
If the current me can meet me back then, I will warn him for sure. Of course, I could hear, "What a bad sense," "Such a bad image," "He got carried away," from all around me. But with that thorny appearance, the producer of 'Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou' saw me and thought, "What a sour-looking guy, how interesting." And that was how my position in the cast was decided.
So that was the story of your selection.
Yes. But just because I got chosen by it, doesn't mean the stupid things I did back then were forgiven. But the me back then did go full force. Everything in life is connected. Right and wrong is a different matter altogether, but if you do something desperately, something will definitely come from it.
Even if this group will succeed, do I have it in me...
The drama 'Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou' that gathered all SixTONES current members was a big hit. Did you feel like you will debut with these 6 members one day?
There was no premonition (laugh). But I did think what a random bunch we are. We left an impression of a group with six mismatched members. There were moments when I thought being with them was somewhat interesting. Like homemade hamburg steak. Even if we're wrong together, it wasn't a steak nor was it a restaurant-level hamburg steak with 100% cow beef. Made with different compositions, it was a homemade hamburg steak for a barbecue we ate together. But it was really delicious.
So slowly something like a group consciousness grew within you?
Yes. We got to sing together in 'Shokura', also appeared together in 'SUMMARY' and concerts. However, I could strongly feel that at first, each of us was focusing on personal success or were clinging desperately to this group as a way to survive.
In 2013, you won no. 1 in 'Jr. You Want To Have As A Lover' category of the Jr. ranking held by Myojo, right.
I was really happy. I totally didn't expect to win it. With what happened after Sexy Zone's debut, along with the push of the Bakaleya franchise, I wondered if there were still people who wanted me to debut. There's a superstition that the Junior who won will be able to debut, right!? As I had won it, it became an encouragement in my heart that even someone like me will be able to debut.
Then, in May 2015, SixTONES became an official group.
19 years old. I thought no matter what kind of future awaits this group, this will be my last group. There's no ‘later on’ if this ends in failure. The last chance.
Right after the formation, did you think you could debut?
At first, not at once. Rather than feeling like we couldn't debut for sure, it was a worry because we were not gaining popularity at all. 
I see.
It might have been because I was already worried about myself. Even if this group succeeds, do I have what it takes? What if one way or another I end up quitting?
As you brooded over it, what happened?
Slowly, a lot of things made me feel 'Huh?!' toward the group or members. I didn't try to be liked, and also didn't think anyone liked me. I thought everyone was struggling because it's our last chance and we don't have enough composure. Even though we're in this together, we hurt each other; we went against each other indiscriminately. When something went against our expectations, we looked for someone to blame.
For example?
This is just an example. Currently, in choreography, even if we match you can see our individual arrangement, and we respect each other for the way we dance. However, back then, with one arrangement, someone will go "Isn't that wrong?" and looked for a mistake. "He's doing it wrong." Each of us felt like we were right and blamed someone else, even though there was nothing wrong with it. I also did it to other members. I can't stand the situation where it was like we had an internal discord.
I see.
It's a world where no one knows what is right. That's why I built a wall so I could decide everything for myself. Be it advice or direction from other members, I isolated myself from everything. I finish everything so I don't have to talk with the others at the dressing room, I kept on reading books while putting earphones on.
Did you consider quitting?
My chatty yet shy nature kind of complicated the situation... But even with that attitude, I actually wanted to talk with them, and I didn't think about quitting, not once. I keep on thinking that even if we don't have what it takes as a group, let's go on with what we’ve got. However, I couldn't hide it and made my parents worried. Maybe I barely concealed my situation. "Just think of it as a circle or club activities. Because you got paid, you can also think of it as a part-time job. It's okay if you want to end it. If it's too hard then it's okay," they told me. "Yeah, yeah," I always answered lightly, but deep inside, I always felt sorry for making them worried. "Sorry, but I will go on. I don't have any intention to quit."
All other members said "Hokuto really changed," but was there a trigger to your change?
It’s because now in the dressing room, I'm the most talkative one (lol). But it wasn't only one happening that changed my whole world. It was more like many points that linked into a line. From my point of view, rather than being the one who changed a lot, it's the others who changed and slowly made me conscious that I can show my honest self to them. Everyone really changed. Saying we became adults sounds nice, but I think it was because we kept going on as these six members and slowly gained self-assurance.
Do you have an example of those points that linked together into a line?
Hmm. For example, I’ve always thought that acting is fun, but I'm really bad at it. It became somewhat of a preoccupation. When asked what I want to do, I will feel pressured to answer only with the things I can do. That's why I couldn't say I want to act. In interviews right after the group formation, when asked, "Hokuto-kun, what do you want to do from now on?" I couldn't answer anything. At that time, Jesse will definitely answer "He wants to act. He also looks attractive when acting, so from now on I think he will grow as an actor too," always. There was an instance when I think I can't let him keep saying it for me, I have to be able to convey what I want to do by myself. "I want to act more, but I know that I'm not good. So, I would like more opportunities to practice it." Then, I have to watch more movies, I have to do that, I have to do this. My activities, behavior, and interests changed. Not just Jesse, I also accepted small gestures from other members as the points became a line. I realized those things given to me were what made me change.
Forming a line with the 6 of us and bawling our eyes out.
In 2018, your activity broadened with the 'Johnny's Jr. Channel', you were on magazine covers here and there, managed to get a rare reprint, and the group rapidly gained exposure. Were there any moments that you think changed the wind's direction?
We did 'Amazing!!!!!!' in 2017. With that song, the direction the group is going for became clear. I think that was the culmination of everything. It was at that point that everyone evolved. In a way, 'Amazing!!!!!!' might have been the starting line for  SixTONES.
But you repeatedly said you were not focused on debuting, right?
Honestly, rather than not focused on it, it was more like we gave up on debuting. I think there are only a few differences between debuting and not debuting. The biggest difference for me is if we couldn't debut, this group will disappear one day. There's also the possibility of the members changing, because debuting means we are recognised as a group. However, debut or not, SixTONES won't disappear. We will go on forever. Somewhere along the line, I began to think like that. No one said it to us nor did we promise anything between us. But that's the biggest reason why I wasn't worried about debuting.
Then on 28th June 2019, you were informed of the debut in Johnny-san's hospital room, and also the fact that you will announce it on 'Johnny's Jr. 8.8 Festival' on August 8th, wherein a total of 300 Johnny's Jr. will perform.
That place on August 8th felt solemn. That day, on top of our joy, we had to properly tell everyone who attended about our debut. The friends who fought alongside us as Jr, fans who supported them. Of course, our fans are there too, also those whom we regarded as rivals. That announcement was supposed to bring joy for some of us, but also cruelty for the others. 
What kind of existence is Snow Man who debuts at the same time as you?
They are our rival, of course, but also completely our comrade. It feels like our only difference is the group.
How did you convey it to the family that had always worried about you?
That day, I called them right away. They casually told me "That's great," I will never forget those words. I can't put it into words, but all my life, thank you for entrusting everything to me. Thank you for letting me live this life with my own choices. I want to tell them thank you for believing in me.
Do you have something you want to say to the members who went through joy and sorrow together with you? First, Kouchi Yugo-kun.
Johnny-san told me "There's a guy who's really compatible with you," and that was Kouchi. Even after the B.I.Shadow's cessation of activities, we keep on being a pair. So from now on, let's be together all along our life.
To Jesse-kun.
From now on too, I'll keep on relying on you. Of course we will work hard too, but you are the face of our group, our center.
To Tanaka Juri-kun.
Juri, our engine starter, you are the strongest. Juri, you are amazing. Have some confidence, okay.
To Morimoto Shintaro-kun.
As the youngest member of this group, you still have things holding you back. But let's go through the years with everyone else and become an adult. Then that gap will feel like nothing.
To Kyomoto Taiga-kun.
… Keep showing me your figure from the back, maybe. More than anyone else, Kyomoto has always been a stimulus for me to have an awareness that we are professionals. Because you're the person who made me think that artists are great. If we are in different businesses, maybe I will be able to tell you honestly that I respect you.
The last question. When did you feel the happiest that SixTONES are these 6 members?
Probably this year's January 7th. During 'TrackONE IMPACT' Yokohama Arena, the last part of double encore, our last stage as Jr., the last moment on that stage. From when our debut was decided, I keep on thinking 'SixTONES is a group that started on May 1st 2015, debuting on January 22nd 2020. But we're not a group that ends one thing and starts something else on our debut.' However, at that double encore, we formed a circle on the stage, met each other's eyes and shouted 'Thank you!' as we cried. We bawled our eyes out to an embarrassing extent. I looked at the members' eyes and thought, "I've been saved by these guys. I'm glad it's the six of us," while my tears keep on flowing. I really love them, that's how I feel from the bottom of my heart. 
Doesn't matter if we debuted or not, I believe we will always be together. I’ve been stuck at certain points. Will we be able to stay together forever? When we formed a circle that time, it's not like we confirmed it with words to each other. But I think that was the moment where we promised "let's go on forever with these six members." At that time, I accidentally thought, "Ah, it ended...", even though I had said that a debut is not the end of one thing and the start of something else. It was really fun, and also manyfolds so very difficult. We hurt and helped each other. But no matter when, we will always go full throttle. That day, at that moment, the Jr days ended, and these 6 members will walk on with a new promise in our heart.
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scaberix · 6 years
【Let’s Shoot! Rainbow Sparkle】Gentle Light
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First of all, Happy (belated) New Year! This time I translated one of Momo’s SSR stories! It was quite and adventure, when I started translating I didn’t know it’ll turn this long, but it was so cute so it’s worth it. As always, take note that I left MC’s canon name, Tsubasa Sumisora, but feel free to read it with your own, or whatever you like best. 
I’ve also added some (really short!!!) notes at the end, hope you enjoy! ♪
Tsubasa: Next will be MooNs’ music program recording, so they’re on call in the waiting room...
Mikado: Kitakore will also record at Aji Tv, right?
Ryuuji: Yeah, we just finished and are on our way home~.
Tsubasa: This voice...
Momotarou: Ah, Tsubasa...
Tsubasa: Good work, everyone.
Momotarou: Thank you. Up next is our scene?
Tsubasa: Yes, that’s right!
Ryuuji: ... That’s right, Tomo. What if we tell the others about the villa thing?
Tomohisa: Oh, right. Tomohisa: Actually, we’re hosting a firework display at my villa soon, if it’s okay with you, why don’t you come hang out? The more the merrier.
Mikado: Fireworks in a villa? That’s a luxury~
Ryuuji: I tell you, but it’s just ordinary fireworks?
Momotarou: What do you mean?
Tomohisa: I don’t know whether it’s normal or not, but every year we call a craftsman and we have them launch fireworks.
Tsubasa: Eh! A craftsman!?
Mikado: Somehow I had a hunch, but it always feels incredible.
Tomohisa: ... So, I was wondering if you could come? It’s like a little late summer vacation.
Mikado: Sounds nice! If it’s a villa we’re talking about, there will be no crowd.  Would you also like to go, Momotasu?
Momotarou: Let’s see, I have to check the schedule.
Ryuuji: How about it, Tsubasa?
Tsubasa: Is it okay if I intrude?
Tomohisa: Of course. Since it’s a firework display, we will have a blast.
Tsubasa: Thank you very much! If I have no plans, I’ll be delighted to join.
Momotarou: Shall I ask the other members as well?
Tomohisa: Yeah, I'd appreciate if you could do that.
Ryuuji: Well, it’s sudden, so I don’t think many will come...
Momotarou: Understood.
Tsubasa: A real firework display in a villa... I wonder what will it be like?
Haruhi: Woah~! It’s the sea!
Miroku: I was told the villa was located at the seaside, but not this close...
Yuzuki: Yeah, just around the corner.
Mikado: Wow~, the location couldn't have been better. We have to fully enjoy ourselves for the members who couldn’t meet the schedule! Mikado: Let’s immediately take pictures for Hikarun! Oookay, Momotasu smile please~! Do the peace sign!
Momotarou: Stop it. Don’t force me to do the peace sign.
Yuzuki: ... Uh? What's that over there?
Ryuji: Oh, you mean those uncles and stuff?
Tomohisa: They’re preparing for the fireworks.
Haruhi: EEH--! Fireworks need so much preparation? Haruhi: It was more an analogue image. They also have a computer and things like that.
Momotarou: I have heard that the launching timing and the procedure of fireworks nowadays are all controlled mechanically.
Haruhi: Eeh~! So unexpected!
Momotarou: It’s also my first time seeing the real thing... Momotarou: ........
Haruhi: Onzai-kun...?
Yuzuki: He fell silent.
Mikado: It’s because Momotasu likes machines. They’re very interesting!
Miroku: He looks so engrossed, he’s even forgetting to blink.
Ryuji: True. Sounds reasonable.
Tomohisa: Hey, Momo. Tomohisa: If you’re that interested, why don’t you to try taking fireworks on?
Momotarou: ....!
Miroku: Launching fireworks... Is it something we can do even though it’s the first time?
Tomohisa: I think we can’t do something elaborate, but, since it’s the craftsman we’re asking for every year, I believe he’ll be more or less flexible.
Miroku: Speaking of wanting to help, I wonder if we can do something.
Momotarou: I wanna give it a try.
Mikado: Momotasu has felt so good here that he gave an immediate answer!
Tomohisa: Fufu, I’m glad it pleases you. Well then, I'll go ask, please wait a bit.
Haruhi: Ghnnn--! Tono, one more match at beach flags!
Miroku: How many times has it been? I don’t mind, but I think the result will be the same. It’s Haruhi’s triceps surae muscle, you’ll always end up with the foot in the sand.
Haruhi: Ya--! There’s still the chance I can turn the tables! Hey, Yuzuki? ... Uh, Yuzuki?
Mikado: Yuzurin sure is skillfull! To make a sand castle with such a high degree of perfection.
Ysuzuki: Detailed work, I like it.
Ryuji: Well then, why don’t we decorate it! With something like shells...
Tsubasa: Everyone is fully enjoying​ the sea, but Momo-kun is...
Tomohisa: Looks like Momo is listening quite eagerly to the staff.
Tsubasa: So it seems. His expression seems to be sparkling a little.
Tomoshisa: Ah, he’s back.
Momotarou: I’m back.
Tsubasa: Welcome back, Momo-kun. How was it?
Momotarou: A very interesting system. More than you can imagine to be precise, let alone touching it if you’re not qualified. It doesn’t seem like I’m allowed to enter the site. Momotarou: That’s why, I was asked to think about the content for one part of the performance.
Tomohisa: That’s nice.
Momotarou: ......
Tsubasa: What’s up with that long face...?
Ryuji: Tomo! Look at the castle we built!
Tomohisa: Got it, I’m coming. Well then, see you later.
Tsubasa: Yes.
Momotarou: ......
Tsubasa: Um, is there something wrong? You look depressed...
Momotarou: ... It’s nice they entrusted me the direction, but I'm wondering what I should do.
Tsubasa: I have never done it before, I think it's enough to just launch fireworks that Momo-kun likes.
Momotarou: No, just that is no good... Momotarou: I can’t think so lightly of it if the staff member took the trouble to ask me.
Tsubasa: Ah... Tsubasa: I see, he wants to think of something convincing for the performance. With the staff... The same way as a craftsman. Tsubasa: Just, for example... how about making use of the field that you’re good at, Momo-kun?   Tsubasa: Like, singing or using your knowledge of lives?
Momotarou: I see...
Tsubasa: Ah, his expression got a little brighter. Did he see where the performance direction?
Momotarou: I’ll try to think about it later myself.
Tsubasa: Okay!
Tomohisa: Is everyone ready to begin?
Haruhi: I’ve been waiting for thisss~!
Ryuji: Whenever you want, Tomo.
Tomohisa: Well then, let the light entertainment begin!
Ysuzuki: Woah....
Haruhi: Amazing, such intensity! But, it’s close! Too close!
Momotarou: You can feel the sound vibration.
Miroku: Amazing... It’s no match for the other big fireworks festivals.
Tsubasa: It’s beautiful...
Momotarou: ......
Tsubasa: Momo-kun, what a serious look... I wonder if his part is up soon.
Miroku: Mh? This song...
Haruki: It’s Hungry Wolf!!!
Ryuji: Waah! The fireworks and song are interlocking!
Yuzuki: Unbelievable, the song expresses well the kind and color of the fireworks.
Haruhi: I’m getting so excited!!! Right. I must take a video of this!!
Miroku: Don’t worry. It’s already being recorded.
Haruhi: As expected of Tono!
Tomohisa: Ah, now our song is up.
Ryuji: When the song changes, the performance completely differs too.
Tomohisa: Yeah, I knew about the songs. It’s a special directive from Momo.
Mikado: Oya, will next one be a MooNs’ song?
Haruhi: The song quickly changes.... Somehow, it’s like a theme park. Haruhi: That's right! Such a thrilling firework display may be a first!
Yuzuki: Yeah. It’s shiny and magical that makes me want to look at it forever.
Ryuji: Momo thought of this, right?
Momotarou: Yeah.
Ryuji: You rock!
Momotarou: The most important thing is that you liked it.
Tomohisa: The firework display’s over, shall we return to the villa soon?
Momotarou: You're right.... mh? I can’t see Killer King guys...
Mikado: You’re right, where on earth did they go?
Haruhi: Sorry for the waaaait~! We went to buy fireworks at the convenience store!!
Ryuji: Fireworks? We didn’t ask for those, though.
Miroku: Haruhi got excited when he watched the firework display and started saying how he wanted to try consumer fireworks.
Haruhi: Whaaaat! Even though you were in high spirits?!
Miroku: .... well....
Yuzuki: I’d like to set off fireworks with all of you!
Mikado: It looks fun! Since you were so kind to do this, how about putting on some music?
Yuzuki: Sounds good. The launching earlierー
Mikado: Well then, I’ll put on Majokko Mamirin first season’s OP immediately!
Haruhi: No! There are our songs, right?!
Ryuji: That’s right, Mika. Because we aren’t interested in that.
Mikado: GAHHHH!!
Tsubasa: Fufu. Seems like everyone’s been affected by your performance, Momo-kun.
Momotarou: That so?
Tsubasa: Yeah, absolutely superb.
Momotarou: I see.... It’s all thanks to Tsubasa’s suggestion. Momotarou: I’ve listenened to songs and lives, and the songs change one after another. A brilliant image came out.
Tsubasa: That’s how it went. If it was helpful to you, Momo-kun, I’m glad.
Momotarou: Mm. I really appreciate it.
Tomohisa: ... What’s left is senko hanabi.
Ryuji: It seems like there are as many as we are, so let’s play a game and see which lasts long! Ryuji: The winner will be able to eat something like a special dessert! ♪
Haruhi: Hell yeah! I’m getting fired up~~!!
Miroku: If it’s a game we’re talking about, there's no way I will lose.
Momotarou: This is Tsubasa’s senko hanabi.
Tsubasa: Ah, thank you.
Ryuji: Well then, at 1 light them up~
Everyone: 3... 2... 1!
Haruhi: E, eh? My light doesn’t work!
Miroku: Then, Haruhi, you lost the game by default.
Haruhi: No way, no way, no way! Hold on a mo’!
Miroku: It's impossible that everone’s lights but yours work, Haruhi.
Momotarou: ... Are you good with senko hanabi?
Tsubasa: No, not at all... It always shrinks immediately.
Momotarou: Then I’ll teach you a trick.
Tsubasa: Eh, Momo-kun...  grasped my hand, what is he..........
Momotarou: Hold it at this angle. If you do it like this, it will last you.
Tsubasa: Really?
Yuzuki: Ah, it consumed...
Mikado: What a pity, mine too.
Ryuji: Ahh~. Mine and Tomo’s shortened as well.
Tomohisa: I was pretty confident, but too bad.
Miroku: Mine also consumed. Only Tsubasa and Onzai-san left.
Mikato: Now, which one Victory will smile on?!
Momotarou: Ah.......... it’s over.
Mikado: Which means, it’s Tsubasa-san’s victory!! Who knew that Tsubasa-san had such ahidden talent!
Ryuji: Shut up, Mika! Come on, let’s get rid of the fireworks!
Tsubasa: Thank you very much, Momo-kun. It’s thanks to the trick you showed me.
Momotarou: When I was a child, I tried various method to make senko hanabi last longer. Momotarou: I’m glad the experience of that time was helpful.
Tsubasa: Uh? Momo-kun’s expression right now.... Tsubasa: It was a really small change, but he felt more innocent than usual. Tsubasa: Momo-kun can make such a face...
Ryuji: You two over there, why don’t you stop chatting and help us clean up?
Tsubasa: Ah, coming right up!
Mikado: Nevertheless, I’m extrimely proud of you, Momotasu! If there is another opportunity, why don’t we set off fireworks with everyone?
Momotarou: Mm, that’s a good idea.
• Aji Tv refers to Fuji Tv • Senko Hanabi are basically japanese sparkles
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bpro-updates · 7 years
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SR Party Night Story - Korekuni Ryuuji
                                                 CHAPTER 01
Kitakado Tomohisa: [A&R], are the party preparations going smoothly?
A&R: Yes!.... That’s what I’d like to say but the party preparations are being held by another department so I haven’t done much.
Korekuni Ryuuji: Last year’s party was quite extravagant but this year too, everyone seems to be fired up!
A&R: Seems like it!... We’re always in debt to all the writers and TV staff that we receive every year.
Kitakado Tomohisa: We must hold a proper reception, don’t you think so?
A&R: I look forward to it!
Korekuni Ryuuji: Well then, we should also start taking care of the preparations. Clothing, that is! …. Oh?
Kitakado Tomohisa: Is something wrong?
Korekuni Ryuuji: The neckties are gone….
A&R: Eeh? Were they here when the clothes were being sorted out?
Korekuni Ryuuji: Yes … Oh! That reminds me that I brought the neckties home by mistake. I thought I had brought them back but I completely forgot about it… what should we do…? Isn’t it rude not to have a tie on a formal dressing code party?
A&R: I’ll search for a replacing one right away!
Korekuni Ryuuji: Wait, [A&R]. We still have time before the party starts, don’t we?
A&R: Yes, I think so.
Korekuni Ryuuji: Then I’ll head back to the apartment to get them. I think it’s faster that way!
A&R: Ok! Then, I’ll be going together with you because searching for them together might be the faster way!
Korekuni Ryuuji: Thank you for helping me!
A&R: Mr. Kitakado, if anything happens, please call me okay? I’m sorry….
Kitakado Tomohisa: It’s okay, don’t worry about it!
Korekuni Ryuuji: Ok, let’s head back!
                                                 CHAPTER 02
Korekuni Ryuuji: It’s useless, I can’t find it… If I’m not mistaken, I took it out of the bag, I must have left it around this area but….
A&R: It’s not in this shelf…
Korekuni Ryuuji: Haaaa… what are we going to do…? Although I thought I was able to find it straightaway…
A&R: Ryuuji, please go back to the event venue. On the way, I’ll buy and deliver the neckties.
Korekuni Ryuuji: It seems like there’s no other way… But, just to make sure, I’ll call Tomo.
[On the phone] Ryuuji: A! Tomo!
                          Tomohisa: I was thinking about calling you just now. So, did you find the neckties?
                          Ryuuji: No…. Even though I searched the whole apartment, I couldn’t find it…
                          Tomohisa: Did you search in the closet by the entrance?
                          Ryuuji: I did, but it wasn’t there….
                          Tomohisa: Didn’t you put it inside your favourite brand’s shopping bag? In order not to forget this very day…
                          Ryuuji: AAAA…!!!! Inside that shopping bag!!! That’s it! As expected, Tomo!
                          Tomohisa: You’re welcome! Then, the two of you, be careful and get back here, okay?
                           Ryuuji: Okay! Thanks!
A&R: Thank God! Then, let’s hurry back! A….!
-          In thought [A&R: There are ChupaChuls on top of the desk…]
Korekuni Ryuuji: [A&R], I’ve got the neckties! Let’s head back immediately!
A&R: Y-yes! I’m going now.
-          In thought [A&R: Ryuuji must keep some but, just in case, I’ll bring some ChupaChuls with me]
                                               CHAPTER 03
A&R: Mr. Kitakado, Mr. Korekuni, good job at the party!
Korekuni Ryuuji: Since there were more people I knew in comparison to last year’s party, I had a blast!
Kitakado Tomohisa: It was quite a productive evening.
A&R: It was to be expected, since the two of you engaged in pretty proactive conversations.
Korekuni Ryuuji: Us, at least, must have proper manners. Because there are a lot of members who give you a tough time.
Kitakado Tomohisa: (laughs) Ryuuji… It’s no good if you say something like that.
A&R bursts out laughing
A&R: Then, if you excuse me, I’ll be leaving…
Kitakado Tomohisa: Okay, good job!
-          In thought [A&R: I’ll wake up early again tomorrow so today I’ll head straight back]
Korekuni Ryuuji: …[A&R]!
A&R: Ryuuji, is something wrong?
Korekuni Ryuuji: You see…. Today… thank you for helping me search for the neckties. I’m sorry for being careless.
A&R: Oh no, it’s okay! And we only found it because of Mr. Kitakado...
Korekuni Ryuuji: Yeah, that might be it… Tomo is amazing remembering the things I forget about. But, during the party you brought the ChupaChuls! What a great timing there! I picked a juice that I didn’t really like and I wanted to get rid of that taste.
A&R: If that’s the case, I’m glad I did so. It might have been because of all the meddling, you seemed a bit lost….
Korekuni Ryuuji: [A&R], when I think you’d look at me this much… I am… really happy!
A&R: Ryuuji…. I’m glad that I could be a little helpful.
Korekuni Ryuuji: hmmm…. From now on, please keep looking at us that closely, okay?
A&R: Sure!
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soradgirl · 7 years
C3AFA Jakarta 2017
( this was so hard to work on I swear I have the worst memory)
Oh fun fact this was all actually broadcasted on Nico Nico, both panel and concert! (I think for the panel it was, but I’m definitely sure about the concert)
I came to the anifest for the anime.
Specifically the utaites 😏
There was also f'hana, Suzuki Konomi, May'n, and Usagi, but I’m not too familiar with them lol so I won’t write about them.
Also I’ll be writing about what they said to the audience but my Japanese isn’t… Perfect. I can understand it sometimes, but reading and writing is… Not good. 
S O R R Y.
Also because this was held in Indonesia I’ll be using Indonesian words when they spoke it, but in brackets I’ll put the English. I’ll also recap a few personally funny things that happened to me, specifically with my cousin that I brought along. (She isn’t even in a fandom, and doesn’t even know what utaites are)
I could only attend one day (Saturday), because of something I like to call hell school. Which I’m kind of sad about since Kradness is performing the second day and well, he’s the first utaite I’ve ever listened too. I’d go but there’s no way I’d be allowed to miss school Hahah :^)
The anifest exhibition, filled with little booths selling cute drawings, keychains, and a whole lot of Yuri on Ice yaoi. Official (?) booths include: Black Butler, Fate Apocalypse, some others I’m sure, but most were fan-run (?) booths. (I bought a set of Koi Yuri on Ice keychains that were adorable lol)
Of course that’s not what I came for. I came for the anisong concert. Specifically Tomohisa Sako.
The event began at 10:00 am. I arrived at 2:30 and bought the VIP tickets. To my dismay, T-kun had an autograph session at 12:30.
U N L U C K Y 
   To be fair was on the plane. Yes jakarta is not where I live. I live in another city boohoo. Flew out but missed autographs. 
And since I arrived late to purchase the tickets, the closest seats were row N. But at least had wasn’t in the standing area hahahahah. (Those who stood for three hours at the very back sorrymasen.) 
There was about five hours until concert doors opened. What can you do for five hours?? 
I took a look at the schedule. 
Wait. What’s this?
At 3:30 pm the beginning of nico nico panel!!? (Mind you I didn’t know this was happening.) I only came for the concert. This was great, I had some way to spend the time while waiting for the concert doors to open. 
 But who was performing? Was it anyone I knew? YES IT WAS. 
 Natsushiro Takaaki, Eve, and CleaNero (Clear and Nero.)
 L U C K Y. 
 I was so excited I stood in front of the small open stage thirty minutes early. Also because I wanted to be at the front. Then it happened. It begun. The crowd started to thicken. 
Anytime nico nico was mentioned me and a few other girls screamed like mad. 
(No pictures cause obviously they’re forbidden)
 I think the only downside of this short panel was that the time between each performance was really long XD. We had to wait around half an hour more or less for the next performer to come up. But they did provide entertainment in the middle of that wait.  
 Usagi was the first performer. She sang a song that I know the melody of but not the words or the title. (Shazam didn’t help either)
After her was my dear dear dearest Ikemennnnnnnnnnnn NATSUSHIRO TAKAAKI. He looked so good and ugh it was just amazing like how can someone be so cool lol. He came up on stage and pulled out a piece of paper. (a recurring theme.) 
“Selamat siang! (Good afternoon)” he said. Or tried to say, but he was cute for trying. “Nama saya Takaaki Natsushiro. (My name is Takaaki Natsushiro.)” he struggled to say it but we were patient. I was grinning so hard because him trying was so adorable. (”Ganbatte!” the crowd shouted in encouragement) 
Then he proceeded to speak in Japanese. “Do you understand Japanese?” he asked first. 
“We do!” the crowd, and me, answered. His smile grew like a little puppy as he complimented us it was amazing. (and adorable, they all were so dorky aa)
Okay here is where I apologize. I don’t remember any of the songs he sang. I KNOW I’M TERRIBLE BUT SERIOUSLY MY MIND BLANKED OUT. (I kept staring at his face I guess lol that’s not a valid excuse.) 
I think. THINK. He sang:  世界の真ん中を歩く(sekai no mannaka wo aruku)
BUT He was so enthusiastic as well, always getting the crowd to shout with the song, or clap our hands. (My cousin’s comment: How can he sing so perfectly while jumping?) ALSO DID I MENTION HOW STYLISH HIS OUTFIT WAS? HE WAS WEARING WHITE CLOTHES AND IT WAS WAS WAS COOLLLL.
He seriously looks like the drawings of him. Like with long white coat-thing with black underneath. And of course, a smile all the time. SO CUTE AGHHH
If anyone who was there knows any of the songs he sang please tell me ww I need help. 
Fun fact: during the performance I was looking at him then in the far corner I saw a guy wearing a mask. I stared for three seconds before almost, ALMOST shouting, “EVE.” 
Eve was watching the performance from a door to backstage it was so cute ww. 
A N D  
Eve was also the next performance. There was this one girl who seriously loved him, she kept shouting ‘kakkoi or kawaii’ when he came on stage ww and throughout the performance. So since no photos are allowed I have their faces branded into my brain haha. Okay but. Eve looks exactly like his avatar. Like the hair, the body shape, etc. I was gushing over it for the entire performance. He was wearing this blue patterned shirt with a floral jacket-thing over it, I think the pants matched the jacket. Why are Japanese people so stylish??? 
Now the performance. Not in correct order but he sang: 
ユニバース (Universe)
スパークル(Sparkle from Your Name/Kimi no Nawa.)
惑星ループ (Wakusei Loop)
Now this cute boy also pulled out that fated paper. He stared at it sometime, trying to pronounce the first few syllables. 
“Se- Sela? se se... (G- Goo? G-Good...)” he kept trying, eventually people starting shouting in encouragement but he held his hand out like ‘please be quiet I must focus.’ 
He then said it properly (well kind of). “Selamat siang! (Good afternoon)” When we cheered in response he looked so relieved that he had done it w. After that he sang another song. The poor boy was starting to get sweaty, and when he ended the song we could see he was really out of breath. To play it off adorably he panted into the microphone. “Haah haah, it’s hot...” he said (In japanese). (Cue squeals, it was so adorable.) And then he asked for a towel. 
While waiting for the towel he decided to speak a little to us, albeit in Japanese. He said, “before I came on stage I was really nervous!” (That’s what I think he sort of said. Could be wrong)  We all aww-ed and someone yelled (in Japanese) for him not to be nervous, which he obviously in turn replied with a thank you. 
I felt so sorry for my poor sweaty boy, and they didn’t have any towels to give him, so I half-jokingly told my cousin that I wanted to throw him some tissues. (She then kept trying to take my tissues and throw them upstage. I WAS IN THE FRONT ROW I SWEAR HE COULD SEE THIS HAPPENING IT WAS VERYYY EMBARRASSING.)
During Universe he got us to sing along to the ‘woah woah yeah yeah’ parts in the song, and during the instrumental breaks the crowd was shouting like, ‘HEY HEY HEY.” It was really nice. 
Wakusei Loop started playing and I screamed because I love that song. Immediately the crowd goes ‘ tuttururuttu ruttutturu’ along with the song. And some rhythmic clapping during choruses/ instrumentals.
When he left the stage I got so sad jeez. But i remembered that there was still CLEANERO.
I mean, there was two of them! Both, one package. Win win right? 
And they ran up on stage, instead of having that little paper scene, they went straight into the first song. 
The songs they sang (that I remember) are: 
Cotton Candy Cloud
That One Song That Goes ‘Lalalalala’ And They Got The Crowd to Sing With Them. (Aka idk)
And I’m sure there were more but I forgot song
But the thing about Clear and Nero is: THEIR HARMONIES. They are so beautiful i felt like shedding a tear seriously. It was like the heavenly voices came down to bless me on that anime day. 
But these two knew how to interact with fans more while performing. Although Nero more than Clear. They always stood on the front and one time Nero pointed at at an audience member while singing. 
But after two songs they took a break, and the paper came out. Clear was cackling while Nero tried to pronounce the words. He did so pretty well actually. 
“Selamat siang (good afternoon) Jakarta!” he yelled, which in reply we cheered, but then he handed the paper to Clear, who stopped laughing as soon as he realized what he had to do. 
Clear said the exact same thing as Nero, but with stuttering and a heavy accent.You could tell he was really embarrassed, especially when some of us giggled. Luckily MOST of us were very encouraging and cheered for him instead.
After they were done I headed to the main stage where the concert was being held. 
That’s when I entered and realized, “Oh no it started already?!?” 
I swear they began early. So we headed to out seats and May’n was performing. While she was singing my cousin pointed to the poster-thing, where the performers were lined up in this order from bottom to top:
Tomohisa Sako
Konomi Suzuki
She told me that if it was in the order of the pictures then that would mean that T-kun already performed. CUE PANIC. I tried to stay calm and enjoy the show but my mind was going a quadrillion miles per hour thinking of what would be of my life if I had indeed missed Tomohisa perform. 
May’n finished and left the stage and I sat down while waiting for the next performer to come up. We were sitting there staring at the screen playing advertisements when it flashed and in very loud volume it played:
T-kun ran onto stage, and the girls were deafening. I tried to calm myself but how could I?!?! HOW COULD I?!?
T-kun sang many songs, but instead of listing them I’ll go through them. 
(Although maybe not in correct order.)
So he sang Renai Saiban (Love Trial) and it reminded me of the little medley he did with Amatan and I was singing along like a little bird that doesn’t really know all the lyrics ww. 
He sang Mezase Pokemon Master and mad us shout that pikachu part LIKE FIVE TIMES. HE EVEN CALLED OUT SOMEONE. “Ahh... You only! You only, okay?” he said in english. It was cute and I was SO JEALOUS OF THAT PERSON. 
Sugar Song and Bitter Step. At the beginning he trailed off one of the lyrics and twirled his finger at the audience... Thinking about it still makes my heart beat aa it was wonderful. 
He sang Floria and I felt a little nostalgic since I haven’t listened to that song in awhile it was so nice. T-kun really is cute and sweet...
Some other things that happened. 
Him trying so hard to speak in Indonesian. While he was trying someone in the crowd yelled, “ T-kun daisuki!” and he was startled and replied, “a~a~ arigato!” 
He told us, “Saya makan nasi goreng. Enak sekali. (I ate fried rice. It was really good.)” 
Then he asked us what foods we liked, and my cousin shouted, “INDOMIE!” (Instant noodles ww) I swear the people by us were cracking up. 
Seriously my boy was so pure and I had so much fun I just felt so blessed the entire time ww. 
I want to follow them forever! 
(I want to translate the footage of T-kun’s performance but I must brush up on my Japanese ww. I can do the Indonesian. Hopefully I can though.)
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shorilicious · 7 years
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QLAP! interview with Sato Shori on “HaruChika” (this interview took place in December 2016) Today is Shori-kun’s first QLAP solo interview with a front cover! Thank you for being with us.
No, I should be the one to say thank you. I’m indebted to QLAP-san starting from my debut times. A long time ago while being interviewed I used to say “Clap!” while clapping my hands on each side of my face like this (he demonstrated it), and was playing and joking around (laughing).
You were always saying the name of the magazine with such enthusiasm while having fun with the members (laughing).
Yup (laughing). I wish I could do that kind of pose for the cover!?
Of course, please do so in the future!
I’ll do my best!! (laughing)
Thank you (laughing). Your film “HaruChika” will finally be in cinemas in the beginning of March. It’s about a brass band set in school, Shori-kun will play a timid boy named Haruta who plays the horn. What is your impression of this role?
Haruta and me are complete opposites to each other. I think Haruta’s main features are his wimpy and stubborn sides that aren’t similar to me at all. But rather than building up to become more similar to my role, I think... I tried to be him as naturally as I could.
The director’s objective was to make many scenes spontaneously and such.
Yup. That’s why I was asked to play this role very naturally. I cannot do that if I don’t feel his presence. For example, in a scene where the brass band members had different opinions and were discussing things, Haruta who usually doesn’t show much emotion suddenly raises his voice. I was wondering if a quiet person would suddenly burst out something instead of staying quiet during an important conflict. That’s why I suggested that even though it wasn’t the case in the beginning.
So it was Shori-kun’s idea. Starting the scenes with all the staff members, it seems like there are many fresh youthful elements for this work.
I’ve also seen the completed work and the casual scenes have a really pure vibe to them. Scenes where we’re just walking, just polishing our instruments, they also have their special youthful charm.
Did you have such a youth as well?
I wanted to! But I did not have a casual youth (laughing).
Well then (laughing), what about the admirable but casual mune-kyun scenes?
Like Haruta and Chika (Hashimoto Kanna), I also went together with my childhood friends to school by bus. I think it’s cute how they share earphones too. It would be really nice if I could have small things like that in my everyday life.
How was the atmosphere at film set since almost the whole cast is from the same generation?
It really felt like we were doing a club activity. Everyone got along and after the last scene was finished, everyone was crying. I often had deep conversations with the male cast during shootings as well, for example with (Hiraoka) Takuma and (Shimizu) Hiroya.
Is there anything specific you can say about them?
They are really amazing. They use up their whole energy to think about the shooting and they even think about all the expressions they can make while acting. Working with actors is amazing after all. I also like acting but because I don’t want to play a character half-heartedly, I think I still have to work hard.
That was quite motivating.
For future acting work, I don’t want to just “act out” a character, I want to become an actor who can do it naturally as much as possible. Rather than my acting being called “skilful”, it’s cool if it could be called “natural”.
By the way, your feelings and approaches to that kind of work, is it the same as standing on stage for “Johnny’s All Stars Island”?
I think the essentials are the same. But since it’s a stage play, personally I don’t like having flashy scenes or raising my voice, but no matter the place I think the key is still to be natural. Of course it may be difficult since you’re live on a stage, but I like keeping my movements and my voice as natural as possible.
I see. I’ve seen the costume rehearsal of JAI and I was fascinated by the many performers and also by Shori-kun’s solo song playing the horn, I was overwhelmed by all the content. It’s been three weeks since the opening (the interview took place in December), so what are your feelings now?
It’s enormous! And I’m hungry (laughing). But I’m having fun doing performance after performance.
In the other half of the play there are also emotional scenes based on real stories...
Yes. But there isn’t any strange meaning behind that, I don’t really think about it. Not for the sake of it being a true story but I think I wanted to do that scene because it was fitting the whole play’s story.
Do you see it as a part of the story just like any other scene?
Yes. But since there are going to be many more performances in the future, it’s hard to say that... I didn’t even think about that too much.
However, it’s a long play of two months. It’s important to take care of both your mind and body, so is it relaxing in your dressing room?
I keep hanging out with Prince like usually. I’ve been getting along well with Myuti (Morita Myuto) too and Jesse comes over to play the guitar and sing together with me. We’re all on good terms and everybody is really nice to me.
It seems that the other Sexy Zone members appeared as guests as well.
Yes. I couldn’t meet (Nakajima) Kento-kun backstage but he sent me a rose-scented drink through manager-san... what on earth was that for? (laughing) Ah, but there was also a message that said “it contains citric acid” (laughing).
Matsushima (Sou) and Marius (Yo) also came to my dressing room. They said things like “We don’t have any makeup tools”, and in the end before the performance these two used mine (laughing). (Kikuchi) Fuma-kun will appear in future performances, too.
“HaruChika” being your first film and showing us your horn skills on stage, it feels like you are challenging new things every year. Do you think that is your motive power?
I guess I just have my goals after all. I already mentioned my goals about acting before and I also want to improve my singing and dancing, but it’s fun aiming for those things. If my physical condition doesn’t turn bad, I don’t think my goals are too hard to achieve.
You seem to really like your job.
Somehow I became addicted to it (laughing). It doesn’t feel like I’m working but more like this is my everyday life? Since it’s normal to me, I wouldn’t say that my life is always idol-ish. Because for example when I go out in public I dress how I want. Some people are attracted by a natural appearance and I wonder if people in my surroundings think “That’s an idol” when seeing me, that would be really cool.
During hard and tiresome times, Shori-kun seems like he never talks about his complaints.
Of course I also go through hard times but I think that I don’t have to share that in public. Basically, I’ll find a solution myself.
Don’t you consult it with your seniors?
I feel sorry for troubling my seniors with my worries. But when I went for a meal with Yamashita (Tomohisa)-kun, he was asking “How’s your group doing?”, so I started talking about various things. One day he asked me “Shori, are you okay?” several times, so I felt that he was really concerned about me.
You surely appreciate that.
I really do. But now that I’m thinking about it, I must lead a great life if Yamashita-kun is caring about me. I’m amazing~ (laughing)
(Laughing) Lastly, for 2017 your play will continue, your film will be released and Sexy Zone will be busy every day with their arena tour, what else do you want to achieve that year?
First of all I want to increase the chances of people becoming interested in “HaruChika”, that’s why I want to work hard on promotions! And I thought about doing a big project as a group. I want to deliver an image like “The Sexy Zone” to everyone. For me personally I want to become better at dancing. Even if I can show one little gesture, I hope you would be charmed by it. I’ll surely become popular then, right? (laughing)
Oh! It’s a little unusual to hear “I want to be popular” coming from Shori-kun (laughing)
Even I want to be well liked (laughing). I mean I want to be seen as a cool person. I think that I’ll feel good if I can dance in a cool way and I’ll continue to aim for greater things, so I think I want to put more effort into various things from now on too!
Shori’s music talk♪ Q1. How often do you listen to music every day?
If I include the music I listen to at work, while traveling and taking a bath it would be about 6-7 hours. If I don’t have to work I think I listen to music for about two hours. Recently I use cool black headphones. Headphones are better for me than earphones because I can enjoy the sound quality that I want.
Q2. What are the latest obsessions on your music player?
I listen to music on my smartphone but I think I have about 1000 songs in there and I listen to them on shuffle. I think 70% of them are Western songs and the rest are Japanese rock bands, pop, my senior’s and our own songs. The song I am recently listening to on loop is Coldplay’s “A head full of dreams”.
Q3. What is your favourite sound and what is the sound you like the least?
My favourite sound is the D chord of a guitar. Somehow it gives me a positive vibe and brings out my courage (laughing). The sound I hate is when my buzzer goes “Brr! Brr!” before I go on stage when I’m not in a good condition. Especially when it’s on the table in my dressing room, it makes a strange loud sound (laughing).
Q4. What’s your speciality at karaoke?
It’s KinKi Kids’ “Ai ni tsuite”. It feels really great to sing that song! Even though it’s a difficult song and it’s hard for me to sing a song of two people by myself (laughing). Basically I go to karaoke alone. But recently I didn’t go that often.
Q5. What was the last concert you went to?
I’ve seen Arashi’s concert at dome arena for the first time. The organisation and direction was amazing~ For example, it was amazing to have one full track song on the main stage while not allowing the audience to get bored, I definitely couldn’t avert my eyes from the stage!
Q6. Who do you think has a beautiful voice?
Michael Jackson! If it’s a person who’s alive, then it’s Paul McCartney. Both of them are a number one for me. I don’t think that anyone has surpassed them. Incidentally I started liking my own voice little by little recently too. I want to extend my vocal range though.
Q7. If anyone could write a solo song for you, who would it be?
TOKIO’s Nagase (Tomoya)-kun. The lyrics and sound Nagase-kun is working with, to me they always have a cool and unique vibe. I also have the wish to do band music, so one day I would be happy to be able to do a session with him~ I think we could write interesting lyrics if we collaborated.
Keep in mind I am not a native speaker therefore there might be mistakes in my translations. Also I’m not exactly translating word for word. Feel free to correct me in my ask box any time you want, I’d appreciate it! I apologize if someone already translated something before me and I didn’t notice, I hope you don’t mind.
Sorry for bad-quality scans, I don’t have a scanner at home orz
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bpro-cardstories · 4 years
Goshi Kaneshiro SSR
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“......Then, how about the bathroom?”
Part 1
Yuta: ‘Waah~, Gochin’s room is so cool! So many records!!’
Goshi: ‘Oi, why did you enter my room ahead of me.’ 
Yuta: ‘Ehehe~, it’s alright, it was just for a bit! I was interested in how Gochin’s『Ideal Solitary Life』looks like. But it’s simpler than I thought. A bit surprising!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I agree.. I thought there is more music equipment or…. looks like a studio.’ 
Yuta: ‘Right, right, exactly that image!’ 
Goshi: ‘What? That sort of studio is fine. If you can’t afford to spend too much money, it’s better to not have half-baked equipment. Besides, if the room is a place where I can rest then it’s fine. More than the output, I want to concentrate on the input.’ 
Yuta: ‘Input, huh~. Is that why the records are all lined up?’ 
Goshi: ‘Well, yeah. It’s also merely a hobby…..’ 
Goshi: ‘That said, the lined-up records here…. It’s a good hobby.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Based on the questionnaire written by Kaneshiro-san, the staff member chose what seemed to be to your liking.’ 
Goshi: ‘Hee….. That person’s amazing. Those are only things I like to see through.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘They seem to be a big music lover.’ 
Goshi: ‘I figured. Should they come to the location, I want to talk to them later….. Oh.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘........?’ 
Goshi: ‘This….. Did you ever listen to this one?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I know this artist but….. Is it from an early period?’ 
Goshi: ‘Yeah, it’s the one that made a phantom debut. Right now his premiere is slow but, he has a deep bass….. Maybe you’ll also like him.’ 
Yuta: ‘Only Tsubasa-chan!? What’s with me!?’ 
Goshi: ‘You don’t have a clue. Well, for now, let’s try that one out. Your mood will also raise.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, then I will go confirm with the staff if we can use the record player.’
Goshi: ‘Yeah, thanks.’ 
  Part 2
ーIn the house with all 14 members.ー
Mikado: ‘ーーAlright, we received a mission from the staff. Decide the rules of the Shared House together, so they said!’ 
Momotaro: ‘Certainly, rules are mandatory for this number of people.’ 
Mikado: ‘After all there are 14 people. However, the rules that must be decided……’ 
Goshi: ‘Is one fine?’ 
Mikado: ‘Kane-san…..? Why?’ 
Goshi: ‘Why you say….. When I heard the talk just now, I just proposed one rule.’ 
Mikado: ‘Eh, a suggestion!?’ 
Goshi: ‘Ah? What’s this reaction.’ 
Kento: ‘I mean, anyone would be surprised if the ever so seemingly grumpy and silent someone suddenly says something, am I right.’ 
Goshi: ‘It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.’ 
Yuta: ‘But, it sure is rare for Gochin to voice your opinion so assertively at such moment~!’
Kento: ‘And? What’s the suggestion.’ 
Goshi: ‘Aah…… For now, the most important thing for the life in this Shared House. There are 14 people here. From the start, I don’t think it’s possible to have a peaceful life with this lineup.’ 
Mikado: ‘A-Ahaha….. You are quite right.’ 
Goshi: ‘If it was a day I could maybe put up with it. But in fact, it’s a week.’ 
Goshi: ‘When there’s a different environment, stress is involved. If there is an unusual difference happening, it’s not unlikely that stupid fighting will occur.’
Tomohisa: ‘Indeed, that might happen. It would be good if there is a single room, one where you can come to rest….. If we assigned each a room, can’t we prepare the vacant room?’ 
Goshi: ‘Yeah, that’s the problem.’ 
Mikado: ‘Hmm….. Just like Kane-san says, that may be the most important point. Because who wouldn’t want their alone time, right.’  
Hikaru: ‘Hm, then, how about we make one when someone isn’t returning? Like on days where we are off~.’ 
Ryuji: ‘That’s not what Shared House means, right?’ 
Hikaru: ‘Ah, true.’ 
Goshi: ‘......Then, how about the bathroom?’
All: ‘Bathroom?’ 
Goshi: ‘The shower time is decided to be in the morning and evening, outside of those times, when the board hanging at the door says『CLOSE』, entry is prohibited. Treat it as a private room.’
Mikado: ‘Ooh, I see! That’s easy to understand then, and looks easy to do.’ 
Yuta: ‘Yep, I think so too~!’
Yuta: ‘But you know, if it says『CLOSE』, don’t you want to open the door out of curiosity to see who’s in there?’
Goshi: ‘That won’t happen. First of all, should you open the door if I’m in there then I’ll hit you.’ 
Yuta: ‘Hyaah…..! I-I definitely won’t open the door!’ 
Part 3
After a call from the staff, Tsubasa came to check on Goshi who has been in the bathroom the whole time.
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san, are you here? Kaneshiro-san…..?’ 
(There’s no answer, after all. It’s as the staff said. But he hasn’t come out for hours…… I wonder if he’s fine….) 
Tsubasa: ‘Excuse me, Kaneshiro-san. Is it fine if I come in?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......I am coming in.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san……?’
Goshi: ‘..........’ 
Tsubasa: ‘!? Are you okay, Kaneshiro-san!?’ 
Goshi: ‘.......Hm……..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san, please keep it together!’
Goshi: ‘Ah…….? Oh, why, you……’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I am sorry, I heard from the staff that Kaneshiro-san has been in the bathroom since forever and did not come out……’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Are you fine? Could your condition be so bad…..’ 
Goshi: ‘No…… Uhm, my bad. I was sleeping.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh….. Only sleeping? For your body, it is better…..’ 
Goshi: ‘That’s no problem. While I thought about the lyrics here, I fell asleep before I realized. Haa……. Well, it’s true that I am a bit worn out though.’
Tsubasa: ‘Worn out….. As expected, life with 14 people is difficult?’ 
Goshi: ‘Well, yeah. However……’ 
Goshi: ‘How to say, I’m used to having a large number of people around. That’s why I thought one week will pass by quickly….’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Is it again a different feeling from the dormitory time?’  
Goshi: ‘Yeah. It’s probably because I grew up since that time….. In the first place, my time in the dormitory during Bambi is shorter than of the other guys. During my overseas stay, I also had a single room…..’ 
Goshi: ‘It’s not that I dislike anyone too. But, having people everywhere, that isn’t like me.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is…… I can somehow understand. Uhm, should it be difficult for you, we could think about somethingーー’ 
Goshi: ‘Fuuh, it’s not like that, so don’t worry. I don’t want to be the guy that doesn’t do his job. But…. I didn’t expect the day would come where I miss my usual home.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san……’ 
Goshi: ‘Anyway, sorry for causing you trouble. I’m fine, so it’s okay for you to go backーー’ 
Unbeknownst to both, they had two familiar figures eavesdropping…..
Kento & Yuta: ‘Hee~’ 
Goshi: ‘......Eh!?’ 
Yuta: ‘That Gochin likes our life together so much…… I’m so moved~!!’ 
Goshi: ‘Haa!? Who said that……’ 
Kento: ‘But our usual home is the Shared House for the time being. Goshi, your mentality is weaker than I thought.’ 
Goshi: ‘Bastard….. You both don’t exist, so don’t enter my view.’ 
Kento: ‘Oh? What if you have to enter our view, what’s then?’ 
Goshi: ‘What? …….Oi, what you mean! Try saying that again.’ 
Yuta: ‘Hnghh~! Geez, even though it was so moving, you have to fight.’ 
Goshi: ‘To start with, that doesn’t make sense.’
Yuta: ‘Yes, yes! Anyway, there are only two days left for the Shared House, you know. You’re happy when thinking about that we three return to our usual life soon, right? That’s why okay? It’s only a bit left, let’s do our best!’ 
Goshi: ‘Such crap, that’s not what I said!!!’ 
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bpro-cardstories · 4 years
Tomohisa Kitakado SSR
2017 ー Snow Magic [スノーマジック]
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“Sorry. But, I don’t want to give up here.”
『 Event: The Dreaming Xmas LIVE (15th - 28th December 2017) 』
Part 1
Tsubasa: ‘Hello, you two. I am going to explain the new job right away.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Okayー.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘This time, there will be a lighting event for the Christmas tree in an art museum. And a request for an appearance came in.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Hee, how romantic and dreamy.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Which art museum?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It is a famous place for illuminations every year. It is located in Nagano….’ 
Ryuji: ‘I know! The art museum there, right.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun, do you know that one?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep. I happened to see it in a magazine and thought about how I’d like to go there once. I showed it to you, right, Tomo?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Ah, I remember. The multicoloured illuminations were beautiful.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yeah! It was an actress who did the lighting up ceremony last year.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, it is featured in the news every year, and looks like the hot topic of the event.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Hee, I definitely like to participate. Right, Ryuji?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep! So, when is the ceremony?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It is when you have the costume fitting for the Music Party Christmas Live and the day before the CM photoshoot.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Aah, the fitting was early in the morning, was it. But if it’s the day before, then there shouldn’t be a problem?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is true, but when the lighting ceremony has ended, on that day we need to go back with the Shinkansen. It will be quite a hard schedule….’ 
Tomohisa: ‘I see. It will be a bit busy, huh.’ 
Ryuji: ‘We can make it. They went all the way to request us, so we can do this much.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, if Ryuji says so then it will work, I think. That’s why Tsubasa, we’ll be in your care.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! I too will support you with everything I have, so let us give it our best!’ 
Part 2
(Even though the lighting ceremony will start now, the sky’s quite cloudy. According to the weather forecast, it will clear up, but….) 
Tsubasa: ‘......Ah, rain!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Ah~, it started to rain…. If only I didn’t wish for it to not rain until the ceremony is over.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Because this art museum is located along a mountain, it may have an influence on it.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘If it keeps raining, at worst, there is a possibility that the ceremony will be canceled.....’  
Tomohisa: ‘The mountains’ weather changes easily, I’m sure it’s going to be fine.’ 
Ryuji: ‘That’s true. They came from afar to see us. For the sake of our Hanigas, we can’t let it be canceled.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘You are right…..’ 
The moment they decide to stay strong for their beloved fans, a staff member comes in….
Staff: ‘You two, we are sorry to make you wait. Because the rain got heavier, the starting time was delayed.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘How much of a delay is planned?’ 
Staff: ‘For the time being, let’s observe the situation for about an hour.’
Tsubasa: ‘One hour…..’ 
(The starting time was late from the start but, if it’s delayed for an hour, it will be barely enough to get the last Shinkansen.) 
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm….!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Understood. It’s fine.’ 
Staff: ‘Thank you very much! We’re sorry, but please bear with us.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san, why did you…..!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Tsubasa, calm down.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘But, if it is delayed for an hour, we do not know if we get the last Shinkansen. In case we miss the last train, the fitting tomorrow…..’ 
(The Music Party Christmas Live is a big job for BPro. We can’t cause a loss here…..) 
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, that I understand. However, we can’t make everyone who is looking forward to the lighting ceremony sad.’ 
(I understand what Kitakado-san means, still…..) 
Ryuji: ‘Haa….. Really, Tomo, you sure are pushy sometimes.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Sorry. But, I don’t want to give up here.’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s fine because I feel the same.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Tsubasa, since Tomo said it’s going to be fine, won’t you believe in us and let us try to handle this?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes……’ 
(The feelings of those two that cherish their fans are important. Though, I wonder if it’s really alright…..) 
Part 3
Tsubasa: ‘You two, that was amazing! It turned into a fantastic lighting ceremony with snow dancing.’ 
Ryuji: ‘I didn’t think it would snow. However, with lighting the tree it was perfect timing.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘The guests as well, that gathered at the venue unintentionally let out their voices and smiled.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep. When I see those smiling faces, then it makes even me happy.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, we were asked to make everyone smile like that, right.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is true! It was like magic.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Tsubasa, are you for real?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘A-Ahaha…. I just…. It may be possible for Kitakado-san.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Ahaha, even magic happens on such a wonderful night. Isn’t it strange?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yes, yes.’ 
Their talk is shortly interrupted by Tomohisa’s phone that receives a call. 
Tomohisa: ‘Oh, sorry. I got a phone call, I’ll go out for a bit to talk.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Off you go.’ 
(.......Right! It’s not the time to talk. What time is it now….) 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh, already this late!? Even if we leave now, we will not be able to catch the last Shinkansen….’ 
Ryuji: ‘We were prepared when we decided to attend the lighting ceremony. There’s no choice other than staying overnight somewhere near, and depart tomorrow, is there?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘But, with the first Shinkansen tomorrow we will be late for the costume fitting. Driving a car at night on this mountain road is dangerous, during this snow too. It surely may be piled up by tomorrow morning.’ 
(In snow this much, you have to be even more careful as much as possible…..! What should I do…..) 
Tsubasa: ‘.....I am sorry! I take full responsibility.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wait, stop that. It’s because of our selfishness that we were allowed to attend the event.’  
Tomohisa: ‘Sorry to let you wait….Eh, you two, why so serious?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Haa….., Tomo who’s calm in this situation is even weirder.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘We are thinking about a way to go home for tomorrow’s costume fitting at the moment….’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Tsubasa, don’t make such uneasiness looking face. It will be fine. I already prepared something in advance.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh….?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘It was the phone call earlier….’ 
Part 4
(How to make it at 1 PM I thought, but thanks to Kitakado-san we made it on time for the costume fitting, I’m so happy about it. However, to return to Tokyo but with such method….)
Tomohisa: ‘Everyone, morning.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fuaah, morning.’ 
Goshi: ‘Yeah.’ 
Yuta: ‘Ah, morning! Oh, Ryu-chan looks more tired than usual, doesn’t he?’
Ryuji: ‘Well. It was late when we came back.’ 
Yuta: ‘Right, was it the lighting ceremony for the Christmas tree? We had heavy rain here, were you fine?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Nope. We also had rain, because of it the starting time was delayed.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘But, while we waited, the rain stopped. When the ceremony started, it began to snow. It turned into a really romantic ceremony.’ 
Yuta: ‘Eeh, it snowed!?’ 
Goshi: ‘Snow…. You came back well, huh. It must have been late when the ceremony ended, right?’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Yes, we came back with the helicopter so there was no problem.’ 
Yuta & Goshi: ‘Helicopter!?’ 
Yuta: ‘Eh, you came back with a helicopter?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes.’ 
Goshi: ‘Amazing…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, it truly was.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Really? If you liked it so much, shall I invite you on a sightseeing flight next time?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ahaha……’ 
(Since we really flew back with a helicopter I don’t think that was just a joke….) 
Goshi: ‘.......Haah, the scale’s too different.’ 
Yuta: ‘Let me fly too, please, please~!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Of course, that’s fine.’ 
(Ryuji-kun looked like he was used to flying with it. I thought if this was weird but normally you have the same reaction as Kaneshiro-san. As I thought, Kitakado-san can’t be measured by my standards….)
Part 5
Tomohisa: ‘Thanks for today, Ryuji. Both the costume fitting and CM photoshoot ended unexpectedly earlier than expected.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep. All we have to do now is to prepare for the day of the Christmas live!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘We have to deliver the best performance to our Hanigas.’ 
Ryuji: ‘That goes without saying, right?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san, Ryuji-kun, you did great today. I think you are tired from the crowded schedule every day, please take rest well tonight.’ 
Ryuji: ‘I’m all worn out. When we get home, I will take a hot bath and take it easy ♪’
Tomohisa: ‘You too, Tsubasa, good job. Thank you for being at our locations every day.’
Tsubasa: ‘No…. Besides, yesterday was so hectic I failed to tell you my utmost thank you. If Kitakado-san had not arranged for a helicopter, we would have missed an important job, I think.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Don’t mind it. Because we are a team, in times of trouble we have to help each other.’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, thank you very much.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘By the way, it was a wonderful lighting ceremony, wasn’t it? It was like a dream, don’t you think?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. When Kitakado-san snapped his fingers, the moment the lights on the tree went on, it started to snow…. At that time I thought if it really is magic.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Tsubasa, there you go again. …..Well, if it’s Tomo, he is capable of anything.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, even I can’t let it snow. But if there is something I can do, tell me. If it’s for Tsubasa’s sake I will do everything in my power.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘When Kitakado-san says so, I feel like you can really put anything into reality.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Don’t say that. What I’m capable of is truly only a bit.’ 
(Oh, that’s a somewhat lonely expression…..) 
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm, Kitakado-san too, if there is something I can do, please tell me.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Really?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Then, it’s now but my hands grew cold, so won’t you hold hands with me?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Tsubasa: ‘N-No way! If the fans see this, it will be misunderstood…..!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘I see…..’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Then, let’s hold hands with Ryuji as well.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wah, Tomo! What are you holding my hand so suddenly?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, Kitakado-san…..!’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, like this it’s fine, right? Alright, shall we go home, us three?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ehm……’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wait, I’m not really understanding anything?’ 
(Kitakado-san looks like he has fun. Well, it should be fine…. right?) 
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bpro-cardstories · 5 years
Ryuji Korekuni SR
2019 ー Foot Care [フットケア]
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“....Haha, today’s Ryuji quite looked like the emerging prince of Cinderella.”
『 Event: THE SHOW MUST GO ON (26nd November - 03rd December 2019) 』
Part 1
Ryuji: ‘ーーAlthough these are activities as official supporters for the first entertainment show in Japan, the rehearsal can be watched so closely.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It is impressive, isn’t it. It seems like you could unintentionally forget that you are on work…’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wait, Tsubasa, what do you mean by that?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah...I-I am sorry!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Heh… Just kidding.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Though I’m always saying this. However, if I lose focus I will also just turn into a common spectator. Here too, the power this circus troupe brings with them… I wonder what that is.’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s not just the cast’s skills, the production and the costumes too are all elaborated. Just being at this place is like it became part of the worldview that I formed.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It certainly feels mysterious.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep…. The heels of the male cast are really cool too.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘They are beautiful, aren’t they. Does it not say beauty knows no gender? They are very sophisticated…. But, it looks a bit painful.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Isn’t that reality? Since they’re almost resembling the shape of pointe shoes. Of course, the members are probably used to them. Still, they can move around to such extent… They surely went through considerable practice many times.’ 
Staff: ‘Excuse me, this is Korekuni-san’s costume for the collaboration stage. These are your shoes, may I ask you to try them on?’
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much. Ryuji-kun, can I ask you to do so?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Of course. Ehm…’ 
Ryuji: ‘Amazing, mine are stilettos. But about 10 cm….?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Waah… how beautiful, but it seems to be hard to perform in them.’ 
Ryuji: ‘As expected, despite the costume, you can’t not wear such high heels, right. But, since these are high laced boots, I should tie them tightly and then…. one, two.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Waah, suddenly, the view is different. As I thought, because the heels are so high, the world I see changes as well.’ 
Ryuji: ‘.....I wonder if Tomo always sees this scenery.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, somehow I am not used to looking up to Ryuji-kun like this.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Ah, why you say that.’ 
To get back at her, Ryuji goes close up to her to show the momentary difference in height between them.
Ryuji: ‘I’m still growing, so maybe I’ll grow taller than Tomo and look down on Tsubasa from above, you know?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, I-I am sorry…. I did not mean it like that….!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fufu, I know. I was just joking.’ 
Ryuji: ‘The size of the shoes seems to be fine. If the cord won’t come loose, then it’s going to be perfect. However… Walking and talking are different things. It’s unstable and feels like with each move my toes are squeezed tightly together. Doing a performance with this. Again, my respect for them.’  
Ryuji: ‘I also will work hard, I have to make my legs used to the shoesーー’ 
Part 2
Ryuji: ‘ーーTsubasa, thanks. After all, can we put off tomorrow’s night recording?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. If it is possible, please take a bit of a break from the practice for the collaboration performance and let your body rest.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Understood, I will do so.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you. Well then, have a good night.’ 
Before she leaves, Ryuji calls out to her. Little does she know about the small surprise(s) Ryuji has in mind for her. Though, Tomohisa too enjoys the time they spend together and both boys are visibly amused about Tsubasa’s confusion.   
Ryuji: ‘Ah…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘....? What is wrong?’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s just. Tsubasa, you’re finished with work for today, right?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, I am.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Then, I have something good for you so come in.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh? Is that fine….?’ _________
Tomohisa: ‘Welcome back, Ryuji. Oh, together with Tsubasa?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Exactly. Wait a moment, I let Tsubasa use「That」.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘「That」.... Aah, if so I prepared it beforehand for Ryuji because I thought you will use it, what great timing.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Glad to hear that. Thanks, Tomo.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ehm, you said「That」...?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fufu, come here, Tsubasa.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes….’ 
Tomohisa: ‘Please, sit down on the sofa inside.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘....Oh, that at my feet.’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s a foot bath. That’s what we meant with 「That」.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Tsubasa, you’re always wearing pumps and have it hard, it seems. Even if it’s a little, I want to heal this fatigue.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun….’ 
Ryuji: ‘I started to wear high heels for the performance, and thought it over about all kind of things. Shoes with heels are cute, and they show off your legs in a beautiful way. They are most beautiful, aren’t they. That’s why I can certainly understand why one wants to wear them for aesthetic reasons…..’ 
Ryuji: ‘With this, to live for one day without them, isn’t it something wonderful? Your toes and sole of foot are hurt, your heel is scraped as well. I considered it to be natural to wear in your daily life. Girls really do have it hard.’
Tomohisa: ‘Because I almost have no relation to high heels, I wasn’t conscious of the difficulties until now. I saw Ryuji’s blood blisters on his feet and when he was about to faint. Thanks to those incidents, I finally became aware of the girls’ hardships.’
Tomohisa: ‘Tsubasa, you too are wearing pumps a lot..…’ 
Ryuji: ‘So we talked about how we want to take care of your feet. Of course, this doesn’t resolve your daily difficulties.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much, Ryuji-kun, Kitakado-san. To worry about it in such a manner…. Even just the thought makes me really happy.’ 
Ryuji: ‘So…. In other words, are you holding back?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ehm…. That is right. More than me, the two of you that have it harder to do this foot care for me….’ 
Ryuji: ‘If we talk about hard, then it’s the same for Tsubasa, isn’t it.’
Ryuji: ‘Wait…. I see. Aren’t you wearing stockings.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Sorry, I of all people didn’t notice. Rest assured, I will buy you spare ones.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘T-That is not….! Moreover, for the times when I have a run, I always have spare ones with me, so buying them is….’ 
Ryuji: ‘What. Then, there’s no problem, right.’ 
Ryuji: ‘..... But, to carry all that with you. Girls have it hard, after all.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘That’s true. As it is now, we can’t let you go home.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘B-But….!’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s fine, we’ll bring some black tea and Tsubasa gets ready to put your feet into the hot water. Let’s go, Tomo.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......They are gone.’
Part 3
(ーーIn the end, they let me use the foot bath and they even made me black tea….) 
Ryuji: ‘The timer is ringing. You did well, Tsubasa. The footbath feels splendid, right.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, it was amazing….! Really, thank you very much, both the tea and sweets were very delicious.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fufu, that’s good. It was a bit forced but…. If we didn’t do that, Tsubasa would have definitely refrained.’ 
(To think this much about me…. I’m sorry but, I’m somehow feeling incredibly happy.) 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, I am sorry, I will borrow one of your towels. I will wash it properly and give it backーー’ 
Ryuji: ‘You don’t need to. Here, give me your feet. I’ll dry them for you.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh…. A-As I thought, I can not let you do that. I will dry them myself!’ 
Ryuji: ‘I said it’s fine, I want to do it!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘B-But….’ 
Ryuji: ‘Because the hot water splashes around, stay still. Look, doesn’t this towel feel all soft and fluffy? Next I will give you a massage.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘.....T-That…. I am really sorry to bother you….’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s okay. How is it? Around here…. When you push a bit stronger, it feels good, doesn’t it. Are you fine? Does it hurt?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No…. It feels good….’ 
Ryuji: ‘Right? Fuuh, I’m happy to hear that. Then, let yourself be spoiled now.’
Ryuji: ‘Apply the cream, and let it blend in well with the skin, like this…. From the ankle to the calf and the back of the knee, when you massage here the swelling will be easily removed.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘That massage is the secret behind Ryuji’s beautiful legs.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That…. I will study it.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Ahaha, what’s there to study about.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘....Haha, today’s Ryuji quite looked like the emerging prince of Cinderella.’
Ryuji: ‘What are you saying, Tomo?’ 
Ryuji: ‘But…. Well, if I’m Tsubasa’s prince, then it’s not that bad.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh…?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Ah, right. I wonder if he’s finished with the pedicure. Kento is studying the nails now, isn’t he? It seems that he’s collecting nail polish from various manufacturers…’ 
Ryuji: ‘This lavender one, isn’t it a wonderful colour? The moment he showed it to me, I went to buy it.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘If that’s the case, then shall I brew some tea? There still seems to be a bit of time left until Cinderella’s magic dissolves.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yes, please, Tomo.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘U-Uhm…. Ryuji-kun.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Hm?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I am sorry, doing anything and everything….’ 
Ryuji: ‘Geez… I wanted to do it, didn’t I say so.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Look. This colour here, I think it will suit Tsubasa pretty well. So, Cinderella…. Won’t you keep me company for just a bit longer?’ 
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