#i’m zhante-deprived again
zhaliacain · 4 years
I’m back to this pet peeve again
Rainbow really did Dante dirty by giving him short term memory when it comes to Zhalia. I’m sorry but the man really went from screaming for Zhalia in a desert, later literally hears her screaming (knowing full well that the organisation is around and have already attempted to assassinate her from which she barely made it out alive) and looks horrified. Next episode? Nope he’s forgotten. Not even a right we need to sort these titans out NOW so we can go find Zhalia and Otto. And when they’re finally all back together there's not even a ‘holy sh*t you got kidnapped by the professor, what happened how did you get separated from us?’ followed by ‘technically Vensetta Quew got captured and even then she's an undercover agent of the organisation anyway so no kidnapping involved’. Yes I know its for the plot but you shouldn’t have written two such complex characters and implied a relationship if you wanted me to pay attention to the plot at this point.
AND THEN THERES SEASON TWO! and we’ve got Dante who is canonically thinking about Zhalia constantly to the point he walks off mid conversation with Scarlett, straight up says he's worried about her to Lin confirming that when he’s got that quiet reflecting look he’s thinking about Zhalia (also couples with him weirdly stroking the logosbook). And yet they finally defeat the Betrayer and what do we get? A SMILE? seriously? Like I get its a kid show but I would settle for some handholding or just a shoulder pat but they’re seriously just going to smile at each other after all that? Dante, dude, you came back to life for this woman? Seriously? You knew you were going to die and particularly Zhalia would be upset so you went for all this trouble to find a way to come back to life and you couldn’t even give us a high five? Do they even speak to each other? not a ‘screw you for dying’ or a ‘hey your map drawing skills are pretty neat’.
Don’t even get me started on the Logosbook message.
-you can't get rid of me that easily.
also Dante: Oh yeah I wasn’t certain I would come back to life it was a hunch.
Like really? What the frick was Zhalia meant to do with that message if he didn’t come back, it goes from a sweet ‘I’ll always come back to you’ message to a really creepy ‘The memory of my loss will follow you to your grave’ at least tell Sophie or someone to say goodbye for him. 
I apologise this isn't a Dante bashing post and I know there's a lot of explanations behind why this happens but sometimes I just wish it was different because I still have 46 minutes left on my laundry and I don’t understand how to write my work for tomorrow and ranting this seemed the better option. I am also aware this reads very angrily so if it helps just picture some goofy weird person with a batman hat and fogged up glasses who's actually very confused.
TL;DR: If I could rewrite season 2 it would basically just be about Zhante.
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zhaliacain · 6 years
Honestly Zhalia’s face when Dante tells her she’s done a good job on the mission is so adorable. I know afterwards she’s like damn he’s my target but honestly either that girl doesn’t get enough praise or she’s so relieved that Dante’s not mad at her for not helping earlier its unbelievable. Will someone please tell Zhalia she’s done well more often so she’ll be happy? And be adorable again.
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