#i’ve been thinking of this ever since tbtk
impossiblefangirl0632 · 11 months
For your fic asks - 14, 15, 17, 29. 🙂
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
I want to see TBTK as a movie so badly. I do also think that The Final Straw could be a good comic.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Usually Britt and I will finish writing and start the posting process and go oh right, title and brainstorm for a bit. We usually try to go with something that sums the chapter up or adds a bit of drama or humor.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
So many things that are constantly reminding me that history is both better and worse than you think it is (looking at you Spanish monarchy). I know a lot about poisons now, (hemlock is the one that does what I need it to). Jumps were a boneless sort of quilted vest-like type garment that were an alternative to stays. A pirate's reputation was everything. I could keep going 😅
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
I'd written this for Like Ships ages ago and just realized last week that the Fear Encantober prompt sort of made this null and void since this comes pretty early in the Bruno/Razili timeline. (Once again, it's fairly outline-y so forgive any weirdness)
“I have to ask one last time because I genuinely believe that I can help if you let me but if the answer is still no I won’t ask again, you have my word.”
Bruno sighed and turned away as he began to pace. She didn’t need to actually ask the question and they both knew it.
“I can’t let you into my magic because…” hesitation, deep breath “I told you that I’m 38. That’s true in a sense”
Razili looked at him quizzically, some other expression simmering just below the surface. “And how is that only true in a sense?”
“Because for ten years I didn’t age. I was trapped in an amulet for ten years and all the while my captor regularly entered and drained my magic. 
“For ten years? Someone,” Razili looked sick, “Someone drained your magic for ten years? How are you even alive? The physical pain alone…”
“There wasn’t a body that could die. Just my mind and my soul existing a void, feeling it every time he stole magic from me.”
 “How did you escape?”
A bitter laugh, “I did nothing. In those ten years he wormed his way into my family’s good graces and when he finally revealed himself fate was kind for a single moment and my niece saved me. But then— then…” weary sigh “at the end of that day I was the only one left alive.”  some sort of action hands in pockets, “and I’ve been wandering ever since.”
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teartra · 2 years
What to expect next from TOH
Theory time~~
Eda is going to save Lilith and get captured, just like she did when they were younger (bonus point if we get a parallel scene)
Raine will found out about this
Raine and Lilith would NEVER get along. Of course Lilith felt that Raine had taken Eda away from her. But I believe the two will form an alliance to save Eda from Belos
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