#i’ve never seen any sort of height chart for the characters in this fandom?
the-terrible-theys · 1 year
tried charting the heights of all the wild kratts characters for funsies :)
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aviva: 167 cm/5’ 5.7”
koki: 160 cm/5’ 2.9”
chris: 173 cm/5’ 8.1”
martin: 180 cm/5’ 10.8”
jimmy: 175 cm/5’ 8.8”
donita: 177 cm/5’ 9.6”
dabio: 203 cm/6’ 7.9” (woah)
zach: 174 cm/5’ 8.5”
gourmand: 154 cm/5’ 0.6”
rex: 176 cm/5’ 9.2”
paisley: 120 cm/3’ 11.2”
this isn’t perfectly accurate because 1) i couldn’t find screencaps to use to compare every character, 2) sometimes there was a lot of variation in height differences between characters and chris/martin (i tried to use those two as references as much as possible because they have canon heights), and 3) mostly because i was just eyeballing everything
reference images i used + a few notes are under the cut if you’re curious!! (by “a few notes” i mean i basically accidentally wrote an entire essay btw)
i went ahead and put the bros in first since, again, they have canon/googleable heights, and could be used as references for all the other characters. i ended up tweaking these heights very slightly (putting martin as closer to 5’ 11”, basically) just to feel a little more accurate to the show’s height difference between them and other characters
next i did the rest of the crew!
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the height difference between chris and jimmy was kinda hard to deduce. in some screenshots jimmy is a bit shorter than chris and in others he’s noticeably taller ?? i decided to take the average and put them at almost the same height with jimmy being very slightly taller
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i think jimmy was being mean to me on purpose a little bit because i had similar issues between him and martin. sometimes he’d be quite a bit shorter and sometimes they’d be practically the same height. c’mon jimmy
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figuring out koki and aviva’s height differences relative to the others wasn’t quite as hard, though aviva did have a bit of height variation (in the first image, she’s about the same height as chris, in the second she’s much shorter, and in the third she’s taller than chris would be in comparison to martin). thankfully i have precisely a billion and a half screenshots saved so finding ones to average out was an easy task. i decided it’d be best to keep aviva noticeably shorter than chris by a couple of inches, but to also not have their height difference be quite as significant as in some of these images
koki’s relative height seemed to stay the most constant out of everyone, with only very slight variations (her being closer to aviva’s height sometimes, but usually she’s shorter) (in case anyone is confused! i’m measuring her from the top of her head, not hair, so about where her headband is)
once i felt like the crew was all accurate, i moved to the villains. i started with zach because i have more pictures of him, both with the crew and other villains, so he’s the best reference)
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it was a little hard to judge his height in comparison to chris. they’re definitely close but i for some reason couldn’t find good reference images to get a more exact estimate. in both of these at least one of them is slightly leaning
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i tried to avoid using any references with the creature powersuits activated, since those can mess with height (or at least my perception of their height) a bit. i did break my own rule here, though, just to see how tall zach was in comparison to martin. i figured he was tall enough for me to viably place him as very slightly taller than chris, but still at nearly the same height
(i’m pretty sure i looked at a second, even better pic i had of zach and martin as well but i lost it)
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from there it was decently easy to estimate donita and gourmand’s heights with zach as a reference. i had the same height variation issue with donita as i’d had before, but when i found that fifth image while looking for dabio height references, i was able to find her height much more easily, plus verify my placements of zach and gourmand, plus get a good estimate on dabio.
(i also looked at more dabio references, some with donita and some with each of the bros, but i can’t find those either. oops) (trust me when i say him being 6’ 7” probably isn’t inaccurate, though) (the dude he’s based on, fabio, is 6’ 3”, so i was originally going to guesstimate him at around that height, but he looks WAY too tall for even 6’ 3”)
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i have VERY few images of paisley and rex, much less any that make usable height references, but i did manage to pick out a couple that were helpful. paisley seems to be shoulder height-ish on gourmand who i placed at 5’ 0”. i can also see that donita’s elbow is also around shoulder height of gourmand, giving me two points of reference
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paisley is also at approximately elbow height of rex, meaning that rex and donita are similar in height
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managed to find this image as a somewhat more helpful point of reference. yeah it’d be more helpful if rex and paisley were touching the ground, and if martin wasn’t in a cps (because, again, trying to avoid that for the sake of accuracy). beggars can’t be choosers, though, and the pixelization of this image is screaming beggar.
anyway! if i squint a bit and hold my fingers up to my screen, i can tell that paisley is at maybe just under belly button/elbow height of martin. rex looks to be a little shorter than martin, meaning my estimate of him being a similar height to donita is of some accuracy. i made him one centimeter shorter because he looks to be a little shorter in comparison to martin than donita would be? idk
i would’ve liked to search for better reference pics for paisley and rex just to make sure i’ve got their heights down, but i’m tired and have also hit the image limit for this post, so i’m just gonna stop there
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kyouminaine · 4 years
Height Discrepancies
I was talking with a friend about the discrepancies between different translations and data over the years on character heights, ages, etc. This is especially prevalent between OG (original game) and 7R (Remake). It’s been stuck to my mind lately, so I decided to ramble on it a little bit.
Frankly it all started with Cloud. I’ve always seen Cloud to be 5′7″ (170cm) but I’ve seen people argue it is 5′8″ instead. When I checked recently, there were some sources that said it was actually 5.7ft. That converts to 173.7cm, which... isn’t 5′8″ (172.7cm). Tbh I hate conversions; there’s no clean way to convert between metric and imperial. 
But I digress. What I’m actually trying to get at is that Sephiroth’s height is definitely wrong. “Officially” - and I use this term warily because that was the height presumed in the initial English guidebook and not solidly confirmed in the original Japanese material; his profile is heavily redacted - his height is labeled as 6′1″ (185.4cm). 
If I use Cloud’s height at 5′7″ (which is a nice even number in centimeters, making it easy for comparison) and Seph at 6′1″ then we get this on a comparison chart: 
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That’s definitely not how it is depicted in 7R. Hell, even in the other games this was completely off. Look at Crisis Core. 
Now, if we want a second comparison then let’s choose Aerith. Across the board, her height is labeled as 5′3″ (160cm). Comparing her to Sephiroth at 6′1″, we get this: 
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There’s no in-game screenshot of Aerith and Sephiroth standing in any of the other games of the Compilation, and polygons are hardly a good reference from the original game, so here is a screenshot of the two of them in 7R: 
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She doesn’t come up to his shoulder. (And no, I’m not going to allow the argument of his giant shoulder pads; use your basic sense of anatomy and figure out where his shoulder actually is.) According to the size chart, she should be able to stand just under his chin. Which once more brings up the question: just how tall is Sephiroth? 
If we compare Aerith to Cloud just to cross reference and say that Cloud is 5′7″ / 170 cm then we have this: 
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And if we take one of the cutscenes in 7R of them together with Tifa, that’s about right: 
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I found this a convenient screenshot due to the piping in the background that serves as an impromptu means of measuring height. Now once more, a size chart to compare all three. (Tifa is considered to be 5′5″/165cm, though some may say she’s closer to 5′4″ instead. Yet another inconsistency...)
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The black line represents the top pipe in the screenshot. At least by this comparison I can comfortably stick with the information stating Cloud is 5 foot seven, not five point seven.
Going back to the issue about Sephiroth’s height, I’m going to compare Cloud and Sephiroth again but at a height that’s probably more accurate than what the Western audiences - and this may possibly be a global issue - have come to accept as “official.” Speaking with a friend on this, it feels fairly reasonable to assign this height to him: 
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Yes, 6′5″ is the height we chose, which especially comes through what is seen in 7R. The cutscenes and in-game visuals we get really put an emphasis on Sephiroth’s height, which makes this headcanon feel more grounded. 
As a small disclaimer, when Cloud is in the same scene as Sephiroth, a lot of the angles aren’t level; it’s always from below or above. Lots of close-ups of eyes and lips and hands. Even in in-game scenes, like the final battle, Cloud isn’t standing up completely. He’s got a slight crouch and wider stance due to the Buster Sword. 
I’ve tried to pick a couple shots from cutscenes that give an okay comparison of their heights. They’re not the best, but they’re what I found: 
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This last one doesn’t show Sephiroth so much as a piece of his armor, which I’d like to give a quick reference to one of the many scenes focusing on his chest: 
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Taking note of the design on the double shoulder pads, and then comparing to the previous screenshots where he stands level with Cloud (or just behind him) then it’s fairly safe to assume that Cloud’s eyes are about level with the bottom edge of the upper shoulder pad. Or, for another reference, just above the center of the X where his suspenders cross.
Looking again at the size chart between 5′7″ vs 6′5″ then it’s a fairly accurate depiction of their height difference.
This screenshot doesn’t have them standing close to each other, but from a wide shot sometimes it’s easier to guestimate their heights: 
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Flatting down the top spikes on his hair, Cloud’s head comes level with Sephiroth’s jawline, and this is with Sephiroth’s head titled down slightly. 
If Sephiroth was 6′1″ (185.4cm) then Cloud should reach approximately at Sephiroth’s nose (or just below his ears). This would be especially true if Cloud was 5.7ft, which roughly translates to 5 feet and 8.4 inches. (Like I said, I hate conversions.)
So, because he doesn’t reach Sephiroth’s nose/ears, then it seems more accurate to say Sephiroth has more inches than most of the fandom believes. (Or, at least openly speaks on. Everyone just shrugs about it, same for the multitude of inconsistencies in Zack’s profile. That’s a whole mess that deserves its own post. If it wasn’t for those inconsistencies, I would’ve used him as reference instead of Aerith because Zack gets proper screen time with Sephiroth.) 
I know some people will argue the boots and how they add inches or are “platforms.” Yes, boots can often add height to a person, but I’m going to toss that argument out the window because this is all running the idea that even if they are wearing boots then they have the same sole thickness. Also, since I used her as reference as well, Aerith’s boots have a thick sole too so she has the same “platform” effect as the other characters. (You’re supposed to take measurements barefoot anyway, not with your shoes on.) So even if they are wearing boots, the problem still remains that there’s a bigger gap in heights than originally interpreted. 
Unfortunately, Sephiroth’s bio is full of blanks that likely will never be filled. If it does get stated, I’d probably still be wary of it if it wasn’t near 6′5″ - or even 6′4″ (193cm) - because of how the characters all match up to each other. 
All in all, the miscommunication between heights, conversions, fanons, and all sorts of other data on these characters is a big messy pot. I’ll still stick with Cloud being 5′7″ and I will also accept that Sephiroth is a fucking sequoia tree. 
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